* porthelp.cpp - WDM Streaming port class driver port helper functions ***************************************************************************** * Copyright (c) 1996-2000 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. */
#include "private.h"
* Functions. */
#pragma code_seg("PAGE")
#define UPTOQUAD(x) (((x)+7)&~7)
* PrivateHeap ***************************************************************************** * Class for managing a private heap. */ class PrivateHeap { private: PBYTE m_pbTop; PBYTE m_pbCurrent; ULONG m_ulSize;
public: PrivateHeap(void) : m_pbTop(NULL), m_pbCurrent(NULL), m_ulSize(NULL) { }
// Increase the number of bytes that will be allocated for the heap.
ULONG Reserve(ULONG ulBytes) { ASSERT(! m_pbTop); ASSERT(! m_pbCurrent);
m_ulSize += UPTOQUAD(ulBytes);
return m_ulSize; }
// Allocate memory for the private heap from a pool.
NTSTATUS AllocateFromPool(POOL_TYPE poolType,ULONG ulTag) { ASSERT(! m_pbTop); ASSERT(! m_pbCurrent); ASSERT(m_ulSize);
m_pbTop = new(poolType,ulTag) BYTE[m_ulSize];
if (! m_pbTop) { return STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; }
m_pbCurrent = m_pbTop;
// Allocate memory from the heap.
PVOID Alloc(ULONG ulSize) { ASSERT(ulSize); ASSERT(m_pbTop); ASSERT(m_pbCurrent); ASSERT(m_pbCurrent + UPTOQUAD(ulSize) <= m_pbTop + m_ulSize);
PVOID pvResult = PVOID(m_pbCurrent);
m_pbCurrent += UPTOQUAD(ulSize);
return pvResult; }
// Determine the amount of space remaining in the heap.
ULONG BytesRemaining(void) { ASSERT(m_pbTop); ASSERT(m_pbCurrent); ASSERT(m_pbCurrent <= m_pbTop + m_ulSize);
return ULONG((m_pbTop + m_ulSize) - m_pbCurrent); } };
* ::new() ***************************************************************************** * New function for creating objects with private heap. */ inline PVOID operator new ( size_t iSize, PrivateHeap& privateHeap ) { return privateHeap.Alloc(ULONG(iSize)); }
* MeasureDataRanges() ***************************************************************************** * Determine how much a set of data ranges will expand as a result * of cloning WAVEFORMATEX ranges into identical DSOUND ranges. * * As of WinME, we also clone non-PCM ranges. */ static ULONG MeasureDataRanges ( IN PrivateHeap * pPrivateHeap OPTIONAL, IN ULONG ulDataRangeCountIn, IN KSDATARANGE *const * ppKsDataRangeIn ) { ULONG ulNewDataRangeCount = ulDataRangeCountIn;
for (ULONG ul = ulDataRangeCountIn; ul--; ) { ASSERT(ppKsDataRangeIn);
if ( ( (*ppKsDataRangeIn)->FormatSize >= sizeof(KSDATAFORMAT_WAVEFORMATEX) ) && IsEqualGUIDAligned ( (*ppKsDataRangeIn)->MajorFormat, KSDATAFORMAT_TYPE_AUDIO ) && IsEqualGUIDAligned ( (*ppKsDataRangeIn)->Specifier, KSDATAFORMAT_SPECIFIER_WAVEFORMATEX ) ) { ulNewDataRangeCount++; if (pPrivateHeap) { pPrivateHeap->Reserve((*ppKsDataRangeIn)->FormatSize); } }
ppKsDataRangeIn++; }
if (pPrivateHeap && (ulNewDataRangeCount != ulDataRangeCountIn)) { pPrivateHeap->Reserve(ulNewDataRangeCount * sizeof(PKSDATARANGE)); }
return ulNewDataRangeCount; }
* CloneDataRanges() ***************************************************************************** * Expand data ranges to include DSound formats. */ static const PKSDATARANGE * CloneDataRanges ( IN PrivateHeap& privateHeap, OUT PULONG pulDataRangeCountOut, IN ULONG ulDataRangeCountIn, IN KSDATARANGE *const * ppKsDataRangeIn ) { ASSERT(pulDataRangeCountOut);
// Determine how many data ranges there will be and how much space will be
// required for the new ones.
ULONG ulDataRangeCountOut = MeasureDataRanges(NULL,ulDataRangeCountIn,ppKsDataRangeIn);
const PKSDATARANGE *ppKsDataRangeOut;
if (ulDataRangeCountOut == ulDataRangeCountIn) { //
// No new data ranges. Use the array we were given.
ppKsDataRangeOut = ppKsDataRangeIn; } else { //
// Allocate some space for the new array.
ppKsDataRangeOut = new(privateHeap) PKSDATARANGE[ulDataRangeCountOut];
// Build the new array.
PKSDATARANGE *ppKsDataRange = (PKSDATARANGE *) ppKsDataRangeOut; while (ulDataRangeCountIn--) { ASSERT(ppKsDataRangeIn);
// All the data ranges get copied.
*ppKsDataRange++ = *ppKsDataRangeIn;
// Check for WaveFormatEx datarange
// This includes non-PCM subformats....
if ( ( (*ppKsDataRangeIn)->FormatSize >= sizeof(KSDATAFORMAT_WAVEFORMATEX) ) && IsEqualGUIDAligned ( (*ppKsDataRangeIn)->MajorFormat, KSDATAFORMAT_TYPE_AUDIO ) && IsEqualGUIDAligned ( (*ppKsDataRangeIn)->Specifier, KSDATAFORMAT_SPECIFIER_WAVEFORMATEX ) ) { //
// WaveFormatEx datarange will require DSound clone.
// Allocate memory for it and copy.
*ppKsDataRange = PKSDATARANGE ( new(privateHeap) BYTE[(*ppKsDataRangeIn)->FormatSize] );
RtlCopyMemory ( *ppKsDataRange, *ppKsDataRangeIn, (*ppKsDataRangeIn)->FormatSize );
// Update the specifier.
