* * ******************* * * GDI SAMPLE CODE * * ******************* * * Module Name: fastfill.c * * Draws fast solid-coloured, unclipped, non-complex rectangles. * * Copyright (c) 1994-1998 3Dlabs Inc. Ltd. All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 1995-1999 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. \*****************************************************************************/ #include "precomp.h"
#include "gdi.h"
// BOOL bFillPolygon()
// Draws a non-complex, unclipped polygon. 'Non-complex' is defined as
// having only two edges that are monotonic increasing in 'y'. That is,
// the polygon cannot have more than one disconnected segment on any given
// scan. Note that the edges of the polygon can self-intersect, so hourglass
// shapes are permissible. This restriction permits this routine to run two
// simultaneous DDAs(Digital Differential Analyzer), and no sorting of the
// edges is required.
// Note that NT's fill convention is different from that of Win 3.1 or 4.0.
// With the additional complication of fractional end-points, our convention
// is the same as in 'X-Windows'.
// This routine handles patterns only when the Permedia2 area stipple can be
// used. The reason for this is that once the stipple initialization is
// done, pattern fills appear to the programmer exactly the same as solid
// fills (with the slight difference of an extra bit in the render command).
// We break each polygon down to a sequenze of screen aligned trapeziods, which
// the Permedia2 can handle.
// Optimisation list follows ....
// This routine is in no way the ultimate convex polygon drawing routine
// Some obvious things that would make it faster:
// 1) Write it in Assembler
// 2) Make the non-complex polygon detection faster. If I could have
// modified memory before the start of after the end of the buffer,
// I could have simplified the detection code. But since I expect
// this buffer to come from GDI, I can't do that. Another thing
// would be to have GDI give a flag on calls that are guaranteed
// to be convex, such as 'Ellipses' and 'RoundRects'. Note that
// the buffer would still have to be scanned to find the top-most
// point.
// 3) Implement support for a single sub-path that spans multiple
// path data records, so that we don't have to copy all the points
// to a single buffer like we do in 'fillpath.c'.
// 4) Use 'ebp' and/or 'esp' as a general register in the inner loops
// of the Asm loops, and also Pentium-optimize the code. It's safe
// to use 'esp' on NT because it's guaranteed that no interrupts
// will be taken in our thread context, and nobody else looks at the
// stack pointer from our context.
// 5) When we get to a part of the polygon where both vertices are of
// equal height, the algorithm essentially starts the polygon again.
// Using the Permedia2 Continue message could speed things up in certain
// cases.
// Returns TRUE if the polygon was drawn; FALSE if the polygon was complex.
// Note: the point data (POINTFX) GDI passed to us in 28.4 format. Permedia 2
// hardware uses 12.15 format. So most of the time, we need to do a
// x = (x + 15) >> 4 to bring it back to normal interger format and then
// convert it to 12.15 format when we set the register value
// Parameters:
// ppdev-------Pointer to PDev
// pSurfDst----Destination surface
// lEdges------Number of edges, includes close figure edge
// pptfxFirst--Pointer to the first point in the data buffer. There are total
// "lEdges" points
// iSolidColor-Solid color fill
// ulRop4------ROP4
// pco---------Clip Object.
// prb---------Realized brush
// pptlBrush---Pattern alignment
BOOL bFillPolygon(PDev* ppdev, Surf* pSurfDst, LONG lEdges, POINTFIX* pptfxFirst, ULONG ulSolidColor, ULONG ulRop4, CLIPOBJ* pco, RBrush* prb, POINTL* pptlBrush) { POINTFIX* pptfxLast; // Points to the last point in the polygon
// array
POINTFIX* pptfxTop; // Points to the top-most point in the polygon
POINTFIX* pptfxScan; // Current edge pointer for finding pptfxTop
POINTFIX* aPtrFixTop[2]; // DDA terms and stuff
POINTFIX* aPtrFixNext[2]; // DDA terms and stuff
BOOL bRC = FALSE; // Return code for this function
BOOL bSingleColor; // Only one color pass
BOOL bTrivialClip; // Trivial Clip or not
ClipEnum* pClipRegion = (ClipEnum*)(ppdev->pvTmpBuffer); // Buffer for storing clipping region
DWORD dwAsMode[2]; // The area stipple mode and the color for that
// pass
DWORD dwColorMode; // Current color mode
DWORD dwColorReg; // Current color register mode
DWORD dwLogicMode; // Current logic op mode
DWORD dwReadMode; // Current register read mode
DWORD dwRenderBits; // Current render bits
LONG lCount; // Number of scan lines to render
LONG alDX[2]; //
LONG alDY[2]; LONG lNumOfPass; // Number of passes required to render
LONG lScanEdges; // Number of edges scanned to find pptfxTop
// (doesn't include the closefigure edge)
LONG alDxDy[2]; RECTL* pClipList; // List of clip rects
ULONG ulBgColor; // Background color
ULONG ulBgLogicOp = ulRop3ToLogicop(ulRop4 >> 8); ULONG ulBrushColor = ulSolidColor; // Current fill color
ULONG ulColor[2]; // On multiple color passes we need to know how
// to set up
ULONG ulFgColor; // Foreground color
ULONG ulFgLogicOp = ulRop3ToLogicop(ulRop4 & 0xFF); ULONG ulOrX; // We do logic OR for all values to eliminate
ULONG ulOrY; // complex polygons
GFNPB pb; // Functional block for lower level function
ULONG* pBuffer;
pb.ppdev = ppdev;
DBG_GDI((6, "bFillPolygon called, rop4 = %x, fg ulFgLogicOp =%d, bg = %d", ulRop4, ulFgLogicOp, ulBgLogicOp)); ASSERTDD(lEdges > 1, "Polygon with less than 2 edges");
// See if the polygon is 'non-complex'
// Assume for now that the first point in path is the top-most
pptfxScan = pptfxFirst; pptfxTop = pptfxFirst; pptfxLast = pptfxFirst + lEdges - 1; //
// Initialize our logic OR op counters
ulOrX = pptfxScan->x; ulOrY = pptfxScan->y;
// 'pptfxScan' will always point to the first point in the current
// edge, and 'lScanEdges' will be the number of edges remaining, including
// the current one, but not counting close figure
lScanEdges = lEdges - 1;
// First phase: Velidate input point data to see if we can handle it or not
// Check if the 2nd edge point is lower than current edge point
// Note: the (0,0) is at the up-left corner in this coordinate system
// So the bigger the Y value, the lower the point
if ( (pptfxScan + 1)->y > pptfxScan->y ) { //
// The edge goes down, that is, the 2nd point is lower than the 1st
// point. Collect all downs: that is, collect all the X and Y until
// the edge goes up
do { ulOrY |= (++pptfxScan)->y; ulOrX |= pptfxScan->x;
// If no more edge left, we are done
if ( --lScanEdges == 0 ) { goto SetUpForFilling; } } while ( (pptfxScan + 1)->y >= pptfxScan->y );
// From this point, the edge goes up, that is, the next point is higher
// than current point
// Collect all ups: Collect all the X and Y until the edge goes down
do { ulOrY |= (++pptfxScan)->y; ulOrX |= pptfxScan->x; //
// If no more edge left, we are done
if ( --lScanEdges == 0 ) { goto SetUpForFillingCheck; } } while ( (pptfxScan + 1)->y <= pptfxScan->y );
// Reset pptfxTop to the current point which is at top again compare
// with the next point
// Collect all downs:
pptfxTop = pptfxScan;
do { //
// If the next edge point is lower than the 1st point, stop
if ( (pptfxScan + 1)->y > pptfxFirst->y ) { break; }
ulOrY |= (++pptfxScan)->y; ulOrX |= pptfxScan->x;
// If no more edge left, we are done
if ( --lScanEdges == 0 ) { goto SetUpForFilling; } } while ( (pptfxScan + 1)->y >= pptfxScan->y );
// If we fallen here, it means we are given down-up-down polygon.
