** ** @module FFDEVICE.CPP | Implementation file for FFDevice class ** ** Description: ** ** History: ** Created 11/17/97 Matthew L. Coill (mlc) ** ** 21-Mar-99 waltw Added dwDeviceID to SetFirmwareVersion, ** InitJoystickParams, StateChange, InitRTCSpring, ** InitRTCSpring200 ** ** (c) 1986-1997 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. ******************************************************/ #include "FFDevice.h"
#include "Midi_obj.hpp"
#include "DTrans.h"
#include "DPack.h"
#include "joyregst.hpp"
#include "CritSec.h"
#include <crt/io.h> // For file routines
#include <FCNTL.h> // File _open flags
#include <math.h> // for sin and cos
extern CJoltMidi* g_pJoltMidi;
// --- VFX Force File defines
#define FCC_FORCE_EFFECT_RIFF mmioFOURCC('F','O','R','C')
#define FCC_INFO_LIST mmioFOURCC('I','N','F','O')
#define FCC_INFO_NAME_CHUNK mmioFOURCC('I','N','A','M')
#define FCC_INFO_COMMENT_CHUNK mmioFOURCC('I','C','M','T')
#define FCC_TARGET_DEVICE_CHUNK mmioFOURCC('t','r','g','t')
#define FCC_TRACK_LIST mmioFOURCC('t','r','a','k')
#define FCC_EFFECT_LIST mmioFOURCC('e','f','c','t')
#define FCC_ID_CHUNK mmioFOURCC('i','d',' ',' ')
#define FCC_DATA_CHUNK mmioFOURCC('d','a','t','a')
#define FCC_IMPLICIT_CHUNK mmioFOURCC('i','m','p','l')
#define FCC_SPLINE_CHUNK mmioFOURCC('s','p','l','n')
ForceFeedbackDevice g_ForceFeedbackDevice;
#include <errno.h> // For open file errors
HRESULT LoadBufferFromFile(const char* fileName, PBYTE& pBufferBytes, ULONG& numFileBytes) { if (pBufferBytes != NULL) { ASSUME_NOT_REACHED(); numFileBytes = 0; return VFX_ERR_FILE_OUT_OF_MEMORY; }
int fHandle = ::_open(fileName, _O_RDONLY | _O_BINARY); if (fHandle == -1) { numFileBytes = 0; switch (errno) { case EACCES : return VFX_ERR_FILE_ACCESS_DENIED; case EMFILE : return VFX_ERR_FILE_TOO_MANY_OPEN_FILES; case ENOENT : return VFX_ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND; } return VFX_ERR_FILE_CANNOT_OPEN; // Who knows what went wrong
} HRESULT hr = S_OK; numFileBytes = ::_lseek(fHandle, 0, SEEK_END); if (numFileBytes == -1) { // Seek failed
hr = VFX_ERR_FILE_CANNOT_SEEK; } else if (numFileBytes == 0) { // Empty file
hr = VFX_ERR_FILE_BAD_FORMAT; } else { pBufferBytes = new BYTE[numFileBytes]; if (pBufferBytes == NULL) { // Could not allocate memory
hr = VFX_ERR_FILE_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } else { if (::_lseek(fHandle, 0, SEEK_SET) == -1) { // Failed seek to begining
hr = VFX_ERR_FILE_CANNOT_SEEK; } else if (::_read(fHandle, pBufferBytes, numFileBytes) == -1) { // Failed to read
hr = VFX_ERR_FILE_CANNOT_READ; } if (hr != S_OK) { // Things didn't go well
delete[] pBufferBytes; pBufferBytes = NULL; } } }
::_close(fHandle); return hr; }
** ** ForceFeedbackDevice::ForceFeedbackDevice() ** ** @mfunc Constructor. ** ******************************************************/ ForceFeedbackDevice::ForceFeedbackDevice() : m_FirmwareAckNackValues(0), m_FirmwareVersionMajor(0), m_FirmwareVersionMinor(0), m_DriverVersionMajor(0), m_DriverVersionMinor(0), m_SpringOffset(0), m_Mapping(0), m_DIStateFlags(0), m_RawForceX(0), m_RawForceY(0) { m_OSVersion.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(OSVERSIONINFO); ::GetVersionEx(&m_OSVersion);
for (int index = 0; index < 14; index++) { m_PercentMappings[index] = 100; // Default is 100 percent till I'm told otherwise
} for (index = 0; index < MAX_EFFECT_IDS; index++) { m_EffectList[index] = NULL; } m_SystemEffect = NULL;
::memset(&m_Version200State, 0, sizeof(m_Version200State)); ::memset(&m_LastStatusPacket, 0, sizeof(m_LastStatusPacket)); }
** ** ForceFeedbackDevice::~ForceFeedbackDevice() ** ** @mfunc Destructor. ** ******************************************************/ ForceFeedbackDevice::~ForceFeedbackDevice() { BOOL lingerer = FALSE;
// Destroy the RTCSpring and SystemEffect if still hanging aroung
if (m_EffectList[0] != NULL) { delete m_EffectList[0]; m_EffectList[0] = NULL; } if (m_SystemEffect != NULL) { delete m_SystemEffect; m_SystemEffect = NULL; }
// Destroy any lingering effects (of which there should be none)
