// ***************************************************************************
// Copyright (C) 2000- Microsoft Corporation.
// @File: vdifreeze.cpp
// Use a coordinated VDI BACKUP WITH SNAPSHOT (SQL2000 and above)
// The VDI method of freeze/thaw avoids the potential resource deadlock
// which prevents SQLServer from accepting a "dbcc thaw_io" when one or more
// databases is frozen.
// Extern dependencies:
// provision of "_Module" and the COM guids....
// @Version: Whistler/Shiloh
// 68202 11/07/00 ntsnap work
// @EndHeader@
// ***************************************************************************
#pragma warning( disable : 4786)
#include <stdafx.h>
#include "vdierror.h"
#include "vdiguid.h"
// Standard foo for file name aliasing. This code block must be after
// all includes of VSS header files.
Freeze2000::Freeze2000 ( const WString& serverName, ULONG maxDatabases) : m_ServerName (serverName), m_MaxDatabases (maxDatabases), m_NumDatabases (0), m_State (Unprepared), m_AbortCount (0) { CVssFunctionTracer(VSSDBG_SQLLIB, L"Freeze2000::Freeze2000");
m_pDBContext = new FrozenDatabase [maxDatabases]; CoCreateGuid (&m_BackupId); try { InitializeCriticalSection (&m_Latch); } catch(...) { // delete created object if we fail InitializeCriticalSection
delete m_pDBContext; } }
// Wait for all the database threads to terminate.
// This is only called by the coordinating thread while
// holding exclusive access on the object.
void Freeze2000::WaitForThreads () { CVssFunctionTracer(VSSDBG_SQLLIB, L"Freeze2000::WaitForThreads");
for (int i=0; i<m_NumDatabases; i++) { FrozenDatabase* pDb = m_pDBContext+i; if (pDb->m_hThread != NULL) { DWORD status; do { status = WaitForSingleObjectEx (pDb->m_hThread, 2000, TRUE);
if (m_State != Aborted && CheckAbort ()) Abort ();
} while (status != WAIT_OBJECT_0);
CloseHandle (pDb->m_hThread); pDb->m_hThread = NULL; } } }
// Handle an abort.
// The main thread will already hold the the lock and so
// will always be successful at aborting the operation.
// The database threads will attempt to abort, but won't
// block in order to do so. The abort count is incremented
// and the main thread is ulimately responsible for cleanup.
void Freeze2000::Abort () throw () { CVssFunctionTracer ft(VSSDBG_SQLLIB, L"Freeze2000::Abort");
SetAbort (); if (TryLock ()) { m_State = Aborted; for (int i=0; i<m_NumDatabases; i++) { if (m_pDBContext[i].m_pIVDSet) { m_pDBContext[i].m_pIVDSet->SignalAbort (); m_pDBContext[i].m_pIVDSet->Close (); m_pDBContext[i].m_pIVDSet->Release (); m_pDBContext[i].m_pIVDSet = NULL; m_pDBContext[i].m_pIVD = NULL; } } Unlock (); } }
Freeze2000::~Freeze2000 () { Lock ();
if (m_State != Complete) { // Trigger any waiting threads, cleaning up any VDI's.
Abort ();
WaitForThreads (); }
delete[] m_pDBContext; DeleteCriticalSection (&m_Latch); }
// Map the voids and proc call stuff to the real
// thread routine.
DWORD WINAPI FreezeThreadProc( LPVOID lpParameter ) // thread data
{ return Freeze2000::DatabaseThreadStart (lpParameter); }
DWORD Freeze2000::DatabaseThreadStart ( LPVOID lpParameter ) // thread data
{ FrozenDatabase* pDbContext = (FrozenDatabase*)lpParameter; return pDbContext->m_pContext->DatabaseThread (pDbContext); }
// Add a database to the freeze set.
void Freeze2000::PrepareDatabase ( const WString& dbName) { CVssFunctionTracer ft(VSSDBG_SQLLIB, L"Free2000::PrepareDatabase");
// can't backup tempdb!
