Copyright (c) 2000 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Implementation of test message classes for the server
Brian Berkowitz [brianb] 05/22/2000
Revision History:
Name Date Comments brianb 05/22/2000 Created ssteiner 06/07/2000 Split client and server portions into two files. vststmsgclient.cxx contains the client portion.
#include <stdafx.h>
#include <vststmsg.hxx>
#include <vststmsghandler.hxx>
void LogUnexpectedFailure(LPCWSTR wsz, ...);
Routine Description:
This needs to be run once on the server side to install all of the message handlers.
Return Value:
<Enter return values here>
--*/ static void InstallServerMsgHandlers() { g_msgTypes[VSTST_MT_TEXT].pfnHandler = CVsTstMsgHandlerRoutines::PrintMessage; g_msgTypes[VSTST_MT_IMMEDIATETEXT].pfnHandler = CVsTstMsgHandlerRoutines::PrintMessage; g_msgTypes[VSTST_MT_FAILURE].pfnHandler = CVsTstMsgHandlerRoutines::HandleFailure; g_msgTypes[VSTST_MT_OPERATIONFAILURE].pfnHandler = CVsTstMsgHandlerRoutines::HandleOperationFailure; g_msgTypes[VSTST_MT_UNEXPECTEDEXCEPTION].pfnHandler = CVsTstMsgHandlerRoutines::HandleUnexpectedException; g_msgTypes[VSTST_MT_SUCCESS].pfnHandler = CVsTstMsgHandlerRoutines::HandleSuccess; }
CVsTstMsgHandler::CVsTstMsgHandler( IN LPCWSTR pwszLogFileName ) : m_bcsQueueInitialized(false), m_pmsgFirst(NULL), m_pmsgLast(NULL), m_cbMaxMsgLength(0), m_hThreadReader(NULL), m_hThreadWorker(NULL), m_hevtWorker(NULL), m_hevtReader(NULL), m_bReadEnabled(false), m_bTerminateWorker(false), m_bTerminateReader(false), m_pipeList(NULL), m_bcsPipeListInitialized(false), m_cNtLog( pwszLogFileName ) { //
// Initialize the general message types array and install the message
// handlers.
InitMsgTypes(); InstallServerMsgHandlers(); }
// free data allocated by the class
void CVsTstMsgHandler::FreeData() { if (m_bcsQueueInitialized) { m_csQueue.Term(); m_bcsQueueInitialized = false; }
if (m_bcsPipeListInitialized) { m_csPipeList.Term(); m_bcsPipeListInitialized = false; }
while(m_pmsgFirst) { VSTST_MSG_HDR *pmsgNext = m_pmsgFirst->pmsgNext; delete m_pmsgFirst; m_pmsgFirst = pmsgNext; }
if (m_hThreadWorker) { CloseHandle(m_hThreadWorker); m_hThreadWorker = NULL; }
if (m_hevtWorker) { CloseHandle(m_hevtWorker); m_hevtWorker = NULL; }
if (m_hevtReader) { CloseHandle(m_hevtReader); m_hevtReader = NULL; } }
CVsTstMsgHandler::~CVsTstMsgHandler() { ForceTermination();
FreeData(); }
// initailize message handler and worker thread
HRESULT CVsTstMsgHandler::Initialize(UINT cbMaxMsg) { m_cbMaxMsgLength = cbMaxMsg; try { m_csQueue.Init(); m_bcsQueueInitialized = true; m_csPipeList.Init(); m_bcsPipeListInitialized = true; } catch(...) { return E_UNEXPECTED; }
m_hevtWorker = CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL); if (m_hevtWorker == NULL) goto _ErrExit;
m_hevtReader = CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL); if (m_hevtReader == NULL) goto _ErrExit;
DWORD tid;
m_hThreadWorker = CreateThread ( NULL, 64*1024, StartWorkerThread, this, 0, &tid );
if (m_hThreadWorker == NULL) goto _ErrExit;
return S_OK;
_ErrExit: hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError());
FreeData(); return hr; }
// adjust message pointers
bool CVsTstMsgHandler::AdjustPointers(VSTST_MSG_HDR *phdr) { VSTST_MSG_TYPE_TABLE *pType = &g_msgTypes[phdr->type]; BYTE *pb = phdr->rgb; VOID **ppv = (VOID **) (pb + pType->cbFixed); pb = (BYTE *) (ppv + pType->cVarPtr); for(unsigned iVarPtr = 0; iVarPtr < pType->cVarPtr; iVarPtr++, ppv++) { *ppv = pb; size_t cb; switch(pType->pointerTypes[iVarPtr]) { default: return false;
case VSTST_VPT_BYTE: cb = *(UINT *) pb; break;
