* * ******************* * * D3D SAMPLE CODE * * ******************* * * Module Name: d3dhw.c * * Content: Hardware dependent texture setup for D3D * * Copyright (c) 1994-1998 3Dlabs Inc. Ltd. All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 1995-1999 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. \*****************************************************************************/
#include "precomp.h"
#include "d3dhw.h"
#include "d3dcntxt.h"
#include "d3ddelta.h"
#include "dd.h"
#include "heap.h"
#include "d3dtxman.h"
// PERMEDIA_D3DTEXTURE *TextureHandleToPtr
// Find the texture associated to a given texture handle vale (which is to
// say , to a surface handle )
// only a DX7 context can get here
ASSERTDD(NULL != pContext->pHandleList, "pHandleList==NULL in TextureHandleToPtr");
if (pContext->pHandleList->dwSurfaceList == NULL) { // avoid AV if our surface list is missing
return NULL; }
if ((PtrToUlong(pContext->pHandleList->dwSurfaceList[0]) > thandle) && (0 != thandle)) { return pContext->pHandleList->dwSurfaceList[(DWORD)thandle]; }
// Request for pointer for an invalid handle returns NULL
return NULL; } // TextureHandleToPtr
// PERMEDIA_D3DTEXTURE *PaletteHandleToPtr
PERMEDIA_D3DPALETTE * PaletteHandleToPtr(UINT_PTR phandle, PERMEDIA_D3DCONTEXT* pContext) { ASSERTDD(NULL != pContext->pHandleList, "pHandleList==NULL in PaletteHandleToPtr");
if ( (NULL != pContext->pHandleList->dwPaletteList) && (PtrToUlong(pContext->pHandleList->dwPaletteList[0]) > phandle) && (0 != phandle) ) { return pContext->pHandleList->dwPaletteList[(DWORD)phandle]; } return NULL; } // PaletteHandleToPtr
//void StorePermediaLODLevel
// Store private data specific to a level of detail
void StorePermediaLODLevel(PPDev ppdev, PERMEDIA_D3DTEXTURE* pTexture, LPDDRAWI_DDRAWSURFACE_LCL pSurf, int LOD) { DWORD dwPartialWidth; int iPixelSize;
DBG_D3D((10,"Entering StorePermediaLODLevel"));
// if it's any surface type that's not created by driver
// certainly there's no need to texture it
if (NULL == pTexture->pTextureSurface) return;
// Get the BYTE Offset to the texture map
if (DDSCAPS_NONLOCALVIDMEM & pTexture->dwCaps) { pTexture->MipLevels[LOD].PixelOffset = (DWORD)(DD_AGPSURFACEPHYSICAL(pSurf->lpGbl) - ppdev->dwGARTDev); } else { pTexture->MipLevels[LOD].PixelOffset = (DWORD)pSurf->lpGbl->fpVidMem; } // .. Convert it to Pixels
switch(pTexture->pTextureSurface->SurfaceFormat.PixelSize) { case __PERMEDIA_4BITPIXEL: pTexture->MipLevels[LOD].PixelOffset <<= 1; break; case __PERMEDIA_8BITPIXEL: /* No Change*/ break; case __PERMEDIA_16BITPIXEL: pTexture->MipLevels[LOD].PixelOffset >>= 1; break; case __PERMEDIA_24BITPIXEL: pTexture->MipLevels[LOD].PixelOffset /= 3; break; case __PERMEDIA_32BITPIXEL: pTexture->MipLevels[LOD].PixelOffset >>= 2; break; default: ASSERTDD(0,"Invalid Texture Pixel Size!"); pTexture->MipLevels[LOD].PixelOffset >>= 1; break; } // P2 recognises that the texture is AGP if you set bit 30 to be 1.
if (DDSCAPS_NONLOCALVIDMEM & pTexture->dwCaps) { pTexture->MipLevels[LOD].PixelOffset |= (1 << 30); } DBG_D3D((4,"Storing LOD: %d, Pitch: %d, Width: %d PixelOffset=%08lx", LOD, pSurf->lpGbl->lPitch, pSurf->lpGbl->wWidth,pTexture->MipLevels[LOD].PixelOffset));
// Get the Partial Products for this LOD
iPixelSize = pTexture->pTextureSurface->SurfaceFormat.PixelSize;
if (iPixelSize == __PERMEDIA_4BITPIXEL) { dwPartialWidth = (pSurf->lpGbl->lPitch << 1); } else { if (iPixelSize != __PERMEDIA_24BITPIXEL) { dwPartialWidth = (pSurf->lpGbl->lPitch >> iPixelSize); } else { dwPartialWidth = pSurf->lpGbl->lPitch / 3; } }
if (dwPartialWidth < 32) dwPartialWidth = 32;
vCalcPackedPP( dwPartialWidth, NULL, &pTexture->MipLevels[LOD].ulPackedPP);
pTexture->MipLevels[LOD].logWidth = log2((int)pSurf->lpGbl->wWidth); pTexture->MipLevels[LOD].logHeight = log2((int)pSurf->lpGbl->wHeight);
DBG_D3D((10,"Exiting StorePermediaLODLevel"));
} // StorePermediaLODLevel
// Note: we are currently not using more than 8MB of AGP memory
#if 0
// BOOL CheckAGPTexturePage
// Check that the AGP texture we are about to use hasn't been placed
// in a different 8MB page.
