MODULE: MIDI_OBJ.CPP Tab stops 5 9 Copyright 1995, 1996, 1999, Microsoft Corporation, All Rights Reserved.
PURPOSE: Methods for SWFF MIDI device object
FUNCTIONS: Classes methods
Author(s): Name: ---------- ---------------- MEA Manolito E. Adan
Revision History: ----------------- Version Date Author Comments ------- ------ ----- ----------------------------------------- 0.1 10-Sep-96 MEA original 1.1 20-May-97 MEA Added Mutex and Thread safe code 17-Jun-97 MEA Fixed bug Midi Handle lost if 1st process terminated. 21-Mar-99 waltw Removed unreferenced UpdateJoystickParams, GetJoystickParams 21-Mar-99 waltw Add dwDeviceID param: CJoltMidi::Initialize and pass down food chain 21-Mar-99 waltw Added dwDeviceID param to DetectMidiDevice, InitDigitalOverDrive,
****************************************************************************/ #include <assert.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <mmsystem.h>
#include "SW_Error.hpp"
#include "midi_obj.hpp"
#include "vxdioctl.hpp"
#include "joyregst.hpp"
#include "FFDevice.h"
#include "DPack.h"
#include "CritSec.h"
#include "DTrans.h"
Declaration of externs
****************************************************************************/ extern void CALLBACK midiOutputHandler(HMIDIOUT, UINT, DWORD, DWORD, DWORD); extern TCHAR szDeviceName[MAX_SIZE_SNAME]; extern CJoltMidi *g_pJoltMidi;
Declaration of variables
Macros etc
#ifdef _DEBUG
extern char g_cMsg[160]; void DebugOut(LPCTSTR szDebug) { g_CriticalSection.Enter(); _RPT0(_CRT_WARN, szDebug); g_CriticalSection.Leave();
#ifdef _LOG_DEBUG
#pragma message("Compiling with Debug Log to SW_WHEEL.txt")
FILE *pf = fopen("SW_WHEEL.txt", "a"); if (pf != NULL) { fputs(szDebug, pf); fclose(pf); } #endif // _LOG_DEBUG
} #else !_DEBUG
#define DebugOut(x)
#endif // _DEBUG
// ****************************************************************************
// *** --- Member functions for base CJoltMidi
// ****************************************************************************
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function: CJoltMidi::CJoltMidi
// Purpose: Constructor(s)/Destructor for CJoltMidi Object
// Parameters:
// Returns:
// Algorithm:
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CJoltMidi::CJoltMidi(void) { CriticalLock cl;
static char cWaterMark[MAX_SIZE_SNAME] = {"SWFF_SHAREDMEMORY MEA"}; BOOL bAlreadyMapped = FALSE; #ifdef _DEBUG
DebugOut("SWFF_PRO(DX):CJoltMidi::CJoltMidi\n"); #endif
memset(this, 0, sizeof(CJoltMidi)); m_hVxD = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
// Create an in-memory memory-mapped file
if (m_hSharedMemoryFile == NULL) { #ifdef _DEBUG
DebugOut("SW_WHEEL(DX):ERROR! Failed to create Memory mapped file\n"); #endif
} else { if (GetLastError() == ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) { bAlreadyMapped = TRUE; } // File mapping created successfully.
// Map a view of the file into the address space.
m_pSharedMemory = (PSHARED_MEMORY) MapViewOfFile(m_hSharedMemoryFile, FILE_MAP_READ | FILE_MAP_WRITE, 0, 0, 0); if ((BYTE *) m_pSharedMemory == NULL) { #ifdef _DEBUG
DebugOut("SW_WHEEL(DX):ERROR! Failed to Map view of shared memory\n"); #endif
// ***** Shared Memory Access *****
LockSharedMemory(); if (!bAlreadyMapped) { // Set watermark and initialize, Bump Ref Count
memcpy(&m_pSharedMemory->m_cWaterMark[0], &cWaterMark[0], MAX_SIZE_SNAME); m_pSharedMemory->m_RefCnt = 0; } m_pSharedMemory->m_RefCnt++; } #ifdef _DEBUG
wsprintf(g_cMsg, "SW_WHEEL(DX): Shared Memory:%lx, m_RefCnt:%d\n",m_pSharedMemory, m_pSharedMemory->m_RefCnt); DebugOut(g_cMsg); #endif
UnlockSharedMemory(); // ***** End of Shared Memory Access *****
// --- Destructor
CJoltMidi::~CJoltMidi() { CriticalLock cl;
DebugOut("SW_WHEEL(DX):CJoltMidi::~CJoltMidi()\n"); // Normal CJoltMidi Destructor
// Free the Primary SYS_EX locked memory
if (m_hPrimaryBuffer) { GlobalUnlock(m_hPrimaryBuffer); GlobalFree(m_hPrimaryBuffer); }
// ***** Shared Memory Access *****
LockSharedMemory(); // Decrement Ref Count and clean up if equal to zero.
m_pSharedMemory->m_RefCnt--; #ifdef _DEBUG
wsprintf(g_cMsg,"CJoltMidi::~CJoltMidi. RefCnt = %d\n",m_pSharedMemory->m_RefCnt); DebugOut(g_cMsg); #endif
if (0 == m_pSharedMemory->m_RefCnt) { if ((g_pDataTransmitter != NULL) && (g_pDataPackager != NULL)) { // Tri-state Midi lines
if (g_pDataPackager->SendForceFeedbackCommand(SWDEV_KILL_MIDI) == SUCCESS) { ACKNACK ackNack; g_pDataTransmitter->Transmit(ackNack); // Send it off
} } }
// Kill Data Packager
delete g_pDataPackager; g_pDataPackager = NULL;
// Kill Data Transmitter
delete g_pDataTransmitter; g_pDataTransmitter = NULL;
// This gets closed in UnlockSharedMemory call below. 22-Mar-99 waltw
// if (m_hSWFFDataMutex) CloseHandle(m_hSWFFDataMutex);
// Release the Midi Output Event handles
if (m_hMidiOutputEvent) { CloseHandle (m_hMidiOutputEvent); m_hMidiOutputEvent = NULL; }
// ***** End of Shared Memory Access *****
// Release Memory Mapped file handles
if (m_hSharedMemoryFile != NULL) { UnmapViewOfFile((LPCVOID) m_pSharedMemory); CloseHandle(m_hSharedMemoryFile); }
// Release Mutex handle after releasing Mem Mapped file
// Close VxD handles
if (g_pDriverCommunicator != NULL) { delete g_pDriverCommunicator; g_pDriverCommunicator = NULL; }
memset(this, 0, sizeof(CJoltMidi)); m_hVxD = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function: CJoltMidi::Initialize
// Purpose: Initializer
// Parameters:
// Returns:
// Algorithm:
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
HRESULT CJoltMidi::Initialize(DWORD dwDeviceID) { CriticalLock cl;
// initialize the MIDI output information block
m_MidiOutInfo.uDeviceType = MIDI_OUT; m_MidiOutInfo.hMidiOut = NULL; m_MidiOutInfo.fAlwaysKeepOpen = TRUE; m_MidiOutInfo.uDeviceStatus = MIDI_DEVICE_IDLE; m_MidiOutInfo.MidiHdr.dwBytesRecorded = 0; m_MidiOutInfo.MidiHdr.dwUser = 0; m_MidiOutInfo.MidiHdr.dwOffset = 0; m_MidiOutInfo.MidiHdr.dwFlags = 0; // Allocate and lock global memory for SysEx messages
m_hPrimaryBuffer = GlobalAlloc(GMEM_SHARE|GMEM_MOVEABLE, MAX_SYS_EX_BUFFER_SIZE); assert(m_hPrimaryBuffer); if (m_hPrimaryBuffer == NULL) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
m_pPrimaryBuffer = (LPBYTE) GlobalLock(m_hPrimaryBuffer); assert(m_pPrimaryBuffer); if(NULL == m_pPrimaryBuffer) { GlobalFree(m_hPrimaryBuffer); return (SFERR_DRIVER_ERROR); }
// Initialize the IOCTL interface to VjoyD mini-driver
hRet = InitDigitalOverDrive(dwDeviceID); if (SUCCESS != hRet) { DebugOut("Warning! Could not Initialize Digital OverDrive\n"); return (hRet); } else DebugOut("InitDigitalOverDrive - Success\n");
// Create a Callback Event
HANDLE hEvent = OpenEvent(EVENT_ALL_ACCESS, FALSE, SWFF_MIDIEVENT); if (NULL == hEvent) { // Create an Event for notification when Midi Output has completed
m_hMidiOutputEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, // No security
TRUE, // Manual reset
FALSE, // Initial event is non-signaled
assert(m_hMidiOutputEvent); } else m_hMidiOutputEvent = hEvent;
// This function is only called after g_pJoltMidi created
assert(g_pJoltMidi); PDELAY_PARAMS pDelayParams = g_pJoltMidi->DelayParamsPtrOf(); GetDelayParams(dwDeviceID, pDelayParams);
// Reset HW first
g_pDriverCommunicator->ResetDevice(); Sleep(DelayParamsPtrOf()->dwHWResetDelay);
// Set MIDI channel to default then Detect a Midi Device
if (!DetectMidiDevice(dwDeviceID, &m_COMMPort)) { // Port address
DebugOut("Warning! No Midi Device detected\n"); return (SFERR_DRIVER_ERROR); } else { #ifdef _DEBUG
wsprintf(g_cMsg,"DetectMidiDevice returned: DeviceID=%d, COMMInterface=%x, COMMPort=%x\n", m_MidiOutInfo.uDeviceID, m_COMMInterface, m_COMMPort); DebugOut(g_cMsg); #endif
if ((g_pDataPackager == NULL) || (g_pDataTransmitter == NULL)) { ASSUME_NOT_REACHED(); return SFERR_DRIVER_ERROR; }
// Set the status byte properly
ULONG portByte = 0; g_pDriverCommunicator->GetPortByte(portByte); // don't care about success, always fails on old driver
if (portByte & STATUS_GATE_200) { g_pDataTransmitter->SetNextNack(1); } else { g_pDataTransmitter->SetNextNack(0); }
// Send Initialization packet(s) to Jolt
hRet = g_pDataPackager->SetMidiChannel(DEFAULT_MIDI_CHANNEL); if (hRet == SUCCESS) { ACKNACK ackNack; hRet = g_pDataTransmitter->Transmit(ackNack); } if (hRet != SUCCESS) { DebugOut("Warning! Could not Initialize Jolt\n"); return (hRet); } else { DebugOut("JOLT SetMidiChannel - Success\n"); }
// At this point, we have a valid MIDI path...