for (int index = 0; index < MAX_EFFECT_IDS; index++) { if (m_EffectList[index] != NULL) { lingerer = TRUE; delete m_EffectList[index]; m_EffectList[index] = NULL; } }
ASSUME(lingerer == FALSE); // Assuming programmer cleaned up thier own mess
** ** ForceFeedbackDevice::DetectHardware() ** ** @mfunc DetectHardware. ** ******************************************************/ BOOL ForceFeedbackDevice::DetectHardware() { if (NULL == g_pJoltMidi) return (FALSE); else return g_pJoltMidi->QueryForJolt(); }
** ** ForceFeedbackDevice::SetFirmwareVersion(DWORD dwDeviceID, DWORD major, DWORD minor) ** ** @mfunc SetFirmwareVersion. ** ******************************************************/ void ForceFeedbackDevice::SetFirmwareVersion(DWORD dwDeviceID, DWORD major, DWORD minor) { m_FirmwareVersionMajor = major; m_FirmwareVersionMinor = minor;
if (g_pDataPackager != NULL) { delete g_pDataPackager; g_pDataPackager = NULL; }
if (m_FirmwareVersionMajor == 1) { ASSUME_NOT_REACHED(); // Currently this code only supports wheel - this is a Jolt version
// g_pDataPackager = new DataPackager100();
} else { // Till version number is locked down
g_pDataPackager = new DataPackager200(); }
m_FirmwareAckNackValues = GetAckNackMethodFromRegistry(dwDeviceID); m_SpringOffset = GetSpringOffsetFromRegistry(dwDeviceID); }
** ** ForceFeedbackDevice::SetDriverVersion(DWORD major, DWORD minor) ** ** @mfunc SetDriverVersion. ** ******************************************************/ void ForceFeedbackDevice::SetDriverVersion(DWORD major, DWORD minor) { if ((major == 0xFFFFFFFF) && (minor == 0xFFFFFFFF)) { // Check for version 1.0 driver version error
m_DriverVersionMajor = 1; m_DriverVersionMinor = 0; } else { m_DriverVersionMajor = major; m_DriverVersionMinor = minor; } }
** ** ForceFeedbackDevice::GetYMappingPercent(UINT index) ** ** @mfunc GetYMappingPercent. ** ******************************************************/ short ForceFeedbackDevice::GetYMappingPercent(UINT index) const { if (m_Mapping & Y_AXIS) { if (index < 14) { return m_PercentMappings[index]; } } return 0; }
** ** ForceFeedbackDevice::GetEffect(DWORD effectID) const ** ** @mfunc GetEffect. ** ******************************************************/ InternalEffect* ForceFeedbackDevice::GetEffect(DWORD effectID) const { if (effectID == SYSTEM_EFFECT_ID) { // SystemEffect not stored in array
return m_SystemEffect; }
if (effectID == SYSTEM_RTCSPRING_ALIAS_ID) { // Remapping of RTC spring
return m_EffectList[0]; }
if (effectID == RAW_FORCE_ALIAS) { return NULL; }
// Parameter check
if (effectID >= MAX_EFFECT_IDS) { ASSUME_NOT_REACHED(); return NULL; }
return m_EffectList[effectID]; }
** ** ForceFeedbackDevice::RemoveEffect(DWORD effectID) const ** ** @mfunc GetEffect. ** ******************************************************/ InternalEffect* ForceFeedbackDevice::RemoveEffect(DWORD effectID) { // There really is no raw force effect
if (effectID == RAW_FORCE_ALIAS) { return NULL; }
// Cannot remove system effects
if ((effectID == SYSTEM_EFFECT_ID) || (effectID == 0) || (effectID == SYSTEM_RTCSPRING_ALIAS_ID)) { ASSUME_NOT_REACHED(); return NULL; }
// Parameter check
if (effectID >= MAX_EFFECT_IDS) { ASSUME_NOT_REACHED(); return NULL; }
InternalEffect* pEffect = m_EffectList[effectID]; m_EffectList[effectID] = NULL; return pEffect; }
** ** ForceFeedbackDevice::InitRTCSpring() ** ** @mfunc InitRTCSpring. ** ******************************************************/ HRESULT ForceFeedbackDevice::InitRTCSpring(DWORD dwDeviceID) { if (g_pDataPackager == NULL) { ASSUME_NOT_REACHED(); return SFERR_DRIVER_ERROR; // No global data packager
} if (g_pDataTransmitter == NULL) { ASSUME_NOT_REACHED(); return SFERR_DRIVER_ERROR; // No global data transmitter
if (GetFirmwareVersionMajor() == 1) { return InitRTCSpring1XX(dwDeviceID); } return InitRTCSpring200(dwDeviceID); }
** ** ForceFeedbackDevice::InitRTCSpring1XX() ** ** @mfunc InitRTCSpring. ** ******************************************************/ HRESULT ForceFeedbackDevice::InitRTCSpring1XX(DWORD dwDeviceID) { // Sanity Checks
if (GetEffect(SYSTEM_RTCSPRING_ID) != NULL) { ASSUME_NOT_REACHED(); return SUCCESS; // Already initialized