// dwGARTDev represents our current base address for the AGP texture memory
// dwGARTDevBase is the value we were passed at start of day
DBG_D3D((10,"Entering CheckAGPTexturePage"));
ASSERTDD(pSurf, "ERROR: NULL Surface passed to CheckAGPTexturePage!"); // Calculate the offset to the texture from the current
// base pointer in AGP memory
UINT_PTR lSurfaceOffset = pTexture->lSurfaceOffset; UINT_PTR lTextureSize = pTexture->wHeight * pTexture->lPitch;
// Account for a potential LUT added to the end of the surface
lTextureSize += (256 * sizeof(DWORD)); // If the texture falls outside the current 8Mb window
// then adjust the AGP base address
if (lSurfaceOffset < ppdev->dwGARTLin || ((lSurfaceOffset + lTextureSize - ppdev->dwGARTLin) >= 0x800000)) { UINT_PTR dwNewGARTOffset = lSurfaceOffset; bChanged = TRUE; ppdev->dwGARTDev = ppdev->dwGARTDevBase + dwNewGARTOffset; ppdev->dwGARTLin = ppdev->dwGARTLinBase + dwNewGARTOffset;
DBG_D3D((4,"Relocated AGP TextureBase Address " "to : 0x%x (Base: 0x%x)", ppdev->dwGARTDev, ppdev->dwGARTDevBase)); }
//If the texture is in a different place relative to the base of
// AGP memory that we are using then update it
if (pTexture->dwGARTDevLast != ppdev->dwGARTDev) { pTexture->dwGARTDevLast = ppdev->dwGARTDev; StorePermediaLODLevel(ppdev, pTexture, pSurf, 0); }
DBG_D3D((10,"Exiting CheckAGPTexturePage"));
return bChanged; } #endif
// void DisableTexturePermedia
// Disable texturing in P2
void DisableTexturePermedia(PERMEDIA_D3DCONTEXT* pContext) { DWORD* pFlags = &pContext->Hdr.Flags; PERMEDIA_D3DTEXTURE* pTexture = NULL; __P2RegsSoftwareCopy* pSoftPermedia = &pContext->Hdr.SoftCopyP2Regs; PERMEDIA_DEFS(pContext->ppdev);
DBG_D3D((10,"Entering DisableTexturePermedia"));
pContext->FakeBlendNum &= ~FAKE_ALPHABLEND_MODULATE; // The textures have been turned off, so...
ASSERTDD(pContext->CurrentTextureHandle == 0, "DisableTexturePermedia expected zero texture handle");
DBG_D3D((4, "Disabling Texturing")); RESERVEDMAPTR(8); // Turn off texture address generation
pSoftPermedia->TextureAddressMode.Enable = 0; COPY_PERMEDIA_DATA(TextureAddressMode, pSoftPermedia->TextureAddressMode);
// Turn off texture reads
pSoftPermedia->TextureReadMode.Enable = 0; COPY_PERMEDIA_DATA(TextureReadMode, pSoftPermedia->TextureReadMode); // Turn off textures
pSoftPermedia->TextureColorMode.TextureEnable = 0; COPY_PERMEDIA_DATA(TextureColorMode, pSoftPermedia->TextureColorMode);
// Set the texture base address to 0
// (turning off the 'AGP' bit in the process)
// Also stop TexelLUTTransfer messages
// Set current texture to 0
pContext->CurrentTextureHandle = 0; *pFlags &= ~CTXT_HAS_TEXTURE_ENABLED; RENDER_TEXTURE_DISABLE(pContext->RenderCommand); // If textures were in copy mode, we may have fiddled with the DDA,
// to improve performance.
