;---------------------------Module-Header------------------------------; ; Module Name: vgablts.asm ; ; Copyright (c) 1992-1993 Microsoft Corporation ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------; ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------; ; VOID vTrgBlt(PDEV * ppdev, ULONG culRcl, RECTL * prcl, MIX ulMix, ; ULONG ulClr, POINTL * pptlBrush) ; Input: ; ppdev - pointer to PDEV for surface to which to draw ; culRcl - # of rectangles to fill ; prcl - pointer to list of rectangles to fill ; ulMix - mix rop with which to fill ; ulClr - color with which to fill ; pptlBrush - not used ; ; Performs accelerated solid area fills for all mixes. ; ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------; ; ; Note: Assumes all rectangles have positive heights and widths. Will not ; work properly if this is not the case. ; ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------; ; ; Note: Cases where the width of the whole bytes fill is equal to the ; width of the bitmap could be sped up by using a single REP MOVS or REP ; STOS, but how often does WIN32 do a fill that's the width of the screen? ; Not very. ; ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------;
comment $
The overall approach of this module is to accept a list of rectangles to fill, set up the VGA hardware for the desired fill, and then fill the rectangles one at a time. Each rectangle fill is set up for everything but vertical parameters, and then decomposed into the sections that intersect each VGA bank; each section is drawn in turn. Vectors are set up so that the drawing code appropriate for the desired fill is essentially threaded together.
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ifndef DOS_PLATFORM .model small,c else ifdef STD_CALL .model small,c else .model small,pascal endif; STD_CALL endif; DOS_PLATFORM
assume cs:FLAT,ds:FLAT,es:FLAT,ss:FLAT assume fs:nothing,gs:nothing
.xlist include stdcall.inc ;calling convention cmacros include i386\strucs.inc include i386\driver.inc include i386\egavga.inc include i386\ropdefs.inc
;-----------------------------------------------------------------------; ; Left edge clip masks for intrabyte start addresses 0 through 3. ; Whole byte cases are flagged as 0ffh. public jLeftMask jLeftMask label byte db 0ffh,0eh,0ch,08h
;-----------------------------------------------------------------------; ; Right edge clip masks for intrabyte end addresses (non-inclusive) ; 0 through 3. Whole byte cases are flagged as 0ffh. public jRightMask jRightMask label byte db 0ffh,01h,03h,07h
;-----------------------------------------------------------------------; ; Tables used to set up for the desired raster op. Note that entries for raster ; ops that aren't handled here are generally correct, except that they ignore ; need for inversion of the destination, which those rops require.
; Table used to force off the drawing color for R2_BLACK (0). ; The first entry is ignored; there is no mix 0. public jForceOffTable jForceOffTable db 0 db 000h,0ffh,0ffh,0ffh,0ffh,0ffh,0ffh,0ffh db 0ffh,0ffh,000h,0ffh,0ffh,0ffh,0ffh,0ffh
;-----------------------------------------------------------------------; ; Table used to force on the drawing color for R2_NOT (Dn) and R2_WHITE (1). ; The first entry is ignored; there is no mix 0. public jForceOnTable jForceOnTable db 0, 0,0,0,0,0,0ffh,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0ffh
;-----------------------------------------------------------------------; ; Table used to invert the passed-in drawing color for Pn mixes. ; The first entry is ignored; there is no mix 0. public jNotTable jNotTable db 0, 0,0ffh,0ffh,0ffh,0,0,0,0ffh,0,0ffh,0,0ffh,0,0,0,0
;-----------------------------------------------------------------------; ; Table of VGA ALU logical functions corresponding to mixes. Note that Dn is ; handled as a separate preceding inversion pass when part of a more complex ; mix. ; The first entry is ignored; there is no mix 0. public jALUFuncTable jALUFuncTable db DR_SET db DR_SET,DR_AND,DR_AND,DR_SET db DR_AND,DR_XOR,DR_XOR,DR_OR db DR_AND,DR_XOR, 0,DR_OR db DR_SET,DR_OR ,DR_OR ,DR_SET
;-----------------------------------------------------------------------; ; 1 entries mark rops that require two passes, one to invert the destination ; and then another to finish the rop. ; The first entry is ignored; there is no mix 0. public jInvertDest jInvertDest db 0, 0,1,0,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0
;-----------------------------------------------------------------------; ; Table of routines to be called to draw edges, according to which edges are ; partial and which edges are whole bytes. align 4 pfnEdgeDrawing label dword dd do_right_edge_bytes dd do_both_edge_bytes dd check_next_bank dd do_left_edge_bytes
;-----------------------------------------------------------------------; ; Table of pointers to tables used to find appropriate whole byte loops.
align 4 pfnWideWholeRep label dword dd draw_wide_w_00_loop dd draw_wide_w_01_loop dd draw_wide_w_02_loop dd draw_wide_w_03_loop dd draw_wide_w_10_loop dd draw_wide_w_11_loop dd draw_wide_w_12_loop dd draw_wide_w_13_loop dd draw_wide_w_20_loop dd draw_wide_w_21_loop dd draw_wide_w_22_loop dd draw_wide_w_23_loop dd draw_wide_w_30_loop dd draw_wide_w_31_loop dd draw_wide_w_32_loop dd draw_wide_w_33_loop
;-----------------------------------------------------------------------; ; Table of pointers to tables used to find narrow, special-cased ; non-replace whole byte loops.
; Note: The breakpoint where one should switch from special-casing to ; REP MOVSB is purely a guess on my part. 5 seemed reasonable.
align 4 pfnWholeBytesNonReplaceEntries label dword dd 0 ;we never get a 0-wide case dd draw_1_wide_rw_loop dd draw_2_wide_rw_loop dd draw_3_wide_rw_loop dd draw_4_wide_rw_loop MAX_NON_REPLACE_SPECIAL equ ($-pfnWholeBytesNonReplaceEntries)/4
;-----------------------------------------------------------------------; ; Table of pointers to tables used to find narrow, special-cased replace ; whole byte loops.