(*ppKsDataRange++)->Specifier = KSDATAFORMAT_SPECIFIER_DSOUND; }
// Increment input position
ppKsDataRangeIn++; } }
*pulDataRangeCountOut = ulDataRangeCountOut;
return ppKsDataRangeOut; }
* PcCreateSubdeviceDescriptor() ***************************************************************************** * Creates a subdevice descriptor. */ PORTCLASSAPI NTSTATUS NTAPI PcCreateSubdeviceDescriptor ( IN PPCFILTER_DESCRIPTOR pPcFilterDescriptor, IN ULONG CategoriesCount, IN GUID * Categories, IN ULONG StreamInterfacesCount, IN PKSPIN_INTERFACE StreamInterfaces, IN ULONG FilterPropertySetCount, IN PKSPROPERTY_SET FilterPropertySets, IN ULONG FilterEventSetCount, IN PKSEVENT_SET FilterEventSets, IN ULONG PinPropertySetCount, IN PKSPROPERTY_SET PinPropertySets, IN ULONG PinEventSetCount, IN PKSEVENT_SET PinEventSets, OUT PSUBDEVICE_DESCRIPTOR * OutDescriptor ) { PAGED_CODE();
ASSERT(pPcFilterDescriptor); ASSERT(OutDescriptor);
// Calculate how much memory we will need.
PrivateHeap privateHeap; privateHeap.Reserve(sizeof(SUBDEVICE_DESCRIPTOR)); privateHeap.Reserve(sizeof(KSTOPOLOGY)); privateHeap.Reserve(sizeof(KSPIN_DESCRIPTOR) * pPcFilterDescriptor->PinCount); privateHeap.Reserve(sizeof(PIN_CINSTANCES) * pPcFilterDescriptor->PinCount); privateHeap.Reserve(sizeof(PROPERTY_TABLE) * pPcFilterDescriptor->PinCount); privateHeap.Reserve(sizeof(EVENT_TABLE) * pPcFilterDescriptor->PinCount);
if (pPcFilterDescriptor->NodeCount) { privateHeap.Reserve(sizeof(GUID) * pPcFilterDescriptor->NodeCount); privateHeap.Reserve(sizeof(GUID) * pPcFilterDescriptor->NodeCount); }
const PCPIN_DESCRIPTOR *pPcPinDescriptor = pPcFilterDescriptor->Pins; for (ULONG ul = pPcFilterDescriptor->PinCount; ul--; ) { if (pPcPinDescriptor->KsPinDescriptor.DataRanges) { MeasureDataRanges( &privateHeap, pPcPinDescriptor->KsPinDescriptor.DataRangesCount, pPcPinDescriptor->KsPinDescriptor.DataRanges ); pPcPinDescriptor = PPCPIN_DESCRIPTOR( PBYTE(pPcPinDescriptor) + pPcFilterDescriptor->PinSize ); } else { ntStatus = STATUS_RANGE_NOT_FOUND; // DataRanges field is NULL
break; // Don't even bother, just exit
} }
if (NT_SUCCESS(ntStatus)) // if fail above, fall through the rest
{ //
// Allocate the required memory.
ntStatus = privateHeap.AllocateFromPool(PagedPool,'pFcP'); }
// Set up pointers into one big chunk of memory.
descr->PinCount = pPcFilterDescriptor->PinCount;
descr->Topology = new(privateHeap) KSTOPOLOGY; descr->PinDescriptors = new(privateHeap) KSPIN_DESCRIPTOR[descr->PinCount]; descr->PinInstances = new(privateHeap) PIN_CINSTANCES[descr->PinCount]; descr->PinPropertyTables = new(privateHeap) PROPERTY_TABLE[descr->PinCount]; descr->PinEventTables = new(privateHeap) EVENT_TABLE[descr->PinCount];
if (pPcFilterDescriptor->NodeCount) { descr->Topology->TopologyNodes = new(privateHeap) GUID[pPcFilterDescriptor->NodeCount]; descr->Topology->TopologyNodesNames = new(privateHeap) GUID[pPcFilterDescriptor->NodeCount]; } else { descr->Topology->TopologyNodes = NULL; descr->Topology->TopologyNodesNames = NULL; }
// Prefer the categories from the filter descriptor.
if (pPcFilterDescriptor->CategoryCount != 0) { descr->Topology->CategoriesCount = pPcFilterDescriptor->CategoryCount; descr->Topology->Categories = pPcFilterDescriptor->Categories; } else { descr->Topology->CategoriesCount = CategoriesCount; descr->Topology->Categories = Categories; }
descr->Topology->TopologyNodesCount = pPcFilterDescriptor->NodeCount; descr->Topology->TopologyConnectionsCount = pPcFilterDescriptor->ConnectionCount; descr->Topology->TopologyConnections = pPcFilterDescriptor->Connections;
// Initialize filter properties.
descr->FilterPropertyTable.PropertySetCount = FilterPropertySetCount; descr->FilterPropertyTable.PropertySets = FilterPropertySets; descr->FilterPropertyTable.StaticSets = TRUE;
// Initialize filter events.
descr->FilterEventTable.EventSetCount = FilterEventSetCount; descr->FilterEventTable.EventSets = FilterEventSets; descr->FilterEventTable.StaticSets = TRUE;
// Copy node type and name and merge node properties and events.
const PCNODE_DESCRIPTOR *pPcNodeDescriptor = pPcFilterDescriptor->Nodes; GUID *pGuidType = (GUID *) descr->Topology->TopologyNodes; GUID *pGuidName = (GUID *) descr->Topology->TopologyNodesNames; for (ULONG node = pPcFilterDescriptor->NodeCount; node--; ) { *pGuidType++ = *pPcNodeDescriptor->Type; if (pPcNodeDescriptor->Name) { *pGuidName++ = *pPcNodeDescriptor->Name; } else { *pGuidName++ = *pPcNodeDescriptor->Type; }
if ( (pPcNodeDescriptor->AutomationTable) && (pPcNodeDescriptor->AutomationTable->PropertyCount) ) { PcAddToPropertyTable ( &descr->FilterPropertyTable, pPcNodeDescriptor->AutomationTable->PropertyCount, pPcNodeDescriptor->AutomationTable->Properties, pPcNodeDescriptor->AutomationTable->PropertyItemSize, TRUE ); }
if ( (pPcNodeDescriptor->AutomationTable) && (pPcNodeDescriptor->AutomationTable->EventCount) ) { PcAddToEventTable ( &descr->FilterEventTable, pPcNodeDescriptor->AutomationTable->EventCount, pPcNodeDescriptor->AutomationTable->Events, pPcNodeDescriptor->AutomationTable->EventItemSize, TRUE ); }
pPcNodeDescriptor = PPCNODE_DESCRIPTOR ( PBYTE(pPcNodeDescriptor) + pPcFilterDescriptor->NodeSize ); }
// Merge filter properties.
