* * ******************* * * GDI SAMPLE CODE * * ******************* * * Module Name: driver.h * * Contains definitions and typedefs common to all driver * components. * * Copyright (c) 1994-1998 3Dlabs Inc. Ltd. All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 1995-1999 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. \*****************************************************************************/ #ifndef __DRIVER__H__
#define __DRIVER__H__
typedef struct _PDev PDev; // Handy forward declaration
typedef struct _Surf Surf; // Handy forward declaration
typedef struct _GFNPB GFNPB; // Handy forward declaration
typedef VOID (GFN)(GFNPB*); typedef BOOL (GFNLINE)(PDev*, LONG, LONG, LONG, LONG); typedef BOOL (GFNINIS)(PDev*, ULONG, DWORD, RECTL*); typedef VOID (GFNRSTS)(PDev*);
typedef struct _P2DMA P2DMA; typedef struct tagP2CtxtRec *P2CtxtPtr; typedef struct _hw_data *HwDataPtr;
// Four byte tag used for tracking memory allocations on a per source
// file basis. (characters are in reverse order). Note if you add any
// new files which call ENGALLOCMEM remember to update this list. This also
// applies if you want to make the allocation tagging more granular than
// file level.
#define ALLOC_TAG_3D2P '3d2p' // Allocations from d3d.c
#define ALLOC_TAG_6D2P '6d2p' // Allocations from d3ddx6.c
#define ALLOC_TAG_SD2P 'sd2p' // Allocations from d3dstate.c
#define ALLOC_TAG_TD2P 'td2p' // Allocations from d3dtxman.c
#define ALLOC_TAG_US2P 'us2p' // Allocations from ddsurf.c
#define ALLOC_TAG_ED2P 'ed2p' // Allocations from debug.c
#define ALLOC_TAG_NE2P 'ne2p' // Allocations from enable.c
#define ALLOC_TAG_IF2P 'if2p' // Allocations from fillpath.c
#define ALLOC_TAG_EH2P 'eh2p' // Alloactions from heap.c
#define ALLOC_TAG_WH2P 'wh2p' // Allocations from hwinit.c
#define ALLOC_TAG_XC2P 'xc2p' // Allocations from p2ctxt.c
#define ALLOC_TAG_AP2P 'ap2p' // Allocations from palette.c
#define ALLOC_TAG_EP2P 'ep2p' // Allocations from permedia.c
#define ALLOC_TAG_XT2P 'xt2p' // Allocations from textout.c
// Miscellaneous shared stuff
#define DLL_NAME L"perm2dll" // Name of the DLL in UNICODE
#define STANDARD_DEBUG_PREFIX "PERM2DLL: "// All debug output is prefixed
// by this string
#define DRIVER_EXTRA_SIZE 0 // Size of the DriverExtra information in
// the DEVMODE structure
#define TMP_BUFFER_SIZE 8192 // Size in bytes of 'pvTmpBuffer'.
// Has to be at least enough to store an
// entire scan line (i.e., 6400 for
// 1600x1200x32).
#define MAX_CLUT_SIZE (sizeof(VIDEO_CLUT) + (sizeof(ULONG) * 256))
#define INPUT_BUFFER_SIZE (1024 * 64) // Size in bytes
#define MT_LOG_LEVEL 6
#define ASSERTLOCK(xppdev, func) \
{ \ EngAcquireSemaphore((xppdev)->hsemLock); \ if ((xppdev)->ulLockCount < 1) \ { \ DebugPrint(-1000, __FILE__ ":%d:" #func ": bad lock count", __LINE__); \ EngDebugBreak(); \ } \ EngReleaseSemaphore((xppdev)->hsemLock); \ } #else
#define ASSERTLOCK(xppdev, func)
// Status flags
typedef enum { // STAT_* indicates that the resource actually exists
STAT_BRUSH_CACHE = 0x0002, // Brush cache successfully allocated
STAT_DEV_BITMAPS = 0x0004, // Device Bitmaps are allowed
// ENABLE_* indicates whether resource is currently available
ENABLE_BRUSH_CACHE = 0x0020, // Brush cache disabled
ENABLE_DEV_BITMAPS = 0x0040, // Device Bitmaps disabled
} /*STATUS*/; typedef int Status;
// The Physical Device data structure
typedef struct _PDev { BYTE* pjScreen; // Points to base screen address
ULONG iBitmapFormat; // BMF_8BPP or BMF_16BPP or BMF_32BPP
// (our current colour depth)
CAPS flCaps; // Capabilities flags
Status flStatus; // Status flags
BOOL bEnabled; // In graphics mode (not full-screen)
HANDLE hDriver; // Handle to \Device\Screen
HDEV hdevEng; // Engine's handle to PDev
HSURF hsurfScreen; // Engine's handle to screen surface
Surf* pdsurfScreen; // Our private DSURF for the screen
Surf* pdsurfOffScreen; // Our private DSURF for the back buffer
LONG cxScreen; // Visible screen width
LONG cyScreen; // Visible screen height
LONG cxMemory; // Width of Video RAM
LONG cyMemory; // Height of Video RAM
ULONG ulMode; // Mode the mini-port driver is in.
