* power.cpp - WDM Streaming port class driver ***************************************************************************** * Copyright (c) 1996-2000 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * * This file contains code related to ACPI / power management * for the audio adpaters/miniports */
#include "private.h"
#pragma code_seg("PAGE")
* GetDeviceACPIInfo() ***************************************************************************** * Called in response to a PnP - IRP_MN_QUERY_CAPABILITIES * Call the bus driver to fill out the inital info, * Then overwrite with our own... * */ NTSTATUS GetDeviceACPIInfo ( IN PIRP pIrp, IN PDEVICE_OBJECT pDeviceObject ) { PAGED_CODE();
ASSERT( pDeviceObject );
PDEVICE_CONTEXT pDeviceContext = PDEVICE_CONTEXT(pDeviceObject->DeviceExtension);
ASSERT( pDeviceContext );
// Gotta call down to the PDO (bus driver)
// and let it fill out the default for this bus
NTSTATUS ntStatus = ForwardIrpSynchronous( pDeviceContext, pIrp ); if( NT_SUCCESS(ntStatus) ) { PIO_STACK_LOCATION irpSp = IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation(pIrp); PDEVICE_CAPABILITIES pDeviceCaps = irpSp->Parameters.DeviceCapabilities.Capabilities;
ASSERT( pDeviceCaps ); ASSERT( pDeviceCaps->Size >= sizeof( DEVICE_CAPABILITIES ) );
if( pDeviceCaps && ( pDeviceCaps->Size >= sizeof( DEVICE_CAPABILITIES ) ) ) { // pass the structure on down to the adapter
if( pDeviceContext ) { if( pDeviceContext->pAdapterPower ) { ntStatus = pDeviceContext->pAdapterPower->QueryDeviceCapabilities( pDeviceCaps );
// make sure that we have sensible settings for the system sleep states
pDeviceCaps->DeviceState[PowerSystemWorking] = PowerDeviceD0; for(ULONG i=ULONG(PowerSystemSleeping1); i <= ULONG(PowerSystemShutdown); i++ ) { // and we want some sleeping in the sleep modes.
// DEADISSUE-00/11/11-MartinP
// We go ahead and include this code, even though it is possible that
// there are devices that exist that can maintain state in the device
// while sleeping.
if(pDeviceCaps->DeviceState[i] == PowerDeviceD0) { pDeviceCaps->DeviceState[i] = PowerDeviceD3; } }
// save in our device extension the stuff we're interested in
for( i=ULONG(PowerSystemUnspecified); i < ULONG(PowerSystemMaximum); i++) { pDeviceContext->DeviceStateMap[ i ] = pDeviceCaps->DeviceState[ i ]; }
_DbgPrintF( DEBUGLVL_POWER, ( "DeviceCaps: PowerSystemUnspecified = D%d", pDeviceCaps->DeviceState[PowerSystemUnspecified] - 1)); _DbgPrintF( DEBUGLVL_POWER, ( "DeviceCaps: PowerSystemWorking = D%d", pDeviceCaps->DeviceState[PowerSystemWorking] - 1)); _DbgPrintF( DEBUGLVL_POWER, ( "DeviceCaps: PowerSystemSleeping1 = D%d", pDeviceCaps->DeviceState[PowerSystemSleeping1] - 1)); _DbgPrintF( DEBUGLVL_POWER, ( "DeviceCaps: PowerSystemSleeping2 = D%d", pDeviceCaps->DeviceState[PowerSystemSleeping2] - 1)); _DbgPrintF( DEBUGLVL_POWER, ( "DeviceCaps: PowerSystemSleeping3 = D%d", pDeviceCaps->DeviceState[PowerSystemSleeping3] - 1)); _DbgPrintF( DEBUGLVL_POWER, ( "DeviceCaps: PowerSystemHibernate = D%d", pDeviceCaps->DeviceState[PowerSystemHibernate] - 1)); _DbgPrintF( DEBUGLVL_POWER, ( "DeviceCaps: PowerSystemShutdown = D%d", pDeviceCaps->DeviceState[PowerSystemShutdown] - 1)); _DbgPrintF( DEBUGLVL_POWER, ( "DeviceCaps: SystemWake = %d", pDeviceCaps->SystemWake )); _DbgPrintF( DEBUGLVL_POWER, ( "DeviceCaps: DeviceWake = %d", pDeviceCaps->DeviceWake )); } }
// complete the irp
CompleteIrp( pDeviceContext, pIrp, ntStatus );
// set the current power states
pDeviceContext->CurrentDeviceState = PowerDeviceD0; pDeviceContext->CurrentSystemState = PowerSystemWorking;
// attempt to get the idle info from the registry
