Copyright (c) 1998 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Domain Name System (DNS) Server -- Admin Client Library
RPC record conversion routines. Convert DNS_RECORD records into RPC buffer.
Jing Chen (t-jingc) June, 1998 reverse functions of rconvert.c
Revision History:
#include "dnsclip.h"
// size of string in RPC format
#define STRING_UTF8_BUF_SIZE( string, fUnicode ) \
Dns_GetBufferLengthForStringCopy( \ (string), \ 0, \ ((fUnicode) ? DnsCharSetUnicode : DnsCharSetUtf8), \ DnsCharSetUtf8 )
// Writing strings to RPC buffer format
#define WRITE_STRING_TO_RPC_BUF(buf, psz, len, funicode) \
Dns_StringCopy( \ (buf), \ NULL, \ (psz), \ (len), \ ((funicode) ? DnsCharSetUnicode : DnsCharSetUtf8), \ DnsCharSetUtf8 )
// size of name in RPC format
#define NAME_UTF8_BUF_SIZE( string, fUnicode ) \
Dns_GetBufferLengthForStringCopy( \ (string), \ 0, \ ((fUnicode) ? DnsCharSetUnicode : DnsCharSetUtf8), \ DnsCharSetUtf8 )
// Writing names to RPC buffer format
#define WRITE_NAME_TO_RPC_BUF(buf, psz, len, funicode) \
Dns_StringCopy( \ (buf), \ NULL, \ (psz), \ (len), \ ((funicode) ? DnsCharSetUnicode : DnsCharSetUtf8), \ DnsCharSetUtf8 )
// Private protos
PDNS_RPC_RECORD Rpc_AllocateRecord( IN DWORD BufferLength );
// RPC buffer conversion functions
Routine Description:
Convert A record from DNS Record to RPC buffer.
pRR - record being read
Return Value:
Ptr to new RPC buffer if successful. NULL on failure.
--*/ { PDNS_RPC_RECORD prpcRR;
DNS_ASSERT( pRR->wDataLength == sizeof( IP_ADDRESS ) );
prpcRR = Rpc_AllocateRecord( sizeof( IP_ADDRESS ) ); if ( !prpcRR ) { return NULL; } prpcRR->Data.A.ipAddress = pRR->Data.A.IpAddress;
return prpcRR; }
PDNS_RPC_RECORD PtrDnsRecordConvert( IN PDNS_RECORD pRR ) /*++
Routine Description:
Process PTR compatible record from wire. Includes: NS, PTR, CNAME, MB, MR, MG, MD, MF
pRR - record being read
Return Value:
Ptr to new RPC buffer if successful. NULL on failure.
--*/ { PDNS_RPC_RECORD prpcRR; DWORD length; BOOL funicode = IS_UNICODE_RECORD( pRR );
// PTR data is another domain name
// determine required buffer length and allocate
length = NAME_UTF8_BUF_SIZE(pRR->Data.PTR.pNameHost, funicode);
prpcRR = Rpc_AllocateRecord( sizeof( DNS_RPC_NAME ) + length ); if ( !prpcRR ) { return NULL; }
// write hostname into buffer, immediately following PTR data struct
prpcRR->Data.PTR.nameNode.cchNameLength = (UCHAR)length;
WRITE_NAME_TO_RPC_BUF( prpcRR->Data.PTR.nameNode.achName, // buffer
pRR->Data.PTR.pNameHost, 0, funicode );
return prpcRR; }
PDNS_RPC_RECORD SoaDnsRecordConvert( IN PDNS_RECORD pRR ) /*++
Routine Description:
Convert SOA record from DNS Record to RPC buffer.
pRR - ptr to record being read
Return Value:
Ptr to new RPC buffer if successful. NULL on failure.
