/*++ BUILD Version: 0001 // Increment this if a change has global effects
Copyright (c) 1991 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This file contains the text for ncb error messages.
Yi-HsinS (Yi-Hsin Sung) 21-Aug-1991
Revision History:
This file is used to generate a LAN Manager error message file.
See lmcons.h for range of error codes in use by LAN Manager components.
#define NRCERR_BASE 5300
#define NRCerr_GOODRET (NRCERR_BASE + 0) /* @E
* * The network control block (NCB) request completed successfully. * The NCB is the data. */ #define NRCerr_BUFLEN (NRCERR_BASE + 1) /* @E
* * Illegal network control block (NCB) buffer length on SEND DATAGRAM, * SEND BROADCAST, ADAPTER STATUS, or SESSION STATUS. * The NCB is the data. */ #define NRCerr_DESCRIPTOR (NRCERR_BASE + 2) /* @E
* * The data descriptor array specified in the network control block (NCB) is * invalid. The NCB is the data. */ #define NRCerr_ILLCMD (NRCERR_BASE + 3) /* @E
* * The command specified in the network control block (NCB) is illegal. * The NCB is the data. */ #define NRCerr_INVCORR (NRCERR_BASE + 4) /* @E
* * The message correlator specified in the network control block (NCB) is * invalid. The NCB is the data. */ #define NRCerr_CMDTMO (NRCERR_BASE + 5) /* @E
* * A network control block (NCB) command timed-out. The session may have * terminated abnormally. The NCB is the data. */ #define NRCerr_INCOMP (NRCERR_BASE + 6) /* @E
* * An incomplete network control block (NCB) message was received. * The NCB is the data. */ #define NRCerr_BADDR (NRCERR_BASE + 7) /* @E
* * The buffer address specified in the network control block (NCB) is illegal. * The NCB is the data. */ #define NRCerr_SNUMOUT (NRCERR_BASE + 8) /* @E
* * The session number specified in the network control block (NCB) is not active. * The NCB is the data. */ #define NRCerr_NORES (NRCERR_BASE + 9) /* @E
* * No resource was available in the network adapter. * The network control block (NCB) request was refused. The NCB is the data. */ #define NRCerr_SCLOSED (NRCERR_BASE + 10) /* @E
* * The session specified in the network control block (NCB) was closed. * The NCB is the data. */ #define NRCerr_CMDCAN (NRCERR_BASE + 11) /* @E
* * The network control block (NCB) command was canceled. * The NCB is the data. */ #define NRCerr_MESSSEG (NRCERR_BASE + 12) /* @E
* * The message segment specified in the network control block (NCB) is * illogical. The NCB is the data. */ #define NRCerr_DUPNAME (NRCERR_BASE + 13) /* @E
* * The name already exists in the local adapter name table. * The network control block (NCB) request was refused. The NCB is the data. */ #define NRCerr_NAMTFUL (NRCERR_BASE + 14) /* @E
* * The network adapter name table is full. * The network control block (NCB) request was refused. The NCB is the data. */ #define NRCerr_ACTSES (NRCERR_BASE + 15) /* @E
* * The network name has active sessions and is now de-registered. * The network control block (NCB) command completed. The NCB is the data. */ #define NRCerr_RECVLOOKAHD (NRCERR_BASE + 16) /* @E
* * A previously issued Receive Lookahead command is active * for this session. The network control block (NCB) command was rejected. * The NCB is the data. */ #define NRCerr_LOCTFUL (NRCERR_BASE + 17) /* @E
* * The local session table is full. The network control block (NCB) request was refused. * The NCB is the data. */ #define NRCerr_REMTFUL (NRCERR_BASE + 18) /* @E
* * A network control block (NCB) session open was rejected. No LISTEN is outstanding * on the remote computer. The NCB is the data. */ #define NRCerr_ILLNN (NRCERR_BASE + 19) /* @E
* * The name number specified in the network control block (NCB) is illegal. * The NCB is the data. */ #define NRCerr_NOCALL (NRCERR_BASE + 20) /* @E
* * The call name specified in the network control block (NCB) cannot be found or * did not answer. The NCB is the data. */ #define NRCerr_NOWILD (NRCERR_BASE + 21) /* @E