; Note: The breakpoint where one should switch from special-casing to ; REP STOS is purely a guess on my part. 8 seemed reasonable.
; Start address MOD 3 is 0. align 4 pfnWholeBytesMod0ReplaceEntries label dword dd 0 ;we never get a 0-wide case dd draw_1_wide_w_loop dd draw_2_wide_w_loop dd draw_3_wide_w_even_loop dd draw_4_wide_w_loop dd draw_5_wide_w_even_loop dd draw_6_wide_w_mod3_0_loop dd draw_7_wide_w_mod3_0_loop dd draw_8_wide_w_mod3_0_loop MAX_REPLACE_SPECIAL equ ($-pfnWholeBytesMod0ReplaceEntries)/4
; Start address MOD 3 is 1. align 4 pfnWholeBytesMod1ReplaceEntries label dword dd 0 ;we never get a 0-wide case dd draw_1_wide_w_loop dd draw_2_wide_w_loop dd draw_3_wide_w_odd_loop dd draw_4_wide_w_loop dd draw_5_wide_w_odd_loop dd draw_6_wide_w_mod3_1_loop dd draw_7_wide_w_mod3_1_loop dd draw_8_wide_w_mod3_1_loop
; Start address MOD 3 is 2. align 4 pfnWholeBytesMod2ReplaceEntries label dword dd 0 ;we never get a 0-wide case dd draw_1_wide_w_loop dd draw_2_wide_w_loop dd draw_3_wide_w_even_loop dd draw_4_wide_w_loop dd draw_5_wide_w_even_loop dd draw_6_wide_w_mod3_2_loop dd draw_7_wide_w_mod3_2_loop dd draw_8_wide_w_mod3_2_loop
; Start address MOD 3 is 3. align 4 pfnWholeBytesMod3ReplaceEntries label dword dd 0 ;we never get a 0-wide case dd draw_1_wide_w_loop dd draw_2_wide_w_loop dd draw_3_wide_w_odd_loop dd draw_4_wide_w_loop dd draw_5_wide_w_odd_loop dd draw_6_wide_w_mod3_1_loop dd draw_7_wide_w_mod3_3_loop dd draw_8_wide_w_mod3_3_loop
; Master MOD 3 alignment look-up table for entry tables for four possible ; alignments for narrow, special-cased replace whole byte loops. align 4 pfnWholeBytesReplaceMaster label dword dd pfnWholeBytesMod0ReplaceEntries dd pfnWholeBytesMod1ReplaceEntries dd pfnWholeBytesMod2ReplaceEntries dd pfnWholeBytesMod3ReplaceEntries
cProc vTrgBlt,24,< \ uses esi edi ebx, \ ppdev: ptr, \ culRcl: dword, \ prcl: ptr RECTL, \ ulMix: dword, \ ulColor: dword, \ pptlBrsuh:ptr POINTL >
local ulRowOffset :dword ;Offset from start of scan line of ; first byte to fill local ulWholeBytes :dword ;# of whole bytes to fill local ulWholeDwords :dword ;# of whole dwords to fill local pfnWholeFn :dword ;pointer to routine used to draw ; whole bytes local ulScanWidth :dword ;offset from start of one scan to start ; of next local ulNextScan :dword ;offset from end of one scan line's ; fill to start of next local ulCurrentTopScan :dword ;top scan line to fill in current bank local ulMasks :dword ;low byte = right mask, high byte = ; left mask local ulBottomScan :dword ;bottom scan line of fill rectangle local jALUFunc :dword ;VGA ALU logical operation (SET, AND, ; OR, or XOR) local pfnStartDrawing :dword ;pointer to function to call to start ; drawing local pfnContinueDrawing :dword ;pointer to function to call to ; continue drawing after doing whole ; bytes local ulLeftEdgeAdjust :dword ;used to bump the whole bytes start ; address past the left edge when the ; left edge is partial local pfnWholeBytes :dword ;pointer to loop for whole byte filling local jInvertDestFirst :dword ;1 if the rop requires a pass to invert ; the destination before the normal ; pass local ulDrawingColor :dword ;color byte with which to fill, ; replicated to a dword local ppfnDrawEdgeTable :dword ;points to loop to be used to draw ; edge ; bytes (draw_1_wide_rw_loop ; or draw_1_wide_w_loop)
;-----------------------------------------------------------------------; ; CLD is assumed on entry. ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------;
;-----------------------------------------------------------------------; ; Make sure there's something to draw; clip enumerations can be empty. ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------;
cmp culRcl,0 ;any rects to fill? jz vTrgBlts_done ;no, we're done
;-----------------------------------------------------------------------; ; Set up variables that are constant for the entire time we're in this ; module. ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------;
;-----------------------------------------------------------------------; ; Set up for the desired raster op. ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------;
sub ebx,ebx ;ignore any background mix; we're only mov bl,byte ptr ulMix ; concerned with the foreground in this ; module cmp ebx,R2_NOP ;is this NOP? jz vTrgBlts_done ;yes, we're done mov al,jInvertDest[ebx] ;remember whether we need to mov byte ptr jInvertDestFirst,al ; invert the destination before ; finishing the rop mov ah,byte ptr ulColor ;get the drawing color and ah,jForceOffTable[ebx] ;force color to 0 if necessary ; (R2_BLACK) or ah,jForceOnTable[ebx] ;force color to 0ffh if necessary ; (R2_WHITE, R2_NOT) xor ah,jNotTable[ebx] ;invert color if necessary (any Pn mix) ;at this point, CH has the color we ; want to draw with; set up the VGA ; hardware to draw with that color mov al,ah ;replicate the drawing color to a dword mov edx,eax shl eax,16 mov ax,dx mov ulDrawingColor,eax ;remember drawing color
mov ppfnDrawEdgeTable,offset draw_1_wide_w_loop ;assume replace-type rop, so we can ; draw edge bytes with the write- ; without-read code pointed to by this ; table mov ah,jALUFuncTable[ebx] ;get the ALU logical function and ah,ah ;is the logical function DR_SET? .errnz DR_SET jz short skip_ALU_set ;yes, don't have to set because that's ; the VGA's default state mov edx,VGA_BASE + GRAF_ADDR mov al,GRAF_DATA_ROT out dx,ax ;set the ALU logical function mov ppfnDrawEdgeTable,offset draw_1_wide_rw_loop ;draw edge bytes with this loop ; (read/write) skip_ALU_set: mov byte ptr jALUFunc,ah ;remember the ALU logical function
;-----------------------------------------------------------------------; ; Fill the current rectangle with the specified raster op and color. ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------;
;-----------------------------------------------------------------------; ; Set up variables that are constant from bank to bank during a single ; fill. ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------;
;-----------------------------------------------------------------------; ; Set up masks and widths. ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------;
mov edi,prcl ;point to rectangle to fill mov eax,[edi].yBottom mov ulBottomScan,eax ;remember the bottom scan line of fill
mov ebx,[edi].xRight ;right edge of fill (non-inclusive) mov ecx,ebx and ecx,011b ;intrabyte address of right edge mov ah,jRightMask[ecx] ;right edge mask
mov esi,[edi].xLeft ;left edge of fill (inclusive) mov ecx,esi shr ecx,2 ;/4 for start offset from left edge ; of scan line mov ulRowOffset,ecx ;remember offset from start of scan ; line sub ebx,esi ;width in pixels of fill
and esi,011b ;intrabyte address of left edge mov al,jLeftMask[esi] ;left edge mask
dec ebx ;make inclusive on right add ebx,esi ;inclusive width, starting counting at ; the beginning of the left edge byte shr ebx,2 ;width of fill in bytes touched - 1 jnz short more_than_1_byte ;more than 1 byte is involved
; Only one byte will be affected. Combine first/last masks.
