Copyright (c) 1992 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This module declares the Debug only code used by the NetWare redirector file system.
Colin Watson [ColinW] 05-Jan-1993
Revision History:
--*/ #include "procs.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#define LINE_SIZE 511
#define BUFFER_LINES 50
#ifdef NWDBG
#include <stdlib.h> // rand()
int FailAllocateMdl = 0;
ULONG MaxDump = 256; CHAR DBuffer[BUFFER_LINES*LINE_SIZE+1]; PCHAR DBufferPtr = DBuffer;
// The reference count debug buffer.
VOID HexDumpLine ( PCHAR pch, ULONG len, PCHAR s, PCHAR t, USHORT flag );
ULONG NwMemDbg ( IN PCH Format, ... )
// Routine Description:
// Effectively DbgPrint to the debugging console.
// Arguments:
// Same as for DbgPrint
{ va_list arglist; int Length;
// Format the output into a buffer and then print it.
va_start(arglist, Format);
Length = _vsnprintf(DBufferPtr, LINE_SIZE, Format, arglist);
if (Length < 0) { DbgPrint( "NwRdr: Message is too long for NwMemDbg\n"); return 0; }
ASSERT( Length <= LINE_SIZE ); ASSERT( Length != 0 ); ASSERT( DBufferPtr < &DBuffer[BUFFER_LINES*LINE_SIZE+1]); ASSERT( DBufferPtr >= DBuffer);
DBufferPtr += Length; DBufferPtr[0] = '\0';
// Avoid running off the end of the buffer and exit
if (DBufferPtr >= (DBuffer+((BUFFER_LINES-1) * LINE_SIZE))) { DBufferPtr = DBuffer;
return 0; }
VOID RefDbgTrace ( PVOID Resource, DWORD Count, BOOLEAN Reference, PBYTE FileName, UINT Line ) /**
Routine Description:
NwRefDebug logs reference count operations to expose reference count errors or leaks in the redirector.
Resource - The object we're adjusting the reference count on. Count - The current count on the object. Reference - If TRUE we are doing a REFERENCE. Otherwise, we are doing a DEREFERENCE. FileName - The callers file name. Line - The callers line number.
**/ { int Length; int NextCount;
// Format the output into a buffer and then print it.
if ( Reference ) NextCount = Count + 1; else NextCount = Count - 1;
Length = sprintf( RBufferPtr, "%p: R=%p, %lu -> %lu (%s, line %d)\n", (PVOID)PsGetCurrentThread(), Resource, Count, NextCount, FileName, Line );
if (Length < 0) { DbgPrint( "NwRdr: Message is too long for NwRefDbg\n"); return; }
ASSERT( Length <= LINE_SIZE ); ASSERT( Length != 0 ); ASSERT( RBufferPtr < &RBuffer[BUFFER_LINES*LINE_SIZE+1]); ASSERT( RBufferPtr >= RBuffer);
RBufferPtr += Length; RBufferPtr[0] = '\0';
// Avoid running off the end of the buffer and exit
if (RBufferPtr >= (RBuffer+((BUFFER_LINES-1) * LINE_SIZE))) { RBufferPtr = RBuffer; }
return; }
VOID RealDebugTrace( LONG Indent, ULONG Level, PCH Message, PVOID Parameter ) /*++
Routine Description:
Return Value:
{ if ( (Level == 0) || (NwMemDebug & Level )) { NwMemDbg( Message, PsGetCurrentThread(), 1, "", Parameter ); }
if ( (Level == 0) || (NwDebug & Level )) {
if ( Indent < 0) { NwDebugTraceIndent += Indent; }
DbgPrint( Message, PsGetCurrentThread(), NwDebugTraceIndent, "", Parameter );
if ( Indent > 0) { NwDebugTraceIndent += Indent; }
if (NwDebugTraceIndent < 0) { NwDebugTraceIndent = 0; } } }
VOID dump( IN ULONG Level, IN PVOID far_p, IN ULONG len ) /*++
Routine Description: Dump Min(len, MaxDump) bytes in classic hex dump style if debug output is turned on for this level.
IN Level - 0 if always display. Otherwise only display if a corresponding bit is set in NwDebug.
IN far_p - address of buffer to start dumping from.
IN len - length in bytes of buffer.
