Copyright (c) 2002 Microsoft Corporation
@doc @module cluster.cxx | Implementation of CVssClusterAPI @end
Adi Oltean [aoltean] 04/25/2002
Revision History:
Name Date Comments aoltean 03/14/2001 Created
// Includes
#include "stdafx.hxx"
#include <queue>
#pragma warning(disable: 4554)
#include <msclus.h>
#include <mstask.h>
#include "vs_inc.hxx"
#include "vs_reg.hxx"
#include "vs_clus.hxx"
#include "vs_quorum.hxx"
// Standard foo for file name aliasing. This code block must be after
// all includes of VSS header files.
#define CHECK_COM( Call ) \
{ \ ft.hr = Call; \ if (ft.HrFailed()) \ ft.TranslateComError(VSSDBG_GEN, VSS_WSTRINGIZE(Call)); \ }
// Constants
const WCHAR x_ClusReg_TypeName_PhysicalDisk[] = L"Physical Disk"; const WCHAR x_ClusReg_TypeName_TaskScheduler[] = L"Volume Shadow Copy Service Task";
const WCHAR x_ClusReg_Name_PhysicalDisk_MPVolGuids[] = L"MPVolGuids"; const WCHAR x_ClusReg_Name_TaskScheduler_ApplicationName[] = L"ApplicationName"; const WCHAR x_ClusReg_Name_TaskScheduler_ApplicationParams[] = L"ApplicationParams"; const WCHAR x_ClusReg_Name_TaskScheduler_TriggerArray[] = L"TriggerArray";
// BUG# 698766 - Deployment blocker:
// Failure on managing diff areas on large volumes since Cluster Timeout is too low
// 600 seconds (10 min) timeout in bringing the resource online/ofline
const x_nDefaultBringOnlineTimeout = 600; const x_nDefaultBringOfflineTimeout = 600;
// CVssClusterResourceList definition and implementation
class CVssClusterResourceList { public:
// Pushes a resource in the list
// Increases the ref count by 1
void Push(ISClusResource* pResource) throw(HRESULT) { CVssFunctionTracer ft( VSSDBG_GEN, L"CVssClusterResourceList::Push" ); try { // AddRef
CComPtr<ISClusResource> ptrResource = pResource;
// AddRef
// Release (CComPtr destructor)
} catch(const std::bad_alloc&) { ft.ThrowOutOfMemory(VSSDBG_GEN); } catch(const std::exception& ex) { ft.Throw( VSSDBG_GEN, E_UNEXPECTED, L"STL exception catched: %hs", ex.what()); } }
// Pops a resource from the list
// Does not decrease the ref count by 1 (that is caller responsibility - actually the smart pointer will do it)
void Pop(CComPtr<ISClusResource> & pResource) { pResource = NULL;
// If the list is empty, stop here
if (resourceList.empty()) return;
// AddRef
pResource = resourceList.front();
// Release
resourceList.pop(); } private: std::queue< CComPtr<ISClusResource> > resourceList; };
// CVssClusterAPI implementation
// Default constructor
CVssClusterAPI::CVssClusterAPI(): m_dwOfflineTimeout(x_nDefaultBringOfflineTimeout), m_dwOnlineTimeout(x_nDefaultBringOnlineTimeout) { }
// Returns FALSE if the cluster API is not present
bool CVssClusterAPI::Initialize( IN LPCWSTR pwszCluster /* = NULL */ ) throw(HRESULT) { CVssFunctionTracer ft( VSSDBG_GEN, L"CVssClusterAPI::Initialize" );
// Get the offline and online values from registry (if any)
try { CVssRegistryKey keyVssSettings(KEY_READ); if (keyVssSettings.Open(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, x_wszVssCASettingsPath)) { // Reading the online timeout
DWORD dwRegistryOnlineTimeout = 0; if (keyVssSettings.GetValue(x_wszVssOnlineTimeoutValueName, dwRegistryOnlineTimeout, false)) m_dwOnlineTimeout = dwRegistryOnlineTimeout;
// Reading the offline timeout
DWORD dwRegistryOfflineTimeout = 0; if (keyVssSettings.GetValue(x_wszVssOfflineTimeoutValueName, dwRegistryOfflineTimeout, false)) m_dwOfflineTimeout = dwRegistryOfflineTimeout; } } VSS_STANDARD_CATCH(ft) // Ignore any exceptions...
// Get the cluster object
ft.hr = m_pCluster.CoCreateInstance( _uuidof(Cluster)); if (ft.HrFailed()) { ft.Trace(VSSDBG_GEN, L"m_pCluster.CoCreateInstance( _uuidof(Cluster)) [0x%08lx]", ft.hr); return ft.Exit(false); }
// Open the local cluster
ft.hr = m_pCluster->Open(CVssComBSTR(pwszCluster? pwszCluster: L"")); if (ft.HrFailed()) { ft.Trace(VSSDBG_GEN, L"m_pCluster->Open(%s) [0x%08lx]", pwszCluster, ft.hr); return ft.Exit(false); }
return ft.Exit(true); }
// Make pwszFromVolumeName to be dependent on pwszToVolumeName
// - Returns TRUE if the dependency was added
// - Returns FALSE if a dependency does not need to be added
// - Throws E_INVALIDARG on bad parameters
// - Throws VSS_E_VOLUME_NOT_SUPPORTED when attempting to add a bogus dependency
bool CVssClusterAPI::AddDependency( IN LPCWSTR pwszFromVolumeName, IN LPCWSTR pwszToVolumeName ) throw(HRESULT) { CVssFunctionTracer ft( VSSDBG_GEN, L"CVssClusterAPI::AddDependency" );
ft.Trace( VSSDBG_GEN, L"Parameters: From = %s, To = %s", pwszFromVolumeName, pwszToVolumeName); if ((pwszFromVolumeName == NULL) || (pwszFromVolumeName == NULL)) { BS_ASSERT(false); ft.Throw(VSSDBG_GEN, E_INVALIDARG, L"NULL parameters"); }
CComPtr<ISClusResource> pFromResource = GetPhysicalDiskResourceForVolumeName(pwszFromVolumeName); CComPtr<ISClusResource> pToResource = GetPhysicalDiskResourceForVolumeName(pwszToVolumeName);
// Ignore the case if no volumes is shared
