AVStream Simulated Hardware Sample
Copyright (c) 2001, Microsoft Corporation.
This file contains the device level implementation of the AVStream hardware sample. Note that this is not the "fake" hardware. The "fake" hardware is in hwsim.cpp.
created 3/9/2001
#include "BDACap.h"
#pragma code_seg("PAGE")
#endif // ALLOC_PRAGMA
NTSTATUS CCaptureDevice:: DispatchCreate ( IN PKSDEVICE Device )
Routine Description:
Create the capture device. This is the creation dispatch for the capture device.
Device - The AVStream device being created.
Return Value:
Success / Failure
CCaptureDevice *CapDevice = new (NonPagedPool, MS_SAMPLE_CAPTURE_POOL_TAG) CCaptureDevice (Device);
if (!CapDevice) { //
// Return failure if we couldn't create the pin.
} else {
// Add the item to the object bag if we were successful.
// Whenever the device goes away, the bag is cleaned up and
// we will be freed.
// For backwards compatibility with DirectX 8.0, we must grab
// the device mutex before doing this. For Windows XP, this is
// not required, but it is still safe.
KsAcquireDevice (Device); Status = KsAddItemToObjectBag ( Device -> Bag, reinterpret_cast <PVOID> (CapDevice), reinterpret_cast <PFNKSFREE> (CCaptureDevice::Cleanup) ); KsReleaseDevice (Device);
if (!NT_SUCCESS (Status)) { delete CapDevice; } else { Device -> Context = reinterpret_cast <PVOID> (CapDevice); }
return Status;
NTSTATUS CCaptureDevice:: PnpStart ( IN PCM_RESOURCE_LIST TranslatedResourceList, IN PCM_RESOURCE_LIST UntranslatedResourceList )
Routine Description:
Called at Pnp start. We start up our virtual hardware simulation.
TranslatedResourceList - The translated resource list from Pnp
UntranslatedResourceList - The untranslated resource list from Pnp
Return Value:
Success / Failure
// Normally, we'd do things here like parsing the resource lists and
// connecting our interrupt. Since this is a simulation, there isn't
// much to parse. The parsing and connection should be the same as
// any WDM driver. The sections that will differ are illustrated below
// in setting up a simulated DMA.
// By PnP, it's possible to receive multiple starts without an intervening
// stop (to reevaluate resources, for example). Thus, we only perform
// creations of the simulation on the initial start and ignore any
// subsequent start. Hardware drivers with resources should evaluate
// resources and make changes on 2nd start.
if (!m_Device -> Started) {
m_HardwareSimulation = new (NonPagedPool, MS_SAMPLE_CAPTURE_POOL_TAG) CHardwareSimulation (this); if (!m_HardwareSimulation) { //
// If we couldn't create the hardware simulation, fail.
Status = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; return Status; } else { //
// Add the item to the object bag if we were successful.
Status = KsAddItemToObjectBag ( m_Device -> Bag, reinterpret_cast <PVOID> (m_HardwareSimulation), reinterpret_cast <PFNKSFREE> (CCaptureDevice::CleanupHW) ); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { delete m_HardwareSimulation; return Status; } } INTERFACE_TYPE InterfaceBuffer; ULONG InterfaceLength; DEVICE_DESCRIPTION DeviceDescription; NTSTATUS IfStatus; if (NT_SUCCESS (Status)) { //
// Set up DMA...
IfStatus = IoGetDeviceProperty ( m_Device -> PhysicalDeviceObject, DevicePropertyLegacyBusType, sizeof (INTERFACE_TYPE), &InterfaceBuffer, &InterfaceLength );
// Initialize our fake device description. We claim to be a
// bus-mastering 32-bit scatter/gather capable piece of hardware.
// Ordinarilly, we'd be using InterfaceBuffer or
// InterfaceTypeUndefined if !NT_SUCCESS (IfStatus) as the
// InterfaceType below; however, for the purposes of this sample,
// we lie and say we're on the PCI Bus. Otherwise, we're using map
// registers on x86 32 bit physical to 32 bit logical and this isn't
// what I want to show in this sample.