// Continue by setting up the ROM Effects default table entries
// ID , OutputRate, Gain, Duration
static ROM_FX_PARAM RomFxTable [] = {{ RE_ROMID1 , 100, 100, 12289 }, // Random Noise
{ RE_ROMID2 , 100, 100, 2625 }, // AircraftCarrierTakeOff
{ RE_ROMID3 , 100, 50, 166 }, // BasketballDribble
{ RE_ROMID4 , 100, 14, 10000 }, // CarEngineIdling
{ RE_ROMID5 , 100, 30, 1000 }, // Chainsaw
{ RE_ROMID6 , 100, 100, 1000 }, // ChainsawingThings
{ RE_ROMID7 , 100, 40, 10000 }, // DieselEngineIdling
{ RE_ROMID8 , 100, 100, 348 }, // Jump
{ RE_ROMID9 , 100, 100, 250 }, // Land
{ RE_ROMID10, 200, 100, 1000 }, // MachineGun
{ RE_ROMID11, 100, 100, 83 }, // Punched
{ RE_ROMID12, 100, 100, 1000 }, // RocketLauncher
{ RE_ROMID13, 100, 98, 500 }, // SecretDoor
{ RE_ROMID14, 100, 66, 25 }, // SwitchClick
{ RE_ROMID15, 100, 75, 500 }, // WindGust
{ RE_ROMID16, 100, 100, 2500 }, // WindShear
{ RE_ROMID17, 100, 100, 50 }, // Pistol
{ RE_ROMID18, 100, 100, 295 }, // Shotgun
{ RE_ROMID19, 500, 95, 1000 }, // Laser1
{ RE_ROMID20, 500, 96, 1000 }, // Laser2
{ RE_ROMID21, 500, 100, 1000 }, // Laser3
{ RE_ROMID22, 500, 100, 1000 }, // Laser4
{ RE_ROMID23, 500, 100, 1000 }, // Laser5
{ RE_ROMID24, 500, 70, 1000 }, // Laser6
{ RE_ROMID25, 100, 100, 25 }, // OutOfAmmo
{ RE_ROMID26, 100, 71, 1000 }, // LigntningGun
{ RE_ROMID27, 100, 100, 250 }, // Missile
{ RE_ROMID28, 100, 100, 1000 }, // GatlingGun
{ RE_ROMID29, 500, 97, 250 }, // ShortPlasma
{ RE_ROMID30, 500, 100, 500 }, // PlasmaCannon1
{ RE_ROMID31, 500, 99, 625 }, // PlasmaCannon2
{ RE_ROMID32, 100, 100, 440 }}; // Cannon
// { RE_ROMID33, 100, 68, 1000 }, // FlameThrower
// { RE_ROMID34, 100, 100, 75 }, // BoltActionRifle
// { RE_ROMID35, 500, 100, 300 }, // Crossbow
// { RE_ROMID36, 100, 100, 1000 }, // Sine
// { RE_ROMID37, 100, 100, 1000 }}; // Cosine
m_pRomFxTable = &RomFxTable[0];
// ***** Shared Memory Access *****
LockSharedMemory(); LONG lRefCnt = m_pSharedMemory->m_RefCnt; UnlockSharedMemory(); // ***** End of Shared Memory Access *****
// Initialize the RTC_Spring object
// initialize the joystick params
// initialize the firmware params fudge factors (for the first time)
// in the case of the FFD interface, this will be the only time they
// are initialized, which may cause a problem because joystick is assumed
// to be ID1
PFIRMWARE_PARAMS pFirmwareParams = g_pJoltMidi->FirmwareParamsPtrOf(); GetFirmwareParams(dwDeviceID, pFirmwareParams);
return (SUCCESS); }
// *** ---------------------------------------------------------------------***
// Function: CJoltMidi::LockSharedMemory
// Purpose: Creates a Mutex for Shared Memory access
// Parameters: none
// Returns: TRUE if Mutex available else FALSE
// Algorithm:
// Comments:
// *** ---------------------------------------------------------------------***
BOOL CJoltMidi::LockSharedMemory(void) { DWORD dwRet; { CriticalLock cl;
// Create the SWFF mutex
HANDLE hMutex = OpenMutex(MUTEX_ALL_ACCESS, FALSE, SWFF_SHAREDMEM_MUTEX); if (NULL == hMutex) { // Doesn't exist yet, so create it
hMutex = CreateMutex(NULL, TRUE, SWFF_SHAREDMEM_MUTEX); if (NULL == hMutex) { #ifdef _DEBUG
DebugOut("Error! Could not create SWFFDataMutex\n"); #endif
m_hSWFFDataMutex = NULL; return (FALSE); } } // SUCCESS
m_hSWFFDataMutex = hMutex; dwRet = WaitForSingleObject(m_hSWFFDataMutex, MUTEX_TIMEOUT); } // End of Critical Section
if (WAIT_OBJECT_0 == dwRet) return (TRUE); else { #ifdef _DEBUG
g_CriticalSection.Enter(); wsprintf(g_cMsg,"CJoltMidi::LockSharedMemory() error return: %lx\n", dwRet); DebugOut(g_cMsg); g_CriticalSection.Leave(); #endif
return (FALSE); } }
// *** ---------------------------------------------------------------------***
// Function: CJoltMidi::UnlockSharedMemory
// Purpose: Releases Mutex for Shared Memory access
// Parameters: none
// Returns: none
// Algorithm:
// Comments:
// *** ---------------------------------------------------------------------***
void CJoltMidi::UnlockSharedMemory(void) { //
g_CriticalSection.Enter(); if (NULL != m_hSWFFDataMutex) { ReleaseMutex(m_hSWFFDataMutex); CloseHandle(m_hSWFFDataMutex); m_hSWFFDataMutex=NULL; } // --- END OF CRITICAL SECTION
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function: CJoltMidi::GetAckNackData
// Purpose: Waits for a Response ACK
// Parameters: int nTImeWait - Time to wait in 1 ms increment, 0=no wait
// PACKNACK pAckNack - Pointer to ACKNACK structure
// Returns: SUCCESS else error code SFERR_DRIVER_ERROR
// Algorithm:
// Note: For Short messages the MidiOutProc callback receives no MM_MOM_DONE
// indicating completed transmission. Only Long (SysEx) messages do.
// Uses:
//typedef struct _ACKNACK {
// DWORD cBytes;
// DWORD dwAckNack; //ACK, NACK
// DWORD dwErrorCode;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
HRESULT CJoltMidi::GetAckNackData( IN int nTimeWait, IN OUT PACKNACK pAckNack, IN USHORT usRegIndex) { CriticalLock cl;
assert(pAckNack); // Use IOCTL from VxD to get AckNack data
// Wait for Event to be set
if (nTimeWait && m_hMidiOutputEvent) { DWORD dwRet = WaitForSingleObject(m_hMidiOutputEvent, nTimeWait); // :
#ifdef _DEBUG
wsprintf(g_cMsg,"WaitForSingleObject %lx returned %lx, nTimeWait=%ld\n", m_hMidiOutputEvent, dwRet, nTimeWait); DebugOut(g_cMsg); #endif
BOOL bRet = ResetEvent(m_hMidiOutputEvent); }
HRESULT hRet = g_pDriverCommunicator->GetAckNack(*pAckNack, usRegIndex);
return (hRet); }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function: CJoltMidi::InitDigitalOverDrive
// Purpose: Initialize the VxD interface
// Parameters: none
// Returns: SUCCESS or Error code
// Algorithm:
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
HRESULT CJoltMidi::InitDigitalOverDrive(DWORD dwDeviceID) { if (g_pDriverCommunicator != NULL) { // Attempt to reinit
HRESULT hRet = SUCCESS; DWORD driverMajor = 0xFFFFFFFF; DWORD driverMinor = 0xFFFFFFFF;
CriticalLock cl; // This fork works on NT5 only (VxD stuff removed)
assert(g_ForceFeedbackDevice.IsOSNT5() == TRUE); { g_pDriverCommunicator = new HIDFeatureCommunicator; if (g_pDriverCommunicator == NULL) { return DIERR_OUTOFMEMORY; } if (((HIDFeatureCommunicator*)g_pDriverCommunicator)->Initialize(dwDeviceID) == FALSE) { // Could not load the driver
if (FAILED(hRet)) { return hRet; }
// Loaded driver, get the version
g_pDriverCommunicator->GetDriverVersion(driverMajor, driverMinor);
g_ForceFeedbackDevice.SetDriverVersion(driverMajor, driverMinor); return (hRet); }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function: CJoltMidi::UpdateDeviceMode
// Purpose: Sets JOLT Device Mode
// Parameters: ULONG ulMode
// Returns: none
// Algorithm:
// This is the SideWinder State structure
//typedef struct _SWDEVICESTATE {
// ULONG m_Bytes; // size of this structure
// ULONG m_HOTS; // Hands On Throttle and Stick Status
// // 0 = Hands Off, 1 = Hands On
// ULONG m_BandWidth; // Percentage of CPU available 1 to 100%
// // Lower number indicates CPU is in trouble!
