* * ******************* * * GDI SAMPLE CODE * * ******************* * * Module Name: drvexts.cxx * * Contains all the driver debugger extension functions * * Copyright (C) 1994-1998 3Dlabs Inc. Ltd. All rights reserved. * Copyright (C) 1995-1999 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. ******************************************************************************/ #include "dbgext.hxx"
#include "gdi.h"
#define TMP_BUFSIZE 512
* * Dump Permedia 2 display driver's Surf obj * ******************************************************************************/ DECLARE_API(surf) { Surf tempSurf; FLAGDEF* pfd; //
// Check if there is a "-?" in the command. If yes, show the help
move(tempSurf, (Surf*)arg);
dprintf("----Permedia2 Surf Structure-------------\n"); dprintf("SurfFlags flags 0x%x\n", tempSurf.flags);
// Print the detail info of the Surface info
for ( pfd = afdSURF; pfd->psz; ++pfd ) { if ( tempSurf.flags & pfd->fl ) { dprintf("\t\t\t%s\n", pfd->psz); } } dprintf("PDev* ppdev 0x%x\n", tempSurf.ppdev); dprintf("struct _Surf* psurfNext 0x%x\n", tempSurf.psurfNext); dprintf("struct _Surf* psurfPrev 0x%x\n", tempSurf.psurfPrev); dprintf("ULONG cBlt %ld\n", tempSurf.cBlt); dprintf("ULONG iUniq %ld\n", tempSurf.iUniq); dprintf("LONG cx(Surf Width) %ld pixels\n", tempSurf.cx); dprintf("LONG cy(Surf Height) %ld pixels\n", tempSurf.cy);
if ( tempSurf.flags & SF_VM ) { dprintf("ULONG ulByteOffset %ld\n", tempSurf.ulByteOffset); } else { dprintf("VOID* pvScan0 0x%x\n", tempSurf.pvScan0); }
dprintf("LONG lDelta 0x%x\n", tempSurf.lDelta); dprintf("VIDEOMEMORY* pvmHeap 0x%x\n", tempSurf.pvmHeap); dprintf("HSURF hsurf 0x%x\n", tempSurf.hsurf); dprintf("ULONG ulPackedPP 0x%x\n", tempSurf.ulPackedPP); dprintf("ULONG ulPixOffset 0x%x\n", tempSurf.ulPixOffset); dprintf("ULONG ulPixDelta 0x%x\n", tempSurf.ulPixDelta); dprintf("ULONG ulChecksum 0x%x\n", tempSurf.ulChecksum); return; surf_help: dprintf("Usage: surf [-?] SURF_PTR\n"); }// surf
* * Dump Permedia 2 display driver's PDev obj * ******************************************************************************/ DECLARE_API(pdev) { PDev tempPDev; char tempStr[TMP_BUFSIZE]; FLAGDEF* pfd;
BOOL bAll = FALSE; BOOL bGeneral = FALSE; BOOL bHeap = FALSE; BOOL bBase = FALSE; BOOL bGDI = FALSE; BOOL bPalette = FALSE; BOOL bCursor = FALSE; BOOL bBrush = FALSE; BOOL bDDraw = FALSE;
// Check if there is a "-?" in the command. If yes, show the help
move(tempPDev, (PDev*)arg);
if( iParseiFindSwitch(tokens, ntok, 'a')!= -1 ) { bAll = TRUE; goto Start_Dump; }
if( iParseiFindSwitch(tokens, ntok, 'g') != -1 ) { bGeneral = TRUE; }
