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  1. #define DECLARE_IDBInitialize_METHODS \
  2. STDMETHOD(Initialize)(\
  3. THIS_\
  4. void); \
  5. \
  6. STDMETHOD(Uninitialize)(\
  7. THIS_ \
  8. void);
  9. #define DECLARE_IDBProperties_METHODS \
  10. STDMETHOD(GetProperties)(\
  11. THIS_\
  12. ULONG cPropertyIDSets, \
  13. const DBPROPIDSET rgPropertyIDSets[], \
  14. ULONG *pcPropertySets, \
  15. DBPROPSET **prgPropertySets); \
  16. \
  17. STDMETHOD(GetPropertyInfo)(\
  18. THIS_ \
  19. ULONG cPropertyIDSets, \
  20. const DBPROPIDSET rgPropertyIDSets[], \
  21. ULONG *pcPropertyInfoSets, \
  22. DBPROPINFOSET **prgPropertyInfoSets, \
  23. WCHAR **ppDescBuffer); \
  24. \
  25. STDMETHOD(SetProperties)(\
  26. THIS_ \
  27. ULONG cPropertySets, \
  28. DBPROPSET rgPropertySets[]);
  29. #define DECLARE_IPersist_METHODS \
  30. STDMETHOD(GetClassID)(\
  31. THIS_ \
  32. CLSID *pClassID);
  33. #define DECLARE_IDBCreateSession_METHODS \
  34. STDMETHOD(CreateSession)(\
  35. THIS_ \
  36. IUnknown *pUnkOuter, \
  37. REFIID riid, \
  38. IUnknown **ppDBSession);
  39. #define DECLARE_IGetDataSource_METHODS \
  40. STDMETHOD(GetDataSource)(\
  41. THIS_ \
  42. REFIID riid, \
  43. IUnknown **ppDataSource);
  44. #define DECLARE_IOpenRowset_METHODS \
  45. STDMETHOD(OpenRowset)(\
  46. THIS_ \
  47. IUnknown *pUnkOuter, \
  48. DBID *pTableID, \
  49. DBID * pIndexID, \
  50. REFIID riid, \
  51. ULONG cPropertySets, \
  52. DBPROPSET rgPropertySets[], \
  53. IUnknown **ppRowset);
  54. #define DECLARE_ISessionProperties_METHODS \
  55. STDMETHOD(GetProperties)(\
  56. THIS_ \
  57. ULONG cPropertyIDSets, \
  58. const DBPROPIDSET rgPropertyIDSets[], \
  59. ULONG *pcPropertySets, \
  60. DBPROPSET **prgPropertySets); \
  61. \
  62. STDMETHOD(SetProperties)(\
  63. THIS_ \
  64. ULONG cPropertySets, \
  65. DBPROPSET rgProperteySets[]);
  66. #define DECLARE_IDBCreateCommand_METHODS \
  67. STDMETHOD(CreateCommand)(\
  68. THIS_ \
  69. IUnknown *pUnkOuter, \
  70. REFIID riid, \
  71. IUnknown **ppCommand);
  72. #define DECLARE_IAccessor_METHODS \
  73. STDMETHOD(AddRefAccessor)(\
  74. THIS_ \
  75. HACCESSOR hAccessor,\
  76. DBREFCOUNT *pcRefCount); \
  77. \
  78. STDMETHOD(CreateAccessor)(\
  79. THIS_ \
  80. DBACCESSORFLAGS dwAccessorFlags, \
  81. DBCOUNTITEM cBindings, \
  82. const DBBINDING rgBindings[], \
  83. DBLENGTH cbRowSize, \
  84. HACCESSOR *phAccessor, \
  85. DBBINDSTATUS rgStatus[]); \
  86. \
  87. STDMETHOD(GetBindings)(\
  88. THIS_ \
  89. HACCESSOR hAccessor, \
  90. DBACCESSORFLAGS *pdwAccessorFlags, \
  91. DBCOUNTITEM *pcBindings, \
  92. DBBINDING **prgBindings); \