and al,ah ;we'll use first byte mask only xor ah,ah ;want last byte mask to be 0 inc ebx ;so there's one count to subtract below ; if this isn't a whole edge byte more_than_1_byte:
; If all pixels in the left edge are altered, combine the first byte into the ; whole byte count and clear the first byte mask, because we can handle solid ; edge bytes faster as part of the whole bytes. Ditto for the right edge.
sub ecx,ecx ;edge whole-status accumulator cmp al,-1 ;is left edge a whole byte or partial? adc ecx,ecx ;ECX=1 if left edge partial, 0 if whole sub ebx,ecx ;if left edge partial, deduct it from ; the whole bytes count mov ulLeftEdgeAdjust,ecx ;for skipping over the left edge if ; it's partial when pointing to the ; whole bytes and ah,ah ;is right edge mask 0, meaning this ; fill is only 1 byte wide? jz short save_masks ;yes, no need to do anything cmp ah,-1 ;is right edge a whole byte or partial? jnz short save_masks ;partial add ecx,2 ;bit 1 of ECX=0 if right edge partial, ; 1 if whole; ;bit 1=0 if left edge partial, 1 whole inc ebx ;if right edge whole, include it in the ; whole bytes count save_masks: mov ulMasks,eax ;save left and right clip masks mov ulWholeBytes,ebx ;save # of whole bytes
mov ecx,pfnEdgeDrawing[ecx*4] ;set address of routine to draw mov pfnContinueDrawing,ecx ; all partial (non-whole) edges
and ebx,ebx ;any whole bytes? jz short start_vec_set ;no ;yes, so draw the whole bytes before ; the edge bytes
; The whole bytes loop depends on the type of operation being done. If the ; operation is one which uses DR_SET, then we can use a STOS-type operation, ; else we have to use a MOVSB-type operation (to load the latches with the ; existing contents of display memory to allow the ALUs to work).
cmp byte ptr jALUFunc,DR_SET ;is it a replace-type rop? jz short is_replace_type ;yes ;no, set up for non-replace whole bytes mov ecx,offset whole_bytes_non_replace_wide ;assume too wide to special-case cmp ebx,MAX_NON_REPLACE_SPECIAL ;too wide to special case? jnb short start_vec_set ;yes mov ecx,pfnWholeBytesNonReplaceEntries[ebx*4] ;no, point to entry mov pfnWholeBytes,ecx ; table for width mov ecx,offset whole_bytes_special ;set up to call special routine to fill ; whole bytes jmp short start_vec_set
is_replace_type: ;set up for replace-type rop cmp ebx,MAX_REPLACE_SPECIAL ;too wide to special case? jnb short is_wide_replace ;yes ;narrow enough to special case. Look up ; the entry table for the special case ; base on the start alignment mov ecx,ulRowOffset add ecx,ulLeftEdgeAdjust ;left edge whole bytes start offset and ecx,011b ;left edge whole bytes start alignment ; MOD 3 mov ecx,pfnWholeBytesReplaceMaster[ecx*4] ;look up table of entry ; tables for alignment mov ecx,[ecx+ebx*4] ;look up entry table for width mov pfnWholeBytes,ecx ; table for width mov ecx,offset whole_bytes_special ;set up to call special routine to fill ; whole bytes jmp short start_vec_set
is_wide_replace: ;set up for wide replace-type op ;Note: assumes there is at least one ; full dword involved! mov ecx,ulRowOffset add ecx,ulLeftEdgeAdjust ;left edge whole bytes start offset neg ecx and ecx,011b mov edx,ebx sub edx,ecx ;ignore odd leading bytes mov eax,edx shr edx,2 ;# of whole dwords across (not counting ; odd leading & trailing bytes) mov ulWholeDwords,edx and eax,011b ;# of odd (fractional) trailing bytes shl ecx,2 or ecx,eax ;build a look-up index from the number ; of leading and trailing bytes mov ecx,pfnWideWholeRep[ecx*4] ;proper drawing handler for front/ mov pfnWholeBytes,ecx ; back alignment mov ecx,offset whole_bytes_rep_wide ;set up to call routine to perform wide ; whole bytes fill start_vec_set: mov pfnStartDrawing,ecx ; all partial (non-whole) edges
mov ecx,ppdev mov eax,[ecx].pdev_lPlanarNextScan mov ulScanWidth,eax ;local copy of scan line width sub eax,ebx ;EAX = delta to next scan mov ulNextScan,eax
;-----------------------------------------------------------------------; ; Fill this rectangle. ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------;
cmp byte ptr jInvertDestFirst,1 ;is this an invert-dest-plus-something- ; else rop that requires two passes? jz short do_invert_dest_rop ;yes, special case with two passes
do_single_pass: call draw_banks
;-----------------------------------------------------------------------; ; See if there are any more rectangles to fill. ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------;
add prcl,(size RECTL) ;point to the next rectangle, if there is one dec culRcl ;count down the rectangles to fill jnz fill_rect_loop
;-----------------------------------------------------------------------; ; We have filled all rectangles. Restore the VGA to its default state. ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------;
cmp byte ptr jALUfunc,DR_SET ;is the logical function already SET? jnz short @F ;no, need to reset it cRet vTrgBlt ;yes, no need to reset it
@@: mov edx,VGA_BASE + GRAF_ADDR mov eax,(DR_SET shl 8) + GRAF_DATA_ROT ;set the logical function to out dx,ax ; SET vTrgBlts_done: cRet vTrgBlt
;-----------------------------------------------------------------------; ; Handles rops that require two passes, the first being a destination ; inversion pass. ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------;
; Set up the VGA's hardware for inversion
mov eax,ulDrawingColor ;remember the normal drawing color push eax mov ulDrawingColor,-1 ;with XOR, this flips all bits
mov edx,VGA_BASE + GRAF_ADDR mov eax,(DR_XOR shl 8) + GRAF_DATA_ROT out dx,ax ;logical function = XOR to invert
; Invert the destination
call draw_banks
; Restore the VGA's hardware to the state required for the second pass.