// DIEFFECT structure to fill
DICONDITION cond[2]; DIEFFECT rtc; rtc.dwSize = sizeof(DIEFFECT); rtc.cbTypeSpecificParams = sizeof(DICONDITION) * 2; rtc.lpvTypeSpecificParams = cond;
// The default RTCSpring (the one on the stick)
RTCSpring1XX rtcSpring1XX; // Def Parms filled by constructor
// Default RTCSpring from the registry
RTCSPRING_PARAM parms; GetSystemParams(dwDeviceID, (SYSTEM_PARAMS*)(&parms)); cond[0].lPositiveCoefficient = parms.m_XKConstant; cond[1].lPositiveCoefficient = parms.m_YKConstant; cond[0].lOffset = parms.m_XAxisCenter; cond[1].lOffset = parms.m_YAxisCenter; cond[0].dwPositiveSaturation = parms.m_XSaturation; cond[1].dwPositiveSaturation = parms.m_YSaturation; cond[0].lDeadBand = parms.m_XDeadBand; cond[1].lDeadBand = parms.m_YDeadBand;
// Allocate and create the RTCSpring
InternalEffect* pNewRTCSpring = InternalEffect::CreateRTCSpring(); if (pNewRTCSpring == NULL) { return SFERR_DRIVER_ERROR; } if (pNewRTCSpring->Create(rtc) != SUCCESS) { delete pNewRTCSpring; // Could not create system RTC Spring
// Replace the stick default with the registry default
SetEffect(SYSTEM_RTCSPRING_ALIAS_ID, &rtcSpring1XX); // Temporary pointer needed (but we only store temporarily)
g_pDataPackager->ModifyEffect(rtcSpring1XX, *pNewRTCSpring, 0); // Package relative changes
SetEffect(SYSTEM_RTCSPRING_ALIAS_ID, pNewRTCSpring); // Replace the old with the new
pNewRTCSpring = NULL; // Forgotten, but not gone
ACKNACK ackNack; return g_pDataTransmitter->Transmit(ackNack); // Send it off
** ** ForceFeedbackDevice::InitRTCSpring200() ** ** @mfunc InitRTCSpring. ** ******************************************************/ HRESULT ForceFeedbackDevice::InitRTCSpring200(DWORD dwDeviceID) { // Sanity Checks
if (GetEffect(ID_RTCSPRING_200) != NULL) { ASSUME_NOT_REACHED(); return SUCCESS; // Already initialized
// The temporary spring and the allocated one
InternalEffect* pNewRTCSpring = NULL;
// DIEFFECT structure to fill
DICONDITION cond[2]; DIEFFECT rtc; rtc.dwSize = sizeof(DIEFFECT); rtc.cbTypeSpecificParams = sizeof(DICONDITION) * 2; rtc.lpvTypeSpecificParams = cond;
// The default RTCSpring (the one on the stick)
RTCSpring200 rtcSpring200; // Default values filled in by constructor
// Default RTCSpring from the registry
GetRTCSpringData(dwDeviceID, cond);
// Allocate and create the RTCSpring
pNewRTCSpring = InternalEffect::CreateRTCSpring(); if (pNewRTCSpring == NULL) { return SFERR_DRIVER_ERROR; } HRESULT createResult = pNewRTCSpring->Create(rtc); if (FAILED(createResult)) { delete pNewRTCSpring; // Could not create system RTC Spring
// Replace the stick default with the registry default
SetEffect(SYSTEM_RTCSPRING_ALIAS_ID, &rtcSpring200); // Temporary pointer needed (but we only store temporarily)
g_pDataPackager->ModifyEffect(rtcSpring200, *pNewRTCSpring, 0); // Package relative changes
SetEffect(SYSTEM_RTCSPRING_ALIAS_ID, pNewRTCSpring); // Replace the old with the new
pNewRTCSpring = NULL; // Forgotten, but not gone
ACKNACK ackNack; HRESULT transmitResult = g_pDataTransmitter->Transmit(ackNack); // Send it off
if (transmitResult != S_OK) { return transmitResult; } return createResult; }
** ** ForceFeedbackDevice::InitJoystickParams() ** ** @mfunc InitRTCSpring. ** ******************************************************/ HRESULT ForceFeedbackDevice::InitJoystickParams(DWORD dwDeviceID) { // Sanity Checks
if (GetEffect(SYSTEM_EFFECT_ID) != NULL) { ASSUME_NOT_REACHED(); return SUCCESS; // Already initialized
} if (g_pDataPackager == NULL) { ASSUME_NOT_REACHED(); return SFERR_DRIVER_ERROR; // No global data packager
} if (g_pDataTransmitter == NULL) { ASSUME_NOT_REACHED(); return SFERR_DRIVER_ERROR; // No global data transmitter
// Force Mapping
m_Mapping = ::GetMapping(dwDeviceID); ::GetMappingPercents(dwDeviceID, m_PercentMappings, 14);
if (GetFirmwareVersionMajor() == 1) { // The default System Effect (the one on the stick)
SystemEffect1XX systemEffect;
// Default System Effect from the registry
SystemStickData1XX sysData; sysData.SetFromRegistry(dwDeviceID);