Return Value:
--*/ { ULONG l; char s[80], t[80]; PCHAR far_pchar = (PCHAR)far_p;
if ( (Level == 0) || (NwDebug & Level )) { if (len > MaxDump) len = MaxDump;
while (len) { l = len < 16 ? len : 16;
DbgPrint("\n%lx ", far_pchar); HexDumpLine (far_pchar, l, s, t, 0); DbgPrint("%s%.*s%s", s, 1 + ((16 - l) * 3), "", t); NwMemDbg ( "%lx: %s%.*s%s\n", far_pchar, s, 1 + ((16 - l) * 3), "", t);
len -= l; far_pchar += l; } DbgPrint("\n");
} }
VOID dumpMdl( IN ULONG Level, IN PMDL Mdl ) /*++
Routine Description: Dump the memory described by each part of a chained Mdl.
IN Level - 0 if always display. Otherwise only display if a corresponding bit is set in NwDebug.
Mdl - Supplies the addresses of the memory to be dumped.
Return Value:
--*/ { PMDL Next; ULONG len;
if ( (Level == 0) || (NwDebug & Level )) { Next = Mdl; len = 0; do {
dump(Level, MmGetSystemAddressForMdlSafe(Next, LowPagePriority), MIN(MmGetMdlByteCount(Next), MaxDump-len));
len += MmGetMdlByteCount(Next); } while ( (Next = Next->Next) != NULL && len <= MaxDump); } }
VOID HexDumpLine ( PCHAR pch, ULONG len, PCHAR s, PCHAR t, USHORT flag ) { static UCHAR rghex[] = "0123456789ABCDEF";
UCHAR c; UCHAR *hex, *asc;
hex = s; asc = t;
*(asc++) = '*'; while (len--) { c = *(pch++); *(hex++) = rghex [c >> 4] ; *(hex++) = rghex [c & 0x0F]; *(hex++) = ' '; *(asc++) = (c < ' ' || c > '~') ? (CHAR )'.' : c; } *(asc++) = '*'; *asc = 0; *hex = 0;
flag; }
typedef struct _NW_POOL_HEADER { ULONG Signature; ULONG BufferSize; ULONG BufferType; LIST_ENTRY ListEntry; ULONG Pad; // Pad to Q-word align
typedef struct _NW_POOL_TRAILER { ULONG Signature; } NW_POOL_TRAILER;
PVOID NwAllocatePool( ULONG Type, ULONG Size, BOOLEAN RaiseStatus ) { PCHAR Buffer; PNW_POOL_HEADER PoolHeader; PNW_POOL_TRAILER PoolTrailer;
if ( RaiseStatus ) { Buffer = FsRtlAllocatePoolWithTag( Type, sizeof( NW_POOL_HEADER ) + sizeof( NW_POOL_TRAILER ) + Size, 'scwn' ); } else { #ifndef QFE_BUILD
Buffer = ExAllocatePoolWithTag( Type, sizeof( NW_POOL_HEADER )+sizeof( NW_POOL_TRAILER )+Size, 'scwn' ); #else
Buffer = ExAllocatePool( Type, sizeof( NW_POOL_HEADER )+sizeof( NW_POOL_TRAILER )+Size ); #endif
if ( Buffer == NULL ) { return( NULL ); } }
PoolHeader = (PNW_POOL_HEADER)Buffer; PoolTrailer = (PNW_POOL_TRAILER)(Buffer + sizeof( NW_POOL_HEADER ) + Size);
PoolHeader->Signature = 0x11111111; PoolHeader->BufferSize = Size; PoolHeader->BufferType = Type;
PoolTrailer->Signature = 0x99999999;
if ( Type == PagedPool ) { ExAcquireResourceExclusive( &NwDebugResource, TRUE ); InsertTailList( &NwPagedPoolList, &PoolHeader->ListEntry ); ExReleaseResource( &NwDebugResource ); } else if ( Type == NonPagedPool ) { ExInterlockedInsertTailList( &NwNonpagedPoolList, &PoolHeader->ListEntry, &NwDebugInterlock ); } else { KeBugCheck( RDR_FILE_SYSTEM ); }
return( Buffer + sizeof( NW_POOL_HEADER ) ); }
VOID NwFreePool( PVOID Buffer ) { PNW_POOL_HEADER PoolHeader; PNW_POOL_TRAILER PoolTrailer; KIRQL OldIrql;
PoolHeader = (PNW_POOL_HEADER)((PCHAR)Buffer - sizeof( NW_POOL_HEADER )); ASSERT( PoolHeader->Signature == 0x11111111 ); ASSERT( PoolHeader->BufferType == PagedPool || PoolHeader->BufferType == NonPagedPool );
PoolTrailer = (PNW_POOL_TRAILER)((PCHAR)Buffer + PoolHeader->BufferSize ); ASSERT( PoolTrailer->Signature == 0x99999999 );
