Copyright (c) 1991 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Private header file to be included by Workstation service modules that implement the NetMessageBufferSend API.
Rita Wong (ritaw) 25-July-1991
Revision History:
#include <lmmsg.h> // LAN Man Message API definitions
#include <nb30.h> // NetBIOS 3.0 definitions
#include <smbtypes.h> // Type definitions needed by smb.h
#include <smb.h> // SMB structures
#include <msgrutil.h> // Netlib helpers for message send
#define WS_SMB_BUFFER_SIZE 200
typedef struct _WSNETWORKS { LANA_ENUM LanAdapterNumbers; UCHAR ComputerNameNumbers[MAX_LANA]; } WSNETWORKS, *PWSNETWORKS;
extern WSNETWORKS WsNetworkInfo;
NET_API_STATUS WsInitializeMessageSend( BOOLEAN FirstTime );
VOID WsShutdownMessageSend( VOID );
NET_API_STATUS WsBroadcastMessage( IN UCHAR LanAdapterNumber, IN UCHAR ComputerNameNumber, IN LPBYTE Message, IN WORD MessageSize, IN LPTSTR Sender );
NET_API_STATUS WsSendToGroup( IN LPTSTR DomainName, IN LPTSTR FromName, IN LPBYTE Message, IN WORD MessageSize );
NET_API_STATUS WsSendMultiBlockBegin( IN UCHAR LanAdapterNumber, IN UCHAR SessionNumber, IN LPTSTR ToName, IN LPTSTR FromName, OUT short *MessageId );
NET_API_STATUS WsSendMultiBlockEnd( IN UCHAR LanAdapterNumber, IN UCHAR SessionNumber, IN short MessageId );
NET_API_STATUS WsSendMultiBlockText( IN UCHAR LanAdapterNumber, IN UCHAR SessionNumber, IN PCHAR TextBuffer, IN WORD TextBufferSize, IN short MessageId );
NET_API_STATUS WsSendSingleBlockMessage( IN UCHAR LanAdapterNumber, IN UCHAR SessionNumber, IN LPTSTR ToName, IN LPTSTR FromName, IN PCHAR TextBuffer, IN WORD TextBufferSize );
WORD WsMakeSmb( OUT PUCHAR SmbBuffer, // Buffer to build SMB in
IN UCHAR SmdFunctionCode, // SMB function code
IN WORD NumberOfParameters, // Number of parameters
IN PCHAR FieldsDopeVector, // Fields dope vector
... );
#endif // ifndef _WSMSG_INCLUDED_