LONG lDelta; // Distance from one scan to the next.
FLONG flHooks; // What we're hooking from GDI
LONG cjPelSize; // 4/2/1 for 32/16/8 bpp
LONG cPelSize; // 2/1/0 for 32/16/8 bpp
DWORD bPixShift; // 2/1/0 for 32/16/8 bpp
DWORD bBppShift; // 0/1/2 for 32/16/8 bpp
DWORD dwBppMask; // 0/1/3 for 32/16/8 bpp
ULONG ulWhite; // 0xff if 8bpp, 0xffff if 16bpp,
// 0xffffffff if 32bpp
ULONG* pulCtrlBase[2]; // Mapped control registers for this PDEV
// 2 entries to support Dual-TX
ULONG* pulDenseCtrlBase; // Dense mapping for direct draw
ULONG* pulRamdacBase; // Mapped control registers for the RAMDAC
VOID* pvTmpBuffer; // General purpose temporary buffer,
// TMP_BUFFER_SIZE bytes in size
// (Remember to synchronize if you use this
// for device bitmaps or async pointers)
LONG lVidMemHeight; // Height of Video RAM available to
// DirectDraw heap (cyScreen <= cyHeap
// <= cyMemory), including primary surface
LONG lVidMemWidth; // Width, in pixel, of Video RAM available
// to DDraw heap, including primary surface
LONG cBitsPerPel; // Bits per pel (8, 15, 16, 24 or 32)
UCHAR* pjIoBase; // Mapped IO port base for this PDEV
ULONG ulPermFormat; // permedia format type of primary
ULONG ulPermFormatEx; // permedia extended format bit of primary
DWORD dwAccelLevel; // Acceleration level setting
POINTL ptlOrigin; // Origin of desktop in multi-mon dev space
// Palette stuff:
PALETTEENTRY* pPal; // The palette if palette managed
HPALETTE hpalDefault; // GDI handle to the default palette.
FLONG flRed; // Red mask for 16/32bpp bitfields
FLONG flGreen; // Green mask for 16/32bpp bitfields
FLONG flBlue; // Blue mask for 16/32bpp bitfields
// Heap stuff for DDRAW managed off-screen memory
VIDEOMEMORY* pvmList; // Points to the video-memory heap list
// as supplied by DirectDraw, needed
// for heap allocations
ULONG cHeaps; // Count of video-memory heaps
ULONG iHeapUniq; // Incremented every time room is freed
// in the off-screen heap
Surf* psurfListHead; // Dbl Linked list of discardable bitmaps,
Surf* psurfListTail; // in order of oldest to newest
// Pointer stuff
LONG xPointerHot; // xHot of current hardware pointer
LONG yPointerHot; // yHot of current hardware pointer
ULONG ulHwGraphicsCursorModeRegister_45; // Default value for index 45
PtrFlags flPointer; // Pointer state flags
VOID* pvPointerData; // Points to ajPointerData[0]
BYTE ajPointerData[POINTER_DATA_SIZE]; // Private work area for downloaded
// miniport pointer code
BOOL bPointerInitialized;// Flag to indicate if HW pointer has been
// initizlized
// Brush stuff:
BOOL bRealizeTransparent;// Hint to DrvRealizeBrush for whether
// the brush should be realized as
// transparent or not
LONG cPatterns; // Count of bitmap patterns created
LONG lNextCachedBrush; // Index for next brush to be allocated
LONG cBrushCache; // Total number of brushes cached
BrushEntry abeMono; // Keeps track of area stipple brush
BrushEntry abe[TOTAL_BRUSH_COUNT]; // Keeps track of brush cache
HBITMAP ahbmPat[HS_DDI_MAX];// Engine handles to standard patterns
ULONG ulBrushPackedPP; // Stride of brush as partial products
VIDEOMEMORY*pvmBrushHeap; // Heap from which brush cached was alloced
ULONG ulBrushVidMem; // Poitner to start of brush cache