// We can't handle it and return FALSE to let GDI do it.
DBG_GDI((7, "Reject: can't fill down-up-down polygon"));
goto ReturnBack; }// if ( (pptfxScan + 1)->y>pptfxScan->y ), 2nd point is lower than 1st one
else { //
// The edge goes up, that is, the 2nd point is higher than the 1st
// point. Collect all ups: that is, collect all the X and Y until
// the edge goes down.
// Note: we keeps changing the value of "pptfxTop" so that after
// this "while" loop, "pptfxTop" points to the TOPEST point
do { ulOrY |= (++pptfxTop)->y; // We increment this now because we
ulOrX |= pptfxTop->x; // want it to point to the very last
// If no more edge left, we are done
if ( --lScanEdges == 0 ) { goto SetUpForFilling; } } while ( (pptfxTop + 1)->y <= pptfxTop->y );
// Form this point, the edge goes down, that is, the next point is
// lower than current point. Collect all downs: that is, collect all
// the X and Y until the edge goes up
// Note: here we keep changing "pptfxScan" so that after this loop,
// "pptfxScan" points to the current scan line, which also is the
// lowest point
pptfxScan = pptfxTop; do { ulOrY |= (++pptfxScan)->y; ulOrX |= pptfxScan->x; //
// If no more edge left, we are done
if ( --lScanEdges == 0 ) { goto SetUpForFilling; } } while ( (pptfxScan + 1)->y >= pptfxScan->y );
// Up to this point, the edge is about to go up again.
// Collect all ups:
do { //
// If the edge going down again, just qute because we can't
// fill up-down-up polygon
if ( (pptfxScan + 1)->y < pptfxFirst->y ) { break; }
ulOrY |= (++pptfxScan)->y; ulOrX |= pptfxScan->x; //
// If no more edge left, we are done
if ( --lScanEdges == 0 ) { goto SetUpForFilling; } } while ( (pptfxScan + 1)->y <= pptfxScan->y );
// If we fallen here, it means we are given up-down-up polygon.
// We can't handle it and return FALSE to let GDI do it.
DBG_GDI((7, "Reject: Can't fill up-down-up polygon")); goto ReturnBack; }// if (pptfxScan + 1)->y<=pptfxScan->y), 2nd point is higher than 1st one
// Phase 2: Now we have validated the input point and think we can fill it
SetUpForFillingCheck: //
// We check to see if the end of the current edge is higher than the top
// edge we've found so far. If yes, then let pptfxTop point to the end of
// current edge which is the highest.
if ( pptfxScan->y < pptfxTop->y ) { pptfxTop = pptfxScan; }
SetUpForFilling: //
// Can only use block fills for trivial clip so work it out here
bTrivialClip = (pco == NULL) || (pco->iDComplexity == DC_TRIVIAL);
if ( (ulOrY & 0xffffc00f) || (ulOrX & 0xffff8000) ) { ULONG ulNeg; ULONG ulPosX; ULONG ulPosY;
// Fractional Y must be done as spans
if ( ulOrY & 0xf ) { bRC = bFillSpans(ppdev, pSurfDst, lEdges, pptfxFirst, pptfxTop, pptfxLast, ulSolidColor, ulRop4, pco, prb, pptlBrush); goto ReturnBack; }
// Run through all the vertices and check that none of them
// have a negative component less than -256.
ulNeg = 0; ulPosX = 0; ulPosY = 0;
for ( pptfxScan = pptfxFirst; pptfxScan <= pptfxLast; ++pptfxScan ) { if ( pptfxScan->x < 0 ) { ulNeg |= -pptfxScan->x; } else { ulPosX |= pptfxScan->x; }
if ( pptfxScan->y < 0 ) { ulNeg |= -pptfxScan->y; } else { ulPosY |= pptfxScan->y; } }
// We don't want to handle any polygon with a negative vertex
// at <= -256 in either coordinate.
if ( ulNeg & 0xfffff000 ) { DBG_GDI((1, "Coords out of range for fast fill")); goto ReturnBack; }
if ( (ulPosX > 2047) || (ulPosY > 1023) ) { DBG_GDI((1, "Coords out of range for Permedia2 fast fill")); goto ReturnBack; } }// if ( (ulOrY & 0xffffc00f) || (ulOrX & 0xffff8000) )
// Now we are ready to fill
InputBufferReserve(ppdev, 2, &pBuffer);
pBuffer[0] = __Permedia2TagFBWindowBase; pBuffer[1] = pSurfDst->ulPixOffset;
pBuffer += 2;
InputBufferCommit(ppdev, pBuffer);
DBG_GDI((7, "bFillPolygon: Polygon is renderable. Go ahead and render"));
// Check to see if it is a non-solid fill brush fill
if ( (ulBrushColor == 0xffffffff) ||(!bTrivialClip) ) { //
// Non-solid brush, not too much we can do
dwRenderBits = __RENDER_TRAPEZOID_PRIMITIVE; dwColorReg = __Permedia2TagFBWriteData; }// Non-solid brush
else { //
// For solid brush, We can use fast fills, so load the fb block
// color register.
dwColorReg = __Permedia2TagFBBlockColor; dwRenderBits = __RENDER_FAST_FILL_ENABLE | __RENDER_TRAPEZOID_PRIMITIVE;
// Setup color data based on current color mode we are in
if ( ppdev->cPelSize == 1 ) { //
// We are in 16 bit packed mode. So the color data must be
// repeated in both halves of the FBBlockColor register
ASSERTDD((ulSolidColor & 0xFFFF0000) == 0, "bFillPolygon: upper bits are not zero"); ulSolidColor |= (ulSolidColor << 16); } else if ( ppdev->cPelSize == 0 ) { //
// We are in 8 bit packed mode. So the color data must be
// repeated in all 4 bytes of the FBBlockColor register
ASSERTDD((ulSolidColor & 0xFFFFFF00) == 0, "bFillPolygon: upper bits are not zero"); ulSolidColor |= ulSolidColor << 8; ulSolidColor |= ulSolidColor << 16; }
// Ensure that the last access was a write before loading
// BlockColor
InputBufferReserve(ppdev, 2, &pBuffer);
pBuffer[0] = __Permedia2TagFBBlockColor; pBuffer[1] = ulSolidColor; pBuffer += 2;
InputBufferCommit(ppdev, pBuffer);
}// Solid brush case
else { dwColorReg = __Permedia2TagConstantColor; dwColorMode = __COLOR_DDA_FLAT_SHADE; dwLogicMode = P2_ENABLED_LOGICALOP(ulFgLogicOp); dwReadMode = PM_FBREADMODE_PARTIAL(pSurfDst->ulPackedPP) | LogicopReadDest[ulFgLogicOp]; dwRenderBits = __RENDER_TRAPEZOID_PRIMITIVE; }// Non-COPY LogicOP
// Determine how many passes we need to draw all the clip rects
if ( bTrivialClip ) { //
// Just draw, no clipping to perform.
pClipList = NULL; // Indicate no clip list
lNumOfPass = 1; } else { if ( pco->iDComplexity == DC_RECT ) { //
// For DC_RECT, we can do it in one pass
lNumOfPass = 1; pClipList = &pco->rclBounds; } else { //
// It may be slow to render the entire polygon for each clip rect,
// especially if the object is very complex. An arbitary limit of
// up to CLIP_LIMIT regions will be rendered by this function.
