#include "dspch.h"
#pragma hdrstop
#include <sspi.h>
#define SEC_ENTRY __stdcall
static BOOLEAN SEC_ENTRY GetUserNameExA( EXTENDED_NAME_FORMAT NameFormat, LPSTR lpNameBuffer, PULONG nSize ) { return FALSE; }
static BOOLEAN SEC_ENTRY GetUserNameExW( EXTENDED_NAME_FORMAT NameFormat, LPWSTR lpNameBuffer, PULONG nSize ) { return FALSE; }
static NTSTATUS NTAPI LsaCallAuthenticationPackage( IN HANDLE LsaHandle, IN ULONG AuthenticationPackage, IN PVOID ProtocolSubmitBuffer, IN ULONG SubmitBufferLength, OUT PVOID *ProtocolReturnBuffer, OUT PULONG ReturnBufferLength, OUT PNTSTATUS ProtocolStatus ) { return STATUS_PROCEDURE_NOT_FOUND; }
static NTSTATUS NTAPI LsaConnectUntrusted ( OUT PHANDLE LsaHandle ) { return STATUS_PROCEDURE_NOT_FOUND; }
static NTSTATUS NTAPI LsaDeregisterLogonProcess ( IN HANDLE LsaHandle ) { return STATUS_PROCEDURE_NOT_FOUND; }
static NTSTATUS NTAPI LsaFreeReturnBuffer ( IN PVOID Buffer ) { return STATUS_PROCEDURE_NOT_FOUND; }
static NTSTATUS NTAPI LsaLogonUser ( IN HANDLE LsaHandle, IN PLSA_STRING OriginName, IN SECURITY_LOGON_TYPE LogonType, IN ULONG AuthenticationPackage, IN PVOID AuthenticationInformation, IN ULONG AuthenticationInformationLength, IN PTOKEN_GROUPS LocalGroups OPTIONAL, IN PTOKEN_SOURCE SourceContext, OUT PVOID *ProfileBuffer, OUT PULONG ProfileBufferLength, OUT PLUID LogonId, OUT PHANDLE Token, OUT PQUOTA_LIMITS Quotas, OUT PNTSTATUS SubStatus ) { return STATUS_PROCEDURE_NOT_FOUND; }
static NTSTATUS NTAPI LsaLookupAuthenticationPackage ( IN HANDLE LsaHandle, IN PLSA_STRING PackageName, OUT PULONG AuthenticationPackage ) { return STATUS_PROCEDURE_NOT_FOUND; }
static NTSTATUS NTAPI LsaRegisterLogonProcess ( IN PLSA_STRING LogonProcessName, OUT PHANDLE LsaHandle, OUT PLSA_OPERATIONAL_MODE SecurityMode ) { return STATUS_PROCEDURE_NOT_FOUND; }
static NTSTATUS NTAPI LsaRegisterPolicyChangeNotification( IN POLICY_NOTIFICATION_INFORMATION_CLASS InformationClass, IN HANDLE NotificationEventHandle ) { return STATUS_PROCEDURE_NOT_FOUND; }
static NTSTATUS NTAPI LsaUnregisterPolicyChangeNotification( IN POLICY_NOTIFICATION_INFORMATION_CLASS InformationClass, IN HANDLE NotificationEventHandle ) { return STATUS_PROCEDURE_NOT_FOUND; }
static SECURITY_STATUS SEC_ENTRY QueryContextAttributesW( PCtxtHandle phContext, // Context to query
unsigned long ulAttribute, // Attribute to query
void SEC_FAR * pBuffer // Buffer for attributes
static SECURITY_STATUS SEC_ENTRY SetContextAttributesW( PCtxtHandle phContext, // Context to Set
unsigned long ulAttribute, // Attribute to Set
void SEC_FAR * pBuffer, // Buffer for attributes
unsigned long cbBuffer // Size (in bytes) of pBuffer
static BOOLEAN SEC_ENTRY TranslateNameW( LPCWSTR lpAccountName, EXTENDED_NAME_FORMAT AccountNameFormat, EXTENDED_NAME_FORMAT DesiredNameFormat, LPWSTR lpTranslatedName, PULONG nSize ) { return FALSE; }
static SECURITY_STATUS SEC_ENTRY AcceptSecurityContext( PCredHandle phCredential, // Cred to base context