if ( (pPcFilterDescriptor->AutomationTable) && (pPcFilterDescriptor->AutomationTable->PropertyCount) ) { PcAddToPropertyTable ( &descr->FilterPropertyTable, pPcFilterDescriptor->AutomationTable->PropertyCount, pPcFilterDescriptor->AutomationTable->Properties, pPcFilterDescriptor->AutomationTable->PropertyItemSize, FALSE ); }
// Merge filter events.
if ( (pPcFilterDescriptor->AutomationTable) && (pPcFilterDescriptor->AutomationTable->EventCount) ) { PcAddToEventTable ( &descr->FilterEventTable, pPcFilterDescriptor->AutomationTable->EventCount, pPcFilterDescriptor->AutomationTable->Events, pPcFilterDescriptor->AutomationTable->EventItemSize, FALSE ); }
// Do per-pin stuff.
PPROPERTY_TABLE pt = descr->PinPropertyTables; PEVENT_TABLE et = descr->PinEventTables; PKSPIN_DESCRIPTOR p = descr->PinDescriptors; PPIN_CINSTANCES i = descr->PinInstances;
pPcPinDescriptor = PPCPIN_DESCRIPTOR(pPcFilterDescriptor->Pins); for ( ULONG pin = 0; pin < pPcFilterDescriptor->PinCount; pin++ ) { //
// Find a pin that has the same property set.
PPROPERTY_TABLE twinPt = descr->PinPropertyTables; PPCPIN_DESCRIPTOR pPcPinDescriptorTwin = PPCPIN_DESCRIPTOR(pPcFilterDescriptor->Pins); for ( ULONG twinPin = 0; twinPin < pin; twinPin++, twinPt++ ) { if ( ( pPcPinDescriptor->AutomationTable == pPcPinDescriptorTwin->AutomationTable ) || ( pPcPinDescriptor->AutomationTable && pPcPinDescriptorTwin->AutomationTable && ( pPcPinDescriptor->AutomationTable->PropertyCount == pPcPinDescriptorTwin->AutomationTable->PropertyCount ) && ( pPcPinDescriptor->AutomationTable->Properties == pPcPinDescriptorTwin->AutomationTable->Properties ) && ( pPcPinDescriptor->AutomationTable->PropertyItemSize == pPcPinDescriptorTwin->AutomationTable->PropertyItemSize ) ) ) { *pt = *twinPt; break; }
pPcPinDescriptorTwin = PPCPIN_DESCRIPTOR ( PBYTE(pPcPinDescriptorTwin) + pPcFilterDescriptor->PinSize ); }
// Create a new table if we have to.
if (twinPin == pin) { pt->PropertySetCount = PinPropertySetCount; pt->PropertySets = PinPropertySets; pt->StaticSets = TRUE;
if ( (pPcPinDescriptor->AutomationTable) && (pPcPinDescriptor->AutomationTable->PropertyCount) ) { PcAddToPropertyTable ( pt, pPcPinDescriptor->AutomationTable->PropertyCount, pPcPinDescriptor->AutomationTable->Properties, pPcPinDescriptor->AutomationTable->PropertyItemSize, FALSE ); }
const PCNODE_DESCRIPTOR *pPcNodeDescriptor2 = pPcFilterDescriptor->Nodes; for (ULONG node = pPcFilterDescriptor->NodeCount; node--; ) { if ( (pPcNodeDescriptor2->AutomationTable) && (pPcNodeDescriptor2->AutomationTable->PropertyCount) ) { PcAddToPropertyTable ( pt, pPcNodeDescriptor2->AutomationTable->PropertyCount, pPcNodeDescriptor2->AutomationTable->Properties, pPcNodeDescriptor2->AutomationTable->PropertyItemSize, TRUE ); }
pPcNodeDescriptor2 = PPCNODE_DESCRIPTOR ( PBYTE(pPcNodeDescriptor2) + pPcFilterDescriptor->NodeSize ); } } pt++;
// Find a pin that has the same event set.
PEVENT_TABLE twinEt = descr->PinEventTables; pPcPinDescriptorTwin = PPCPIN_DESCRIPTOR(pPcFilterDescriptor->Pins); for ( ULONG twinEPin = 0; twinEPin < pin; twinEPin++, twinEt++ ) { if ( ( pPcPinDescriptor->AutomationTable == pPcPinDescriptorTwin->AutomationTable ) || ( pPcPinDescriptor->AutomationTable && pPcPinDescriptorTwin->AutomationTable && ( pPcPinDescriptor->AutomationTable->EventCount == pPcPinDescriptorTwin->AutomationTable->EventCount ) && ( pPcPinDescriptor->AutomationTable->Events == pPcPinDescriptorTwin->AutomationTable->Events ) && ( pPcPinDescriptor->AutomationTable->EventItemSize == pPcPinDescriptorTwin->AutomationTable->EventItemSize ) ) ) { *et = *twinEt; break; }
pPcPinDescriptorTwin = PPCPIN_DESCRIPTOR ( PBYTE(pPcPinDescriptorTwin) + pPcFilterDescriptor->PinSize ); }
// Create a new table if we have to.
if (twinEPin == pin) { et->EventSetCount = PinEventSetCount; et->EventSets = PinEventSets; et->StaticSets = TRUE;
if ( (pPcPinDescriptor->AutomationTable) && (pPcPinDescriptor->AutomationTable->EventCount) ) { PcAddToEventTable ( et, pPcPinDescriptor->AutomationTable->EventCount, pPcPinDescriptor->AutomationTable->Events, pPcPinDescriptor->AutomationTable->EventItemSize, FALSE ); }
const PCNODE_DESCRIPTOR *pPcNodeDescriptor2 = pPcFilterDescriptor->Nodes; for( ULONG node = pPcFilterDescriptor->NodeCount; node--; ) { if ( (pPcNodeDescriptor2->AutomationTable) && (pPcNodeDescriptor2->AutomationTable->EventCount) ) { PcAddToEventTable ( et, pPcNodeDescriptor2->AutomationTable->EventCount, pPcNodeDescriptor2->AutomationTable->Events, pPcNodeDescriptor2->AutomationTable->EventItemSize, TRUE ); }
pPcNodeDescriptor2 = PPCNODE_DESCRIPTOR( PBYTE(pPcNodeDescriptor2) + pPcFilterDescriptor->NodeSize ); } } et++;
// Copy the KS descriptor.
