// Copyright (c) 1992 - 1996 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
#include "Scaler.h"
#include "capdebug.h"
#include "capmain.h"
#include "defaults.h"
// video information for PAL
VideoInfoStruct NTSCVideoInfo = { 730, // Clkx1_HACTIVE = 746
148, // Clkx1_HDELAY = 140
44, // Min_Pixels = 44
240, // Active_lines_per_field = 240
144, // Min_UncroppedPixels = Min_Pixels + 100
724, // Max_Pixels = ((Clkx1_HACTIVE < 774) ? Clkx1_HACTIVE - 6 : 768)
32, // Min_Lines = (Active_lines_per_field / 16 + 1) * 2
240, // Max_Lines = Active_lines_per_field
352, // Max_VFilter1_Pixels = ((Clkx1_HACTIVE > 796) ? 384 : (Clkx1_HACTIVE * 14 / 29))
176, // Max_VFilter2_Pixels = Clkx1_HACTIVE * 8 / 33
176, // Max_VFilter3_Pixels = Clkx1_HACTIVE * 8 / 33
240, // Max_VFilter1_Lines = Active_lines_per_field
120, // Max_VFilter2_Lines = Active_lines_per_field / 2
96, // Max_VFilter3_Lines = Active_lines_per_field * 2 / 5
// video information for PAL
VideoInfoStruct PALVideoInfo = { 914, // Clkx1_HACTIVE = 914
190, // Clkx1_HDELAY = 190
48, // Min_Pixels = 48
284, // Active_lines_per_field = 284
148, // Min_UncroppedPixels = Min_Pixels + 100
768, // Max_Pixels = ((Clkx1_HACTIVE < 774) ? Clkx1_HACTIVE - 6 : 768)
36, // Min_Lines = (Active_lines_per_field / 16 + 1) * 2
284, // Max_Lines = Active_lines_per_field
384, // Max_VFilter1_Pixels = ((Clkx1_HACTIVE > 796) ? 384 : (Clkx1_HACTIVE * 14 / 29))
221, // Max_VFilter2_Pixels = Clkx1_HACTIVE * 8 / 33
221, // Max_VFilter3_Pixels = Clkx1_HACTIVE * 8 / 33
284, // Max_VFilter1_Lines = Active_lines_per_field
142, // Max_VFilter2_Lines = Active_lines_per_field / 2
113, // Max_VFilter3_Lines = Active_lines_per_field * 2 / 5
// Bt848 Scaler Class Implementation
// Constructor
#define offset 0
Scaler::Scaler(PDEVICE_PARMS pDeviceParms): regCROP ((0x03 * REGALIGNMENT) + (offset), RW, pDeviceParms) , fieldVACTIVE_MSB(regCROP, 4, 2, RW) , fieldHDELAY_MSB(regCROP, 2, 2, RW) , fieldHACTIVE_MSB(regCROP, 0, 2, RW) , regVACTIVE_LO ((0x05 * REGALIGNMENT) + (offset), RW, pDeviceParms) , regHDELAY_LO ((0x06 * REGALIGNMENT) + (offset), RW, pDeviceParms) , regHACTIVE_LO ((0x07 * REGALIGNMENT) + (offset), RW, pDeviceParms) , regHSCALE_HI ((0x08 * REGALIGNMENT) + (offset), RW, pDeviceParms) , fieldHSCALE_MSB(regHSCALE_HI, 0, 8, RW) , regHSCALE_LO ((0x09 * REGALIGNMENT) + (offset), RW, pDeviceParms) , regSCLOOP ((0x10 * REGALIGNMENT) + (offset), RW, pDeviceParms) , fieldHFILT(regSCLOOP, 3, 2, RW) , regVSCALE_HI ((0x13 * REGALIGNMENT) + (offset), RW, pDeviceParms) , fieldVSCALE_MSB(regVSCALE_HI, 0, 5, RW) , regVSCALE_LO ((0x14 * REGALIGNMENT) + (offset), RW, pDeviceParms) , regVActive(regVACTIVE_LO, 8, fieldVACTIVE_MSB, RW), regVScale(regVSCALE_LO, 8, fieldVSCALE_MSB, RW), regHDelay(regHDELAY_LO, 8, fieldHDELAY_MSB, RW), regHActive(regHACTIVE_LO, 8, fieldHACTIVE_MSB, RW), regHScale(regHSCALE_LO, 8, fieldHSCALE_MSB, RW), regVTC ((0x1B * REGALIGNMENT) + (offset), RW, pDeviceParms) , fieldVBIEN (regVTC, 4, 1, RW), fieldVBIFMT (regVTC, 3, 1, RW), fieldVFILT (regVTC, 0, 2, RW),