PCtxtHandle phContext, // Existing context (OPT)
PSecBufferDesc pInput, // Input buffer
unsigned long fContextReq, // Context Requirements
unsigned long TargetDataRep, // Target Data Rep
PCtxtHandle phNewContext, // (out) New context handle
PSecBufferDesc pOutput, // (inout) Output buffers
unsigned long SEC_FAR * pfContextAttr, // (out) Context attributes
PTimeStamp ptsExpiry // (out) Life span (OPT)
static SECURITY_STATUS SEC_ENTRY AcquireCredentialsHandleA( SEC_CHAR SEC_FAR * pszPrincipal, // Name of principal
SEC_CHAR SEC_FAR * pszPackageName, // Name of package
unsigned long fCredentialUse, // Flags indicating use
void SEC_FAR * pvLogonId, // Pointer to logon ID
void SEC_FAR * pAuthData, // Package specific data
SEC_GET_KEY_FN pGetKeyFn, // Pointer to GetKey() func
void SEC_FAR * pvGetKeyArgument, // Value to pass to GetKey()
PCredHandle phCredential, // (out) Cred Handle
PTimeStamp ptsExpiry // (out) Lifetime (optional)
static SECURITY_STATUS SEC_ENTRY ApplyControlToken( PCtxtHandle phContext, // Context to modify
PSecBufferDesc pInput // Input token to apply
static SECURITY_STATUS SEC_ENTRY DeleteSecurityContext( PCtxtHandle phContext // Context to delete
static SECURITY_STATUS SEC_ENTRY FreeContextBuffer( void SEC_FAR * pvContextBuffer ) { return STATUS_PROCEDURE_NOT_FOUND; }
static SECURITY_STATUS SEC_ENTRY FreeCredentialsHandle( PCredHandle phCredential // Handle to free
static SECURITY_STATUS SEC_ENTRY InitializeSecurityContextW( PCredHandle phCredential, // Cred to base context
PCtxtHandle phContext, // Existing context (OPT)
SEC_WCHAR SEC_FAR * pszTargetName, // Name of target
unsigned long fContextReq, // Context Requirements
unsigned long Reserved1, // Reserved, MBZ
unsigned long TargetDataRep, // Data rep of target
PSecBufferDesc pInput, // Input Buffers
unsigned long Reserved2, // Reserved, MBZ
PCtxtHandle phNewContext, // (out) New Context handle
PSecBufferDesc pOutput, // (inout) Output Buffers
unsigned long SEC_FAR * pfContextAttr, // (out) Context attrs
PTimeStamp ptsExpiry // (out) Life span (OPT)
static SECURITY_STATUS SEC_ENTRY InitializeSecurityContextA( PCredHandle phCredential, // Cred to base context
PCtxtHandle phContext, // Existing context (OPT)
SEC_CHAR SEC_FAR * pszTargetName, // Name of target
unsigned long fContextReq, // Context Requirements
unsigned long Reserved1, // Reserved, MBZ
unsigned long TargetDataRep, // Data rep of target
PSecBufferDesc pInput, // Input Buffers
unsigned long Reserved2, // Reserved, MBZ
PCtxtHandle phNewContext, // (out) New Context handle
PSecBufferDesc pOutput, // (inout) Output Buffers
unsigned long SEC_FAR * pfContextAttr, // (out) Context attrs
PTimeStamp ptsExpiry // (out) Life span (OPT)
static SECURITY_STATUS SEC_ENTRY ImpersonateSecurityContext( PCtxtHandle phContext // Context to impersonate
static SECURITY_STATUS SEC_ENTRY QueryContextAttributesA( PCtxtHandle phContext, // Context to query