// Put the registry system values into a DIEFFECT
DIEFFECT systemDIEffect; systemDIEffect.dwSize = sizeof(DIEFFECT); systemDIEffect.cbTypeSpecificParams = sizeof(SystemStickData1XX); systemDIEffect.lpvTypeSpecificParams = &sysData;
// Get a system effect (and fill it with our local DIEffect information
SystemEffect1XX* pSystemEffect = (SystemEffect1XX*)(InternalEffect::CreateSystemEffect()); if (pSystemEffect == NULL) { return SFERR_DRIVER_ERROR; } if (pSystemEffect->Create(systemDIEffect) != SUCCESS) { delete pSystemEffect; // Couldnot create SystemEffect
// Replace the stick default with the registry default
SetEffect(SYSTEM_EFFECT_ID, &systemEffect); // Temporary pointer (but we only store temporarily)
g_pDataPackager->ModifyEffect(systemEffect, *pSystemEffect, 0); // Package relative changes
SetEffect(SYSTEM_EFFECT_ID, pSystemEffect); // Replace the old with the new
pSystemEffect = NULL; // Forgotten, but not gone
ACKNACK ackNack; return g_pDataTransmitter->Transmit(ackNack); // Send it off
return SUCCESS; }
** ** ForceFeedbackDevice::StateChange(DWORD newStateFlags) ** ** @mfunc StateChange. ** ******************************************************/ void ForceFeedbackDevice::StateChange(DWORD dwDeviceID, DWORD newStateFlag) { if (newStateFlag == DISFFC_RESET) { // Stick is reset need to remove local copies of user commands
// Remove all effect from our list
for (int index = 2; index < MAX_EFFECT_IDS; index++) { if (m_EffectList[index] != NULL) { delete m_EffectList[index]; m_EffectList[index] = NULL; } }
// Remove individual axis raw effects
m_RawForceX = 0; m_RawForceY = 0;
// Look at the Y mapping, perhaps it changed
m_Mapping = ::GetMapping(dwDeviceID); ::GetMappingPercents(dwDeviceID, m_PercentMappings, 14); } else if (newStateFlag == DISFFC_STOPALL) { m_RawForceX = 0; m_RawForceY = 0; }
m_DIStateFlags = newStateFlag; }
** ** ForceFeedbackDevice::CreateConditionEffect(DWORD subType, const DIEFFECT& diEffect, HRESULT& hr) ** ** @mfunc CreateConditionEffect. ** ******************************************************/ InternalEffect* ForceFeedbackDevice::CreateConditionEffect(DWORD minorType, const DIEFFECT& diEffect, HRESULT& hr) { InternalEffect* pReturnEffect = NULL; switch (minorType) { case BE_SPRING: case BE_SPRING_2D: { pReturnEffect = InternalEffect::CreateSpring(); break; } case BE_DAMPER: case BE_DAMPER_2D: { pReturnEffect = InternalEffect::CreateDamper(); break; } case BE_INERTIA: case BE_INERTIA_2D: { pReturnEffect = InternalEffect::CreateInertia(); break; } case BE_FRICTION: case BE_FRICTION_2D: { pReturnEffect = InternalEffect::CreateFriction(); break; } case BE_WALL: { pReturnEffect = InternalEffect::CreateWall(); break; } }
if (pReturnEffect != NULL) { hr = pReturnEffect->Create(diEffect); if (FAILED(hr)) { delete pReturnEffect; } } return pReturnEffect; }
** ** ForceFeedbackDevice::CreateRTCSpringEffect(DWORD subType, const DIEFFECT& diEffect) ** ** @mfunc CreateRTCSpringEffect. ** ******************************************************/ InternalEffect* ForceFeedbackDevice::CreateRTCSpringEffect(DWORD minorType, const DIEFFECT& diEffect) { InternalEffect* pEffect = InternalEffect::CreateRTCSpring(); if (pEffect != NULL) { if (pEffect->Create(diEffect) == SUCCESS) { return pEffect; } delete pEffect; } return NULL; }
** ** ForceFeedbackDevice::CreateCustomForceEffect(DWORD subType, const DIEFFECT& diEffect, HRESULT& hr) ** ** @mfunc CreateCustomForceEffect. ** ******************************************************/ InternalEffect* ForceFeedbackDevice::CreateCustomForceEffect(DWORD minorType, const DIEFFECT& diEffect, HRESULT& hr) { InternalEffect* pEffect = InternalEffect::CreateCustomForce(); if (pEffect != NULL) { hr = pEffect->Create(diEffect); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { return pEffect; } delete pEffect; } return NULL; }
** ** ForceFeedbackDevice::CreatePeriodicEffect(DWORD subType, const DIEFFECT& diEffect, HRESULT& hr) ** ** @mfunc CreatePeriodicEffect. ** ******************************************************/ InternalEffect* ForceFeedbackDevice::CreatePeriodicEffect(DWORD