case VSTST_VPT_ANSI: cb = strlen((char *) pb) + 1; break;
case VSTST_VPT_UNICODE: cb = (wcslen((WCHAR *) pb) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR); break; }
// align to pointer boundary
cb = (cb + sizeof(PVOID) - 1) & ~(sizeof(PVOID) - 1); pb += cb; }
return true; }
// process message immediately
bool CVsTstMsgHandler::ProcessMsgImmediate(VSTST_MSG_HDR *phdr) { if (!AdjustPointers(phdr)) return false;
VSTST_MSG_TYPE_TABLE *pType = &g_msgTypes[phdr->type]; try { pType->pfnHandler(phdr, &m_cNtLog); } catch(...) { return false; }
return true; }
// queue message for worker thrad
bool CVsTstMsgHandler::QueueMsg(VSTST_MSG_HDR *phdr) { BYTE *pbMsg = new BYTE[phdr->cbMsg]; if (pbMsg == NULL) // can't allocate message, wait for queue to of messages
// to complete and then process messages serially
{ WaitForQueueToComplete(); return ProcessMsgImmediate(phdr); }
memcpy(pbMsg, phdr, phdr->cbMsg); VSTST_MSG_HDR *phdrT = (VSTST_MSG_HDR *) pbMsg; if (!AdjustPointers(phdrT)) return false;
m_csQueue.Lock(); if (m_pmsgLast == NULL) { VSTST_ASSERT(m_pmsgFirst == NULL); m_pmsgLast = m_pmsgFirst = phdrT; SetEvent(m_hevtWorker); } else { VSTST_ASSERT(m_pmsgLast->pmsgNext == NULL); m_pmsgLast->pmsgNext = phdrT;
// replace last element on queue
m_pmsgLast = phdrT; }
m_csQueue.Unlock(); return true; }
// execute items on the work queue
bool CVsTstMsgHandler::DoWork() { // Add this thread as a participant
m_cNtLog.AddParticipant(); // For now start the one and only variation
m_cNtLog.StartVariation( L"VssTestController" ); while(TRUE) { // wait for something to get on the work queue or for 1 second
if (WaitForSingleObject(m_hevtWorker, 1000) == WAIT_FAILED) { // Log severe error
m_cNtLog.Log( eSevLev_Severe, L"CVsTstMsgHandler::DoWork, WaitForSingleObject returned WAIT_FAILED, dwRet: %d", ::GetLastError() );
// End the variation
// Remove the thread as a participant
m_cNtLog.RemoveParticipant(); return false; } while(TRUE) { // lock queue
// check whether queue is empty
if (m_pmsgFirst == NULL) { VSTST_ASSERT(m_pmsgLast == NULL);
// check whether we should terminate the thread
if (m_bTerminateWorker) { // terminate thread
m_csQueue.Unlock(); // End the variation
m_cNtLog.EndVariation(); // Remove the thread as a participant
m_cNtLog.RemoveParticipant(); return true; }
// setup to wait again
ResetEvent(m_hevtWorker); m_csQueue.Unlock(); break; }
// pull first message off of queue
VSTST_MSG_HDR *phdr = m_pmsgFirst;
// move head of queue to next element
m_pmsgFirst = m_pmsgFirst->pmsgNext;
// is queue now empty
if (m_pmsgFirst == NULL) { VSTST_ASSERT(m_pmsgLast == phdr);
// set tail of queue to null
m_pmsgLast = NULL; }
// unlock queue before executing item
// execute item
VSTST_MSG_TYPE_TABLE *pType = &g_msgTypes[phdr->type]; try { pType->pfnHandler(phdr, &m_cNtLog ); } catch(...) { // Log severe error
m_cNtLog.Log( eSevLev_Severe, L"CVsTstMsgHandler::DoWork, caught unexpected exception from message handler" );
// End the variation
m_cNtLog.EndVariation(); // Remove the thread as a participant
m_cNtLog.RemoveParticipant(); return false; } } }
return true; }
// terminate worker thread, waiting for all work to complete
void CVsTstMsgHandler::WaitForQueueToComplete() { m_bTerminateWorker = true; if (WaitForSingleObject(m_hThreadWorker, INFINITE) == WAIT_FAILED) { // polling way to wait if we wait fails. Note that we usually
// would only expect to get here in stress situations
while(TRUE) { m_csQueue.Lock(); if (m_pmsgFirst == NULL) { m_csQueue.Unlock(); break; }
m_csQueue.Unlock(); Sleep(100); } } }
