* * ******************* * * GDI SAMPLE CODE * * ******************* * * Module Name: bitblt.c * * Contains the high-level DrvBitBlt and DrvCopyBits functions. * * * NOTE: Please see heap.c for a discussion of the types of bitmaps * our acceleration functions are likely to encounter and the * possible states of these bitmaps. * * Copyright (C) 1994-1998 3Dlabs Inc. Ltd. All rights reserved. * Copyright (C) 1995-1999 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. ******************************************************************************/ #include "precomp.h"
#include "gdi.h"
#include "clip.h"
#include "heap.h"
#include "log.h"
ULONG vPuntBefore(SURFOBJ * psoSrc, SURFOBJ * psoDst) { ULONG flags = 0;
if(MAKE_BITMAPS_OPAQUE) { if(psoSrc != NULL && psoSrc->iType == STYPE_DEVBITMAP) { Surf * psurfSrc = (Surf *) psoSrc->dhpdev;
ASSERTDD(psurfSrc != NULL, "expected non-null psurf"); psoSrc->iType = STYPE_BITMAP; flags |= 1; }
if(psoDst != NULL && psoDst->iType == STYPE_DEVBITMAP) { Surf * psurfDst = (Surf *) psoDst->dhpdev; ASSERTDD(psurfDst != NULL, "expected non-null psurf"); psoDst->iType = STYPE_BITMAP; flags |= 2; }
return flags; }
void vPuntAfter(ULONG flags, SURFOBJ * psoSrc, SURFOBJ * psoDst) { if(MAKE_BITMAPS_OPAQUE) { if(psoSrc != NULL && (flags & 1)) { Surf * psurfSrc = (Surf *) psoSrc->dhpdev; ASSERTDD(psurfSrc != NULL, "expected non-null psurf"); ASSERTDD(psoSrc->iType == STYPE_BITMAP, "expected STYPE_BITMAP"); psoSrc->iType = STYPE_DEVBITMAP; }
ASSERTDD(psoDst != NULL, "expected non-null psoDst");
if(flags & 2) { Surf * psurfDst = (Surf *) psoDst->dhpdev; ASSERTDD(psurfDst != NULL, "expected non-null psurf"); ASSERTDD(psoDst->iType == STYPE_BITMAP, "expected STYPE_BITMAP"); psoDst->iType = STYPE_DEVBITMAP; }
} } #endif
// BOOL DrvBitBlt
// DrvBitBlt provides general bit-block transfer capabilities between
// device-managed surfaces, between GDI-managed standard-format bitmaps, or
// between a device-managed surface and a GDI-managed standard-format bitmap.
// Parameters:
// psoDst---Points to the SURFOBJ structure that describes the surface on
// which to draw
// psoSrc---Points to a SURFOBJ structure that describes the source for
// the bit-block transfer operation, if required by the rop4
// parameter
// psoMask--Points to a SURFOBJ structure that describes a surface to be
// used as a mask for the rop4 parameter. The mask is a bitmap with
// 1 bit per pixel. Typically, a mask is used to limit the area to
// be modified in the destination surface. Masking is selected by
// setting the rop4 parameter to the value 0xAACC. The destination
// surface is unaffected if the mask is 0x0000.
// The mask will be large enough to cover the destination rectangle.
// If this parameter is null and a mask is required by the rop4
// parameter, the implicit mask in the brush is used
// pco------Points to a CLIPOBJ structure that limits the area to be modified
// GDI services (CLIPOBJ_Xxx) that enumerate the clip region as a
// set of rectangles are provided. Whenever possible, GDI simplifies
// the clipping involved; for example, this function is never called
// with a single clipping rectangle. GDI clips the destination
// rectangle before calling this function, making additional
// clipping unnecessary.
// pxlo-----Points to a XLATEOBJ structure that specifies how color indices
// should be translated between the source and destination surfaces.
// If the source surface is palette-managed, its colors are
// represented by indices into a lookup table of RGB values. The
// XLATEOBJ structure can be queried for a translate vector that
// will allow the device driver to translate any source index into
// a color index for the destination.
// The situation is more complicated when, for example, the source
// is RGB, but the destination is palette-managed. In this case,
// the closest match to each source RGB value must be found in the
// destination palette. The driver can call the XLATEOBJ_iXlate
// service to perform this operation.
// Optionally, the device driver can match colors when the target
// palette is the default device palette.
// prclDst--Points to a RECTL structure that defines the area to be modified.
// This structure uses the coordinate system of the destination
// surface. The lower and right edges of this rectangle are not
// part of the bit-block transfer, meaning the rectangle is lower
// right exclusive.
// DrvBitBlt is never called with an empty destination rectangle.
// The two points that define the rectangle are always well-ordered.
// pptlSrc--Points to a POINTL structure that defines the upper left corner
// of the source rectangle, if a source exists. This parameter is
// ignored if there is no source.
// pptlMask-Points to a POINTL structure that defines which pixel in the mask
// corresponds to the upper left corner of the source rectangle, if
// a source exists. This parameter is ignored if the psoMask
// parameter is null.
// pbo------Points to the brush object that defines the pattern for the
// bit-block transfer. GDI's BRUSHOBJ_pvGetRbrush service can be
// used to retrieve the device's realization of the brush. This
// parameter is ignored if the rop4 parameter does not require a
// pattern.