minorType, const DIEFFECT& diEffect, HRESULT& hr) { InternalEffect* pReturnEffect = NULL; switch (minorType) { case SE_SINE: { pReturnEffect = InternalEffect::CreateSine(); break; } case SE_SQUAREHIGH: { pReturnEffect = InternalEffect::CreateSquare(); break; } case SE_TRIANGLEUP: { pReturnEffect = InternalEffect::CreateTriangle(); break; } case SE_SAWTOOTHUP: { pReturnEffect = InternalEffect::CreateSawtoothUp(); break; } case SE_SAWTOOTHDOWN: { pReturnEffect = InternalEffect::CreateSawtoothDown(); break; } case SE_CONSTANT_FORCE: { return CreateConstantForceEffect(minorType, diEffect, hr); } case SE_RAMPUP: { return CreateRampForceEffect(minorType, diEffect, hr); } } if (pReturnEffect != NULL) { hr = pReturnEffect->Create(diEffect); if (FAILED(hr) == FALSE) { return pReturnEffect; } delete pReturnEffect; }
return NULL; }
** ** ForceFeedbackDevice::CreateConstantForceEffect(DWORD subType, const DIEFFECT& diEffect, HRESULT& hr) ** ** @mfunc CreateConstantForceEffect. ** ******************************************************/ InternalEffect* ForceFeedbackDevice::CreateConstantForceEffect(DWORD minorType, const DIEFFECT& diEffect, HRESULT& hr) { InternalEffect* pEffect = InternalEffect::CreateConstantForce(); if (pEffect != NULL) { hr = pEffect->Create(diEffect); if (FAILED(hr) == FALSE) { return pEffect; } delete pEffect; } return NULL; }
** ** ForceFeedbackDevice::CreateRampForceEffect(DWORD subType, const DIEFFECT& diEffect, HRESULT& hr) ** ** @mfunc CreateRampForceEffect. ** ******************************************************/ InternalEffect* ForceFeedbackDevice::CreateRampForceEffect(DWORD minorType, const DIEFFECT& diEffect, HRESULT& hr) { InternalEffect* pEffect = InternalEffect::CreateRamp(); if (pEffect != NULL) { hr = pEffect->Create(diEffect); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { return pEffect; } delete pEffect; } return NULL; }
** ** ForceFeedbackDevice::SendRawForce(const DIEFFECT& diEffect) ** ** @mfunc SendRawForce. ** ******************************************************/ HRESULT ForceFeedbackDevice::SendRawForce(const DIEFFECT& diEffect, BOOL paramCheck) { if (diEffect.lpvTypeSpecificParams == NULL) { return SFERR_INVALID_PARAM; } if (diEffect.cbTypeSpecificParams != sizeof(DICONSTANTFORCE)) { return SFERR_INVALID_PARAM; }
// We don't support more than 2 axes, and 0 is probably an error
if ((diEffect.cAxes > 2) || (diEffect.cAxes == 0)) { return SFERR_NO_SUPPORT; }
// Set up the axis mask
DWORD axisMask = 0; for (unsigned int axisIndex = 0; axisIndex < diEffect.cAxes; axisIndex++) { DWORD axisNumber = DIDFT_GETINSTANCE(diEffect.rgdwAxes[axisIndex]); axisMask |= 1 << axisNumber; } BOOL axesReversed = (DIDFT_GETINSTANCE(diEffect.rgdwAxes[0]) == 1);
double angle = 0.0; // Check coordinate sytems and change to rectangular
if (diEffect.dwFlags & DIEFF_SPHERICAL) { // We don't support sperical (3 axis force)
return SFERR_NO_SUPPORT; // .. since got by axis check, programmer goofed up
} if (diEffect.dwFlags & DIEFF_POLAR) { if (diEffect.cAxes != 2) { // Polar coordinate must have two axes of data (because DX says so)
return SFERR_INVALID_PARAM; } DWORD effectAngle = diEffect.rglDirection[0]; // in [0] even if reversed
if (axesReversed) { // Indicates (-1, 0) as origin instead of (0, -1)
effectAngle += 27000; } effectAngle %= 36000;
angle = double(effectAngle)/18000 * 3.14159; // Convert to radians
m_RawForceX = 0; m_RawForceY = 0; } else if (diEffect.dwFlags & DIEFF_CARTESIAN) { // Convert to polar (so we can convert to cartesian)
if (diEffect.cAxes == 1) { // Fairly easy conversion
if (X_AXIS & axisMask) { angle = 3.14159/2; // PI/2
} else { angle = 0.0; } } else { // Multiple axis cartiesian
m_RawForceX = 0; m_RawForceY = 0;
int xDirection = DIDFT_GETINSTANCE(diEffect.rglDirection[0]); int yDirection = DIDFT_GETINSTANCE(diEffect.rglDirection[1]); if (axesReversed == TRUE) { yDirection = xDirection; xDirection = DIDFT_GETINSTANCE(diEffect.rglDirection[1]); } angle = atan2(double(yDirection), double(xDirection)); } } else { // What, is there some other format?