if ((pFromResource == NULL) && (pToResource == NULL)) { ft.Trace(VSSDBG_GEN, L"Original and diff area volumes are no shared. No dependency cannot be added"); return ft.Exit(false); }
// Either both volumes must belong to resources or none of them
if ((pFromResource == NULL) && (pToResource != NULL)) ft.Throw(VSSDBG_GEN, VSS_E_VOLUME_NOT_SUPPORTED, L"Cannot create a dependency from a non-shared volume to a shared diff area"); if ((pFromResource != NULL) && (pToResource == NULL)) ft.Throw(VSSDBG_GEN, VSS_E_VOLUME_NOT_SUPPORTED, L"Cannot create a dependency from a shared volume to a non-shared diff area");
BS_ASSERT((pFromResource != NULL) && (pToResource != NULL));
// Ignore if both belong to the same physical disk
if (AreResourcesEqual(pFromResource, pToResource)) { if (wcscmp(pwszFromVolumeName, pwszToVolumeName) == 0) { ft.Trace(VSSDBG_GEN, L"Volumes are identical. No dependency is added"); return ft.Exit(false); } else ft.Throw(VSSDBG_GEN, VSS_E_VOLUME_NOT_SUPPORTED, L"Cannot create a dependency between different volumes on the same disk resource"); }
// Now check if the dependency already exists
if (IsDependencyAlreadyEstablished(pFromResource, pToResource)) { ft.Trace(VSSDBG_GEN, L"Dependency already exists."); return ft.Exit(false); }
// Now check if we can establish a dependency (for ex. the resources are part of the same group)
if (!CanEstablishDependency(pFromResource, pToResource)) ft.Throw(VSSDBG_GEN, VSS_E_VOLUME_NOT_SUPPORTED, L"Cannot create a dependency between volumes");
// Get the dependencies collection for the "FROM" resource
CComPtr<ISClusResDependencies> pDependencies; CHECK_COM( pFromResource->get_Dependencies(&pDependencies) );
// Get the list of resources that would need to be brought online after this resource is brought online
CVssClusterResourceList finalList; GetFinalOnlineResourceList(pFromResource, finalList);
// Take the resource offline
// Add the dependency
ft.hr = pDependencies->AddItem(pToResource);
// Bring all the affected resources back online
// Rethrow if needed
if (ft.HrFailed()) ft.ReThrow(); return ft.Exit(true); }
// Remove the dependency
// - Returns TRUE if the dependency was removed
// - Returns FALSE if the dependency could not be found
// - Throws E_INVALIDARG on bad parameters
bool CVssClusterAPI::RemoveDependency( IN LPCWSTR pwszFromVolumeName, IN LPCWSTR pwszToVolumeName ) throw(HRESULT) { CVssFunctionTracer ft( VSSDBG_GEN, L"CVssClusterAPI::RemoveDependency" );
ft.Trace( VSSDBG_GEN, L"Parameters: From = %s, To = %s", pwszFromVolumeName, pwszToVolumeName); if ((pwszFromVolumeName == NULL) || (pwszFromVolumeName == NULL)) { BS_ASSERT(false); ft.Throw(VSSDBG_GEN, E_INVALIDARG, L"NULL parameters"); }
// Get the corresponding resources
CComPtr<ISClusResource> pFromResource = GetPhysicalDiskResourceForVolumeName(pwszFromVolumeName); CComPtr<ISClusResource> pToResource = GetPhysicalDiskResourceForVolumeName(pwszToVolumeName);
// If both volumes are not belonging to any resource, then ignore them
if ((pFromResource == NULL) || (pToResource == NULL)) { ft.Trace(VSSDBG_GEN, L"One of the volumes does not belong to a physical disk resource."); return ft.Exit(false); }
if (AreResourcesEqual(pFromResource, pToResource)) { ft.Trace(VSSDBG_GEN, L"Volumes belong to the same resource. No dependency is removed"); return ft.Exit(false); }
// Get the dependents collection for the "FROM" resource
CComPtr<ISClusResDependencies> pDependencies; CHECK_COM( pFromResource->get_Dependencies(&pDependencies) );
// Get the dependencies count
LONG lDependenciesCount = 0; CHECK_COM( pDependencies->get_Count(&lDependenciesCount) );
// Iterate through all dependencies
for (INT nDependencyIndex = 1; nDependencyIndex <= lDependenciesCount; nDependencyIndex++) { // Get the dependency with that index
CComPtr<ISClusResource> pDependencyResource; CComVariant varDependencyIndex = nDependencyIndex; CHECK_COM( pDependencies->get_Item(varDependencyIndex, &pDependencyResource) );
// Check to see if this is our resource. If not, continue
if (!AreResourcesEqual(pToResource, pDependencyResource)) continue;
// Get the list of resources that would need to be brought online after this resource is brought online
CVssClusterResourceList finalList; GetFinalOnlineResourceList(pFromResource, finalList); // Take the resource offline
TakeResourceOffline(pFromResource); // Remove the association
ft.hr = pDependencies->RemoveItem(varDependencyIndex); // Bring all the affected resources back online
BringResourceListOnline(finalList); // Rethrow if needed
if (ft.HrFailed()) ft.ReThrow();
return ft.Exit(true); }
return ft.Exit(false); }
// Adds the registry key to the cluster resource that corresponds to our disk.
// - Returns TRUE if the reg key was added
// - Returns FALSE if there is no need to add a reg key
// - Throws E_INVALIDARG on bad parameters
// NOTE: this shouldn't fail if the checkpoint is already added!
