#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <winldap.h>
#include <schedule.h>
#include <mkdsx.h>
#include <frsrpc.h>
#include <ntdsapi.h>
//Global data
BOOL bVerboseMode = FALSE; BOOL bVerboseModeSearch = FALSE; PWCHAR DcName = NULL; PLDAP pLdap = NULL; BOOL bDebugMode = FALSE; BOOL bAffectAll = FALSE; PBYTE SchedMask = NULL; PBYTE SchedOverride = NULL;
// The following come from ntdsapi.h but were not defined in win2K so for
// the SP versions we define them here.
#define NTDSCONN_OPT_IS_GENERATED ( 1 << 0 ) /* object generated by DS, not admin */
#define NTDSCONN_OPT_TWOWAY_SYNC ( 1 << 1 ) /* force sync in opposite direction at end of sync */
#define NTDSCONN_OPT_OVERRIDE_NOTIFY_DEFAULT (1 << 2 ) // Do not use defaults to determine notification
#define NTDSCONN_OPT_USE_NOTIFY (1 << 3) // Does source notify destination
// Static arrays to conver the value of the options attribute to
// string for display.
WCHAR NtdsConnOptionsStr[][MAX_PATH] = {L"Not Used", L"IsGenerated", L"TwoWaySync", L"OverrideNotifyDefault", L"UseNotify", L"IgnoreSchedule"};
// Mask of allowed connection options.
// Only priority 0-7 is supported.
VOID PrintScheduleGrid( PUCHAR ScheduleData, DWORD Mask );
VOID PrintSchedule( PSCHEDULE Schedule, DWORD Mask );
Routine Description:
Sets up an LDAP connection to the specified server
pwszDC - DS DC to bind to ppLDAP - The LDAP connection information is returned here
Return Value:
--*/ { DWORD dwErr = ERROR_SUCCESS; ULONG ulOptions;
// if ldap_open is called with a server name the api will call DsGetDcName
// passing the server name as the domainname parm...bad, because
// DsGetDcName will make a load of DNS queries based on the server name,
// it is designed to construct these queries from a domain name...so all
// these queries will be bogus, meaning they will waste network bandwidth,
// time to fail, and worst case cause expensive on demand links to come up
// as referrals/forwarders are contacted to attempt to resolve the bogus
// names. By setting LDAP_OPT_AREC_EXCLUSIVE to on using ldap_set_option
// after the ldap_init but before any other operation using the ldap
// handle from ldap_init, the delayed connection setup will not call
// DsGetDcName, just gethostbyname, or if an IP is passed, the ldap client
// will detect that and use the address directly.
// *ppLDAP = ldap_open(pszDC, LDAP_PORT);
*ppLDAP = ldap_init(pszDC, LDAP_PORT);
if(*ppLDAP == NULL) { dwErr = ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND; } else { //
// set the options.
ulOptions = PtrToUlong(LDAP_OPT_ON); ldap_set_option(*ppLDAP, LDAP_OPT_AREC_EXCLUSIVE, &ulOptions);
// Do a bind...
dwErr = ldap_bind_s(*ppLDAP, NULL, NULL, LDAP_AUTH_NEGOTIATE); }
return(dwErr); }
PWCHAR FrsWcsDup( PWCHAR OldStr ) /*++
Routine Description: Duplicate a string using our memory allocater
Arguments: OldArg - string to duplicate
Return Value: Duplicated string. Free with FrsFree(). --*/ { PWCHAR NewStr;
// E.g., when duplicating NodePartner when none exists
if (OldStr == NULL) return NULL;
NewStr = (PWCHAR)malloc((wcslen(OldStr) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR)); wcscpy(NewStr, OldStr);
return NewStr; }
VOID AddMod( PWCHAR AttrType, PWCHAR AttrValue, LDAPMod ***pppMod ) /*++
Routine Description: Add an attribute (plus values) to a structure that will eventually be used in an ldap_add() function to add an object to the DS. The null- terminated array referenced by pppMod grows with each call to this routine. The array is freed by the caller using FreeMod().
Arguments: AttrType - The object class of the object. AttrValue - The value of the attribute. pppMod - Address of an array of pointers to "attributes". Don't give me that look -- this is an LDAP thing.
Return Value: The pppMod array grows by one entry. The caller must free it with FreeMod(). --*/ { DWORD NumMod; // Number of entries in the Mod array
LDAPMod **ppMod; // Address of the first entry in the Mod array
LDAPMod *Attr; // An attribute structure
PWCHAR *Values; // An array of pointers to bervals
if (AttrValue == NULL) return;
// The null-terminated array doesn't exist; create it
if (*pppMod == NULL) { *pppMod = (LDAPMod **)malloc(sizeof (*pppMod)); **pppMod = NULL; }
// Increase the array's size by 1
for (ppMod = *pppMod, NumMod = 2; *ppMod != NULL; ++ppMod, ++NumMod); *pppMod = (LDAPMod **)realloc(*pppMod, sizeof (*pppMod) * NumMod);
// Add the new attribute + value to the Mod array
Values = (PWCHAR *)malloc(sizeof (PWCHAR) * 2); Values[0] = _wcsdup(AttrValue); Values[1] = NULL;
Attr = (LDAPMod *)malloc(sizeof (*Attr)); Attr->mod_values = Values; Attr->mod_type = _wcsdup(AttrType); // Attr->mod_op = LDAP_MOD_ADD;
Attr->mod_op = LDAP_MOD_REPLACE; (*pppMod)[NumMod - 1] = NULL; (*pppMod)[NumMod - 2] = Attr; }
VOID AddBerMod( PWCHAR AttrType, PCHAR AttrValue, DWORD AttrValueLen, LDAPMod ***pppMod ) /*++
Routine Description: Add an attribute (plus values) to a structure that will eventually be used in an ldap_add() function to add an object to the DS. The null- terminated array referenced by pppMod grows with each call to this routine. The array is freed by the caller using FreeMod().
Arguments: AttrType - The object class of the object. AttrValue - The value of the attribute. AttrValueLen - length of the attribute pppMod - Address of an array of pointers to "attributes". Don't give me that look -- this is an LDAP thing.
Return Value: The pppMod array grows by one entry. The caller must free it with FreeMod(). --*/ { DWORD NumMod; // Number of entries in the Mod array
LDAPMod **ppMod; // Address of the first entry in the Mod array
LDAPMod *Attr; // An attribute structure
PLDAP_BERVAL Berval; PLDAP_BERVAL *Values; // An array of pointers to bervals
if (AttrValue == NULL) return;
// The null-terminated array doesn't exist; create it
if (*pppMod == NULL) { *pppMod = (LDAPMod **)malloc(sizeof (*pppMod)); **pppMod = NULL; }
// Increase the array's size by 1
for (ppMod = *pppMod, NumMod = 2; *ppMod != NULL; ++ppMod, ++NumMod); *pppMod = (LDAPMod **)realloc(*pppMod, sizeof (*pppMod) * NumMod);
// Construct a berval
Berval = (PLDAP_BERVAL)malloc(sizeof(LDAP_BERVAL)); Berval->bv_len = AttrValueLen; Berval->bv_val = (PCHAR)malloc(AttrValueLen); CopyMemory(Berval->bv_val, AttrValue, AttrValueLen);
// Add the new attribute + value to the Mod array
Values = (PLDAP_BERVAL *)malloc(sizeof (PLDAP_BERVAL) * 2); Values[0] = Berval; Values[1] = NULL;
Attr = (LDAPMod *)malloc(sizeof (*Attr)); Attr->mod_bvalues = Values; Attr->mod_type = _wcsdup(AttrType); Attr->mod_op = LDAP_MOD_BVALUES | LDAP_MOD_REPLACE;
(*pppMod)[NumMod - 1] = NULL; (*pppMod)[NumMod - 2] = Attr; }
VOID FreeMod( LDAPMod ***pppMod ) /*++
Routine Description: Free the structure built by successive calls to AddMod().
Arguments: pppMod - Address of a null-terminated array.
Return Value: *pppMod set to NULL. --*/ { DWORD i, j; LDAPMod **ppMod;
if (!pppMod || !*pppMod) { return; }
// For each attibute
ppMod = *pppMod; for (i = 0; ppMod[i] != NULL; ++i) { //
// For each value of the attribute
for (j = 0; (ppMod[i])->mod_values[j] != NULL; ++j) { //
// Free the value
if (ppMod[i]->mod_op & LDAP_MOD_BVALUES) { free(ppMod[i]->mod_bvalues[j]->bv_val); } free((ppMod[i])->mod_values[j]); } free((ppMod[i])->mod_values); // Free the array of pointers to values
free((ppMod[i])->mod_type); // Free the string identifying the attribute
free(ppMod[i]); // Free the attribute
} free(ppMod); // Free the array of pointers to attributes
*pppMod = NULL; // Now ready for more calls to AddMod()
BOOL LdapSearch( PLDAP ldap, PWCHAR Base, ULONG Scope, PWCHAR Filter, PWCHAR Attrs[], ULONG AttrsOnly, LDAPMessage **Res, BOOL Quiet ) /*++
Routine Description: Issue the ldap ldap_search_s call, check for errors, and check for a shutdown in progress.