ASSUME_NOT_REACHED(); return SFERR_INVALID_PARAM; // Untill someone says otherwise there was an error
// Sin^2(a) + Cos^2(a) = 1
double xProj = ::sin(angle); // DI has 0 degs at (1, 0) not (0, 1)
double yProj = ::cos(angle); xProj *= xProj; yProj *= yProj; DWORD percentX = DWORD(xProj * 100.0 + 0.05); DWORD percentY = DWORD(yProj * 100.0 + 0.05);
BOOL truncated = FALSE; if (percentX != 0) { m_RawForceX = LONG(percentX * (((DICONSTANTFORCE*)(diEffect.lpvTypeSpecificParams))->lMagnitude/100)); if (m_RawForceX > 10000) { m_RawForceX = 10000; truncated = TRUE; } else if (m_RawForceX < -10000) { m_RawForceX = -10000; truncated = TRUE; } } if (percentY != 0) { m_RawForceY = LONG(percentY * (((DICONSTANTFORCE*)(diEffect.lpvTypeSpecificParams))->lMagnitude/100)); if (m_RawForceY > 10000) { m_RawForceY = 10000; truncated = TRUE; } else if (m_RawForceY < -10000) { m_RawForceY = -10000; truncated = TRUE; } } long int mag = m_RawForceX + m_RawForceY * GetYMappingPercent(ET_RAWFORCE_200)/100; if (mag > 10000) { // Check for overrun but don't return indication of truncation
mag = 10000; } else if (mag < -10000) { mag = -10000; } if (angle > 3.14159) { // PI
mag *= -1; } HRESULT hr = g_pDataPackager->ForceOut(mag, X_AXIS); if ((hr != SUCCESS) || (paramCheck == TRUE)) { return hr; }
ACKNACK ackNack; g_pDataTransmitter->Transmit(ackNack);
if (truncated == TRUE) { return DI_TRUNCATED; } return SUCCESS; }
** ** ForceFeedbackDevice::CreateVFXEffect(const DIEFFECT& diEffect, HRESULT& hr) ** ** @mfunc CreateVFXEffect. ** ******************************************************/ InternalEffect* ForceFeedbackDevice::CreateVFXEffect(const DIEFFECT& diEffect, HRESULT& hr) { /* ULONG m_Bytes; // Size of this structure
ULONG m_BufferSize; // number of bytes in buffer (if VFX_BUFFER)
PVOID m_pFileNameOrBuffer; // file name to open
*/ if (diEffect.lpvTypeSpecificParams == NULL) { return NULL; } if (diEffect.cbTypeSpecificParams != sizeof(VFX_PARAM)) { return NULL; }
VFX_PARAM* pVFXParms = (VFX_PARAM*)diEffect.lpvTypeSpecificParams; BYTE* pEffectBuffer = NULL; ULONG numBufferBytes = 0; if (pVFXParms->m_PointerType == VFX_FILENAME) { // Create memory buffer from file
hr = LoadBufferFromFile((const char*)(pVFXParms->m_pFileNameOrBuffer), pEffectBuffer, numBufferBytes); } else { pEffectBuffer = (BYTE*)(pVFXParms->m_pFileNameOrBuffer); numBufferBytes = pVFXParms->m_BufferSize; }
if ((pEffectBuffer == NULL) || (numBufferBytes == 0)) { return NULL; }
return CreateVFXEffectFromBuffer(diEffect, pEffectBuffer, numBufferBytes, hr); }
** ** ForceFeedbackDevice::CreateVFXEffectFromBuffer(const DIEFFECT& diEffect, BYTE* pEffectBuffer, ULONG numBufferBytes, HRESULT& hr) ** ** @mfunc CreateVFXEffect. ** ******************************************************/ InternalEffect* ForceFeedbackDevice::CreateVFXEffectFromBuffer(const DIEFFECT& diEffect, BYTE* pEffectBuffer, ULONG numBufferBytes, HRESULT& hr) { if ((pEffectBuffer == NULL) || (numBufferBytes == 0)) { ASSUME_NOT_REACHED(); return NULL; }
MMIOINFO mmioInfo; ::memset(&mmioInfo, 0, sizeof(MMIOINFO)); mmioInfo.fccIOProc = FOURCC_MEM; mmioInfo.cchBuffer = numBufferBytes; mmioInfo.pchBuffer = (char*)pEffectBuffer;
HMMIO hmmio = ::mmioOpen(NULL, &mmioInfo, MMIO_READ); if (hmmio == NULL) { return NULL; }
BYTE* pEffectParms = NULL; DWORD paramSize; EFFECT effect; // SW EFFECT structure
ENVELOPE envelope; // SW ENVELOPE structure
try { // Try parsing the RIFF file
MMRESULT mmResult;
// Descend into FORC list
MMCKINFO forceEffectRiffInfo; forceEffectRiffInfo.fccType = FCC_FORCE_EFFECT_RIFF; if ((mmResult = ::mmioDescend(hmmio, &forceEffectRiffInfo, NULL, MMIO_FINDRIFF)) != MMSYSERR_NOERROR) { throw mmResult; }
// Descend into TRAK list
MMCKINFO trakListInfo; trakListInfo.fccType = FCC_TRACK_LIST; if ((mmResult = ::mmioDescend(hmmio, &trakListInfo, &forceEffectRiffInfo, MMIO_FINDLIST)) != MMSYSERR_NOERROR) { throw mmResult; }
// Descend into first EFCT list
MMCKINFO effectListInfo; effectListInfo.fccType = FCC_EFFECT_LIST; if ((mmResult = ::mmioDescend(hmmio, &effectListInfo, &trakListInfo, MMIO_FINDLIST)) != MMSYSERR_NOERROR) { throw mmResult; }