// Return false if more than CLIP_LIMIT regions.
lNumOfPass = CLIPOBJ_cEnumStart(pco, FALSE, CT_RECTANGLES, CD_ANY, CLIP_LIMIT); if ( lNumOfPass == -1 ) { goto ReturnBack; // More than CLIP_LIMIT.
// Put the regions into our clip buffer
if ( (CLIPOBJ_bEnum(pco, sizeof(ClipEnum), (ULONG*)pClipRegion)) ||(pClipRegion->c != lNumOfPass) ) { DBG_GDI((7, "CLIPOBJ_bEnum inconsistency. %d = %d", pClipRegion->c, lNumOfPass)); }
pClipList = &(pClipRegion->arcl[0]); }// Non-DC_RECT case
// For non-trivial clipping, we can use SCISSOR to implement it
InputBufferReserve(ppdev, 2, &pBuffer);
pBuffer[0] = __Permedia2TagScissorMode; pBuffer[1] = SCREEN_SCISSOR_DEFAULT | USER_SCISSOR_ENABLE;
pBuffer += 2;
InputBufferCommit(ppdev, pBuffer);
}// Non-trivial clipping
bSingleColor = TRUE; if ( ulBrushColor != 0xFFFFFFFF ) { //
// Solid brush case, just set the color register as the color
InputBufferReserve(ppdev, 2, &pBuffer);
pBuffer[0] = dwColorReg; pBuffer[1] = ulSolidColor;
pBuffer += 2;
InputBufferCommit(ppdev, pBuffer);
}// Solid brush case
else { //
// For non-solid brush, we need to realize brush first
BrushEntry* pbe;
// Turn on the area stipple.
// If anything has changed with the brush we must re-realize it. If the
// brush has been kicked out of the area stipple unit we must fully
// realize it. If only the alignment has changed we can simply update
// the alignment for the stipple.
pbe = prb->pbe; pb.prbrush = prb; pb.pptlBrush = pptlBrush; if ( (pbe == NULL) || (pbe->prbVerify != prb) ) { DBG_GDI((7, "full brush realize")); vPatRealize(&pb); } else if ( (prb->ptlBrushOrg.x != pptlBrush->x) ||(prb->ptlBrushOrg.y != pptlBrush->y) ) { DBG_GDI((7, "changing brush offset")); vMonoOffset(&pb); }
ulFgColor = prb->ulForeColor; ulBgColor = prb->ulBackColor;
if ( (ulBgLogicOp == K_LOGICOP_NOOP) ||((ulFgLogicOp == K_LOGICOP_XOR) && (ulBgColor == 0)) ) { //
// Either we have a transparent bitmap or it can be assumed to be
// transparent (XOR with bg=0)
InputBufferReserve(ppdev, 4, &pBuffer);
pBuffer[0] = dwColorReg; pBuffer[1] = ulFgColor; pBuffer[2] = __Permedia2TagAreaStippleMode; pBuffer[3] = prb->areaStippleMode;
pBuffer += 4;
InputBufferCommit(ppdev, pBuffer);
}// Transparent bitmap
else if ( (ulFgLogicOp == K_LOGICOP_XOR) && (ulFgColor == 0) ) { //
// We have a transparent foreground! (XOR with fg=0)
InputBufferReserve(ppdev, 4, &pBuffer);
pBuffer[0] = dwColorReg; pBuffer[1] = ulBgColor; pBuffer[2] = __Permedia2TagAreaStippleMode; pBuffer[3] = prb->areaStippleMode | AREA_STIPPLE_INVERT_PAT; pBuffer += 4;
InputBufferCommit(ppdev, pBuffer);
}// Transparent foreground
else { //
// Not using a transparent pattern
bSingleColor = FALSE; ulColor[0] = ulFgColor; ulColor[1] = ulBgColor; dwAsMode[0] = prb->areaStippleMode; dwAsMode[1] = dwAsMode[0] | AREA_STIPPLE_INVERT_PAT;
// Double the number of passes, one for fg one for bg
lNumOfPass <<= 1; }// No transparent
}// if ( ulBrushColor == 0xFFFFFFFF ), non-solid brush
InputBufferReserve(ppdev, 6, &pBuffer);
pBuffer[0] = __Permedia2TagColorDDAMode; pBuffer[1] = dwColorMode; pBuffer[2] = __Permedia2TagFBReadMode; pBuffer[3] = dwReadMode; pBuffer[4] = __Permedia2TagLogicalOpMode; pBuffer[5] = dwLogicMode;
pBuffer += 6;
InputBufferCommit(ppdev, pBuffer);
DBG_GDI((7, "Rendering Polygon in %d passes. with %s", lNumOfPass, bSingleColor ? "Single Color" : "Two Color"));
lNumOfPass--; while ( 1 ) { //
// Per pass initialization
if ( bSingleColor ) { //
// Need to set up clip rect each pass
if ( pClipList ) { InputBufferReserve(ppdev, 4, &pBuffer);
pBuffer[0] = __Permedia2TagScissorMinXY; pBuffer[1] = ((pClipList->left)<< SCISSOR_XOFFSET) | ((pClipList->top)<< SCISSOR_YOFFSET); pBuffer[2] = __Permedia2TagScissorMaxXY; pBuffer[3] = ((pClipList->right)<< SCISSOR_XOFFSET) | ((pClipList->bottom)<< SCISSOR_YOFFSET);
pBuffer += 4;
InputBufferCommit(ppdev, pBuffer); pClipList++; } }// Single color
else { //
// Need to set up clip rect every other pass and change color and
// inversion mode every pass
if ( (pClipList) && (lNumOfPass & 1) ) { InputBufferReserve(ppdev, 4, &pBuffer);
pBuffer[0] = __Permedia2TagScissorMinXY; pBuffer[1] = ((pClipList->left)<< SCISSOR_XOFFSET) | ((pClipList->top)<< SCISSOR_YOFFSET); pBuffer[2] = __Permedia2TagScissorMaxXY; pBuffer[3] = ((pClipList->right)<< SCISSOR_XOFFSET) | ((pClipList->bottom)<< SCISSOR_YOFFSET); pBuffer += 4;
InputBufferCommit(ppdev, pBuffer);
pClipList++; }
InputBufferReserve(ppdev, 4, &pBuffer);
pBuffer[0] = dwColorReg; pBuffer[1] = ulColor[lNumOfPass & 1]; pBuffer[2] = __Permedia2TagAreaStippleMode; pBuffer[3] = dwAsMode[lNumOfPass & 1];
pBuffer += 4;
InputBufferCommit(ppdev, pBuffer); }// Non-single color mode
// Initialize left and right points (current) to top point.