Arguments: ldap Base Scope Filter Attrs AttrsOnly Res
Return Value: The ldap array of values or NULL if the Base, DesiredAttr, or its values does not exist. The ldap array is freed with ldap_value_free(). --*/ { DWORD LStatus;
// Issue the ldap search
LStatus = ldap_search_s(ldap, Base, Scope, Filter, Attrs, AttrsOnly, Res); //
// Check for errors
if (LStatus != LDAP_SUCCESS) { if (!Quiet) { DPRINT4("WARN - Error searching %ws for %ws; LStatus %d: %ws\n", Base, Filter, LStatus, ldap_err2string(LStatus)); } return FALSE; } //
// Return TRUE if not shutting down
return TRUE; }
PWCHAR * GetValues( IN PLDAP Ldap, IN PWCHAR Dn, IN PWCHAR DesiredAttr, IN BOOL Quiet ) /*++
Routine Description: Return the DS values for one attribute in an object.
Arguments: ldap - An open, bound ldap port. Base - The "pathname" of a DS object. DesiredAttr - Return values for this attribute. Quiet
Return Value: An array of char pointers that represents the values for the attribute. The caller must free the array with ldap_value_free(). NULL if unsuccessful. --*/ { PWCHAR Attr; BerElement *Ber; PLDAPMessage LdapMsg; PLDAPMessage LdapEntry; PWCHAR Attrs[2]; PWCHAR *Values = NULL;
// Search Base for all of its attributes + values
Attrs[0] = DesiredAttr; Attrs[1] = NULL;
// Issue the ldap search
if (!LdapSearch(Ldap, Dn, LDAP_SCOPE_BASE, CLASS_ANY, Attrs, 0, &LdapMsg, Quiet)) { return NULL; } LdapEntry = ldap_first_entry(Ldap, LdapMsg); if (LdapEntry) { Attr = ldap_first_attribute(Ldap, LdapEntry, &Ber); if (Attr) { Values = ldap_get_values(Ldap, LdapEntry, Attr); } } ldap_msgfree(LdapMsg); return Values; }
BOOL LdapSearchInit( PLDAP ldap, PWCHAR Base, ULONG Scope, PWCHAR Filter, PWCHAR Attrs[], ULONG AttrsOnly, PFRS_LDAP_SEARCH_CONTEXT FrsSearchContext, BOOL Quiet ) /*++
Routine Description: Issue the ldap ldap_search_s call, check for errors, and check for a shutdown in progress.
Arguments: ldap Base Scope Filter Attrs AttrsOnly Res FrsSearchContext
Return Value: The ldap array of values or NULL if the Base, DesiredAttr, or its values does not exist. The ldap array is freed with ldap_value_free(). --*/ { DWORD LStatus = LDAP_SUCCESS; PLDAPControl ServerControls[2]; berval cookie1 = { 0, NULL };
FrsSearchContext->bOpen = FALSE; FrsSearchContext->LdapMsg = NULL; FrsSearchContext->EntriesInPage = 0; FrsSearchContext->CurrentEntry = 0; FrsSearchContext->TotalEntries = 0;
FrsSearchContext->Filter = FrsWcsDup(Filter); FrsSearchContext->BaseDn = FrsWcsDup(Base); FrsSearchContext->Scope = Scope; FrsSearchContext->PageSize = FRS_LDAP_SEARCH_PAGESIZE; FrsSearchContext->Attrs = Attrs;
LStatus = ldap_create_page_control(ldap, FrsSearchContext->PageSize, &cookie1, FALSE, // is critical
&ServerControls[0] );
ServerControls[1] = NULL;
if (LStatus != LDAP_SUCCESS) { DPRINT1("ldap_create_page_control returned error. LStatus = 0x%x\n", LStatus); }
LStatus = ldap_search_ext_s(ldap, FrsSearchContext->BaseDn, FrsSearchContext->Scope, FrsSearchContext->Filter, FrsSearchContext->Attrs, FALSE, ServerControls, NULL, NULL, 0, &FrsSearchContext->LdapMsg);
if (LStatus == LDAP_SUCCESS) { FrsSearchContext->EntriesInPage = ldap_count_entries(ldap, FrsSearchContext->LdapMsg); FrsSearchContext->CurrentEntry = 0; FrsSearchContext->bOpen = TRUE; }
return (LStatus == LDAP_SUCCESS); }
PLDAPMessage LdapSearchGetNextEntry( PLDAP ldap, PFRS_LDAP_SEARCH_CONTEXT FrsSearchContext ) /*++
Routine Description: Issue the ldap ldap_search_s call, check for errors, and check for a shutdown in progress.
Arguments: ldap FrsSearchContext
Return Value: The ldap array of values or NULL if the Base, DesiredAttr, or its values does not exist. The ldap array is freed with ldap_value_free(). --*/ {
FrsSearchContext->CurrentEntry += 1; if ( FrsSearchContext->CurrentEntry == 1 ) { FrsSearchContext->CurrentLdapMsg = ldap_first_entry(ldap ,FrsSearchContext->LdapMsg); } else { FrsSearchContext->CurrentLdapMsg = ldap_next_entry(ldap ,FrsSearchContext->CurrentLdapMsg); }
return FrsSearchContext->CurrentLdapMsg; }
DWORD LdapSearchGetNextPage( PLDAP ldap, PFRS_LDAP_SEARCH_CONTEXT FrsSearchContext ) /*++
Routine Description: Issue the ldap ldap_search_s call, check for errors, and check for a shutdown in progress.
Arguments: ldap FrsSearchContext
Return Value: The ldap array of values or NULL if the Base, DesiredAttr, or its values does not exist. The ldap array is freed with ldap_value_free(). --*/ { DWORD LStatus = LDAP_SUCCESS; berval * CurrCookie = NULL; PLDAPControl * CurrControls = NULL; ULONG retcode = 0; PLDAPControl ServerControls[2];
// Get the server control from the message, and make a new control with the cookie from the server
LStatus = ldap_parse_result(ldap, FrsSearchContext->LdapMsg, &retcode,NULL,NULL,NULL,&CurrControls,FALSE); ldap_msgfree(FrsSearchContext->LdapMsg); FrsSearchContext->LdapMsg = NULL;
if (LStatus == LDAP_SUCCESS) { LStatus = ldap_parse_page_control(ldap, CurrControls, &FrsSearchContext->TotalEntries, &CurrCookie); // under Exchange 5.5, before SP 2, this will fail with LDAP_CONTROL_NOT_FOUND when there are
// no more search results. With Exchange 5.5 SP 2, this succeeds, and gives us a cookie that will
// cause us to start over at the beginning of the search results.
} if (LStatus == LDAP_SUCCESS) { if ( CurrCookie->bv_len == 0 && CurrCookie->bv_val == 0 ) { // under Exchange 5.5, SP 2, this means we're at the end of the results.
// if we pass in this cookie again, we will start over at the beginning of the search results.
ServerControls[0] = NULL; ServerControls[1] = NULL; if (LStatus == LDAP_SUCCESS) { LStatus = ldap_create_page_control(ldap, FrsSearchContext->PageSize, CurrCookie, FALSE, ServerControls); } ldap_controls_free(CurrControls); CurrControls = NULL; ber_bvfree(CurrCookie); CurrCookie = NULL; }
// continue the search with the new cookie
if (LStatus == LDAP_SUCCESS) { LStatus = ldap_search_ext_s(ldap, FrsSearchContext->BaseDn, FrsSearchContext->Scope, FrsSearchContext->Filter, FrsSearchContext->Attrs, FALSE, ServerControls, NULL, NULL, 0, &FrsSearchContext->LdapMsg);
if ( (LStatus != LDAP_SUCCESS) && (LStatus != LDAP_CONTROL_NOT_FOUND) ) { // LDAP_CONTROL_NOT_FOUND means that we have reached the end of the search results
// in Exchange 5.5, before SP 2 (the server doesn't return a page control when there
// are no more pages, so we get LDAP_CONTROL_NOT_FOUND when we try to extract the page
// control from the search results).
} }
if (LStatus == LDAP_SUCCESS) { FrsSearchContext->EntriesInPage = ldap_count_entries(ldap, FrsSearchContext->LdapMsg); FrsSearchContext->CurrentEntry = 0;
return LdapMapErrorToWin32(LStatus); }
PLDAPMessage LdapSearchNext( PLDAP ldap, PFRS_LDAP_SEARCH_CONTEXT FrsSearchContext ) /*++
Routine Description: Issue the ldap ldap_search_s call, check for errors, and check for a shutdown in progress.