// Descend into the ID chunk (maybe someone has a clue what is in here)
MMCKINFO idInfo; idInfo.ckid = FCC_ID_CHUNK; if ((mmResult = ::mmioDescend(hmmio, &idInfo, &effectListInfo, MMIO_FINDCHUNK)) != MMSYSERR_NOERROR) { throw mmResult; } // Find the number of IDs in here (should indicate the number of effect)
DWORD numEffects = idInfo.cksize/sizeof(DWORD); if (numEffects != 1) { throw SFERR_NO_SUPPORT; } // Read the ID chunk
DWORD id; DWORD bytesRead = ::mmioRead(hmmio, (char*)&id, sizeof(DWORD)); if (bytesRead != sizeof(DWORD)) { throw (bytesRead == 0) ? VFX_ERR_FILE_END_OF_FILE : VFX_ERR_FILE_CANNOT_READ; } // Back out of the ID chunk
if ((mmResult = ::mmioAscend(hmmio, &idInfo, 0)) != MMSYSERR_NOERROR) { throw HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(mmResult); }
// Descend into the DATA chunk
MMCKINFO dataInfo; dataInfo.ckid = FCC_DATA_CHUNK; if ((mmResult = ::mmioDescend(hmmio, &dataInfo, &effectListInfo, MMIO_FINDCHUNK)) != MMSYSERR_NOERROR) { throw HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(mmResult); } // Read the effect structure from this chunk
bytesRead = ::mmioRead(hmmio, (char*)&effect, sizeof(EFFECT)); if (bytesRead != sizeof(EFFECT)) { throw (bytesRead == 0) ? VFX_ERR_FILE_END_OF_FILE : VFX_ERR_FILE_CANNOT_READ; } // Read the envelope structure from this chunk
bytesRead = ::mmioRead(hmmio, (char*)&envelope, sizeof(ENVELOPE)); if (bytesRead != sizeof(ENVELOPE)) { throw (bytesRead == 0) ? VFX_ERR_FILE_END_OF_FILE : VFX_ERR_FILE_CANNOT_READ; } // Read the parameters in:
// -- Figure out the paramter size
DWORD currentFilePos = ::mmioSeek(hmmio, 0, SEEK_CUR); if (currentFilePos == -1) { throw VFX_ERR_FILE_CANNOT_SEEK; } paramSize = dataInfo.dwDataOffset + dataInfo.cksize - currentFilePos; // -- Allocate space for the parameter
pEffectParms = new BYTE[paramSize]; if (pEffectParms == NULL) { throw VFX_ERR_FILE_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } // -- Do the actual reading
bytesRead = ::mmioRead(hmmio, (char*)pEffectParms, paramSize); if (bytesRead != paramSize) { throw (bytesRead == 0) ? VFX_ERR_FILE_END_OF_FILE : VFX_ERR_FILE_CANNOT_READ; } // -- The pointer must be fixed if this is User Defined
if (effect.m_Type == EF_USER_DEFINED) { BYTE* pForceData = pEffectParms + sizeof(UD_PARAM); UD_PARAM* pUDParam = (UD_PARAM*)pEffectParms; pUDParam->m_pForceData = (LONG*)pForceData; } } catch (HRESULT thrownError) { hr = thrownError; ::mmioClose(hmmio, 0); if (pEffectParms == NULL) { // Did we get an effect?
return NULL; } }
::mmioClose(hmmio, 0); // Close the file
if (pEffectParms == NULL) { ASSUME_NOT_REACHED(); //Exception should have been thrown
return NULL; }
InternalEffect* pReturnEffect = InternalEffect::CreateFromVFX(diEffect, effect, envelope, pEffectParms, paramSize, hr);
// Cleanup
delete pEffectParms; pEffectParms = NULL;
return pReturnEffect; }
** ** ForceFeedbackDevice::CreateEffect(DWORD& effectID, const DIEFFECT& diEffect) ** ** @mfunc CreateEffect. ** ******************************************************/ InternalEffect* ForceFeedbackDevice::CreateEffect(DWORD effectType, const DIEFFECT& diEffect, DWORD& dnloadID, HRESULT& hr, BOOL paramCheck) { WORD majorType = WORD((effectType >> 16) & 0x0000FFFF); WORD minorType = WORD(effectType & 0x0000FFFF);
if (majorType == EF_RAW_FORCE) { hr = SendRawForce(diEffect, paramCheck); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { dnloadID = RAW_FORCE_ALIAS; } return NULL; }
InternalEffect* pEffect = NULL; BOOL isNewEffect = (dnloadID == 0); if (isNewEffect) { dnloadID = g_ForceFeedbackDevice.GetNextCreationID(); if (dnloadID == 0) { hr = SFERR_OUT_OF_FF_MEMORY; return NULL; } }
switch (majorType) { case EF_BEHAVIOR: { pEffect = CreateConditionEffect(minorType, diEffect, hr); break; } case EF_USER_DEFINED: { pEffect = CreateCustomForceEffect(minorType, diEffect, hr); break; } case EF_SYNTHESIZED: { pEffect = CreatePeriodicEffect(minorType, diEffect, hr); break; } case EF_RTC_SPRING: { dnloadID = SYSTEM_RTCSPRING_ALIAS_ID; pEffect = CreateRTCSpringEffect(minorType, diEffect); break; } case EF_VFX_EFFECT: { // Visual force VFX Effect!!! Danger Will Robinson!