regReverse_CROP (0x03, RW, pDeviceParms), fieldVDELAY_MSB(regReverse_CROP, 6, 2, RW), regVDELAY_LO (0x04, RW, pDeviceParms), regVDelay(regVDELAY_LO, 8, fieldVDELAY_MSB, RW), m_videoFormat(VFormat_NTSC), VFilterFlag_(On), DigitalWin_(0,0,NTSCMaxOutWidth,NTSCMaxOutHeight) { m_HActive = 0; m_pixels = 0; m_lines = 0; m_VFilter = 0; }
// Destructor
Scaler::~Scaler() { }
// Method: void Scaler::VideoFormatChanged(VideoFormat format)
// Purpose: Set which video format is using
// Input: Video format -
// Auto format: VFormat_AutoDetect
// NTSC (M): VFormat_NTSC
// PAL (B, D, G, H, I): VFormat_PAL_BDGHI
// PAL (M): VFormat_PAL_M
// PAL(N): VFormat_PAL_N
// Output: None
// Return: None
void Scaler::VideoFormatChanged(VideoFormat format) { m_videoFormat = format; Scale(DigitalWin_); }
// Method: void Scaler::Scale(MRect & clientScr)
// Purpose: Perform scaling
// Input: MRect & clientScr - rectangle to scale to
// Output: None
// Return: None
void Scaler::Scale(MRect & clientScr) { switch (m_videoFormat) { case VFormat_NTSC: case VFormat_NTSC_J: case VFormat_PAL_M: m_ptrVideoIn = &NTSCVideoInfo; // set scaling constants for NTSC
break; case VFormat_PAL_BDGHI: case VFormat_PAL_N: case VFormat_SECAM: case VFormat_PAL_N_COMB: m_ptrVideoIn = &PALVideoInfo; // set scaling constants for PAL/SECAM
if ( m_videoFormat == VFormat_PAL_N_COMB ) { m_ptrVideoIn->Clkx1_HACTIVE = NTSCVideoInfo.Clkx1_HACTIVE; // p. 26 of BT guide
m_ptrVideoIn->Clkx1_HDELAY = NTSCVideoInfo.Clkx1_HDELAY; // empirical
break; }
// the order of functions calling here is important because some
// calculations are based on previous results
SetHActive(clientScr); SetVActive(); SetVScale(clientScr); SetVFilter(); SetVDelay(); SetHDelay(); SetHScale(); SetHFilter();
// Method: void Scaler::SetHActive(MRect & clientScr)
// Purpose: Set HActive register
// Input: MRect & clientScr - rectangle to scale to
// Output: None
// Return: None
void Scaler::SetHActive(MRect & clientScr) { m_HActive = min(m_ptrVideoIn->Max_Pixels, max((WORD)clientScr.Width(), m_ptrVideoIn->Min_Pixels));
regHActive = m_HActive; }
// Method: void Scaler::SetHDelay()
// Purpose: Set HDelay register
// Input: None
// Output: None
// Return: None
void Scaler::SetHDelay() { // calculations here requires calculation of HActive first!