if ((unsigned int)pSoftPermedia->TextureColorMode.ApplicationMode == _P2_TEXTURE_COPY) { if (*pFlags & CTXT_HAS_GOURAUD_ENABLED) { pSoftPermedia->DeltaMode.SmoothShadingEnable = 1;
COPY_PERMEDIA_DATA(DeltaMode, pSoftPermedia->DeltaMode); pSoftPermedia->ColorDDAMode.UnitEnable = 1; // Smooth shade, DDA Enable
COPY_PERMEDIA_DATA(ColorDDAMode, pSoftPermedia->ColorDDAMode);
} else { pSoftPermedia->DeltaMode.SmoothShadingEnable = 0;
COPY_PERMEDIA_DATA(DeltaMode, pSoftPermedia->DeltaMode); pSoftPermedia->ColorDDAMode.UnitEnable = 1; // Flat shade, DDA Enable
COPY_PERMEDIA_DATA(ColorDDAMode, pSoftPermedia->ColorDDAMode);
} }
if (pContext->bCanChromaKey == TRUE) { // Turn off Chroma Keying
pSoftPermedia->YUVMode.TestMode = PM_YUVMODE_CHROMATEST_DISABLE; pSoftPermedia->YUVMode.Enable = __PERMEDIA_DISABLE;
COPY_PERMEDIA_DATA(YUVMode, pSoftPermedia->YUVMode);
pContext->bCanChromaKey = FALSE; }
DBG_D3D((10,"Exiting DisableTexturePermedia"));
} // DisableTexturePermedia
// void Convert_Chroma_2_8888ARGB
// Conversion of a chroma value into 32bpp ARGB
void Convert_Chroma_2_8888ARGB(DWORD *pdwLowerBound, DWORD *pdwUpperBound, DWORD dwRedMask, DWORD dwAlphaMask, DWORD dwPixelSize) { DBG_D3D((10,"Entering Convert_Chroma_2_8888ARGB"));
switch (dwPixelSize) { case __PERMEDIA_8BITPIXEL: if (dwRedMask == 0xE0) { // Never any alpha
*pdwLowerBound = CHROMA_LOWER_ALPHA(FORMAT_332_32BIT_BGR(*pdwLowerBound)); *pdwUpperBound = CHROMA_UPPER_ALPHA(FORMAT_332_32BIT_BGR(*pdwUpperBound)); } else { *pdwLowerBound = FORMAT_2321_32BIT_BGR(*pdwLowerBound); *pdwUpperBound = FORMAT_2321_32BIT_BGR(*pdwUpperBound); if (!dwAlphaMask) { *pdwLowerBound = CHROMA_LOWER_ALPHA(*pdwLowerBound); *pdwUpperBound = CHROMA_UPPER_ALPHA(*pdwUpperBound); } }
case __PERMEDIA_16BITPIXEL: switch (dwRedMask) { case 0xf00: *pdwLowerBound = (FORMAT_4444_32BIT_BGR(*pdwLowerBound)); *pdwUpperBound = (FORMAT_4444_32BIT_BGR(*pdwUpperBound)); if (!dwAlphaMask) { *pdwLowerBound = CHROMA_LOWER_ALPHA(*pdwLowerBound); *pdwUpperBound = CHROMA_UPPER_ALPHA(*pdwUpperBound); } // Acount for the internal 8888 -> 4444 translation
// which causes bilinear chroma keying to fail in
// some cases
*pdwLowerBound = *pdwLowerBound & 0xF0F0F0F0; *pdwUpperBound = *pdwUpperBound | 0x0F0F0F0F;
break; case 0x7c00: *pdwLowerBound = FORMAT_5551_32BIT_BGR(*pdwLowerBound); *pdwUpperBound = FORMAT_5551_32BIT_BGR(*pdwUpperBound); if (!dwAlphaMask) { *pdwLowerBound = CHROMA_LOWER_ALPHA(*pdwLowerBound); *pdwUpperBound = CHROMA_UPPER_ALPHA(*pdwUpperBound); } // Acount for the internal 8888 -> 5551 translation
// which causes bilinear chroma keying to fail in
// some cases
*pdwLowerBound = *pdwLowerBound & 0x80F8F8F8; *pdwUpperBound = *pdwUpperBound | 0x7F070707; break; default: // Always supply full range of alpha values to ensure test
// is done
*pdwLowerBound = CHROMA_LOWER_ALPHA(FORMAT_565_32BIT_BGR(*pdwLowerBound)); *pdwUpperBound = CHROMA_UPPER_ALPHA(FORMAT_565_32BIT_BGR(*pdwUpperBound)); if (!dwAlphaMask) { *pdwLowerBound = CHROMA_LOWER_ALPHA(*pdwLowerBound); *pdwUpperBound = CHROMA_UPPER_ALPHA(*pdwUpperBound); } // Acount for the internal 888 -> 565 translation
// which causes bilinear chroma keying to fail in
// some cases
*pdwLowerBound = *pdwLowerBound & 0xF8F8FCF8; *pdwUpperBound = *pdwUpperBound | 0x07070307; break; } break; case __PERMEDIA_24BITPIXEL: case __PERMEDIA_32BITPIXEL: *pdwLowerBound = FORMAT_8888_32BIT_BGR(*pdwLowerBound); *pdwUpperBound = FORMAT_8888_32BIT_BGR(*pdwUpperBound); // If the surface isn't alpha'd then set a valid
// range of alpha to catch all cases.