bool CVssClusterAPI::AddRegistryKey( IN LPCWSTR pwszVolumeName, IN LPCWSTR pwszPathFormat, IN ... ) throw(HRESULT) { CVssFunctionTracer ft( VSSDBG_GEN, L"CVssClusterAPI::AddRegistryKey" );
ft.Trace( VSSDBG_GEN, L"Parameters: From = %s, Reg = %s", pwszVolumeName, pwszPathFormat); if ((pwszVolumeName == NULL) || (pwszPathFormat == NULL)) { BS_ASSERT(false); ft.Throw(VSSDBG_GEN, E_INVALIDARG, L"NULL parameters"); }
// Build the path to the key
WCHAR wszKeyPath[x_nVssMaxRegBuffer]; va_list marker; va_start( marker, pwszPathFormat ); ft.hr = StringCchVPrintfW( STRING_CCH_PARAM(wszKeyPath), pwszPathFormat, marker ); va_end( marker ); if (ft.HrFailed()) ft.TranslateGenericError(VSSDBG_GEN, ft.hr, L"StringCchVPrintfW()"); ft.Trace( VSSDBG_GEN, L"Formatted path: '%s'", wszKeyPath);
// Build the BSTR
CVssComBSTR bstrPath = wszKeyPath;
// Get the corresponding resource
CComPtr<ISClusResource> pResource = GetPhysicalDiskResourceForVolumeName(pwszVolumeName); if (pResource == NULL) { ft.Trace(VSSDBG_GEN, L"The volume is not shared. No registry key can be added"); return ft.Exit(false); }
// Get the Registry checkpoints collection
CComPtr<ISClusRegistryKeys> pRegKeys; CHECK_COM( pResource->get_RegistryKeys(&pRegKeys) );
// Enumerate the existing checkpoints (and make sure we don't add the same checkpoint twice)
// Get the checkpoints count
LONG lRegKeysCount = 0; CHECK_COM( pRegKeys->get_Count(&lRegKeysCount) ); // Iterate through all checkpoints on that resource
for (INT nRegKeyIndex = 1; nRegKeyIndex <= lRegKeysCount; nRegKeyIndex++) { // Get the registry key
CComVariant varRegKeyIndex = nRegKeyIndex; CVssComBSTR bstrRegKey; CHECK_COM( pRegKeys->get_Item(varRegKeyIndex, &bstrRegKey) ); // Check to see if this is our registry key
if (!bstrRegKey || _wcsicmp(bstrRegKey, wszKeyPath)) continue;
// We found an existing checkpoint with the same registry path
return ft.Exit(false); } // Add the registry key
CHECK_COM( pRegKeys->AddItem( bstrPath ) );
return ft.Exit(true); }
// Removes the registry key from the cluster resource that corresponds to our disk.
bool CVssClusterAPI::RemoveRegistryKey( IN LPCWSTR pwszVolumeName, IN LPCWSTR pwszPathFormat, IN ... ) throw(HRESULT) { CVssFunctionTracer ft( VSSDBG_GEN, L"CVssClusterAPI::RemoveRegistryKey" );
ft.Trace( VSSDBG_GEN, L"Parameters: From = %s, Reg = %s", pwszVolumeName, pwszPathFormat); if ((pwszVolumeName == NULL) || (pwszPathFormat == NULL)) { BS_ASSERT(false); ft.Throw(VSSDBG_GEN, E_INVALIDARG, L"NULL parameters"); }
// Build the path to the key
WCHAR wszKeyPath[x_nVssMaxRegBuffer]; va_list marker; va_start( marker, pwszPathFormat ); ft.hr = StringCchVPrintfW( STRING_CCH_PARAM(wszKeyPath), pwszPathFormat, marker ); va_end( marker ); if (ft.HrFailed()) ft.TranslateGenericError(VSSDBG_GEN, ft.hr, L"StringCchVPrintfW()"); ft.Trace( VSSDBG_GEN, L"Formatted path: '%s'", wszKeyPath);
// Get the corresponding resource
CComPtr<ISClusResource> pResource = GetPhysicalDiskResourceForVolumeName(pwszVolumeName); if (pResource == NULL) { ft.Trace(VSSDBG_GEN, L"The volume is not shared. No registry key can be removed"); return ft.Exit(false); }
// Get the Registry checkpoints collection
CComPtr<ISClusRegistryKeys> pRegKeys; CHECK_COM( pResource->get_RegistryKeys(&pRegKeys) );
// Get the checkpoints count
LONG lRegKeysCount = 0; CHECK_COM( pRegKeys->get_Count(&lRegKeysCount) );
// Iterate through all checkpoints on that resource
for (INT nRegKeyIndex = 1; nRegKeyIndex <= lRegKeysCount; nRegKeyIndex++) { // Get the registry key
CComVariant varRegKeyIndex = nRegKeyIndex; CVssComBSTR bstrRegKey; CHECK_COM( pRegKeys->get_Item(varRegKeyIndex, &bstrRegKey) );
// Check to see if this is our registry key
if (!bstrRegKey || _wcsicmp(bstrRegKey, wszKeyPath)) continue;
// Remove the association
CHECK_COM( pRegKeys->RemoveItem(varRegKeyIndex) );
return ft.Exit(true); }
return ft.Exit(false); }
// Create a task scheduler resource
// Create the dependency from it to the Physical Disk Resource identified by the volume name
// Then bring the resource online
// - Returns TRUE if the TS resource was created
// - Returns FALSE if no task needs to be created
bool CVssClusterAPI::CreateTaskSchedulerResource( IN LPCWSTR pwszTaskSchedulerResourceName, // This will be the task name also
IN LPCWSTR pwszApplicationName, IN LPCWSTR pwszApplicationParams, IN INT nTaskTriggersCount, IN PTASK_TRIGGER ptsTaskTriggersArray, IN LPCWSTR pwszMakeDependentOnVolumeName ) throw(HRESULT) { CVssFunctionTracer ft( VSSDBG_GEN, L"CVssClusterAPI::CreateTaskSchedulerResource" );
// Verify parameters
ft.Trace( VSSDBG_GEN, L"Parameters: Task = %s, AppName = '%s', Params = '%s', Volume = '%s'", pwszTaskSchedulerResourceName, pwszApplicationName, pwszApplicationParams, pwszMakeDependentOnVolumeName); if ((pwszTaskSchedulerResourceName == NULL) || (pwszTaskSchedulerResourceName[0] == L'\0') || (pwszApplicationName == NULL) || (pwszApplicationName[0] == L'\0') || (pwszApplicationParams == NULL) || (pwszApplicationParams[0] == L'\0') || (nTaskTriggersCount <= 0) || (ptsTaskTriggersArray == NULL) || (pwszMakeDependentOnVolumeName == NULL) || (pwszMakeDependentOnVolumeName[0] == L'\0')) { BS_ASSERT(false); ft.Throw(VSSDBG_GEN, E_INVALIDARG, L"NULL parameters"); }
// Get the resource for the volume
CComPtr<ISClusResource> pPhysicalDiskResource = GetPhysicalDiskResourceForVolumeName(pwszMakeDependentOnVolumeName); if (pPhysicalDiskResource == NULL) { ft.Trace(VSSDBG_GEN, L"The volume is not shared. No task scheduler can be added"); return ft.Exit(false); }