*p = pPcPinDescriptor->KsPinDescriptor;
// Provide default mediums if necessary.
if (p->Mediums == NULL) { p->MediumsCount = SIZEOF_ARRAY(PinMediums); p->Mediums = PinMediums; }
// Massage the data ranges.
p->DataRanges = CloneDataRanges ( privateHeap, &p->DataRangesCount, pPcPinDescriptor->KsPinDescriptor.DataRangesCount, pPcPinDescriptor->KsPinDescriptor.DataRanges );
// Provide default interfaces if necessary.
if ( (p->Communication & KSPIN_COMMUNICATION_BOTH) && (p->Interfaces == NULL) ) { p->InterfacesCount = StreamInterfacesCount; p->Interfaces = StreamInterfaces; } p++;
i->FilterPossible = pPcPinDescriptor->MaxFilterInstanceCount; i->FilterNecessary = pPcPinDescriptor->MinFilterInstanceCount; i->GlobalPossible = pPcPinDescriptor->MaxGlobalInstanceCount; i->GlobalCurrent = 0; i++;
pPcPinDescriptor = PPCPIN_DESCRIPTOR ( PBYTE(pPcPinDescriptor) + pPcFilterDescriptor->PinSize ); }
*OutDescriptor = descr;
ASSERT(privateHeap.BytesRemaining() == 0); }
return ntStatus; }
* PcDeleteSubdeviceDescriptor() ***************************************************************************** * Deletes a subdevice descriptor. */ PORTCLASSAPI void NTAPI PcDeleteSubdeviceDescriptor ( IN PSUBDEVICE_DESCRIPTOR pSubdeviceDescriptor ) { //
// Free allocated memory for filter property and event tables.
PcFreePropertyTable(&pSubdeviceDescriptor->FilterPropertyTable); PcFreeEventTable(&pSubdeviceDescriptor->FilterEventTable);
// Free allocated memory for pin property tables.
PPROPERTY_TABLE pPropertyTable = pSubdeviceDescriptor->PinPropertyTables; for (ULONG ul = pSubdeviceDescriptor->PinCount; ul--; pPropertyTable++) { //
// Find and clear any references to the same property set.
for ( PPROPERTY_TABLE pPropertyTableTwin = ( pSubdeviceDescriptor->PinPropertyTables + ( pSubdeviceDescriptor->PinCount - 1 ) ) ; pPropertyTableTwin != pPropertyTable ; pPropertyTableTwin-- ) { if ( pPropertyTableTwin->PropertySets == pPropertyTable->PropertySets ) { pPropertyTableTwin->PropertySetCount = 0; pPropertyTableTwin->PropertySets = NULL; pPropertyTableTwin->StaticSets = TRUE; pPropertyTableTwin->StaticItems = NULL; } }
PcFreePropertyTable(pPropertyTable); }
// Free allocated memory for pin event tables.
PEVENT_TABLE pEventTable = pSubdeviceDescriptor->PinEventTables; for (ul = pSubdeviceDescriptor->PinCount; ul--; pEventTable++) { //
// Find and clear any references to the same event set.
for ( PEVENT_TABLE pEventTableTwin = ( pSubdeviceDescriptor->PinEventTables + ( pSubdeviceDescriptor->PinCount - 1 ) ) ; pEventTableTwin != pEventTable ; pEventTableTwin-- ) { if ( pEventTableTwin->EventSets == pEventTable->EventSets ) { pEventTableTwin->EventSetCount = 0; pEventTableTwin->EventSets = NULL; pEventTableTwin->StaticSets = TRUE; pEventTableTwin->StaticItems = NULL; } }
PcFreeEventTable(pEventTable); }
// The rest is one big chunk.
delete [] PBYTE(pSubdeviceDescriptor); }
* PcValidateConnectRequest() ***************************************************************************** * Validate attempt to create a pin. */ PORTCLASSAPI NTSTATUS NTAPI PcValidateConnectRequest ( IN PIRP pIrp , IN PSUBDEVICE_DESCRIPTOR pSubdeviceDescriptor , OUT PKSPIN_CONNECT * ppKsPinConnect ) { PAGED_CODE();
ASSERT(pIrp); ASSERT(pSubdeviceDescriptor); ASSERT(ppKsPinConnect);
NTSTATUS ntStatus = KsValidateConnectRequest ( pIrp , pSubdeviceDescriptor->PinCount , pSubdeviceDescriptor->PinDescriptors , ppKsPinConnect );
return ntStatus; }
* PcValidatePinCount() ***************************************************************************** * Validate pin count. */ PORTCLASSAPI NTSTATUS NTAPI PcValidatePinCount ( IN ULONG ulPinId , IN PSUBDEVICE_DESCRIPTOR pSubdeviceDescriptor , IN PULONG pulPinInstanceCounts ) { PAGED_CODE();
ASSERT(pSubdeviceDescriptor); ASSERT(pulPinInstanceCounts);
if ( ( pSubdeviceDescriptor->PinInstances[ulPinId].GlobalCurrent < pSubdeviceDescriptor->PinInstances[ulPinId].GlobalPossible ) || ( pulPinInstanceCounts[ulPinId] < pSubdeviceDescriptor->PinInstances[ulPinId].FilterPossible ) ) { pSubdeviceDescriptor->PinInstances[ulPinId].GlobalCurrent++; pulPinInstanceCounts[ulPinId]++;
_DbgPrintF( DEBUGLVL_VERBOSE, ( "Create pin %d: global=%d local=%d" , ulPinId , pSubdeviceDescriptor->PinInstances[ulPinId].GlobalCurrent , pulPinInstanceCounts[ulPinId] )); } else { // TODO: What code?
return ntStatus; }
* PcValidateDeviceContext() ***************************************************************************** * Probes DeviceContext for writing. */ PORTCLASSAPI NTSTATUS NTAPI PcValidateDeviceContext ( IN PDEVICE_CONTEXT pDeviceContext, IN PIRP pIrp ) { PAGED_CODE();
if (NULL == pDeviceContext) { _DbgPrintF(DEBUGLVL_TERSE, ("PcValidateDeviceContext : pDeviceContext = NULL")); return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
// validate the pointers if we don't trust the client
// ISSUE ALPERS 2000/12/20 - The Probe call is disabled because it always generates an exception.