if( iParseiFindSwitch(tokens, ntok, 'h')!= -1 ) { bHeap = TRUE; } if( iParseiFindSwitch(tokens, ntok, 'b')!= -1 ) { bBase = TRUE; } if( iParseiFindSwitch(tokens, ntok, 'i')!= -1 ) { bGDI = TRUE; } if( iParseiFindSwitch(tokens, ntok, 'p')!= -1 ) { bPalette = TRUE; } if( iParseiFindSwitch(tokens, ntok, 'c')!= -1 ) { bCursor = TRUE; } if( iParseiFindSwitch(tokens, ntok, 'r')!= -1 ) { bBrush = TRUE; } if( iParseiFindSwitch(tokens, ntok, 'd')!= -1 ) { bDDraw = TRUE; }
if( !(bGeneral || bHeap || bBase || bGDI || bPalette || bCursor || bBrush ||bBrush || bDDraw ) ) { bAll = TRUE; }
dprintf("----------------PDev Structure----------------\n"); if ( bAll || bGeneral ) { dprintf("*************General Information**************\n"); dprintf("BOOL bEnabled %ld %s\n",tempPDev.bEnabled, tempPDev.bEnabled? "(Graphics Mode)":"(Full Screen Mode)"); dprintf("DWORD dwAccelLevel %ld\n", tempPDev.dwAccelLevel); switch ( tempPDev.dwAccelLevel ) { case 0: dprintf("%s\n","\t\t\tAll HW accelerations are enabled");
case 1: dprintf("%s\n", "\t\t\tDrvMovePointer,"); dprintf("%s\n", "\t\t\tDrvCreateDeviceBitmap"); dprintf("%s\n", "are disabled");
case 2: dprintf("%s\n", "\t\t\tDrvAlphaBlend,"); dprintf("%s\n", "\t\t\tDrvCreateDeviceBitmap,"); dprintf("%s\n", "\t\t\tDrvFillPath,"); dprintf("%s\n", "\t\t\tDrvGradientFill,"); dprintf("%s\n", "\t\t\tDrvLineTo,"); dprintf("%s\n", "\t\t\tDrvMovePointer,"); dprintf("%s\n", "\t\t\tDrvPlgBlt,"); dprintf("%s\n", "\t\t\tDrvStretchBlt,"); dprintf("%s\n", "\t\t\tDrvStretchBltROP,"); dprintf("%s\n", "\t\t\tDrvStrokeAndFillPath,"); dprintf("%s\n", "\t\t\tDrvTransparentBlt"); dprintf("%s\n", "are disabled");
case 3: dprintf("%s\n", "\t\t\tDrvAlphaBlend,"); dprintf("%s\n", "\t\t\tDrvCreateDeviceBitmap,"); dprintf("%s\n", "\t\t\tDrvFillPath,"); dprintf("%s\n", "\t\t\tDrvGradientFill,"); dprintf("%s\n", "\t\t\tDrvLineTo,"); dprintf("%s\n", "\t\t\tDrvMovePointer,"); dprintf("%s\n", "\t\t\tDrvPlgBlt,"); dprintf("%s\n", "\t\t\tDrvStretchBlt,"); dprintf("%s\n", "\t\t\tDrvStretchBltROP,"); dprintf("%s\n", "\t\t\tDrvStrokeAndFillPath,"); dprintf("%s\n", "\t\t\tDrvTransparentBlt"); dprintf("%s\n", "\t\t\tAnd all DDraw and D3D accelerations"); dprintf("%s\n", "are disabled");
case 4: dprintf("%s\n", "\t\t\tOnly following HW accelerated functions"); dprintf(" are enabled"); dprintf("%s\n", "\t\t\tDrvBitBlt,"); dprintf("%s\n", "\t\t\tDrvCopyBits,"); dprintf("%s\n", "\t\t\tDrvStrokePath,"); dprintf("%s\n", "\t\t\tDrvTextOut");
case 5: dprintf("%s\n","\t\t\tAll HW accelerations are disabled");
default: dprintf("%s\n", "\t\t\tUNKNOWN HW accelerations level"); break; }
dprintf("ULONG iBitmapFormat %ld\n", tempPDev.iBitmapFormat);