if( NT_SUCCESS(ntStatus) ) { ULONG ConservationIdleTime; ULONG PerformanceIdleTime; DEVICE_POWER_STATE IdleDeviceState;
NTSTATUS ntStatus2 = GetIdleInfoFromRegistry( pDeviceContext, &ConservationIdleTime, &PerformanceIdleTime, &IdleDeviceState ); if(NT_SUCCESS(ntStatus2)) { pDeviceContext->ConservationIdleTime = ConservationIdleTime; pDeviceContext->PerformanceIdleTime = PerformanceIdleTime; pDeviceContext->IdleDeviceState = IdleDeviceState; }
// register for idle detection
pDeviceContext->IdleTimer = PoRegisterDeviceForIdleDetection( pDeviceContext->PhysicalDeviceObject, pDeviceContext->ConservationIdleTime, pDeviceContext->PerformanceIdleTime, pDeviceContext->IdleDeviceState );
_DbgPrintF(DEBUGLVL_POWER,("Idle Detection Enabled (%d %d %d) %s", pDeviceContext->ConservationIdleTime, pDeviceContext->PerformanceIdleTime, ULONG(pDeviceContext->IdleDeviceState), pDeviceContext->IdleTimer ? "" : "FAILED!")); }
return ntStatus; }
#pragma code_seg()
VOID DevicePowerRequestRoutine( IN PKDPC Dpc, IN PVOID Context, IN PVOID SystemContext1, IN PVOID SystemContext2 ) { PDEVICE_CONTEXT pDeviceContext = (PDEVICE_CONTEXT) Context; POWER_STATE newPowerState;
newPowerState.DeviceState = PowerDeviceD0;
PoRequestPowerIrp(pDeviceContext->PhysicalDeviceObject, IRP_MN_SET_POWER, newPowerState, NULL, NULL, NULL ); }
* PowerIrpCompletionRoutine() ***************************************************************************** * Used when requested a new power irp. * Just signal an event and return. * */ VOID PowerIrpCompletionRoutine ( IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, IN UCHAR MinorFunction, IN POWER_STATE PowerState, IN PVOID Context, IN PIO_STATUS_BLOCK IoStatus ) { ASSERT(Context);
_DbgPrintF( DEBUGLVL_POWER, ("PowerIrpCompletionRoutine"));
// set the return status
pPowerIrpContext->Status = IoStatus->Status;
// complete any pending system power irp
if( pPowerIrpContext->PendingSystemPowerIrp ) { _DbgPrintF(DEBUGLVL_POWER,("Device Set/Query Power Irp completed, Completing Associated System Power Irp"));
if (NT_SUCCESS(IoStatus->Status)) { // Forward the system set power irp to the PDO
ForwardIrpSynchronous( pPowerIrpContext->DeviceContext, pPowerIrpContext->PendingSystemPowerIrp ); } else { pPowerIrpContext->PendingSystemPowerIrp->IoStatus.Status = IoStatus->Status; }
// start the next power irp
PoStartNextPowerIrp( pPowerIrpContext->PendingSystemPowerIrp );
// complete the system set power irp
CompleteIrp( pPowerIrpContext->DeviceContext, pPowerIrpContext->PendingSystemPowerIrp, pPowerIrpContext->PendingSystemPowerIrp->IoStatus.Status );
// free the context (only when completing a pending system power irp)
ExFreePool( pPowerIrpContext ); } else { // set the sync event (not used in conjunction with pending system power irps)
if( pPowerIrpContext->PowerSyncEvent ) { KeSetEvent( pPowerIrpContext->PowerSyncEvent, 0, FALSE ); } } }
#pragma code_seg("PAGE")
* DispatchPower() ***************************************************************************** * Deals with all the power/ACPI messages from the OS. * yay. * */ NTSTATUS DispatchPower ( IN PDEVICE_OBJECT pDeviceObject, IN PIRP pIrp ) { PAGED_CODE();
ASSERT(pDeviceObject); ASSERT(pIrp);
NTSTATUS ntStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS; PIO_STACK_LOCATION pIrpStack = IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation(pIrp);
PDEVICE_CONTEXT pDeviceContext = PDEVICE_CONTEXT(pDeviceObject->DeviceExtension);
ntStatus = PcValidateDeviceContext(pDeviceContext, pIrp); if (!NT_SUCCESS(ntStatus)) { // Don't know what to do, but this is probably a PDO.