// Get the resource group
CComPtr<ISClusResGroup> pGroup; CHECK_COM( pPhysicalDiskResource->get_Group(&pGroup) );
// Get the resources list
CComPtr<ISClusResGroupResources> pResources; CHECK_COM( pGroup->get_Resources(&pResources) );
// Build the resource name
CVssComBSTR bstrResourceName = pwszTaskSchedulerResourceName;
// Build the resource type
CVssComBSTR bstrResourceType = x_ClusReg_TypeName_TaskScheduler;
// Create our Task Scheduler resource
CComPtr<ISClusResource> pResource; CHECK_COM( pResources->CreateItem( bstrResourceName, bstrResourceType, CLUSTER_RESOURCE_DEFAULT_MONITOR, &pResource) );
// Get the private properties collection
CComPtr<ISClusProperties> pProperties; CHECK_COM( pResource->get_PrivateProperties(&pProperties) );
// Add the Application Name private property
CComPtr<ISClusProperty> pProperty; CHECK_COM( pProperties->CreateItem( CVssComBSTR(x_ClusReg_Name_TaskScheduler_ApplicationName), CComVariant((BSTR)CVssComBSTR(pwszApplicationName)), &pProperty) );
// Add the Application Params private property
pProperty = NULL; CHECK_COM( pProperties->CreateItem( CVssComBSTR(x_ClusReg_Name_TaskScheduler_ApplicationParams), CComVariant((BSTR)CVssComBSTR(pwszApplicationParams)), &pProperty) );
// Add the task trigger as a binary value
CComVariant varTaskTrigger; CopyBinaryIntoVariant( (PBYTE)ptsTaskTriggersArray, sizeof(TASK_TRIGGER) * nTaskTriggersCount, varTaskTrigger); BS_ASSERT(varTaskTrigger.vt == (VT_ARRAY | VT_UI1)); BS_ASSERT(varTaskTrigger.parray->cDims == 1); BS_ASSERT(varTaskTrigger.parray->rgsabound[0].cElements == sizeof(TASK_TRIGGER) * nTaskTriggersCount);
ft.Trace(VSSDBG_GEN, L"Writing a binary property with %d bytes", varTaskTrigger.parray->rgsabound[0].cElements); // Add the Trigger Array private property
pProperty = NULL; CHECK_COM( pProperties->CreateItem( CVssComBSTR(x_ClusReg_Name_TaskScheduler_TriggerArray), varTaskTrigger, &pProperty) );
// Save changes
CComVariant varStatusCode; CHECK_COM( pProperties->SaveChanges(&varStatusCode) ); BS_ASSERT(varStatusCode.vt == VT_ERROR); ft.hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( varStatusCode.scode ); if (ft.HrFailed()) ft.TranslateComError( VSSDBG_GEN, L"pProperties->SaveChanges(&varStatusCode)");
// Add the dependency between this resource and the volume resource
CComPtr<ISClusResDependencies> pDependencies; CHECK_COM( pResource->get_Dependencies(&pDependencies) ); CHECK_COM( pDependencies->AddItem(pPhysicalDiskResource) );
// Bring the resource online
// This will insert the task into the TS DB
return ft.Exit(true); }
// Update task scheduler information
bool CVssClusterAPI::UpdateTaskSchedulerResource( IN LPCWSTR pwszTaskSchedulerResourceName, IN INT nTaskTriggersCount, IN PTASK_TRIGGER ptsTaskTriggersArray ) throw(HRESULT) { CVssFunctionTracer ft( VSSDBG_GEN, L"CVssClusterAPI::UpdateTaskSchedulerResource" );
// Verify parameters
ft.Trace( VSSDBG_GEN, L"Parameters: Resource = %s, pTaskTrigger = %p", pwszTaskSchedulerResourceName, ptsTaskTriggersArray); if ((pwszTaskSchedulerResourceName == NULL) || (pwszTaskSchedulerResourceName[0] == L'\0') || (nTaskTriggersCount <= 0) || (ptsTaskTriggersArray == NULL)) { BS_ASSERT(false); ft.Throw(VSSDBG_GEN, E_INVALIDARG, L"NULL parameters"); }
// Get the resources collection
CComPtr<ISClusResources> pResources; BS_ASSERT(m_pCluster); CHECK_COM( m_pCluster->get_Resources(&pResources) );
// Get the resources count
LONG lResourcesCount = 0; CHECK_COM( pResources->get_Count(&lResourcesCount) );
// Iterate through all resources
bool bFound = false; CComPtr<ISClusResource> pResource; for (INT nResourceIndex = 1; nResourceIndex <= lResourcesCount; nResourceIndex++) { // Get the resource interface
CComVariant varResourceIndex = nResourceIndex; pResource = NULL; CHECK_COM( pResources->get_Item(varResourceIndex, &pResource) );
// Ignore resources with type != "Task Scheduler"
CVssComBSTR bstrTypeName; CHECK_COM( pResource->get_TypeName(&bstrTypeName) ); if (!bstrTypeName || wcscmp(x_ClusReg_TypeName_TaskScheduler, bstrTypeName)) { // ft.Trace(VSSDBG_GEN, L"Different type names: %s - %s", x_ClusReg_TypeName_TaskScheduler, bstrTypeName);
continue; }
// Ignore resources with a different name
CVssComBSTR bstrResourceName; CHECK_COM( pResource->get_Name(&bstrResourceName) ); if (!bstrResourceName || wcscmp(pwszTaskSchedulerResourceName, bstrResourceName)) { // ft.Trace(VSSDBG_GEN, L"Different names: %s - %s", pwszTaskSchedulerResourceName, bstrResourceName);
continue; }
bFound = true; break; }
if (!bFound) { ft.Trace(VSSDBG_GEN, L"Resource not found"); return ft.Exit(false); } // We found the resource (assuming the names uniquely identify a resource)
// Get the private properties collection
CComPtr<ISClusProperties> pProperties; CHECK_COM( pResource->get_PrivateProperties(&pProperties) );
// Get the properties count
LONG lPropertiesCount = 0; CHECK_COM( pProperties->get_Count(&lPropertiesCount) );
// Iterate through all properties
bFound = false; CComPtr<ISClusProperty> pProperty; for (INT nPropertyIndex = 1; nPropertyIndex <= lPropertiesCount; nPropertyIndex++) { // Get the resource type interface
CComVariant varPropertyIndex = nPropertyIndex; pProperty = NULL; CHECK_COM( pProperties->get_Item(varPropertyIndex, &pProperty) );
// Get the property name
CVssComBSTR bstrPropertyName; CHECK_COM( pProperty->get_Name(&bstrPropertyName) );
// Check to see if this is our "Trigger Array" property.