// ULONG m_ACBrickFault; // 0 = AC Brick OK, 1 = AC Brick Fault
// ULONG m_ResetDetect; // 1 = HW Reset Detected
// ULONG m_ShutdownDetect; // 1 = Shutdown detected
// ULONG m_CommMode; // 0 = Midi, 1-4 = Serial
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CJoltMidi::UpdateDeviceMode(ULONG ulMode) { //
switch (ulMode) { case SWDEV_FORCE_ON: // REVIEW
case SWDEV_FORCE_OFF: m_DeviceState.m_ForceState = ulMode; break;
case SWDEV_SHUTDOWN: m_DeviceState.m_ForceState = ulMode; m_DeviceState.m_EffectState = 0; break;
case SWDEV_STOP_ALL: case SWDEV_CONTINUE: case SWDEV_PAUSE: m_DeviceState.m_EffectState = ulMode; break;
default: break; } // --- END OF CRITICAL SECTION
g_CriticalSection.Leave(); }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function: CJoltMidi::GetJoltID
// Purpose: Returns JOLT ProductID
// Parameters: LOCAL_PRODUCT_ID* pProductID - Pointer to a PRODUCT_ID structure
// Returns: none
// Algorithm:
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
HRESULT CJoltMidi::GetJoltID(LOCAL_PRODUCT_ID* pProductID) { HRESULT hRet; assert(pProductID->cBytes = sizeof(LOCAL_PRODUCT_ID)); if (pProductID->cBytes != sizeof(LOCAL_PRODUCT_ID)) return (SFERR_INVALID_STRUCT_SIZE);
for (int i=0;i<MAX_RETRY_COUNT;i++) { if (SUCCESS == (hRet = g_pDriverCommunicator->GetID(*pProductID))) break; } if (SUCCESS == hRet) { memcpy(&m_ProductID, pProductID, sizeof(LOCAL_PRODUCT_ID)); } else DebugOut("GetJoltID: Warning! GetIDPacket - Fail\n");
g_CriticalSection.Leave(); return (hRet); }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function: CJoltMidi::LogError
// Purpose: Logs Error codes
// Parameters: HRESULT SystemError - System Error code
// HRESULT DriverError - Driver Error code
// Returns: SWFORCE Error code
// Algorithm:
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
typedef struct _DRIVERERROR { ULONG ulDriverCode; LONG lSystemCode; } DRIVERERROR, *PDRIVERERROR;
HRESULT CJoltMidi::LogError( IN HRESULT SystemError, IN HRESULT DriverError) { // REVIEW: map MM error codes to our SWForce codes
int nDriverErrorCodes = sizeof(DriverErrorCodes)/(sizeof(DRIVERERROR)); for (int i=0; i<nDriverErrorCodes; i++) { if (DriverError == (LONG) DriverErrorCodes[i].ulDriverCode) { SystemError = DriverErrorCodes[i].lSystemCode; break; } } // Store in Jolt object
m_Error.HCode = SystemError; m_Error.ulDriverCode = DriverError;
#ifdef _DEBUG
wsprintf(g_cMsg,"LogError: SystemError=%.8lx, DriverError=%.8lx\n", SystemError, DriverError); DebugOut(g_cMsg); #endif
return SystemError; }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function: SetupROM_Fx
// Purpose: Sets up parameters for ROM Effects
// Parameters: PEFFECT pEffect
// Returns: pEffect is updated with new ROM parameters
// OutputRate
// Gain
// Duration
// Algorithm:
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
HRESULT CJoltMidi::SetupROM_Fx( IN OUT PEFFECT pEffect) { assert(pEffect); if (NULL == pEffect) return (SFERR_INVALID_PARAM); ULONG ulSubType = pEffect->m_SubType; BOOL bFound = FALSE; for (int i=0; i< MAX_ROM_EFFECTS; i++) { if (ulSubType == m_pRomFxTable[i].m_ROM_Id) { bFound = TRUE; break; } } if (!bFound) return (SFERR_INVALID_OBJECT); // Found, so fill in the default parameters, use Default if Gain=1, Duration=-1, OutputRate=-1
BOOL bDefaultDuration = (ULONG)-1 == pEffect->m_Duration; if (1 == pEffect->m_Gain) pEffect->m_Gain = m_pRomFxTable[i].m_Gain; if (bDefaultDuration) pEffect->m_Duration = m_pRomFxTable[i].m_Duration; if ((ULONG)-1 == pEffect->m_ForceOutputRate) { pEffect->m_ForceOutputRate = m_pRomFxTable[i].m_ForceOutputRate; } else if(bDefaultDuration && pEffect->m_ForceOutputRate != 0) { // scale the duration to correspond to the output rate
pEffect->m_Duration = pEffect->m_Duration*m_pRomFxTable[i].m_ForceOutputRate/pEffect->m_ForceOutputRate; } return (SUCCESS); }
// *** ---------------------------------------------------------------------***
// Function: DetectMidiDevice
// Purpose: Determines Midi Output Device ID
// Parameters:
// ULONG pCOMMInterface - Ptr to COMMInterface value
// ULONG pCOMMPort - Ptr to COMMPort value (Registry)
// Returns: BOOL TRUE if successful match and IDs are filled in
// else FALSE
// *** ---------------------------------------------------------------------***
BOOL CJoltMidi::DetectMidiDevice( IN DWORD dwDeviceID, OUT ULONG *pCOMMPort) { CriticalLock cl;
// Set defaults
*pCOMMPort = NULL;
// Turn on tristated Jolt MIDI lines by call GetIDPacket()
LOCAL_PRODUCT_ID ProductID = {sizeof(LOCAL_PRODUCT_ID)}; Sleep(DelayParamsPtrOf()->dwDigitalOverdrivePrechargeCmdDelay); if (SUCCESS != GetJoltID(&ProductID)) { DebugOut("DetectMidiDevice: Warning! GetIDPacket - Fail\n"); return (FALSE); }
#ifdef _DEBUG
wsprintf(g_cMsg,"%s: ProductID=%.8lx, FWVersion=%d.%.2ld\n", &szDeviceName, m_ProductID.dwProductID, m_ProductID.dwFWMajVersion, m_ProductID.dwFWMinVersion); DebugOut(g_cMsg); #endif
// Set the device firmware version from GetID
g_ForceFeedbackDevice.SetFirmwareVersion(dwDeviceID, m_ProductID.dwFWMajVersion, m_ProductID.dwFWMinVersion);
// Get Device status prior to starting detection
BOOL statusPacketFailed = (g_ForceFeedbackDevice.QueryStatus() != SUCCESS); /* if (statusPacketFailed == FALSE) { --- GetID does not clear soft reset bit
if (g_ForceFeedbackDevice.IsHardwareReset()) { // Make sure HW Reset Detect bit is cleared after GetID
DebugOut("DetectMidiDevice: Error! Jolt ResetDetect bit not cleared after GetID\n"); return (FALSE); } } */
// See if Serial Dongle connected, otherwise must be MIDI device
DebugOut("SW_WHEEL:Trying Auto HW Detection: MIDI Serial Port Device...\n");
// Get Registry values, If high bit of COMMInterface is set, then force override (should add)
DWORD commInterface; if (SUCCESS != joyGetForceFeedbackCOMMInterface(dwDeviceID, &commInterface, pCOMMPort)) { DebugOut("DetectMidiDevice: Registry key(s) missing! Bailing Out...\n"); return (FALSE); } #ifdef _DEBUG
wsprintf(g_cMsg, "DetectMidiDevice: Registry.COMMInterface=%lx, Registry.COMMPort=%lx\n", commInterface, *pCOMMPort); DebugOut(g_cMsg); #endif
ULONG regInterface = commInterface;
// Delete any data transmitter (unless this is called multiple times - shouldn't happen)
if (g_pDataTransmitter != NULL) { DebugOut("Unexpected multiple DetectMidiDevice() calls\r\n"); delete g_pDataTransmitter; g_pDataTransmitter = NULL; }
// Was a serial dongle detected, or did we fail to get status
if (g_ForceFeedbackDevice.IsSerial() || statusPacketFailed) { // Use serial (regardless what registry says!)
DebugOut("DetectMidiDevice: Serial Port interface detected. Or Status Packet failed\n");
// Set to backdoor serial method by default
// Should we try backdoor first (old firmware, or reg says so)
if ((g_ForceFeedbackDevice.GetFirmwareVersionMajor() == 1) && (g_ForceFeedbackDevice.GetFirmwareVersionMinor() == 16) || (regInterface & MASK_SERIAL_BACKDOOR)) { g_pDataTransmitter = new SerialBackdoorDataTransmitter; if (!g_pDataTransmitter->Initialize(dwDeviceID)) { delete g_pDataTransmitter; g_pDataTransmitter = NULL; } }
// Backdoor not warrented or didn't work - front door
if (g_pDataTransmitter == NULL) { g_pDataTransmitter = new SerialDataTransmitter(); m_COMMInterface = COMM_SERIAL_FILE; if (!g_pDataTransmitter->Initialize(dwDeviceID)) { // Failed Front Door! (yech)
delete g_pDataTransmitter; g_pDataTransmitter = NULL; } }
if ((statusPacketFailed == FALSE) || (g_pDataTransmitter != NULL)) { return (g_pDataTransmitter != NULL); } } // End of Serial Port Auto HW selection
// No Serial HW dongle detected, try midi-backdoor and WinMM
DebugOut("Trying Midi (Serial No Go or No Dongle)\n");
ULONG ulPort = *pCOMMPort; // Set in the registry (assumed valid if override is set
if ( !(regInterface & MASK_OVERRIDE_MIDI_PATH) ) { // Use Automatic detection
DebugOut("DetectMidiDevice: Auto Detection. Trying Backdoor\n");
// Back Door
g_pDataTransmitter = new MidiBackdoorDataTransmitter();
if (!g_pDataTransmitter->Initialize(dwDeviceID)) { delete g_pDataTransmitter; g_pDataTransmitter = NULL; }
if (g_pDataTransmitter == NULL) { // Try Front Door
DebugOut("DetectMidiDevice: trying WINMM...\n"); g_pDataTransmitter = new WinMMDataTransmitter(); if (!g_pDataTransmitter->Initialize(dwDeviceID)) { delete g_pDataTransmitter; g_pDataTransmitter = NULL; } }
return (g_pDataTransmitter != NULL); }
// Over-ride since high bit is set
commInterface &= ~(MASK_OVERRIDE_MIDI_PATH | MASK_SERIAL_BACKDOOR); // Mask out high bit (and second bit)
switch (commInterface) { case COMM_WINMM: { g_pDataTransmitter = new WinMMDataTransmitter(); if (!g_pDataTransmitter->Initialize(dwDeviceID)) { delete g_pDataTransmitter; g_pDataTransmitter = NULL; } break; } case COMM_MIDI_BACKDOOR: { // Back Door
g_pDataTransmitter = new MidiBackdoorDataTransmitter(); if (!((MidiBackdoorDataTransmitter*)g_pDataTransmitter)->InitializeSpecific(dwDeviceID, HANDLE(ulPort))) { delete g_pDataTransmitter; g_pDataTransmitter = NULL; } break; }
case COMM_SERIAL_BACKDOOR: { // mlc - This will never work if no dongle detected
DebugOut("Cannot force Serial Backdoor if no serial dongle is connected\r\n"); break; } }
if (g_pDataTransmitter == NULL) { DebugOut("DetectMidiDevice: Error! Invalid Over-ride parameter values\n"); }
return (g_pDataTransmitter != NULL); }
// *** ---------------------------------------------------------------------***
// Function: QueryForJolt
// Purpose: Sends Shutdown and Queries for Shutdown status bit
// Parameters: none
// Returns: BOOL TRUE if Jolt found, else FALSE
// Comments: SHUTDOWN is destructive!!!