DeviceDescription.Version = DEVICE_DESCRIPTION_VERSION; DeviceDescription.DmaChannel = ((ULONG) ~0); DeviceDescription.InterfaceType = PCIBus; DeviceDescription.DmaWidth = Width32Bits; DeviceDescription.DmaSpeed = Compatible; DeviceDescription.ScatterGather = TRUE; DeviceDescription.Master = TRUE; DeviceDescription.Dma32BitAddresses = TRUE; DeviceDescription.AutoInitialize = FALSE; DeviceDescription.MaximumLength = (ULONG) -1; //
// Get a DMA adapter object from the system.
m_DmaAdapterObject = IoGetDmaAdapter ( m_Device -> PhysicalDeviceObject, &DeviceDescription, &m_NumberOfMapRegisters ); if (!m_DmaAdapterObject) { Status = STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; } } if (NT_SUCCESS (Status)) { //
// Initialize our DMA adapter object with AVStream. This is
// **ONLY** necessary **IF** you are doing DMA directly into
// capture buffers as this sample does. For this,
// KSPIN_FLAG_GENERATE_MAPPINGS must be specified on a queue.
// The (1 << 20) below is the maximum size of a single s/g mapping
// that this hardware can handle. Note that I have pulled this
// number out of thin air for the "fake" hardware.
KsDeviceRegisterAdapterObject ( m_Device, m_DmaAdapterObject, (1 << 20), sizeof (KSMAPPING) ); } } return Status;
void CCaptureDevice:: PnpStop ( )
Routine Description:
This is the pnp stop dispatch for the capture device. It releases any adapter object previously allocated by IoGetDmaAdapter during Pnp Start.
Return Value:
if (m_DmaAdapterObject) { //
// Return the DMA adapter back to the system.
m_DmaAdapterObject -> DmaOperations -> PutDmaAdapter (m_DmaAdapterObject);
m_DmaAdapterObject = NULL; }
NTSTATUS CCaptureDevice:: AcquireHardwareResources ( IN ICaptureSink *CaptureSink, IN PBDA_TRANSPORT_INFO TransportInfo )
Routine Description:
Acquire hardware resources for the capture hardware. If the resources are already acquired, this will return an error. The hardware configuration must be passed as a VideoInfoHeader.
CaptureSink - The capture sink attempting to acquire resources. When scatter / gather mappings are completed, the capture sink specified here is what is notified of the completions.
VideoInfoHeader - Information about the capture stream. This **MUST** remain stable until the caller releases hardware resources. Note that this could also be guaranteed by bagging it in the device object bag as well.
Return Value:
Success / Failure
// If we're the first pin to go into acquire (remember we can have
// a filter in another graph going simultaneously), grab the resources.
if (InterlockedCompareExchange ( &m_PinsWithResources, 1, 0) == 0) {
m_TransportInfo = TransportInfo;
// If there's an old hardware simulation sitting around for some
// reason, blow it away.
if (m_TsSynth) {
delete m_TsSynth; m_TsSynth = NULL;
// Create the necessary type of transport stream synthesizer.
if (m_TransportInfo) { m_TsSynth = new (NonPagedPool, MS_SAMPLE_CAPTURE_POOL_TAG) CTsSynthesizer ( m_TransportInfo -> ulcbPhyiscalPacket, m_TransportInfo -> ulcbPhyiscalFrame / m_TransportInfo -> ulcbPhyiscalPacket ); } else //
// We don't synthesize anything but RGB 24 and UYVY.
// If everything has succeeded thus far, set the capture sink.
if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) m_CaptureSink = CaptureSink; else { ReleaseHardwareResources(); }
} else { //
// TODO: Better status code?
Status = STATUS_SHARING_VIOLATION; } return Status;
void CCaptureDevice:: ReleaseHardwareResources ( )
Routine Description:
Release hardware resources. This should only be called by an object which has acquired them.
Return Value:
// Blow away the image synth.
if (m_TsSynth) {
delete m_TsSynth; m_TsSynth = NULL;
m_TransportInfo = NULL; m_CaptureSink = NULL;
// Release our "lock" on hardware resources. This will allow another
// pin (perhaps in another graph) to acquire them.
InterlockedExchange ( &m_PinsWithResources, 0 );
NTSTATUS CCaptureDevice:: Start ( )
Routine Description:
Start the capture device based on the video info header we were told about when resources were acquired.
Return Value:
Success / Failure
m_LastMappingsCompleted = 0; m_InterruptTime = 0;
return m_HardwareSimulation -> Start ( m_TsSynth, m_TransportInfo -> AvgTimePerFrame, m_TransportInfo -> ulcbPhyiscalPacket, m_TransportInfo -> ulcbPhyiscalFrame / m_TransportInfo -> ulcbPhyiscalPacket );
NTSTATUS CCaptureDevice:: Pause ( IN BOOLEAN Pausing )
Routine Description:
Pause or unpause the hardware simulation. This is an effective start or stop without resetting counters and formats. Note that this can only be called to transition from started -> paused -> started. Calling this without starting the hardware with Start() does nothing.