// If not, continue
if (!bstrPropertyName || wcscmp(bstrPropertyName, x_ClusReg_Name_TaskScheduler_TriggerArray)) continue; // We found the property
bFound = true; break; }
// If we didn't found that property, then return
if (!bFound) { // The TriggerArray property is mandatory in our case
BS_ASSERT(false); ft.LogGenericWarning(VSSDBG_COORD, L"pProperties->get_Item(varPropertyIndex, &pProperty) [%s, %s]", x_ClusReg_Name_TaskScheduler_TriggerArray, pwszTaskSchedulerResourceName); return ft.Exit(false); }
// Add the task trigger as a binary value
CComVariant varTaskTrigger; CopyBinaryIntoVariant( (PBYTE)ptsTaskTriggersArray, sizeof(TASK_TRIGGER) * nTaskTriggersCount, varTaskTrigger); // Update the Task Trigger private property
CHECK_COM( pProperty->put_Value(varTaskTrigger) );
// Save changes
CComVariant varStatusCode; CHECK_COM( pProperties->SaveChanges(&varStatusCode) );
// This error code means: The properties were stored but not all changes will
// take effect until the next time the resource is brought online.
BS_ASSERT(varStatusCode.vt == VT_ERROR); ft.hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( varStatusCode.scode ); if (ft.hr != HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( ERROR_RESOURCE_PROPERTIES_STORED ) ) ft.TranslateComError( VSSDBG_GEN, L"pProperties->SaveChanges() => [0x%08lx]", ft.hr);
// Take the resource offline
// This will delete the task into the TS DB
// Take the resource offline
// This will insert the task into the TS DB
// Report success
return ft.Exit(true); }
// Delete a task scheduler resource.
// Before that, take the resource offline and remove the dependency
bool CVssClusterAPI::DeleteTaskSchedulerResource( IN LPCWSTR pwszTaskSchedulerResourceName ) throw(HRESULT) { CVssFunctionTracer ft( VSSDBG_GEN, L"CVssClusterAPI::DeleteTaskSchedulerResource" );
// Verify parameters
ft.Trace( VSSDBG_GEN, L"Parameters: Resource = %s", pwszTaskSchedulerResourceName); if ((pwszTaskSchedulerResourceName == NULL) || (pwszTaskSchedulerResourceName[0] == L'\0')) { BS_ASSERT(false); ft.Throw(VSSDBG_GEN, E_INVALIDARG, L"NULL parameters"); }
// Get the resources collection
CComPtr<ISClusResources> pResources; BS_ASSERT(m_pCluster); CHECK_COM( m_pCluster->get_Resources(&pResources) );
// Get the resources count
LONG lResourcesCount = 0; CHECK_COM( pResources->get_Count(&lResourcesCount) );
// Iterate through all resources
CComPtr<ISClusResource> pResource; for (INT nResourceIndex = 1; nResourceIndex <= lResourcesCount; nResourceIndex++) { // Get the resource interface
CComVariant varResourceIndex = nResourceIndex; pResource = NULL; CHECK_COM( pResources->get_Item(varResourceIndex, &pResource) );
// Ignore resources with type != "Task Scheduler"
CVssComBSTR bstrTypeName; CHECK_COM( pResource->get_TypeName(&bstrTypeName) ); if (!bstrTypeName || wcscmp(x_ClusReg_TypeName_TaskScheduler, bstrTypeName)) continue;
// Ignore resources with a different name
CVssComBSTR bstrResourceName; CHECK_COM( pResource->get_Name(&bstrResourceName) ); if (!bstrResourceName || wcscmp(pwszTaskSchedulerResourceName, bstrResourceName)) continue;
// We found the resource (assuming the names uniquely identify a resource)
// Take the resource offline
// This will delete the task into the TS DB
// Now delete the resource from the cluster (this will remove any dependencies)
CHECK_COM( pResource->Delete() );
// Report success
return ft.Exit(true); }
return ft.Exit(false); }
// Returns the Physical Disk resource that contains the given volume
// If the volume doesn't belong to a physical disk resource, then return NULL
// The returned volume must be freed with CoTaskMemFree
ISClusResource* CVssClusterAPI::GetPhysicalDiskResourceForVolumeName( IN LPCWSTR pwszVolumeName ) throw(HRESULT) { CVssFunctionTracer ft( VSSDBG_GEN, L"CVssClusterAPI::GetPhysicalDiskResourceForVolumeName" );
// Verify parameters
ft.Trace( VSSDBG_GEN, L"Parameters: Volume = %s", pwszVolumeName); if ((pwszVolumeName == NULL) || (pwszVolumeName[0] == L'\0')) { BS_ASSERT(false); ft.Throw(VSSDBG_GEN, E_INVALIDARG, L"NULL parameters"); }
// Get the resources collection
CComPtr<ISClusResources> pResources; BS_ASSERT(m_pCluster); CHECK_COM( m_pCluster->get_Resources(&pResources) );
// Get the resources count
LONG lResourcesCount = 0; CHECK_COM( pResources->get_Count(&lResourcesCount) );
// Iterate through all resources
for (INT nResourceIndex = 1; nResourceIndex <= lResourcesCount; nResourceIndex++) { // Get the resource interface
CComPtr<ISClusResource> pResource; CComVariant varResourceIndex = nResourceIndex; CHECK_COM( pResources->get_Item(varResourceIndex, &pResource) );
// Checks if relates with the partition
if (IsResourceRefferingVolume(pResource, pwszVolumeName)) return ft.Exit(pResource.Detach()); }
// No resource found
return ft.Exit( (ISClusResource*)NULL ); }
// Returns TRUE if a dependency can be established
bool CVssClusterAPI::CanEstablishDependency( IN ISClusResource* pFromResource, // To be the dependent
IN ISClusResource* pToResource // To be the dependency
) throw(HRESULT) { CVssFunctionTracer ft( VSSDBG_GEN, L"CVssClusterAPI::CanEstablishDependency" );
// Verify parameters
ft.Trace( VSSDBG_GEN, L"Parameters: pFromResource = %p, pToResource = %p", pFromResource, pToResource); if ((pFromResource == NULL) || (pToResource == NULL)) { BS_ASSERT(false); ft.Throw(VSSDBG_GEN, E_INVALIDARG, L"NULL parameters"); }
// Get the name of the first resource
CComVariant varBoolResult; CHECK_COM( pFromResource->CanResourceBeDependent(pToResource, &varBoolResult) ); BS_ASSERT( varBoolResult.vt == VT_BOOL ); bool bResult = (varBoolResult.boolVal == VARIANT_TRUE);
return ft.Exit(bResult); }