--*/ { PDNS_RPC_RECORD prpcRR; DWORD length1; DWORD length2; PDNS_RPC_NAME pnamePrimary; PDNS_RPC_NAME pnameAdmin; BOOL funicode = IS_UNICODE_RECORD( pRR );
// determine required buffer length and allocate
length1 = NAME_UTF8_BUF_SIZE( pRR->Data.SOA.pNamePrimaryServer, funicode );
length2 = NAME_UTF8_BUF_SIZE( pRR->Data.SOA.pNameAdministrator, funicode );
prpcRR = Rpc_AllocateRecord( SIZEOF_SOA_FIXED_DATA + sizeof( DNS_RPC_NAME ) * 2 + length1 + length2 ); if ( !prpcRR ) { return NULL; }
// copy fixed fields
RtlCopyMemory( (PCHAR) & prpcRR->Data.SOA.dwSerialNo, (PCHAR) & pRR->Data.SOA.dwSerialNo, SIZEOF_SOA_FIXED_DATA );
// copy names into RR buffer
// - primary server immediately follows SOA data struct
// - responsible party follows primary server
pnamePrimary = &prpcRR->Data.SOA.namePrimaryServer; pnamePrimary->cchNameLength = (UCHAR) length1;
pnameAdmin = DNS_GET_NEXT_NAME( pnamePrimary ); pnameAdmin->cchNameLength = (UCHAR) length2;
WRITE_NAME_TO_RPC_BUF( pnamePrimary->achName, pRR->Data.Soa.pNamePrimaryServer, 0, funicode );
WRITE_NAME_TO_RPC_BUF( pnameAdmin->achName, pRR->Data.Soa.pNameAdministrator, 0, funicode );
return prpcRR; }
PDNS_RPC_RECORD TxtDnsRecordConvert( IN PDNS_RECORD pRR ) /*++
Routine Description:
Read TXT compatible record from wire. Includes: TXT, X25, HINFO, ISDN
pRR - record being read
Return Value:
Ptr to new RPC buffer if successful. NULL on failure.
--*/ { PDNS_RPC_RECORD prpcRR; DWORD bufLength; DWORD length; INT count; PCHAR pch; PCHAR * ppstring; BOOL funicode = IS_UNICODE_RECORD( pRR );
// determine required buffer length and allocate
// - allocate space for each string
// - and ptr for each string
bufLength = 0; count = pRR->Data.TXT.dwStringCount; ppstring = pRR->Data.TXT.pStringArray;
while ( count-- ) { //
// Note: sizeof(DNS_RPC_NAME) is two: 1 char for the length value
// and 1 char for the first char in the name. The max string length
// is 255 because we store the string length in a single byte.
length = STRING_UTF8_BUF_SIZE( *ppstring++, funicode ); if ( length > 255 ) { return NULL; } bufLength += sizeof(DNS_RPC_NAME) + length - 1; }
// allocate
prpcRR = Rpc_AllocateRecord( bufLength ); if ( !prpcRR ) { return NULL; }
// go back through list copying strings to buffer
// - ptrs to strings are saved to argv like data section
// ppstring walks through this section
// - first string written immediately following data section
// - each subsequent string immediately follows predecessor
// pchbuffer keeps ptr to position to write strings
// DEVNOTE: this is a mess
pch = (PCHAR) &prpcRR->Data.TXT; ppstring = pRR->Data.TXT.pStringArray; count = pRR->Data.TXT.dwStringCount;
while ( count-- ) { length = STRING_UTF8_BUF_SIZE( *ppstring, funicode ); (UCHAR) *pch++ += (UCHAR) length; //+1 for TXT type only
length = WRITE_STRING_TO_RPC_BUF( pch, *ppstring++, 0, funicode ); pch += length; #if DBG
DNS_PRINT(( "Read text string %s\n", *( ppstring - 1 ) )); #endif
return prpcRR; }
PDNS_RPC_RECORD MinfoDnsRecordConvert( IN PDNS_RECORD pRR ) /*++
Routine Description:
Read MINFO record from wire.
pRR - record being read
Return Value:
Ptr to new RPC buffer if successful. NULL on failure.
--*/ { PDNS_RPC_RECORD prpcRR; DWORD length1; DWORD length2; PDNS_RPC_NAME prpcName1; PDNS_RPC_NAME prpcName2; BOOL funicode = IS_UNICODE_RECORD( pRR );
// determine required buffer length and allocate
length1 = NAME_UTF8_BUF_SIZE( pRR->Data.MINFO.pNameMailbox, funicode ); length2 = NAME_UTF8_BUF_SIZE( pRR->Data.MINFO.pNameErrorsMailbox, funicode );
prpcRR = Rpc_AllocateRecord( sizeof( DNS_RPC_NAME ) * 2 + length1 + length2 ); if ( !prpcRR ) { return NULL; }
// copy names into RR buffer
// - mailbox immediately follows MINFO data struct
// - errors mailbox immediately follows primary server
prpcName1 = &prpcRR->Data.MINFO.nameMailBox; prpcName1->cchNameLength = (UCHAR) length1;
prpcName2 = DNS_GET_NEXT_NAME( prpcName1); prpcName2->cchNameLength = (UCHAR) length2;
WRITE_NAME_TO_RPC_BUF( prpcName1->achName, pRR->Data.MINFO.pNameMailbox, 0, funicode );
WRITE_NAME_TO_RPC_BUF( prpcName2->achName, pRR->Data.MINFO.pNameErrorsMailbox, 0, funicode );
return prpcRR; }
Routine Description:
convert MX compatible record. Includes: MX, RT, AFSDB
pRR - record being read
Return Value:
Ptr to new RPC buffer if successful. NULL on failure.