unsigned long ulAttribute, // Attribute to query
void SEC_FAR * pBuffer // Buffer for attributes
static SECURITY_STATUS SEC_ENTRY RevertSecurityContext( PCtxtHandle phContext // Context from which to re
static SECURITY_STATUS SEC_ENTRY SetContextAttributesA( PCtxtHandle phContext, // Context to Set
unsigned long ulAttribute, // Attribute to Set
void SEC_FAR * pBuffer, // Buffer for attributes
unsigned long cbBuffer // Size (in bytes) of Buffer
static SECURITY_STATUS SEC_ENTRY DecryptMessage( PCtxtHandle phContext, PSecBufferDesc pMessage, ULONG MessageSeqNo, ULONG * pfQOP) { return STATUS_PROCEDURE_NOT_FOUND; }
static SECURITY_STATUS SEC_ENTRY EncryptMessage( PCtxtHandle phContext, ULONG fQOP, PSecBufferDesc pMessage, ULONG MessageSeqNo) { return STATUS_PROCEDURE_NOT_FOUND; }
static SECURITY_STATUS SEC_ENTRY QuerySecurityContextToken( PCtxtHandle phContext, VOID * * TokenHandle ) { return STATUS_PROCEDURE_NOT_FOUND; }
static SECURITY_STATUS SEC_ENTRY SaslAcceptSecurityContext( PCredHandle phCredential, // Cred to base context
PCtxtHandle phContext, // Existing context (OPT)
PSecBufferDesc pInput, // Input buffer
unsigned long fContextReq, // Context Requirements
unsigned long TargetDataRep, // Target Data Rep
PCtxtHandle phNewContext, // (out) New context handle
PSecBufferDesc pOutput, // (inout) Output buffers
unsigned long SEC_FAR * pfContextAttr, // (out) Context attributes
PTimeStamp ptsExpiry // (out) Life span (OPT)
static SECURITY_STATUS SEC_ENTRY SaslEnumerateProfilesA( OUT LPSTR * ProfileList, OUT ULONG * ProfileCount ) { return STATUS_PROCEDURE_NOT_FOUND; }
static SECURITY_STATUS SEC_ENTRY SaslEnumerateProfilesW( OUT LPWSTR * ProfileList, OUT ULONG * ProfileCount ) { return STATUS_PROCEDURE_NOT_FOUND; }
static SECURITY_STATUS SEC_ENTRY SaslGetContextOption( PCtxtHandle ContextHandle, ULONG Option, PVOID Value, ULONG Size, PULONG Needed OPTIONAL ) { return STATUS_PROCEDURE_NOT_FOUND; }
static SECURITY_STATUS SEC_ENTRY SaslGetProfilePackageA( IN LPSTR ProfileName, OUT PSecPkgInfoA * PackageInfo ) { return STATUS_PROCEDURE_NOT_FOUND; }
static SECURITY_STATUS SEC_ENTRY SaslGetProfilePackageW( IN LPWSTR ProfileName, OUT PSecPkgInfoW * PackageInfo ) { return STATUS_PROCEDURE_NOT_FOUND; }
static SECURITY_STATUS SEC_ENTRY SaslIdentifyPackageA( PSecBufferDesc pInput, PSecPkgInfoA * pPackage ) { return STATUS_PROCEDURE_NOT_FOUND; }
static SECURITY_STATUS SEC_ENTRY SaslIdentifyPackageW( PSecBufferDesc pInput, PSecPkgInfoW * pPackage ) { return STATUS_PROCEDURE_NOT_FOUND; }
static SECURITY_STATUS SEC_ENTRY SaslInitializeSecurityContextA( PCredHandle phCredential, // Cred to base context
PCtxtHandle phContext, // Existing context (OPT)
LPSTR pszTargetName, // Name of target
unsigned long fContextReq, // Context Requirements
unsigned long Reserved1, // Reserved, MBZ
unsigned long TargetDataRep, // Data rep of target
PSecBufferDesc pInput, // Input Buffers