// pptlBrush-Points to a POINTL structure that defines the origin of the
// brush in the destination surface. The upper left pixel of the
// brush is aligned at this point, and the brush repeats according
// to its dimensions. This parameter is ignored if the rop4
// parameter does not require a pattern.
// rop4-----Specifies a raster operation that defines how the mask, pattern,
// source, and destination pixels are combined to write to the
// destination surface.
// This is a quaternary raster operation, which is an extension of
// the ternary Rop3 operation. A Rop4 has 16 relevant bits, which
// are similar to the 8 defining bits of a Rop3. The simplest way
// to implement a Rop4 is to consider its 2 bytes separately: The
// low byte specifies a Rop3 that should be calculated if the mask
// is one; the high byte specifies a Rop3 that can be calculated and
// applied if the mask is 0.
// Return Value
// The return value is TRUE if the bit-block transfer operation is successful
// Otherwise, it is FALSE, and an error code is logged.
BOOL DrvBitBlt(SURFOBJ* psoDst, SURFOBJ* psoSrc, SURFOBJ* psoMsk, CLIPOBJ* pco, XLATEOBJ* pxlo, RECTL* prclDst, POINTL* pptlSrc, POINTL* pptlMsk, BRUSHOBJ* pbo, POINTL* pptlBrush, ROP4 rop4) { BOOL bResult; GFNPB pb; XLATEOBJ xloTmp; ULONG aulTmp[2];
ASSERTDD(!(rop4 & 0xFFFF0000), "DrvBitBlt: unexpected rop4 code");
pb.ulRop4 = (ULONG) rop4;
pb.psurfDst = (Surf*)psoDst->dhsurf; pb.prclDst = prclDst;
if ( psoSrc == NULL ) { pb.psurfSrc = NULL;
// We will only be given fills to device managed surfaces
ASSERTDD(pb.psurfDst != NULL, "DrvBitBlt: unexpected gdi managed destination");
if ( pb.psurfDst->flags & SF_SM ) { goto puntIt; }
// We are filling surface in video memory
pb.ppdev = pb.psurfDst->ppdev;
vSurfUsed(pb.ppdev, pb.psurfDst);
// If a mask is required punt it
if ( (rop4 & 0xFF) != (rop4 >> 8) ) { goto puntIt; }
// Since 'psoSrc' is NULL, the rop3 had better not indicate
// that we need a source.
ASSERTDD((((rop4 >> 2) ^ rop4) & 0x33) == 0, "Need source but GDI gave us a NULL 'psoSrc'");
// Default to solid fill
if ( (((rop4 >> 4) ^ rop4) & 0xf) != 0 ) { //
// The rop says that a pattern is truly required
// (blackness, for instance, doesn't need one):
// for pbo->iSolidColor, a value of 0xFFFFFFFF(-1) indicates that
// a nonsolid brush must be realized
if ( pbo->iSolidColor == -1 ) { //
// Non-solid brush case. Try to realize the pattern brush; By
// doing this call-back, GDI will eventually call us again
// through DrvRealizeBrush
pb.prbrush = (RBrush*)pbo->pvRbrush; if ( pb.prbrush == NULL ) { pb.prbrush = (RBrush*)BRUSHOBJ_pvGetRbrush(pbo); if ( pb.prbrush == NULL ) { //
// If we couldn't realize the brush, punt
// the call (it may have been a non 8x8
// brush or something, which we can't be
// bothered to handle, so let GDI do the
// drawing):
DBG_GDI((2, "DrvBitBlt: BRUSHOBJ_pvGetRbrush failed")); goto puntIt; } }
pb.pptlBrush = pptlBrush; //
// Check if brush pattern is 1 BPP or not
// Note: This is set in DrvRealizeBrush
if ( pb.prbrush->fl & RBRUSH_2COLOR ) { //
// 1 BPP pattern. Do a Mono fill
pb.pgfn = vMonoPatFill; } else { pb.pgfn = vPatFill; } } else { ASSERTDD( (pb.ppdev->cBitsPerPel == 32) ||(pbo->iSolidColor&(0xFFFFFFFF<<pb.ppdev->cBitsPerPel))==0, "DrvBitBlt: unused solid color bits not zero"); pb.solidColor = pbo->iSolidColor;
if ( rop4 != ROP4_PATCOPY ) { pb.pgfn = vSolidFillWithRop; } else { pb.pgfn = pb.ppdev->pgfnSolidFill; } } }// if ((((ucRop3 >> 4) ^ (ucRop3)) & 0xf) != 0)
else { //
// Turn some logicops into solid block fills. We get here
// only for rops 00, 55, AA and FF.