// We'll try to make this right by completing the IRP
// untouched (per PnP, WMI, and Power rules). Note
// that if this isn't a PDO, and isn't a portcls FDO, then
// the driver messed up by using Portcls as a filter (huh?)
// In this case the verifier will fail us, WHQL will catch
// them, and the driver will be fixed. We'd be very surprised
// to see such a case.
PoStartNextPowerIrp( pIrp ); ntStatus = pIrp->IoStatus.Status; IoCompleteRequest( pIrp, IO_NO_INCREMENT ); return ntStatus; }
IncrementPendingIrpCount( pDeviceContext );
#if (DBG)
static PCHAR aszMnNames[] = { "IRP_MN_WAIT_WAKE", "IRP_MN_POWER_SEQUENCE", "IRP_MN_SET_POWER", "IRP_MN_QUERY_POWER" }; if (pIrpStack->MinorFunction >= SIZEOF_ARRAY(aszMnNames)) { _DbgPrintF( DEBUGLVL_POWER,("DispatchPower function 0x%02x",pIrpStack->MinorFunction)); } else { _DbgPrintF( DEBUGLVL_POWER,("DispatchPower function %s",aszMnNames[pIrpStack->MinorFunction])); } #endif
// Assume we won't deal with the irp.
BOOL IrpHandled = FALSE;
switch (pIrpStack->MinorFunction) { case IRP_MN_QUERY_POWER: case IRP_MN_SET_POWER: // Is this a device state change?
if( DevicePowerState == pIrpStack->Parameters.Power.Type ) { // yeah. Deal with it
ntStatus = ProcessPowerIrp( pIrp, pIrpStack, pDeviceObject ); IrpHandled = TRUE; // And quit.
} else { // A system state change
if( IRP_MN_QUERY_POWER == pIrpStack->MinorFunction ) { _DbgPrintF(DEBUGLVL_POWER,(" IRP_MN_QUERY_POWER: ->S%d", pIrpStack->Parameters.Power.State.SystemState-1)); } else { _DbgPrintF(DEBUGLVL_POWER,(" IRP_MN_SET_POWER: ->S%d", pIrpStack->Parameters.Power.State.SystemState-1)); }
POWER_STATE newPowerState;
// determine appropriate device state
newPowerState.DeviceState = pDeviceContext->DeviceStateMap[ pIrpStack->Parameters.Power.State.SystemState ];
// do a sanity check on the device state
if ((newPowerState.DeviceState < PowerDeviceD0) || (newPowerState.DeviceState > PowerDeviceD3) ) { if (pIrpStack->Parameters.Power.State.SystemState == PowerSystemWorking) { newPowerState.DeviceState = PowerDeviceD0; } else { newPowerState.DeviceState = PowerDeviceD3; } }
_DbgPrintF(DEBUGLVL_POWER,(" ...Requesting Device Power IRP -> D%d",newPowerState.DeviceState-1));
if ((pIrpStack->MinorFunction == IRP_MN_SET_POWER) && (newPowerState.DeviceState == PowerDeviceD0)) { //
// doing a resume, request the D irp, but complete S-irp immediately
KeInsertQueueDpc(&pDeviceContext->DevicePowerRequestDpc, NULL, NULL); break;
} else { // allocate a completion context (can't be on the stack because we're not going to block)
PPOWER_IRP_CONTEXT PowerIrpContext = PPOWER_IRP_CONTEXT(ExAllocatePoolWithTag(NonPagedPool, sizeof(POWER_IRP_CONTEXT), 'oPcP' ) ); // 'PcPo'
if (PowerIrpContext) { _DbgPrintF(DEBUGLVL_POWER,("...Pending System Power Irp until Device Power Irp completes"));
// set up device power irp completion context