unsigned long Reserved2, // Reserved, MBZ
PCtxtHandle phNewContext, // (out) New Context handle
PSecBufferDesc pOutput, // (inout) Output Buffers
unsigned long SEC_FAR * pfContextAttr, // (out) Context attrs
PTimeStamp ptsExpiry // (out) Life span (OPT)
static SECURITY_STATUS SEC_ENTRY SaslInitializeSecurityContextW( PCredHandle phCredential, // Cred to base context
PCtxtHandle phContext, // Existing context (OPT)
LPWSTR pszTargetName, // Name of target
unsigned long fContextReq, // Context Requirements
unsigned long Reserved1, // Reserved, MBZ
unsigned long TargetDataRep, // Data rep of target
PSecBufferDesc pInput, // Input Buffers
unsigned long Reserved2, // Reserved, MBZ
PCtxtHandle phNewContext, // (out) New Context handle
PSecBufferDesc pOutput, // (inout) Output Buffers
unsigned long SEC_FAR * pfContextAttr, // (out) Context attrs
PTimeStamp ptsExpiry // (out) Life span (OPT)
static SECURITY_STATUS SEC_ENTRY SaslSetContextOption( PCtxtHandle ContextHandle, ULONG Option, PVOID Value, ULONG Size ) { return STATUS_PROCEDURE_NOT_FOUND; }
static SECURITY_STATUS SEC_ENTRY SecpSetIPAddress( PUCHAR lpIpAddress, ULONG cchIpAddress ) { return STATUS_PROCEDURE_NOT_FOUND; }
static BOOLEAN SEC_ENTRY TranslateNameA ( LPCSTR lpAccountName, EXTENDED_NAME_FORMAT AccountNameFormat, EXTENDED_NAME_FORMAT DesiredNameFormat, LPSTR lpTranslatedName, LPDWORD nSize ) { return FALSE; }
// !! WARNING !! The entries below must be in alphabetical order
// and are CASE SENSITIVE (i.e., lower case comes last!)
DEFINE_PROCNAME_ENTRIES(secur32) { DLPENTRY(AcceptSecurityContext) DLPENTRY(AcquireCredentialsHandleA) DLPENTRY(ApplyControlToken) DLPENTRY(DecryptMessage) DLPENTRY(DeleteSecurityContext) DLPENTRY(EncryptMessage) DLPENTRY(FreeContextBuffer) DLPENTRY(FreeCredentialsHandle) DLPENTRY(GetUserNameExA) DLPENTRY(GetUserNameExW) DLPENTRY(ImpersonateSecurityContext) DLPENTRY(InitializeSecurityContextA) DLPENTRY(InitializeSecurityContextW) DLPENTRY(LsaCallAuthenticationPackage) DLPENTRY(LsaConnectUntrusted) DLPENTRY(LsaDeregisterLogonProcess) DLPENTRY(LsaFreeReturnBuffer) DLPENTRY(LsaLogonUser) DLPENTRY(LsaLookupAuthenticationPackage) DLPENTRY(LsaRegisterLogonProcess) DLPENTRY(LsaRegisterPolicyChangeNotification) DLPENTRY(LsaUnregisterPolicyChangeNotification) DLPENTRY(QueryContextAttributesA) DLPENTRY(QueryContextAttributesW) DLPENTRY(QuerySecurityContextToken) DLPENTRY(RevertSecurityContext) DLPENTRY(SaslAcceptSecurityContext) DLPENTRY(SaslEnumerateProfilesA) DLPENTRY(SaslEnumerateProfilesW) DLPENTRY(SaslGetContextOption) DLPENTRY(SaslGetProfilePackageA) DLPENTRY(SaslGetProfilePackageW) DLPENTRY(SaslIdentifyPackageA) DLPENTRY(SaslIdentifyPackageW) DLPENTRY(SaslInitializeSecurityContextA) DLPENTRY(SaslInitializeSecurityContextW) DLPENTRY(SaslSetContextOption) DLPENTRY(SecpSetIPAddress) DLPENTRY(SetContextAttributesA) DLPENTRY(SetContextAttributesW) DLPENTRY(TranslateNameA) DLPENTRY(TranslateNameW) };