mov edx,VGA_BASE + GRAF_ADDR mov ah,byte ptr jALUFunc mov al,GRAF_DATA_ROT out dx,ax ;set the ALU logical function back to ; proper state for the rest of the rop
pop eax mov ulDrawingColor,eax ;restore the normal drawing color
; Perform the second pass to finish the rop.
jmp do_single_pass
;-----------------------------------------------------------------------; ; Fills all banks in the current fill rectangle. Called once per fill ; rectangle, except for destination-inversion-plus-something-else rops. ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------;
;-----------------------------------------------------------------------; ; Map in the bank containing the top scan to fill, if it's not mapped in ; already. ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------;
mov edi,prcl ;point to rectangle to fill mov ecx,ppdev ;point to PDEV mov eax,[edi].yTop ;top scan line of fill mov ulCurrentTopScan,eax ;this will be the fill top in 1st bank
cmp eax,[ecx].pdev_rcl1PlanarClip.yTop ;is fill top less than ; current bank? jl short map_init_bank ;yes, map in proper bank cmp eax,[ecx].pdev_rcl1PlanarClip.yBottom ;fill top greater than ; current bank? jl short init_bank_mapped ;no, proper bank already mapped map_init_bank:
; Map in the bank containing the top scan line of the fill.
ptrCall <dword ptr [ecx].pdev_pfnPlanarControl>,<ecx,eax,JustifyTop>
;-----------------------------------------------------------------------; ; Main loop for processing fill in each bank. ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------;
; Compute the starting address and scan line count for the initial bank.
mov eax,ppdev ;point to PDEV mov ebx,ulBottomScan ;bottom of destination rectangle cmp ebx,[eax].pdev_rcl1PlanarClip.yBottom ;which comes first, the bottom of the ; dest rect or the bottom of the ; current bank? jl short BottomScanSet ;fill bottom comes first, so draw to ; that; this is the last bank in fill mov ebx,[eax].pdev_rcl1PlanarClip.yBottom ;bank bottom comes first; draw to ; bottom of bank BottomScanSet: mov edi,ulCurrentTopScan ;top scan line to fill in current bank sub ebx,edi ;# of scans to fill in bank imul edi,ulScanWidth ;offset of starting scan line
; Note that the start of the bitmap will change each time through the ; bank loop, because the start of the bitmap is varied to map the ; desired scan line to the banking window.
add edi,[eax].pdev_pvBitmapStart ;start of scan in bitmap add edi,ulRowOffset ;EDI = start offset of fill in bitmap
; We have computed the starting address and scan count. Time to start drawing ; in the initial bank.
jmp pfnStartDrawing
;-----------------------------------------------------------------------; ; Whole byte fills. ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------;
;-----------------------------------------------------------------------; ; Handles non-replace whole byte fills wider than the maximum special ; case width. ; ; The destination is not involved, so a STOS (or equivalent) can be used ; (no read needed before write). ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------;
whole_bytes_rep_wide: push ebx ;save scan count push edi ;save starting address
add edi,ulLeftEdgeAdjust ;point to first whole byte to fill mov esi,ulWholeDwords ;whole dwords width mov edx,ulNextScan ;offset from end of one scan line to ; start of next mov eax,ulDrawingColor ;each byte is color with which to fill
call pfnWholeBytes ;draw the wide whole bytes
pop edi ;restore screen pointer pop ebx ;restore fill scan count jmp pfnContinueDrawing ;either keep drawing or we're done
;-----------------------------------------------------------------------; ; Handles both replace and non-replace whole byte fills narrow enough to ; special case. ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------;
whole_bytes_special: push ebx ;save scan count push edi ;save starting address
add edi,ulLeftEdgeAdjust ;point to first whole byte to fill mov ecx,ulScanWidth ;offset to next scan line mov eax,ulDrawingColor ;each byte is color with which to fill
call pfnWholeBytes ;draw the wide whole bytes
pop edi ;restore screen pointer pop ebx ;restore fill scan count jmp pfnContinueDrawing ;either keep drawing or we're done
;-----------------------------------------------------------------------; ; Handles non-replace whole byte fills wider than the maximum special case ; width. ; ; The destination is involved, so a MOVSB (or equivalent) must be ; performed in order to do a read before write to give the ALUs something ; to work with. ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------;
whole_bytes_non_replace_wide: push ebx ;save scan count push edi ;save starting address
add edi,ulLeftEdgeAdjust ;point to first whole byte to fill mov esi,ulWholeBytes ;whole bytes width mov edx,ulNextScan ;offset from end of one scan line to ; start of next mov eax,ulDrawingColor ;each byte is color with which to fill
;-----------------------------------------------------------------------; ; 5-or-wider read before write loop. ; ; Entry: ; EAX = # of bytes to fill across scan line (needed only by 5-or-wider ; handler) ; EBX = loop count ; EDX = offset from end of one scan line to the start of the next next ; EDI = start offset ; ; EBX, ECX, ESI, EDI modified. All other registers preserved.
