Copyright (c) 1993 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This module contains the code to keep a cache of the user credentials. The cache is used mainly for a user browsing from winfile.
Chuck Y Chan (chuckc) 4-Dec-93
Revision History:
chuckc Created
#include <nwclient.h>
#include <nwcanon.h>
#include <nwapi.h>
// //
// Local Function Prototypes //
// //
DWORD ExtractServerName( IN LPWSTR RemoteName, OUT LPWSTR ServerName, IN DWORD ServerNameSize ) ;
// //
// Global variables //
// //
static WCHAR CachedPassword[NW_MAX_PASSWORD_LEN+1] ; static WCHAR CachedUserName[NW_MAX_USERNAME_LEN+1] ; static WCHAR CachedServerName[NW_MAX_SERVER_LEN+1] ; static DWORD CachedCredentialsTime ; static UNICODE_STRING CachedPasswordUnicodeStr ; static UCHAR EncodeSeed = 0 ;
// //
// Function Bodies //
// //
DWORD NwpCacheCredentials( IN LPWSTR RemoteName, IN LPWSTR UserName, IN LPWSTR Password ) /*++
Routine Description:
This function caches the user credentials for the particular server.
RemoteName - path containg the server we are accessing. only the server component is of interest.
UserName - user name to remember
Password - password to remember
Return Value:
NO_ERROR - Successfully cached the credentials
Win32 error code otherwise.
--*/ { DWORD status ;
// various paramter checks
if (!RemoteName || !UserName || !Password) { status = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER ; goto ExitPoint ; }
if (wcslen(UserName) >= sizeof(CachedUserName)/sizeof(CachedUserName[0])) { status = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER ; goto ExitPoint ; }
if (wcslen(Password) >= sizeof(CachedPassword)/sizeof(CachedPassword[0])) { status = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER ; goto ExitPoint ; }
// extract the server portion of the path
status = ExtractServerName( RemoteName, CachedServerName, sizeof(CachedServerName)/sizeof(CachedServerName[0])) ;
if (status != NO_ERROR) { goto ExitPoint ; }
// save away the credentials
wcscpy(CachedUserName, UserName) ; wcscpy(CachedPassword, Password) ;
// encode it since it is in page pool
RtlInitUnicodeString(&CachedPasswordUnicodeStr, CachedPassword) ; RtlRunEncodeUnicodeString(&EncodeSeed, &CachedPasswordUnicodeStr) ;
// mark the time this happened
CachedCredentialsTime = GetTickCount() ; return NO_ERROR ;
ExitPoint: CachedServerName[0] = 0 ; return status ; }
BOOL NwpRetrieveCachedCredentials( IN LPWSTR RemoteName, OUT LPWSTR *UserName, OUT LPWSTR *Password ) /*++
Routine Description:
This function retrieves the cached user credentials for the particular server.
RemoteName - path containg the server we are accessing. only the server component is of interest.
UserName - used to return user name
Password - used to return password
Return Value:
NO_ERROR - Successfully returned at least one entry.
Win32 error code otherwise.
--*/ { DWORD status ; DWORD CurrentTime ; WCHAR ServerName[NW_MAX_SERVER_LEN+1] ;
*UserName = NULL ; *Password = NULL ; CurrentTime = GetTickCount() ; if (!RemoteName) { return FALSE ; }
// if too old, bag out
if (((CurrentTime > CachedCredentialsTime) && (CurrentTime - CachedCredentialsTime) > 60000) || ((CurrentTime < CachedCredentialsTime) && (CurrentTime + (MAXULONG - CachedCredentialsTime)) >= 60000)) { CachedServerName[0] = 0 ; // reset to nothing
return FALSE ; }
status = ExtractServerName( RemoteName, ServerName, sizeof(ServerName)/sizeof(ServerName[0])) ;
if (status != NO_ERROR) { return FALSE ; }
// if dont compare, bag out
if (_wcsicmp(ServerName, CachedServerName) != 0) { return FALSE ; }
// allocate memory to return data
if (!(*UserName = (LPWSTR) LocalAlloc( LPTR, (wcslen(CachedUserName)+1) * sizeof(WCHAR)))) { return FALSE ; } if (!(*Password = (LPWSTR) LocalAlloc( LPTR, (wcslen(CachedPassword)+1) * sizeof(WCHAR)))) { LocalFree((HLOCAL)*UserName) ; *UserName = NULL ; return FALSE ; } //
// decode the string,copy it and then reencode it
RtlRunDecodeUnicodeString(EncodeSeed, &CachedPasswordUnicodeStr) ; wcscpy(*Password, CachedPassword) ; RtlRunEncodeUnicodeString(&EncodeSeed, &CachedPasswordUnicodeStr) ;
wcscpy(*UserName, CachedUserName) ;
// update the tick count
CachedCredentialsTime = GetTickCount() ; return TRUE ; }
DWORD ExtractServerName( IN LPWSTR RemoteName, OUT LPWSTR ServerName, IN DWORD ServerNameSize ) /*++
Routine Description:
This function extracts the server name out of a remote name
RemoteName - the input string to extract the server name from.
ServerName - the return buffer for the server string ServerNameSize - size o f buffer in chars
Return Value:
NO_ERROR - Successfully cached the credentials
Win32 error code otherwise.
--*/ { LPWSTR ServerStart ; LPWSTR ServerEnd ;
// skip initial backslashes, then find next one delimiting the server name
ServerStart = RemoteName ;
while (*ServerStart == L'\\') ServerStart++ ; ServerEnd = wcschr(ServerStart, L'\\') ; if (ServerEnd) *ServerEnd = 0 ;
// make sure we can fit
if (wcslen(ServerStart) >= ServerNameSize) { if (ServerEnd) *ServerEnd = L'\\' ; return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER ; }
// copy and restore the backslash
wcscpy(ServerName, ServerStart) ;
if (ServerEnd) *ServerEnd = L'\\' ;
return NO_ERROR ; }