if ( rop4 == ROP4_BLACKNESS ) { pb.solidColor = 0; pb.ulRop4 = ROP4_PATCOPY; } else if( rop4 == ROP4_WHITENESS ) { pb.solidColor = 0xffffff; pb.ulRop4 = ROP4_PATCOPY; } else if ( pb.ulRop4 == ROP4_NOP) { return TRUE; } else { pb.pgfn = vInvert; goto doIt; }
pb.pgfn = pb.ppdev->pgfnSolidFill;
goto doIt;
}// if ( psoSrc == NULL )
// We know we have a source
pb.psurfSrc = (Surf*)psoSrc->dhsurf; pb.pptlSrc = pptlSrc;
if ( (pb.psurfDst == NULL) || (pb.psurfDst->flags & SF_SM) ) { //
// Destination is in system memory
if(pb.psurfSrc != NULL && pb.psurfSrc->flags & SF_VM) { pb.ppdev = pb.psurfSrc->ppdev;
// Source is in video memory
if(rop4 == ROP4_SRCCOPY) { if(pb.ppdev->iBitmapFormat != BMF_32BPP && (pxlo == NULL || pxlo->flXlate == XO_TRIVIAL) ) { pb.psoDst = psoDst; pb.pgfn = vUploadNative; goto doIt; } } }
goto puntIt;
// After this point we know that the destination is in video memory
pb.ppdev = pb.psurfDst->ppdev;
if ( psoMsk != NULL ) { goto puntIt; }
// After this point we know we do not have a mask
if( (rop4 == 0xb8b8 || rop4 == 0xe2e2) && (pbo->iSolidColor != (ULONG)-1) && (psoSrc->iBitmapFormat == BMF_1BPP) && (pxlo->pulXlate[0] == 0) && ((pxlo->pulXlate[1] & pb.ppdev->ulWhite) == pb.ppdev->ulWhite) ) { //
// When the background and foreground colors are black and
// white, respectively, and the ROP is 0xb8 or 0xe2, and
// the source bitmap is monochrome, the blt is simply a
// color expanding monochrome blt.
// Rather than add another parameter to 'pfnXfer', we simply
// overload the 'pxlo' pointer. Note that we still have to
// special-case 0xb8 and 0xe2 in our 'pfnXfer1bpp' routine
// to handle this convention:
xloTmp = *pxlo; xloTmp.pulXlate = aulTmp; aulTmp[0] = pbo->iSolidColor; aulTmp[1] = pbo->iSolidColor; pb.pxlo = &xloTmp; DBG_GDI((6, "Rop is 0x%x", pb.ulRop4)); pb.pgfn = vMonoDownload; pb.psoSrc = psoSrc;
goto doIt;
if ( pbo != NULL ) { goto puntIt; }
// After this point we know we do not have a brush
// We have a source to dest rop2 operation
if ( pb.psurfSrc == NULL ) { pb.psoSrc = psoSrc;
if(psoSrc->iBitmapFormat == BMF_1BPP) { pb.pxlo = pxlo; pb.pgfn = vMonoDownload; goto doIt;
} else if(psoSrc->iBitmapFormat == pb.ppdev->iBitmapFormat && (pxlo == NULL || pxlo->flXlate == XO_TRIVIAL) ) { //@@BEGIN_DDKSPLIT
// TODO: find out if we need to check for pxlo == NULL
// TODO: Handle 24 bpp download since it get called many times
// during WinBench 99 tests
pb.psoSrc = psoSrc; pb.pgfn = vDownloadNative;
goto doIt; } else { goto puntIt; } }
if ( pb.psurfSrc->flags & SF_SM ) { //
// Source is in system memory
goto puntIt; }
// We now have both a source and a destination in video memory
// TODO: find if we will ever get a non-trivial translation when
// both source and dest are device managed.
if( pxlo != NULL && !(pxlo->flXlate & XO_TRIVIAL)) { goto puntIt; }
if ( (rop4 == ROP4_SRCCOPY) || (psoSrc == psoDst) ) { if ( pb.psurfSrc->ulPixDelta == pb.psurfDst->ulPixDelta ) { pb.pgfn = vCopyBltNative; } else { pb.pgfn = vCopyBlt; } } else { pb.pgfn = vRop2Blt; }
if(pb.ppdev->ulLockCount) { DBG_GDI((MT_LOG_LEVEL, "DrvBitBlt: re-entered! %d", pb.ppdev->ulLockCount)); } EngAcquireSemaphore(pb.ppdev->hsemLock); pb.ppdev->ulLockCount++; #endif
vCheckGdiContext(pb.ppdev); if ((pco == NULL) || (pco->iDComplexity == DC_TRIVIAL)) { pb.pRects = pb.prclDst; pb.lNumRects = 1; pb.pgfn(&pb); } else if (pco->iDComplexity == DC_RECT) { RECTL rcl;
if (bIntersect(pb.prclDst, &pco->rclBounds, &rcl)) { pb.pRects = &rcl; pb.lNumRects = 1; pb.pgfn(&pb); } } else { pb.pco = pco; vClipAndRender(&pb); } if( ((pb.pgfn == vCopyBlt) || (pb.pgfn == vCopyBltNative)) &&(pb.ppdev->pdsurfScreen == pb.psurfSrc) &&(pb.psurfSrc == pb.psurfDst) &&(pb.ppdev->bNeedSync) ) { pb.ppdev->bNeedSync = TRUE; InputBufferSwap(pb.ppdev); } else { InputBufferFlush(pb.ppdev); }
pb.ppdev->ulLockCount--; EngReleaseSemaphore(pb.ppdev->hsemLock); #endif
return TRUE;
ULONG flags = vPuntBefore(psoSrc, psoDst); #endif
bResult = EngBitBlt(psoDst, psoSrc, psoMsk, pco, pxlo, prclDst, pptlSrc, pptlMsk, pbo, pptlBrush, rop4);
vPuntAfter(flags, psoSrc, psoDst);
vLogPunt(); #endif
return bResult; }// DrvBitBlt()
// BOOL DrvCopyBits
// DrvCopyBits translates between device-managed raster surfaces and GDI
// standard-format bitmaps.
// Parameters
// psoDst------Points to the destination surface for the copy operation.