; 5-or-wider read/write.
draw_wide_rw_loop: mov ecx,esi @@: mov ah,[edi] ;latch the target address. The data read ; doesn't matter mov [edi],al ;merge the drawing color with the latched ; target address according to the selected ALU ; function, and write the result to display ; memory inc edi ;point to the next byte dec ecx jnz @B add edi,edx dec ebx jnz draw_wide_rw_loop
pop edi ;restore screen pointer pop ebx ;restore fill scan count jmp pfnContinueDrawing ;either keep drawing or we're done
;-----------------------------------------------------------------------; ; Process any left/right columns that that have to be done. ; ; Currently: ; EBX = height to fill, in scans ; EDI --> first byte of left edge ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------;
;-----------------------------------------------------------------------; ; Handle case where both edges are partial (non-whole) bytes. We don't ; have to read before write because we're using the Map Mask, not the ; Bit Mask. ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------; public do_both_edge_bytes do_both_edge_bytes::
; Set up variables for entering loop.
mov al,byte ptr ulMasks ;this will become the clip mask for the ; left edge mov edx,VGA_BASE + SEQ_DATA ;SEQ_INDEX already points to Map Mask out dx,al ;set Map Mask for left edge
mov ecx,ulScanWidth ;offset from one scan to next
mov esi,ulWholeBytes ;ESI = # of whole bytes lea esi,[esi+edi+1] ;--> start for right edge mov eax,ulDrawingColor ;each byte is color with which to fill
push ebx ;preserve scan line count call ppfnDrawEdgeTable ;jump into the loop to draw pop ebx ;restore scan line count
mov edi,esi ;point to first right edge byte mov al,byte ptr ulMasks+1 ;this will become the Bit Mask for the ; right edge mov edx,VGA_BASE + SEQ_DATA ;SEQ_INDEX already points to Map Mask out dx,al ;set Map Mask for left edge
mov eax,ulDrawingColor ;each byte is color with which to fill
push offset edges_done ;return here jmp ppfnDrawEdgeTable ;jump into the loop to draw
;-----------------------------------------------------------------------; ; Handle case where only the left edge is partial (non-whole). ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------; do_left_edge_bytes::
; Set up variables for entering loop.
mov ecx,ulScanWidth ;offset from one scan to next mov al,byte ptr ulMasks ;this will become the Bit Mask for the ; left edge mov edx,VGA_BASE + SEQ_DATA ;SEQ_INDEX already points to Map Mask out dx,al ;set Map Mask for left edge
mov eax,ulDrawingColor ;each byte is color with which to fill
push offset edges_done ;return here jmp ppfnDrawEdgeTable ;jump into the loop to draw
;-----------------------------------------------------------------------; ; Handle case where only the right edge is partial (non-whole). ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------; do_right_edge_bytes::
; Set up variables for entering loop.
mov ecx,ulScanWidth ;offset from one scan to next add edi,ulWholeBytes ;--> start for right edge (remember, ; left edge is whole, so the left edge ; byte is included in the whole byte ; count) mov al,byte ptr ulMasks+1 ;this will become the Bit Mask for the ; right edge mov edx,VGA_BASE + SEQ_DATA ;SEQ_INDEX already points to Map Mask out dx,al ;set Map Mask for right edge
mov eax,ulDrawingColor ;each byte is color with which to fill
call ppfnDrawEdgeTable ;jump into the loop to draw
;-----------------------------------------------------------------------; ; We have done all partial edges. ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------;
mov edx,VGA_BASE + SEQ_DATA ;SEQ_INDEX already points to Map Mask mov al,MM_ALL ;restore the default Map Mask of all out dx,al ; planes enabled
;-----------------------------------------------------------------------; ; See if there are any more banks to process. ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------;
mov edi,ppdev mov eax,[edi].pdev_rcl1PlanarClip.yBottom ;is the fill bottom in cmp ulBottomScan,eax ; the current bank? jle short banks_done ;yes, so we're done ;no, map in the next bank and fill it mov ulCurrentTopScan,eax ;remember where the top of the bank ; we're about to map in is (same as ; bottom of bank we just did)
ptrCall <dword ptr [edi].pdev_pfnPlanarControl>,<edi,eax,JustifyTop> ;map in the bank
; Compute the starting address and scan line count in this bank.
mov eax,ppdev ;EAX->target surface mov ebx,ulBottomScan ;bottom of destination rectangle cmp ebx,[eax].pdev_rcl1PlanarClip.yBottom ;which comes first, the bottom of the ; dest rect or the bottom of the ; current bank? jl short BottomScanSet2 ;fill bottom comes first, so draw to ; that; this is the last bank in fill mov ebx,[eax].pdev_rcl1PlanarClip.yBottom ;bank bottom comes first; draw to ; bottom of bank BottomScanSet2: mov edi,ulCurrentTopScan ;top scan line to fill in current bank sub ebx,edi ;# of scans to fill in bank imul edi,ulScanWidth ;offset of starting scan line
; Note that the start of the bitmap will change each time through the ; bank loop, because the start of the bitmap is varied to map the ; desired scan line to the banking window.
add edi,[eax].pdev_pvBitmapStart ;start of scan in bitmap add edi,ulRowOffset ;EDI = start offset of fill in bitmap
; Draw in the new bank.
jmp pfnStartDrawing
;-----------------------------------------------------------------------; ; Done with all banks in this fill.
banks_done: retn
endProc vTrgBlt
;-----------------------------------------------------------------------; ; Drawing loops. ; There are two kinds of drawing loops: read-before-write (to load the ; latches), and write-only (for replace-type rops). ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------;
;-----------------------------------------------------------------------; ; Drawing stuff for cases where read before write is required, ; to load the latches. ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------;
;-----------------------------------------------------------------------; ; 1-, 2-, 3-, and 4-wide read before write drawing loops. ; ; Entry: ; AL = drawing color ; EBX = loop count ; ECX = scan line width in bytes ; EDI = start offset ; ; EBX, EDI modified. All other registers preserved.