aPtrFixNext[LEFT] = pptfxTop; aPtrFixNext[RIGHT] = pptfxTop;
while ( 1 ) { //
// aPtrFixNext[] is always the valid point to draw from
do { aPtrFixTop[LEFT] = aPtrFixNext[LEFT]; aPtrFixNext[LEFT] = aPtrFixTop[LEFT] - 1;
if ( aPtrFixNext[LEFT] < pptfxFirst ) { aPtrFixNext[LEFT] = pptfxLast; }
// Special case of flat based polygon, need to break now as
// polygon is finished
if ( aPtrFixNext[LEFT] == aPtrFixNext[RIGHT] ) { goto FinishedPolygon; }
DBG_GDI((7, "LEFT: aPtrFixTop %x aPtrFixNext %x", aPtrFixTop[LEFT], aPtrFixNext[LEFT])); DBG_GDI((7, "FIRST %x LAST %x", pptfxFirst, pptfxLast)); DBG_GDI((7, "X %x Y %x Next: X %x Y %x", aPtrFixTop[LEFT]->x, aPtrFixTop[LEFT]->y, aPtrFixNext[LEFT]->x, aPtrFixNext[LEFT]->y)); } while ( aPtrFixTop[LEFT]->y == aPtrFixNext[LEFT]->y );
do { aPtrFixTop[RIGHT] = aPtrFixNext[RIGHT]; aPtrFixNext[RIGHT] = aPtrFixTop[RIGHT] + 1;
if ( aPtrFixNext[RIGHT] > pptfxLast ) { aPtrFixNext[RIGHT] = pptfxFirst; }
DBG_GDI((7, "RIGHT: aPtrFixTop %x aPtrFixNext %x FIRST %x", aPtrFixTop[RIGHT], aPtrFixNext[RIGHT], pptfxFirst)); DBG_GDI((7, " LAST %x X %x Y %x Next: X %x Y %x", pptfxLast, aPtrFixTop[RIGHT]->x, aPtrFixTop[RIGHT]->y, aPtrFixNext[RIGHT]->x, aPtrFixNext[RIGHT]->y)); } while ( aPtrFixTop[RIGHT]->y == aPtrFixNext[RIGHT]->y );
// Start up new rectangle. Whenever we get to this code, both
// points should have equal y values, and need to be restarted.
// Note: To get correct results, we need to add on nearly one to
// each X coordinate.
DBG_GDI((7, "New: Top: x: %x y: %x x: %x y: %x", aPtrFixTop[LEFT]->x, aPtrFixTop[LEFT]->y, aPtrFixTop[RIGHT]->x, aPtrFixTop[RIGHT]->y)); DBG_GDI((7, " Next: x: %x y: %x x: %x y: %x", aPtrFixNext[LEFT]->x, aPtrFixNext[LEFT]->y, aPtrFixNext[RIGHT]->x, aPtrFixNext[RIGHT]->y));
InputBufferReserve(ppdev, 6, &pBuffer);
pBuffer[0] = __Permedia2TagStartXDom; pBuffer[1] = FIXtoFIXED(aPtrFixTop[LEFT]->x) + NEARLY_ONE; pBuffer[2] = __Permedia2TagStartXSub; pBuffer[3] = FIXtoFIXED(aPtrFixTop[RIGHT]->x)+ NEARLY_ONE; pBuffer[4] = __Permedia2TagStartY; pBuffer[5] = FIXtoFIXED(aPtrFixTop[RIGHT]->y);
pBuffer += 6;
InputBufferCommit(ppdev, pBuffer);
// We have 2 15.4 coordinates. We need to divide them and change
// them into a 15.16 coordinate. We know the y coordinate is not
// fractional, so we do not loose precision by shifting right by 4
alDX[LEFT] = (aPtrFixNext[LEFT]->x - aPtrFixTop[LEFT]->x) << 12; alDY[LEFT] = (aPtrFixNext[LEFT]->y - aPtrFixTop[LEFT]->y) >> 4;
// Need to ensure we round delta down. divide rounds towards zero
if ( alDX[LEFT] < 0 ) { alDX[LEFT] -= alDY[LEFT] - 1; }
alDxDy[LEFT] = alDX[LEFT] / alDY[LEFT];
InputBufferReserve(ppdev, 8, &pBuffer);
pBuffer[0] = __Permedia2TagdXDom; pBuffer[1] = alDxDy[LEFT];
alDX[RIGHT] = (aPtrFixNext[RIGHT]->x - aPtrFixTop[RIGHT]->x) << 12; alDY[RIGHT] = (aPtrFixNext[RIGHT]->y - aPtrFixTop[RIGHT]->y) >> 4;
// Need to ensure we round delta down. divide rounds towards zero
if ( alDX[RIGHT] < 0 ) { alDX[RIGHT] -= alDY[RIGHT] - 1; }
alDxDy[RIGHT] = alDX[RIGHT] / alDY[RIGHT]; pBuffer[2] = __Permedia2TagdXSub; pBuffer[3] = alDxDy[RIGHT];
// Work out number of scanlines to render
if ( aPtrFixNext[LEFT]->y < aPtrFixNext[RIGHT]->y ) { lCount = alDY[LEFT]; } else { lCount = alDY[RIGHT]; }
pBuffer[4] = __Permedia2TagCount; pBuffer[5] = lCount; pBuffer[6] = __Permedia2TagRender; pBuffer[7] = dwRenderBits;
pBuffer += 8;
InputBufferCommit(ppdev, pBuffer);
// With lots of luck, top trapezoid should be drawn now!
// Repeatedly draw more trapezoids until points are equal
// If y values are equal, then we can start again from
// scratch.
while ( (aPtrFixNext[LEFT] != aPtrFixNext[RIGHT]) &&(aPtrFixNext[LEFT]->y != aPtrFixNext[RIGHT]->y) ) { //
// Some continues are required for next rectangle
if ( aPtrFixNext[LEFT]->y < aPtrFixNext[RIGHT]->y ) { //
// We have reached aPtrFixNext[LEFT]. aPtrFixNext[RIGHT]
// is still ok
do { aPtrFixTop[LEFT] = aPtrFixNext[LEFT]; aPtrFixNext[LEFT] = aPtrFixTop[LEFT] - 1;
if ( aPtrFixNext[LEFT] < pptfxFirst ) { aPtrFixNext[LEFT] = pptfxLast; } } while ( aPtrFixTop[LEFT]->y == aPtrFixNext[LEFT]->y );
// We have a new aPtrFixNext[LEFT] now.