Arguments: ldap FrsSearchContext
Return Value: The ldap array of values or NULL if the Base, DesiredAttr, or its values does not exist. The ldap array is freed with ldap_value_free(). --*/ { DWORD WStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS; PLDAPMessage NextEntry = NULL;
if (FrsSearchContext->bOpen != TRUE) { NextEntry = NULL; } else { if (FrsSearchContext->EntriesInPage > FrsSearchContext->CurrentEntry ) { // return the next entry from the current page
return LdapSearchGetNextEntry(ldap, FrsSearchContext); } else { // see if there are more pages of results to get
WStatus = LdapSearchGetNextPage(ldap, FrsSearchContext); if (WStatus == ERROR_SUCCESS) { return LdapSearchGetNextEntry(ldap, FrsSearchContext); } }
return NextEntry; }
VOID LdapSearchClose( PFRS_LDAP_SEARCH_CONTEXT FrsSearchContext ) /*++
Routine Description: Issue the ldap ldap_search_s call, check for errors, and check for a shutdown in progress.
Arguments: ldap FrsSearchContext
Return Value: The ldap array of values or NULL if the Base, DesiredAttr, or its values does not exist. The ldap array is freed with ldap_value_free(). --*/ { FrsSearchContext->bOpen = FALSE; FrsSearchContext->EntriesInPage = 0; FrsSearchContext->CurrentEntry = 0; FrsSearchContext->TotalEntries = 0;
FREE(FrsSearchContext->Filter); FREE(FrsSearchContext->BaseDn);
if (FrsSearchContext->LdapMsg != NULL) { ldap_msgfree(FrsSearchContext->LdapMsg); } }
PWCHAR GetRootDn( PLDAP Ldap, PWCHAR NamingContext ) /*++
Routine Description:
Return Value: --*/ { PWCHAR Root; // DS pathname of configuration container
PWCHAR *Values; // values from the attribute "namingContexts"
DWORD NumVals; // number of values
// Return all of the values for the attribute namingContexts
Values = GetValues(Ldap, ATTR_ROOT, ATTR_NAMING_CONTEXTS, FALSE); if (Values == NULL) return NULL;
// Find the naming context that begins with CN=Configuration
NumVals = ldap_count_values(Values); while (NumVals--) { Root = wcsstr(Values[NumVals], NamingContext); if (Root != NULL && Root == Values[NumVals]) { Root = FrsWcsDup(Root); ldap_value_free(Values); return Root; } } DPRINT1("ERROR - COULD NOT FIND %ws\n", NamingContext); ldap_value_free(Values); return NULL; }
PWCHAR ExtendDn( PWCHAR Dn, PWCHAR Cn ) /*++
Routine Description: Extend an existing DN with a new CN= component.
Arguments: Dn - distinguished name Cn - common name
Return Value: CN=Cn,Dn --*/ { ULONG Len; PWCHAR NewDn;
Len = wcslen(L"CN=,") + wcslen(Dn) + wcslen(Cn) + 1; NewDn = (PWCHAR)malloc(Len * sizeof(WCHAR)); wcscpy(NewDn, L"CN="); wcscat(NewDn, Cn); wcscat(NewDn, L","); wcscat(NewDn, Dn); return NewDn; }
PVOID * FindValues( PLDAPMessage LdapEntry, PWCHAR DesiredAttr, BOOL DoBerValues ) /*++
Routine Description: Return the DS values for one attribute in an entry.
Arguments: Ldap - An open, bound ldap port. LdapEntry - An ldap entry returned by ldap_search_s() DesiredAttr - Return values for this attribute. DoVerValues - Return the bervals
Return Value: An array of char pointers that represents the values for the attribute. The caller must free the array with ldap_value_free(). NULL if unsuccessful. --*/ { PWCHAR LdapAttr; // Retrieved from an ldap entry
BerElement *Ber; // Needed for scanning attributes
// Search the entry for the desired attribute
for (LdapAttr = ldap_first_attribute(pLdap, LdapEntry, &Ber); LdapAttr != NULL; LdapAttr = ldap_next_attribute(pLdap, LdapEntry, Ber)) { if (_wcsicmp(DesiredAttr, LdapAttr) == 0) { //
// Return the values for DesiredAttr
if (DoBerValues) { return (PVOID *)ldap_get_values_len(pLdap, LdapEntry, LdapAttr); } else { return (PVOID *)ldap_get_values(pLdap, LdapEntry, LdapAttr); } } } return NULL; }
PWCHAR FindValue( PLDAPMessage LdapEntry, PWCHAR DesiredAttr ) /*++
Routine Description: Return a copy of the first DS value for one attribute in an entry.
Arguments: Ldap - An open, bound ldap port. LdapEntry - An ldap entry returned by ldap_search_s() DesiredAttr - Return values for this attribute.
Return Value: A zero-terminated string or NULL if the attribute or its value doesn't exist. The string is freed with FREE(). --*/ { PWCHAR Val; PWCHAR *Values;
// Get ldap's array of values
Values = (PWCHAR *)FindValues(LdapEntry, DesiredAttr, FALSE);
// Copy the first value (if any)
if (Values) { Val = new WCHAR[wcslen(Values[0]) + 1]; wcscpy(Val, Values[0]); } else { Val = NULL; }
// Free ldap's array of values
return Val; }
BOOL FindBerValue( PLDAPMessage Entry, PWCHAR DesiredAttr, ULONG *Len, VOID **Value ) /*++
Routine Description: Return a copy of the attributes object's schedule
Arguments: ldap - An open, bound ldap port. Entry - An ldap entry returned by ldap_search_s() DesiredAttr - desired attribute Len - length of Value Value - binary value
Return Value: The address of a schedule or NULL. Free with FrsFree(). --*/ { PLDAP_BERVAL *Values;
*Len = 0; *Value = NULL;
// Get ldap's array of values
Values = (PLDAP_BERVAL *)FindValues(Entry, DesiredAttr, TRUE); if (!Values) { return FALSE; }
// Return a copy of the schedule
*Len = Values[0]->bv_len; if (*Len) { *Value = new WCHAR[*Len]; CopyMemory(*Value, Values[0]->bv_val, *Len); } ldap_value_free_len(Values); return TRUE; }
DWORD FormMemberDn( IN PWCHAR ReplicaSetName, IN PWCHAR ComputerDnsName, OUT PWCHAR *pMemberDn ) /*++
Routine Description:
Form the member Dn given the computername and the replica set name.
Return Value:
--*/ { DWORD Status = ERROR_SUCCESS; WCHAR SearchFilter[MAX_PATH]; ULONG NoOfSets = 0; PLDAPMessage LdapEntry = NULL; PWCHAR ConfigDn = NULL; PWCHAR ServicesDn = NULL; PWCHAR FrsTestDn = NULL; PWCHAR DomainDn = NULL; PWCHAR SystemDn = NULL; PWCHAR FrsDn = NULL; PWCHAR SetDn = NULL; PWCHAR MemberDn = NULL; PWCHAR ComputerDn = NULL; PWCHAR *Values = NULL; PWCHAR Attrs[3]; PWCHAR Attrs2[4]; FRS_LDAP_SEARCH_CONTEXT FrsSearchContext;
Attrs[0] = ATTR_DN; Attrs[1] = ATTR_CN; Attrs[2] = NULL;
DomainDn = GetRootDn(pLdap, DOMAIN_NAMING_CONTEXT); if (DomainDn == NULL) { if (bVerboseModeSearch) printf("GetRootDn-1 returned NULL\n"); return MKDSXE_NO_T0_NTDS_SETTINGS; }
SystemDn = ExtendDn(DomainDn, CN_SYSTEM); FrsDn = ExtendDn(SystemDn, CN_NTFRS_SETTINGS);
wcscpy(SearchFilter, L"(&("); wcscat(SearchFilter, ATTR_CN); wcscat(SearchFilter, L"="); wcscat(SearchFilter, ReplicaSetName); wcscat(SearchFilter, L")"); wcscat(SearchFilter, CLASS_NTFRS_REPLICA_SET); wcscat(SearchFilter, L")");
if (bVerboseModeSearch) printf("\nSubtree search at: %ws\n", FrsDn); if (bVerboseModeSearch) printf("Filter : %ws\n", SearchFilter);
if (!LdapSearchInit(pLdap, FrsDn, LDAP_SCOPE_SUBTREE, SearchFilter, Attrs, 0, &FrsSearchContext, FALSE)) { Status = MKDSXE_NO_T0_NTDS_SETTINGS ; if (bVerboseModeSearch) printf("Subtree-1 search failed\n"); goto RETURN; }
NoOfSets = FrsSearchContext.EntriesInPage;
if (NoOfSets == 0) {
// Replica set was not found under system. Look under
// CN=NTFRS Test Settings,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=...