Pausing - An indicatation of whether we are pausing or unpausing
TRUE - Pause the hardware simulation
FALSE - Unpause the hardware simulation
Return Value:
Success / Failure
return m_HardwareSimulation -> Pause ( Pausing );
NTSTATUS CCaptureDevice:: Stop ( )
Routine Description:
Stop the capture device.
Return Value:
Success / Failure
return m_HardwareSimulation -> Stop ();
ULONG CCaptureDevice:: ProgramScatterGatherMappings ( IN PUCHAR *Buffer, IN PKSMAPPING Mappings, IN ULONG MappingsCount )
Routine Description:
Program the scatter / gather mappings for the "fake" hardware.
Buffer - Points to a pointer to the virtual address of the topmost scatter / gather chunk. The pointer will be updated as the device "programs" mappings. Reason for this is that we get the physical addresses and sizes, but must calculate the virtual addresses... This is used as scratch space for that.
Mappings - An array of mappings to program
MappingsCount - The count of mappings in the array
Return Value:
The number of mappings successfully programmed
return m_HardwareSimulation -> ProgramScatterGatherMappings ( Buffer, Mappings, MappingsCount, sizeof (KSMAPPING) );
#pragma code_seg()
#endif // ALLOC_PRAGMA
ULONG CCaptureDevice:: QueryInterruptTime ( )
Routine Description:
Return the number of frame intervals that have elapsed since the start of the device. This will be the frame number.
Return Value:
The interrupt time of the device (the number of frame intervals that have elapsed since the start of the device).
return m_InterruptTime;
void CCaptureDevice:: Interrupt ( )
Routine Description:
This is the "faked" interrupt service routine for this device. It is called at dispatch level by the hardware simulation.
Return Value:
// Realistically, we'd do some hardware manipulation here and then queue
// a DPC. Since this is fake hardware, we do what's necessary here. This
// is pretty much what the DPC would look like short of the access
// of hardware registers (ReadNumberOfMappingsCompleted) which would likely
// be done in the ISR.
ULONG NumMappingsCompleted = m_HardwareSimulation -> ReadNumberOfMappingsCompleted ();
// Inform the capture sink that a given number of scatter / gather
// mappings have completed.
m_CaptureSink -> CompleteMappings ( NumMappingsCompleted - m_LastMappingsCompleted );
m_LastMappingsCompleted = NumMappingsCompleted;
// CaptureFilterDescriptor:
// The filter descriptor for the capture device.
DEFINE_KSFILTER_DESCRIPTOR_TABLE (FilterDescriptors) { &CaptureFilterDescriptor };
// CaptureDeviceDispatch:
// This is the dispatch table for the capture device. Plug and play
// notifications as well as power management notifications are dispatched
// through this table.
const KSDEVICE_DISPATCH CaptureDeviceDispatch = { CCaptureDevice::DispatchCreate, // PnP Add Device
CCaptureDevice::DispatchPnpStart, // PnP Start
NULL, // Post-Start
NULL, // Pnp Query Stop
NULL, // Pnp Cancel Stop
CCaptureDevice::DispatchPnpStop, // Pnp Stop
NULL, // Pnp Query Remove
NULL, // Pnp Cancel Remove
NULL, // Pnp Remove
NULL, // Pnp Query Capabilities
NULL, // Pnp Surprise Remove
NULL, // Query Power
NULL // Set Power
// CaptureDeviceDescriptor:
// This is the device descriptor for the capture device. It points to the
// dispatch table and contains a list of filter descriptors that describe
// filter-types that this device supports. Note that the filter-descriptors
// can be created dynamically and the factories created via
// KsCreateFilterFactory as well.
const KSDEVICE_DESCRIPTOR CaptureDeviceDescriptor = { &CaptureDeviceDispatch, SIZEOF_ARRAY (FilterDescriptors), FilterDescriptors, KSDEVICE_DESCRIPTOR_VERSION };
extern "C" NTSTATUS DriverEntry ( IN PDRIVER_OBJECT DriverObject, IN PUNICODE_STRING RegistryPath )
Routine Description:
Driver entry point. Pass off control to the AVStream initialization function (KsInitializeDriver) and return the status code from it.
DriverObject - The WDM driver object for our driver
RegistryPath - The registry path for our registry info
Return Value:
As from KsInitializeDriver
// Simply pass the device descriptor and parameters off to AVStream
// to initialize us. This will cause filter factories to be set up
// at add & start. Everything is done based on the descriptors passed
// here.
Status = KsInitializeDriver ( DriverObject, RegistryPath, &CaptureDeviceDescriptor );
return Status; }