DBG_GDI((7, "Dom: Top: x: %x y: %x", aPtrFixTop[LEFT]->x, aPtrFixTop[LEFT]->y)); DBG_GDI((7, "Next: x: %x y: %x x: %x y: %x", aPtrFixNext[LEFT]->x, aPtrFixNext[LEFT]->y, aPtrFixNext[RIGHT]->x, aPtrFixNext[RIGHT]->y));
alDX[LEFT] = (aPtrFixNext[LEFT]->x - aPtrFixTop[LEFT]->x) << 12; alDY[LEFT] = (aPtrFixNext[LEFT]->y - aPtrFixTop[LEFT]->y) >> 4;
// Need to ensure we round delta down. Divide rounds
// towards zero
if ( alDX[LEFT] < 0 ) { alDX[LEFT] -= alDY[LEFT] - 1; }
alDxDy[LEFT] = alDX[LEFT] / alDY[LEFT];
if ( aPtrFixNext[LEFT]->y < aPtrFixNext[RIGHT]->y ) { lCount = alDY[LEFT]; } else { lCount = (abs(aPtrFixNext[RIGHT]->y - aPtrFixTop[LEFT]->y)) >> 4; }
InputBufferReserve(ppdev, 6, &pBuffer);
pBuffer[0] = __Permedia2TagStartXDom; pBuffer[1] = FIXtoFIXED(aPtrFixTop[LEFT]->x) + NEARLY_ONE; pBuffer[2] = __Permedia2TagdXDom; pBuffer[3] = alDxDy[LEFT]; pBuffer[4] = __Permedia2TagContinueNewDom; pBuffer[5] = lCount;
pBuffer += 6;
InputBufferCommit(ppdev, pBuffer);
}// if ( aPtrFixNext[LEFT]->y < aPtrFixNext[RIGHT]->y )
else { //
// We have reached aPtrFixNext[RIGHT]. aPtrFixNext[LEFT]
// is still ok
do { aPtrFixTop[RIGHT] = aPtrFixNext[RIGHT]; aPtrFixNext[RIGHT] = aPtrFixTop[RIGHT] + 1;
if ( aPtrFixNext[RIGHT] > pptfxLast ) { aPtrFixNext[RIGHT] = pptfxFirst; } } while ( aPtrFixTop[RIGHT]->y == aPtrFixNext[RIGHT]->y );
// We have a new aPtrFixNext[RIGHT] now.
DBG_GDI((7, "Sub: Top: x: %x y: %x", aPtrFixTop[RIGHT]->x, aPtrFixTop[RIGHT]->y)); DBG_GDI((7, "Next: x: %x y: %x x: %x y: %x", aPtrFixNext[LEFT]->x, aPtrFixNext[LEFT]->y, aPtrFixNext[RIGHT]->x, aPtrFixNext[RIGHT]->y));
alDX[RIGHT] = (aPtrFixNext[RIGHT]->x - aPtrFixTop[RIGHT]->x) << 12; alDY[RIGHT] = (aPtrFixNext[RIGHT]->y - aPtrFixTop[RIGHT]->y) >> 4;
// Need to ensure we round delta down. divide rounds
// towards zero
if ( alDX[RIGHT] < 0 ) { alDX[RIGHT] -= alDY[RIGHT] - 1; } alDxDy[RIGHT] = alDX[RIGHT] / alDY[RIGHT];
if ( aPtrFixNext[RIGHT]->y < aPtrFixNext[LEFT]->y ) { lCount = alDY[RIGHT]; } else { lCount = (abs(aPtrFixNext[LEFT]->y - aPtrFixTop[RIGHT]->y)) >> 4; } InputBufferReserve(ppdev, 6, &pBuffer);
pBuffer[0] = __Permedia2TagStartXSub; pBuffer[1] = FIXtoFIXED(aPtrFixTop[RIGHT]->x) + NEARLY_ONE; pBuffer[2] = __Permedia2TagdXSub; pBuffer[3] = alDxDy[RIGHT]; pBuffer[4] = __Permedia2TagContinueNewSub; pBuffer[5] = lCount;
pBuffer += 6;
InputBufferCommit(ppdev, pBuffer); }// if !( aPtrFixNext[LEFT]->y < aPtrFixNext[RIGHT]->y )
}// Loop through next trapezoids
// Repeatedly draw more trapezoids until points are equal
// If y values are equal, then we can start again from
// scratch.
if ( aPtrFixNext[LEFT] == aPtrFixNext[RIGHT] ) { break; } }// loop through all the trapezoids
if ( !lNumOfPass-- ) { break; } }// Loop through all the polygons
if ( pClipList ) { //
// Reset scissor mode to its default state.
InputBufferReserve(ppdev, 2, &pBuffer);
pBuffer[0] = __Permedia2TagScissorMode; pBuffer[1] = SCREEN_SCISSOR_DEFAULT;
pBuffer += 2;
InputBufferCommit(ppdev, pBuffer); }
DBG_GDI((6, "bFillPolygon: returning TRUE"));
InputBufferReserve(ppdev, 12, &pBuffer);
pBuffer[0] = __Permedia2TagColorDDAMode; pBuffer[1] = __PERMEDIA_DISABLE; pBuffer[2] = __Permedia2TagdY; pBuffer[3] = INTtoFIXED(1); pBuffer[4] = __Permedia2TagContinue; pBuffer[5] = 0; pBuffer[6] = __Permedia2TagContinueNewDom; pBuffer[7] = 0; pBuffer[8] = __Permedia2TagdXDom; pBuffer[9] = 0; pBuffer[10] = __Permedia2TagdXSub; pBuffer[11] = 0;
pBuffer += 12;
InputBufferCommit(ppdev, pBuffer);
return bRC; }// bFillPolygon()
// BOOL bFillSpan()
// This is the code to break the polygon into spans.
// Parameters:
// ppdev-------Pointer to PDev
// pSurfDst----Destination surface
// lEdges------Number of edges, includes close figure edge
// pptfxFirst--Pointer to the first point in the data buffer. There are total
// "lEdges" points
// pptfxTop----Pointer to the toppest point in the polygon array.
// pptfxLast---Pointer to the last point in the polygon array.
// iSolidColor-Solid color fill
// ulRop4------ROP4
// pco---------Clip Object.
// prb---------Realized brush
// pptlBrush---Pattern alignment
BOOL bFillSpans(PDev* ppdev, Surf* pSurfDst, LONG lEdges, POINTFIX* pptfxFirst, POINTFIX* pptfxTop, POINTFIX* pptfxLast, ULONG ulSolidColor, ULONG ulRop4, CLIPOBJ* pco, RBrush* prb, POINTL* pptlBrush) { GFNPB pb; // Parameter block
POINTFIX* pptfxOld; // Start point in current edge
EDGEDATA aEd[2]; // Left and right edge
EDGEDATA aEdTmp[2]; // DDA terms and stuff
EDGEDATA* pEdgeData; BOOL bTrivialClip; // Trivial Clip or not
DWORD dwAsMode[2]; // The area stipple mode and the color for that
// pass
DWORD dwColorMode; // Current color mode
DWORD dwColorReg; // Current color register mode
DWORD dwContinueMsg = 0; // Current "Continue" register settings
DWORD dwLogicMode; // Current logic op mode
DWORD dwRenderBits; // Current render bits
DWORD dwReadMode; // Current register read mode
LONG lCurrentSpan; // Current Span
LONG lDX; // Edge delta in FIX units in x direction
LONG lDY; // Edge delta in FIX units in y direction
LONG lNumColors; // Number of colors
LONG lNumOfPass; // Number of passes required to render
LONG lNumScan; // Number of scans in current trapezoid
LONG lQuotient; // Quotient
LONG lRemainder; // Remainder
LONG lStartY; // y-position of start point in current edge
LONG lTempNumScan; // Temporary variable for number of spans
LONG lTmpLeftX; // Temporary variable
LONG lTmpRightX; // Temporary variable
ULONG ulBgColor; // Background color
ULONG ulBgLogicOp = ulRop3ToLogicop(ulRop4 >> 8); ULONG ulBrushColor = ulSolidColor; ULONG ulColor[2]; // On multiple color passes we need to know how
// to set up
ULONG ulFgColor; // Foreground color
ULONG ulFgLogicOp = ulRop3ToLogicop(ulRop4 & 0xFF); ULONG* pBuffer;
PERMEDIA_DECL; bTrivialClip = (pco == NULL) || (pco->iDComplexity == DC_TRIVIAL);
pb.ppdev = ppdev;
// This span code cannot handle a clip list yet!