// Therefore it is disabled.
if (KernelMode != pIrp->RequestorMode) { __try { ProbeForRead( pDeviceContext, sizeof(*pDeviceContext), sizeof(BYTE)); } __except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { ntStatus = GetExceptionCode(); _DbgPrintF(DEBUGLVL_TERSE, ("PcValidateDeviceContext : ProbeForWrite failed %X", ntStatus)); } } */
if (NT_SUCCESS(ntStatus)) { if (PORTCLS_DEVICE_EXTENSION_SIGNATURE != pDeviceContext->Signature ) { ntStatus = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; _DbgPrintF(DEBUGLVL_TERSE, ("PcValidateDeviceContext : Invalid Extension Signature")); } }
return ntStatus; } // PcValidateDeviceContext
* PcTerminateConnection() ***************************************************************************** * Decrement instance counts associated with a pin. */ PORTCLASSAPI void NTAPI PcTerminateConnection ( IN PSUBDEVICE_DESCRIPTOR pSubdeviceDescriptor , IN PULONG pulPinInstanceCounts , IN ULONG ulPinId ) { PAGED_CODE();
ASSERT(pSubdeviceDescriptor); ASSERT(pulPinInstanceCounts); ASSERT(ulPinId <= pSubdeviceDescriptor->PinCount);
pSubdeviceDescriptor->PinInstances[ulPinId].GlobalCurrent--; pulPinInstanceCounts[ulPinId]--;
_DbgPrintF( DEBUGLVL_VERBOSE, ( "Delete pin %d: global=%d local=%d" , ulPinId , pSubdeviceDescriptor->PinInstances[ulPinId].GlobalCurrent , pulPinInstanceCounts[ulPinId] )); }
* PcVerifyFilterIsReady() ***************************************************************************** * Verify necessary pins are connected. */ PORTCLASSAPI NTSTATUS NTAPI PcVerifyFilterIsReady ( IN PSUBDEVICE_DESCRIPTOR pSubdeviceDescriptor , IN PULONG pulPinInstanceCounts ) { PAGED_CODE();
ASSERT(pSubdeviceDescriptor); ASSERT(pulPinInstanceCounts);
NTSTATUS ntStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS; for ( ULONG ulPinId = 0 ; ulPinId < pSubdeviceDescriptor->PinCount ; ulPinId++ ) { if ( pulPinInstanceCounts[ulPinId] < pSubdeviceDescriptor->PinInstances[ulPinId].FilterNecessary ) { // TODO: What code?
ntStatus = STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; break; } }
return ntStatus; }
#define END_NONE 0
#define END_FROM 1
#define END_TO 2
#define END_BOTH 3
* FindConnectionToPin() ***************************************************************************** * Find a connection that connects to a given node or filter pin. * * ulNode - node number of KSFILTER_NODE * ulConnection - in: connection to start with * out: found connection or ULONG(-1) if not found * * return - 0 for no connection found * END_FROM for outgoing connection * END_TO for incoming connection */ ULONG FindConnectionToPin ( IN ULONG ulNode, IN ULONG ulPin, IN PKSTOPOLOGY pKsTopology, IN OUT PULONG ulConnection, OUT PKSTOPOLOGY_CONNECTION * ppKsTopologyConnection OPTIONAL ) { ASSERT(pKsTopology); ASSERT(ulConnection); ASSERT(*ulConnection < pKsTopology->TopologyConnectionsCount);
ULONG ulEnd;
PKSTOPOLOGY_CONNECTION pKsTopologyConnection = PKSTOPOLOGY_CONNECTION ( &pKsTopology->TopologyConnections[*ulConnection] );
while (1) { ASSERT(*ulConnection <= pKsTopology->TopologyConnectionsCount);
if (*ulConnection == pKsTopology->TopologyConnectionsCount) { ulEnd = END_NONE; *ulConnection = ULONG(-1); pKsTopologyConnection = NULL; break; } else if ( (pKsTopologyConnection->FromNode == ulNode) && (pKsTopologyConnection->FromNodePin == ulPin) ) { ulEnd = END_FROM; break; } else if ( (pKsTopologyConnection->ToNode == ulNode) && (pKsTopologyConnection->ToNodePin == ulPin) ) { ulEnd = END_TO; break; }
(*ulConnection)++; pKsTopologyConnection++; }
if (ppKsTopologyConnection) { *ppKsTopologyConnection = pKsTopologyConnection; }
return ulEnd; }
* FindConnectionToNode() ***************************************************************************** * Find a connection that connects to a given node or to the filter. * * ulNode - node number of KSFILTER_NODE * ulEnd - 0 for any direction * END_FROM for outgoing connection * END_TO for incoming connection * ulConnection - in: connection to start with * out: found connection or ULONG(-1) if not found * * return - 0 for no connection found * END_FROM for outgoing connection * END_TO for incoming connection */ ULONG FindConnectionToNode ( IN ULONG ulNode, IN ULONG ulEnd, IN PKSTOPOLOGY pKsTopology, IN OUT PULONG ulConnection, OUT PKSTOPOLOGY_CONNECTION * ppKsTopologyConnection OPTIONAL ) { ASSERT(pKsTopology); ASSERT ( (ulNode == KSFILTER_NODE) || (ulNode < pKsTopology->TopologyNodesCount) ); ASSERT(ulConnection); ASSERT(*ulConnection < pKsTopology->TopologyConnectionsCount);
PKSTOPOLOGY_CONNECTION pKsTopologyConnection = PKSTOPOLOGY_CONNECTION ( &pKsTopology->TopologyConnections[*ulConnection] );
while (1) { ASSERT(*ulConnection <= pKsTopology->TopologyConnectionsCount);