ConfigDn = GetRootDn(pLdap, CONFIG_NAMING_CONTEXT); if (ConfigDn == NULL) { if (bVerboseModeSearch) printf("GetRootDn-2 returned NULL\n"); Status = MKDSXE_NO_T0_NTDS_SETTINGS; goto RETURN; } ServicesDn = ExtendDn(ConfigDn, CN_SERVICES); FrsTestDn = ExtendDn(ServicesDn, CN_TEST_SETTINGS);
if (bVerboseModeSearch) printf("\nSubtree search at: %ws\n", FrsTestDn); if (bVerboseModeSearch) printf("Filter : %ws\n", SearchFilter);
if (!LdapSearchInit(pLdap, FrsTestDn, LDAP_SCOPE_SUBTREE, SearchFilter, Attrs, 0, &FrsSearchContext, FALSE)) { Status = MKDSXE_NO_T0_NTDS_SETTINGS ; if (bVerboseModeSearch) printf("Subtree-2 search failed\n"); goto RETURN; }
NoOfSets = FrsSearchContext.EntriesInPage; }
if (NoOfSets != 1) { DPRINT0("Error finding replica set.\n"); return MKDSXE_NO_T0_NTDS_SETTINGS; }
// Scan the entries returned from ldap_search
for (LdapEntry = LdapSearchNext(pLdap, &FrsSearchContext); LdapEntry != NULL; LdapEntry = LdapSearchNext(pLdap, &FrsSearchContext)) {
SetDn = FindValue(LdapEntry, ATTR_DN); }
DPRINT1("Replica Set Dn:%ws\n", SetDn);
Attrs2[0] = ATTR_DN; Attrs2[1] = ATTR_CN; Attrs2[2] = ATTR_COMPUTER_REF; Attrs2[3] = NULL;
if (bVerboseModeSearch) printf("\nSubtree search at: %ws\n", SetDn); if (bVerboseModeSearch) printf("Filter : %ws\n", CLASS_MEMBER);
if (!LdapSearchInit(pLdap, SetDn, LDAP_SCOPE_ONELEVEL, CLASS_MEMBER, Attrs2, 0, &FrsSearchContext, FALSE)) { Status = MKDSXE_NO_T0_NTDS_SETTINGS; if (bVerboseModeSearch) printf("Error finding member.\n"); goto RETURN; }
// Scan the entries returned from ldap_search
for (LdapEntry = LdapSearchNext(pLdap, &FrsSearchContext); LdapEntry != NULL; LdapEntry = LdapSearchNext(pLdap, &FrsSearchContext)) {
MemberDn = FindValue(LdapEntry, ATTR_DN); ComputerDn = FindValue(LdapEntry, ATTR_COMPUTER_REF);
if (bVerboseModeSearch) printf("\n MemberDN scan : %ws\n", MemberDn); if (bVerboseModeSearch) printf(" ComputerDn is : %ws\n", (ComputerDn == NULL) ? L"null" : ComputerDn); if (ComputerDn != NULL) { Values = GetValues(pLdap, ComputerDn, ATTR_DNS_HOST_NAME, TRUE); FREE(ComputerDn); if (bVerboseModeSearch) printf(" Computer DNS is : %ws\n", (Values != NULL) && (Values[0] != NULL) ? Values[0] : L"null"); if ((Values != NULL) && (Values[0] != NULL) && !_wcsicmp(Values[0], ComputerDnsName)) { ldap_value_free(Values); *pMemberDn = FrsWcsDup(MemberDn); FREE(MemberDn); break; } } FREE(MemberDn); }
if (*pMemberDn == NULL) { if (bVerboseModeSearch) printf("No member found in scan.\n"); Status = MKDSXE_NO_T0_NTDS_SETTINGS; } LdapSearchClose(&FrsSearchContext);
FREE(SetDn); FREE(FrsDn); FREE(SystemDn); FREE(DomainDn); FREE(FrsTestDn); FREE(ServicesDn); FREE(ConfigDn); return Status; }
DWORD FormNTDSSettingsDn( IN PWCHAR ToSite, IN PWCHAR ToServer, OUT PWCHAR *pNTDSSettingsDn ) /*++
Routine Description:
Form the settings dn for the to server.
Return Value:
--*/ { DWORD Status = ERROR_SUCCESS; PWCHAR ConfigDn = NULL; PWCHAR SitesDn = NULL; PWCHAR ToSiteDn = NULL; PWCHAR ServersDn = NULL; PWCHAR ToServerDn = NULL; PWCHAR Attrs[2]; PLDAPMessage LdapMsg;
Attrs[0] = ATTR_DN; Attrs[1] = NULL;
ConfigDn = GetRootDn(pLdap, CONFIG_NAMING_CONTEXT); if (ConfigDn == NULL) { return MKDSXE_NO_T0_NTDS_SETTINGS; }
SitesDn = ExtendDn(ConfigDn, CN_SITES); ToSiteDn = ExtendDn(SitesDn, ToSite); ServersDn = ExtendDn(ToSiteDn, L"Servers"); ToServerDn = ExtendDn(ServersDn, ToServer); *pNTDSSettingsDn = ExtendDn(ToServerDn, L"NTDS Settings");
if (!LdapSearch(pLdap, *pNTDSSettingsDn, LDAP_SCOPE_BASE, CLASS_NTDS_SETTINGS, Attrs, 0, &LdapMsg, TRUE)){ Status = MKDSXE_NO_T0_NTDS_SETTINGS; }
FREE(ConfigDn); FREE(SitesDn); FREE(ToSiteDn); FREE(ServersDn); FREE(ToServerDn); ldap_msgfree(LdapMsg);
return Status; }
PBYTE ReadScheduleFile( PWCHAR FileName ) /*++
Routine Description: Read a Hex formated byte array for a 7x24 schedule from a file. Convert to a 7x24 binary schedule.
Arguments: FileName - Name of schedule file.
Return Value: ptr to schedule data array or NULL if invalid param. --*/ { HANDLE FileHandle; PBYTE SchedData; DWORD WStatus; DWORD BytesRead; DWORD DataByte, i, Day, Hour; ULONG Remaining; PCHAR pTC; CHAR SchedText[FRST_SIZE_OF_SCHEDULE_GRID*3 + 50];
SchedData = new BYTE[FRST_SIZE_OF_SCHEDULE_GRID]; if (SchedData == NULL) { printf("Error allocating memory.\n"); return NULL; }
FileHandle = CreateFileW( FileName, // lpszName
NULL, // lpsa
OPEN_EXISTING, // fdwCreate
NULL); // hTemplateFile
if (!HANDLE_IS_VALID(FileHandle)) { WStatus = GetLastError(); printf("Error opening %ws WStatus: %d\n", FileName, WStatus); FREE(SchedData); return NULL; }
if (!ReadFile(FileHandle, SchedText, sizeof(SchedText), &BytesRead, NULL)) { WStatus = GetLastError(); printf("Error reading %ws WStatus: %d\n", FileName, WStatus); FREE(SchedData); FRS_CLOSE(FileHandle); return NULL; }
// remove any white-space chars, including CR-LF, used for formatting.
Remaining = BytesRead; pTC = SchedText;
while (Remaining > 0) { if (isspace((LONG) *pTC)) { memcpy(pTC, pTC+1, Remaining-1); } else { pTC++; } Remaining -= 1; } BytesRead = pTC - SchedText;
if (BytesRead < FRST_SIZE_OF_SCHEDULE_GRID*2) { printf("Error reading %ws Expecting %d bytes, Actual was %d bytes. Could be too much whitespace.\n", FileName, FRST_SIZE_OF_SCHEDULE_GRID*2, BytesRead); FREE(SchedData); FRS_CLOSE(FileHandle); return NULL; }
// Result should be exactly the right size.
if (BytesRead != FRST_SIZE_OF_SCHEDULE_GRID*2) { printf("Error reading %ws Expecting %d bytes, Actual was %d bytes\n", FileName, FRST_SIZE_OF_SCHEDULE_GRID*2, BytesRead); FREE(SchedData); FRS_CLOSE(FileHandle); return NULL; }
// Convert to binary.
for (i=0; i<FRST_SIZE_OF_SCHEDULE_GRID; i++) { if (sscanf(&SchedText[i*2], "%2x", &DataByte) != 1) { SchedText[i*2+2] = '\0'; printf("Error reading %ws Invalid hex data (%s) for schedule byte %d.\n", FileName, &SchedText[i*2], i); FREE(SchedData); FRS_CLOSE(FileHandle); return NULL; } SchedData[i] = (BYTE) DataByte; }
FRS_CLOSE(FileHandle); return SchedData; }
DWORD BuildSchedule( PBYTE *ppSchedule, DWORD Interval, DWORD Stagger, DWORD Offset, PBYTE CustSchedData ) /*++
Routine Description: Build the schedule structure. Using interval, stagger and offset. Then apply mask and override. If CustSchedData is non-null then just use that. Arguments: ppSchedule - pointer to return the schedule in.
Return Value: winerror. --*/ { BYTE ScheduleData[FRST_SIZE_OF_SCHEDULE_GRID]; UINT i, Day, Hour; DWORD Status = ERROR_SUCCESS;
*ppSchedule = new BYTE[FRST_SIZE_OF_SCHEDULE]; if (*ppSchedule == NULL) { return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; } //
// Set the values for the elements of the SCHEDULE structure.
