#include <nt.h>
#include <ntrtl.h>
#include <nturtl.h>
#include <ntddbrow.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <lmcons.h>
#include <winsock2.h>
#include <nlsite.h>
#include <dsgetdc.h>
#include <nlcommon.h>
#define MAX_PRINTF_LEN 1024 // Arbitrary.
VOID NlPrintRoutine( IN DWORD DebugFlag, IN LPSTR Format, ... ) { va_list arglist; char OutputBuffer[MAX_PRINTF_LEN];
// Put a the information requested by the caller onto the line
va_start(arglist, Format); (VOID) vsprintf(OutputBuffer, Format, arglist); va_end(arglist);
printf( "%s", OutputBuffer ); return; UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER( DebugFlag ); }
VOID NlAssertFailed( IN PVOID FailedAssertion, IN PVOID FileName, IN ULONG LineNumber, IN PCHAR Message OPTIONAL ) { printf( "\n*** Assertion failed: %s%s\n*** Source File: %s, line %ld\n\n", Message ? Message : "", FailedAssertion, FileName, LineNumber );
NTSTATUS NlBrowserSendDatagram( IN PVOID ContextDomainInfo, IN ULONG IpAddress, IN LPWSTR UnicodeDestinationName, IN DGRECEIVER_NAME_TYPE NameType, IN LPWSTR TransportName, IN LPSTR OemMailslotName, IN PVOID Buffer, IN ULONG BufferSize ) /*++
Routine Description:
Send the specified mailslot message to the specified mailslot on the specified server on the specified transport..
DomainInfo - Hosted domain sending the datagram
IpAddress - IpAddress of the machine to send the pind to. If zero, UnicodeDestinationName must be specified.
UnicodeDestinationName -- Name of the server to send to.
NameType -- Type of name represented by UnicodeDestinationName.
TransportName -- Name of the transport to send on. Use NULL to send on all transports.
OemMailslotName -- Name of the mailslot to send to.
Buffer -- Specifies a pointer to the mailslot message to send.
BufferSize -- Size in bytes of the mailslot message
Return Value:
Status of the operation.
--*/ { return STATUS_INTERNAL_ERROR; // If this routine is ever needed, copy it from logonsrv\client\getdcnam.c
NET_API_STATUS NlGetLocalPingResponse( IN LPCWSTR NetbiosDomainName OPTIONAL, IN LPCWSTR DnsDomainName OPTIONAL, IN GUID *DomainGuid OPTIONAL, IN PSID DomainSid OPTIONAL, IN BOOL PdcOnly, IN LPCWSTR UnicodeComputerName, IN LPCWSTR UnicodeUserName OPTIONAL, IN ULONG AllowableAccountControlBits, IN ULONG NtVersion, IN ULONG NtVersionFlags, OUT PSOCKET_ADDRESS *ResponseDcAddress, OUT PVOID *Message, OUT PULONG MessageSize )
Routine Description:
Build the message to ping a DC to see if it exists.
NetbiosDomainName - Netbios Domain Name of the domain to query.
DnsDomainName - DNS Domain Name of the domain to query.
PdcOnly - True if only the PDC should respond.
UnicodeComputerName - Netbios computer name of the machine to respond to.
UnicodeUserName - Account name of the user being pinged. If NULL, DC will always respond affirmatively.
AllowableAccountControlBits - Mask of allowable account types for UnicodeUserName.
NtVersion - Version of the message
NtVersionFlags - Version of the message. 0: For backward compatibility. NETLOGON_NT_VERSION_5: for NT 5.0 message.
Message - Returns the message to be sent to the DC in question. Buffer must be free using NetpMemoryFree().
MessageSize - Returns the size (in bytes) of the returned message
Return Value:
NO_ERROR - Operation completed successfully;
ERROR_NO_SUCH_DOMAIN - If the machine isn't a DC for the requested domain.
ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY - The message could not be allocated.
--*/ { // This stub routine simply does nothing harmful
VOID NlpDumpBuffer( IN DWORD DebugFlag, PVOID Buffer, DWORD BufferSize ) /*++
Routine Description:
Dumps the buffer content on to the debugger output.
DebugFlag: Debug flag to pass on to NlPrintRoutine
Buffer: buffer pointer.
BufferSize: size of the buffer.