if (!dwAlphaMask) { *pdwLowerBound = CHROMA_LOWER_ALPHA(*pdwLowerBound); *pdwUpperBound = CHROMA_UPPER_ALPHA(*pdwUpperBound); } break; }
DBG_D3D((10,"Exiting Convert_Chroma_2_8888ARGB"));
} // Convert_Chroma_2_8888ARGB
// void EnableTexturePermedia
// Enable and setup texturing for pContext->CurrentTextureHandle
void EnableTexturePermedia(PERMEDIA_D3DCONTEXT* pContext) { DWORD* pFlags = &pContext->Hdr.Flags; PERMEDIA_D3DTEXTURE* pTexture = NULL; __P2RegsSoftwareCopy* pSoftPermedia = &pContext->Hdr.SoftCopyP2Regs; PERMEDIA_DEFS(pContext->ppdev); PERMEDIA_D3DPALETTE* pPalette=NULL; LPPALETTEENTRY lpColorTable=NULL; // array of palette entries
PPDev ppdev = pContext->ppdev;
DBG_D3D((10,"Entering EnableTexturePermedia %d", pContext->CurrentTextureHandle));
pContext->FakeBlendNum &= ~FAKE_ALPHABLEND_MODULATE;
// A texture has been turned on so ...
ASSERTDD(pContext->CurrentTextureHandle != 0, "EnableTexturePermedia expected non zero texture handle");
// We must be texturing so...
pTexture = TextureHandleToPtr(pContext->CurrentTextureHandle, pContext); if (CHECK_D3DSURFACE_VALIDITY(pTexture)) { PermediaSurfaceData* pPrivateData; DWORD cop = pContext->TssStates[D3DTSS_COLOROP]; DWORD ca1 = pContext->TssStates[D3DTSS_COLORARG1]; DWORD ca2 = pContext->TssStates[D3DTSS_COLORARG2]; DWORD aop = pContext->TssStates[D3DTSS_ALPHAOP]; DWORD aa1 = pContext->TssStates[D3DTSS_ALPHAARG1];
// Current is the same as diffuse in stage 0
if (ca2 == D3DTA_CURRENT) ca2 = D3DTA_DIFFUSE;
pPrivateData = pTexture->pTextureSurface;
if (!CHECK_P2_SURFACEDATA_VALIDITY(pPrivateData)) { DBG_D3D((0,"EnableTexturePermedia get invalid pPrivateData=0x%x" " from SurfaceHandle=%d", pPrivateData, pContext->CurrentTextureHandle)); pContext->CurrentTextureHandle = 0;
// If the texture is bad, let's ensure it's marked as such.
pTexture->MagicNo = TC_MAGIC_DISABLE;
goto Exit_EnableTexturePermedia; }
if (pTexture->dwCaps2 & DDSCAPS2_TEXTUREMANAGE) { if (NULL==pPrivateData->fpVidMem) { TextureCacheManagerAllocNode(pContext,pTexture); if (NULL==pPrivateData->fpVidMem) { DBG_D3D((0,"EnableTexturePermedia unable to allocate memory from heap")); pContext->CurrentTextureHandle = 0; goto Exit_EnableTexturePermedia; } pPrivateData->dwFlags |= P2_SURFACE_NEEDUPDATE; } TextureCacheManagerTimeStamp(pContext->pTextureManager,pTexture); if (pPrivateData->dwFlags & P2_SURFACE_NEEDUPDATE) { RECTL rect; rect.left=rect.top=0; rect.right=pTexture->wWidth; rect.bottom=pTexture->wHeight; // texture download
// Switch to DirectDraw context
pPrivateData->dwFlags &= ~P2_SURFACE_NEEDUPDATE; // .. Convert it to Pixels
pTexture->MipLevels[0].PixelOffset = (DWORD)(pPrivateData->fpVidMem);