m_pixels = m_HActive; if (m_pixels < m_ptrVideoIn->Min_UncroppedPixels) m_pixels += (WORD) ((m_ptrVideoIn->Min_UncroppedPixels - m_pixels + 9) / 10);
LONG a = (LONG)m_pixels * (LONG)m_ptrVideoIn->Clkx1_HDELAY; LONG b = (LONG)m_ptrVideoIn->Clkx1_HACTIVE * 2L; WORD HDelay = (WORD) ((a + (LONG)m_ptrVideoIn->Clkx1_HACTIVE * 2 - 1) / b * 2L);
// now add the cropping region into HDelay register; i.e. skip some pixels
// before we start taking them as real image
HDelay += (WORD)AnalogWin_.left;
// HDelay must be even or else color would be wrong
HDelay &= ~01;
regHDelay = HDelay;
// since we increase HDelay, we should decrease HActive by the same amount
m_HActive -= (WORD)AnalogWin_.left; regHActive = m_HActive; }
// Method: void Scaler::SetHScale()
// Purpose: Set HScale register
// Input: None
// Output: None
// Return: None
void Scaler::SetHScale() { regHScale = (WORD) ((((LONG)m_ptrVideoIn->Clkx1_HACTIVE * 4096L) / (LONG)m_pixels) - 4096L); }
// Method: void Scaler::SetHFilter()
// Purpose: Set HFilt register field
// Input: None
// Output: None
// Return: None
void Scaler::SetHFilter() { if (m_videoFormat != VFormat_SECAM) fieldHFILT = HFilter_AutoFormat; else // SECAM
if (m_pixels < m_ptrVideoIn->Clkx1_HACTIVE / 7) fieldHFILT = HFilter_ICON; else fieldHFILT = HFilter_QCIF; }
// Method: void Scaler::SetVScale(MRect & clientScr)
// Purpose: Set VScale register
// Input: MRect & clientScr - rectangle to scale to
// Output: None
// Return: None
void Scaler::SetVScale(MRect & clientScr) { m_lines = min(m_ptrVideoIn->Max_Lines, max((WORD)clientScr.Height(), m_ptrVideoIn->Min_Lines));
WORD LPB_VScale_Factor = (WORD) (1 + (m_lines - 1) / m_ptrVideoIn->Active_lines_per_field);
m_lines = (WORD) ((m_lines + LPB_VScale_Factor - 1) / LPB_VScale_Factor);
LONG a = (LONG)m_ptrVideoIn->Active_lines_per_field * 512L / (LONG)m_lines; WORD VScale = (WORD) ((0x10000L - a + 512L) & 0x1FFFL); regVScale = VScale; }
// Method: void Scaler::SetVDelay()
// Purpose: Set VDelay register
// Input: None
// Output: None
// Return: None
void Scaler::SetVDelay() { WORD VDelay, moreDelay;
// increase VDelay will eliminate garbage lines at top of image
switch (m_VFilter) { case 3: moreDelay = 4; break;
case 2: moreDelay = 2; break; case 1: case 0: default: moreDelay = 0; break; }
if ( ( m_videoFormat == VFormat_NTSC ) || ( m_videoFormat == VFormat_NTSC_J ) || ( m_videoFormat == VFormat_PAL_M ) || ( m_videoFormat == VFormat_PAL_N_COMB ) ) // the reason that PAL_N_COMB is here is purely empirical
VDelay = 0x001A + moreDelay; // NTSC
else VDelay = 0x0026 + moreDelay; // PAL/SECAM
// now add the cropping region into VDelay register; i.e. skip some pixels
// before we start taking them as real image
VDelay += (WORD)(((LONG)m_ptrVideoIn->Max_Lines * (LONG)AnalogWin_.top + m_lines - 1) / (LONG)m_lines * 2);
regVDelay = VDelay; }
// Method: void Scaler::SetVActive()
// Purpose: Set VActive register
// Input: None
// Output: None
// Return: None
void Scaler::SetVActive() { // No calculation needed for VActive register since it based on the UNSCALED image
if ( ( m_videoFormat == VFormat_NTSC ) || ( m_videoFormat == VFormat_NTSC_J ) || ( m_videoFormat == VFormat_PAL_M ) ) regVActive = 0x1F4; else regVActive = 0x238; }
// Method: void Scaler::SetVBIEN(BOOL)
// Purpose: Set VBIEN register field
// Input: None
// Output: None
// Return: None
void Scaler::SetVBIEN(BOOL enable) { if (enable) { fieldVBIEN = 1; } else { fieldVBIEN = 0; } }