DWORD CVsTstMsgHandler::StartWorkerThread(VOID *pv) { CVsTstMsgHandler *pHandler = (CVsTstMsgHandler *) pv;
try { pHandler->DoWork(); } catch(...) { LogUnexpectedFailure(L"Worker thread unexpectedly terminated"); }
return 0; }
void CVsTstMsgHandler::StartProcessingMessages() { m_bReadEnabled = true; SetEvent(m_hevtReader); }
void CVsTstMsgHandler::StopProcessingMessages() { ResetEvent(m_hevtReader); m_bReadEnabled = false; }
void CVsTstMsgHandler::ForceTermination() { m_bReadEnabled = false; m_bTerminateWorker = true; m_bTerminateReader = true; SetEvent(m_hevtReader); if (m_hThreadWorker) { DWORD dwErr = WaitForSingleObject(m_hThreadWorker, 5000); if (dwErr == WAIT_FAILED || dwErr == WAIT_TIMEOUT) // force termination of worker thread
TerminateThread(m_hThreadWorker, 1);
CloseHandle(m_hThreadWorker); m_hThreadWorker = NULL; }
while(m_pipeList != NULL) { CVsTstPipe *pipe = m_pipeList; HANDLE hThread = pipe->m_hThreadReader; pipe->m_hThreadReader = NULL; m_csPipeList.Unlock(); m_pipeList->ForceTermination(hThread); m_csPipeList.Lock(); if (m_pipeList == pipe) delete m_pipeList; }
m_csPipeList.Unlock(); }
// launch a pipe reader thread
HRESULT CVsTstMsgHandler::LaunchReader() { CVsTstPipe *pipe = new CVsTstPipe(this); if (pipe == NULL) return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
HRESULT hr = pipe->Initialize(m_cbMaxMsgLength); if (FAILED(hr)) { delete pipe; return hr; }
return S_OK; }
// link pipe into pipe list
void CVsTstMsgHandler::LinkPipe(CVsTstPipe *pipe) { VSTST_ASSERT(!pipe->m_bLinked); m_csPipeList.Lock(); pipe->m_prev = NULL; pipe->m_next = m_pipeList; if (m_pipeList) { VSTST_ASSERT(m_pipeList->m_prev == NULL); m_pipeList->m_prev = pipe; }
m_pipeList = pipe; m_csPipeList.Unlock(); pipe->m_bLinked = true; }
// unlink pipe from pipe list
void CVsTstMsgHandler::UnlinkPipe(CVsTstPipe *pipe) { VSTST_ASSERT(pipe->m_bLinked); m_csPipeList.Lock(); if (pipe->m_prev == NULL) { VSTST_ASSERT(m_pipeList == pipe); m_pipeList = pipe->m_next; if (m_pipeList) { VSTST_ASSERT(m_pipeList->m_prev == pipe); m_pipeList->m_prev = NULL; } } else { VSTST_ASSERT(pipe->m_prev->m_next == pipe); pipe->m_prev->m_next = pipe->m_next; if (pipe->m_next) { VSTST_ASSERT(pipe->m_next->m_prev == pipe); pipe->m_next->m_prev = pipe->m_prev; } }
m_csPipeList.Unlock(); pipe->m_bLinked = false; }
// constructor for a pipe
CVsTstPipe::CVsTstPipe(CVsTstMsgHandler *pHandler) : m_hPipe(NULL), m_hevtOverlapped(NULL), m_rgbMsg(NULL), m_cbMsg(0), m_hThreadReader(NULL), m_bLinked(NULL), m_pHandler(pHandler), m_bConnected(false) { }
// destructor for a pipe
CVsTstPipe::~CVsTstPipe() { // unlink pipe from list if linked
if (m_bLinked) { VSTST_ASSERT(m_pHandler); m_pHandler->UnlinkPipe(this); }
FreeData(); }
// initailize message handler and worker thread
HRESULT CVsTstPipe::Initialize(UINT cbMaxMsg) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
// create pipe
if (m_hPipe == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError());
// create message buffer
m_cbMsg = cbMaxMsg; m_rgbMsg = new BYTE[m_cbMsg]; if (m_rgbMsg == NULL) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto _ErrCleanup; }
// create overlapped read event
m_hevtOverlapped = CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL); if (m_hevtOverlapped == NULL) goto _ErrExit;
// create reader thread
DWORD tid; m_hThreadReader = CreateThread ( NULL, 256*1024, StartReaderThread, this, 0, &tid );
if (m_hThreadReader == NULL) goto _ErrExit;
// link pipe into list
return S_OK;
_ErrExit: hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError());