if (*ulConnection == pKsTopology->TopologyConnectionsCount) { ulEnd = END_NONE; *ulConnection = ULONG(-1); pKsTopologyConnection = NULL; break; } else if ( (pKsTopologyConnection->FromNode == ulNode) && (ulEnd != END_TO) ) { ulEnd = END_FROM; break; } else if ( (pKsTopologyConnection->ToNode == ulNode) && (ulEnd != END_FROM) ) { ulEnd = END_TO; break; }
(*ulConnection)++; pKsTopologyConnection++; }
if (ppKsTopologyConnection) { *ppKsTopologyConnection = pKsTopologyConnection; }
return ulEnd; }
* NodeIsTransform() ***************************************************************************** * Determines if a node is a transform. KSFILTER_NODE is handled (FALSE). */ BOOLEAN NodeIsTransform ( IN ULONG ulNode, IN PKSTOPOLOGY pKsTopology ) { ASSERT(pKsTopology); ASSERT ( (ulNode == KSFILTER_NODE) || (ulNode < pKsTopology->TopologyNodesCount) );
if (ulNode != KSFILTER_NODE) { PKSTOPOLOGY_CONNECTION pKsTopologyConnection = PKSTOPOLOGY_CONNECTION(pKsTopology->TopologyConnections);
for ( ULONG ul = pKsTopology->TopologyConnectionsCount; ul--; pKsTopologyConnection++ ) { if (pKsTopologyConnection->FromNode == ulNode) { ulEnd += END_FROM;
if ( (ulEnd != END_FROM) && (ulEnd != END_BOTH) ) { break; } } if (pKsTopologyConnection->ToNode == ulNode) { ulEnd += END_TO;
if ( (ulEnd != END_TO) && (ulEnd != END_BOTH) ) { break; } } } }
return ulEnd == END_BOTH; }
* NodeAtThisEnd() ***************************************************************************** * Node at indicated end of the connection. */ inline ULONG NodeAtThisEnd ( IN ULONG ulEnd, IN PKSTOPOLOGY_CONNECTION pKsTopologyConnection ) { return ( (ulEnd == END_FROM) ? pKsTopologyConnection->FromNode : pKsTopologyConnection->ToNode ); }
* NodeAtOtherEnd() ***************************************************************************** * Node at opposite end of the connection. */ inline ULONG NodeAtOtherEnd ( IN ULONG ulEnd, IN PKSTOPOLOGY_CONNECTION pKsTopologyConnection ) { return ( (ulEnd == END_FROM) ? pKsTopologyConnection->ToNode : pKsTopologyConnection->FromNode ); }
* PcCaptureFormat() ***************************************************************************** * Capture a data format in an allocated buffer, possibly changing offensive * formats. */ PORTCLASSAPI NTSTATUS NTAPI PcCaptureFormat ( OUT PKSDATAFORMAT * ppKsDataFormatOut, IN PKSDATAFORMAT pKsDataFormatIn, IN PSUBDEVICE_DESCRIPTOR pSubdeviceDescriptor, IN ULONG ulPinId ) { ASSERT(ppKsDataFormatOut); ASSERT(pKsDataFormatIn); ASSERT(pSubdeviceDescriptor); ASSERT(ulPinId < pSubdeviceDescriptor->PinCount);
if( (pKsDataFormatIn->FormatSize >= sizeof(KSDATAFORMAT_DSOUND)) && IsEqualGUIDAligned( pKsDataFormatIn->MajorFormat, KSDATAFORMAT_TYPE_AUDIO ) && IsEqualGUIDAligned( pKsDataFormatIn->Specifier, KSDATAFORMAT_SPECIFIER_DSOUND ) ) { //
// This is the dread DSound format. Check to see if we have the
// required topology and convert to WaveFormatEx if we do.
// Note: DSound format does not have to be PCM....
// Fail if the client has asked for a software buffer.
if ( pKsDataFormatDSound->BufferDesc.Flags & KSDSOUND_BUFFER_LOCSOFTWARE ) { _DbgPrintF(DEBUGLVL_TERSE,("PcCaptureFormat Failed because client requested software buffer.")); return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
// Find a connection involving the filter pin.
ULONG ulConnection = 0; PKSTOPOLOGY_CONNECTION pKsTopologyConnection; ULONG ulEnd = FindConnectionToPin ( KSFILTER_NODE, ulPinId, pSubdeviceDescriptor->Topology, &ulConnection, &pKsTopologyConnection );
// Trace the topology until we find a non-transform or all the
// required nodes have been found. Position notification is
// always supported.
ULONG ulMissing = ( pKsDataFormatDSound->BufferDesc.Control & ~KSDSOUND_BUFFER_CTRL_POSITIONNOTIFY );
while (ulMissing && ulEnd) { //
// Found a connection. Follow the topology.
ULONG ulNode = NodeAtOtherEnd(ulEnd,pKsTopologyConnection);
if (! NodeIsTransform(ulNode,pSubdeviceDescriptor->Topology)) { //
// The new node is not a simple transform (1 in, 1 out).
break; }
// Drop 'missing' bits as appropriate based on the node GUID.
ASSERT(ulNode < pSubdeviceDescriptor->Topology->TopologyNodesCount); const GUID *pGuid = &pSubdeviceDescriptor->Topology->TopologyNodes[ulNode]; if (IsEqualGUIDAligned(*pGuid,KSNODETYPE_3D_EFFECTS)) { ulMissing &=~ KSDSOUND_BUFFER_CTRL_3D; } else if (IsEqualGUIDAligned(*pGuid,KSNODETYPE_SRC)) { ulMissing &=~ KSDSOUND_BUFFER_CTRL_FREQUENCY; } else if ( IsEqualGUIDAligned(*pGuid,KSNODETYPE_SUPERMIX) || IsEqualGUIDAligned(*pGuid,KSNODETYPE_VOLUME) ) { ulMissing &=~ KSDSOUND_BUFFER_CTRL_PAN; ulMissing &=~ KSDSOUND_BUFFER_CTRL_VOLUME; }
// Find the next connection in line.
ulConnection = 0; ulEnd = FindConnectionToNode ( ulNode, ulEnd, pSubdeviceDescriptor->Topology, &ulConnection, &pKsTopologyConnection ); }
// Make sure no nodes were missing.
if (! ulMissing) { //
// We have the capabilities required. Build the new format.