// Returns TRUE if a dependency is already established
// - Returns TRUE if the dependency already exists
// - Returns FALSE if the dependency could not be found
// - Throws E_INVALIDARG on bad parameters
bool CVssClusterAPI::IsDependencyAlreadyEstablished( IN ISClusResource* pFromResource, // Is dependent
IN ISClusResource* pToResource // Is dependency
) { CVssFunctionTracer ft( VSSDBG_GEN, L"CVssClusterAPI::IsDependencyAlreadyEstablished" );
// Verify parameters
ft.Trace( VSSDBG_GEN, L"Parameters: pFromResource = %p, pToResource = %p", pFromResource, pToResource); if ((pFromResource == NULL) || (pToResource == NULL)) { BS_ASSERT(false); ft.Throw(VSSDBG_GEN, E_INVALIDARG, L"NULL parameters"); }
// Get the dependents collection for the "FROM" resource
CComPtr<ISClusResDependencies> pDependencies; CHECK_COM( pFromResource->get_Dependencies(&pDependencies) );
// Get the dependencies count
LONG lDependenciesCount = 0; CHECK_COM( pDependencies->get_Count(&lDependenciesCount) );
// Iterate through all dependencies
for (INT nDependencyIndex = 1; nDependencyIndex <= lDependenciesCount; nDependencyIndex++) { // Get the dependency with that index
CComPtr<ISClusResource> pDependencyResource; CComVariant varDependencyIndex = nDependencyIndex; CHECK_COM( pDependencies->get_Item(varDependencyIndex, &pDependencyResource) );
// Check to see if this is our resource. If not, continue
if (!AreResourcesEqual(pToResource, pDependencyResource)) continue;
// We find the dependency
return ft.Exit(true); }
return ft.Exit(false); }
// Returns true if hte volume belongs to a Physical Disk resource
bool CVssClusterAPI::IsVolumeBelongingToPhysicalDiskResource( IN LPCWSTR pwszVolumeName ) throw(HRESULT) { CVssFunctionTracer ft( VSSDBG_GEN, L"CVssClusterAPI::IsVolumeBelongingToPhysicalDiskResource" );
if (!m_pCluster) return ft.Exit(false);
CComPtr<ISClusResource> ptrResource = GetPhysicalDiskResourceForVolumeName(pwszVolumeName); return ft.Exit(ptrResource != NULL); }
// Returns TRUE if the resource is a Physical Disk resource that contains the given volume
bool CVssClusterAPI::IsResourceRefferingVolume( IN ISClusResource* pResource, IN LPCWSTR pwszVolumeName ) throw(HRESULT) { CVssFunctionTracer ft( VSSDBG_GEN, L"CVssClusterAPI::IsResourceRefferingVolume" );
BS_ASSERT(pResource); BS_ASSERT(pwszVolumeName); CVssComBSTR bstrName; CHECK_COM( pResource->get_Name(&bstrName) ); ft.Trace( VSSDBG_GEN, L"Parameters: resource name = %s, pwszVolumeName = %s", (LPWSTR) bstrName, pwszVolumeName);
// Ignore resources that are not in the storage class
CLUSTER_RESOURCE_CLASS rcClassInfo; CHECK_COM( pResource->get_ClassInfo(&rcClassInfo) ); if (rcClassInfo != CLUS_RESCLASS_STORAGE) return ft.Exit(false);
// Ignore resources with type != "Physical Disk"
CVssComBSTR bstrTypeName; CHECK_COM( pResource->get_TypeName(&bstrTypeName) ); if (!bstrTypeName || wcscmp(x_ClusReg_TypeName_PhysicalDisk, bstrTypeName)) return ft.Exit(false);
// Get the list of volume MpM guids
// Look into the MULTI_SZ string for our volume
// We assume the format of one string is
// "[byte offset] [volume in kernel-mode format]"
// This private property is described in the following documentation:
// \\index1\sdnt\commontest\wtt\wttwebddb\webdocs\management\mount_point_support.doc
// Get the private properties collection
CComPtr<ISClusProperties> pProperties; CHECK_COM( pResource->get_PrivateProperties(&pProperties) );
// Get the properties count
LONG lPropertiesCount = 0; CHECK_COM( pProperties->get_Count(&lPropertiesCount) );
// Iterate through all properties
bool bFound = false; CComPtr<ISClusProperty> pProperty; for (INT nPropertyIndex = 1; nPropertyIndex <= lPropertiesCount; nPropertyIndex++) { // Get the resource type interface
CComVariant varPropertyIndex = nPropertyIndex; pProperty = NULL; CHECK_COM( pProperties->get_Item(varPropertyIndex, &pProperty) );
// Get the property name
CVssComBSTR bstrPropertyName; CHECK_COM( pProperty->get_Name(&bstrPropertyName) );
// Check to see if this is our "Mount Volume Name" property.
// If not, continue
if (!bstrPropertyName || wcscmp(bstrPropertyName, x_ClusReg_Name_PhysicalDisk_MPVolGuids)) continue; // We found the property
bFound = true; break; }
// If we didn't found that (optional) property, then return
if (!bFound) return ft.Exit(false);
// Copy the volume locally in order to convert it
CVssAutoLocalString strVolumeName; strVolumeName.CopyFrom(pwszVolumeName);
// Convert the volume name into the Kernel-mode representation
if (!ConvertVolMgmtVolumeNameIntoKernelObject( strVolumeName )) { // Programming error - the original volume is not in the \\?\Volume{GUID}\ format
BS_ASSERT(false); ft.TranslateGenericError(VSSDBG_GEN, E_UNEXPECTED, L"ConvertVolMgmtVolumeNameIntoKernelObject(%s)", strVolumeName); }
// Get the value list
CComPtr<ISClusPropertyValues> pValues; CHECK_COM( pProperty->get_Values(&pValues) );
// Get the values count
LONG lValueCount = 0; CHECK_COM( pValues->get_Count(&lValueCount) ); ft.Trace(VSSDBG_GEN, L"Number of volumes: %ld", lValueCount);
// Iterate through all the values
CComPtr<ISClusPropertyValue> pValue; for (INT nValueIndex = 1; nValueIndex <= lValueCount; nValueIndex++) { // Get the resource type interface
CComVariant varValueIndex = nValueIndex; pValue = NULL; CHECK_COM( pValues->get_Item(varValueIndex, &pValue) );
// Get the count of Data values. It must be a positive number
LONG lDataCount; CHECK_COM( pValue->get_DataCount(&lDataCount) );
// Ignore properties with no data
if (lDataCount <=0) { BS_ASSERT(false); continue; } // Get the Data collection
CComPtr<ISClusPropertyValueData> pData; CHECK_COM( pValue->get_Data(&pData) );
// Get the count of Data values.