if ( !bTrivialClip ) { return FALSE; }
DBG_GDI((7, "Starting Spans Code"));
// Setup window base first
InputBufferReserve(ppdev, 2, &pBuffer);
pBuffer[0] = __Permedia2TagFBWindowBase; pBuffer[1] = pSurfDst->ulPixOffset;
pBuffer += 2;
InputBufferCommit(ppdev, pBuffer);
// Some Initialization. First trapezoid starts from the topest point
// which is pointed by "pptfxTop".
// Here we convert it from 28.4 to normal interger
lCurrentSpan = (pptfxTop->y + 15) >> 4;
// Make sure we initialize the DDAs appropriately:
aEd[LEFT].lNumOfScanToGo = 0; // Number of scans to go for this left edge
aEd[RIGHT].lNumOfScanToGo = 0; // Number of scans to go for this right edge
// For now, guess as to which is the left and which is the right edge
aEd[LEFT].lPtfxDelta = -(LONG)sizeof(POINTFIX); // Delta (in bytes) from
aEd[RIGHT].lPtfxDelta = sizeof(POINTFIX); // pptfx to next point
aEd[LEFT].pptfx = pptfxTop; // Points to start of
aEd[RIGHT].pptfx = pptfxTop; // current edge
DBG_GDI((7, "bFillPolygon: Polygon is renderable. Go render"));
// If block fills not available or using the area stipple for mono
// pattern, then use constant color.
if ( ulBrushColor == 0xffffffff ) { dwColorReg = __Permedia2TagFBWriteData; dwRenderBits = __RENDER_TRAPEZOID_PRIMITIVE; } // Non-solid brush
else { //
// We can use fast fills, so load the fb block color register.
dwColorReg = __Permedia2TagFBBlockColor; dwRenderBits = __RENDER_FAST_FILL_ENABLE | __RENDER_TRAPEZOID_PRIMITIVE;
// Replicate colour for block fill colour.
if ( ppdev->cPelSize < 2 ) { ulSolidColor |= ulSolidColor << 16; if ( ppdev->cPelSize == 0 ) { ulSolidColor |= ulSolidColor << 8; } }
// Ensure that the last access was a write before loading
// BlockColor
InputBufferReserve(ppdev, 2, &pBuffer);
pBuffer[0] = __Permedia2TagFBBlockColor; pBuffer[1] = ulSolidColor;
pBuffer += 2;
InputBufferCommit(ppdev, pBuffer); }// Solid brush
else { dwColorMode = __COLOR_DDA_FLAT_SHADE; dwLogicMode = P2_ENABLED_LOGICALOP(ulFgLogicOp); dwReadMode = PM_FBREADMODE_PARTIAL(pSurfDst->ulPackedPP) | LogicopReadDest[ulFgLogicOp]; dwColorReg = __Permedia2TagConstantColor; dwRenderBits = __RENDER_TRAPEZOID_PRIMITIVE; }// NON_COPY
// To get correct results, we need to add on nearly one to each X
// coordinate.
if ( ulBrushColor != 0xFFFFFFFF ) { //
// This is a solid brush
lNumColors = 1;
if ( dwColorMode == __PERMEDIA_DISABLE ) { //
// This is from LOGICOP_COPY mode according to the dwColorMode we
// set above
// Note: ColorDDAMode is DISABLED at initialisation time so
// there is no need to re-load it here.
InputBufferReserve(ppdev, 6, &pBuffer);
pBuffer[0] = __Permedia2TagFBReadMode; pBuffer[1] = dwReadMode; pBuffer[2] = __Permedia2TagLogicalOpMode; pBuffer[3] = dwLogicMode; pBuffer[4] = dwColorReg; pBuffer[5] = ulSolidColor;
pBuffer += 6;
InputBufferCommit(ppdev, pBuffer); }// Disable color DDA, LOGIC_COPY
else { //
// This is from NON-COPY logicop mode according to the dwColorMode
// we set above
InputBufferReserve(ppdev, 8, &pBuffer);
pBuffer[0] = __Permedia2TagColorDDAMode; pBuffer[1] = dwColorMode; pBuffer[2] = __Permedia2TagFBReadMode; pBuffer[3] = dwReadMode; pBuffer[4] = __Permedia2TagLogicalOpMode; pBuffer[5] = dwLogicMode; pBuffer[6] = dwColorReg; pBuffer[7] = ulSolidColor;
pBuffer += 8;
InputBufferCommit(ppdev, pBuffer);
}// Enable colorDDA, NON-COPY mode
}// Solid brush case
else { //
// For non-solid brush case, we need to realize brush
BrushEntry* pbe;
// Turn on the area stipple.
// If anything has changed with the brush we must re-realize it. If
// the brush has been kicked out of the area stipple unit we must
// fully realize it. If only the alignment has changed we can
// simply update the alignment for the stipple.
DBG_GDI((7, "Brush found")); ASSERTDD(prb != NULL, "Caller should pass in prb for non-solid brush"); pbe = prb->pbe;
pb.prbrush = prb; pb.pptlBrush = pptlBrush;
if ( (pbe == NULL) || (pbe->prbVerify != prb) ) { DBG_GDI((7, "full brush realize")); vPatRealize(&pb); } else if ( (prb->ptlBrushOrg.x != pptlBrush->x) ||(prb->ptlBrushOrg.y != pptlBrush->y) ) { DBG_GDI((7, "changing brush offset")); vMonoOffset(&pb); }
ulFgColor = prb->ulForeColor; ulBgColor = prb->ulBackColor;
if ( dwColorMode == __PERMEDIA_DISABLE ) { //
// ColorDDAMode is DISABLED at initialisation time so there is
// no need to re-load it here.