PowerIrpContext->PowerSyncEvent = NULL; #if DBG
PowerIrpContext->Status = STATUS_PENDING; #endif
PowerIrpContext->PendingSystemPowerIrp = pIrp; PowerIrpContext->DeviceContext = pDeviceContext;
// pend the system set power irp
#if DBG
pIrp->IoStatus.Status = STATUS_PENDING; #endif
IoMarkIrpPending( pIrp );
// set our tracking of system power state
if (pIrpStack->MinorFunction == IRP_MN_SET_POWER) {
pDeviceContext->CurrentSystemState = pIrpStack->Parameters.Power.State.SystemState; }
// request the new device state
ntStatus = PoRequestPowerIrp( pDeviceContext->PhysicalDeviceObject, pIrpStack->MinorFunction, newPowerState, PowerIrpCompletionRoutine, PowerIrpContext, NULL ); if (!NT_SUCCESS(ntStatus)) { _DbgPrintF(DEBUGLVL_TERSE,("PoRequestPowerIrp failed (%08x)", ntStatus)); CompleteIrp( pDeviceContext, pIrp, ntStatus ); } IrpHandled = TRUE;
// set up return status
} else { // couldn't allocate completion context
ntStatus = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; PoStartNextPowerIrp( pIrp ); CompleteIrp( pDeviceContext, pIrp, ntStatus); return ntStatus; } } } break; }
// If we didn't cope with the irp
if( !IrpHandled ) { // Send it on it's way.
ntStatus = ForwardIrpSynchronous( pDeviceContext, pIrp ); // and complete it.
PoStartNextPowerIrp( pIrp ); CompleteIrp( pDeviceContext, pIrp, ntStatus ); }
return ntStatus; }
* PcRegisterAdapterPowerManagement() ***************************************************************************** * Register the adapter's power management interface * with portcls. This routine also does a QI for a shutdown notification * interface. */ PORTCLASSAPI NTSTATUS NTAPI PcRegisterAdapterPowerManagement ( IN PUNKNOWN Unknown, IN PVOID pvContext1 ) { PAGED_CODE();
ASSERT(pvContext1); ASSERT(Unknown);
// Validate Parameters.
if (NULL == pvContext1 || NULL == Unknown) { _DbgPrintF(DEBUGLVL_TERSE, ("PcRegisterAdapterPowerManagement : Invalid Parameter")); return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
NTSTATUS ntStatus = STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; PDEVICE_OBJECT pDeviceObject = PDEVICE_OBJECT(pvContext1); PDEVICE_CONTEXT pDeviceContext = PDEVICE_CONTEXT(pDeviceObject->DeviceExtension);
ASSERT( pDeviceContext );
// Validate DeviceContext.
if (NULL == pDeviceContext) { _DbgPrintF(DEBUGLVL_TERSE, ("PcRegisterAdapterPowerManagement : Invalid DeviceContext")); return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
#if (DBG)
if( pDeviceContext->pAdapterPower ) { _DbgPrintF( DEBUGLVL_POWER, ("Adapter overwriting PowerManagement interface")); } #endif
// Make sure this is really the right
// interface (Note: We have to release
// it when the device is closed/stoped )
PVOID pResult; ntStatus = Unknown->QueryInterface ( IID_IAdapterPowerManagement, &pResult );
if( NT_SUCCESS(ntStatus) ) { // Store the interface for later use.