switch ( tempPDev.iBitmapFormat ) { case BMF_32BPP: strcpy(tempStr, "\t\t\tBMF_32BPP"); break;
case BMF_16BPP: strcpy(tempStr, "\t\t\tBMF_16BPP"); break;
case BMF_8BPP: strcpy(tempStr, "\t\t\tBMF_8BPP"); break;
default: strcpy(tempStr, "\t\t\tUNKNOWN BMP format"); break; } dprintf("%s\n", tempStr);
dprintf("LONG cjPelSize %ld\n", tempPDev.cjPelSize); switch ( tempPDev.cjPelSize ) { case 4: strcpy(tempStr, "\t\t\t32BPP Mode"); break;
case 2: strcpy(tempStr, "\t\t\t16BPP Mode"); break;
case 1: strcpy(tempStr, "\t\t\t8BPP Mode"); break;
default: strcpy(tempStr, "\t\t\tUNKNOWN color depth"); break; } dprintf("%s\n", tempStr);
dprintf("LONG cPelSize %ld\n", tempPDev.cPelSize); dprintf("LONG cBitsPerPel %ld\n", tempPDev.cBitsPerPel); dprintf("DWORD bPixShift %ld\n", tempPDev.bPixShift); dprintf("DWORD bBppShift %ld\n", tempPDev.bBppShift); dprintf("DWORD dwBppMask %ld\n", tempPDev.dwBppMask);
dprintf("CAPS flCaps 0x%x\n", tempPDev.flCaps);
// Print the detail info of the CAPS
for ( pfd = afdCAPS; pfd->psz; ++pfd ) { if ( tempPDev.flCaps & pfd->fl ) { dprintf("\t\t\t%s\n", pfd->psz); } }
dprintf("Status flStatus 0x%x\n", tempPDev.flStatus);
// Print the detail info of the STATUS
for ( pfd = afdSTATUS; pfd->psz; ++pfd ) { if ( tempPDev.flStatus & pfd->fl ) { dprintf("\t\t\t%s\n", pfd->psz); } }
dprintf("FLONG flHooks 0x%x\n", tempPDev.flHooks);
// Print the detail info of the HOOKS
for ( pfd = afdHOOK; pfd->psz; ++pfd ) { if ( tempPDev.flHooks & pfd->fl ) { dprintf("\t\t\t%s\n", pfd->psz); } }
dprintf("Surf* pdsurfScreen 0x%x\n", tempPDev.pdsurfScreen); dprintf("Surf* pdsurfOffScreen 0x%x\n", tempPDev.pdsurfOffScreen); dprintf("LONG cxScreen %-6ld (Screen Width)\n", tempPDev.cxScreen); dprintf("LONG cyScreen %-6ld (Screen Height)\n", tempPDev.cyScreen); dprintf("ULONG ulPermFormat %ld\n", tempPDev.ulPermFormat); dprintf("ULONG ulPermFormatEx %ld\n", tempPDev.ulPermFormatEx);
dprintf("POINTL ptlOrigin (%ld, %ld)\n", tempPDev.ptlOrigin.x, tempPDev.ptlOrigin.y); }// General Info
if ( bAll || bHeap ) { dprintf("\n*************Heap Manager Information*********\n"); dprintf("VIDEOMEMORY* pvmList 0x%x\n", tempPDev.pvmList); dprintf("ULONG cHeaps; %ld\n", tempPDev.cHeaps); dprintf("LONG cxMemory %-6ld (Video RAM Width)\n", tempPDev.cxMemory); dprintf("LONG cyMemory %-6ld (Video RAM Height)\n", tempPDev.cyMemory); dprintf("LONG lDelta %ld\n", tempPDev.lDelta); dprintf("Surf* psurfListHead 0x%x\n", tempPDev.psurfListHead); dprintf("Surf* psurfListTail 0x%x\n", tempPDev.psurfListTail); }// Heap Info