// psoSrc------Points to the source surface for the copy operation.
// pco---------Points to a CLIPOBJ structure that defines a clipping region on
// the destination surface.
// pxlo--------Points to a XLATEOBJ structure that defines the translation of
// color indices between the source and target surfaces.
// prclDst-----Points to a RECTL structure that defines the area to be
// modified. This structure uses the coordinate system of the
// destination surface. The lower and right edges of this
// rectangle are not part of the bit-block transfer, meaning the
// rectangle is lower right exclusive.
// DrvCopyBits is never called with an empty destination rectangle
// The two points that define the rectangle are always
// well-ordered.
// pptlSrc-----Points to a POINTL structure that defines the upper-left corner
// of the source rectangle.
// Return Value
// The return value is TRUE if the source surface is successfully copied to
// the destination surface.
// Comments
// This function is required for a device driver that has device-managed
// bitmaps or raster surfaces. The implementation in the driver must
// translate driver surfaces to and from any standard-format bitmap.
// Standard-format bitmaps are single-plane, packed-pixel format. Each scan
// line is aligned on a 4-byte boundary. These bitmaps have 1, 4, 8, 16, 24,
// 32, or 64 bits per pixel.
// This function should ideally be able to deal with RLE and device-dependent
// bitmaps (see the Platform SDK). The device-dependent format is optional;
// only a few specialized drivers need to support it. These bitmaps can be
// sent to this function as a result of the following Win32 GDI functions:
// SetDIBits, SetDIBitsToDevice, GetDIBits, SetBitmapBits, and GetBitmapBits.
// Kernel-mode GDI calls this function from its simulations
BOOL DrvCopyBits(SURFOBJ* psoDst, SURFOBJ* psoSrc, CLIPOBJ* pco, XLATEOBJ* pxlo, RECTL* prclDst, POINTL* pptlSrc) { return DrvBitBlt(psoDst, psoSrc, NULL, pco, pxlo, prclDst, pptlSrc, NULL, NULL, NULL, ROP4_SRCCOPY); }// DrvCopyBits()
// BOOL DrvTransparentBlt
//DrvTransparentBlt provides bit-block transfer capabilities with transparency.
// Parameters
// psoDst------Points to the SURFOBJ that identifies the target surface on
// which to draw.
// psoSrc------Points to the SURFOBJ that identifies the source surface of the
// bit-block transfer.
// pco---------Points to a CLIPOBJ structure. The CLIPOBJ_Xxx service routines
// are provided to enumerate the clip region as a set of
// rectangles. This enumeration limits the area of the destination
// that is modified. Whenever possible, GDI simplifies the
// clipping involved.
// pxlo--------Points to a XLATEOBJ that tells how the source color indices
// should be translated for writing to the target surface.
// prclDst-----Points to a RECTL structure that defines the rectangular area
// to be modified. This rectangle is specified in the coordinate
// system of the destination surface and is defined by two points:
// upper left and lower right. The rectangle is lower-right
// exclusive; that is, its lower and right edges are not a part of
// the bit-block transfer. The two points that define the
// rectangle are always well ordered.
// DrvTransparentBlt is never called with an empty destination
// rectangle.
// prclSrc-----Points to a RECTL structure that defines the rectangular area
// to be copied. This rectangle is specified in the coordinate
// system of the source surface and is defined by two points:
// upper left and lower right. The two points that define the
// rectangle are always well ordered.
// The source rectangle will never exceed the bounds of the source
// surface, and so will never overhang the source surface.
// This rectangle is mapped to the destination rectangle defined
// by prclDst. DrvTransparentBlt is never called with an empty
// source rectangle.
// iTransColor-Specifies the transparent color in the source surface format.
// It is a color index value that has been translated to the
// source surface's palette.
// ulReserved--Reserved; this parameter must be set to zero.
// Return Value
// DrvTransparentBlt returns TRUE upon success. Otherwise, it returns FALSE.
// Comments
// Bit-block transfer with transparency is supported between two
// device-managed surfaces or between a device-managed surface and a
// GDI-managed standard format bitmap. Driver writers are encouraged to
// support the case of blting from off-screen device bitmaps in video memory
// to other surfaces in video memory; all other cases can be punted to
// EngTransparentBlt with little performance penalty.
// The pixels on the source surface that match the transparent color specified
// by iTransColor are not copied.
// The driver will never be called with overlapping source and destination
// rectangles on the same surface.
// The driver should ignore any unused bits in the color key comparison, such
// as for the most significant bit when the bitmap format is a 5-5-5 16bpp.
// The driver hooks DrvTransparentBlt by setting the HOOK_TRANSPARENTBLT flag
// when it calls EngAssociateSurface. If the driver has hooked
// DrvTransparentBlt and is called to perform an operation that it does not
// support, the driver should have GDI handle the operation by forwarding the
// data in a call to EngTransparentBlt.