; 1-wide read/write.
draw_1_wide_rw_loop proc near mov ah,[edi] ;latch the target address. The data read ; doesn't matter mov [edi],al ;merge the drawing color with the latched ; target address according to the selected ALU ; function, and write the result to display ; memory add edi,ecx ;point to the next scan line
dec ebx jnz draw_1_wide_rw_loop
draw_1_wide_rw_loop endp
; 2-wide read/write.
draw_2_wide_rw_loop proc near mov ah,[edi] ;see 1-wide RW case for comments mov [edi],al mov ah,[edi+1] mov [edi+1],al add edi,ecx ;point to the next scan line
dec ebx jnz draw_2_wide_rw_loop
draw_2_wide_rw_loop endp
; 3-wide read/write.
draw_3_wide_rw_loop proc near mov ah,[edi] ;see 1-wide RW case for comments mov [edi],al mov ah,[edi+1] mov [edi+1],al mov ah,[edi+2] mov [edi+2],al add edi,ecx ;point to the next scan line
dec ebx jnz draw_3_wide_rw_loop
draw_3_wide_rw_loop endp
; 4-wide read/write.
draw_4_wide_rw_loop proc near mov ah,[edi] ;see 1-wide RW case for comments mov [edi],al mov ah,[edi+1] mov [edi+1],al mov ah,[edi+2] mov [edi+2],al mov ah,[edi+3] mov [edi+3],al add edi,ecx ;point to the next scan line
dec ebx jnz draw_4_wide_rw_loop
draw_4_wide_rw_loop endp
;-----------------------------------------------------------------------; ; Drawing stuff for cases where read before write is NOT required. ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------;
;-----------------------------------------------------------------------; ; 1-, 2-, 3-, and 4-wide write-only edge-drawing loops. ; ; Entry: ; EAX = fill color, replicated four times ; EBX = loop count ; ECX = scan line width in bytes ; EDI = start offset ; ; EBX, EDI modified. All other registers preserved.
; 1-wide write-only.
draw_1_wide_w_loop proc near mov [edi],al ;draw the pixel add edi,ecx ;point to the next scan line
dec ebx jnz draw_1_wide_w_loop
draw_1_wide_w_loop endp
; 2-wide write-only.
draw_2_wide_w_loop proc near mov [edi],ax add edi,ecx ;point to the next scan line
dec ebx jnz draw_2_wide_w_loop
draw_2_wide_w_loop endp
; 3-wide write-only, starting at an even address.
draw_3_wide_w_even_loop proc near mov [edi],ax mov [edi+2],al add edi,ecx ;point to the next scan line
dec ebx jnz draw_3_wide_w_even_loop
draw_3_wide_w_even_loop endp
; 3-wide write-only, starting at an odd address.
draw_3_wide_w_odd_loop proc near mov [edi],al mov [edi+1],ax add edi,ecx ;point to the next scan line
dec ebx jnz draw_3_wide_w_odd_loop
draw_3_wide_w_odd_loop endp
; 4-wide write-only.
draw_4_wide_w_loop proc near mov [edi],eax add edi,ecx ;point to the next scan line
dec ebx jnz draw_4_wide_w_loop
draw_4_wide_w_loop endp
; 5-wide write-only, starting at an even address.
draw_5_wide_w_even_loop proc near mov [edi],eax mov [edi+4],al add edi,ecx ;point to the next scan line
dec ebx jnz draw_5_wide_w_even_loop
draw_5_wide_w_even_loop endp
; 5-wide write-only, starting at an odd address.
draw_5_wide_w_odd_loop proc near mov [edi],al mov [edi+1],eax add edi,ecx ;point to the next scan line
dec ebx jnz draw_5_wide_w_odd_loop
draw_5_wide_w_odd_loop endp
; 6-wide write-only, starting at MOD 3 == 0.
draw_6_wide_w_mod3_0_loop proc near mov [edi],eax mov [edi+4],ax add edi,ecx ;point to the next scan line
dec ebx jnz draw_6_wide_w_mod3_0_loop
draw_6_wide_w_mod3_0_loop endp
; 6-wide write-only, starting at MOD 3 == 1 or 3.
draw_6_wide_w_mod3_1_loop proc near mov [edi],al mov [edi+1],eax mov [edi+5],al add edi,ecx ;point to the next scan line
dec ebx jnz draw_6_wide_w_mod3_1_loop
draw_6_wide_w_mod3_1_loop endp
; 6-wide write-only, starting at MOD 3 == 2.
draw_6_wide_w_mod3_2_loop proc near mov [edi],ax mov [edi+2],eax add edi,ecx ;point to the next scan line
dec ebx jnz draw_6_wide_w_mod3_2_loop
draw_6_wide_w_mod3_2_loop endp
; 7-wide write-only, starting at MOD 3 == 0.
draw_7_wide_w_mod3_0_loop proc near mov [edi],eax mov [edi+4],ax mov [edi+6],al add edi,ecx ;point to the next scan line
dec ebx jnz draw_7_wide_w_mod3_0_loop
draw_7_wide_w_mod3_0_loop endp
; 7-wide write-only, starting at MOD 3 == 0.
draw_7_wide_w_mod3_1_loop proc near mov [edi],al mov [edi+1],ax mov [edi+3],eax add edi,ecx ;point to the next scan line
dec ebx jnz draw_7_wide_w_mod3_1_loop
draw_7_wide_w_mod3_1_loop endp
; 7-wide write-only, starting at MOD 3 == 2.