((PSCHEDULE)*ppSchedule)->Size = FRST_SIZE_OF_SCHEDULE; ((PSCHEDULE)*ppSchedule)->Bandwidth = 0; ((PSCHEDULE)*ppSchedule)->NumberOfSchedules = 1; ((PSCHEDULE)*ppSchedule)->Schedules->Type = SCHEDULE_INTERVAL; ((PSCHEDULE)*ppSchedule)->Schedules->Offset = sizeof(SCHEDULE);
if (CustSchedData != NULL) { //
// For custom schedules, we're done.
memcpy((*ppSchedule)+sizeof(SCHEDULE), CustSchedData, FRST_SIZE_OF_SCHEDULE_GRID); return ERROR_SUCCESS; }
// Building the ScheduleData array depending on the requested schedule.
for (i=0 ; i<FRST_SIZE_OF_SCHEDULE_GRID ; ++i) { if (Interval == 0) { ScheduleData[i] = 0x00; } else if (i < Offset) { ScheduleData[i] = 0x00; } else if ( (i-Offset) % (Interval * Stagger) == 0) { ScheduleData[i] = 0x01; } else { ScheduleData[i] = 0x00; } }
// Use the supplied schedule mask to turn off regions of the above schedule.
if (SchedMask != NULL) { for (i=0 ; i<FRST_SIZE_OF_SCHEDULE_GRID ; ++i) { ScheduleData[i] &= ~SchedMask[i]; } }
// Apply the supplied override schedule to regions of the above schedule.
if (SchedOverride != NULL) { for (i=0 ; i<FRST_SIZE_OF_SCHEDULE_GRID ; ++i) { ScheduleData[i] |= SchedOverride[i]; } }
memcpy((*ppSchedule)+sizeof(SCHEDULE),ScheduleData, FRST_SIZE_OF_SCHEDULE_GRID); return Status; }
DWORD UpdateConnection( PWCHAR FromNTDSSettingsDn, PWCHAR ToNTDSSettingsDn, BOOL bEnabled, DWORD Options, PBYTE pSchedule ) /*++
Routine Description: Update the connection parameters. Arguments:
Return Value: --*/ { LDAPMod **Mod = NULL; DWORD LStatus = LDAP_SUCCESS; DWORD Status = ERROR_SUCCESS; PWCHAR CxtionDn = NULL; PWCHAR Attrs[6]; PLDAPMessage LdapMsg = NULL; PLDAPMessage LdapEntry = NULL; WCHAR SearchFilter[MAX_PATH]; PWCHAR CurEnabled = NULL; DWORD NoOfCxtions; PSCHEDULE Schedule = NULL; DWORD ScheduleLen; BOOL bNeedsUpdate = FALSE; FRS_LDAP_SEARCH_CONTEXT FrsSearchContext; WCHAR OptionsStr[10]; PWCHAR OptionsVal = NULL; UINT i;
Attrs[0] = ATTR_DN; Attrs[1] = ATTR_FROM_SERVER; Attrs[2] = ATTR_ENABLED_CXTION; Attrs[3] = ATTR_SCHEDULE; Attrs[4] = ATTR_OPTIONS; Attrs[5] = NULL;
wcscpy(SearchFilter, L"(&("); wcscat(SearchFilter, ATTR_FROM_SERVER); wcscat(SearchFilter, L"="); wcscat(SearchFilter, FromNTDSSettingsDn); wcscat(SearchFilter, L")"); wcscat(SearchFilter, CLASS_CXTION); wcscat(SearchFilter, L")");
if (!LdapSearchInit(pLdap, ToNTDSSettingsDn, LDAP_SCOPE_ONELEVEL, SearchFilter, Attrs, 0, &FrsSearchContext, FALSE)) { return MKDSXE_CXTION_OBJ_UPDATE_FAILED; }
NoOfCxtions = FrsSearchContext.EntriesInPage;
if (NoOfCxtions == 0) { DPRINT0("Error updating; connection not found.\n"); return MKDSXE_CXTION_NOT_FOUND_UPDATE; }
if (NoOfCxtions > 1) { DPRINT0("Error updating; duplicate connections found.\n"); return MKDSXE_CXTION_DUPS_FOUND_UPDATE; }
// Scan the entries returned from ldap_search
for (LdapEntry = LdapSearchNext(pLdap, &FrsSearchContext); LdapEntry != NULL; LdapEntry = LdapSearchNext(pLdap, &FrsSearchContext)) {
CxtionDn = FindValue(LdapEntry, ATTR_DN); CurEnabled = FindValue(LdapEntry, ATTR_ENABLED_CXTION); OptionsVal = FindValue(LdapEntry, ATTR_OPTIONS); FindBerValue(LdapEntry, ATTR_SCHEDULE, &ScheduleLen, (VOID **)&Schedule);
DPRINT1("Connection Dn:%ws\n", CxtionDn); // Check ATTR_ENABLED_CXTION
if (bEnabled) { if ((CurEnabled == NULL) || wcscmp(CurEnabled, ATTR_TRUE)) { AddMod(ATTR_ENABLED_CXTION, ATTR_TRUE, &Mod); bNeedsUpdate = TRUE; DPRINT0(" New enabledCxtion:TRUE\n"); } } else { if ((CurEnabled == NULL) || wcscmp(CurEnabled, ATTR_FALSE)) { AddMod(ATTR_ENABLED_CXTION, ATTR_FALSE, &Mod); bNeedsUpdate = TRUE; DPRINT0(" New enabledCxtion:FALSE\n"); } }
if (wcstoul(OptionsVal, NULL, 10) != Options) {
_itow(Options, OptionsStr, 10);
AddMod(ATTR_OPTIONS, OptionsStr, &Mod); DPRINT1(" options:0x%08x [ ", Options); for (i = 1 ; i<NTDSCONN_OPT_NUM;++i) { if (NtdsConnOptions[i] & Options) { DPRINT1("%ws ", NtdsConnOptionsStr[i]); } } if (Options & FRSCONN_PRIORITY_MASK) { DPRINT1("Priority%d ", (Options & FRSCONN_PRIORITY_MASK) >> 28); } DPRINT0("]\n"); bNeedsUpdate = TRUE; }
if (pSchedule != NULL) { if ((Schedule == NULL) || (FRST_SIZE_OF_SCHEDULE != ScheduleLen) || (memcmp(Schedule, pSchedule, FRST_SIZE_OF_SCHEDULE))) { bNeedsUpdate = TRUE; AddBerMod(ATTR_SCHEDULE,(PCHAR)pSchedule,FRST_SIZE_OF_SCHEDULE,&Mod);
DPRINT0(" New schedule:\n"); PrintSchedule((PSCHEDULE)pSchedule, 0x0F); } }
if (bNeedsUpdate) { if (bDebugMode) { DPRINT1("LStatus = ldap_modify_s(pLdap, %ws, Mod);\n", CxtionDn); } else { LStatus = ldap_modify_s(pLdap, CxtionDn, Mod); if (LStatus != LDAP_SUCCESS) { DPRINT2("ERROR - Can't update %ws: %ws\n", CxtionDn, ldap_err2string(LStatus)); Status = MKDSXE_CXTION_OBJ_UPDATE_FAILED; } }
} else { DPRINT0("No update required\n"); }
FREE(CxtionDn); FREE(CurEnabled); FREE(Schedule); FreeMod(&Mod); return Status; }
DWORD CreateNewConnection( PWCHAR CxtionName, PWCHAR FromNTDSSettingsDn, PWCHAR ToNTDSSettingsDn, BOOL bEnabled, DWORD Options, PBYTE pSchedule ) /*++
Routine Description: Create a new connection. Arguments:
Return Value: --*/ { LDAPMod **Mod = NULL; DWORD LStatus = LDAP_SUCCESS; DWORD Status = ERROR_SUCCESS; PWCHAR CxtionDn = NULL; WCHAR OptionsStr[10]; UINT i;
CxtionDn = ExtendDn(ToNTDSSettingsDn, CxtionName);
DPRINT1("Connection Dn:%ws\n", CxtionDn); AddMod(ATTR_CLASS, ATTR_CXTION, &Mod); AddMod(ATTR_FROM_SERVER, FromNTDSSettingsDn, &Mod); DPRINT1(" fromServer:%ws\n", FromNTDSSettingsDn);
if (bEnabled) { AddMod(ATTR_ENABLED_CXTION, ATTR_TRUE, &Mod); DPRINT0(" enabledCxtion:TRUE\n"); } else { AddMod(ATTR_ENABLED_CXTION, ATTR_FALSE, &Mod); DPRINT0(" enabledCxtion:FALSE\n"); }
// If options are specified then use that options otherwise
// set options to 0.
if (Options == 0xffffffff) { Options = 0; }
_itow(Options, OptionsStr, 10);
AddMod(ATTR_OPTIONS, OptionsStr, &Mod); DPRINT1(" options:0x%08x [ ", Options); for (i = 1 ; i<NTDSCONN_OPT_NUM;++i) { if (NtdsConnOptions[i] & Options) { DPRINT1("%ws ", NtdsConnOptionsStr[i]); } } if (Options & FRSCONN_PRIORITY_MASK) { DPRINT1("Priority%d ", (Options & FRSCONN_PRIORITY_MASK) >> 28); } DPRINT0("]\n");
if (pSchedule != NULL) { AddBerMod(ATTR_SCHEDULE,(PCHAR)pSchedule,FRST_SIZE_OF_SCHEDULE,&Mod);
PrintSchedule((PSCHEDULE)pSchedule, 0x0F); }
if (bDebugMode) { DPRINT1("LStatus = ldap_add_s(pLdap, %ws, Mod);\n", CxtionDn); } else { LStatus = ldap_add_s(pLdap, CxtionDn, Mod);
if (LStatus == LDAP_ALREADY_EXISTS) { //
// If the object already exists then convert the create to an update.