BOOL DrvTransparentBlt(SURFOBJ* psoDst, SURFOBJ* psoSrc, CLIPOBJ* pco, XLATEOBJ* pxlo, RECTL* prclDst, RECTL* prclSrc, ULONG iTransColor, ULONG ulReserved) { GFNPB pb; BOOL bResult;
ASSERTDD(psoDst != NULL, "DrvTransparentBlt: psoDst is NULL"); ASSERTDD(psoSrc != NULL, "DrvTransparentBlt: psoSrc is NULL");
pb.psurfDst = (Surf *) psoDst->dhsurf; pb.psurfSrc = (Surf *) psoSrc->dhsurf;
ASSERTDD(pb.psurfDst != NULL || pb.psurfSrc != NULL, "DrvTransparentBlt: expected at least one device managed surface");
// Only handle one-to-one blts
if (prclDst->right - prclDst->left != prclSrc->right - prclSrc->left) goto puntIt;
if (prclDst->bottom - prclDst->top != prclSrc->bottom - prclSrc->top) goto puntIt; // Only handle trivial color translation
if ( pxlo != NULL && !(pxlo->flXlate & XO_TRIVIAL)) goto puntIt;
// for now, only handle video memory to video memory transparent blts
if(pb.psurfDst == NULL || pb.psurfDst->flags & SF_SM) goto puntIt;
if(pb.psurfSrc == NULL || pb.psurfSrc->flags & SF_SM) goto puntIt; pb.ppdev = (PPDev) psoDst->dhpdev;
pb.prclDst = prclDst; pb.prclSrc = prclSrc; pb.pptlSrc = NULL; pb.colorKey = iTransColor; pb.pgfn = pb.ppdev->pgfnTransparentBlt; pb.pco = pco;
if(pb.ppdev->ulLockCount) { DBG_GDI((MT_LOG_LEVEL, "DrvTransparentBlt: re-entered! %d", pb.ppdev->ulLockCount)); } EngAcquireSemaphore(pb.ppdev->hsemLock); pb.ppdev->ulLockCount++; #endif
vCheckGdiContext(pb.ppdev); vClipAndRender(&pb); InputBufferFlush(pb.ppdev);
pb.ppdev->ulLockCount--; EngReleaseSemaphore(pb.ppdev->hsemLock); #endif
return TRUE; puntIt:
ULONG flags = vPuntBefore(psoSrc, psoDst); #endif
bResult = EngTransparentBlt(psoDst, psoSrc, pco, pxlo, prclDst, prclSrc, iTransColor, ulReserved); //@@BEGIN_DDKSPLIT
vPuntAfter(flags, psoSrc, psoDst);
vLogPunt(); #endif
return bResult; }// DrvTransparentBlt()
// BOOL DrvAlphaBlend
// DrvAlphaBlend provides bit-block transfer capabilities with alpha blending.
// Parameters
// psoDest-----Points to a SURFOBJ that identifies the surface on which to
// draw.
// psoSrc------Points to a SURFOBJ that identifies the source surface.
// pco---------Points to a CLIPOBJ. The CLIPOBJ_Xxx service routines are
// provided to enumerate the clip region as a set of rectangles.
// This enumeration limits the area of the destination that is
// modified. Whenever possible, GDI simplifies the clipping
// involved. However, unlike DrvBitBlt, DrvAlphaBlend might be
// called with a single rectangle in order to prevent round-off
// errors in clipping the output.
// pxlo--------Points to a XLATEOBJ that specifies how color indices should be
// translated between the source and destination surfaces.
// If the source surface is palette managed, its colors are
// represented by indices into a lookup table of RGB color values.
// In this case, the XLATEOBJ can be queried for a translate
// vector that allows the device driver to quickly translate any
// source index into a color index for the destination.
// The situation is more complicated when, for example, the source
// is RGB but the destination is palette managed. In this case,
// the closest match to each source RGB value must be found in the
// destination palette. The driver can call the XLATEOBJ_iXlate
// service routine to perform this matching operation.
// prclDest----Points to a RECTL structure that defines the rectangular area
// to be modified. This rectangle is specified in the coordinate
// system of the destination surface and is defined by two points:
// upper left and lower right. The two points that define the
// rectangle are always well ordered. The rectangle is lower-right
// exclusive; that is, its lower and right edges are not a part of
// the blend.
// The driver should be careful to do proper clipping when writing
// the pixels because the specified rectangle might overhang the
// destination surface.
// DrvAlphaBlend is never called with an empty destination
// rectangle.
// prclSrc-----Points to a RECTL structure that defines the area to be copied.
// This rectangle is specified in the coordinate system of the
// source surface, and is defined by two points: upper left and
// lower right. The two points that define the rectangle are
// always well ordered. The rectangle is lower-right exclusive;
// that is, its lower and right edges are not a part of the blend.
// The source rectangle will never exceed the bounds of the source
// surface, and so will never overhang the source surface.
// DrvAlphaBlend is never called with an empty source rectangle.
// The mapping is defined by prclSrc and prclDest. The points
// specified in prclDest and prclSrc lie on integer coordinates,
// which correspond to pixel centers. A rectangle defined by two
// such points is considered to be a geometric rectangle with two
// vertices whose coordinates are the given points, but with 0.5
// subtracted from each coordinate. (POINTL structures are
// shorthand notation for specifying these fractional coordinate
// vertices.)
// pBlendObj---Points to a BLENDOBJ structure that describes the blending
// operation to perform between the source and destination
// surfaces. This structure is a wrapper for the BLENDFUNCTION
// structure, which includes necessary source and destination
// format information not available in the XLATEOBJ. BLENDFUNCTION
// is declared in the Platform SDK. Its members are defined as
// follows:
// BlendOp defines the blend operation to be performed. Currently
// this value must be AC_SRC_OVER, which means that the source
// bitmap is placed over the destination bitmap based on the alpha
// values of the source pixels. There are three possible cases
// that this blend operation should handle. These are described in
// the Comments section of this reference page.