// Method: BOOL void Scaler::IsVBIEN()
// Purpose: Set VBIEN register field
// Input: None
// Output: None
// Return: None
BOOL Scaler::IsVBIEN() { if (fieldVBIEN) return TRUE; else return FALSE; }
// Method: void Scaler::SetVBIFMT(BOOL)
// Purpose: Set VBIFMT register field
// Input: None
// Output: None
// Return: None
void Scaler::SetVBIFMT(BOOL enable) { if (enable) { fieldVBIFMT = 1; } else { fieldVBIFMT = 0; } }
// Method: BOOL void Scaler::IsVBIFMT()
// Purpose: Set VBIFMT register field
// Input: None
// Output: None
// Return: None
BOOL Scaler::IsVBIFMT() { if (fieldVBIFMT) return TRUE; else return FALSE; }
// Method: void Scaler::SetVFilter()
// Purpose: Set VFilt register field
// Input: None
// Output: None
// Return: None
void Scaler::SetVFilter() { // this is to remove junk lines at the top of video. flag set to off
// when image hight is above CIF
if (VFilterFlag_ == Off) { fieldVFILT = 0; m_VFilter = 0; return; } if ((m_HActive <= m_ptrVideoIn->Max_VFilter3_Pixels) && (m_lines <= m_ptrVideoIn->Max_VFilter3_Lines)) m_VFilter = 3; else if ((m_HActive <= m_ptrVideoIn->Max_VFilter2_Pixels) && (m_lines <= m_ptrVideoIn->Max_VFilter2_Lines)) m_VFilter = 2; else if ((m_HActive <= m_ptrVideoIn->Max_VFilter1_Pixels) && (m_lines <= m_ptrVideoIn->Max_VFilter1_Lines)) m_VFilter = 1; else m_VFilter = 0;
fieldVFILT = m_VFilter; }
// Method: void Scaler::GetDigitalWin(MRect &DigWin) const
// Purpose: Retreives the size of digital window
// Input: None
// Output: MRect &DigWin - retrieved value
// Return: None
void Scaler::GetDigitalWin(MRect &DigWin) const { DigWin = DigitalWin_; }
// Method: ErrorCode Scaler::SetDigitalWin(const MRect &DigWin)
// Purpose: Sets the size and location of the digital window
// Input: const MRect &DigWin - window size to set to
// Output: None
// Return: Success or Fail if passed rect is bigger then analog window
// Note: This function can affect the scaling, so Scale() is called
ErrorCode Scaler::SetDigitalWin(const MRect &DigWin) { // we can not scale up
if ((DigWin.Height() > AnalogWin_.Height()) || (DigWin.Width() > AnalogWin_.Width())) return Fail;
DigitalWin_ = DigWin;
// every invocation of SetDigitalWin potentially changes the scaling
return Success; }
// Method: void Scaler::GetAnalogWin(MRect &AWin) const
// Purpose: Retreives the size of analog window
// Input: None
// Output: MRect &DigWin - retrieved value
// Return: None
void Scaler::GetAnalogWin(MRect &AWin) const { AWin = AnalogWin_; }
// Method: ErrorCode Scaler::SetAnalogWin(const MRect &AWin)
// Purpose: Sets the size and location of the analog window
// Input: const MRect &AWin - window size to set to
// Output: None
// Return: Success or Fail if passed rect is bigger then analog window
ErrorCode Scaler::SetAnalogWin(const MRect &AWin) { AnalogWin_ = AWin; return Success; }
void Scaler::DumpSomeState() { UINT vDelay = regVDelay; UINT vActive = regVActive; UINT vScale = regVScale; UINT hDelay = regHDelay; UINT hActive = regHActive; UINT hScale = regHScale;
MRect rect; GetDigitalWin(rect);
DBGINFO(("vDelay = 0x%x\n", vDelay)); DBGINFO(("vActive = 0x%x\n", vActive)); DBGINFO(("vScale = 0x%x\n", vScale)); DBGINFO(("hDelay = 0x%x\n", hDelay)); DBGINFO(("hActive = 0x%x\n", hActive)); DBGINFO(("hScale = 0x%x\n", hScale)); DBGINFO(("top = 0x%x\n", rect.top)); DBGINFO(("left = 0x%x\n", rect.left)); DBGINFO(("right = 0x%x\n", rect.right)); DBGINFO(("bottom = 0x%x\n", rect.bottom)); }