pDeviceContext->pAdapterPower = PADAPTERPOWERMANAGEMENT( pResult ); } else { pDeviceContext->pAdapterPower = 0; }
return ntStatus; }
* PowerNotifySubdevices() ***************************************************************************** * Called by ProcessPowerIrp to notify the device's subdevices of a power * state change. * */ void PowerNotifySubdevices ( IN PDEVICE_CONTEXT pDeviceContext, IN POWER_STATE PowerState ) { PAGED_CODE();
// only notify the subdevices if we're started and if there are subdevices
if (pDeviceContext->DeviceStopState == DeviceStarted) { PKSOBJECT_CREATE_ITEM createItem = pDeviceContext->CreateItems;
// iterate through the subdevices
for( ULONG index=0; index < pDeviceContext->MaxObjects; index++,createItem++) { if( createItem && (createItem->Create) ) { PSUBDEVICE subDevice = PSUBDEVICE( createItem->Context );
if( subDevice ) { // notify the subdevice
subDevice->PowerChangeNotify( PowerState ); } } } } }
* DevicePowerWorker() ***************************************************************************** * Called by ProcessPowerIrp in order to notify the device of the state change. * This is done in a work item so that the processing for the D0 irp doesn't * block the rest of the system from processing D0 irps. */ QUEUED_CALLBACK_RETURN DevicePowerWorker ( IN PDEVICE_OBJECT pDeviceObject, IN PVOID PowerState ) { PDEVICE_CONTEXT pDeviceContext = PDEVICE_CONTEXT(pDeviceObject->DeviceExtension); BOOL ProcessPendedIrps = FALSE; POWER_STATE NewPowerState;
NewPowerState.DeviceState = (DEVICE_POWER_STATE)(ULONG_PTR)PowerState;
// acquire the device so we're sync'ed with creates
// change the driver state if it has a registered POWER interface
if( pDeviceContext->pAdapterPower ) { // notify the adapter
pDeviceContext->pAdapterPower->PowerChangeState( NewPowerState ); }
// keep track of new state
pDeviceContext->CurrentDeviceState = NewPowerState.DeviceState;
// notify everyone we're now in our lighter D-state
PoSetPowerState( pDeviceObject, DevicePowerState, NewPowerState );
PowerNotifySubdevices( pDeviceContext, NewPowerState );
// set PendCreates appropriately
if( pDeviceContext->DeviceStopState == DeviceStarted ) { // start allowing creates
pDeviceContext->PendCreates = FALSE;
// we have to process the pended irps after we release the device
ProcessPendedIrps = TRUE; }
// complete if necessary any pended IRPs
if ( ProcessPendedIrps ) { CompletePendedIrps( pDeviceObject, pDeviceContext, EMPTY_QUEUE_AND_PROCESS ); }
* ProcessPowerIrp() ***************************************************************************** * Called by DispatchPower to call the Adapter driver and all other work * related to a request. Note that this routine MUST return STATUS_SUCCESS * for IRP_MN_SET_POWER requests. * */ NTSTATUS ProcessPowerIrp ( IN PIRP pIrp, IN PIO_STACK_LOCATION pIrpStack, IN PDEVICE_OBJECT pDeviceObject ) { PAGED_CODE();
ASSERT(pIrp); ASSERT(pIrpStack); ASSERT(pDeviceObject);
// Assume the worst
PDEVICE_CONTEXT pDeviceContext = PDEVICE_CONTEXT(pDeviceObject->DeviceExtension);
POWER_STATE NewPowerState = pIrpStack->Parameters.Power.State;
// Get the current count of open
// objects for this device (pins, streams, whatever).