// BlendFlags is reserved and is currently set to zero.
// SourceConstantAlpha defines the constant blend factor to apply
// to the entire source surface. This value is in the range of
// [0,255], where 0 is completely transparent and 255 is
// completely opaque.
// AlphaFormat defines whether the surface is assumed to have an
// alpha channel. This member can optionally be set to the
// following value:
// The source surface can be assumed to be in a pre-multiplied
// alpha 32bpp "BGRA" format; that is, the surface type is
// BMF_32BPP and the palette type is BI_RGB. The alpha
// component is an integer in the range of [0,255], where 0 is
// completely transparent and 255 is completely opaque.
// Return Value
// DrvAlphaBlend returns TRUE upon success. Otherwise, it reports an error and
// returns FALSE.
// Comments
// A bit-block transfer with alpha blending is supported between the following
// surfaces:
// From one driver-managed surface to another driver-managed surface.
// From one GDI-managed standard format bitmap to another GDI-managed standard
// format bitmap.
// From one device-managed surface to a GDI-managed surface, and vice versa.
// The three possible cases for the AC_SRC_OVER blend function are:
// The source bitmap has no per pixel alpha (AC_SRC_ALPHA is not set), so the
// blend is applied to the pixel's color channels based on the constant source
// alpha value specified in SourceConstantAlpha as follows:
// Dst.Red = Round(((Src.Red * SourceConstantAlpha) +
// ((255 ? SourceConstantAlpha) * Dst.Red)) / 255);
// Dst.Green = Round(((Src.Green * SourceConstantAlpha) +
// ((255 ? SourceConstantAlpha) * Dst.Green)) / 255);
// Dst.Blue = Round(((Src.Blue * SourceConstantAlpha) +
// ((255 ? SourceConstantAlpha) * Dst.Blue)) / 255);
// Do the next computation only if the destination bitmap has an alpha channel
// Dst.Alpha = Round(((Src.Alpha * SourceConstantAlpha) +
// ((255 ? SourceConstantAlpha) * Dst.Alpha)) / 255);
// The source bitmap has per pixel alpha values (AC_SRC_ALPHA is set), and
// SourceConstantAlpha is not used (it is set to 255). The blend is computed
// as follows:
// Temp.Red = Src.Red + Round(((255 ? Src.Alpha) * Dst.Red) / 255);
// Temp.Green = Src.Green + Round(((255 ? Src.Alpha) * Dst.Green) / 255);
// Temp.Blue = Src.Blue + Round(((255 ? Src.Alpha) * Dst.Blue) / 255);
// Do the next computation only if the destination bitmap has an alpha channel
// Temp.Alpha = Src.Alpha + Round(((255 ? Src.Alpha) * Dst.Alpha) / 255);
// The source bitmap has per pixel alpha values (AC_SRC_ALPHA is set), and
// SourceConstantAlpha is used (it is not set to 255). The blend is computed
// as follows:
// Temp.Red = Round((Src.Red * SourceConstantAlpha) / 255);
// Temp.Green = Round((Src.Green * SourceConstantAlpha) / 255);
// Temp.Blue = Round((Src.Blue * SourceConstantAlpha) / 255);
// The next computation must be done even if the destination bitmap does not
// have an alpha channel
// Temp.Alpha = Round((Src.Alpha * SourceConstantAlpha) / 255);
// Note that the following equations use the just-computed Temp.Alpha value:
// Dst.Red = Temp.Red + Round(((255 ? Temp.Alpha) * Dst.Red) / 255);
// Dst.Green = Temp.Green + Round(((255 ? Temp.Alpha) * Dst.Green) / 255);
// Dst.Blue = Temp.Blue + Round(((255 ? Temp.Alpha) * Dst.Blue) / 255);
// Do the next computation only if the destination bitmap has an alpha channel
// Dst.Alpha = Temp.Alpha + Round(((255 ? Temp.Alpha) * Dst.Alpha) / 255);
// DrvAlphaBlend can be optionally implemented in graphics drivers. It can be
// provided to handle some kinds of alpha blends, such as blends where the
// source and destination surfaces are the same format and do not contain an
// alpha channel.
// A hardware implementation can use floating point or fixed point in the
// blend operation. Compatibility tests will account for a small epsilon in
// the results. When using fixed point, an acceptable approximation to the
// term x/255 is (x*257)/65536. Incorporating rounding, the term:
// (255 - Src.Alpha) * Dst.Red) / 255
// can then be approximated as:
// temp = (255 - Src.Alpha) * Dst.Red) + 128;
// result = (temp + (temp >> 8)) >> 8;
// The Round(x) function rounds to the nearest integer, computed as:
// Trunc(x + 0.5);
// The driver hooks DrvAlphaBlend by setting the HOOK_ALPHABLEND flag when it
// calls EngAssociateSurface. If the driver has hooked DrvAlphaBlend and is
// called to perform an operation that it does not support, the driver should
// have GDI handle the operation by forwarding the data in a call to
// EngAlphaBlend.