// *** ---------------------------------------------------------------------***
BOOL CJoltMidi::QueryForJolt(void) { HRESULT hRet;
// Sanity check
if (g_pDataPackager == NULL) { ASSUME_NOT_REACHED(); return FALSE; } if (g_pDataTransmitter == NULL) { ASSUME_NOT_REACHED(); return FALSE; }
// Send Shutdown command then detect if Shutdown was detected
for (int i=0;i<MAX_RETRY_COUNT;i++) { // Send a ShutDown, then check for response
if (g_pDataPackager->SendForceFeedbackCommand(DISFFC_RESET) != SUCCESS) { ASSUME_NOT_REACHED(); // Could not package?
return FALSE; } // Get rid of unneeded delay here
DataPacket* packet = g_pDataPackager->GetPacket(0); if (packet != NULL) { packet->m_AckNackDelay = 0; } ACKNACK ackNack; if (g_pDataTransmitter->Transmit(ackNack) != SUCCESS) { // Send it off
ASSUME_NOT_REACHED(); // Inable to transmit?
return FALSE; }
Sleep(DelayParamsPtrOf()->dwShutdownDelay); // 10 ms
hRet = g_ForceFeedbackDevice.QueryStatus(); if (hRet == SUCCESS) { break; } }
// Clear the Previous state and turn on tri-state buffers
LOCAL_PRODUCT_ID ProductID = {sizeof(LOCAL_PRODUCT_ID)}; hRet = GetJoltID(&ProductID); if (hRet != SUCCESS) { DebugOut("QueryForJolt: Driver Error. Get Jolt Status/ID\n"); return (FALSE); }
return g_ForceFeedbackDevice.IsHostReset(); }
// *** ---------------------------------------------------------------------***
// Function: MidiSendShortMsg
// Purpose: Send status, channel and data.
// Parameters:
// BYTE cStatus - MIDI status byte for this message
// BYTE cData1 - MIDI data byte for this message
// BYTE cData2 - 2nd MIDI data byte for this message (may be 0)
// Returns: HRESULT
// *** ---------------------------------------------------------------------***
HRESULT CJoltMidi::MidiSendShortMsg( IN BYTE cStatus, IN BYTE cData1, IN BYTE cData2) { ASSUME_NOT_REACHED(); return SUCCESS; /*
// For diagnostics, record the attempts at this message
HRESULT retVal = SFERR_DRIVER_ERROR; if (g_pDataTransmitter != NULL) { BYTE data[3]; data[0] = cStatus; data[1] = cData1; data[2] = cData2; int numBytes = 3; DWORD cmd = cStatus & 0xF0; if ((cmd == 0xC0 ) || (cmd == 0xD0)) { numBytes = 2; } if (g_pDataTransmitter->Send(data, numBytes)) { retVal = SUCCESS; } }
g_CriticalSection.Leave(); return retVal; */ }
// *** ---------------------------------------------------------------------***
// Function: MidiSendLongMsg
// Purpose: Send system exclusive message or series of short messages.
// Parameters:
// none - assumes m_pMidiOutInfo structure is valid
// Returns:
// *** ---------------------------------------------------------------------***
HRESULT CJoltMidi::MidiSendLongMsg(void) { ASSUME_NOT_REACHED(); return SUCCESS; /*
// For diagnostics, record the attempts at this message
HRESULT retVal = SFERR_DRIVER_ERROR; if (g_pDataTransmitter != NULL) { if (g_pDataTransmitter->Send((PBYTE)m_MidiOutInfo.MidiHdr.lpData, m_MidiOutInfo.MidiHdr.dwBufferLength)) { retVal = SUCCESS; } }
g_CriticalSection.Leave(); return retVal; */ }
// ****************************************************************************
// *** --- Helper functions for CJoltMidi
// ****************************************************************************
#define REGSTR_VAL_FIRMWARE_PARAMS "FirmwareParams"
void GetFirmwareParams(UINT nJoystickID, PFIRMWARE_PARAMS pFirmwareParams) { BOOL bFail = FALSE;
// try to open the registry key
HKEY hKey; DWORD dwcb = sizeof(FIRMWARE_PARAMS); LONG lr; hKey = joyOpenOEMForceFeedbackKey(nJoystickID); if(!hKey) bFail = TRUE;
if (!bFail) { // Get Firmware Parameters
lr = RegQueryValueEx( hKey, REGSTR_VAL_FIRMWARE_PARAMS, NULL, NULL, (PBYTE)pFirmwareParams, &dwcb);
RegCloseKey(hKey); if (lr != ERROR_SUCCESS) bFail = TRUE; }
if(bFail) { // if reading from the registry fails, just use the defaults
pFirmwareParams->dwScaleKx = DEF_SCALE_KX; pFirmwareParams->dwScaleKy = DEF_SCALE_KY; pFirmwareParams->dwScaleBx = DEF_SCALE_BX; pFirmwareParams->dwScaleBy = DEF_SCALE_BY; pFirmwareParams->dwScaleMx = DEF_SCALE_MX; pFirmwareParams->dwScaleMy = DEF_SCALE_MY; pFirmwareParams->dwScaleFx = DEF_SCALE_FX; pFirmwareParams->dwScaleFy = DEF_SCALE_FY; pFirmwareParams->dwScaleW = DEF_SCALE_W; } }
#define REGSTR_VAL_SYSTEM_PARAMS "SystemParams"
void GetSystemParams(UINT nJoystickID, PSYSTEM_PARAMS pSystemParams) { BOOL bFail = FALSE;
// try to open the registry key
HKEY hKey; DWORD dwcb = sizeof(SYSTEM_PARAMS); LONG lr; hKey = joyOpenOEMForceFeedbackKey(nJoystickID); if(!hKey) bFail = TRUE;
if (!bFail) { // Get Firmware Parameters
lr = RegQueryValueEx( hKey, REGSTR_VAL_SYSTEM_PARAMS, NULL, NULL, (PBYTE)pSystemParams, &dwcb);
// scale them
pSystemParams->RTCSpringParam.m_XKConstant /= SCALE_CONSTANTS; pSystemParams->RTCSpringParam.m_YKConstant /= SCALE_CONSTANTS; pSystemParams->RTCSpringParam.m_XAxisCenter /= SCALE_POSITION; pSystemParams->RTCSpringParam.m_YAxisCenter = -pSystemParams->RTCSpringParam.m_YAxisCenter/SCALE_POSITION; pSystemParams->RTCSpringParam.m_XSaturation /= SCALE_POSITION; pSystemParams->RTCSpringParam.m_YSaturation /= SCALE_POSITION; pSystemParams->RTCSpringParam.m_XDeadBand /= SCALE_POSITION; pSystemParams->RTCSpringParam.m_YDeadBand /= SCALE_POSITION;
RegCloseKey(hKey); if (lr != ERROR_SUCCESS) bFail = TRUE; }
if(bFail) { // if reading from the registry fails, just use the defaults
pSystemParams->RTCSpringParam.m_Bytes = sizeof(RTCSPRING_PARAM); pSystemParams->RTCSpringParam.m_XKConstant = DEFAULT_RTC_KX; pSystemParams->RTCSpringParam.m_YKConstant = DEFAULT_RTC_KY; pSystemParams->RTCSpringParam.m_XAxisCenter = DEFAULT_RTC_X0; pSystemParams->RTCSpringParam.m_YAxisCenter = DEFAULT_RTC_Y0; pSystemParams->RTCSpringParam.m_XSaturation = DEFAULT_RTC_XSAT; pSystemParams->RTCSpringParam.m_YSaturation = DEFAULT_RTC_YSAT; pSystemParams->RTCSpringParam.m_XDeadBand = DEFAULT_RTC_XDBAND; pSystemParams->RTCSpringParam.m_YDeadBand = DEFAULT_RTC_YDBAND; } }
#define REGSTR_VAL_DELAY_PARAMS "TimingParams"
void GetDelayParams(UINT nJoystickID, PDELAY_PARAMS pDelayParams) { BOOL bFail = FALSE;
// try to open the registry key
HKEY hKey; DWORD dwcb = sizeof(DELAY_PARAMS); LONG lr; hKey = joyOpenOEMForceFeedbackKey(nJoystickID); if(!hKey) bFail = TRUE;
if (!bFail) { // Get Firmware Parameters
lr = RegQueryValueEx( hKey, REGSTR_VAL_DELAY_PARAMS, NULL, NULL, (PBYTE)pDelayParams, &dwcb);
RegCloseKey(hKey); if (lr != ERROR_SUCCESS) bFail = TRUE; }
if(bFail) { // if reading from the registry fails, just use the defaults
pDelayParams->dwBytes = sizeof(DELAY_PARAMS); pDelayParams->dwDigitalOverdrivePrechargeCmdDelay = DEFAULT_DIGITAL_OVERDRIVE_PRECHARGE_CMD_DELAY; pDelayParams->dwShutdownDelay = DEFAULT_SHUTDOWN_DELAY; pDelayParams->dwHWResetDelay = DEFAULT_HWRESET_DELAY; pDelayParams->dwPostSetDeviceStateDelay = DEFAULT_POST_SET_DEVICE_STATE_DELAY; pDelayParams->dwGetEffectStatusDelay = DEFAULT_GET_EFFECT_STATUS_DELAY; pDelayParams->dwGetDataPacketDelay = DEFAULT_GET_DATA_PACKET_DELAY; pDelayParams->dwGetStatusPacketDelay = DEFAULT_GET_STATUS_PACKET_DELAY; pDelayParams->dwGetIDPacketDelay = DEFAULT_GET_ID_PACKET_DELAY; pDelayParams->dwGetStatusGateDataDelay = DEFAULT_GET_STATUS_GATE_DATA_DELAY; pDelayParams->dwSetIndexDelay = DEFAULT_SET_INDEX_DELAY; pDelayParams->dwModifyParamDelay = DEFAULT_MODIFY_PARAM_DELAY; pDelayParams->dwForceOutDelay = DEFAULT_FORCE_OUT_DELAY; pDelayParams->dwShortMsgDelay = DEFAULT_SHORT_MSG_DELAY; pDelayParams->dwLongMsgDelay = DEFAULT_LONG_MSG_DELAY; pDelayParams->dwDestroyEffectDelay = DEFAULT_DESTROY_EFFECT_DELAY; pDelayParams->dwForceOutMod = DEFAULT_FORCE_OUT_MOD;
// write the defaults to the registry
hKey = joyOpenOEMForceFeedbackKey(nJoystickID); if(hKey) { // Modify Registry Values
RegSetValueEx ( hKey, REGSTR_VAL_DELAY_PARAMS, 0, REG_BINARY, (const unsigned char *)pDelayParams, sizeof(DELAY_PARAMS) );
// Close Key
RegCloseKey(hKey); }
} if(pDelayParams->dwForceOutMod == 0) pDelayParams->dwForceOutMod = 1; }
//#define REGSTR_VAL_JOYSTICK_PARAMS "JoystickParams"
// ****************************************************************************
// *** --- Member functions for base class CMidiEffect
// ****************************************************************************