draw_7_wide_w_mod3_2_loop proc near mov [edi],ax mov [edi+2],eax mov [edi+6],al add edi,ecx ;point to the next scan line
dec ebx jnz draw_7_wide_w_mod3_2_loop
draw_7_wide_w_mod3_2_loop endp
; 7-wide write-only, starting at MOD 3 == 3.
draw_7_wide_w_mod3_3_loop proc near mov [edi],al mov [edi+1],eax mov [edi+5],ax add edi,ecx ;point to the next scan line
dec ebx jnz draw_7_wide_w_mod3_3_loop
draw_7_wide_w_mod3_3_loop endp
; 8-wide write-only, starting at MOD 3 == 0.
draw_8_wide_w_mod3_0_loop proc near mov [edi],eax mov [edi+4],eax add edi,ecx ;point to the next scan line
dec ebx jnz draw_8_wide_w_mod3_0_loop
draw_8_wide_w_mod3_0_loop endp
; 8-wide write-only, starting at MOD 3 == 0.
draw_8_wide_w_mod3_1_loop proc near mov [edi],al mov [edi+1],ax mov [edi+3],eax mov [edi+7],al add edi,ecx ;point to the next scan line
dec ebx jnz draw_8_wide_w_mod3_1_loop
draw_8_wide_w_mod3_1_loop endp
; 8-wide write-only, starting at MOD 3 == 2.
draw_8_wide_w_mod3_2_loop proc near mov [edi],ax mov [edi+2],eax mov [edi+6],ax add edi,ecx ;point to the next scan line
dec ebx jnz draw_8_wide_w_mod3_2_loop
draw_8_wide_w_mod3_2_loop endp
; 8-wide write-only, starting at MOD 3 == 3.
draw_8_wide_w_mod3_3_loop proc near mov [edi],al mov [edi+1],eax mov [edi+5],ax mov [edi+7],al add edi,ecx ;point to the next scan line
dec ebx jnz draw_8_wide_w_mod3_3_loop
draw_8_wide_w_mod3_3_loop endp
;-----------------------------------------------------------------------; ; Loop stuff for wide replace-type rops (arbitrary width). ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------;
; N-wide write-only, 0 leading bytes, 0 trailing bytes. ; EAX = 0ffffh ; EBX = count of scans to fill ; EDX = offset from end of one scan's fill to start of next ; ESI = # of dwords to fill ; EDI = target address to fill
draw_wide_w_00_loop proc near mov ecx,esi ;# of whole dwords rep stosd ;fill all whole bytes as dwords add edi,edx ;point to the next scan line
dec ebx jnz draw_wide_w_00_loop
draw_wide_w_00_loop endp
; N-wide write-only, 0 leading bytes, 1 trailing byte. ; EAX = # of dwords to fill ; EBX = count of scans to fill ; EDX = offset from end of one scan's fill to start of next ; ESI = # of dwords to fill ; EDI = target address to fill
draw_wide_w_01_loop proc near mov ecx,esi ;# of whole dwords rep stosd ;fill whole bytes as dwords mov [edi],al ;fill the trailing byte inc edi add edi,edx ;point to the next scan line
dec ebx jnz draw_wide_w_01_loop
draw_wide_w_01_loop endp
; N-wide write-only, 0 leading bytes, 2 trailing byte. ; EAX = # of dwords to fill ; EBX = count of scans to fill ; EDX = offset from end of one scan's fill to start of next ; ESI = # of dwords to fill ; EDI = target address to fill
draw_wide_w_02_loop proc near mov ecx,esi ;# of whole dwords rep stosd ;fill whole bytes as dwords mov [edi],ax ;fill the trailing word add edi,2 add edi,edx ;point to the next scan line
dec ebx jnz draw_wide_w_02_loop
draw_wide_w_02_loop endp
; N-wide write-only, 0 leading bytes, 3 trailing bytes. ; EAX = # of dwords to fill ; EBX = count of scans to fill ; EDX = offset from end of one scan's fill to start of next ; ESI = # of dwords to fill ; EDI = target address to fill
draw_wide_w_03_loop proc near mov ecx,esi ;# of whole dwords rep stosd ;fill whole bytes as dwords mov [edi],ax ;fill the leading word mov [edi+2],al ;fill the trailing byte add edi,3 add edi,edx ;point to the next scan line
dec ebx jnz draw_wide_w_03_loop
draw_wide_w_03_loop endp
; N-wide write-only, 1 leading byte, 0 trailing bytes. ; EAX = # of dwords to fill ; EBX = count of scans to fill ; EDX = offset from end of one scan's fill to start of next ; ESI = # of dwords to fill ; EDI = target address to fill
draw_wide_w_10_loop proc near mov [edi],al ;fill the leading byte inc edi mov ecx,esi ;# of whole dwords rep stosd ;fill all whole bytes as dwords add edi,edx ;point to the next scan line
dec ebx jnz draw_wide_w_10_loop
draw_wide_w_10_loop endp
; N-wide write-only, 1 leading bytes, 1 trailing byte. ; EAX = # of dwords to fill ; EBX = count of scans to fill ; EDX = offset from end of one scan's fill to start of next ; ESI = # of dwords to fill ; EDI = target address to fill
draw_wide_w_11_loop proc near mov [edi],al ;fill the leading byte inc edi mov ecx,esi ;# of whole dwords rep stosd ;fill whole bytes as dwords mov [edi],al ;fill the trailing byte inc edi add edi,edx ;point to the next scan line
dec ebx jnz draw_wide_w_11_loop
draw_wide_w_11_loop endp
; N-wide write-only, 1 leading bytes, 2 trailing byte. ; EAX = # of dwords to fill ; EBX = count of scans to fill ; EDX = offset from end of one scan's fill to start of next ; ESI = # of dwords to fill ; EDI = target address to fill
draw_wide_w_12_loop proc near mov [edi],al ;fill the leading byte inc edi mov ecx,esi ;# of whole dwords rep stosd ;fill whole bytes as dwords mov [edi],ax ;fill the trailing word add edi,2 add edi,edx ;point to the next scan line