--*/ { PDNS_RPC_RECORD prpcRR; PDNS_RPC_NAME prpcName; DWORD length; BOOL funicode = IS_UNICODE_RECORD( pRR );
// determine required buffer length and allocate
length = NAME_UTF8_BUF_SIZE( pRR->Data.MX.pNameExchange, funicode );
prpcRR = Rpc_AllocateRecord( SIZEOF_MX_FIXED_DATA + sizeof( DNS_RPC_NAME ) + length ); if ( !prpcRR ) { return NULL; }
// copy preference
prpcRR->Data.MX.wPreference = pRR->Data.MX.wPreference;
// write hostname into buffer, immediately following MX struct
prpcName = &prpcRR->Data.MX.nameExchange; prpcName->cchNameLength = (UCHAR) length;
WRITE_NAME_TO_RPC_BUF( prpcName->achName, pRR->Data.MX.pNameExchange, 0, funicode );
return prpcRR; }
PDNS_RPC_RECORD SigDnsRecordConvert( IN PDNS_RECORD pRR ) /*++
Routine Description:
Convert SIG record.
pRR - record being read
Return Value:
Ptr to new RPC buffer if successful. NULL on failure.
--*/ { PDNS_RPC_RECORD prpcRR; PDNS_RPC_NAME prpcName; DWORD nameLength; DWORD sigLength; BOOL funicode = IS_UNICODE_RECORD( pRR ); PBYTE pSig;
nameLength = NAME_UTF8_BUF_SIZE( pRR->Data.SIG.pNameSigner, funicode );
sigLength = pRR->wDataLength - ( DWORD ) ( pRR->Data.SIG.Signature - ( PBYTE ) &pRR->Data.SIG );
prpcRR = Rpc_AllocateRecord( SIZEOF_SIG_FIXED_DATA + 1 + nameLength + sigLength ); if ( !prpcRR ) { return NULL; }
prpcRR->Data.SIG.wTypeCovered = pRR->Data.SIG.wTypeCovered; prpcRR->Data.SIG.chAlgorithm = pRR->Data.SIG.chAlgorithm; prpcRR->Data.SIG.chLabelCount = pRR->Data.SIG.chLabelCount; prpcRR->Data.SIG.dwOriginalTtl = pRR->Data.SIG.dwOriginalTtl; prpcRR->Data.SIG.dwSigExpiration = pRR->Data.SIG.dwExpiration; prpcRR->Data.SIG.dwSigInception = pRR->Data.SIG.dwTimeSigned; prpcRR->Data.SIG.wKeyTag = pRR->Data.SIG.wKeyTag;
prpcName = &prpcRR->Data.SIG.nameSigner; prpcName->cchNameLength = ( UCHAR ) nameLength;
WRITE_NAME_TO_RPC_BUF( prpcName->achName, pRR->Data.SIG.pNameSigner, 0, funicode );
pSig = ( PBYTE ) DNS_GET_NEXT_NAME( prpcName );
RtlCopyMemory( pSig, pRR->Data.SIG.Signature, sigLength );
return prpcRR; } // SigDnsRecordConvert
PDNS_RPC_RECORD NxtDnsRecordConvert( IN PDNS_RECORD pRR ) /*++
Routine Description:
Convert NXT record.
pRR - record being read
Return Value:
Ptr to new RPC buffer if successful. NULL on failure.