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function: CMidiEffect::CMidiEffect
// Purpose: Constructor(s)/Destructor for CMidiEffect Object
// Parameters:
// Returns:
// Algorithm:
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CMidiEffect::CMidiEffect(IN ULONG ulButtonPlayMask) { m_bSysExCmd = SYS_EX_CMD; // SysEx Fx command
m_bEscManufID = 0; // Escape to long Manufac. ID, s/b 0
m_bManufIDL = (MS_MANUFACTURER_ID & 0x7f); // Low byte
m_bManufIDH = ((MS_MANUFACTURER_ID >> 8) & 0x7f); // High byte
m_bProdID = JOLT_PRODUCT_ID; // Product ID
m_bAxisMask = X_AXIS|Y_AXIS; m_bEffectID = NEW_EFFECT_ID; // Default to indicate create NEW
Effect.bDurationL = 1; // in 2ms increments
Effect.bDurationH = 0; // in 2ms increments
Effect.bAngleL = 0; // 0 to 359 degrees
Effect.bAngleH = 0; Effect.bGain = (BYTE) 100; // 1 to 100 %
Effect.bButtonPlayL = (BYTE) ulButtonPlayMask & 0x7f; Effect.bButtonPlayH = (BYTE) ((ulButtonPlayMask >> 7) & 0x03);// Button 1- 9
Effect.bForceOutRateL= DEFAULT_JOLT_FORCE_RATE; // 1 to 500 Hz
Effect.bForceOutRateH=0; Effect.bPercentL = (BYTE) ((DEFAULT_PERCENT) & 0x7f); Effect.bPercentH = (BYTE) ((DEFAULT_PERCENT >> 7 ) & 0x7f); m_LoopCount = 1; // Default
SetPlayMode(PLAY_STORE); // Default
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function: CMidiEffect::CMidiEffect
// Purpose: Constructor(s)/Destructor for CMidiEffect Object
// Parameters:
// Returns:
// Algorithm:
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CMidiEffect::CMidiEffect( IN PEFFECT pEffect, IN PENVELOPE pEnvelope) { m_bSysExCmd = SYS_EX_CMD; // SysEx Fx command
m_bEscManufID = 0; // Escape to long Manufac. ID, s/b 0
m_bManufIDL = (MS_MANUFACTURER_ID & 0x7f); // Low byte
m_bManufIDH = ((MS_MANUFACTURER_ID >> 8) & 0x7f); // High byte
m_bProdID = JOLT_PRODUCT_ID; // Product ID
m_bAxisMask = X_AXIS|Y_AXIS; m_OpCode = DNLOAD_DATA | X_AXIS|Y_AXIS; // Subcommand opcode:DNLOAD_DATA
m_bEffectID = NEW_EFFECT_ID; // Default to indicate create NEW
SetDuration(pEffect->m_Duration); Effect.bDurationL = (BYTE) (m_Duration & 0x7f); // in 2ms increments
Effect.bDurationH = (BYTE) ((m_Duration >> 7 ) & 0x7f); // in 2ms increments
Effect.bAngleL = (BYTE) (pEffect->m_DirectionAngle2D & 0x7f); // 0 to 359 degrees
Effect.bAngleH = (BYTE) ((pEffect->m_DirectionAngle2D >> 7 ) & 0x7f); Effect.bGain = (BYTE) (pEffect->m_Gain & 0x7f); // 1 to 100 %
Effect.bButtonPlayL = (BYTE) (pEffect->m_ButtonPlayMask & 0x7f); Effect.bButtonPlayH = (BYTE) ((pEffect->m_ButtonPlayMask >> 7) & 0x03);// Button 1- 9
Effect.bForceOutRateL=(BYTE) (pEffect->m_ForceOutputRate & 0x7f); // 1 to 500 Hz
Effect.bForceOutRateH=(BYTE) ((pEffect->m_ForceOutputRate >> 7 ) & 0x03); Effect.bPercentL = (BYTE) ((DEFAULT_PERCENT) & 0x7f); Effect.bPercentH = (BYTE) ((DEFAULT_PERCENT >> 7 ) & 0x7f); m_LoopCount = 1; // Default
SetPlayMode(PLAY_STORE); // Default
// Set Envelope members
if (pEnvelope) { m_Envelope.m_Type = pEnvelope->m_Type; m_Envelope.m_Attack = pEnvelope->m_Attack; m_Envelope.m_Sustain = pEnvelope->m_Sustain; m_Envelope.m_Decay = pEnvelope->m_Decay; m_Envelope.m_StartAmp = (ULONG) (pEnvelope->m_StartAmp); m_Envelope.m_SustainAmp = (ULONG) (pEnvelope->m_SustainAmp); m_Envelope.m_EndAmp = (ULONG) (pEnvelope->m_EndAmp); }
// save the original effect params
m_OriginalEffectParam = *pEffect; }
// --- Destructor
CMidiEffect::~CMidiEffect() { memset(this, 0, sizeof(CMidiEffect)); }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function: CMidiEffect::SetDuration
// Purpose: Sets the Duration member
// Parameters: ULONG ulArg - the duration
// Returns:
// Algorithm:
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMidiEffect::SetDuration(ULONG ulArg) { if (ulArg != 0) { ulArg = (ULONG) ( (float) ulArg/TICKRATE); if (ulArg <= 0) ulArg = 1; } m_Duration = ulArg; }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function: CMidiEffect::SetTotalDuration
// Purpose: Modifies the Effect.bDurationL/H parameter for Loop Counts
// Parameters: none
// Returns: Effect.bDurationL/H is filled with total duration
// Algorithm:
// Notes: Percentage is 1 to 10000
// Total Duration = ((Percentage of waveform)/10000) * Duration * Loop Count
// Example: Loop count of 1, the Percentage of waveform =10000,
// Total Duration = (10000/10000) * 1 * Duration
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMidiEffect::SetTotalDuration(void) { ULONG ulPercent = Effect.bPercentL + ((USHORT)Effect.bPercentH << 7); ULONG ulTotalDuration = (ULONG) (((float) ulPercent/10000.0) * (float) m_LoopCount * (float) m_Duration ); Effect.bDurationL = (BYTE) ulTotalDuration & 0x7f; Effect.bDurationH = (BYTE) (ulTotalDuration >> 7) & 0x7f; }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function: CMidiEffect::ComputeEnvelope
// Purpose: Computes the Envelope for the Effect, Loopcount in consideration
// Parameters: none
// Returns: none
// Algorithm:
//For our standard PERCENTAGE Envelope, set the following as default:
// Baseline is (m_MaxAmp + m_MinAmp)/2
// m_StartAmp = 0
// m_SustainAmp = Effect.m_MaxAmp - baseline
// m_EndAmp = m_StartAmp;
// where: baseline = (Effect.m_MaxAmp + Effect.m_MinAmp)/2;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMidiEffect::ComputeEnvelope(void) { ULONG ulTimeToSustain; ULONG ulTimeToDecay;
if (PERCENTAGE == m_Envelope.m_Type) { ULONG ulPercent = Effect.bPercentL + ((USHORT)Effect.bPercentH << 7); ULONG ulTotalDuration = (ULONG) (((float) ulPercent/10000.0) * (float) m_LoopCount * (float) m_Duration ); ulTimeToSustain = (ULONG) ((m_Envelope.m_Attack * ulTotalDuration) /100.); ulTimeToDecay = (ULONG) ((m_Envelope.m_Attack + m_Envelope.m_Sustain) * ulTotalDuration /100.); } else // TIME option envelope
{ ulTimeToSustain = (ULONG) (m_Envelope.m_Attack); ulTimeToDecay = (ULONG) (m_Envelope.m_Attack + m_Envelope.m_Sustain); ulTimeToSustain = (ULONG) ( (float) ulTimeToSustain/TICKRATE); ulTimeToDecay = (ULONG) ( (float) ulTimeToDecay/TICKRATE);
} Envelope.bAttackLevel = (BYTE) (m_Envelope.m_StartAmp & 0x7f); Envelope.bSustainLevel = (BYTE) (m_Envelope.m_SustainAmp & 0x7f); Envelope.bDecayLevel = (BYTE) (m_Envelope.m_EndAmp & 0x7f);
Envelope.bSustainL = (BYTE) (ulTimeToSustain & 0x7f); Envelope.bSustainH = (BYTE) ((ulTimeToSustain >> 7) & 0x7f); Envelope.bDecayL = (BYTE) (ulTimeToDecay & 0x7f); Envelope.bDecayH = (BYTE) ((ulTimeToDecay >> 7) & 0x7f); }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function: CMidiEffect::SubTypeOf
// Purpose: Returns the SubType for the Effect
// Parameters: none
// Returns: ULONG - DirectEffect style SubType
// Algorithm:
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
int nNumEffectTypes = sizeof(EffectTypes)/(sizeof(EFFECT_TYPE)); for (int i=0; i<nNumEffectTypes; i++) { if (m_SubType == EffectTypes[i].bDeviceSubType) return EffectTypes[i].ulHostSubType; } return (NULL); }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function: CMidiEffect::SubTypeOf
// Purpose: Sets the SubType for the Effect
// Parameters: ULONG - DirectEffect style SubType
// Returns: none
// Algorithm:
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
int nNumEffectTypes = sizeof(EffectTypes)/(sizeof(EFFECT_TYPE)); for (int i=0; i<nNumEffectTypes; i++) { if (ulSubType == EffectTypes[i].ulHostSubType) { m_SubType = EffectTypes[i].bDeviceSubType; return; } } m_SubType = NULL; }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function: CMidiEffect::ComputeChecksum
// Purpose: Computes current checksum in the m_pBuffer
// Parameters: none
// Returns: Midi packet block is checksummed
// Algorithm:
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
BYTE CMidiEffect::ComputeChecksum(PBYTE pBuffer, int nBufferSize) { assert(pBuffer); int nStart = sizeof(SYS_EX_HDR); PBYTE pBytePacket = pBuffer; pBytePacket += nStart; BYTE nSum = 0; // Checksum only the bytes in the "Body" and s/b 7 bit checksum.
for (int i=nStart;i < (nBufferSize-2);i++) { nSum += *pBytePacket; pBytePacket++; } return ((-nSum) & 0x7f); }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function: CMidiEffect::SendPacket
// Purpose: Sends the SYS_EX Packet
// Parameters: PDNHANDLE pDnloadID - Pointer to DnloadID
// int nPacketSize - Size of SysEx packet
// Returns: *pDnloadID is filled.
