// Copyright (c) 1999-2000 Microsoft Corporation
// Module Name:
// ObjectPath.h
// Implementation File:
// ObjectPath.cpp
// Description:
// Definition of the CObjpath class.
// Author:
// Henry Wang (HenryWa) 24-AUG-1999
// MSP Prabu (mprabu) 06-Jan-2001
// Notes:
#pragma once
// Include Files
#include <genlex.h> //wbem sdk header
#include <objpath.h> //wbem sdk header
// Forward Declarations
class CObjPath; class CProvException; class CWbemClassObject;
// class CObjPath
// Description:
// CObjpath class make it easier to work with Object path string
class CObjPath { //
// constructor and desctructor
CObjPath( void ); virtual ~CObjPath( void );
public: _bstr_t GetObjectPathString( void );
BOOL AddProperty( LPCWSTR pwszNameIn, LPCWSTR pwszValueIn ); BOOL AddProperty( LPCWSTR pwszNameIn, VARIANT * pvValueIn ); BOOL SetClass( IN LPCWSTR pwszValue ); _bstr_t GetStringValueForProperty( LPCWSTR pwszIn );
long GetLongValueForProperty( LPCWSTR pwszIn );
LONGLONG GetI64ValueForProperty( LPCWSTR pwszIn );
_bstr_t GetClassName( void ); BOOL Init( LPCWSTR pwszPathIn ); protected: ParsedObjectPath * m_parsedObj;
}; //*** class CObjPath
// class CProvException
// Description:
// Base exception class, declares common interface and member data
// for all exception subclass
class CProvException { public: CProvException( HRESULT hrIn ) : m_hr( hrIn ) { }
CProvException( DWORD nWin32ErrorIn ) : m_hr( 0 ) { m_hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( nWin32ErrorIn ); }
virtual ~CProvException( void ) { }
CProvException( const CProvException & rhsIn ) : m_hr( 0 ) { m_bstrError = rhsIn.m_bstrError; m_bstrErrorHelp = rhsIn.m_bstrErrorHelp; m_hr = rhsIn.m_hr; }
CProvException & operator=( const CProvException & rhsIn ) { m_bstrError = rhsIn.m_bstrError; m_bstrErrorHelp = rhsIn.m_bstrErrorHelp; m_hr = rhsIn.m_hr; return *this; }
LPCWSTR PwszErrorMessage( void ) const;
BOOL BIsWmiError( void ) const { return HRESULT_FACILITY( m_hr ) == 4; }
DWORD DwGetError( void ) const throw() { return HRESULT_CODE( m_hr ); }
HRESULT hrGetError( void ) const throw() { return m_hr; }
void SetErrorHelpInfo( LPCWSTR pwsz ) { m_bstrErrorHelp = pwsz; }
LPCWSTR PwszGetErrorHelpInfo( void ) { return m_bstrErrorHelp; } protected: mutable _bstr_t m_bstrError; mutable _bstr_t m_bstrErrorHelp; HRESULT m_hr;
}; //*** class CProvException
// class CWbemClassObject
// Description:
// Wrap for IWbemClassObject
class CWbemClassObject { protected: IWbemClassObject * m_pClassObject; VARIANT m_v;
public: CWbemClassObject( void ); CWbemClassObject( IWbemClassObject * pInstIn ); virtual ~CWbemClassObject( void );
IWbemClassObject ** operator&( void ) { return &m_pClassObject; }
CWbemClassObject & operator=( IWbemClassObject * pInstIn ) { if( pInstIn != NULL ) { pInstIn->AddRef(); if ( m_pClassObject != NULL ) { m_pClassObject->Release(); } m_pClassObject = pInstIn; } return *this; }
CWbemClassObject & operator=( CWbemClassObject & rInstIn ) { if ( m_pClassObject != NULL ) { m_pClassObject->Release(); } m_pClassObject = rInstIn.m_pClassObject; if ( m_pClassObject != NULL ) { m_pClassObject->AddRef(); } return *this; }
HRESULT SetProperty( LPCSTR pszValueIn, LPCWSTR pwszPropNameIn );
HRESULT SetProperty( DWORD dwValueIn, LPCWSTR pwszPropNameIn );
HRESULT SetPropertyR64( double dblValueIn, LPCWSTR pwszPropNameIn );
HRESULT SetPropertyI64( LONGLONG llValueIn, LPCWSTR pwszPropNameIn );
HRESULT SetPropertyI64( ULONGLONG llValueIn, LPCWSTR pwszPropNameIn );
HRESULT SetProperty( LPCWSTR pwszValueIn, LPCWSTR pwszPropNameIn ); HRESULT SetProperty( IWbemClassObject * pWbemClassObjectIn, LPCWSTR pwszPropNameIn ); HRESULT SetProperty( DWORD dwSizeIn, PBYTE pByteIn, LPCWSTR pwszPropNameIn ); HRESULT SetProperty( DWORD dwSizeIn, LPCWSTR pwszMultiSzIn, LPCWSTR pwszPropNameIn );
HRESULT SetProperty( DWORD dwSizeIn, BSTR * pbstrIn, LPCWSTR pwszPropNameIn );
HRESULT GetProperty( DWORD * pdwValueOut, LPCWSTR pwszPropNameIn ); HRESULT GetPropertyR64( double * pdblValueOut, LPCWSTR pwszPropNameIn ); HRESULT GetPropertyI64( LONGLONG * pllValueOut, LPCWSTR pwszPropNameIn ); HRESULT GetProperty( DWORD * pdwSizeOut, PBYTE * ppByteOut, LPCWSTR pwszPropNameIn ); HRESULT GetProperty( DWORD * pdwSizeOut, _bstr_t ** ppbstrOut, LPCWSTR pwszPropNameIn ); HRESULT GetPropertyMultiSz( DWORD * pdwSizeOut, LPWSTR * ppwszMultiSzOut, LPCWSTR pwszPropNameIn ); HRESULT GetProperty( _bstr_t & rBstrOut, LPCWSTR pwszPropNameIn );
HRESULT GetProperty( BOOL * pfValueOut, LPCWSTR pwszPropNameIn );
HRESULT GetProperty( VARIANT * pVariantOut, LPCWSTR pwszPropNameIn ); HRESULT GetProperty( CWbemClassObject & rWcoInout, LPCWSTR pwszPropNameIn );
HRESULT GetMethod( BSTR bstrMethodNameIn, LONG lFlagIn, IWbemClassObject ** ppINOut, IWbemClassObject ** ppOUTOut ); HRESULT SpawnInstance( LONG lFlagIn, IWbemClassObject ** ppNewOut ); HRESULT SpawnDerivedClass( LONG lFlagIn, IWbemClassObject ** ppNewOut );
BOOL IsPropertyNull( LPCWSTR pwszPropNameIn );
IWbemClassObject * data( void ) { return m_pClassObject; }
IWbemClassObject ** dataPtr( void ) { return & m_pClassObject; }
}; //*** class CWbemClassObject