switch(pTexture->pTextureSurface->SurfaceFormat.PixelSize) { case __PERMEDIA_4BITPIXEL: pTexture->MipLevels[0].PixelOffset <<= 1; break; case __PERMEDIA_8BITPIXEL: /* No Change*/ break; case __PERMEDIA_16BITPIXEL: pTexture->MipLevels[0].PixelOffset >>= 1; break; case __PERMEDIA_24BITPIXEL: pTexture->MipLevels[0].PixelOffset /= 3; break; case __PERMEDIA_32BITPIXEL: pTexture->MipLevels[0].PixelOffset >>= 2; break; default: ASSERTDD(0,"Invalid Texture Pixel Size!"); pTexture->MipLevels[0].PixelOffset >>= 1; break; } PermediaPatchedTextureDownload(pContext->ppdev, pPrivateData, pTexture->fpVidMem, pTexture->lPitch, &rect, pPrivateData->fpVidMem, pTexture->lPitch, &rect);
//need to restore following registers
RESERVEDMAPTR(7); SEND_PERMEDIA_DATA(FBReadPixel, pSoftPermedia->FBReadPixel); COPY_PERMEDIA_DATA(FBReadMode, pSoftPermedia->FBReadMode); SEND_PERMEDIA_DATA(FBPixelOffset, pContext->PixelOffset); SEND_PERMEDIA_DATA(FBWindowBase,0); COPY_PERMEDIA_DATA(Window, pSoftPermedia->Window); COPY_PERMEDIA_DATA(AlphaBlendMode, pSoftPermedia->AlphaBlendMode); COPY_PERMEDIA_DATA(DitherMode, pSoftPermedia->DitherMode); COMMITDMAPTR();
DBG_D3D((10, "Copy from %08lx to %08lx w=%08lx h=%08lx p=%08lx b=%08lx", pTexture->fpVidMem,pPrivateData->fpVidMem,pTexture->wWidth, pTexture->wHeight,pTexture->lPitch,pTexture->dwRGBBitCount)); } } // If it is a palette indexed texture, we simply follow the chain
// down from the surface to it's palette and pull out the LUT values
// from the PALETTEENTRY's in the palette.
if (pPrivateData->SurfaceFormat.Format == PERMEDIA_8BIT_PALETTEINDEX || pPrivateData->SurfaceFormat.Format == PERMEDIA_4BIT_PALETTEINDEX) { pPalette = PaletteHandleToPtr(pTexture->dwPaletteHandle,pContext); if (NULL != pPalette) { //some apps are not setting their alpha correctly with palette
//then it's up to palette to tell us
pPrivateData->SurfaceFormat.bAlpha = pPalette->dwFlags & DDRAWIPAL_ALPHA; } }
if ((ca2 == D3DTA_DIFFUSE && ca1 == D3DTA_TEXTURE) && cop == D3DTOP_MODULATE && (aa1 == D3DTA_TEXTURE && aop == D3DTOP_LEGACY_ALPHAOVR)) { // if this is legacy modulation then we take the texture alpha
// only if the texure format has it
if (pPrivateData->SurfaceFormat.bAlpha) pContext->FakeBlendNum |= FAKE_ALPHABLEND_MODULATE; } else if ((ca2 == D3DTA_DIFFUSE && ca1 == D3DTA_TEXTURE) && cop == D3DTOP_MODULATE && (aa1 == D3DTA_TEXTURE && aop == D3DTOP_SELECTARG1)) { // if this is DX6 modulation then we take the texture alpha
// no matter what ( it will be xFF if it doesn't exist)
pContext->FakeBlendNum |= FAKE_ALPHABLEND_MODULATE; }
// Enable Texture Address calculation
pSoftPermedia->TextureAddressMode.Enable = 1; // Enable Textures
pSoftPermedia->TextureColorMode.TextureEnable = 1; if (*pFlags & CTXT_HAS_SPECULAR_ENABLED) { pSoftPermedia->DeltaMode.SpecularTextureEnable = 1; pSoftPermedia->TextureColorMode.KsDDA = 1; pSoftPermedia->TextureColorMode.ApplicationMode |= _P2_TEXTURE_SPECULAR; } else { pSoftPermedia->DeltaMode.SpecularTextureEnable = 0; pSoftPermedia->TextureColorMode.KsDDA = 0; pSoftPermedia->TextureColorMode.ApplicationMode &= ~_P2_TEXTURE_SPECULAR; }
// reserve here for all cases in this function!!
