Copyright (c) 1997 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
These are the browser service API RPC client stubs for CSC
#include <nt.h>
#include <ntrtl.h>
#include <nturtl.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <rpcutil.h>
#include <lmcons.h>
#include <lmerr.h>
#include <lmapibuf.h>
#include <lmserver.h>
#include "cscp.h"
static FARPROC pCSCFindFirstFile = NULL; static FARPROC pCSCFindNextFile = NULL; static FARPROC pCSCFindClose = NULL; static FARPROC pCSCIsServerOffline = NULL;
BrowserGetCSCEntryPoints() { HANDLE hMod;
if( pCSCFindFirstFile == NULL ) {
// Get the entry points in reverse order for multithread protection
hMod = LoadLibrary(L"cscdll.dll"); if( hMod == NULL ) { return 0; }
pCSCFindClose = GetProcAddress(hMod,"CSCFindClose"); if( pCSCFindClose == NULL ) { return 0; }
pCSCFindNextFile = GetProcAddress(hMod,"CSCFindNextFileW" ); if( pCSCFindNextFile == NULL ) { return 0; }
pCSCIsServerOffline = GetProcAddress(hMod, "CSCIsServerOfflineW" ); if( pCSCIsServerOffline == NULL ) { return 0; }
pCSCFindFirstFile = GetProcAddress(hMod,"CSCFindFirstFileW" ); } return pCSCFindFirstFile != 0; }
if( BrowserGetCSCEntryPoints() && pCSCIsServerOffline( NULL, &isOffline ) && isOffline == TRUE ) {
return TRUE; }
return FALSE; }
NET_API_STATUS NET_API_FUNCTION CSCNetServerEnumEx( IN DWORD level, OUT LPBYTE *bufptr, IN DWORD prefmaxlen, OUT LPDWORD entriesread, OUT LPDWORD totalentries ) /*++
level - Supplies the requested level of information.
bufptr - Returns a pointer to a buffer which contains the requested transport information.
prefmaxlen - Supplies the number of bytes of information to return in the buffer. Ignored for this case.
entriesread - Returns the number of entries read into the buffer.
totalentries - Returns the total number of entries available.
--*/ { HANDLE hFind = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; WIN32_FIND_DATAW sFind32; DWORD dwError, dwStatus, dwPinCount, dwHintFlags; FILETIME ftOrgTime; NET_API_STATUS apiStatus; LPWSTR server, share; PBYTE outbuf = NULL, endp; DWORD count, numFound, serverlen;
try {
count = 1024;
retry: numFound = 0;
// Allocate space for the results
if( outbuf != NULL ) { NetApiBufferFree( outbuf ); outbuf = NULL; count *= 2; } apiStatus = NetApiBufferAllocate( count, &outbuf );
if( apiStatus != NO_ERROR ) { goto try_exit; } endp = outbuf + count;
RtlZeroMemory( outbuf, count );
// See if we can enumerate the cached servers and shares
if( hFind != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { pCSCFindClose( hFind ); hFind = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } hFind = (HANDLE)pCSCFindFirstFile( NULL, &sFind32, &dwStatus, &dwPinCount, &dwHintFlags, &ftOrgTime );
if( hFind == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { NetApiBufferFree( outbuf ); apiStatus = ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED; goto try_exit; }
do { //
// For each entry, take a look to see if it's one that we want. If
// it is one, pack the results into the output buffer. If the output
// buffer is too small, grow the buffer and start over again.
// The name returned should be \\server\sharename
if( sFind32.cFileName[0] != L'\\' || sFind32.cFileName[1] != L'\\' || sFind32.cFileName[2] == L'\0' ) {
// We got a strange server name entry
continue; }
server = &sFind32.cFileName[2];
for( share = server; *share && *share != '\\'; share++ );
if( share[0] != '\\' ) { //
// No share component?
continue; }
// NULL terminate the servername
*share++ = L'\0';
serverlen = (DWORD)(share - server) * sizeof( WCHAR ) ;
// We've found a server entry!
if( level == 0 ) { PSERVER_INFO_100 s100 = (PSERVER_INFO_100)outbuf + numFound; PSERVER_INFO_100 s;
if( (PBYTE)(endp - serverlen) < (PBYTE)(s100 + sizeof( s100 )) ) { goto retry; }
// If we've already gotten this server, skip it
for( s = (PSERVER_INFO_100)outbuf; s < s100; s++ ) { if( !lstrcmpiW( s->sv100_name, server ) ) { break; } }
if( s != s100 ) { continue; }
endp -= serverlen; RtlCopyMemory( endp, server, serverlen ); s100->sv100_name = (LPWSTR)endp; s100->sv100_platform_id = SV_PLATFORM_ID_NT;
} else { PSERVER_INFO_101 s101 = (PSERVER_INFO_101)outbuf + numFound; PSERVER_INFO_101 s;
if( (PBYTE)(endp - serverlen) < (PBYTE)(s101 + sizeof( s101 )) ) { goto retry; }
// If we've already gotten this server, skip it
for( s = (PSERVER_INFO_101)outbuf; s < s101; s++ ) { if( !lstrcmpiW( s->sv101_name, server ) ) { break; } }
if( s != s101 ) { continue; }
endp -= serverlen; RtlCopyMemory( endp, server, serverlen );
s101->sv101_name = (LPWSTR)endp; s101->sv101_platform_id = SV_PLATFORM_ID_NT; s101->sv101_version_major = 5; s101->sv101_version_minor = 0; s101->sv101_type = SV_TYPE_SERVER; s101->sv101_comment = (LPWSTR)(endp + serverlen - sizeof(WCHAR)); }
} while( pCSCFindNextFile(hFind, &sFind32, &dwStatus, &dwPinCount, &dwHintFlags, &ftOrgTime) );
if( numFound != 0 ) {
apiStatus = NERR_Success;
} else {
NetApiBufferFree( outbuf ); outbuf = NULL; apiStatus = NERR_BrowserTableIncomplete; }
*bufptr = outbuf;
*entriesread = numFound;
*totalentries = numFound;
try_exit:; } except( EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER ) {
if( outbuf != NULL ) { NetApiBufferFree( outbuf ); }
if( hFind != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { pCSCFindClose( hFind ); }
return apiStatus; }