pEffect = CreateVFXEffect(diEffect, hr); break; } } if (((pEffect == NULL) || (paramCheck == TRUE)) && (isNewEffect == TRUE)) { dnloadID = 0; }
if (pEffect != NULL) { if ((isNewEffect == TRUE) && (paramCheck == FALSE)) { g_ForceFeedbackDevice.SetEffect(BYTE(dnloadID), pEffect); } } else if (!FAILED(hr)) { hr = SFERR_DRIVER_ERROR; } return pEffect; }
** ** ForceFeedbackDevice::GetNextCreationID() const ** ** @mfunc GetNextCreationID. ** ******************************************************/ BYTE ForceFeedbackDevice::GetNextCreationID() const { // Must search straight through (start at 2, 0 is spring, 1 is friction
for (BYTE emptyID = 2; emptyID < MAX_EFFECT_IDS; emptyID++) { if (m_EffectList[emptyID] == NULL) { break; } } if (emptyID == MAX_EFFECT_IDS) { return 0; } return emptyID; }
** ** ForceFeedbackDevice::SetEffect(BYTE globalID, BYTE deviceID, InternalEffect* pEffect) ** ** @mfunc SetEffect. ** ******************************************************/ void ForceFeedbackDevice::SetEffect(BYTE globalID, InternalEffect* pEffect) { if (pEffect == NULL) { ASSUME_NOT_REACHED(); return; }
if (globalID == SYSTEM_EFFECT_ID) { m_SystemEffect = pEffect; } else if (globalID == SYSTEM_RTCSPRING_ALIAS_ID) { m_EffectList[0] = pEffect; if (GetFirmwareVersionMajor() == 1) { pEffect->SetGlobalID(SYSTEM_RTCSPRING_ID); pEffect->SetDeviceID(SYSTEM_RTCSPRING_ID); } else { pEffect->SetGlobalID(ID_RTCSPRING_200); pEffect->SetDeviceID(ID_RTCSPRING_200); } return; } else if (globalID < MAX_EFFECT_IDS) { m_EffectList[globalID] = pEffect; } else { ASSUME_NOT_REACHED(); // Out of range
pEffect->SetGlobalID(globalID); }
** ** ForceFeedbackDevice::SetDeviceIDFromStatusPacket(DWORD globalID) ** ** @mfunc SetDeviceIDFromStatusPacket. ** ******************************************************/ void ForceFeedbackDevice::SetDeviceIDFromStatusPacket(DWORD globalID) { if (globalID == SYSTEM_EFFECT_ID) { return; } if (globalID == SYSTEM_RTCSPRING_ALIAS_ID) { return; } if (globalID < MAX_EFFECT_IDS) { InternalEffect* pEffect = m_EffectList[globalID]; if (pEffect == NULL) { ASSUME_NOT_REACHED(); // There should be an effect here
return; } pEffect->SetDeviceID(BYTE(m_LastStatusPacket.dwEffect)); #ifdef _DEBUG // Check to see if they coincide
if (pEffect->GetGlobalID() != pEffect->GetDeviceID()) { TCHAR buff[256]; ::wsprintf(buff, TEXT("SW_WHEEL.DLL: Global ID (%d) != Download ID (%d)\r\n"), pEffect->GetGlobalID(), pEffect->GetDeviceID()); _RPT0(_CRT_WARN, buff); } #endif _DEBUG
} else { ASSUME_NOT_REACHED(); // Out of range
} }
** ** ForceFeedbackDevice::QueryStatus() ** ** @mfunc QueryStatus. ** ******************************************************/ HRESULT ForceFeedbackDevice::QueryStatus() { CriticalLock cl; // This is a critical section
// Use Digital Overdrive to get the status packet
JOYCHANNELSTATUS statusPacket = {sizeof(JOYCHANNELSTATUS)}; HRESULT hRet = g_pDriverCommunicator->GetStatus(statusPacket); if (hRet == SUCCESS) { if (GetFirmwareVersionMajor() == 1) { // This is irrelevant till we support jolt
} else { if (sizeof(statusPacket.dwDeviceStatus) == sizeof(m_Version200State)) { ::memcpy(&m_Version200State, &(statusPacket.dwDeviceStatus), sizeof(statusPacket.dwDeviceStatus)); } else { ASSUME_NOT_REACHED(); } } }
return hRet; }