// This is to allow the user to run the data file with creates twice without
// generating errors but only fixing the cxtions that have changed.
Status = UpdateConnection(FromNTDSSettingsDn, ToNTDSSettingsDn, bEnabled, Options, pSchedule); } else if (LStatus != LDAP_SUCCESS) { DPRINT2("ERROR - Can't create %ws: %ws\n", CxtionDn, ldap_err2string(LStatus)); Status = MKDSXE_CXTION_OBJ_CRE_FAILED; } }
FREE(CxtionDn); FreeMod(&Mod); return Status; }
DWORD DelConnection( PWCHAR FromNTDSSettingsDn, PWCHAR ToNTDSSettingsDn ) /*++
Routine Description: Create a new connection. Arguments:
Return Value: --*/ { DWORD LStatus = LDAP_SUCCESS; DWORD Status = ERROR_SUCCESS; PWCHAR CxtionDn = NULL; PWCHAR Attrs[3]; PLDAPMessage LdapMsg = NULL; PLDAPMessage LdapEntry = NULL; WCHAR SearchFilter[MAX_PATH]; FRS_LDAP_SEARCH_CONTEXT FrsSearchContext; DWORD NoOfCxtions;
Attrs[0] = ATTR_DN; Attrs[1] = ATTR_FROM_SERVER; Attrs[2] = NULL;
if (bAffectAll) { wcscpy(SearchFilter, CLASS_CXTION); } else { wcscpy(SearchFilter, L"(&("); wcscat(SearchFilter, ATTR_FROM_SERVER); wcscat(SearchFilter, L"="); wcscat(SearchFilter, FromNTDSSettingsDn); wcscat(SearchFilter, L")"); wcscat(SearchFilter, CLASS_CXTION); wcscat(SearchFilter, L")"); }
if (!LdapSearchInit(pLdap, ToNTDSSettingsDn, LDAP_SCOPE_ONELEVEL, SearchFilter, Attrs, 0, &FrsSearchContext, FALSE)) { return MKDSXE_CXTION_DELETE_FAILED; }
NoOfCxtions = FrsSearchContext.EntriesInPage;
if (NoOfCxtions == 0) { DPRINT0("Warning deleting; connection not found.\n"); return MKDSXE_CXTION_NOT_FOUND_DELETE; }
if (bAffectAll != TRUE) { if (NoOfCxtions > 1) { DPRINT0("Duplicate connections found. Deleting all.\n"); Status = MKDSXE_MULTIPLE_CXTIONS_DELETED; } }
// Scan the entries returned from ldap_search
for (LdapEntry = LdapSearchNext(pLdap, &FrsSearchContext); LdapEntry != NULL; LdapEntry = LdapSearchNext(pLdap, &FrsSearchContext)) {
CxtionDn = FindValue(LdapEntry, ATTR_DN); DPRINT1("Deleting Dn:%ws\n", CxtionDn); if (bDebugMode) { DPRINT1("LStatus = ldap_delete_s(pLdap, %ws);\n", CxtionDn); } else { LStatus = ldap_delete_s(pLdap, CxtionDn); if (LStatus != LDAP_SUCCESS) { DPRINT2("ERROR - Can't delete %ws: %ws\n", CxtionDn, ldap_err2string(LStatus)); Status = MKDSXE_CXTION_DELETE_FAILED; } } FREE(CxtionDn); }
LdapSearchClose(&FrsSearchContext); return Status; }
DWORD DumpConnection( PWCHAR FromNTDSSettingsDn, PWCHAR ToNTDSSettingsDn ) /*++
Routine Description: Create a new connection. Arguments:
Return Value: --*/ { DWORD LStatus; DWORD Status = ERROR_SUCCESS; PWCHAR CxtionDn = NULL; PWCHAR Attrs[6]; PLDAPMessage LdapMsg = NULL; PLDAPMessage LdapEntry = NULL; PWCHAR Val = NULL; WCHAR SearchFilter[MAX_PATH]; FRS_LDAP_SEARCH_CONTEXT FrsSearchContext; DWORD NoOfCxtions; DWORD ScheduleLen; PSCHEDULE Schedule = NULL; BOOL SaveVerbose; DWORD options = 0; UINT i;
Attrs[0] = ATTR_DN; Attrs[1] = ATTR_FROM_SERVER; Attrs[2] = ATTR_ENABLED_CXTION; Attrs[3] = ATTR_SCHEDULE; Attrs[4] = ATTR_OPTIONS; Attrs[5] = NULL;
if (bAffectAll) { wcscpy(SearchFilter, CLASS_CXTION); } else { wcscpy(SearchFilter, L"(&("); wcscat(SearchFilter, ATTR_FROM_SERVER); wcscat(SearchFilter, L"="); wcscat(SearchFilter, FromNTDSSettingsDn); wcscat(SearchFilter, L")"); wcscat(SearchFilter, CLASS_CXTION); wcscat(SearchFilter, L")"); }
if (!LdapSearchInit(pLdap, ToNTDSSettingsDn, LDAP_SCOPE_ONELEVEL, SearchFilter, Attrs, 0, &FrsSearchContext, FALSE)) { return MKDSXE_CXTION_DUMP_FAILED; }
NoOfCxtions = FrsSearchContext.EntriesInPage;
if (NoOfCxtions == 0) { DPRINT0("Error dumping; connection not found.\n"); return MKDSXE_CXTION_NOT_FOUND_DUMP; }
if (bAffectAll != TRUE) { if (NoOfCxtions > 1) { printf("Duplicate connections found. Dumping all.\n"); Status = MKDSXE_MULTIPLE_CXTIONS_DUMPED; } }
// Scan the entries returned from ldap_search
for (LdapEntry = LdapSearchNext(pLdap, &FrsSearchContext); LdapEntry != NULL; LdapEntry = LdapSearchNext(pLdap, &FrsSearchContext)) {
Val = FindValue(LdapEntry, ATTR_DN); printf("Dn:%ws\n", Val); FREE(Val);
Val = FindValue(LdapEntry, ATTR_FROM_SERVER); printf(" fromServer:%ws\n", Val); FREE(Val);
Val = FindValue(LdapEntry, ATTR_ENABLED_CXTION); printf(" enabledCxtion:%ws\n", Val); FREE(Val);
Val = FindValue(LdapEntry, ATTR_OPTIONS); if (Val) { options = _wtoi(Val); printf(" options:0x%08x [ ", options); for (i = 1 ; i<NTDSCONN_OPT_NUM;++i) { if (NtdsConnOptions[i] & options) { printf("%ws ", NtdsConnOptionsStr[i]); } } if (options & FRSCONN_PRIORITY_MASK) { printf("Priority%d ", (options & FRSCONN_PRIORITY_MASK) >> 28); } printf("]\n"); } FREE(Val);
FindBerValue(LdapEntry, ATTR_SCHEDULE, &ScheduleLen, (VOID **)&Schedule);
if (Schedule) { SaveVerbose = bVerboseMode; bVerboseMode = TRUE; PrintSchedule(Schedule, 0x0F); bVerboseMode = SaveVerbose; delete(Schedule); } }
LdapSearchClose(&FrsSearchContext); return Status; }
VOID PrintScheduleGrid( PUCHAR ScheduleData, DWORD Mask ) /*++
Routine Description: Print the schedule grid.
Arguments: Schedule Mask for each byte. Return Value: NONE --*/ { DWORD Day, Hour;
for (Day = 0; Day < 7; ++Day) { printf(" Day %1d: ",Day + 1); for (Hour = 0; Hour < 24; ++Hour) { printf("%1x", *(ScheduleData + (Day * 24) + Hour) & Mask); } printf("\n"); } }
VOID PrintSchedule( PSCHEDULE Schedule, DWORD Mask ) /*++
Routine Description: Print the schedule.
Arguments: Schedule Mask for each byte. Return Value: NONE --*/ { PUCHAR ScheduleData; DWORD i;
if (bVerboseMode) { printf(" schedule:\n"); for (i = 0; i < Schedule->NumberOfSchedules; ++i) { ScheduleData = ((PUCHAR)Schedule) + Schedule->Schedules[i].Offset; if (Schedule->Schedules[i].Type != SCHEDULE_INTERVAL) { continue; } PrintScheduleGrid(ScheduleData, Mask); } } }
PWCHAR * ConvertArgv( DWORD argc, PCHAR *argv ) /*++
Routine Description: Convert short char argv into wide char argv
Arguments: argc - From main argv - From main
Return Value: Address of the new argv --*/ { PWCHAR *wideargv;
wideargv = new PWCHAR[argc + 1]; wideargv[argc] = NULL;
while (argc-- >= 1) { wideargv[argc] = new WCHAR[strlen(argv[argc]) + 1]; wsprintf(wideargv[argc], L"%hs", argv[argc]); } return wideargv; }
VOID FreeArgv( DWORD Argc, PWCHAR *Argv ) /*++
Routine Description: Free the converted arguments.