if ( bAll || bBase ) { dprintf("\n*************Base Information*****************\n"); dprintf("BYTE* pjScreen 0x%x\n", tempPDev.pjScreen); dprintf("ULONG ulMode %ld\n", tempPDev.ulMode); dprintf("ULONG* pulCtrlBase[2] 0x%x, 0x%x\n", tempPDev.pulCtrlBase[0], tempPDev.pulCtrlBase[1]); dprintf("ULONG* pulDenseCtrlBase 0x%x\n", tempPDev.pulDenseCtrlBase); dprintf("ULONG* pulRamdacBase 0x%x\n", tempPDev.pulRamdacBase); dprintf("VOID* pvTmpBuffer 0x%x\n", tempPDev.pvTmpBuffer); dprintf("LONG lVidMemHeight %ld\n", tempPDev.lVidMemHeight); dprintf("LONG lVidMemWidth %ld\n", tempPDev.lVidMemWidth); dprintf("UCHAR* pjIoBase %ld\n", tempPDev.pjIoBase); dprintf("HwDataPtr permediaInfo 0x%x\n", tempPDev.permediaInfo); dprintf("LONG FrameBufferLength %ld\n", tempPDev.FrameBufferLength); dprintf("UINT_PTR dwScreenStart %ld\n", tempPDev.dwScreenStart); dprintf("P2DMA* pP2dma 0x%x\n", tempPDev.pP2dma); dprintf("DDPIXELFORMAT ddpfDisplay %ld\n", tempPDev.ddpfDisplay); dprintf("DWORD dwChipConfig %ld\n", tempPDev.dwChipConfig); dprintf("ULONG* pCtrlBase 0x%x\n", tempPDev.pCtrlBase); dprintf("ULONG* pCoreBase 0x%x\n", tempPDev.pCoreBase); dprintf("ULONG* pGPFifo 0x%x\n", tempPDev.pGPFifo); dprintf("PULONG pulInFifoPtr 0x%x\n", tempPDev.pulInFifoPtr); dprintf("PULONG pulInFifoStart 0x%x\n", tempPDev.pulInFifoStart); dprintf("PULONG pulInFifoEnd 0x%x\n", tempPDev.pulInFifoEnd); dprintf("ULONG* dmaBufferVirtualAddress 0x%x\n", tempPDev.dmaBufferVirtualAddress); dprintf("LARGE_INTEGER dmaBufferPhysicalAddress 0x%x\n", tempPDev.dmaBufferPhysicalAddress); dprintf("ULONG dmaCurrentBufferOffset 0x%x\n", tempPDev.dmaCurrentBufferOffset); dprintf("ULONG dmaActiveBufferOffset %ld\n", tempPDev.dmaActiveBufferOffset); dprintf("ULONG* pulInputDmaCount 0x%x\n", tempPDev.pulInputDmaCount); dprintf("ULONG* pulInputDmaAddress 0x%x\n", tempPDev.pulInputDmaAddress); dprintf("ULONG* pulFifo 0x%x\n", tempPDev.pulFifo); dprintf("ULONG* pulOutputFifoCount 0x%x\n", tempPDev.pulOutputFifoCount); dprintf("ULONG* pulInputFifoCount 0x%x\n", tempPDev.pulInputFifoCount); dprintf("BOOL bGdiContext %ld\n", tempPDev.bGdiContext); dprintf("BOOL bNeedSync %ld\n", tempPDev.bNeedSync); dprintf("BOOL bForceSwap %ld\n", tempPDev.bForceSwap); dprintf("SURFOBJ* psoScreen 0x%x\n", tempPDev.psoScreen); }// Base Info
if ( bAll || bGDI ) { dprintf("\n*************GDI Runtime Information**********\n"); dprintf("HANDLE hDriver 0x%x\n", tempPDev.hDriver); dprintf("HDEV hdevEng 0x%x\n", tempPDev.hdevEng); dprintf("HSURF hsurfScreen 0x%x\n", tempPDev.hsurfScreen); dprintf("ULONG iHeapUniq %ld\n", tempPDev.iHeapUniq); }// GDI Runtime Info