if ( PoolHeader->BufferType == PagedPool ) { ExAcquireResourceExclusive( &NwDebugResource, TRUE ); RemoveEntryList( &PoolHeader->ListEntry ); ExReleaseResource( &NwDebugResource ); } else { KeAcquireSpinLock( &NwDebugInterlock, &OldIrql ); RemoveEntryList( &PoolHeader->ListEntry ); KeReleaseSpinLock( &NwDebugInterlock, OldIrql ); }
ExFreePool( PoolHeader ); }
// Debug functions for allocating and deallocating IRPs and MDLs
PIRP NwAllocateIrp( CCHAR Size, BOOLEAN ChargeQuota ) { ExInterlockedIncrementLong( &IrpCount, &NwDebugInterlock ); return IoAllocateIrp( Size, ChargeQuota ); }
VOID NwFreeIrp( PIRP Irp ) { ExInterlockedDecrementLong( &IrpCount, &NwDebugInterlock ); IoFreeIrp( Irp ); }
typedef struct _NW_MDL { LIST_ENTRY Next; PUCHAR File; int Line; PMDL pMdl; } NW_MDL, *PNW_MDL;
//int DebugLine = 2461;
PMDL NwAllocateMdl( PVOID Va, ULONG Length, BOOLEAN Secondary, BOOLEAN ChargeQuota, PIRP Irp, PUCHAR FileName, int Line ) { PNW_MDL Buffer;
static BOOLEAN MdlSetup = FALSE;
if (MdlSetup == FALSE) {
InitializeListHead( &MdlList );
MdlSetup = TRUE; }
if ( FailAllocateMdl != 0 ) { if ( ( rand() % FailAllocateMdl ) == 0 ) { return(NULL); } }
#ifndef QFE_BUILD
Buffer = ExAllocatePoolWithTag( NonPagedPool, sizeof( NW_MDL), 'scwn' ); #else
Buffer = ExAllocatePool( NonPagedPool, sizeof( NW_MDL)); #endif
if ( Buffer == NULL ) { return( NULL ); }
ExInterlockedIncrementLong( &MdlCount, &NwDebugInterlock );
Buffer->File = FileName; Buffer->Line = Line; Buffer->pMdl = IoAllocateMdl( Va, Length, Secondary, ChargeQuota, Irp );
ExInterlockedInsertTailList( &MdlList, &Buffer->Next, &NwDebugInterlock );
if (DebugLine == Line) { DebugTrace( 0, DEBUG_TRACE_MDL, "AllocateMdl -> %08lx\n", Buffer->pMdl ); DebugTrace( 0, DEBUG_TRACE_MDL, "AllocateMdl -> %08lx\n", Line ); } */ return(Buffer->pMdl); }
VOID NwFreeMdl( PMDL Mdl ) { PLIST_ENTRY MdlEntry; PNW_MDL Buffer; KIRQL OldIrql;
ExInterlockedDecrementLong( &MdlCount, &NwDebugInterlock );
KeAcquireSpinLock( &NwDebugInterlock, &OldIrql ); // Find the Mdl in the list and remove it.
for (MdlEntry = MdlList.Flink ; MdlEntry != &MdlList ; MdlEntry = MdlEntry->Flink ) {
Buffer = CONTAINING_RECORD( MdlEntry, NW_MDL, Next );
if (Buffer->pMdl == Mdl) {
RemoveEntryList( &Buffer->Next );
KeReleaseSpinLock( &NwDebugInterlock, OldIrql );
IoFreeMdl( Mdl ); DebugTrace( 0, DEBUG_TRACE_MDL, "FreeMDL - %08lx\n", Mdl ); /*
if (DebugLine == Buffer->Line) { DebugTrace( 0, DEBUG_TRACE_MDL, "FreeMdl -> %08lx\n", Mdl ); DebugTrace( 0, DEBUG_TRACE_MDL, "FreeMdl -> %08lx\n", Buffer->Line ); } */ ExFreePool(Buffer);
return; } } ASSERT( FALSE );
KeReleaseSpinLock( &NwDebugInterlock, OldIrql ); }
VOID NwLookForMdl( ) { PLIST_ENTRY MdlEntry; PNW_MDL Buffer; KIRQL OldIrql;
KeAcquireSpinLock( &NwDebugInterlock, &OldIrql ); // Find the Mdl in the list and remove it.
for (MdlEntry = MdlList.Flink ; MdlEntry != &MdlList ; MdlEntry = MdlEntry->Flink ) {
Buffer = CONTAINING_RECORD( MdlEntry, NW_MDL, Next );
if (Buffer->Line == DebugLine) {
DebugTrace( 0, DEBUG_TRACE_MDL, "LookForMdl -> %08lx\n", Buffer ); DbgBreakPoint();
} }
KeReleaseSpinLock( &NwDebugInterlock, OldIrql ); } */
// Function version of resource macro, to make debugging easier.