BOOL DrvAlphaBlend(SURFOBJ* psoDst, SURFOBJ* psoSrc, CLIPOBJ* pco, XLATEOBJ* pxlo, RECTL* prclDst, RECTL* prclSrc, BLENDOBJ* pBlendObj) { BOOL bSourceInSM; BOOL bResult; GFNPB pb; ASSERTDD(psoDst != NULL, "DrvAlphaBlend: psoDst is NULL"); ASSERTDD(psoSrc != NULL, "DrvAlphaBlend: psoSrc is NULL");
pb.psurfDst = (Surf *) psoDst->dhsurf; pb.psurfSrc = (Surf *) psoSrc->dhsurf;
// Only handle one-to-one alpha blts
if (prclDst->right - prclDst->left != prclSrc->right - prclSrc->left) goto puntIt;
if (prclDst->bottom - prclDst->top != prclSrc->bottom - prclSrc->top) goto puntIt; if(pb.psurfDst == NULL || pb.psurfDst->flags & SF_SM) goto puntIt;
pb.ppdev = (PPDev) psoDst->dhpdev;
// We can't handle blending in 8bpp
// TODO: Investigate doing blending in 8bpp
if (pb.ppdev->cPelSize == 0) goto puntIt;
pb.ucAlpha = pBlendObj->BlendFunction.SourceConstantAlpha; if(pb.psurfSrc == NULL || pb.psurfSrc->flags & SF_SM) {
pb.psoSrc = psoSrc;
// TODO: find out how we should verify that the XLATEOBJ is reasonable
if(pBlendObj->BlendFunction.AlphaFormat & AC_SRC_ALPHA) { ASSERTDD(psoSrc->iBitmapFormat == BMF_32BPP, "DrvAlphaBlend: source alpha specified with non 32bpp source"); pb.pgfn = vAlphaBlendDownload;
// This could be a cursor that is drawing... force a swap
// buffer at the next synchronization event.
pb.ppdev->bForceSwap = TRUE;
// TODO: improve our alpha blend download acceleration code
// it's currently slower then punting
} else { goto puntIt; } } else { // Only handle trivial color translation
if (pxlo != NULL && !(pxlo->flXlate & XO_TRIVIAL)) goto puntIt;
if(pBlendObj->BlendFunction.AlphaFormat & AC_SRC_ALPHA) { ASSERTDD(psoSrc->iBitmapFormat == BMF_32BPP, "DrvAlphaBlend: source alpha specified with non 32bpp source"); pb.pgfn = vAlphaBlend; } else { pb.pgfn = vConstantAlphaBlend; } }
pb.prclDst = prclDst; pb.prclSrc = prclSrc; pb.pptlSrc = NULL; pb.pco = pco;
if(pb.ppdev->ulLockCount) { DBG_GDI((MT_LOG_LEVEL, "DrvAlphaBlend: re-entered! %d", pb.ppdev->ulLockCount)); } EngAcquireSemaphore(pb.ppdev->hsemLock); pb.ppdev->ulLockCount++; #endif
vCheckGdiContext(pb.ppdev); vClipAndRender(&pb); InputBufferFlush(pb.ppdev); //@@BEGIN_DDKSPLIT
pb.ppdev->ulLockCount--; EngReleaseSemaphore(pb.ppdev->hsemLock); #endif
return TRUE; puntIt:
ULONG flags = vPuntBefore(psoSrc, psoDst); #endif
bResult = EngAlphaBlend( psoDst, psoSrc, pco, pxlo, prclDst, prclSrc, pBlendObj);
vPuntAfter(flags, psoSrc, psoDst);
vLogPunt(); #endif
return bResult;
}// DrvAlphaBlend()
// BOOL DrvGradientFill
// DrvGradientFill shades the specified primitives.
// Parameters
// psoDest-----Points to the SURFOBJ that identifies the surface on which to
// draw.
// pco---------Points to a CLIPOBJ. The CLIPOBJ_Xxx service routines are
// provided to enumerate the clip region as a set of rectangles.
// This enumeration limits the area of the destination that is
// modified. Whenever possible, GDI simplifies the clipping
// involved.
// pxlo--------Should be ignored by the driver.
// pVertex-----Points to an array of TRIVERTEX structures, with each entry
// containing position and color information. TRIVERTEX is defined
// in the Platform SDK.
// nVertex-----Specifies the number of TRIVERTEX structures in the array to
// which pVertex points.
// pMesh-------Points to an array of structures that define the connectivity
// of the TRIVERTEX elements to which pVertex points.
// When rectangles are being drawn, pMesh points to an array of
// GRADIENT_RECT structures that specify the upper left and lower
// right TRIVERTEX elements that define a rectangle. Rectangle
// drawing is lower-right exclusive. GRADIENT_RECT is defined in
// the Platform SDK.
// When triangles are being drawn, pMesh points to an array of
// GRADIENT_TRIANGLE structures that specify the three TRIVERTEX
// elements that define a triangle. Triangle drawing is
// lower-right exclusive. GRADIENT_TRIANGLE is defined in the
// Platform SDK.
// nMesh-------Specifies the number of elements in the array to which pMesh
// points.
// prclExtents-Points to a RECTL structure that defines the area in which the
// gradient drawing is to occur. The points are specified in the
// coordinate system of the destination surface. This parameter is
// useful in estimating the size of the drawing operations.
// pptlDitherOrg-Points to a POINTL structure that defines the origin on the
// surface for dithering. The upper left pixel of the dither
// pattern is aligned with this point.
// ulMode------Specifies the current drawing mode and how to interpret the
// array to which pMesh points. This parameter can be one of the
// following values:
// Value Meaning
// GRADIENT_FILL_RECT_H pMesh points to an array of
// GRADIENT_RECT structures. Each
// rectangle is to be shaded from left to
// right. Specifically, the upper-left and
// lower-left pixels are the same color,
// as are the upper-right and lower-right
// pixels.