if (dbName == L"tempdb") return;
Lock ();
try { if (m_State == Unprepared) { m_State = Preparing; }
if (m_NumDatabases >= m_MaxDatabases || m_State != Preparing) { DBG_ASSERT(FALSE && L"Too many databases or not preparing"); THROW_GENERIC; }
FrozenDatabase* pDbContext = m_pDBContext+m_NumDatabases; m_NumDatabases++;
pDbContext->m_pContext = this;
ft.hr = CoCreateInstance ( CLSID_MSSQL_ClientVirtualDeviceSet, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IClientVirtualDeviceSet2, (void**)&pDbContext->m_pIVDSet);
if (ft.HrFailed()) { ft.LogError(VSS_ERROR_SQLLIB_CANTCREATEVDS, VSSDBG_SQLLIB << ft.hr); ft.Throw ( VSSDBG_SQLLIB, ft.hr, L"Failed to create VDS object. hr = 0x%08lx", ft.hr ); }
VDConfig config; memset (&config, 0, sizeof(config)); config.deviceCount = 1;
StringFromGUID2 (m_BackupId, pDbContext->m_SetName, sizeof (pDbContext->m_SetName)); swprintf (pDbContext->m_SetName+wcslen(pDbContext->m_SetName), L"%d", m_NumDatabases);
// A "\" indicates a named instance, so append the name...
WCHAR* pInstance = wcschr (m_ServerName.c_str (), L'\\');
if (pInstance) { pInstance++; // step over the separator
// Create the virtual device set
ft.hr = pDbContext->m_pIVDSet->CreateEx (pInstance, pDbContext->m_SetName, &config); if (ft.HrFailed()) { ft.LogError(VSS_ERROR_SQLLIB_CANTCREATEVDS, VSSDBG_SQLLIB << ft.hr); ft.Throw ( VSSDBG_SQLLIB, ft.hr, L"Failed to create VDS object. hr = 0x%08lx", ft.hr ); } pDbContext->m_VDState = Created; pDbContext->m_DbName = dbName;
pDbContext->m_hThread = CreateThread (NULL, 0, FreezeThreadProc, pDbContext, 0, NULL);
if (pDbContext->m_hThread == NULL) { ft.hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); ft.CheckForError(VSSDBG_SQLLIB, L"CreateThread"); } } catch (...) { Abort (); Unlock (); throw; } Unlock (); }
// Prep a database by setting up a BACKUP WITH SNAPSHOT
// We perform a checkpoint first to minimize the backup checkpoint duration.
// Since the backup has no way to stall for the prepare, we stall it by delaying
// the VDI processing until freeze time.
DWORD Freeze2000::DatabaseThread ( FrozenDatabase* pDbContext) { CVssFunctionTracer ft(VSSDBG_XML, L"Freeze2000::DatabaseThread");
try { SqlConnection sql; sql.Connect (m_ServerName); WString command = L"BACKUP DATABASE [" + pDbContext->m_DbName + L"] TO VIRTUAL_DEVICE='" + pDbContext->m_SetName + L"' WITH SNAPSHOT,BUFFERCOUNT=1,BLOCKSIZE=1024";
sql.SetCommand (command); sql.ExecCommand (); pDbContext->m_SuccessDetected = TRUE; } catch (...) { Abort (); }
return 0; }
// Advance the status of each VD.
// Will throw if problems are encountered.
// This routine is called in two contexts:
// 1. During the "Prepare" phase, in which case 'toSnapshot' is FALSE
// and the goal is to move each VD to an "open" state.
// At that time, the backup metadata is not yet consumed, to the BACKUP will
// be waiting (leaving the database unfrozen).
// 2. During the "Freeze" phase, the metadata is consumed (and discarded),
// so the BACKUP will freeze the database and send the 'VDC_Snapshot' command.
void Freeze2000::AdvanceVDState ( bool toSnapshot) // TRUE when we want to advance to the snapshot open stage.
{ CVssFunctionTracer ft(VSSDBG_SQLLIB, L"Freeze2000::AdvanceVDState");
// Poll over the VD's moving them to Open or SnapshotOpen
while (1) { bool didSomething = false; int nDatabasesReady = 0;
for (int i=0; i<m_NumDatabases; i++) { FrozenDatabase* pDb = m_pDBContext+i;
if (CheckAbort ()) { THROW_GENERIC; }
switch (pDb->m_VDState) { case Created: VDConfig config; ft.hr = pDb->m_pIVDSet->GetConfiguration (0, &config); if (ft.hr == VD_E_TIMEOUT) break; if (ft.HrFailed()) ft.CheckForError(VSSDBG_SQLLIB, L"IClientVirtualDeviceSet2::GetConfiguration");
ft.hr = pDb->m_pIVDSet->OpenDevice (pDb->m_SetName, &pDb->m_pIVD); if (ft.HrFailed()) ft.CheckForError(VSSDBG_SQLLIB, L"IClientVirtualDeviceSet2::OpenDevice");
pDb->m_VDState = Open; didSomething = true; // fall thru
case Open: if (!toSnapshot) { nDatabasesReady++; break; }
// pull commands until we see the snapshot
VDC_Command * cmd; HRESULT hr;
while (pDb->m_VDState == Open && SUCCEEDED (hr=pDb->m_pIVD->GetCommand (0, &cmd))) { DWORD completionCode; DWORD bytesTransferred; didSomething = true;
switch (cmd->commandCode) { case VDC_Write: bytesTransferred = cmd->size; case VDC_Flush: completionCode = ERROR_SUCCESS;
ft.hr = pDb->m_pIVD->CompleteCommand ( cmd, completionCode, bytesTransferred, 0); if (ft.HrFailed()) ft.CheckForError(VSSDBG_SQLLIB, L"IClientVirtualDevice::CompleteCommand");
case VDC_Snapshot: pDb->m_VDState = SnapshotOpen; pDb->m_pSnapshotCmd = cmd; break;
default: ft.Trace(VSSDBG_SQLLIB, L"Unexpected VDCmd: x%x\n", cmd->commandCode); THROW_GENERIC; } // end command switch
} // end command loop
ft.hr = hr;
if (ft.hr == VD_E_TIMEOUT) break; // no command was ready.