  93. \
  94. STDMETHOD(ReleaseAccessor)(\
  95. THIS_ \
  96. HACCESSOR hAccessor, \
  97. DBREFCOUNT * pcRefCount);
  98. #define DECLARE_IColumnsInfo_METHODS \
  99. STDMETHOD(GetColumnInfo)(\
  100. THIS_ \
  101. DBORDINAL *pcColumns, \
  102. DBCOLUMNINFO **prgInfo, \
  103. OLECHAR **ppStringsBuffer); \
  104. \
  105. STDMETHOD(MapColumnIDs)(\
  106. THIS_ \
  107. DBORDINAL cColumnIDs, \
  108. const DBID rgColumnIDs[], \
  109. DBORDINAL rgColumns[]);
  110. #define DECLARE_ICommand_METHODS \
  111. STDMETHOD(Cancel)(\
  112. THIS_ ); \
  113. \
  114. STDMETHOD(Execute)(\
  115. THIS_ \
  116. IUnknown *pUnkOuter, \
  117. REFIID riid, \
  118. DBPARAMS *pParams,\
  119. DBROWCOUNT *pcRowsAffected,\
  120. IUnknown **ppRowset);\
  121. \
  122. STDMETHOD(GetDBSession)(\
  123. THIS_ \
  124. REFIID riid, \
  125. IUnknown **ppSession);
  126. #define DECLARE_ICommandProperties_METHODS \
  127. STDMETHOD(GetProperties)(\
  128. THIS_ \
  129. const ULONG cPropertyIDSets, \
  130. const DBPROPIDSET rgPropertyIDSets[], \
  131. ULONG *pcPropertySets, \
  132. DBPROPSET **prgPropertySets); \
  133. \
  134. STDMETHOD(SetProperties)(\
  135. THIS_ \
  136. ULONG cPropertySets, \
  137. DBPROPSET rgPropertySets[]);
  138. #define DECLARE_ICommandText_METHODS \
  139. STDMETHOD(GetCommandText)(\
  140. THIS_ \
  141. GUID * pguidDialect, \
  142. LPOLESTR * ppwszCommand); \
  143. \
  144. STDMETHOD(SetCommandText)(\
  145. THIS_ \
  146. REFGUID rguidDialect, \
  147. LPCOLESTR pwszCommand);
  148. #define DECLARE_IConvertType_METHODS \
  149. STDMETHOD(CanConvert)(\
  150. THIS_ \
  151. DBTYPE wFromType, \
  152. DBTYPE wToType, \
  153. DBCONVERTFLAGS dwConvertFlags);
  154. #define DECLARE_ICommandPrepare_METHODS \
  155. STDMETHOD(Prepare)(ULONG cExpectedRuns); \
  156. \
  157. STDMETHOD(Unprepare)(void);
  158. #define DECLARE_IRowProvider_METHODS \
  159. STDMETHOD(GetColumn)( \
  160. ULONG icol, \
  161. DBSTATUS *pdbStatus, \
  162. ULONG *pdwLength, \
  163. BYTE *pbData \
  164. ); \
  165. \
  166. STDMETHOD(NextRow)();
  167. #define DECLARE_IRowsetInfo_METHODS \
  168. STDMETHOD(GetProperties)( \
  169. const ULONG cPropertyIDSets, \
  170. const DBPROPIDSET __RPC_FAR rgPropertyIDSets[], \
  171. ULONG __RPC_FAR *pcPropertySets, \
  172. DBPROPSET __RPC_FAR *__RPC_FAR *prgPropertySets \
  173. ); \
  174. \
  175. STDMETHOD(GetReferencedRowset)( \
  176. DBORDINAL iOrdinal, \
  177. REFIID riid, \
  178. IUnknown __RPC_FAR *__RPC_FAR *ppReferencedRowset \
  179. ); \
  180. \
  181. STDMETHOD(GetSpecification)( \
  182. REFIID riid, \
  183. IUnknown __RPC_FAR *__RPC_FAR *ppSpecification \
  184. ); \