ULONG ulSize = ( sizeof(KSDATAFORMAT_WAVEFORMATEX) + ( pKsDataFormatIn->FormatSize - sizeof(KSDATAFORMAT_DSOUND) ) ); *ppKsDataFormatOut = PKSDATAFORMAT ( ExAllocatePoolWithTag ( PagedPool, ulSize, 'fDcP' ) );
if (*ppKsDataFormatOut) { //
// Copy KSDATAFORMAT part.
RtlCopyMemory ( *ppKsDataFormatOut, pKsDataFormatIn, sizeof(KSDATAFORMAT) );
// Copy WAVEFORMATEX part including appended stuff.
RtlCopyMemory ( *ppKsDataFormatOut + 1, &pKsDataFormatDSound->BufferDesc.WaveFormatEx, ulSize - sizeof(KSDATAFORMAT) );
// Adjust size and specifier.
(*ppKsDataFormatOut)->FormatSize = ulSize; (*ppKsDataFormatOut)->Specifier = KSDATAFORMAT_SPECIFIER_WAVEFORMATEX; } else { _DbgPrintF(DEBUGLVL_TERSE,("PcCaptureFormat Failed to allocate memory for format.")); ntStatus = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; } } else { _DbgPrintF(DEBUGLVL_VERBOSE,("PcCaptureFormat Failed due to lack of feature support (0x%08x).",ulMissing)); //
// Don't have the required nodes...fail.
ntStatus = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; } } else { _DbgPrintF(DEBUGLVL_VERBOSE,("PcCaptureFormat Format captured as-is."));
// Some other format. Just capture it.
*ppKsDataFormatOut = PKSDATAFORMAT(ExAllocatePoolWithTag(PagedPool, pKsDataFormatIn->FormatSize, 'fDcP'));
if (*ppKsDataFormatOut) { RtlCopyMemory ( *ppKsDataFormatOut, pKsDataFormatIn, pKsDataFormatIn->FormatSize ); } else { _DbgPrintF(DEBUGLVL_TERSE,("PcCaptureFormat Failed to allocate memory for format.")); ntStatus = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; } }
// check to verify SampleSize is set properly on waveformatex formats
if( NT_SUCCESS(ntStatus) && (pKsDataFormatIn->FormatSize >= sizeof(KSDATAFORMAT_WAVEFORMATEX)) && IsEqualGUIDAligned((*ppKsDataFormatOut)->MajorFormat,KSDATAFORMAT_TYPE_AUDIO) && IsEqualGUIDAligned((*ppKsDataFormatOut)->Specifier, KSDATAFORMAT_SPECIFIER_WAVEFORMATEX)) { PKSDATAFORMAT_WAVEFORMATEX pWaveFormat = PKSDATAFORMAT_WAVEFORMATEX(*ppKsDataFormatOut);
if( 0 == pWaveFormat->DataFormat.SampleSize ) { pWaveFormat->DataFormat.SampleSize = pWaveFormat->WaveFormatEx.nBlockAlign; } }
return ntStatus; }
* PcAcquireFormatResources() ***************************************************************************** * Acquire resources specified in a format. */ PORTCLASSAPI void NTAPI PcAcquireFormatResources ( IN PKSDATAFORMAT pKsDataFormatIn, IN PSUBDEVICE_DESCRIPTOR pSubdeviceDescriptor, IN ULONG ulPinId, IN PPROPERTY_CONTEXT pPropertyContext ) { ASSERT(pKsDataFormatIn); ASSERT(pSubdeviceDescriptor); ASSERT(ulPinId < pSubdeviceDescriptor->PinCount); ASSERT(pPropertyContext);
KSP_NODE ksPNode; ksPNode.Property.Set = KSPROPSETID_TopologyNode; ksPNode.Property.Id = KSPROPERTY_TOPOLOGYNODE_ENABLE; ksPNode.Property.Flags = KSPROPERTY_TYPE_SET | KSPROPERTY_TYPE_TOPOLOGY; ksPNode.NodeId = 0; // Fill in later
ksPNode.Reserved = 0;
if ( (pKsDataFormatIn->FormatSize >= sizeof(KSDATAFORMAT_DSOUND)) && IsEqualGUIDAligned ( pKsDataFormatIn->MajorFormat, KSDATAFORMAT_TYPE_AUDIO ) && IsEqualGUIDAligned ( pKsDataFormatIn->Specifier, KSDATAFORMAT_SPECIFIER_DSOUND ) ) { //
// This is the dreaded DSound format. Turn on all the nodes
// that are specified in the caps bits.
// Find a connection involving the filter pin.
ULONG ulConnection = 0; PKSTOPOLOGY_CONNECTION pKsTopologyConnection; ULONG ulEnd = FindConnectionToPin ( KSFILTER_NODE, ulPinId, pSubdeviceDescriptor->Topology, &ulConnection, &pKsTopologyConnection );
// Trace the topology until we find a non-transform or all the
// required nodes have been found. Position notification is
// always supported.
ULONG ulMissing = ( pKsDataFormatDSound->BufferDesc.Control & ( KSDSOUND_BUFFER_CTRL_3D | KSDSOUND_BUFFER_CTRL_FREQUENCY ) );
while (ulMissing && ulEnd) { //
// Found a connection. Follow the topology.
ULONG ulNode = NodeAtOtherEnd(ulEnd,pKsTopologyConnection);
if (! NodeIsTransform(ulNode,pSubdeviceDescriptor->Topology)) { //
// The new node is not a simple transform (1 in, 1 out).
break; }
// Turn on nodes as appropriate based on the node GUID.