dec ebx jnz draw_wide_w_12_loop
draw_wide_w_12_loop endp
; N-wide write-only, 0 leading bytes, 3 trailing bytes. ; EAX = # of dwords to fill ; EBX = count of scans to fill ; EDX = offset from end of one scan's fill to start of next ; ESI = # of dwords to fill ; EDI = target address to fill
draw_wide_w_13_loop proc near mov [edi],al ;fill the leading byte inc edi mov ecx,esi ;# of whole dwords rep stosd ;fill whole bytes as dwords mov [edi],ax ;fill the trailing word mov [edi+2],al ;fill the trailing byte add edi,3 add edi,edx ;point to the next scan line
dec ebx jnz draw_wide_w_13_loop
draw_wide_w_13_loop endp
; N-wide write-only, 2 leading bytes, 0 trailing bytes. ; EAX = # of dwords to fill ; EBX = count of scans to fill ; EDX = offset from end of one scan's fill to start of next ; ESI = # of dwords to fill ; EDI = target address to fill
draw_wide_w_20_loop proc near mov [edi],ax ;fill the leading word add edi,2 mov ecx,esi ;# of whole dwords rep stosd ;fill all whole bytes as dwords add edi,edx ;point to the next scan line
dec ebx jnz draw_wide_w_20_loop
draw_wide_w_20_loop endp
; N-wide write-only, 2 leading bytess, 1 trailing byte. ; EAX = # of dwords to fill ; EBX = count of scans to fill ; EDX = offset from end of one scan's fill to start of next ; ESI = # of dwords to fill ; EDI = target address to fill
draw_wide_w_21_loop proc near mov [edi],ax ;fill the leading word add edi,2 mov ecx,esi ;# of whole dwords rep stosd ;fill whole bytes as dwords mov [edi],al ;fill the trailing byte inc edi add edi,edx ;point to the next scan line
dec ebx jnz draw_wide_w_21_loop
draw_wide_w_21_loop endp
; N-wide write-only, 2 leading bytess, 2 trailing byte. ; EAX = # of dwords to fill ; EBX = count of scans to fill ; EDX = offset from end of one scan's fill to start of next ; ESI = # of dwords to fill ; EDI = target address to fill
draw_wide_w_22_loop proc near mov [edi],ax ;fill the leading word add edi,2 mov ecx,esi ;# of whole dwords rep stosd ;fill whole bytes as dwords mov [edi],ax ;fill the trailing word add edi,2 add edi,edx ;point to the next scan line
dec ebx jnz draw_wide_w_22_loop
draw_wide_w_22_loop endp
; N-wide write-only, 0 leading bytes, 3 trailing bytes. ; EAX = # of dwords to fill ; EBX = count of scans to fill ; EDX = offset from end of one scan's fill to start of next ; ESI = # of dwords to fill ; EDI = target address to fill
draw_wide_w_23_loop proc near mov [edi],ax ;fill the leading word add edi,2 mov ecx,esi ;# of whole dwords rep stosd ;fill whole bytes as dwords mov [edi],ax ;fill the trailing word mov [edi+2],al ;fill the trailing byte add edi,3 add edi,edx ;point to the next scan line
dec ebx jnz draw_wide_w_23_loop
draw_wide_w_23_loop endp
; N-wide write-only, 3 leading bytes, 0 trailing bytes. ; EAX = # of dwords to fill ; EBX = count of scans to fill ; EDX = offset from end of one scan's fill to start of next ; ESI = # of dwords to fill ; EDI = target address to fill
draw_wide_w_30_loop proc near mov [edi],al ;fill the leading byte mov [edi+1],ax ;fill the leading word add edi,3 mov ecx,esi ;# of whole dwords rep stosd ;fill all whole bytes as dwords add edi,edx ;point to the next scan line
dec ebx jnz draw_wide_w_30_loop
draw_wide_w_30_loop endp
; N-wide write-only, 3 leading bytess, 1 trailing byte. ; EAX = # of dwords to fill ; EBX = count of scans to fill ; EDX = offset from end of one scan's fill to start of next ; ESI = # of dwords to fill ; EDI = target address to fill
draw_wide_w_31_loop proc near mov [edi],al ;fill the leading byte mov [edi+1],ax ;fill the leading word add edi,3 mov ecx,esi ;# of whole dwords rep stosd ;fill whole bytes as dwords mov [edi],al ;fill the trailing byte inc edi add edi,edx ;point to the next scan line
dec ebx jnz draw_wide_w_31_loop
draw_wide_w_31_loop endp
; N-wide write-only, 3 leading bytess, 2 trailing byte. ; EAX = # of dwords to fill ; EBX = count of scans to fill ; EDX = offset from end of one scan's fill to start of next ; ESI = # of dwords to fill ; EDI = target address to fill
draw_wide_w_32_loop proc near mov [edi],al ;fill the leading byte mov [edi+1],ax ;fill the leading word add edi,3 mov ecx,esi ;# of whole dwords rep stosd ;fill whole bytes as dwords mov [edi],ax ;fill the trailing word add edi,2 add edi,edx ;point to the next scan line
dec ebx jnz draw_wide_w_32_loop
draw_wide_w_32_loop endp
; N-wide write-only, 0 leading bytes, 3 trailing bytes. ; EAX = # of dwords to fill ; EBX = count of scans to fill ; EDX = offset from end of one scan's fill to start of next ; ESI = # of dwords to fill ; EDI = target address to fill
draw_wide_w_33_loop proc near mov [edi],al ;fill the leading byte mov [edi+1],ax ;fill the leading word add edi,3 mov ecx,esi ;# of whole dwords rep stosd ;fill whole bytes as dwords mov [edi],ax ;fill the trailing word mov [edi+2],al ;fill the trailing byte add edi,3 add edi,edx ;point to the next scan line
dec ebx jnz draw_wide_w_33_loop
draw_wide_w_33_loop endp