--*/ { PDNS_RPC_RECORD prpcRR; PDNS_RPC_NAME prpcName; DWORD nameLength; BOOL funicode = IS_UNICODE_RECORD( pRR );
// Allocate the RPC record.
nameLength = NAME_UTF8_BUF_SIZE( pRR->Data.NXT.pNameNext, funicode );
prpcRR = Rpc_AllocateRecord( nameLength + 1 + ( pRR->Data.NXT.wNumTypes + 1 ) * sizeof( WORD ) ); if ( !prpcRR ) { return NULL; }
// Copy the type array.
prpcRR->Data.Nxt.wNumTypeWords = pRR->Data.NXT.wNumTypes; RtlCopyMemory( prpcRR->Data.Nxt.wTypeWords, pRR->Data.NXT.wTypes, pRR->Data.NXT.wNumTypes * sizeof( WORD ) );
// Write the next name.
prpcName = ( PDNS_RPC_NAME ) ( ( PBYTE ) &prpcRR->Data.NXT.wTypeWords + prpcRR->Data.Nxt.wNumTypeWords * sizeof( WORD ) ); prpcName->cchNameLength = ( UCHAR ) nameLength; WRITE_NAME_TO_RPC_BUF( prpcName->achName, pRR->Data.NXT.pNameNext, 0, funicode );
return prpcRR; } // NxtDnsRecordConvert
PDNS_RPC_RECORD FlatDnsRecordConvert( IN PDNS_RECORD pRR ) /*++
Routine Description:
Convert memory copy compatible record. Includes AAAA and WINS types.
pRR - record being read
Return Value:
Ptr to new RPC buffer if successful. NULL on failure.
--*/ { PDNS_RPC_RECORD prpcRR; DWORD bufLength;
// determine required buffer length and allocate
bufLength = pRR->wDataLength;
prpcRR = Rpc_AllocateRecord( bufLength ); if ( !prpcRR ) { return NULL; }
// copy packet data to record
RtlCopyMemory( & prpcRR->Data, & pRR->Data, bufLength );
return prpcRR; }
PDNS_RPC_RECORD SrvDnsRecordConvert( IN PDNS_RECORD pRR ) /*++
Routine Description:
convert SRV record.
pRR - record being read
Return Value:
Ptr to new RPC buffer if successful. NULL on failure.
--*/ { PDNS_RPC_RECORD prpcRR; PDNS_RPC_NAME prpcName; DWORD length; BOOL funicode = IS_UNICODE_RECORD( pRR );
// determine required buffer length and allocate
length = NAME_UTF8_BUF_SIZE( pRR->Data.SRV.pNameTarget, funicode );
prpcRR = Rpc_AllocateRecord( SIZEOF_SRV_FIXED_DATA + sizeof(DNS_RPC_NAME) + length ); if ( !prpcRR ) { return NULL; }
// copy SRV fixed fields
prpcRR->Data.SRV.wPriority = pRR->Data.SRV.wPriority; prpcRR->Data.SRV.wWeight = pRR->Data.SRV.wWeight; prpcRR->Data.SRV.wPort = pRR->Data.SRV.wPort;
// write hostname into buffer, immediately following SRV struct
prpcName = &prpcRR->Data.SRV.nameTarget; prpcName->cchNameLength = (UCHAR) length;
WRITE_NAME_TO_RPC_BUF( prpcName->achName, pRR->Data.SRV.pNameTarget, 0, funicode );
return prpcRR; }
PDNS_RPC_RECORD NbstatDnsRecordConvert( IN PDNS_RECORD pRR ) /*++
Routine Description:
Read WINSR record from wire.
pRR - record being read
Return Value:
Ptr to new RPC buffer if successful. NULL on failure.
--*/ { PDNS_RPC_RECORD prpcRR; PDNS_RPC_NAME prpcName; DWORD length; BOOL funicode = IS_UNICODE_RECORD( pRR );
// determine required buffer length and allocate
length = NAME_UTF8_BUF_SIZE( pRR->Data.WINSR.pNameResultDomain, funicode );
prpcRR = Rpc_AllocateRecord( SIZEOF_NBSTAT_FIXED_DATA + sizeof(DNS_RPC_NAME) + length ); if ( !prpcRR ) { return NULL; }
// copy WINSR fixed fields
prpcRR->Data.WINSR.dwMappingFlag = pRR->Data.WINSR.dwMappingFlag; prpcRR->Data.WINSR.dwLookupTimeout = pRR->Data.WINSR.dwLookupTimeout; prpcRR->Data.WINSR.dwCacheTimeout = pRR->Data.WINSR.dwCacheTimeout;
// write hostname into buffer, immediately following WINSR struct
prpcName = &prpcRR->Data.WINSR.nameResultDomain; prpcName->cchNameLength = (UCHAR) length;
WRITE_NAME_TO_RPC_BUF( prpcName->achName, pRR->Data.WINSR.pNameResultDomain, 0, funicode );
return prpcRR; }
// Jump table for DNS_RECORD => RPC buffer conversion.