if ( bAll || bPalette ) { dprintf("\n*************Palette Information**************\n"); dprintf("ULONG ulWhite; 0x%x\n", tempPDev.ulWhite); dprintf("PALETTEENTRY* pPal 0x%x\n", tempPDev.pPal); dprintf("HPALETTE hpalDefault 0x%x\n", tempPDev.hpalDefault); dprintf("FLONG flRed 0x%x\n", tempPDev.flRed); dprintf("FLONG flGreen 0x%x\n", tempPDev.flGreen); dprintf("FLONG flBlue 0x%x\n", tempPDev.flBlue); }// Palette Info
if ( bAll || bCursor ) { dprintf("\n*************Cursor Information***************\n"); dprintf("LONG xPointerHot %ld\n", tempPDev.xPointerHot); dprintf("LONG yPointerHot %ld\n", tempPDev.yPointerHot); dprintf("ULONG ulHwGraphicsCursorModeRegister_45 %ld\n", tempPDev.ulHwGraphicsCursorModeRegister_45); dprintf("PtrFlags flPointer %ld %s\n", tempPDev.flPointer, (tempPDev.flPointer == PTR_HW_ACTIVE)? "(HW Pointer)":"(SW Pointer)"); dprintf("VOID* pvPointerData 0x%x\n", tempPDev.pvPointerData); dprintf("BYTE ajPointerData 0x%x\n", tempPDev.ajPointerData); dprintf("BOOL bPointerInitialized %ld\n", tempPDev.bPointerInitialized); dprintf("HWPointerCache HWPtrCache %ld\n", tempPDev.HWPtrCache); dprintf("LONG HWPtrLastCursor %ld\n", tempPDev.HWPtrLastCursor); dprintf("LONG HWPtrPos_X %ld\n", tempPDev.HWPtrPos_X); dprintf("LONG HWPtrPos_Y %ld\n", tempPDev.HWPtrPos_Y); }// Cursor Info
if ( bAll || bBrush ) { dprintf("\n*************Brush Information****************\n"); dprintf("BOOL bRealizeTransparent %ld\n", tempPDev.bRealizeTransparent); dprintf("LONG cPatterns %ld\n", tempPDev.cPatterns); dprintf("LONG lNextCachedBrush %ld\n", tempPDev.lNextCachedBrush); dprintf("LONG cBrushCache %ld\n", tempPDev.cBrushCache); dprintf("BrushEntry abeMono 0x%x, %ld\n", tempPDev.abeMono.prbVerify, tempPDev.abeMono.ulPixelOffset); dprintf("BrushEntry abe[%d] 0x%x\n", TOTAL_BRUSH_COUNT, tempPDev.abe); dprintf("HBITMAP ahbmPat[%d] 0x%x\n", HS_DDI_MAX, tempPDev.ahbmPat); dprintf("ULONG ulBrushPackedPP 0x%x\n", tempPDev.ulBrushPackedPP); dprintf("VIDEOMEMORY* pvmBrushHeap 0x%x\n", tempPDev.pvmBrushHeap); dprintf("ULONG ulBrushVidMem 0x%x\n", tempPDev.ulBrushVidMem); }// Brush Info
if ( bAll || bDDraw ) { dprintf("\n*************DDRAW/D3D Information************\n");
dprintf("P2CtxtPtr pDDContext 0x%x\n", tempPDev.pDDContext); dprintf("DDHAL_DDCALLBACKS DDHALCallbacks 0x%x\n", tempPDev.DDHALCallbacks); dprintf("DDHAL_DDSURFACECALLBACKS DDSurfCallbacks 0x%x\n", tempPDev.DDSurfCallbacks); dprintf("DWORD dwNewDDSurfaceOffset %ld\n", tempPDev.dwNewDDSurfaceOffset); dprintf("BOOL bDdExclusiveMode %ld\n", tempPDev.bDdExclusiveMode); dprintf("BOOL bDdStereoMode %ld\n", tempPDev.bDdStereoMode); dprintf("BOOL bCanDoStereo %ld\n", tempPDev.bCanDoStereo); dprintf("UINT_PTR pD3DDriverData32 0x%x\n", tempPDev.pD3DDriverData32); dprintf("UINT_PTR pD3DHALCallbacks32 0x%x\n", tempPDev.pD3DHALCallbacks32); dprintf("UINT_PTR