// else Error code
// Algorithm:
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
HRESULT CMidiEffect::SendPacket(PDNHANDLE pDnloadID, int nPacketSize) { ASSUME_NOT_REACHED(); return SUCCESS; }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function: CMidiEffect::DestroyEffect
// Purpose: Sends the SYS_EX Packet
// Parameters: PDNHANDLE pDnloadID - Pointer to DnloadID
// int nPacketSize - Size of SysEx packet
// Returns: *pDnloadID is filled.
// else Error code
// Algorithm:
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
HRESULT CMidiEffect::DestroyEffect() { ASSUME_NOT_REACHED(); return SUCCESS; }
// ****************************************************************************
// *** --- Member functions for derived class CMidiBehavioral
// ****************************************************************************
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function: CMidiBehavioral::CMidiBehavioral
// Purpose: Constructor(s)/Destructor for CMidiBehavioral Object
// Parameters:
// Returns:
// Algorithm:
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CMidiBehavioral::CMidiBehavioral(PEFFECT pEffect, PENVELOPE pEnvelope, PBE_XXX pBE_XXX):CMidiEffect(pEffect, NULL) { SetSubType(pEffect->m_SubType); SetXConstant(pBE_XXX->m_XConstant); SetYConstant(pBE_XXX->m_YConstant); SetParam3(pBE_XXX->m_Param3); SetParam4(pBE_XXX->m_Param4); m_MidiBufferSize = sizeof(BEHAVIORAL_SYS_EX); }
// --- Destructor
CMidiBehavioral::~CMidiBehavioral() { memset(this, 0, sizeof(CMidiBehavioral)); }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function: CMidiBehavioral::SetEffect
// Purpose: Sets the common MIDI_EFFECT parameters
// Parameters: PEFFECT pEffect
// Returns: none
// Algorithm:
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMidiBehavioral::SetEffectParams(PEFFECT pEffect, PBE_XXX pBE_XXX) { // Set the MIDI_EFFECT parameters
SetDuration(pEffect->m_Duration); SetButtonPlaymask(pEffect->m_ButtonPlayMask); SetAxisMask(X_AXIS|Y_AXIS); SetDirectionAngle(pEffect->m_DirectionAngle2D); SetGain((BYTE) (pEffect->m_Gain)); SetForceOutRate(pEffect->m_ForceOutputRate);
Effect.bPercentL = (BYTE) (DEFAULT_PERCENT & 0x7f); Effect.bPercentH = (BYTE) ((DEFAULT_PERCENT >> 7) & 0x7f); // set the type specific parameters for BE_XXX
SetXConstant(pBE_XXX->m_XConstant); SetYConstant(pBE_XXX->m_YConstant); SetParam3(pBE_XXX->m_Param3); SetParam4(pBE_XXX->m_Param4); }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function: CMidiBehavioral::GenerateSysExPacket
// Purpose: Builds the SysEx packet into the pBuf
// Parameters: none
// Returns: PBYTE - pointer to a buffer filled with SysEx Packet
// Algorithm:
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
PBYTE CMidiBehavioral::GenerateSysExPacket(void) { if(NULL == g_pJoltMidi) return ((PBYTE) NULL); PBYTE pSysExBuffer = g_pJoltMidi->PrimaryBufferPtrOf(); assert(pSysExBuffer); // Copy SysEx Header + m_OpCode + m_SubType
memcpy(pSysExBuffer, &m_bSysExCmd, sizeof(SYS_EX_HDR)+2 ); PBEHAVIORAL_SYS_EX pBuf = (PBEHAVIORAL_SYS_EX) pSysExBuffer;
SetTotalDuration(); // Compute total with Loop count parameter
pBuf->bDurationL = (BYTE) (Effect.bDurationL & 0x7f); pBuf->bDurationH = (BYTE) (Effect.bDurationH & 0x7f); pBuf->bButtonPlayL = (BYTE) (Effect.bButtonPlayL & 0x7f); pBuf->bButtonPlayH = (BYTE) (Effect.bButtonPlayH & 0x7f);
// Behavioral params
LONG XConstant = (LONG) (XConstantOf() * MAX_SCALE); LONG YConstant = (LONG) (YConstantOf() * MAX_SCALE); pBuf->bXConstantL = (BYTE) XConstant & 0x7f; pBuf->bXConstantH = (BYTE) (XConstant >> 7 ) & 0x01; pBuf->bYConstantL = (BYTE) YConstant & 0x7f; pBuf->bYConstantH = (BYTE) (YConstant >> 7 ) & 0x01;
LONG Param3 = (LONG) (Param3Of() * MAX_SCALE); LONG Param4 = (LONG) (Param4Of() * MAX_SCALE); pBuf->bParam3L = (BYTE) Param3 & 0x7f; pBuf->bParam3H = (BYTE) (Param3 >> 7 ) & 0x01; pBuf->bParam4L = (BYTE) Param4 & 0x7f; pBuf->bParam4H = (BYTE) (Param4 >> 7 ) & 0x01; pBuf->bEffectID = m_bEffectID;
pBuf->bChecksum = ComputeChecksum((PBYTE) pSysExBuffer, sizeof(BEHAVIORAL_SYS_EX)); pBuf->bEOX = MIDI_EOX; return ((PBYTE) pSysExBuffer); }
// ****************************************************************************
// *** --- Member functions for derived class CMidiFriction
// ****************************************************************************
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function: CMidiFriction::CMidiFriction
// Purpose: Constructor(s)/Destructor for CMidiFriction Object
// Parameters:
// Returns:
// Algorithm:
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CMidiFriction::CMidiFriction(PEFFECT pEffect, PENVELOPE pEnvelope, PBE_XXX pBE_XXX):CMidiBehavioral(pEffect, NULL, pBE_XXX) { m_MidiBufferSize = sizeof(FRICTION_SYS_EX); }
// --- Destructor
CMidiFriction::~CMidiFriction() { memset(this, 0, sizeof(CMidiFriction)); }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function: CMidiFriction::GenerateSysExPacket
// Purpose: Builds the SysEx packet into the pBuf
// Parameters: none
// Returns: PBYTE - pointer to a buffer filled with SysEx Packet
// Algorithm:
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
PBYTE CMidiFriction::GenerateSysExPacket(void) { if(NULL == g_pJoltMidi) return ((PBYTE) NULL); PBYTE pSysExBuffer = g_pJoltMidi->PrimaryBufferPtrOf(); assert(pSysExBuffer); // Copy SysEx Header + m_OpCode + m_SubType
memcpy(pSysExBuffer, &m_bSysExCmd, sizeof(SYS_EX_HDR)+2 ); PFRICTION_SYS_EX pBuf = (PFRICTION_SYS_EX) pSysExBuffer;
SetTotalDuration(); // Compute total with Loop count parameter
pBuf->bDurationL = (BYTE) (Effect.bDurationL & 0x7f); pBuf->bDurationH = (BYTE) (Effect.bDurationH & 0x7f); pBuf->bButtonPlayL = (BYTE) (Effect.bButtonPlayL & 0x7f); pBuf->bButtonPlayH = (BYTE) (Effect.bButtonPlayH & 0x7f);
// BE_FRICTION params
LONG XConstant = (LONG) (XConstantOf() * MAX_SCALE); LONG YConstant = (LONG) (YConstantOf() * MAX_SCALE); pBuf->bXFConstantL = (BYTE) XConstant & 0x7f; pBuf->bXFConstantH = (BYTE) (XConstant >> 7 ) & 0x01; pBuf->bYFConstantL = (BYTE) YConstant & 0x7f; pBuf->bYFConstantH = (BYTE) (YConstant >> 7 ) & 0x01; pBuf->bEffectID = m_bEffectID; pBuf->bChecksum = ComputeChecksum((PBYTE) pSysExBuffer, sizeof(FRICTION_SYS_EX)); pBuf->bEOX = MIDI_EOX; return ((PBYTE) pSysExBuffer); }
// ****************************************************************************
// *** --- Member functions for derived class CMidiWall
// ****************************************************************************
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function: CMidiWall::CMidiWall
// Purpose: Constructor(s)/Destructor for CMidiWall Object
// Parameters:
// Returns:
// Algorithm:
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CMidiWall::CMidiWall(PEFFECT pEffect, PENVELOPE pEnvelope, PBE_XXX pBE_XXX):CMidiBehavioral(pEffect, NULL, pBE_XXX) { m_MidiBufferSize = sizeof(WALL_SYS_EX); }
// --- Destructor
CMidiWall::~CMidiWall() { memset(this, 0, sizeof(CMidiWall)); }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function: CMidiWall::GenerateSysExPacket
// Purpose: Builds the SysEx packet into the pBuf
// Parameters: none
// Returns: PBYTE - pointer to a buffer filled with SysEx Packet
// Algorithm:
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
PBYTE CMidiWall::GenerateSysExPacket(void) { if(NULL == g_pJoltMidi) return ((PBYTE) NULL); PBYTE pSysExBuffer = g_pJoltMidi->PrimaryBufferPtrOf(); assert(pSysExBuffer); // Copy SysEx Header + m_OpCode + m_SubType
memcpy(pSysExBuffer, &m_bSysExCmd, sizeof(SYS_EX_HDR)+2 ); PWALL_SYS_EX pBuf = (PWALL_SYS_EX) pSysExBuffer;
SetTotalDuration(); // Compute total with Loop count parameter
pBuf->bDurationL = (BYTE) (Effect.bDurationL & 0x7f); pBuf->bDurationH = (BYTE) (Effect.bDurationH & 0x7f); pBuf->bButtonPlayL = (BYTE) (Effect.bButtonPlayL & 0x7f); pBuf->bButtonPlayH = (BYTE) (Effect.bButtonPlayH & 0x7f);
// BE_WALL params
LONG WallType = (LONG) (XConstantOf()); LONG WallConstant = (LONG) (YConstantOf() * MAX_SCALE); LONG WallAngle = (LONG) Param3Of(); LONG WallDistance = (LONG) (Param4Of() * MAX_SCALE);
pBuf->bWallType = (BYTE) (WallType & 0x01); pBuf->bWallConstantL = (BYTE) (WallConstant & 0x7f); pBuf->bWallConstantH = (BYTE) ((WallConstant >> 7 ) & 0x01); //+/-100
pBuf->bWallAngleL = (BYTE) (WallAngle & 0x7f); // 0 to 359
pBuf->bWallAngleH = (BYTE) ((WallAngle >> 7 ) & 0x03); pBuf->bWallDistance = (BYTE) (WallDistance & 0x7f); pBuf->bEffectID = m_bEffectID;