// Hardware pointer cache stuff:
HWPointerCache HWPtrCache; // The cache data structure itself
LONG HWPtrLastCursor; // The index of the last cursor that we drew
LONG HWPtrPos_X; // The last X position of the cursor
LONG HWPtrPos_Y; // The last Y position of the cursor
HwDataPtr permediaInfo; // info about the interface to permedia2
LONG FrameBufferLength; // Length of framebuffer in bytes
// rendering routines
GFN* pgfnAlphaBlend; GFN* pgfnConstantAlphaBlend; GFN* pgfnCopyBlt; GFN* pgfnCopyBltWithRop; GFN* pgfnGradientFillTri; GFN* pgfnGradientFillRect; GFN* pgfnMonoOffset; GFN* pgfnMonoPatFill; GFN* pgfnPatFill; GFN* pgfnPatRealize; GFN* pgfnSolidFill; GFN* pgfnSolidFillWithRop; GFN* pgfnSourceFillRect; GFN* pgfnTransparentBlt; GFN* pgfnXferImage; GFN* pgfnInvert;
// support for DrvStroke
// TODO: remove use of this implicit parameter passing
Surf* psurf; // this is an implicit parameter passed to various
// calls ... this needs to be removed.
// Direct draw stuff
P2CtxtPtr pDDContext; // DDRAW context
// Virtual address of start of screen
UINT_PTR dwScreenStart;
// DDraw/D3D DMA shared memory block
P2DMA *pP2dma;
// Current pixel format of display
// Some P2 specific information
DWORD dwChipConfig; // image of P2 chip configuration
// some virtual addresses of the P2
// registers
ULONG *pCtrlBase; //
ULONG *pCoreBase; //
ULONG *pGPFifo; //
// DirectDraw callbacks
DWORD dwNewDDSurfaceOffset;
BOOL bDdExclusiveMode; // TRUE if DDraw is in ExclusiveMode
BOOL bDdStereoMode; // TRUE if flip has switched us
// to stereo mode
BOOL bCanDoStereo; // This mode can do stereo
// These have to live here, as we could be running on 2 different cards
// on two different displays...!
UINT_PTR pD3DDriverData32; UINT_PTR pD3DHALCallbacks32; // Linear allocator defines
UINT_PTR dwGARTLin; // Linear address of Base of AGP Memory
UINT_PTR dwGARTDev; // High Linear address of Base of AGP Memory
UINT_PTR dwGARTLinBase; // The Linear base address passed into
// UpdateNonLocalVidMem
UINT_PTR dwGARTDevBase; // The High Linear base address passed into
// UpdateNonLocalVidMem
// HAL info structure.
// New Input FIFO cached information
PULONG pulInFifoPtr; PULONG pulInFifoStart; PULONG pulInFifoEnd; ULONG* dmaBufferVirtualAddress; LARGE_INTEGER dmaBufferPhysicalAddress; ULONG dmaCurrentBufferOffset; ULONG dmaActiveBufferOffset;
ULONG* pulInputDmaCount; ULONG* pulInputDmaAddress; ULONG* pulFifo; ULONG* pulOutputFifoCount; ULONG* pulInputFifoCount;
BOOL bGdiContext;
BOOL bNeedSync; BOOL bForceSwap;
#if DBG
ULONG ulReserved; #endif
// On NT4.0 The psoScreen is the locked screen Surf we EngLockSurface
// on to in DrvEnableSurface which we EngUnlockSurface in
// DrvDisableSurface. On NT5.0 this should be NULL.
SURFOBJ *psoScreen;
HSEMAPHORE hsemLock; ULONG ulLockCount; #endif
} PDev, *PPDev;
* * * NT 5.0 -> NT 4.0 single binary support: * * * \*****************************************************************************/
// Are we running on NT40 system
extern BOOL g_bOnNT40;
// Function to load thunks for new NT5.0 functionality. Called in
// DrvEnableDriver and implemented in thunks.c
extern BOOL bEnableThunks();
#endif // __DRIVER__