dwGARTLin %ld\n", tempPDev.dwGARTLin); dprintf("UINT_PTR dwGARTDev %ld\n", tempPDev.dwGARTDev); dprintf("UINT_PTR dwGARTLinBase %ld\n", tempPDev.dwGARTLinBase); dprintf("UINT_PTR dwGARTDevBase %ld\n", tempPDev.dwGARTDevBase); dprintf("DDHALINFO ddhi32 0x%x\n", tempPDev.ddhi32); dprintf("PFND3DPARSEUNKNOWNCOMMAND pD3DParseUnknownCommand 0x%x\n", tempPDev.pD3DParseUnknownCommand); }// DDRAW/D3D Info
return; pdev_help: dprintf("Usage: pdev [-?] [-a] [-g] [-h] [-b] [-i] [-p] [-c] [-r]"); dprintf(" [-d] PDEV_PTR\n"); dprintf("-a dump the whole PDev info\n"); dprintf("-g dump General info from the PDev\n"); dprintf("-h dump Heap Manager info from the PDev\n"); dprintf("-b dump Base info from the PDev\n"); dprintf("-i dump GDI Runtime info from the PDev\n"); dprintf("-p dump Palette info from the PDev\n"); dprintf("-c dump Cursor info from the PDev\n"); dprintf("-r dump Brush info from the PDev\n"); dprintf("-d dump DDRAW/D3D info from the PDev\n"); return; }// pdev
* * Dump Permedia 2 display driver's function block * ******************************************************************************/ DECLARE_API(fb) { GFNPB tempFB; FLAGDEF* pfd; //
// Check if there is a "-?" in the command. If yes, show the help
move(tempFB, (GFNPB*)arg);
dprintf("----Permedia2 GFNPB Structure-------------\n"); dprintf("VOID (*pgfn)(struct _GFNPB*) 0x%x\n", tempFB.pgfn); dprintf("PDev* ppdev 0x%x\n", tempFB.ppdev); dprintf("Surf* psurfDst 0x%x\n", tempFB.psurfDst); dprintf("RECTL* prclDst 0x%x\n", tempFB.prclDst); dprintf("Surf* psurfSrc 0x%x\n", tempFB.psurfSrc); dprintf("RECTL* prclSrc 0x%x\n", tempFB.prclSrc); dprintf("POINTL* pptlSrc 0x%x\n", tempFB.pptlSrc); dprintf("LONG lNumRects %ld\n", tempFB.lNumRects); dprintf("RECTL* pRects 0x%x\n", tempFB.pRects); dprintf("ULONG colorKey 0x%x\n", tempFB.colorKey); dprintf("ULONG solidColor 0x%x\n", tempFB.solidColor); dprintf("RBrush* prbrush 0x%x\n", tempFB.prbrush); dprintf("POINTL* pptlBrush 0x%x\n", tempFB.pptlBrush); dprintf("CLIPOBJ* pco 0x%x\n", tempFB.pco); dprintf("XLATEOBJ* pxlo 0x%x\n", tempFB.pxlo); dprintf("POINTL* pptlMask 0x%x\n", tempFB.pptlMask); dprintf("ULONG ulRop4 0x%x\n", tempFB.ulRop4); dprintf("UCHAR ucAlpha 0x%x\n", tempFB.ucAlpha); dprintf("TRIVERTEX* ptvrt 0x%x\n", tempFB.ptvrt); dprintf("ULONG ulNumTvrt %ld\n", tempFB.ulNumTvrt); dprintf("PVOID pvMesh 0x%x\n", tempFB.pvMesh); dprintf("ULONG ulNumMesh %ld\n", tempFB.ulNumMesh); dprintf("ULONG ulMode 0x%x\n", tempFB.ulMode); dprintf("SURFOBJ* psoSrc 0x%x\n", tempFB.psoSrc); dprintf("SURFOBJ* psoDst 0x%x\n", tempFB.psoDst); return; fb_help: dprintf("Usage: fb [-?] GFNPB_PTR\n"); }// fb