pBuf->bChecksum = ComputeChecksum((PBYTE) pSysExBuffer, sizeof(WALL_SYS_EX)); pBuf->bEOX = MIDI_EOX; return ((PBYTE) pSysExBuffer); }
// ****************************************************************************
// *** --- Member functions for derived class CMidiRTCSpring
// ****************************************************************************
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function: CMidiRTCSpring::CMidiRTCSpring
// Purpose: Constructor(s)/Destructor for CMidiRTCSpring Object
// Parameters:
// Returns:
// Algorithm:
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CMidiRTCSpring::CMidiRTCSpring(PRTCSPRING_PARAM pRTCSpring):CMidiEffect(NULL) { memcpy(&m_RTCSPRINGParam, pRTCSpring, sizeof(RTCSPRING_PARAM)); }
// --- Destructor
CMidiRTCSpring::~CMidiRTCSpring() { memset(this, 0, sizeof(CMidiRTCSpring)); }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function: CMidiRTCSpring::SetEffectParams
// Purpose: Sets parameters
// Parameters:
// Returns:
// Algorithm:
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMidiRTCSpring::SetEffectParams(PRTCSPRING_PARAM pRTCSpring) { memcpy(&m_RTCSPRINGParam, pRTCSpring, sizeof(RTCSPRING_PARAM)); }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function: CMidiRTCSpring::GenerateSysExPacket
// Purpose: virtual
// Parameters: none
// Returns:
// Algorithm:
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
PBYTE CMidiRTCSpring::GenerateSysExPacket(void) { return (NULL); }
// ****************************************************************************
// *** --- Member functions for derived class CMidiDelay
// ****************************************************************************
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function: CMidiDelay::CMidiDelay
// Purpose: Constructor(s)/Destructor for CMidiDelay Object
// Parameters:
// Returns:
// Algorithm:
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CMidiDelay::CMidiDelay(PEFFECT pEffect) : CMidiEffect(pEffect, NULL) { m_SubType = ET_BE_DELAY; // BE Effect Type: BE_DELAY
m_OpCode = DNLOAD_DATA | X_AXIS|Y_AXIS | PLAY_SUPERIMPOSE; m_MidiBufferSize = sizeof(NOP_SYS_EX); }
// --- Destructor
CMidiDelay::~CMidiDelay() { memset(this, 0, sizeof(CMidiDelay)); }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function: CMidiDelay::GenerateSysExPacket
// Purpose: Builds the SysEx packet into the pBuf
// Parameters: none
// Returns: PBYTE - pointer to a buffer filled with SysEx Packet
// Algorithm:
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
PBYTE CMidiDelay::GenerateSysExPacket(void) { if(NULL == g_pJoltMidi) return ((PBYTE) NULL); PBYTE pSysExBuffer = g_pJoltMidi->PrimaryBufferPtrOf(); assert(pSysExBuffer); // Copy SysEx Header + m_OpCode + m_SubType
memcpy(pSysExBuffer, &m_bSysExCmd, sizeof(SYS_EX_HDR)+2 ); PNOP_SYS_EX pBuf = (PNOP_SYS_EX) pSysExBuffer;
pBuf->bEffectID = m_bEffectID; SetTotalDuration(); // Compute total with Loop count parameter
pBuf->bDurationL = (BYTE) (Effect.bDurationL & 0x7f); pBuf->bDurationH = (BYTE) (Effect.bDurationH & 0x7f); pBuf->bChecksum = ComputeChecksum((PBYTE) pSysExBuffer, sizeof(NOP_SYS_EX)); pBuf->bEOX = MIDI_EOX; return ((PBYTE) pSysExBuffer); }
// ****************************************************************************
// *** --- Member functions for derived class CMidiSynthesized
// ****************************************************************************
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function: CMidiSynthesized::CMidiSynthesized
// Purpose: Constructor(s)/Destructor for CMidiSynthesized Object
// Parameters:
// Returns:
// Algorithm:
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CMidiSynthesized::CMidiSynthesized(PEFFECT pEffect, PENVELOPE pEnvelope, PSE_PARAM pParam ) : CMidiEffect(pEffect, pEnvelope) { SetSubType(pEffect->m_SubType); // SE Effect Type
// Effect.bForceOutRateL= (BYTE) pParam->m_SampleRate & 0x7f; // 1 to 500 Hz
// Effect.bForceOutRateH= (BYTE) ((pParam->m_SampleRate >> 7) & 0x3);
Effect.bPercentL = (BYTE) (DEFAULT_PERCENT & 0x7f); Effect.bPercentH = (BYTE) ((DEFAULT_PERCENT >> 7) & 0x7f);
m_Freq = pParam->m_Freq; // Frequency
m_MaxAmp = pParam->m_MaxAmp; // Maximum Amplitude
// Special case a SE_CONSTANT_FORCE
if (SE_CONSTANT_FORCE == pEffect->m_SubType) m_MinAmp = 0; else m_MinAmp = pParam->m_MinAmp; // Minimum Amplitude
m_MidiBufferSize = sizeof(SE_WAVEFORM_SYS_EX); }
// --- Destructor
CMidiSynthesized::~CMidiSynthesized() { memset(this, 0, sizeof(CMidiSynthesized)); }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function: CMidiSynthesized::SetEffect
// Purpose: Sets the common MIDI_EFFECT parameters
// Parameters: PEFFECT pEffect
// Returns: none
// Algorithm:
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMidiSynthesized::SetEffectParams(PEFFECT pEffect, PSE_PARAM pParam, ULONG ulAction) { // Set the MIDI_EFFECT parameters
SetDuration(pEffect->m_Duration); SetButtonPlaymask(pEffect->m_ButtonPlayMask); SetAxisMask(X_AXIS|Y_AXIS); SetDirectionAngle(pEffect->m_DirectionAngle2D); SetGain((BYTE) (pEffect->m_Gain)); SetForceOutRate(pEffect->m_ForceOutputRate);
//Set the loop count from HIWORD of ulAction
m_LoopCount = (ulAction >> 16) & 0xffff; if (0 == m_LoopCount) m_LoopCount++;
Effect.bPercentL = (BYTE) (DEFAULT_PERCENT & 0x7f); Effect.bPercentH = (BYTE) ((DEFAULT_PERCENT >> 7) & 0x7f); // set the type specific parameters for SE_xxx
m_Freq = pParam->m_Freq; m_MaxAmp = pParam->m_MaxAmp; m_MinAmp = pParam->m_MinAmp; }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function: CMidiSynthesized::GenerateSysExPacket
// Purpose: Builds the SysEx packet into the pBuf
// Parameters: none
// Returns: PBYTE - pointer to a buffer filled with SysEx Packet
// Algorithm:
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
PBYTE CMidiSynthesized::GenerateSysExPacket(void) { if(NULL == g_pJoltMidi) return ((PBYTE) NULL); PBYTE pSysExBuffer = g_pJoltMidi->PrimaryBufferPtrOf(); assert(pSysExBuffer);
// Compute total with Loop count parameter, Note: Envelope parameters are
// adjusted according to the Loop Count parameter, if affected.
SetTotalDuration(); ComputeEnvelope();
// Copy SysEx Header + m_OpCode + m_SubType + m_bEffectID + MIDI_EFFECT
memcpy(pSysExBuffer,&m_bSysExCmd, (sizeof(SYS_EX_HDR)+3+sizeof(MIDI_EFFECT)+ sizeof(MIDI_ENVELOPE)) );
PSE_WAVEFORM_SYS_EX pBuf = (PSE_WAVEFORM_SYS_EX) pSysExBuffer; // Scale the gain, and Envelope amplitudes
pBuf->Effect.bGain = (BYTE) (pBuf->Effect.bGain * MAX_SCALE) & 0x7f; pBuf->Envelope.bAttackLevel = (BYTE) (pBuf->Envelope.bAttackLevel * MAX_SCALE) & 0x7f; pBuf->Envelope.bSustainLevel = (BYTE) (pBuf->Envelope.bSustainLevel * MAX_SCALE) & 0x7f; pBuf->Envelope.bDecayLevel = (BYTE) (pBuf->Envelope.bDecayLevel * MAX_SCALE) & 0x7f;
// Copy the SE specific parameters
LONG MaxAmp = (LONG) (m_MaxAmp * MAX_SCALE); LONG MinAmp = (LONG) (m_MinAmp * MAX_SCALE); pBuf->bFreqL = (BYTE) (m_Freq & 0x7f); pBuf->bFreqH = (BYTE) ((m_Freq >> 7 ) & 0x03); // 1 to 500
pBuf->bMaxAmpL = (BYTE) (MaxAmp & 0x7f); pBuf->bMaxAmpH = (BYTE) ((MaxAmp >> 7 ) &0x01); // +127 to -128
pBuf->bMinAmpL = (BYTE) (MinAmp & 0x7f); pBuf->bMinAmpH = (BYTE) ((MinAmp >> 7 ) & 0x01);
pBuf->bChecksum = ComputeChecksum((PBYTE) pSysExBuffer, sizeof(SE_WAVEFORM_SYS_EX)); pBuf->bEOX = MIDI_EOX; return ((PBYTE) pSysExBuffer); }
// ****************************************************************************
// *** --- Member functions for derived class CUD_Waveform
// ****************************************************************************
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function: CUD_Waveform::CUD_Waveform
// Purpose: Constructor(s)/Destructor for CUD_Waveform Object
// Parameters:
// Returns:
// Algorithm:
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CMidiUD_Waveform::CMidiUD_Waveform(PEFFECT pEffect, ULONG ulNumVectors, PLONG pArray) : CMidiEffect(pEffect, NULL), m_pRawData(NULL) { m_OpCode = DNLOAD_DATA | X_AXIS|Y_AXIS;// Sub-command opcode: DNLOAD_DATA
m_SubType = ET_UD_WAVEFORM; // Effect Type: UD_WAVEFORM
assert(pArray); // Create the buffer to hold the waveform data, compress it,
// then copy to this object
// The buffer size is initially set to the number of uncompressed vectors
// x 2 bytes, for worse-case Absolute data
// Once the buffer is compressed, the actual size is determined
// Also, create a temp copy so that the original unscaled data is not
// affected.