ADnsRecordConvert, // A
PtrDnsRecordConvert, // NS
PtrDnsRecordConvert, // MD
PtrDnsRecordConvert, // MF
PtrDnsRecordConvert, // CNAME
SoaDnsRecordConvert, // SOA
PtrDnsRecordConvert, // MB
PtrDnsRecordConvert, // MG
PtrDnsRecordConvert, // MR
FlatDnsRecordConvert, // WKS
PtrDnsRecordConvert, // PTR
TxtDnsRecordConvert, // HINFO
MinfoDnsRecordConvert, // MINFO
MxDnsRecordConvert, // MX
TxtDnsRecordConvert, // TXT
MinfoDnsRecordConvert, // RP
MxDnsRecordConvert, // AFSDB
TxtDnsRecordConvert, // X25
TxtDnsRecordConvert, // ISDN
MxDnsRecordConvert, // RT
SigDnsRecordConvert, // SIG
FlatDnsRecordConvert, // AAAA
NULL, // 29
NxtDnsRecordConvert, // 30
NULL, // 31
NULL, // 32
SrvDnsRecordConvert, // SRV
NULL, // 35
NULL, // 36
NULL, // 37
NULL, // 38
NULL, // 39
NULL, // 40
NULL, // 42
NULL, // 43
NULL, // 44
NULL, // 45
NULL, // 46
NULL, // 47
NULL, // 48
// NOTE: last type indexed by type ID MUST be set
// as MAX_SELF_INDEXED_TYPE #define in record.h
// (see note above in record info table)
// note these follow, but require OFFSET_TO_WINS_RR subtraction
// from actual type value
FlatDnsRecordConvert, // WINS
NbstatDnsRecordConvert // WINS-R
PDNS_RPC_RECORD Rpc_AllocateRecord( IN DWORD BufferLength ) /*++
Routine Description:
Allocate RPC record structure.
wBufferLength - desired buffer length (beyond structure header)
Return Value:
Ptr to buffer. NULL on error.
--*/ { PDNS_RPC_RECORD prr;
if ( BufferLength > MAXWORD ) { return NULL; }
prr = ALLOCATE_HEAP( SIZEOF_DNS_RPC_RECORD_HEADER + BufferLength ); if ( !prr ) { SetLastError( ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY ); return NULL; }
// set datalength to buffer length
prr->wDataLength = (WORD) BufferLength;
return prr; }
PDNS_RPC_RECORD DnsConvertRecordToRpcBuffer( IN PDNS_RECORD pRecord ) /*++
Routine Description:
Convert standard DNS record to RPC buffer.
pRecord -- DNS Record to be converted.
//fUnicode -- flag, write records into unicode
Return Value:
Ptr to new RPC buffer if successful. NULL on failure.
DNS_ASSERT( DNS_IS_DWORD_ALIGNED( pRecord ) ); IF_DNSDBG( RPC2 ) { DNS_PRINT(( "Enter DnsConvertRecordToRpcBuffer()\n" " pRecord = %p\n", pRecord )); }
// convert record
// set unicode flag if converting
type = pRecord->wType; index = INDEX_FOR_TYPE( type ); DNS_ASSERT( index <= MAX_RECORD_TYPE_INDEX );
if ( !index || !(pFunc = RecordToRpcConvertTable[ index ]) ) { // if unknown type try flat record copy -- best we can
// do to protect if server added new types since admin built
DNS_PRINT(( "ERROR: no DNS_RECORD to RPC conversion routine for type %d\n" " using flat conversion routine\n", type )); pFunc = FlatDnsRecordConvert; }
prpcRecord = (*pFunc)( pRecord ); if ( ! prpcRecord ) { DNS_PRINT(( "ERROR: Record build routine failure for record type %d\n" " status = %p\n\n", type, GetLastError() )); return NULL; }
// fill out record structure
prpcRecord->wType = type; prpcRecord->dwTtlSeconds = pRecord->dwTtl;
IF_DNSDBG( INIT ) { DNS_PRINT(( "New RPC buffer built\n" )); }
IF_DNSDBG( RPC2 ) { DNS_PRINT(( "Finished DnsConvertRpcBufferToRecords() " )); }
return prpcRecord; }
// End dconvert.c