InputBufferReserve(ppdev, 4, &pBuffer);
pBuffer[0] = __Permedia2TagFBReadMode; pBuffer[1] = dwReadMode; pBuffer[2] = __Permedia2TagLogicalOpMode; pBuffer[3] = dwLogicMode;
pBuffer += 4;
InputBufferCommit(ppdev, pBuffer); } else { InputBufferReserve(ppdev, 6, &pBuffer);
pBuffer[0] = __Permedia2TagColorDDAMode; pBuffer[1] = dwColorMode; pBuffer[2] = __Permedia2TagFBReadMode; pBuffer[3] = dwReadMode; pBuffer[4] = __Permedia2TagLogicalOpMode; pBuffer[5] = dwLogicMode;
pBuffer += 6;
InputBufferCommit(ppdev, pBuffer); }
if ( (ulBgLogicOp == K_LOGICOP_NOOP) ||((ulFgLogicOp == K_LOGICOP_XOR) && (ulBgColor == 0)) ) { //
// Either we have a transparent bitmap or it can be assumed to
// be transparent (XOR with bg=0)
DBG_GDI((7, "transparant bg"));
lNumColors = 1;
InputBufferReserve(ppdev, 4, &pBuffer);
pBuffer[0] = dwColorReg; pBuffer[1] = ulFgColor; pBuffer[2] = __Permedia2TagAreaStippleMode; pBuffer[3] = prb->areaStippleMode;
pBuffer += 4;
InputBufferCommit(ppdev, pBuffer); } else if ( (ulFgLogicOp == K_LOGICOP_XOR) && (ulFgColor == 0) ) { //
// We have a transparent foreground! (XOR with fg=0)
DBG_GDI((7, "transparant fg")); lNumColors = 1; InputBufferReserve(ppdev, 4, &pBuffer);
pBuffer[0] = dwColorReg; pBuffer[1] = ulBgColor; pBuffer[2] = __Permedia2TagAreaStippleMode; pBuffer[3] = prb->areaStippleMode |AREA_STIPPLE_INVERT_PAT;
pBuffer += 4;
InputBufferCommit(ppdev, pBuffer); } else { //
// Not using a transparent pattern
DBG_GDI((7, "2 color")); lNumColors = 2; ulColor[0] = ulFgColor; ulColor[1] = ulBgColor; dwAsMode[0] = prb->areaStippleMode; dwAsMode[1] = dwAsMode[0] | AREA_STIPPLE_INVERT_PAT; } }// Non-solid brush case
InputBufferReserve(ppdev, 2, &pBuffer);
pBuffer[0] = __Permedia2TagCount; pBuffer[1] = 0;
pBuffer += 2;
InputBufferCommit(ppdev, pBuffer);
// dxDom, dXSub and dY are initialised to 0, 0, and 1, so we don't need
// to re-load them here.
DBG_GDI((7, "Rendering Polygon. %d Colors", lNumColors));
DBG_GDI((7, "New Trapezoid"));
// DDA initialization
// Here we start with LEFT(1) edge and then RIGHT(0) edge
for ( int iEdge = 1; iEdge >= 0; --iEdge ) { pEdgeData = &aEd[iEdge]; if ( pEdgeData->lNumOfScanToGo == 0 ) { //
// No more scan lines left to go. Need a new DDA
// loop until we have some scan lines to go
do { lEdges--; if ( lEdges < 0 ) { //
// This is the only return point for this
// "BreakIntoSpans", that is, we return TRUE when there
// is no more edge left. We are done.
DBG_GDI((7, "bFillPolygon: returning TRUE")); return TRUE; }// if no more edge left
// Find the next left edge, accounting for wrapping. Before
// that, save the old edge in "pptfxOld"
pptfxOld = pEdgeData->pptfx;
// Get next point
pEdgeData->pptfx = (POINTFIX*)((BYTE*)pEdgeData->pptfx + pEdgeData->lPtfxDelta);
// Checking the end point cases
if ( pEdgeData->pptfx < pptfxFirst ) { pEdgeData->pptfx = pptfxLast; } else if ( pEdgeData->pptfx > pptfxLast ) { pEdgeData->pptfx = pptfxFirst; }
// Have to find the edge that spans lCurrentSpan.
// Note: we need to convert it to normal interger first
pEdgeData->lNumOfScanToGo = ((pEdgeData->pptfx->y + 15) >> 4) - lCurrentSpan;
// With fractional coordinate end points, we may get edges
// that don't cross any scans, in which case we try the
// next one
} while ( pEdgeData->lNumOfScanToGo <= 0 );
// 'pEdgeData->pptfx' now points to the end point of the edge
// spanning the scan 'lCurrentSpan'.
// Calculate dx(lDX) and dy(lDY)
lDY = pEdgeData->pptfx->y - pptfxOld->y; lDX = pEdgeData->pptfx->x - pptfxOld->x;
ASSERTDD(lDY > 0, "Should be going down only");
// Compute the DDA increment terms
if ( lDX < 0 ) { //
// X is moving from right to left because it is negative
lDX = -lDX; if ( lDX < lDY ) // Can't be '<='
{ pEdgeData->lXAdvance = -1; pEdgeData->lErrorUp = lDY - lDX; } else { QUOTIENT_REMAINDER(lDX, lDY, lQuotient, lRemainder);
pEdgeData->lXAdvance = -lQuotient; // - lDX / lDY
pEdgeData->lErrorUp = lRemainder; // lDX % lDY
if ( pEdgeData->lErrorUp > 0 ) { pEdgeData->lXAdvance--; pEdgeData->lErrorUp = lDY - pEdgeData->lErrorUp; } } }// lDX is negative
else { //
// X is moving from left to right
if ( lDX < lDY ) // Can't be '<='
{ pEdgeData->lXAdvance = 0; pEdgeData->lErrorUp = lDX; } else { QUOTIENT_REMAINDER(lDX, lDY, lQuotient, lRemainder);
pEdgeData->lXAdvance = lQuotient; // lDX / lDY
pEdgeData->lErrorUp = lRemainder; // lDX % lDY
} } // lDX is positive
pEdgeData->lErrorDown = lDY; // DDA limit
// Error is initially zero (add lDY -1 for the ceiling, but
// subtract off lDY so that we can check the sign instead of
// comparing to lDY)
pEdgeData->lError = -1;
// Current edge X starting point
pEdgeData->lCurrentXPos = pptfxOld->x;
// Current edge Y starting point
lStartY = pptfxOld->y;
// Check if the floating part of the Y coordinate is 0
// Note: lStartY is still in 28.4 format
if ( (lStartY & 15) != 0 ) { //
// Advance to the next integer y coordinate
// Note: here "pEdgeData->x += pEdgeData->lXAdvance" only
// increase its fraction part
for ( int i = 16 - (lStartY & 15); i != 0; --i ) { pEdgeData->lCurrentXPos += pEdgeData->lXAdvance; pEdgeData->lError += pEdgeData->lErrorUp;
if ( pEdgeData->lError >= 0 ) { pEdgeData->lError -= pEdgeData->lErrorDown; pEdgeData->lCurrentXPos++; } } }// Handle fraction part of the coordinate
if ( (pEdgeData->lCurrentXPos & 15) != 0 ) { //
// We'll want the ceiling in just a bit...