// Just verify that is the same number
LONG lInternalDataCount; CHECK_COM( pData->get_Count(&lInternalDataCount) ); BS_ASSERT(lInternalDataCount == lDataCount);
// Get the property value.
CComVariant varVolumeMountPoint; for (INT nDataIndex = 1; nDataIndex <= lDataCount; nDataIndex++) { CComVariant varDataIndex = nDataIndex; varVolumeMountPoint.Clear(); CHECK_COM( pData->get_Item(varDataIndex, &varVolumeMountPoint) );
// This has to be a BSTR
if (varVolumeMountPoint.vt != VT_BSTR) { BS_ASSERT(false); ft.TranslateGenericError(VSSDBG_GEN, E_UNEXPECTED, L"pProperty->get_Value() != VT_BSTR"); }
LPWSTR pwszMountPoint = varVolumeMountPoint.bstrVal; ft.Trace(VSSDBG_GEN, L"Processing volume: %s", pwszMountPoint);
// Skip the hex number composing the internal offset
// Skip the spaces after the number
// Now we get to a volume name (according to the current doc). Compare it to the original volume.
if (_wcsicmp(pwszMountPoint, strVolumeName) == 0) return ft.Exit(true); } }
return ft.Exit(false); }
// returns TRUE if the two COM objects are identifying the same resource
bool CVssClusterAPI::AreResourcesEqual( IN ISClusResource* pResource1, IN ISClusResource* pResource2 ) throw(HRESULT) { CVssFunctionTracer ft( VSSDBG_GEN, L"CVssClusterAPI::AreResourcesEqual" );
BS_ASSERT(pResource1); BS_ASSERT(pResource2);
// Get the name of the first resource
CVssComBSTR bstrName1; CHECK_COM( pResource1->get_Name(&bstrName1) );
// Get the name of the second resource
CVssComBSTR bstrName2; CHECK_COM( pResource2->get_Name(&bstrName2) ); ft.Trace( VSSDBG_GEN, L"Comparing: resource = %s, resource = %s", (LPWSTR) bstrName1, (LPWSTR) bstrName2);
if (bstrName1 != bstrName2) return ft.Exit(false);
return ft.Exit(true); }
// Copy the given binary data into the variant
void CVssClusterAPI::CopyBinaryIntoVariant( IN PBYTE pbData, IN DWORD cbSize, IN OUT CComVariant & variant ) { CVssFunctionTracer ft( VSSDBG_GEN, L"CVssClusterAPI::CopyBinaryIntoVariant" );
// Describe the new array
SAFEARRAYBOUND sab[ 1 ]; sab[ 0 ].lLbound = 0; sab[ 0 ].cElements = cbSize;
// allocate a one dimensional SafeArray of BYTES
CVssAutoSafearrayPtr pSafeArray = ::SafeArrayCreate( VT_UI1, 1, sab ); if (!pSafeArray.IsValid()) ft.ThrowOutOfMemory(VSSDBG_GEN);
// get a pointer to the SafeArray
PBYTE pbArrayData = NULL; ft.hr = ::SafeArrayAccessData( pSafeArray, (PVOID *) &pbArrayData ); if ( ft.HrFailed() ) ft.TranslateGenericError(VSSDBG_GEN, ft.hr, L"::SafeArrayAccessData( pSafeArray, (PVOID *) &pb )");
// transfer data into the array
::CopyMemory( pbArrayData, pbData, cbSize );
// release the pointer into the SafeArray
ft.hr = ::SafeArrayUnaccessData( pSafeArray ); if ( ft.HrFailed() ) ft.TranslateGenericError(VSSDBG_GEN, ft.hr, L"::SafeArrayUnaccessData( pSafeArray )");
// Clear the variant
// tell the variant what it is holding onto
variant.parray = pSafeArray.Detach(); variant.vt = VT_ARRAY | VT_UI1; }
// Take the resource offline
void CVssClusterAPI::TakeResourceOffline( IN ISClusResource* pResource ) throw(HRESULT) { CVssFunctionTracer ft( VSSDBG_GEN, L"CVssClusterAPI::TakeResourceOffline" );
// Get resource name
CVssComBSTR bstrName; CHECK_COM( pResource->get_Name(&bstrName) );
// Take the resource offline
CComVariant varStillPending; CHECK_COM( pResource->Offline(m_dwOfflineTimeout, &varStillPending) );
BS_ASSERT( varStillPending.vt == VT_BOOL ); if (varStillPending.boolVal == VARIANT_TRUE) { ft.LogGenericWarning(VSSDBG_GEN, L"pResource->Offline(%ld, [VT_TRUE]) [%s]", (LONG)m_dwOfflineTimeout, (LPWSTR)bstrName); ft.Throw( VSSDBG_GEN, E_UNEXPECTED, L"The resource [%s] couldn't be brought offline in the required timeframe.", (LPWSTR)bstrName); } }
// Bring the resource online
void CVssClusterAPI::BringResourceOnline( IN ISClusResource* pResource ) throw(HRESULT) { CVssFunctionTracer ft( VSSDBG_GEN, L"CVssClusterAPI::BringResourceOnline" );
// Get resource name
CVssComBSTR bstrName; CHECK_COM( pResource->get_Name(&bstrName) );
// Bring the resource online
CComVariant varStillPending; CHECK_COM( pResource->Online(m_dwOnlineTimeout, &varStillPending) );
BS_ASSERT( varStillPending.vt == VT_BOOL ); if (varStillPending.boolVal == VARIANT_TRUE) { ft.LogGenericWarning(VSSDBG_GEN, L"pResource->Online(%ld, [VT_TRUE]) [%s]", (LONG)m_dwOnlineTimeout, (LPWSTR)bstrName); ft.Throw( VSSDBG_GEN, E_UNEXPECTED, L"The resource [%s] couldn't be brought online in the required timeframe.", (LPWSTR)bstrName); } }
// Calculate the list of dependent resources that needs to be brought online after adding a
// dependency fron this resource
void CVssClusterAPI::GetFinalOnlineResourceList( IN ISClusResource* pResource, IN OUT CVssClusterResourceList & list ) throw(HRESULT) { CVssFunctionTracer ft( VSSDBG_GEN, L"CVssClusterAPI::GetFinalOnlineResourceList" );
// Determine if the resource is online.
// If not, we stop here.