// NOTE: This count is maintained by KSO.CPP
ULONG objectCount = pDeviceContext->ExistingObjectCount;
// get the active pin count
// NOTE: This count is maintained by IRPSTRM.CPP
ULONG activePinCount = pDeviceContext->ActivePinCount;
BOOL MovingToALighterState = (pDeviceContext->CurrentDeviceState > NewPowerState.DeviceState);
if (pDeviceContext->CurrentDeviceState != NewPowerState.DeviceState) {
// Deal with the particular IRP_MN
switch( pIrpStack->MinorFunction ) { case IRP_MN_QUERY_POWER: // simply query the driver if it has registered an interface
if( pDeviceContext->pAdapterPower ) { ntStatus = pDeviceContext->pAdapterPower->QueryPowerChangeState( NewPowerState ); } else { // succeed the query
ntStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS; }
_DbgPrintF(DEBUGLVL_POWER,(" IRP_MN_QUERY_POWER: D%d->D%d %s", pDeviceContext->CurrentDeviceState-1, NewPowerState.DeviceState-1, NT_SUCCESS(ntStatus) ? "OKAY" : "FAIL"));
case IRP_MN_SET_POWER: _DbgPrintF(DEBUGLVL_POWER,(" IRP_MN_SET_POWER: D%d->D%d", pDeviceContext->CurrentDeviceState-1, NewPowerState.DeviceState-1));
// acquire the device so we're sync'ed with creates
// if we're moving from a low power state to a higher power state
if( MovingToALighterState ) { ASSERT(pDeviceContext->CurrentDeviceState != PowerDeviceD0); ASSERT(NewPowerState.DeviceState == PowerDeviceD0);
// Then we need to forward to the PDO BEFORE doing our work.
ForwardIrpSynchronous( pDeviceContext, pIrp );
// Do the rest of the work in a work item in order to complete the D0 Irp
// as soon as possible
ntStatus = CallbackEnqueue( &pDeviceContext->pWorkQueueItemStart, DevicePowerWorker, pDeviceObject, (PVOID)(ULONG_PTR)NewPowerState.DeviceState, PASSIVE_LEVEL, EQCF_DIFFERENT_THREAD_REQUIRED );
// If we fail to enqueue the callback, do this the slow way
if ( !NT_SUCCESS(ntStatus) ) { DevicePowerWorker( pDeviceObject, (PVOID)(ULONG_PTR)NewPowerState.DeviceState ); }
} else {
// warn everyone we're about to enter a deeper D-state
PoSetPowerState( pDeviceObject, DevicePowerState, NewPowerState );
// moving to a lower state, notify the subdevices
PowerNotifySubdevices( pDeviceContext, NewPowerState );
// keep track of suspends for debugging only
// change the driver state if it has a registered POWER interface
if( pDeviceContext->pAdapterPower ) { // notify the adapter
pDeviceContext->pAdapterPower->PowerChangeState( NewPowerState ); }
// keep track of new state
pDeviceContext->CurrentDeviceState = NewPowerState.DeviceState;
ReleaseDevice(pDeviceContext); }
// this irp is non-failable
ntStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS; break;
default: ASSERT(!"Called with unknown PM IRP "); break; } } else {
// We're already there...
ntStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS; ASSERT(!MovingToALighterState); }
// set the return status
pIrp->IoStatus.Status = ntStatus;
// if not moving to a higher state, forward to the PDO.
if( !MovingToALighterState ) { ForwardIrpSynchronous( pDeviceContext, pIrp ); }
// start the next power irp
PoStartNextPowerIrp( pIrp );
// complete this irp
CompleteIrp( pDeviceContext, pIrp, ntStatus );
return ntStatus; }
* UpdateActivePinCount() ***************************************************************************** * */ NTSTATUS UpdateActivePinCount ( IN PDEVICE_CONTEXT DeviceContext, IN BOOL Increment ) { PAGED_CODE();
ULONG ActivePinCount; NTSTATUS ntStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS; BOOL DoSystemStateRegistration;
// PoRegisterSystemState and PoUnregisterSystemState are not available on WDM 1.0 (Win98 and Win98SE)