ASSERT(ulNode < pSubdeviceDescriptor->Topology->TopologyNodesCount); const GUID *pGuid = &pSubdeviceDescriptor->Topology->TopologyNodes[ulNode]; if (IsEqualGUIDAligned(*pGuid,KSNODETYPE_3D_EFFECTS)) { if (ulMissing & KSDSOUND_BUFFER_CTRL_3D) { //
// Turn on the 3D node.
ULONG ulPropertyValue = TRUE; ULONG ulPropertyValueSize = sizeof(ULONG); ksPNode.NodeId = ulNode;
PcDispatchProperty ( NULL // pIrp
, pPropertyContext , NULL // pKsPropertySet
, sizeof(KSP_NODE) , &ksPNode.Property , &ulPropertyValueSize , &ulPropertyValue );
ulMissing &=~ KSDSOUND_BUFFER_CTRL_3D; } } else if (IsEqualGUIDAligned(*pGuid,KSNODETYPE_SRC)) { if (ulMissing & KSDSOUND_BUFFER_CTRL_FREQUENCY) { //
// Turn on the SRC node.
ULONG ulPropertyValue = TRUE; ULONG ulPropertyValueSize = sizeof(ULONG); ksPNode.NodeId = ulNode;
PcDispatchProperty ( NULL // pIrp
, pPropertyContext , NULL // pKsPropertySet
, sizeof(KSP_NODE) , &ksPNode.Property , &ulPropertyValueSize , &ulPropertyValue );
// Find the next connection in line.
ulConnection = 0; ulEnd = FindConnectionToNode ( ulNode, ulEnd, pSubdeviceDescriptor->Topology, &ulConnection, &pKsTopologyConnection ); } } }
#pragma code_seg()
* PcRegisterIoTimeout() ***************************************************************************** * Registers an IoTimeout callback. */ PORTCLASSAPI NTSTATUS NTAPI PcRegisterIoTimeout ( IN PDEVICE_OBJECT pDeviceObject, IN PIO_TIMER_ROUTINE pTimerRoutine, IN PVOID pContext ) { KIRQL OldIrql; PTIMEOUTCALLBACK TimeoutCallback; NTSTATUS ntStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS;
ASSERT(pDeviceObject); ASSERT(pTimerRoutine); ASSERT( PASSIVE_LEVEL == KeGetCurrentIrql() );
// Validate Parameters.
if (NULL == pDeviceObject || NULL == pTimerRoutine || NULL == pDeviceObject->DeviceExtension) { _DbgPrintF(DEBUGLVL_TERSE, ("PcRegisterIoTimeout : Invalid Parameter")); return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
// get the device context
PDEVICE_CONTEXT pDeviceContext = PDEVICE_CONTEXT(pDeviceObject->DeviceExtension);
// allocate a timeout callback structure -- 'PcTc'
TimeoutCallback = PTIMEOUTCALLBACK(ExAllocatePoolWithTag( NonPagedPool, sizeof(TIMEOUTCALLBACK),'cTcP' )); if( TimeoutCallback ) { // initialize the entry
TimeoutCallback->TimerRoutine = pTimerRoutine; TimeoutCallback->Context = pContext;
// grab the list spin lock
KeAcquireSpinLock( &(pDeviceContext->TimeoutLock), &OldIrql );
// walk the list to see if the entry is already registered
if( !IsListEmpty( &(pDeviceContext->TimeoutList) ) ) { PLIST_ENTRY ListEntry; PTIMEOUTCALLBACK pCallback;
for( ListEntry = pDeviceContext->TimeoutList.Flink; ListEntry != &(pDeviceContext->TimeoutList); ListEntry = ListEntry->Flink ) { pCallback = (PTIMEOUTCALLBACK) CONTAINING_RECORD( ListEntry, TIMEOUTCALLBACK, ListEntry ); if( (pCallback->TimerRoutine == pTimerRoutine) && (pCallback->Context == pContext) ) { // entry already exists in the list, so fail this request
if( NT_SUCCESS(ntStatus) ) { // add the entry to the list
InsertTailList( &(pDeviceContext->TimeoutList), &(TimeoutCallback->ListEntry) ); } else { // free the entry
ExFreePool( TimeoutCallback ); }
// release the spin lock
KeReleaseSpinLock( &(pDeviceContext->TimeoutLock), OldIrql ); } else { ntStatus = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; }
return ntStatus; }
* PcUnregisterIoTimeout() ***************************************************************************** * Unregisters an IoTimeout callback. */ PORTCLASSAPI NTSTATUS NTAPI PcUnregisterIoTimeout ( IN PDEVICE_OBJECT pDeviceObject, IN PIO_TIMER_ROUTINE pTimerRoutine, IN PVOID pContext ) { KIRQL OldIrql;
ASSERT(pDeviceObject); ASSERT(pTimerRoutine); ASSERT( PASSIVE_LEVEL == KeGetCurrentIrql() );
// Validate Parameters.
if (NULL == pDeviceObject || NULL == pTimerRoutine || NULL == pDeviceObject->DeviceExtension) { _DbgPrintF(DEBUGLVL_TERSE, ("PcUnregisterIoTimeout : Invalid Parameter")); return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
// get the device context
PDEVICE_CONTEXT pDeviceContext = PDEVICE_CONTEXT(pDeviceObject->DeviceExtension);
// grab the spin lock
KeAcquireSpinLock( &(pDeviceContext->TimeoutLock), &OldIrql );
// walk the list
if( !IsListEmpty( &(pDeviceContext->TimeoutList) ) ) { PLIST_ENTRY ListEntry; PTIMEOUTCALLBACK pCallback;
for( ListEntry = pDeviceContext->TimeoutList.Flink; ListEntry != &(pDeviceContext->TimeoutList); ListEntry = ListEntry->Flink ) { pCallback = (PTIMEOUTCALLBACK) CONTAINING_RECORD( ListEntry, TIMEOUTCALLBACK, ListEntry ); if( (pCallback->TimerRoutine == pTimerRoutine) && (pCallback->Context == pContext) ) { RemoveEntryList(ListEntry); KeReleaseSpinLock( &(pDeviceContext->TimeoutLock), OldIrql ); ExFreePool(pCallback); return STATUS_SUCCESS; } } }
// release the spinlock
KeReleaseSpinLock( &(pDeviceContext->TimeoutLock), OldIrql );