RESERVEDMAPTR(272); COPY_PERMEDIA_DATA(DeltaMode, pSoftPermedia->DeltaMode);
// Set Partial products for texture (assume no mipmapping).
pSoftPermedia->TextureMapFormat.PackedPP = pTexture->MipLevels[0].ulPackedPP;
pSoftPermedia->TextureMapFormat.TexelSize = pPrivateData->SurfaceFormat.PixelSize;
if (pPrivateData->dwFlags & P2_ISPATCHED) { DBG_D3D((4," Enabling Patching for this texture")); pSoftPermedia->TextureMapFormat.SubPatchMode = 1; } else { pSoftPermedia->TextureMapFormat.SubPatchMode = 0; }
DBG_D3D((4, " Texel Size: 0x%x", pPrivateData->SurfaceFormat.PixelSize));
// Set texture size
DBG_D3D((4," Texture Width: 0x%x", pTexture->MipLevels[0].logWidth)); DBG_D3D((4," Texture Height: 0x%x", pTexture->MipLevels[0].logHeight));
pSoftPermedia->TextureReadMode.Width = pTexture->MipLevels[0].logWidth; pSoftPermedia->TextureReadMode.Height = pTexture->MipLevels[0].logHeight;
pSoftPermedia->TextureReadMode.Enable = 1; pContext->DeltaWidthScale = (float)pTexture->wWidth * (1 / 2048.0f); pContext->DeltaHeightScale = (float)pTexture->wHeight * (1 / 2048.0f);
pContext->MaxTextureXf = (float)(2048 / pTexture->wWidth); pContext->MaxTextureYf = (float)(2048 / pTexture->wHeight);
myFtoui(&pContext->MaxTextureXi, pContext->MaxTextureXf); pContext->MaxTextureXi -= 1; myFtoui(&pContext->MaxTextureYi, pContext->MaxTextureYf); pContext->MaxTextureYi -= 1;
*pFlags |= CTXT_HAS_TEXTURE_ENABLED; RENDER_TEXTURE_ENABLE(pContext->RenderCommand); DBG_D3D((4," Texture Format: 0x%x", pPrivateData->SurfaceFormat.Format)); DBG_D3D((4," Texture Format Extension: 0x%x", pPrivateData->SurfaceFormat.FormatExtension));
pSoftPermedia->TextureDataFormat.TextureFormat = pPrivateData->SurfaceFormat.Format; pSoftPermedia->TextureDataFormat.TextureFormatExtension = pPrivateData->SurfaceFormat.FormatExtension;
if (pPrivateData->SurfaceFormat.bAlpha) { pSoftPermedia->TextureDataFormat.NoAlphaBuffer = 0; } else { pSoftPermedia->TextureDataFormat.NoAlphaBuffer = 1; }
// If we are copying textures, there is no need for colour data
// to be generated, so we turn off the DDA
if (((unsigned int)pSoftPermedia->TextureColorMode.ApplicationMode) == _P2_TEXTURE_COPY) { pSoftPermedia->ColorDDAMode.UnitEnable = 0; DBG_D3D((4, " Disabling DDA")); } else { pSoftPermedia->ColorDDAMode.UnitEnable = 1; DBG_D3D((4, " Enabling DDA")); } // Load the texture base address BEFORE the TexelLUTTransfer message
// to ensure we load the LUT from the right sort of memory (AGP or not)
// Always set the base address at the root texture (not the miplevels
// if there are any)
DBG_D3D((4, "Setting texture base address to 0x%08X", pTexture->MipLevels[0].PixelOffset)); SEND_PERMEDIA_DATA(TextureBaseAddress, pTexture->MipLevels[0].PixelOffset);
// If it is a palette indexed texture, we simply follow the chain
// down from the surface to it's palette and pull out the LUT values
// from the PALETTEENTRY's in the palette.
if (pPrivateData->SurfaceFormat.Format == PERMEDIA_8BIT_PALETTEINDEX) {
if (NULL != pPalette) { int i; lpColorTable = pPalette->ColorTable;
if (pPalette->dwFlags & DDRAWIPAL_ALPHA) { for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) { SEND_PERMEDIA_DATA(TexelLUTData, *(DWORD*)lpColorTable); lpColorTable++; } } else { for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) { SEND_PERMEDIA_DATA(TexelLUTData, CHROMA_UPPER_ALPHA(*(DWORD*)lpColorTable)); lpColorTable++; } }
DBG_D3D((4,"Texel LUT pPalette->dwFlags=%08lx bAlpha=%d", pPalette->dwFlags,pPrivateData->SurfaceFormat.bAlpha));
// Must reset the LUT index on Permedia P2
SEND_PERMEDIA_DATA(TexelLUTIndex, 0); } else { DBG_D3D((0, "NULL == pPalette in EnableTexturePermedia" "dwPaletteHandle=%08lx dwSurfaceHandle=%08lx", pTexture->dwPaletteHandle, pContext->CurrentTextureHandle)); } } else if (pPrivateData->SurfaceFormat.Format == PERMEDIA_4BIT_PALETTEINDEX) { if (NULL != pPalette) { int i; lpColorTable = pPalette->ColorTable; SEND_PERMEDIA_DATA(TexelLUTMode, __PERMEDIA_ENABLE);