_ErrCleanup: FreeData(); return hr; }
// free data allocated by the class
void CVsTstPipe::FreeData() { delete m_rgbMsg; m_rgbMsg = NULL;
if (m_hPipe != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { // disconnect pipe if connected
if (m_bConnected) { DisconnectNamedPipe(m_hPipe); m_bConnected = false; }
CloseHandle(m_hPipe); m_hPipe = NULL; }
if (m_hThreadReader) { CloseHandle(m_hThreadReader); m_hThreadReader = NULL; }
if (m_hevtOverlapped) { CloseHandle(m_hevtOverlapped); m_hevtOverlapped = NULL; } }
void CVsTstPipe::ForceTermination(HANDLE hThread) { // thread should already be terminated
DWORD dwErr = WaitForSingleObject(hThread, 5000); if (dwErr == WAIT_FAILED || dwErr == WAIT_TIMEOUT) // force termination of thread
TerminateThread(hThread, 1);
CloseHandle(hThread); }
// setup overlapped I/O structure used for reading data
// from the pipe
void CVsTstPipe::SetupOverlapped() { VSTST_ASSERT(m_hevtOverlapped); ResetEvent(m_hevtOverlapped); memset(&m_overlap, 0, sizeof(m_overlap)); m_overlap.hEvent = m_hevtOverlapped; }
bool CVsTstPipe::WaitForConnection() { SetupOverlapped(); if (ConnectNamedPipe(m_hPipe, &m_overlap)) return true;
if (GetLastError() == ERROR_IO_PENDING) { while(TRUE) { if (!m_pHandler->m_bReadEnabled) { CancelIo(m_hPipe); return false; }
DWORD dwErr = WaitForSingleObject(m_hevtOverlapped, 1000); if (dwErr == WAIT_OBJECT_0) break;
if (dwErr == WAIT_FAILED) { Sleep(1000); CancelIo(m_hPipe); return false; } } }
return true; }
// do the work of reading messages
VSTST_READER_STATUS CVsTstPipe::ReadMessages(bool bConnect) { if (bConnect) { if (!WaitForConnection()) return VSTST_RS_NOTCONNECTED;
// launch a new reader thread to wait for the next connection
m_pHandler->LaunchReader(); }
// while we are doing reads
while(m_pHandler->m_bReadEnabled) { DWORD cbRead;
// setup overlapped structure
if (!ReadFile ( m_hPipe, m_rgbMsg, m_cbMsg, &cbRead, &m_overlap )) { DWORD dwErr = GetLastError(); if (dwErr == ERROR_IO_PENDING) { while(TRUE) { if (!m_pHandler->m_bReadEnabled) { CancelIo(m_hPipe); return VSTST_RS_READDISABLED; }
DWORD dwErr = WaitForSingleObject(m_hevtOverlapped, 1000); if (dwErr == WAIT_OBJECT_0) break;
if (dwErr == WAIT_FAILED) { Sleep(1000); CancelIo(m_hPipe); continue; } }
if (!GetOverlappedResult(m_hPipe, &m_overlap, &cbRead, FALSE)) { CancelIo(m_hPipe); continue; } } else { // unexpected error reading from pipe
DWORD dwErr = GetLastError(); if (dwErr == ERROR_BROKEN_PIPE) { // terminate thread as we are no longer reading from
// the pipe
DisconnectNamedPipe(m_hPipe); return VSTST_RS_DISCONNECTED; } else ReadPipeError(dwErr);
return VSTST_RS_ERROR; } }
VSTST_MSG_HDR *phdr = (VSTST_MSG_HDR *) m_rgbMsg; if (phdr->cbMsg != cbRead || phdr->type == VSTST_MT_UNDEFINED || phdr->type >= VSTST_MT_MAXMSGTYPE) LogInvalidMessage(phdr); else if (g_msgTypes[phdr->type].priority == VSTST_MP_IMMEDIATE) { if (!m_pHandler->ProcessMsgImmediate(phdr)) LogInvalidMessage(phdr); } else { if (!m_pHandler->QueueMsg(phdr)) LogInvalidMessage(phdr); } }
DWORD CVsTstPipe::StartReaderThread(VOID *pv) { CVsTstPipe *pipe = (CVsTstPipe *) pv;
bool bConnected = false; try { while(!pipe->m_pHandler->m_bTerminateReader) { if (WaitForSingleObject(pipe->m_pHandler->m_hevtReader, INFINITE) == WAIT_FAILED) break;
VSTST_READER_STATUS status = pipe->ReadMessages(!bConnected); if (status == VSTST_RS_DISCONNECTED) { bConnected = false; break; } else if (status != VSTST_RS_NOTCONNECTED) bConnected = true; } } catch(...) { LogUnexpectedFailure(L"Read thread unexpectedly terminated"); }
delete pipe; return 0; }