CLUSTER_RESOURCE_STATE csState; CHECK_COM( pResource->get_State(&csState) ); if (csState != ClusterResourceOnline) return; // Start with one resource only
CVssClusterResourceList frontier; frontier.Push(pResource);
while (true) { CComPtr<ISClusResource> pCurrentResource; frontier.Pop(pCurrentResource);
// If the frontier is empty, the we are finished (the dependency graph cannot contain cycles)
if (pCurrentResource == NULL) break;
// Get the dependents collection for the current resource
CComPtr<ISClusResDependents> pDependents; CHECK_COM( pCurrentResource->get_Dependents(&pDependents) ); // Get the dependencies count
LONG lDependentsCount = 0; CHECK_COM( pDependents->get_Count(&lDependentsCount) ); // Iterate through all dependencies
DWORD dwOnlineDependentResources = 0; for (INT nDependentIndex = 1; nDependentIndex <= lDependentsCount; nDependentIndex++) { // Get the dependency with that index
CComPtr<ISClusResource> pDependentResource; CComVariant varDependentIndex = nDependentIndex; CHECK_COM( pDependents->get_Item(varDependentIndex, &pDependentResource) );
// Determine if the resource is online.
// If not, we ignore it.
CHECK_COM( pDependentResource->get_State(&csState) ); if (csState != ClusterResourceOnline) continue;
// We add this resource to the frontier
frontier.Push(pDependentResource); dwOnlineDependentResources++; }
// If this was a final resource (no dependents added to the list) then add it to the final list
if (dwOnlineDependentResources == 0) list.Push(pCurrentResource); } }
// Bring the resources in the list online
void CVssClusterAPI::BringResourceListOnline( IN CVssClusterResourceList & list ) throw(HRESULT) { CVssFunctionTracer ft( VSSDBG_GEN, L"CVssClusterAPI::BringResourceListOnline" );
while (true) { CComPtr<ISClusResource> pCurrentResource; list.Pop(pCurrentResource);
// If the frontier is empty, then we are finished (the dependency graph cannot contain cycles)
if (pCurrentResource == NULL) break;
// Determine if the resource is online.
// If not, we ignore it.
CLUSTER_RESOURCE_STATE csState; CHECK_COM( pCurrentResource->get_State(&csState) ); if (csState != ClusterResourceOffline) continue;
// Bring this resource online
BringResourceOnline(pCurrentResource); } }
// Bring the resources in the list online
void CVssClusterAPI::GetQuorumPath( CComBSTR & bstrQuorumPath ) throw(HRESULT) { CVssFunctionTracer ft( VSSDBG_GEN, L"CVssClusterAPI::GetQuorumPath" );
// Get the path to the Quorum log file
BS_ASSERT(m_pCluster); CHECK_COM( m_pCluster->get_QuorumPath(&bstrQuorumPath) ); ft.Trace( VSSDBG_GEN, L"Quorum file path: %s", bstrQuorumPath);
if ((NULL == (LPWSTR)bstrQuorumPath) || (L'\0' == bstrQuorumPath[0])) { BS_ASSERT(false); ft.TranslateGenericError(VSSDBG_GEN, E_UNEXPECTED, L"get_QuorumPath([NULL])"); } }
// CVssClusterQuorumVolume definition and implementation
// Note: this class is separate from CVssClusterAPI so its instances can be static.
// Checks if the given volume is the quorum
// This will return FALSE in non-cluster case.
bool CVssClusterQuorumVolume::IsQuorumVolume( IN LPCWSTR pwszVolumeName ) throw(HRESULT) { CVssFunctionTracer ft( VSSDBG_GEN, L"CVssClusterQuorumVolume::IsQuorumVolume" );
// If the volume is not initialized, then try to initialize it
if (!m_bQuorumVolumeInitialized) InitializeQuorumVolume();
// Return TRUE only if this is the quorum volume
return ft.Exit(m_awszQuorumVolumeName.GetRef() && (wcscmp(m_awszQuorumVolumeName.GetRef(), pwszVolumeName) == 0)); }
// Checks if the given volume is the quorum
// This will work in non-cluster case also.
void CVssClusterQuorumVolume::InitializeQuorumVolume() throw(HRESULT) { CVssFunctionTracer ft( VSSDBG_GEN, L"CVssClusterQuorumVolume::InitializeQuorumVolume" ); BS_ASSERT(!m_bQuorumVolumeInitialized)
// Mark this as being already initialized
// (to not recompute the quorum each time we call IsQuorumVolume)
m_bQuorumVolumeInitialized = true;
// Try to initialize the cluster, if possibles
CVssClusterAPI clus; bool bClusterInitialized = clus.Initialize(L"");
// If we don't have a cluster, then we don't have quorum volume.
if (!bClusterInitialized) return;
// Get the quorum path
CComBSTR bstrQuorumPath; clus.GetQuorumPath(bstrQuorumPath); //
// Test if the path starts with a drive letter
// NOTE: We assume that the path is a drive letter (we ignore shares)
// 1) We should have room at least for "<drive letter>:\"
if (wcslen(bstrQuorumPath) < 3) return;
// 2) This is not at share
if (bstrQuorumPath[0] == L'\\') return;
// 3) Test if the rest of the path matches ":\"
if (bstrQuorumPath[1] != L':') return; if (bstrQuorumPath[2] != L'\\') return;
// Get the volume path
WCHAR wszQuorumVolume[MAX_PATH]; if (!GetVolumePathNameW(bstrQuorumPath, STRING_CCH_PARAM(wszQuorumVolume))) { switch(GetLastError()) { // The volume might be offline
default: ft.TranslateWin32Error(VSSDBG_GEN, L"GetVolumePathNameW('%s', STRING_CCH_PARAM(wszQuorumVolumePath))", bstrQuorumPath); } }
// Get the volume name
WCHAR wszVolumeName[x_nLengthOfVolMgmtVolumeName + 1]; if (!GetVolumeNameForVolumeMountPointW( wszQuorumVolume, STRING_CCH_PARAM(wszVolumeName) )) { switch(GetLastError()) { // The volume might be offline
// Otherwise
default: ft.TranslateWin32Error(VSSDBG_GEN, L"GetVolumeNameForVolumeMountPointW( '%s', STRING_CCH_PARAM(wszVolumeName))", wszQuorumVolume); } } ft.Trace( VSSDBG_GEN, L"Quorum volume name: %s", wszVolumeName);
// Cache the quorum volume
m_awszQuorumVolumeName.CopyFrom(wszVolumeName); }