if (pPalette->dwFlags & DDRAWIPAL_ALPHA) { for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) { SEND_PERMEDIA_DATA_OFFSET(TexelLUT0, *(DWORD*)lpColorTable,i); lpColorTable++; } } else { for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) { SEND_PERMEDIA_DATA_OFFSET(TexelLUT0, CHROMA_UPPER_ALPHA(*(DWORD*)lpColorTable),i); lpColorTable++; } }
// Must reset the LUT index on Permedia P2
SEND_PERMEDIA_DATA(TexelLUTIndex, 0); SEND_PERMEDIA_DATA(TexelLUTTransfer, __PERMEDIA_DISABLE); } else { DBG_D3D((0, "NULL == pPalette in EnableTexturePermedia" "dwPaletteHandle=%08lx dwSurfaceHandle=%08lx", pTexture->dwPaletteHandle, pContext->CurrentTextureHandle)); } } else { // Not palette indexed
if ((pTexture->dwFlags & DDRAWISURF_HASCKEYSRCBLT) && (pContext->RenderStates[D3DRENDERSTATE_COLORKEYENABLE])) { DWORD LowerBound = pTexture->dwKeyLow; DWORD UpperBound = pTexture->dwKeyHigh; DWORD dwLowIndexColor;
pContext->bCanChromaKey = TRUE; DBG_D3D((4," Can Chroma Key the texture")); // Enable Chroma keying for the texture
// ..and set the correct colour
// Evaluate the new chroma key value. Shouldn't be too expensive,
// as it is only bit shifts and a couple of tests.
// We also change only when the texture map has changed.
DBG_D3D((4, "dwColorSpaceLow = 0x%08X", LowerBound)); DBG_D3D((4, "dwColorSpaceHigh = 0x%08X", UpperBound));
if (NULL != pPalette) { if (pPrivateData->SurfaceFormat.Format == PERMEDIA_4BIT_PALETTEINDEX) { LowerBound &= 0x0F; } else { LowerBound &= 0xFF; } lpColorTable = pPalette->ColorTable;
// ChromaKeying for 4/8 Bit textures is done on the looked up
// color, not the index. This means using a range is
// meaningless and we have to lookup the color from the
// palette. Make sure the user doesn't force us to access
// invalid memory.
dwLowIndexColor = *(DWORD*)(&lpColorTable[LowerBound]); if (pPalette->dwFlags & DDRAWIPAL_ALPHA) { LowerBound = UpperBound = dwLowIndexColor; } else { LowerBound = CHROMA_LOWER_ALPHA(dwLowIndexColor); UpperBound = CHROMA_UPPER_ALPHA(dwLowIndexColor); } DBG_D3D((4,"PaletteHandle=%08lx Lower=%08lx ChromaColor=%08lx" "lpColorTable=%08lx dwFlags=%08lx", pTexture->dwPaletteHandle, LowerBound, dwLowIndexColor, lpColorTable, pPalette->dwFlags)); } else Convert_Chroma_2_8888ARGB(&LowerBound, &UpperBound, pPrivateData->SurfaceFormat.RedMask, pPrivateData->SurfaceFormat.AlphaMask, pPrivateData->SurfaceFormat.PixelSize);
DBG_D3D((4,"LowerBound Selected: 0x%x", LowerBound)); DBG_D3D((4,"UpperBound Selected: 0x%x", UpperBound));
// If it's a P2 we can use alpha mapping to
// improve bilinear chroma keying.
if (0/*(unsigned int)pSoftPermedia->TextureReadMode.FilterMode == 1*/) { pSoftPermedia->TextureDataFormat.AlphaMap = PM_TEXDATAFORMAT_ALPHAMAP_EXCLUDE; pSoftPermedia->TextureDataFormat.NoAlphaBuffer = 1; SEND_PERMEDIA_DATA(AlphaMapUpperBound, UpperBound); SEND_PERMEDIA_DATA(AlphaMapLowerBound, LowerBound); SEND_PERMEDIA_DATA(ChromaUpperBound, 0xFFFFFFFF); SEND_PERMEDIA_DATA(ChromaLowerBound, 0xFF000000); pSoftPermedia->YUVMode.TestMode = PM_YUVMODE_CHROMATEST_PASSWITHIN; } else { pSoftPermedia->TextureDataFormat.AlphaMap = PM_TEXDATAFORMAT_ALPHAMAP_DISABLE; SEND_PERMEDIA_DATA(ChromaUpperBound, UpperBound); SEND_PERMEDIA_DATA(ChromaLowerBound, LowerBound);
pSoftPermedia->YUVMode.TestMode = PM_YUVMODE_CHROMATEST_FAILWITHIN; } } else { DBG_D3D((2," Can't Chroma Key the texture")); pContext->bCanChromaKey = FALSE; pSoftPermedia->TextureDataFormat.AlphaMap = __PERMEDIA_DISABLE; pSoftPermedia->YUVMode.TestMode = PM_YUVMODE_CHROMATEST_DISABLE; }
// Restore the filter mode from the mag filter.