Return Value:
--*/ { #define NUM_CHARS 16
DWORD i, limit; CHAR TextBuffer[NUM_CHARS + 1]; LPBYTE BufferPtr = Buffer;
// Hex dump of the bytes
limit = ((BufferSize - 1) / NUM_CHARS + 1) * NUM_CHARS;
for (i = 0; i < limit; i++) {
if (i < BufferSize) {
printf("%02x ", BufferPtr[i]);
if (BufferPtr[i] < 31 ) { TextBuffer[i % NUM_CHARS] = '.'; } else if (BufferPtr[i] == '\0') { TextBuffer[i % NUM_CHARS] = ' '; } else { TextBuffer[i % NUM_CHARS] = (CHAR) BufferPtr[i]; }
} else {
printf(0," "); TextBuffer[i % NUM_CHARS] = ' ';
if ((i + 1) % NUM_CHARS == 0) { TextBuffer[NUM_CHARS] = 0; printf(" %s\n", TextBuffer); }
VOID DoAdd( IN LPWSTR SubnetName, IN LPWSTR SiteName ) { ULONG SubnetAddress; ULONG SubnetMask; BYTE SubnetBitCount; NET_API_STATUS NetStatus;
NetStatus = NlParseSubnetString( SubnetName, &SubnetAddress, &SubnetMask, &SubnetBitCount );
if ( NetStatus != NO_ERROR ) { return; }
printf( "Doing %ws %8.8lX %8.8lX %ld\n", SubnetName, SubnetAddress, SubnetMask, SubnetBitCount );
NetStatus = NlSitesAddSubnet( SiteName, SubnetName );
if ( NetStatus != NO_ERROR ) { printf("Cannot add site %ws %ws %ld\n", SiteName, SubnetName, NetStatus ); return; }
VOID DoLook( IN LPWSTR IpAddress ) { INT WsaStatus; SOCKADDR SockAddr; INT SockAddrSize; PNL_SITE_ENTRY SiteEntry;
// Convert the address to a sockaddr
SockAddrSize = sizeof(SockAddr); WsaStatus = WSAStringToAddressW( IpAddress, AF_INET, NULL, (PSOCKADDR)&SockAddr, &SockAddrSize ); if ( WsaStatus != 0 ) { WsaStatus = WSAGetLastError(); printf("DoLook: %ws: Wsa Error %ld\n", IpAddress, WsaStatus ); return; }
if ( SockAddr.sa_family != AF_INET ) { printf("DoLook: %ws: address not AF_INET\n", IpAddress ); return; }
SiteEntry = NlFindSiteEntryBySockAddr( &SockAddr );
if ( SiteEntry == NULL ) { printf("DoLook: %ws: address cannot be found\n", IpAddress ); return; }
printf("%ws is in site %ws\n", IpAddress, SiteEntry->SiteName );
NlDerefSiteEntry( SiteEntry );
__cdecl main (int argc, char *argv[]) { NET_API_STATUS NetStatus; PNL_SITE_ENTRY Site1; PNL_SITE_ENTRY Site2; PNL_SITE_ENTRY Site3;
WORD wVersionRequested; WSADATA wsaData; int err;
// Initialize winsock.
wVersionRequested = MAKEWORD( 1, 1 );
NetStatus = WSAStartup( wVersionRequested, &wsaData ); if ( NetStatus != 0 ) { printf( "NETAPI32.DLL: Cannot initialize winsock %ld.\n", NetStatus ); return NetStatus; }
if ( LOBYTE( wsaData.wVersion ) != 1 || HIBYTE( wsaData.wVersion ) != 1 ) { WSACleanup(); printf( "NETAPI32.DLL: Wrong winsock version %ld.\n", wsaData.wVersion ); return WSANOTINITIALISED; }
// Init
NetStatus = NlSiteInitialize();
if ( NetStatus != NO_ERROR ) { printf( "Cannot NlSiteInitialize %ld\n", NetStatus ); return 1; }
#ifdef notdef
// Add some sites.
Site1 = NlFindSiteEntry( L"Site 1" );
if ( Site1 == NULL ) { printf( "Cannot Create Site1\n"); return 1; } printf( "%lx: %ws\n", Site1, Site1->SiteName );
Site2 = NlFindSiteEntry( L"Site 1" );
if ( Site2 == NULL ) { printf( "Cannot Create Site2\n"); return 2; } printf( "%lx: %ws\n", Site2, Site2->SiteName );
Site3 = NlFindSiteEntry( L"Site 3" );
if ( Site3 == NULL ) { printf( "Cannot Create Site3\n"); return 3; } printf( "%lx: %ws\n", Site3, Site3->SiteName );
NlDerefSiteEntry( Site1 ); NlDerefSiteEntry( Site2 ); NlDerefSiteEntry( Site3 ); #endif // notdef
// Test invalid subnet strings
#ifdef notdef
DoAdd( L"999.0.0.0/1", L"Site 1" ); DoAdd( L"", L"Site 1" ); DoAdd( L"", L"Site 1" ); DoAdd( L"", L"Site 1" ); DoAdd( L"", L"Site 1" ); DoAdd( L"", L"Site 1" ); DoAdd( L"", L"Site 1" ); DoAdd( L"", L"Site 1" ); DoAdd( L"", L"Site 1" ); DoAdd( L"", L"Site 1" ); DoAdd( L"", L"Site 1" ); DoAdd( L"", L"Site 1" ); DoAdd( L"", L"Site 1" ); DoAdd( L"", L"Site 1" ); DoAdd( L"", L"Site 1" ); DoAdd( L"", L"Site 1" ); DoAdd( L"", L"Site 1" ); DoAdd( L"", L"Site 1" ); DoAdd( L"", L"Site 1" ); DoAdd( L"", L"Site 1" ); DoAdd( L"", L"Site 1" ); DoAdd( L"", L"Site 1" ); DoAdd( L"", L"Site 1" ); DoAdd( L"", L"Site 1" ); DoAdd( L"", L"Site 1" ); DoAdd( L"", L"Site 1" ); DoAdd( L"", L"Site 1" ); DoAdd( L"", L"Site 1" ); DoAdd( L"", L"Site 1" ); DoAdd( L"", L"Site 1" ); DoAdd( L"", L"Site 1" ); DoAdd( L"", L"Site 1" ); DoAdd( L"", L"Site 1" ); DoAdd( L"", L"Site 1" ); DoAdd( L"", L"Site 1" ); DoAdd( L"", L"Site 1" ); DoAdd( L"", L"Site 1" ); DoAdd( L"", L"Site 1" ); #endif // notdef
{ ULONG i; for ( i=0; i<2; i++ ) { DoAdd( L"", L"Site 1" ); DoAdd( L"", L"Site 2" ); DoAdd( L"", L"Site 3" ); // DoAdd( L"", L"Site 4" );
DoAdd( L"", L"Site 5" ); DoAdd( L"", L"Site 6" );
NlSitesEndSubnetEnum(); } } DoLook( L"" ); DoLook( L"" );
#ifdef notdef
DoAdd( L"", L"Site 1" ); DoAdd( L"", L"Site 1" ); DoAdd( L"", L"Site 1" ); #endif // notdef
// Done.
NlSiteTerminate(); printf( "Done\n" ); return 0; }