* * The name specified in the network control block (NCB) was not found. Cannot put '*' or * 00h in the NCB name. The NCB is the data. */ #define NRCerr_INUSE (NRCERR_BASE + 22) /* @E
* * The name specified in the network control block (NCB) is in use on a remote adapter. * The NCB is the data. */ #define NRCerr_NAMERR (NRCERR_BASE + 23) /* @E
* * The name specified in the network control block (NCB) has been deleted. * The NCB is the data. */ #define NRCerr_SABORT (NRCERR_BASE + 24) /* @E
* * The session specified in the network control block (NCB) ended abnormally. * The NCB is the data. */ #define NRCerr_NAMCONF (NRCERR_BASE + 25) /* @E
* * The network protocol has detected two or more identical * names on the network. The network control block (NCB) is the data. */ #define NRCerr_INVRMDEV (NRCERR_BASE + 26) /* @E
* * An unexpected protocol packet was received. There may be an * incompatible remote device. The network control block (NCB) is the data. */ #define NRCerr_IFBUSY (NRCERR_BASE + 33) /* @E
* * The NetBIOS interface is busy. * The network control block (NCB) request was refused. The NCB is the data. */ #define NRCerr_TOOMANY (NRCERR_BASE + 34) /* @E
* * There are too many network control block (NCB) commands outstanding. * The NCB request was refused. The NCB is the data. */ #define NRCerr_BRIDGE (NRCERR_BASE + 35) /* @E
* * The adapter number specified in the network control block (NCB) is illegal. * The NCB is the data. */ #define NRCerr_CANOCCR (NRCERR_BASE + 36) /* @E
* * The network control block (NCB) command completed while a cancel was occurring. * The NCB is the data. */ #define NRCerr_RESNAME (NRCERR_BASE + 37) /* @E
* * The name specified in the network control block (NCB) is reserved. * The NCB is the data. */ #define NRCerr_CANCEL (NRCERR_BASE + 38) /* @E
* * The network control block (NCB) command is not valid to cancel. * The NCB is the data. */ #define NRCerr_MULT (NRCERR_BASE + 51) /* @E
* * There are multiple network control block (NCB) requests for the same session. * The NCB request was refused. The NCB is the data. */ #define NRCerr_MALF (NRCERR_BASE + 52) /* @E
* * There has been a network adapter error. The only NetBIOS * command that may be issued is an NCB RESET. The network control block (NCB) is * the data. */ #define NRCerr_MAXAPPS (NRCERR_BASE + 54) /* @E
* * The maximum number of applications was exceeded. * The network control block (NCB) request was refused. The NCB is the data. */ #define NRCerr_NORESOURCES (NRCERR_BASE + 56) /* @E
* * The requested resources are not available. * The network control block (NCB) request was refused. The NCB is the data. */ #define NRCerr_SYSTEM (NRCERR_BASE + 64) /* @E
* * A system error has occurred. * The network control block (NCB) request was refused. The NCB is the data. */ #define NRCerr_ROM (NRCERR_BASE + 65) /* @E
* * A ROM checksum failure has occurred. * The network control block (NCB) request was refused. The NCB is the data. */ #define NRCerr_RAM (NRCERR_BASE + 66) /* @E
* * A RAM test failure has occurred. * The network control block (NCB) request was refused. The NCB is the data. */ #define NRCerr_DLF (NRCERR_BASE + 67) /* @E
* * A digital loopback failure has occurred. * The network control block (NCB) request was refused. The NCB is the data. */ */ #define NRCerr_ALF (NRCERR_BASE + 68) /* @E
* * An analog loopback failure has occurred. * The network control block (NCB) request was refused. The NCB is the data. */ #define NRCerr_IFAIL (NRCERR_BASE + 69) /* @E
* * An interface failure has occurred. * The network control block (NCB) request was refused. The NCB is the data. */ #define NRCerr_DEFAULT (NRCERR_BASE + 70) /* @E
* * An unrecognized network control block (NCB) return code was received. * The NCB is the data. */ #define NRCerr_ADPTMALFN (NRCERR_BASE + 80) /* @E
* * A network adapter malfunction has occurred. * The network control block (NCB) request was refused. The NCB is the data. */ #define NRCerr_PENDING (NRCERR_BASE + 81) /* @E
* * The network control block (NCB) command is still pending. * The NCB is the data. */