// Set a fixed maximum size
DWORD nSize = MAX_MIDI_WAVEFORM_DATA_SIZE + 2; m_pArrayData = new BYTE[nSize]; // m_pRawData = new BYTE [nSize*2];
ULONG NewForceRate; m_MidiBufferSize = SetTypeParams(ulNumVectors, pArray, &NewForceRate);
// Copy structures to object
memcpy(&m_Effect.m_Bytes, pEffect, sizeof(EFFECT)); SetForceOutRate(NewForceRate); m_Effect.m_Gain = m_Effect.m_Gain & 0x7f; m_Effect.m_Duration = (ULONG) ((float) (m_Effect.m_Duration / TICKRATE)); m_Duration = m_Effect.m_Duration; }
// --- Destructor
CMidiUD_Waveform::~CMidiUD_Waveform() { if (m_pArrayData) delete [] m_pArrayData; memset(this, 0, sizeof(CMidiUD_Waveform)); }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function: CMidiUD_Waveform::SetEffectParams
// Purpose: Sets the Effect specific parameters
// Parameters: PEFFECT pEffect
// Returns:
// Algorithm:
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMidiUD_Waveform::SetEffectParams(PEFFECT pEffect) { // Set the MIDI_EFFECT parameters
SetButtonPlaymask(pEffect->m_ButtonPlayMask); SetAxisMask(X_AXIS|Y_AXIS); SetDirectionAngle(pEffect->m_DirectionAngle2D); SetGain((BYTE) (pEffect->m_Gain)); SetForceOutRate(pEffect->m_ForceOutputRate); }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function: CMidiUD_Waveform::SetTypeParams
// Purpose: Sets the type specific parameters
// Parameters: int nSize - size of the array
// PLONG pArray - Pointer to an ARRAY of force values
// Returns: MidiBuffer size for the packet
// Algorithm:
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
int CMidiUD_Waveform::SetTypeParams(int nSize, PLONG pArray, ULONG *pNewRate) { // Compress the buffer data then copy to this object
// The buffer size is initially set to the number of uncompressed vectors
// x 2 bytes, for worse-case Absolute data
// Once the buffer is compressed, the actual size is determined
// Also, create a temp copy so that the original unscaled data is not
// affected.
m_pRawData = new BYTE [nSize*2]; if (m_pRawData == NULL) { return 0; }
// Convert to -128 to +127
for (int i=0; i<nSize; i++) { m_pRawData[i] = (BYTE) ((LONG) (pArray[i] * MAX_SCALE)); }
m_NumberOfVectors = CompressWaveform(&m_pRawData[0], m_pArrayData, nSize, pNewRate); assert(m_NumberOfVectors <= (MAX_MIDI_WAVEFORM_DATA_SIZE)); if (m_pRawData) { delete [] m_pRawData; m_pRawData = 0; } if (0 == m_NumberOfVectors) // No room!
return (0); m_MidiBufferSize = (m_NumberOfVectors + sizeof(UD_WAVEFORM_SYS_EX) + 2); return (m_MidiBufferSize); }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function: CMidiUD_Waveform::CompressWaveform
// Purpose: Builds the SysEx packet into the pBuf
// Parameters: PBYTE pSrcArray - Source Array pointer
// PBYTE pDestArray - Dest. Array Pointer
// int nSize - Size in Bytes of the Source Array
// Returns: int - Size of the compressed Array (in bytes)
// Algorithm:
// To "compress" we need to fit the entire waveform into 98 points (there is a
// FW bug that limits us to 100 points only, and we need at least two samples
// for the starting Absolute mode point.
// 1. Determine how many points over 98.
// nSrcSize: Total sample size
// nMaxSamples: Maximum samples to squeeze into = 98
// nOver: nSrcSize - nMaxSamples
// nSkipSample: # of points to keep before skipping one
// = nSrcSize/nOver
// while ( Sample is less than nSrcSize, bump index)
// {
// if ( (index % nSkipSample) == 0) // no remainder
// {
// index++ // bump to skip the next sample
// }
// Compress the data
// }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
int CMidiUD_Waveform::CompressWaveform( IN PBYTE pSrcArray, IN OUT PBYTE pDestArray, IN int nSrcSize, OUT ULONG *pNewForceRate) { assert(pSrcArray && pDestArray); LONG nDifference;
// 8 bits (-128 to +127) Starting Absolute Data Value
pDestArray[0] = pSrcArray[0] & 0x3f; pDestArray[1] = (pSrcArray[0] >> 6) & 0x03;
int nSkipSample, nSrcIndex, nDestIndex; int nAbsolute = 0; int nRelative = 0; //
// Start with Finest Resolution, then reduce until # of Samples <= nMaxSamples
nSkipSample = nSrcSize; while (TRUE) { nSrcIndex = 0; // 1st sample already accounted for
nDestIndex = 2; #ifdef _DEBUG
g_CriticalSection.Enter(); wsprintf(g_cMsg,"nSkipSample=%d\n",nSkipSample); DebugOut(g_cMsg); g_CriticalSection.Leave(); #endif
while (nSrcIndex < nSrcSize) { nSrcIndex++; if (0 == (nSrcIndex % nSkipSample)) { nSrcIndex++; // Skip next one
nDifference = ((char) pSrcArray[nSrcIndex]) - ((char) pSrcArray[nSrcIndex-2]); } else nDifference = ((char) pSrcArray[nSrcIndex]) - ((char) pSrcArray[nSrcIndex-1]);
// make sure we do not write outside of array bounds
if(nDestIndex > MAX_MIDI_WAVEFORM_DATA_SIZE) break;
if (abs(nDifference) < DIFFERENCE_THRESHOLD) { pDestArray[nDestIndex] = (BYTE)((nDifference & 0x3f) | DIFFERENCE_BIT); nDestIndex++; nRelative++; } else // Switch to Absolute Data (8 bits)
{ pDestArray[nDestIndex] = pSrcArray[nSrcIndex] & 0x3f; pDestArray[nDestIndex+1] = (pSrcArray[nSrcIndex] >> 6) & 0x3; nDestIndex = nDestIndex+2; nAbsolute++; } } if (nDestIndex <= MAX_MIDI_WAVEFORM_DATA_SIZE) break; // Reduce the resolution
if (nSkipSample < 8) nSkipSample--; else nSkipSample = nSkipSample/2; if (1 == nSkipSample) return (0); // Sorry charlie, no room!
nAbsolute = 0; nRelative = 0; }
// Done
ULONG ulOriginalForceRate = ForceOutRateOf(); // *pNewForceRate = (ulOriginalForceRate - (ULONG) (ulOriginalForceRate * ((float) nSkipSample / (float) nSrcSize)))/nSkipSample;
*pNewForceRate = (ULONG) ((1.0f - (1.0f/nSkipSample)) * ulOriginalForceRate);
#ifdef _DEBUG
g_CriticalSection.Enter(); wsprintf(g_cMsg, "CompressWaveform: nSrcSize=%d, nSkipSample=%d, NewForceRate=%d\n", nSrcSize, nSkipSample, *pNewForceRate); DebugOut(g_cMsg); wsprintf(g_cMsg,"\nTotal Absolute Data:%d, Relative Data:%d", nAbsolute, nRelative); DebugOut(g_cMsg); g_CriticalSection.Leave(); #endif
#pragma message("Compiling with SHOWCOMPRESS")
g_CriticalSection.Enter(); DebugOut("CMidiUD_Waveform::CompressWaveform(..) \npSrcArray Dump (Decimal)\n"); for (int i=0; i<nSrcSize; i++) { wsprintf(g_cMsg," %0.4ld",((char) pSrcArray[i])); DebugOut(g_cMsg); } DebugOut("\npDestArray Dump (HEX)\n");
for (i=0; i<nDestIndex; i++) { wsprintf(g_cMsg," %0.4x",pDestArray[i]); DebugOut(g_cMsg); } g_CriticalSection.Leave(); #endif
return (nDestIndex); }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function: CMidiUD_Waveform::GenerateSysExPacket
// Purpose: Builds the SysEx packet into the pBuf
// Parameters: none
// Returns: PBYTE - pointer to a buffer filled with SysEx Packet
// Algorithm:
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
PBYTE CMidiUD_Waveform::GenerateSysExPacket(void) { if(NULL == g_pJoltMidi) return ((PBYTE) NULL); PBYTE pSysExBuffer = g_pJoltMidi->PrimaryBufferPtrOf(); assert(pSysExBuffer); // Copy SysEx Header + m_OpCode + m_SubType
memcpy(pSysExBuffer, &m_bSysExCmd, sizeof(SYS_EX_HDR)+2 ); PUD_WAVEFORM_SYS_EX pBuf = (PUD_WAVEFORM_SYS_EX) pSysExBuffer;
SetTotalDuration(); // Compute total with Loop count parameter
pBuf->Effect.bDurationL = (BYTE) (m_Duration & 0x7f); pBuf->Effect.bDurationH = (BYTE) (m_Duration >> 7) & 0x7f; pBuf->Effect.bAngleL = Effect.bAngleL & 0x7f; pBuf->Effect.bAngleH = Effect.bAngleH & 0x7f; pBuf->Effect.bGain = (BYTE) (Effect.bGain * MAX_SCALE) & 0x7f; pBuf->Effect.bButtonPlayL = Effect.bButtonPlayL & 0x7f; pBuf->Effect.bButtonPlayH = Effect.bButtonPlayH & 0x7f; pBuf->Effect.bForceOutRateL = Effect.bForceOutRateL & 0x7f; pBuf->Effect.bForceOutRateH = Effect.bForceOutRateH & 0x7f; pBuf->Effect.bPercentL = Effect.bPercentL & 0x7f; pBuf->Effect.bPercentH = Effect.bPercentH & 0x7f;
// Fill in the Array Data
PBYTE pArray = ((PBYTE) pBuf) + UD_WAVEFORM_START_OFFSET; memcpy(pArray, m_pArrayData, m_NumberOfVectors); // Already scaled!
pBuf->bEffectID = m_bEffectID; int nArraySize = (m_NumberOfVectors + sizeof(UD_WAVEFORM_SYS_EX)); pSysExBuffer[nArraySize] = 0; pSysExBuffer[nArraySize+1] = 0; pSysExBuffer[nArraySize] = ComputeChecksum((PBYTE) pSysExBuffer, (nArraySize+2)); pSysExBuffer[nArraySize+1]= MIDI_EOX; return ((PBYTE) pSysExBuffer); }