Arguments: Argc - No of arguments. Argv - Converted arguments returned from ConvertArgv.
Return Value: None. --*/ {
while (Argc-- >= 1) { FREE(Argv[Argc]); } FREE(Argv); }
VOID Usage( PWCHAR *Argv ) /*++
Routine Description: Tell the user how to use the program.
Arguments: Argv Argument array.
Return Value: None --*/ { printf("%-60s\n", "This tool creates, adds, updates, dumps, and deletes connections between DCs.\n"); printf("%-60s%ws /?\n", "Help", Argv[0]); printf("%-60s%ws /v\n", "Verbose mode.", Argv[0]); printf("%-60s%ws /debug\n", "Debug mode. No Writes to the DC.", Argv[0]); printf("%-60s%ws /dc\n", "Name of the DC to connect to.", Argv[0]); printf("%-60s%ws /name\n", "Name of the connection to be created.", Argv[0]); printf("%-60s%ws /[create update del dump]\n", "Operation to be performed.", Argv[0]); printf("%-60s%ws /all\n", "Perform the operation on all the connections to the", Argv[0]); printf("%-60s%ws \n", "toserver. /all only works with /dump and /del.", Argv[0]); printf("%-60s%ws /enable\n", "Connection is enabled.", Argv[0]); printf("%-60s%ws /disable\n", "Connection is disabled.", Argv[0]); printf("%-60s%ws /options <integer>\n", "Sum of the following options for connection.", Argv[0]); printf("%-60s\n", "IsGenerated = 1"); printf("%-60s\n", "TwoWaySync = 2"); printf("%-60s\n", "OverrideNotifyDefault = 4"); printf("%-60s\n\n", "UseNotify = 8"); printf("%-60s%ws /ignoreschedule\n", "Schedule is ignored during initial sync.", Argv[0]); printf("%-60s%ws /priority <0-7>\n", "Sets the priority to be used during intial sync.", Argv[0]); printf("%-60s%ws /schedule <Interval> <Stagger> <Offset>\n", "Schedule to create for the connection.", Argv[0]); printf("%-60s%ws <Interval>\n", "The desired interval between each sync with one source.", Argv[0]); printf("%-60s%ws <Stagger>\n", "Typically number of source DCs.", Argv[0]); printf("%-60s%ws <Offset>\n", "Typically the number of the source DC.", Argv[0]); printf("%-60s%ws /fromsite\n", "Name of the site the 'from' server is in.", Argv[0]); printf("%-60s%ws /tosite\n", "Name of the site the 'to' server is in.", Argv[0]); printf("%-60s%ws /fromserver\n", "Name of the 'from' server.", Argv[0]); printf("%-60s%ws /toserver\n", "Name of the 'to' server.", Argv[0]); printf("%-60s%ws /schedoverride\n", "File with 7x24 vector of schedule override data.", Argv[0]); printf("%-60s%ws /schedmask\n", "File with 7x24 vector of schedule mask off data.", Argv[0]); printf("%-60s\n\n", " SchedOverride and SchedMask data are formatted as 2 ascii hex digits for each schedule byte"); printf("%-60s%ws /customschedule\n", "A string of length 7x24 of schedule data. Override and Mask are not applied.", Argv[0]); printf("%-60s%ws /replicasetname\n", "Name of the non-sysvol replica set.", Argv[0]); printf("%-60s%ws /fromcomputer\n", "Name of the 'from' computer. /replicasetname needed.", Argv[0]); printf("%-60s%ws /tocomputer\n", "Name of the 'to' computer. /replicasetname needed.", Argv[0]); DPRINT0("\n"); DPRINT0("mkdsx.exe error return codes\n"); DPRINT0("0 = Success;\n"); DPRINT0("1 = Invalid Arguments.\n"); DPRINT0("2 = Could not bind to the DC.\n"); DPRINT0("3 = Could not find 'NTDS Settings' object for the to Server.\n"); DPRINT0("4 = Could not find 'NTDS Settings' object for the from Server.\n"); DPRINT0("5 = Error creating connection.\n"); DPRINT0("6 = Connection already exists.\n"); DPRINT0("7 = Error updating connection.\n"); DPRINT0("8 = Error updating connection; connection not found.\n"); DPRINT0("9 = Error updating connection; duplicate connections found.\n"); DPRINT0("10= Error deleting connection.\n"); DPRINT0("11= Error deleting connection; connection not found.\n"); DPRINT0("12= Deleting multiple connection.\n"); DPRINT0("13= Error dumping connection.\n"); DPRINT0("14= Error dumping; connection not found.\n"); DPRINT0("15= Dumping duplicate connections.\n"); DPRINT0("\n"); fflush(stdout); }
DWORD __cdecl main( DWORD argc, PCHAR *argv ) /*++
Routine Description:
Arguments: None.
Return Value: Exits with 0 if everything went okay. Otherwise returns a error code.
MKDSXE_SUCCESS = Success; MKDSXE_BAD_ARG = Invalid Arguments. MKDSXE_CANT_BIND = Could not bind to the DC. MKDSXE_NO_T0_NTDS_SETTINGS = Could not find "NTDS Settings" object for the to Server. MKDSXE_NO_FROM_NTDS_SETTINGS = Could not find "NTDS Settings" object for the from Server. MKDSXE_CXTION_OBJ_CRE_FAILED = Error creating connection. MKDSXE_CXTION_EXISTS = Connection already exists. (unused) MKDSXE_CXTION_OBJ_UPDATE_FAILED = Error updating connection. MKDSXE_CXTION_NOT_FOUND_UPDATE = Error updating connection; connection not found. MKDSXE_CXTION_DUPS_FOUND_UPDATE = Error updating connection; duplicate connections found. MKDSXE_CXTION_DELETE_FAILED = Error deleting connection. MKDSXE_CXTION_NOT_FOUND_DELETE = Error deleting connection; connection not found. MKDSXE_MULTIPLE_CXTIONS_DELETED = Deleting multiple connection. MKDSXE_CXTION_DUMP_FAILED = Error dumping connection. MKDSXE_CXTION_NOT_FOUND_DUMP = Error dumping; connection not found. MKDSXE_MULTIPLE_CXTIONS_DUMPED = Dumping duplicate connections.
--*/ { PWCHAR *Argv; ULONG i, j; ULONG OptLen; DWORD Status = ERROR_SUCCESS; PWCHAR FromSite = NULL; PWCHAR FromServer = NULL; PWCHAR ToSite = NULL; PWCHAR ToServer = NULL; PWCHAR ReplicaSetName = NULL; PWCHAR FromComputer = NULL; PWCHAR ToComputer = NULL; PWCHAR ToNTDSSettingsDn = NULL; // These parameters are settingsDn in sysvol replica sets
PWCHAR FromNTDSSettingsDn = NULL; // and memberDn in non sysvol replica sets.