DoSystemStateRegistration = IoIsWdmVersionAvailable( 0x01, 0x10 );
// adjust the active pin count
if( Increment ) { ActivePinCount = InterlockedIncrement( PLONG(&DeviceContext->ActivePinCount) );
if ( 1 == ActivePinCount ) { // register the system state as busy
DeviceContext->SystemStateHandle = PoRegisterSystemState( DeviceContext->SystemStateHandle, ES_SYSTEM_REQUIRED | ES_CONTINUOUS ); } //#endif // COMPILED_FOR_WDM110
} else { ActivePinCount = InterlockedDecrement( PLONG(&DeviceContext->ActivePinCount) );
if( 0 == ActivePinCount ) { PoUnregisterSystemState( DeviceContext->SystemStateHandle ); DeviceContext->SystemStateHandle = NULL; } //#endif // COMPILED_FOR_WDM110
_DbgPrintF(DEBUGLVL_VERBOSE,("UpdateActivePinCount (%d)",ActivePinCount)); // _DbgPrintF(DEBUGLVL_POWER,("UpdateActivePinCount (%d)",ActivePinCount));
return ntStatus; }
* GetIdleInfoFromRegistry() ***************************************************************************** * */ NTSTATUS GetIdleInfoFromRegistry ( IN PDEVICE_CONTEXT DeviceContext, OUT PULONG ConservationIdleTime, OUT PULONG PerformanceIdleTime, OUT PDEVICE_POWER_STATE IdleDeviceState ) { PAGED_CODE();
ASSERT(DeviceContext); ASSERT(ConservationIdleTime); ASSERT(PerformanceIdleTime); ASSERT(IdleDeviceState);
NTSTATUS ntStatus; HANDLE DriverRegistryKey; HANDLE PowerSettingsKey;
// store default values in return parms
// open the driver registry key
ntStatus = IoOpenDeviceRegistryKey( DeviceContext->PhysicalDeviceObject, PLUGPLAY_REGKEY_DRIVER, KEY_READ, &DriverRegistryKey ); if(NT_SUCCESS(ntStatus)) { OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES PowerSettingsAttributes; UNICODE_STRING PowerSettingsKeyName;
// init the power settings key name
RtlInitUnicodeString( &PowerSettingsKeyName, L"PowerSettings" );
// init the power settings key object attributes
InitializeObjectAttributes( &PowerSettingsAttributes, &PowerSettingsKeyName, OBJ_CASE_INSENSITIVE, DriverRegistryKey, NULL );
// open the power settings key
ntStatus = ZwOpenKey( &PowerSettingsKey, KEY_READ, &PowerSettingsAttributes ); if(NT_SUCCESS(ntStatus)) { UNICODE_STRING ConservationKey,PerformanceKey,IdleStateKey; ULONG BytesReturned;
// init the key names
RtlInitUnicodeString( &ConservationKey, L"ConservationIdleTime" ); RtlInitUnicodeString( &PerformanceKey, L"PerformanceIdleTime" ); RtlInitUnicodeString( &IdleStateKey, L"IdlePowerState" );
// allocate a buffer to hold the query
PVOID KeyData = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(PagedPool, sizeof(KEY_VALUE_PARTIAL_INFORMATION) + sizeof(DWORD), 'dKcP' ); // 'PcKd'
if( NULL != KeyData ) { // get the conservation idle time
ntStatus = ZwQueryValueKey( PowerSettingsKey, &ConservationKey, KeyValuePartialInformation, KeyData, sizeof(KEY_VALUE_PARTIAL_INFORMATION) + sizeof(DWORD), &BytesReturned ); if(NT_SUCCESS(ntStatus)) { PKEY_VALUE_PARTIAL_INFORMATION PartialInfo = PKEY_VALUE_PARTIAL_INFORMATION(KeyData);
if(PartialInfo->DataLength == sizeof(DWORD)) { // set the return value
*ConservationIdleTime = *(PDWORD(PartialInfo->Data)); } }
// get the performance idle time
ntStatus = ZwQueryValueKey( PowerSettingsKey, &PerformanceKey, KeyValuePartialInformation, KeyData, sizeof(KEY_VALUE_PARTIAL_INFORMATION) + sizeof(DWORD), &BytesReturned ); if(NT_SUCCESS(ntStatus)) { PKEY_VALUE_PARTIAL_INFORMATION PartialInfo = PKEY_VALUE_PARTIAL_INFORMATION(KeyData);
if(PartialInfo->DataLength == sizeof(DWORD)) { // set the return value
*PerformanceIdleTime = *(PDWORD(PartialInfo->Data)); } }