VOID NwAcquireExclusiveRcb( PRCB Rcb, BOOLEAN Wait ) { ExAcquireResourceExclusive( &((Rcb)->Resource), Wait ); }
VOID NwAcquireSharedRcb( PRCB Rcb, BOOLEAN Wait ) { ExAcquireResourceShared( &((Rcb)->Resource), Wait ); }
VOID NwReleaseRcb( PRCB Rcb ) { ExReleaseResource( &((Rcb)->Resource) ); }
VOID NwAcquireExclusiveFcb( PNONPAGED_FCB pFcb, BOOLEAN Wait ) { ExAcquireResourceExclusive( &((pFcb)->Resource), Wait ); }
VOID NwAcquireSharedFcb( PNONPAGED_FCB pFcb, BOOLEAN Wait ) { ExAcquireResourceShared( &((pFcb)->Resource), Wait ); }
VOID NwReleaseFcb( PNONPAGED_FCB pFcb ) { ExReleaseResource( &((pFcb)->Resource) ); }
VOID NwAcquireOpenLock( VOID ) { ExAcquireResourceExclusive( &NwOpenResource, TRUE ); }
VOID NwReleaseOpenLock( VOID ) { ExReleaseResource( &NwOpenResource ); }
// code to dump ICBs
VOID DumpIcbs(VOID) { PVCB Vcb; PFCB Fcb; PICB Icb; PLIST_ENTRY VcbListEntry; PLIST_ENTRY FcbListEntry; PLIST_ENTRY IcbListEntry; KIRQL OldIrql;
NwAcquireExclusiveRcb( &NwRcb, TRUE ); KeAcquireSpinLock( &ScbSpinLock, &OldIrql );
DbgPrint("\nICB Pid State Scb/Fcb Name\n", 0); for ( VcbListEntry = GlobalVcbList.Flink; VcbListEntry != &GlobalVcbList ; VcbListEntry = VcbListEntry->Flink ) {
Vcb = CONTAINING_RECORD( VcbListEntry, VCB, GlobalVcbListEntry );
for ( FcbListEntry = Vcb->FcbList.Flink; FcbListEntry != &(Vcb->FcbList) ; FcbListEntry = FcbListEntry->Flink ) {
Fcb = CONTAINING_RECORD( FcbListEntry, FCB, FcbListEntry );
for ( IcbListEntry = Fcb->IcbList.Flink; IcbListEntry != &(Fcb->IcbList) ; IcbListEntry = IcbListEntry->Flink ) {
Icb = CONTAINING_RECORD( IcbListEntry, ICB, ListEntry );
DbgPrint("%08lx", Icb); DbgPrint(" %08lx",(DWORD)Icb->Pid); DbgPrint(" %08lx",Icb->State); DbgPrint(" %08lx",Icb->SuperType.Scb); DbgPrint(" %wZ\n", &(Icb->FileObject->FileName) ); } } }
KeReleaseSpinLock( &ScbSpinLock, OldIrql ); NwReleaseRcb( &NwRcb ); }
#endif // ifdef NWDBG
// Ref counting debug routines.
#ifdef NWDBG
VOID ChkNwReferenceScb( PNONPAGED_SCB pNpScb, PBYTE FileName, UINT Line, BOOLEAN Silent ) {
if ( (pNpScb)->NodeTypeCode != NW_NTC_SCBNP ) { DbgBreakPoint(); }
if ( !Silent) { RefDbgTrace( pNpScb, pNpScb->Reference, TRUE, FileName, Line ); }
ExInterlockedIncrementLong( &(pNpScb)->Reference, &(pNpScb)->NpScbInterLock ); }
VOID ChkNwDereferenceScb( PNONPAGED_SCB pNpScb, PBYTE FileName, UINT Line, BOOLEAN Silent ) {
if ( (pNpScb)->Reference == 0 ) { DbgBreakPoint(); }
if ( (pNpScb)->NodeTypeCode != NW_NTC_SCBNP ) { DbgBreakPoint(); }
if ( !Silent ) { RefDbgTrace( pNpScb, pNpScb->Reference, FALSE, FileName, Line ); }
ExInterlockedDecrementLong( &(pNpScb)->Reference, &(pNpScb)->NpScbInterLock ); }