PWCHAR CxtionName = NULL; PBYTE pSchedule = NULL; PBYTE CustSchedData = NULL; DWORD Interval = 1; DWORD Stagger = 1; DWORD Offset = 0; DWORD Options = 0xffffffff; DWORD Priority = 0xffffffff; BOOL bEnabled = TRUE; BOOL bIgnoreSchedule = FALSE; BOOL bCreateConnection = FALSE; BOOL bUpdateConnection = FALSE; BOOL bDelConnection = FALSE; BOOL bDumpConnection = FALSE; BOOL bSchedule = FALSE; PWCHAR Switch = NULL; PWCHAR CustomSchedule = NULL; DWORD DataByte;
#define ArgMatch(_a, _b) (wcsstr(_a, _b) == (_a))
Argv = ConvertArgv(argc, argv);
if (argc <= 1) { Usage(Argv); FreeArgv(argc,Argv); return MKDSXE_BAD_ARG; }
for (i = 1; i < argc; ++i) { OptLen = wcslen(Argv[i]); _wcslwr(Argv[i]); Switch = Argv[i];
if ((*Switch != L'/') && (*Switch != L'-')) { Usage(Argv); return MKDSXE_BAD_ARG; } ++Switch; // jump over -
if (OptLen == 2 && ArgMatch(Switch, L"v")) { bVerboseMode=TRUE;
} else if (OptLen == 3 && ArgMatch(Switch, L"vs")) { bVerboseModeSearch=TRUE;
} else if (OptLen == 2 && ArgMatch(Switch, L"?")) { Usage(Argv); FreeArgv(argc,Argv); return MKDSXE_SUCCESS;
} else if (OptLen == 6 && ArgMatch(Switch, L"debug")) { bDebugMode = TRUE; bVerboseMode=TRUE;
} else if (OptLen == 3 && (i+1 < argc) && ArgMatch(Switch, L"dc")) { i+=1; DcName = new WCHAR[wcslen(Argv[i])+1]; wcscpy(DcName, Argv[i]);
} else if (OptLen == 9 && (i+1 < argc) && ArgMatch(Switch, L"fromsite")) { i+=1; FromSite = new WCHAR[wcslen(Argv[i])+1]; wcscpy(FromSite, Argv[i]);
} else if (OptLen == 11 && (i+1 < argc) && ArgMatch(Switch, L"fromserver")) { i+=1; FromServer = new WCHAR[wcslen(Argv[i])+1]; wcscpy(FromServer, Argv[i]);
} else if (OptLen == 7 && (i+1 < argc) && ArgMatch(Switch, L"tosite")) { i+=1; ToSite = new WCHAR[wcslen(Argv[i])+1]; wcscpy(ToSite, Argv[i]);
} else if (OptLen == 9 && (i+1 < argc) && ArgMatch(Switch, L"toserver")) { i+=1; ToServer = new WCHAR[wcslen(Argv[i])+1]; wcscpy(ToServer, Argv[i]);
} else if (OptLen == 15 && (i+1 < argc) && ArgMatch(Switch, L"replicasetname")) { i+=1; ReplicaSetName = new WCHAR[wcslen(Argv[i])+1]; wcscpy(ReplicaSetName, Argv[i]);
} else if (OptLen == 13 && (i+1 < argc) && ArgMatch(Switch, L"fromcomputer")) { i+=1; FromComputer = new WCHAR[wcslen(Argv[i])+1]; wcscpy(FromComputer, Argv[i]);
} else if (OptLen == 11 && (i+1 < argc) && ArgMatch(Switch, L"tocomputer")) { i+=1; ToComputer = new WCHAR[wcslen(Argv[i])+1]; wcscpy(ToComputer, Argv[i]);
} else if (OptLen == 5 && (i+1 < argc) && ArgMatch(Switch, L"name")) { i+=1; CxtionName = new WCHAR[wcslen(Argv[i])+1]; wcscpy(CxtionName, Argv[i]);
} else if (OptLen == 15 && (i+1 < argc) && ArgMatch(Switch, L"customschedule")) { i+=1; if (wcslen(Argv[i]) != FRST_SIZE_OF_SCHEDULE_GRID) { printf("Invalid custom schedule - Expecting %d bytes, Actual was %d bytes\n", FRST_SIZE_OF_SCHEDULE_GRID, wcslen(Argv[i])); return MKDSXE_BAD_ARG; }
bSchedule = TRUE; CustomSchedule = new WCHAR[wcslen(Argv[i])+1]; wcscpy(CustomSchedule, Argv[i]);
// Convert to binary.
CustSchedData = new BYTE[FRST_SIZE_OF_SCHEDULE_GRID]; if (CustSchedData == NULL) { printf("Error allocating memory.\n"); return MKDSXE_BAD_ARG; }
for (j=0; j<FRST_SIZE_OF_SCHEDULE_GRID; j++) { if (swscanf(&CustomSchedule[j], L"%1x", &DataByte) != 1) { CustomSchedule[j+1] = L'\0'; printf("Invalid custom schedule - Invalid hex data (%ws) for schedule byte %d.\n", &CustomSchedule[j], i); return MKDSXE_BAD_ARG; } CustSchedData[j] = (BYTE) DataByte; } //PrintScheduleGrid(CustSchedData, 0x0F);
} else if (OptLen == 9 && (i+3 < argc) && ArgMatch(Switch, L"schedule")) {
bSchedule = TRUE; Interval = _wtoi(Argv[i+1]); Stagger = _wtoi(Argv[i+2]); Offset = _wtoi(Argv[i+3]); i+=3;
} else if ((OptLen == 10) && (i+1 < argc) && ArgMatch(Switch, L"schedmask")) {
SchedMask = ReadScheduleFile(Argv[i+1]); if (SchedMask == NULL) { FreeArgv(argc,Argv); return MKDSXE_BAD_ARG; } else { if (bVerboseMode) { printf(" schedmask:\n"); PrintScheduleGrid(SchedMask, 0x0F); } } i+=1;
} else if ((OptLen == 14) && (i+1 < argc) && ArgMatch(Switch, L"schedoverride")) {
SchedOverride = ReadScheduleFile(Argv[i+1]); if (SchedOverride == NULL) { FreeArgv(argc,Argv); return MKDSXE_BAD_ARG; } else { if (bVerboseMode) { printf(" schedoverride:\n"); PrintScheduleGrid(SchedOverride, 0x0F); } } bSchedule = TRUE; i+=1;
} else if (OptLen == 8 && (i+1 < argc) && ArgMatch(Switch, L"options")) { i+=1; Options = _wtoi(Argv[i]); //
// Mask off all the bits of option that are not supported.
} else if (OptLen == 9 && (i+1 < argc) && ArgMatch(Switch, L"priority")) { i+=1; Priority = _wtoi(Argv[i]); if (Priority > MKDSXE_MAX_CONN_PRIORITY) { Usage(Argv); FreeArgv(argc,Argv); return MKDSXE_BAD_ARG; }
} else if (OptLen == 15 && ArgMatch(Switch, L"ignoreschedule")) { bIgnoreSchedule = TRUE;
} else if (OptLen == 7 && ArgMatch(Switch, L"enable")) { bEnabled = TRUE;
} else if (OptLen == 8 && ArgMatch(Switch, L"disable")) { bEnabled = FALSE;
} else if (OptLen == 7 && ArgMatch(Switch, L"create")) { bCreateConnection = TRUE;
} else if (OptLen == 7 && ArgMatch(Switch, L"update")) { bUpdateConnection = TRUE;
} else if (OptLen == 4 && ArgMatch(Switch, L"del")) { bDelConnection = TRUE;
} else if (OptLen == 5 && ArgMatch(Switch, L"dump")) { bDumpConnection = TRUE;
} else if (OptLen == 4 && ArgMatch(Switch, L"all")) { bAffectAll = TRUE;
} else { Usage(Argv); FreeArgv(argc,Argv); return MKDSXE_BAD_ARG; } }
if (ReplicaSetName != NULL) { if (bAffectAll) { if ( //DcName == NULL ||
ToComputer == NULL) { Usage(Argv); return MKDSXE_BAD_ARG; } } else if ( //DcName == NULL ||
FromComputer == NULL || ToComputer == NULL) { Usage(Argv); return MKDSXE_BAD_ARG; }
} else { if (bAffectAll) { if ( // DcName == NULL ||
ToSite == NULL || ToServer == NULL ) { Usage(Argv); return MKDSXE_BAD_ARG; } } else if ( // DcName == NULL ||
FromSite == NULL || FromServer == NULL || ToSite == NULL || ToServer == NULL ) { Usage(Argv); return MKDSXE_BAD_ARG; }
} Status = BindToDC(DcName, &pLdap); if (Status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { return MKDSXE_CANT_BIND; }
if (ReplicaSetName != NULL) { Status = FormMemberDn(ReplicaSetName, ToComputer, &ToNTDSSettingsDn); } else { Status = FormNTDSSettingsDn(ToSite, ToServer, &ToNTDSSettingsDn); }
// We need the from server only if Affectall is not set.
if (!bAffectAll) { if (ReplicaSetName != NULL) { Status = FormMemberDn(ReplicaSetName, FromComputer, &FromNTDSSettingsDn); } else { Status = FormNTDSSettingsDn(FromSite, FromServer, &FromNTDSSettingsDn); }
// /all does not make sense with create.
if ((bAffectAll) && (bCreateConnection || bUpdateConnection) ) { Usage(Argv); DPRINT0("Error - /all can not be used with /create or /update.\n"); return MKDSXE_BAD_ARG; }
// Merge the priority with options attribute if supplied.
if (Priority != 0xffffffff) { if (Options == 0xffffffff) { Options = (Priority << 28); } else { Options = Options | (Priority << 28); } }
// Merge the ignore schedule bit with options attribute if supplied.
if (bIgnoreSchedule == TRUE) { if (Options == 0xffffffff) { Options = NTDSCONN_OPT_IGNORE_SCHEDULE_MASK; } else { Options = Options | NTDSCONN_OPT_IGNORE_SCHEDULE_MASK; } }
if (bCreateConnection) { if (CxtionName == NULL) { DPRINT0("Need a cxtion name to create a new connection\n"); Status = MKDSXE_BAD_ARG; } else { if (bSchedule) { BuildSchedule(&pSchedule, Interval, Stagger, Offset, CustSchedData); Status = CreateNewConnection(CxtionName, FromNTDSSettingsDn, ToNTDSSettingsDn, bEnabled, Options, pSchedule); } else { Status = CreateNewConnection(CxtionName, FromNTDSSettingsDn, ToNTDSSettingsDn, bEnabled, Options, NULL); } } } else if (bUpdateConnection) { if (bSchedule) { BuildSchedule(&pSchedule, Interval, Stagger, Offset, CustSchedData); Status = UpdateConnection(FromNTDSSettingsDn, ToNTDSSettingsDn, bEnabled, Options, pSchedule); } else { Status = UpdateConnection(FromNTDSSettingsDn, ToNTDSSettingsDn, bEnabled, Options, NULL); } } else if (bDelConnection) { Status = DelConnection(FromNTDSSettingsDn, ToNTDSSettingsDn); } else if (bDumpConnection) { Status = DumpConnection(FromNTDSSettingsDn, ToNTDSSettingsDn); }
return Status; }