if (ft.HrFailed()) ft.CheckForError(VSSDBG_SQLLIB, L"IClientVirtualDevice::GetCommand");
DBG_ASSERT(pDb->m_VDState == SnapshotOpen); break;
case SnapshotOpen: nDatabasesReady++; break;
default: DBG_ASSERT(FALSE && L"Shouldn't get here"); THROW_GENERIC; } // end switch to handle this db
} // end loop over each db
if (nDatabasesReady == m_NumDatabases) break;
// Unless we found something to do,
// delay a bit and try again.
if (didSomething) continue; SleepEx (100, TRUE);
} // wait for all databases to go "Ready"
// Wait for the databases to finish preparing.
// This waits for the virtual devices to open up
void Freeze2000::WaitForPrepare () { CVssFunctionTracer ft(VSSDBG_SQLLIB, L"Freeze2000::WaitForPrepare");
Lock (); if (m_State != Preparing || CheckAbort ()) { Abort (); Unlock (); THROW_GENERIC; } m_State = Prepared; try { AdvanceVDState (FALSE); } catch (...) { Abort (); Unlock (); throw; } Unlock (); }
// Perform the freeze, waiting for a "Take-snapshot" from each db.
void Freeze2000::Freeze () { CVssFunctionTracer ft(VSSDBG_SQLLIB, L"Freeze2000::Freeze");
Lock (); if (m_State != Prepared || CheckAbort ()) { Abort (); Unlock (); THROW_GENERIC; }
try { m_State = Frozen; AdvanceVDState (TRUE); } catch (...) { Abort (); Unlock (); throw; } Unlock (); }
// Perform the thaw.
// Return TRUE if the databases were all successfully backed up
// and were thawed out as expected.
// FALSE is returned in any other case.
// No exceptions are thrown (this routine can be used as a cleanup routine).
BOOL Freeze2000::Thaw () throw () { CVssFunctionTracer ft(VSSDBG_SQLLIB, L"Freeze2000::Thaw");
Lock ();
if (m_State != Frozen || CheckAbort ()) { Abort (); Unlock (); return FALSE; }
try {
// Send the "snapshot complete" messages.
int i;
for (i=0; i<m_NumDatabases; i++) { FrozenDatabase* pDb = m_pDBContext+i;
DBG_ASSERT (pDb->m_VDState == SnapshotOpen); ft.hr = pDb->m_pIVD->CompleteCommand (pDb->m_pSnapshotCmd, ERROR_SUCCESS, 0, 0); if (FAILED (ft.hr)) ft.CheckForError(VSSDBG_SQLLIB, L"IClientVirtualDevice::CompleteCommand"); }
// Wait for the BACKUP threads to report success.
WaitForThreads ();
for (i=0; i<m_NumDatabases; i++) { FrozenDatabase* pDb = m_pDBContext+i;
if (!pDb->m_SuccessDetected) { THROW_GENERIC; } }
// Pull the "close" message from each VD
for (i=0; i<m_NumDatabases; i++) { FrozenDatabase* pDb = m_pDBContext+i; VDC_Command * cmd; ft.hr=pDb->m_pIVD->GetCommand (INFINITE, &cmd); if (ft.hr != VD_E_CLOSE) ft.LogError(VSS_ERROR_SQLLIB_FINALCOMMANDNOTCLOSE, VSSDBG_SQLLIB << ft.hr);
pDb->m_pIVDSet->Close (); pDb->m_pIVDSet->Release (); pDb->m_pIVDSet = NULL; pDb->m_pIVD = NULL;
m_State = Complete; } catch (...) { Abort (); Unlock (); return FALSE; } Unlock ();
return TRUE; }