// GRADIENT_FILL_RECT_V pMesh points to an array of
// GRADIENT_RECT structures. Each
// rectangle is to be shaded from top to
// bottom. Specifically, the upper-left
// and upper-right pixels are the same
// color, as are the lower-left and
// lower-right pixels.
// GRADIENT_FILL_TRIANGLE pMesh points to an array of
// GRADIENT_TRIANGLE structures.
// The gradient fill calculations for each mode are documented in
// the Comments section.
// Return Value
// DrvGradientFill returns TRUE upon success. Otherwise, it returns FALSE. and
// reports an error by calling EngSetLastError.
// Comments
// DrvGradientFill can be optionally implemented in graphics drivers.
// The driver hooks DrvGradientFill by setting the HOOK_GRADIENTFILL flag when
// it calls EngAssociateSurface. If the driver has hooked DrvGradientFill and
// is called to perform an operation that it does not support, the driver
// should have GDI handle the operation by forwarding the data in a call to
// EngGradientFill.
// The formulas for computing the color value at each pixel of the primitive
// depend on ulMode as follows:
// The triangle's vertices are defined as V1, V2, and V3. Point P is
// inside the triangle. Draw lines from P to V1, V2, and V3 to form three
// sub-triangles. Let ai denote the area of the triangle opposite Vi for
// i=1,2,3. The color at point P is computed as:
// RedP = (RedV1 * a1 + RedV2 * a2 + RedV3 * a3) / (a1+a2+a3 ())
// GreenP = (GreenV1 * a1 + GreenV2 * a2 + GreenV3 * a3) / (a1+a2+a3 ())
// BlueP ( ) = (BlueV1 * a1 + BlueV2 * a2 + BlueV3 * a3) / (a1+a2+a3)
// The rectangle's top-left point is V1 and the bottom-right point is V2.
// Point P is inside the rectangle. The color at point P is given by:
// RedP = (RedV2 * (Px - V1x) + RedV1 * (V2x - Px)) / (V2x-V1x)
// GreenP = (GreenV2 * (Px - V1x) + GreenV1 * (V2x - Px)) / (V2x-V1x)
// BlueP = (BlueV2 * (Px - V1x) + BlueV1 * (V2x - Px)) / (V2x-V1x)
// The rectangle's top-left point is V1 and the bottom-right point is V2.
// Point P is inside the rectangle. The color at point P is given by:
// RedP = (RedV2 * (Py-V1y) + RedV1 * (V2y - Py)) / (V2y-V1y)
// GreenP = (GreenV2 * (Py-V1y) + GreenV1 * (V2y - Py)) / (V2y-V1y)
// BlueP = (BlueV2 * (Py-V1y) + BlueV1 * (V2y - Py)) / (V2y-V1y)
BOOL DrvGradientFill(SURFOBJ* psoDst, CLIPOBJ* pco, XLATEOBJ* pxlo, TRIVERTEX* pVertex, ULONG nVertex, PVOID pMesh, ULONG nMesh, RECTL* prclExtents, POINTL* pptlDitherOrg, ULONG ulMode) { GFNPB pb; BOOL bResult; ASSERTDD(psoDst != NULL, "DrvGradientFill: psoDst is NULL");
pb.psurfDst = (Surf *) psoDst->dhsurf; pb.psurfSrc = NULL;
// for now, only handle video memory gradient fills
if(pb.psurfDst == NULL || pb.psurfDst->flags & SF_SM) goto puntIt;
pb.ppdev = (PPDev) psoDst->dhpdev; pb.ulMode = ulMode;
// setup default dest
// TODO: add support for triangle gradient fill ... our hardware
// can easily support this acceleration.
goto puntIt; } else { GRADIENT_RECT *pgr = (GRADIENT_RECT *) pMesh;
#ifdef DBG
for(ULONG i = 0; i < nMesh; i++) { ULONG ulLr = pgr[i].LowerRight;
ASSERTDD( ulLr < nVertex, "DrvGradientFill: bad vertex index"); } #endif
pb.pgfn = pb.ppdev->pgfnGradientFillRect; }
pb.pco = pco;
pb.ptvrt = pVertex; pb.ulNumTvrt = nVertex; pb.pvMesh = pMesh; pb.ulNumMesh = nMesh; pb.prclDst = prclExtents;
if(pb.ppdev->ulLockCount) { DBG_GDI((MT_LOG_LEVEL, "DrvGradientFill: re-entered! %d", pb.ppdev->ulLockCount)); } EngAcquireSemaphore(pb.ppdev->hsemLock); pb.ppdev->ulLockCount++; #endif
vCheckGdiContext(pb.ppdev); vClipAndRender(&pb); InputBufferFlush(pb.ppdev);
pb.ppdev->ulLockCount--; EngReleaseSemaphore(pb.ppdev->hsemLock); #endif
return TRUE; puntIt:
ULONG flags = vPuntBefore(NULL, psoDst); #endif
bResult = EngGradientFill( psoDst, pco, pxlo, pVertex, nVertex, pMesh, nMesh, prclExtents, pptlDitherOrg, ulMode);
vPuntAfter(flags, NULL, psoDst);
vLogPunt(); #endif
return bResult;
}// DrvGradientFill()