pEdgeData->lError -= pEdgeData->lErrorDown * (16 - (pEdgeData->lCurrentXPos & 15)); pEdgeData->lCurrentXPos += 15; }
// Chop off those fractional bits, convert to regular format
pEdgeData->lCurrentXPos = pEdgeData->lCurrentXPos >> 4; pEdgeData->lError >>= 4;
// Convert to Permedia2 format positions and deltas
// Note: all the data in pEdgeData, aEd are in Permedia2 format now
pEdgeData->lCurrentXPos = INTtoFIXED(pEdgeData->lCurrentXPos) + NEARLY_ONE; pEdgeData->lXAdvance = INTtoFIXED(pEdgeData->lXAdvance); }// If there is no more scan line left
}// Looping throught the LEFT and RIGHT edges
// Number of scans in this trap
// Note: here aEd[LEFT].lNumOfScanToGo and aEd[RIGHT].lNumOfScanToGo are
// already in normal interger mode since we have done:
// pEdgeData->lNumOfScanToGo = ((pEdgeData->pptfx->y + 15) >> 4)
// - lCurrentSpan; above
lNumScan = min(aEd[LEFT].lNumOfScanToGo, aEd[RIGHT].lNumOfScanToGo); aEd[LEFT].lNumOfScanToGo -= lNumScan; aEd[RIGHT].lNumOfScanToGo -= lNumScan; lCurrentSpan += lNumScan; // Top scan in next trap
// If the left and right edges are vertical, simply output as a rectangle
DBG_GDI((7, "Generate spans"));
lNumOfPass = 0; while ( ++lNumOfPass <= lNumColors ) { DBG_GDI((7, "Pass %d lNumColors %d", lNumOfPass, lNumColors));
if ( lNumColors == 2 ) { //
// Two colours, so we need to save and restore aEd values
// and set the color and stipple mode.
InputBufferReserve(ppdev, 4, &pBuffer);
if ( lNumOfPass == 1 ) { //
// Pass 1, set color reg as foreground color
aEdTmp[LEFT] = aEd[LEFT]; aEdTmp[RIGHT] = aEd[RIGHT]; lTempNumScan = lNumScan;
pBuffer[0] = dwColorReg; pBuffer[1] = ulColor[0]; pBuffer[2] = __Permedia2TagAreaStippleMode; pBuffer[3] = dwAsMode[0];
DBG_GDI((7, "Pass 1, Stipple set")); } else { //
// Pass 2, set color reg as background color
aEd[LEFT] = aEdTmp[LEFT]; aEd[RIGHT] = aEdTmp[RIGHT]; lNumScan = lTempNumScan;
pBuffer[0] = dwColorReg; pBuffer[1] = ulColor[1]; pBuffer[2] = __Permedia2TagAreaStippleMode; pBuffer[3] = dwAsMode[1];
DBG_GDI((7, "Pass 2, Stipple set, New trap started")); }
pBuffer += 4;
InputBufferCommit(ppdev, pBuffer);
}// if (nColor == 2)
InputBufferReserve(ppdev, 8, &pBuffer);
// Reset render position to the top of the trapezoid.
// Note: here aEd[RIGHT].x etc. are alreadu in 12.15 mode since
// we have done
// "pEdgeData->x = INTtoFIXED(pEdgeData->x);" and
// "pEdgeData->lXAdvance = INTtoFIXED(pEdgeData->lXAdvance);" above
pBuffer[0] = __Permedia2TagStartXDom; pBuffer[1] = aEd[RIGHT].lCurrentXPos; pBuffer[2] = __Permedia2TagStartXSub; pBuffer[3] = aEd[LEFT].lCurrentXPos; pBuffer[4] = __Permedia2TagStartY; pBuffer[5] = INTtoFIXED(lCurrentSpan - lNumScan); pBuffer[6] = __Permedia2TagRender; pBuffer[7] = dwRenderBits;
pBuffer += 8;
InputBufferCommit(ppdev, pBuffer);
dwContinueMsg = __Permedia2TagContinue;
if ( ((aEd[LEFT].lErrorUp | aEd[RIGHT].lErrorUp) == 0) &&((aEd[LEFT].lXAdvance| aEd[RIGHT].lXAdvance) == 0) &&(lNumScan > 1) ) { //
// Vertical-edge special case
DBG_GDI((7, "Vertical Edge Special Case"));
// Tell the hardware that we have "lNumScan" scan lines
// to fill
InputBufferReserve(ppdev, 2, &pBuffer);
pBuffer[0] = dwContinueMsg; pBuffer[1] = lNumScan;
pBuffer += 2;
InputBufferCommit(ppdev, pBuffer); continue; }
while ( TRUE ) { //
// Run the DDAs
DBG_GDI((7, "Doing a span 0x%x to 0x%x, 0x%x scans left.Continue%s", aEd[LEFT].lCurrentXPos, aEd[RIGHT].lCurrentXPos, lNumScan, (dwContinueMsg == __Permedia2TagContinueNewDom) ? "NewDom": ((dwContinueMsg == __Permedia2TagContinue)? "":"NewSub")));
// Tell the hardware that we have "1" scan lines to fill
InputBufferReserve(ppdev, 2, &pBuffer);
pBuffer[0] = dwContinueMsg; pBuffer[1] = 1;
pBuffer += 2;
InputBufferCommit(ppdev, pBuffer);
// We have finished this trapezoid. Go get the next one
// Advance the right wall
lTmpRightX = aEd[RIGHT].lCurrentXPos; aEd[RIGHT].lCurrentXPos += aEd[RIGHT].lXAdvance; aEd[RIGHT].lError += aEd[RIGHT].lErrorUp;
if ( aEd[RIGHT].lError >= 0 ) { aEd[RIGHT].lError -= aEd[RIGHT].lErrorDown; aEd[RIGHT].lCurrentXPos += INTtoFIXED(1); }
// Advance the left wall
lTmpLeftX = aEd[LEFT].lCurrentXPos; aEd[LEFT].lCurrentXPos += aEd[LEFT].lXAdvance; aEd[LEFT].lError += aEd[LEFT].lErrorUp;
if ( aEd[LEFT].lError >= 0 ) { aEd[LEFT].lError -= aEd[LEFT].lErrorDown; aEd[LEFT].lCurrentXPos += INTtoFIXED(1); }
if ( --lNumScan == 0 ) { break; }
// Setup the X registers if we have changed either end.
if ( lTmpRightX != aEd[RIGHT].lCurrentXPos ) { if ( lTmpLeftX != aEd[LEFT].lCurrentXPos ) { InputBufferReserve(ppdev, 6, &pBuffer);
pBuffer[0] = __Permedia2TagStartXSub; pBuffer[1] = aEd[LEFT].lCurrentXPos; pBuffer[2] = __Permedia2TagContinueNewSub; pBuffer[3] = 0; pBuffer[4] = __Permedia2TagStartXDom; pBuffer[5] = aEd[RIGHT].lCurrentXPos;
pBuffer += 6;
InputBufferCommit(ppdev, pBuffer); } else { InputBufferReserve(ppdev, 2, &pBuffer);
pBuffer[0] = __Permedia2TagStartXDom; pBuffer[1] = aEd[RIGHT].lCurrentXPos;
pBuffer += 2;
InputBufferCommit(ppdev, pBuffer); }
dwContinueMsg = __Permedia2TagContinueNewDom; } else if ( lTmpLeftX != aEd[LEFT].lCurrentXPos ) { InputBufferReserve(ppdev, 2, &pBuffer);
pBuffer[0] = __Permedia2TagStartXSub; pBuffer[1] = aEd[LEFT].lCurrentXPos;
pBuffer += 2;
InputBufferCommit(ppdev, pBuffer); dwContinueMsg = __Permedia2TagContinueNewSub; } }// while ( TRUE )
}// while ( ++lNumOfPass <= lNumColors )
DBG_GDI((7, "Generate spans done")); goto NewTrapezoid; }// bFillSpans()