// get the device idle state
ntStatus = ZwQueryValueKey( PowerSettingsKey, &IdleStateKey, KeyValuePartialInformation, KeyData, sizeof(KEY_VALUE_PARTIAL_INFORMATION) + sizeof(DWORD), &BytesReturned ); if(NT_SUCCESS(ntStatus)) { PKEY_VALUE_PARTIAL_INFORMATION PartialInfo = PKEY_VALUE_PARTIAL_INFORMATION(KeyData);
if(PartialInfo->DataLength == sizeof(DWORD)) { // determine the return value
switch( *(PDWORD(PartialInfo->Data)) ) { case 3: *IdleDeviceState = PowerDeviceD3; break;
case 2: *IdleDeviceState = PowerDeviceD2; break;
case 1: *IdleDeviceState = PowerDeviceD1; break;
default: *IdleDeviceState = PowerDeviceD0; break; } } }
// free the key info buffer
ExFreePool( KeyData ); }
// close the power settings key
ZwClose( PowerSettingsKey ); }
// close the driver registry key
ZwClose( DriverRegistryKey ); }
// always succeed since we return either the registry value(s) or the defaults
* PcRequestNewPowerState() ***************************************************************************** * This routine is used to request a new power state for the device. It is * normally used internally by portcls but is also exported to adapters so * that the adapters can also request power state changes. */ PORTCLASSAPI NTSTATUS NTAPI PcRequestNewPowerState ( IN PDEVICE_OBJECT pDeviceObject, IN DEVICE_POWER_STATE RequestedNewState ) { PAGED_CODE();
// Validate Parameters.
if (NULL == pDeviceObject) { _DbgPrintF(DEBUGLVL_TERSE, ("PcRequestNewPowerState : Invalid Parameter")); return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
PDEVICE_CONTEXT pDeviceContext = PDEVICE_CONTEXT(pDeviceObject->DeviceExtension); ASSERT(pDeviceContext);
// Validate DeviceContext.
if (NULL == pDeviceContext) { _DbgPrintF(DEBUGLVL_TERSE, ("PcRequestNewPowerState : Invalid DeviceContext")); return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
// check if this is actually a state change
if( RequestedNewState != pDeviceContext->CurrentDeviceState ) { POWER_STATE newPowerState; POWER_IRP_CONTEXT PowerIrpContext; KEVENT SyncEvent;
// prepare the requested state
newPowerState.DeviceState = RequestedNewState;
// setup the sync event and the completion routine context
KeInitializeEvent( &SyncEvent, SynchronizationEvent, FALSE ); PowerIrpContext.PowerSyncEvent = &SyncEvent; #if DBG
PowerIrpContext.Status = STATUS_PENDING; #endif // DBG
PowerIrpContext.PendingSystemPowerIrp = NULL; PowerIrpContext.DeviceContext = NULL;
// Set the new power state
ntStatus = PoRequestPowerIrp( pDeviceContext->PhysicalDeviceObject, IRP_MN_SET_POWER, newPowerState, PowerIrpCompletionRoutine, &PowerIrpContext, NULL );
// Did this get allocated and sent??
if( NT_SUCCESS(ntStatus) ) { // Wait for the completion event
KeWaitForSingleObject( &SyncEvent, Suspended, KernelMode, FALSE, NULL );
ntStatus = PowerIrpContext.Status; } }
return ntStatus; }
* CheckCurrentPowerState() ***************************************************************************** * This routine resets the idle timer and checks to see if the device is * current in the D0 (full power) state. If it isn't, it requests that the * device power up to D0. */ NTSTATUS CheckCurrentPowerState ( IN PDEVICE_OBJECT pDeviceObject ) { PAGED_CODE();
PDEVICE_CONTEXT pDeviceContext = PDEVICE_CONTEXT(pDeviceObject->DeviceExtension);
// reset the idle timer
if( pDeviceContext->IdleTimer ) { PoSetDeviceBusy( pDeviceContext->IdleTimer ); }
// check if we're in PowerDeviceD0
if( pDeviceContext->CurrentDeviceState != PowerDeviceD0 ) { ntStatus = STATUS_DEVICE_NOT_READY; }
return ntStatus; }
#pragma code_seg()