if (pContext->bMagFilter) { pSoftPermedia->TextureReadMode.FilterMode = 1; } else { pSoftPermedia->TextureReadMode.FilterMode = 0; }
// If the texture is a YUV texture we need to change the color order
// of the surface and turn on the YUV->RGB conversoin
if (pPrivateData->SurfaceFormat.Format == PERMEDIA_YUV422) { pSoftPermedia->YUVMode.Enable = __PERMEDIA_ENABLE; pSoftPermedia->TextureDataFormat.ColorOrder = INV_COLOR_MODE; } else { pSoftPermedia->YUVMode.Enable = __PERMEDIA_DISABLE; pSoftPermedia->TextureDataFormat.ColorOrder = COLOR_MODE; }
// Send the Commands at the end (except the texture base address!!)
COPY_PERMEDIA_DATA(TextureReadMode, pSoftPermedia->TextureReadMode); COPY_PERMEDIA_DATA(TextureDataFormat, pSoftPermedia->TextureDataFormat); COPY_PERMEDIA_DATA(ColorDDAMode, pSoftPermedia->ColorDDAMode); COPY_PERMEDIA_DATA(TextureMapFormat, pSoftPermedia->TextureMapFormat); COPY_PERMEDIA_DATA(TextureColorMode, pSoftPermedia->TextureColorMode); COPY_PERMEDIA_DATA(YUVMode, pSoftPermedia->YUVMode); COPY_PERMEDIA_DATA(TextureAddressMode, pSoftPermedia->TextureAddressMode);
COMMITDMAPTR(); FLUSHDMA(); } else { DBG_D3D((0,"Invalid Texture handle (%d)!, doing nothing", pContext->CurrentTextureHandle)); pContext->CurrentTextureHandle = 0;
// If the texture is bad, let's ensure it's marked as such.
// But only if the texture is actually there!!
if (pTexture) pTexture->MagicNo = TC_MAGIC_DISABLE; }
DBG_D3D((10,"Exiting EnableTexturePermedia"));
} // EnableTexturePermedia
// void: __PermediaDisableUnits
// Disables all the mode registers to give us a clean start.
void __PermediaDisableUnits(PERMEDIA_D3DCONTEXT* pContext) { PERMEDIA_DEFS(pContext->ppdev);
DBG_D3D((10,"Entering __PermediaDisableUnits"));
// Ensure AGP bit not set.
DBG_D3D((10,"Exiting __PermediaDisableUnits"));
} // __PermediaDisableUnits
#ifdef DBG
// void DumpTexture
// Debug dump of texture information
void DumpTexture(PPDev ppdev, PERMEDIA_D3DTEXTURE* pTexture, DDPIXELFORMAT* pPixelFormat) { DBG_D3D((4, "\n** Texture Dump:"));
DBG_D3D((4," Texture Width: %d", pTexture->wWidth)); DBG_D3D((4," Texture Height: %d", pTexture->wHeight));
if (NULL != pTexture->pTextureSurface) { DBG_D3D((4," LogWidth: %d", pTexture->MipLevels[0].logWidth)); DBG_D3D((4," LogHeight: %d", pTexture->MipLevels[0].logHeight)); DBG_D3D((4," PackedPP0: 0x%x", pTexture->pTextureSurface->ulPackedPP)); } DBG_D3D((4," Pixel Offset of Texture (PERMEDIA Chip): 0x%x", pTexture->MipLevels[0].PixelOffset)); // Show texture format
if (pPixelFormat->dwRGBAlphaBitMask == 0xf000) { DBG_D3D((4," Texture is 4:4:4:4")); } else if (pPixelFormat->dwRBitMask == 0xff0000) { if (pPixelFormat->dwRGBAlphaBitMask != 0) { DBG_D3D((4," Texture is 8:8:8:8")); } else { DBG_D3D((4," Texture is 8:8:8")); } } else if (pPixelFormat->dwRBitMask == 0x7c00) { if (pPixelFormat->dwRGBAlphaBitMask != 0) { DBG_D3D((4," Texture is 1:5:5:5")); } else { DBG_D3D((4," Texture is 5:5:5")); } } else if (pPixelFormat->dwRBitMask == 0xf800) { DBG_D3D((4," Texture is 5:6:5")); } else if (pPixelFormat->dwRBitMask == 0xe0) { DBG_D3D((4," Texture is 3:3:2")); } } // DumpTexture