Copyright (c) 2000 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Handler for the CHANGE button on the properties dialog, used to change the user's domain password. Author:
990917 johnhaw Created. georgema 000310 updated georgema 000501 used to be EXE, changed to CPL
Environment: WinXP
Revision History:
--*/ // test/dev switch variables
#include "switches.h"
// Include files
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <nt.h>
#include <ntrtl.h>
#include <nturtl.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <winbase.h>
#include <lmaccess.h>
#include <lmerr.h>
#include <scuisupp.h>
#include <wincrui.h>
#include <comctrlp.h>
#include <tchar.h>
#include <shfusion.h>
#include "switches.h"
#include "Dlg.h"
#include "Res.h"
#include "KRDlg.h"
#include "keymgr.h"
#include "testaudit.h"
#include "pswutil.h"
// C_ChangePasswordDlg
// Constructor.
// parameters:
// hwndParent parent window for the dialog (may be NULL)
// hInstance instance handle of the parent window (may be NULL)
// lIDD dialog template id
// pfnDlgProc pointer to the function that will process messages for
// the dialog. if it is NULL, the default dialog proc
// will be used.
// returns:
// Nothing.
C_ChangePasswordDlg::C_ChangePasswordDlg( HWND hwndParent, HINSTANCE hInstance, LONG lIDD, DLGPROC pfnDlgProc // = NULL
) : C_Dlg(hwndParent, hInstance, lIDD, pfnDlgProc) { m_hInst = hInstance; } // C_ChangePasswordDlg::C_ChangePasswordDlg
// OnInitDialog
// Dialog control and data initialization.
// parameters:
// hwndDlg window handle of the dialog box
// hwndFocus window handle of the control that will receive focus
// returns:
// TRUE if the system should set the default keyboard focus
// FALSE if the keyboard focus is set by this app
BOOL C_ChangePasswordDlg::OnInitDialog( HWND hwndDlg, HWND hwndFocus ) { // To economize on memory, szMsg buffer is sized considerably longer than the MAX_STRING_SIZE
// that would be expected for its normal use for short messages. In one instance, it is being
// used to hold a username (line 139). It is, therefore considerably longer than otherwise needed.
// This size mismatch is benignly not reflected in code which uses counted string functions to
// copy/cat into this buffer. This is the result of the buffer length having been changed after
// the surrounding code was originally written.
C_Dlg::OnInitDialog(hwndDlg, hwndFocus);
SetFocus (GetDlgItem ( hwndDlg, IDC_OLD_PASSWORD)); m_hDlg = hwndDlg;
// read the currently selected credential, read the cred to get the username,
// extract the domain, and set the text to show the affected domain.
bResult = CredRead(g_szTargetName,CRED_TYPE_DOMAIN_PASSWORD,0,&pOldCred); if (bResult != TRUE) { LoadString ( m_hInst, IDS_PSWFAILED, szMsg, MAX_STRING_SIZE ); LoadString ( m_hInst, IDS_APP_NAME, szTitle, MAX_STRING_SIZE ); MessageBox ( m_hDlg, szMsg, szTitle, MB_OK ); EndDialog(IDOK); return TRUE; }
// Get the domain and user names from the username string in the credential
// handle domain\user, domain.etc.etc\user, [email protected]
_tcsncpy(m_szFullUsername,pOldCred->UserName,UNLEN + UNLEN + 1 + 1 ); m_szFullUsername[UNLEN + UNLEN + 1] = 0; _tcsncpy(szMsg,pOldCred->UserName,CRED_MAX_USERNAME_LENGTH); // scratch buff
szMsg[CRED_MAX_USERNAME_LENGTH] = 0; pC = _tcschr(szMsg,((TCHAR)'\\')); if (NULL != pC) { // name is format domain\something
*pC = 0; _tcsncpy(m_szDomain,szMsg,UNLEN); m_szDomain[UNLEN - 1] = 0; _tcsncpy(m_szUsername, (pC + 1), UNLEN); m_szUsername[UNLEN - 1] = 0; } else { // see if name@something
pC = _tcschr(szMsg,((TCHAR)'@')); if (NULL == pC) { LoadString ( m_hInst, IDS_DOMAINFAILED, szMsg, CRED_MAX_USERNAME_LENGTH); LoadString ( m_hInst, IDS_APP_NAME, szTitle, MAX_STRING_SIZE ); MessageBox ( m_hDlg, szMsg, szTitle, MB_OK ); if (pOldCred) CredFree(pOldCred); return TRUE; // don't call EndDialog()
} *pC = 0; _tcsncpy(m_szDomain,(pC + 1),UNLEN); m_szDomain[UNLEN - 1] = 0; _tcsncpy(m_szUsername, szMsg,UNLEN); m_szUsername[UNLEN - 1] = 0; }
if (pOldCred) CredFree(pOldCred);
if (0 != LoadString(g_hInstance,IDS_CPLABEL,szTitle,MAX_STRING_SIZE)) { INT iLen = MAX_STRING_SIZE - _tcslen(szTitle); if (iLen > 0) { // this will change your password for the domain <appendedname>
// GMBUG: this may localize inconsistently. Should use positional
// parameters.
_tcsncat(szTitle,m_szDomain,iLen); szTitle[MAX_STRING_SIZE - 1] = 0; } SetDlgItemText(m_hwnd,IDC_CPLABEL,szTitle); } return TRUE; } // C_ChangePasswordDlg::OnInitDialog
// OnCommand
// Route WM_COMMAND message to appropriate handlers.
// parameters:
// wNotifyCode code describing action that has occured
// wSenderId id of the control sending the message, if the message
// is from a dialog
// hwndSender window handle of the window sending the message if the
// message is not from a dialog
// returns:
// TRUE if the message was processed completely
// FALSE if Windows is to process the message
BOOL C_ChangePasswordDlg::OnCommand( WORD wNotifyCode, WORD wSenderId, HWND hwndSender ) { // Was the message handled?
BOOL fHandled = FALSE;
switch (wSenderId) { case IDOK: if (BN_CLICKED == wNotifyCode) { OnOK( ); fHandled = TRUE; } break; case IDCANCEL: if (BN_CLICKED == wNotifyCode) { EndDialog(IDCANCEL); fHandled = TRUE; } break;
} // switch
return fHandled;
} // C_ChangePasswordDlg::OnCommand
// OnOK
// Validate user name, synthesize computer name, and destroy dialog.
// parameters:
// None.
// returns:
// Nothing.
void C_ChangePasswordDlg::OnOK( ) { TCHAR szMsg[CRED_MAX_USERNAME_LENGTH]; TCHAR szTitle[MAX_STRING_SIZE]; ULONG Error = 0;
BOOL bResult;
// get old and new passwords from the dialog box
GetDlgItemText ( m_hDlg, IDC_OLD_PASSWORD, m_szOldPassword, PWLEN ); GetDlgItemText ( m_hDlg, IDC_NEW_PASSWORD, m_szNewPassword, PWLEN ); GetDlgItemText ( m_hDlg, IDC_CONFIRM_PASSWORD, m_szConfirmPassword, PWLEN ); if ( wcslen ( m_szOldPassword ) == 0 && wcslen ( m_szNewPassword ) ==0 && wcslen (m_szConfirmPassword) == 0 ) { // must have something filled in
return; } else if ( wcscmp ( m_szNewPassword, m_szConfirmPassword) != 0 ) { LoadString ( m_hInst, IDS_NEWPASSWORDNOTCONFIRMED, szMsg, CRED_MAX_USERNAME_LENGTH ); LoadString ( m_hInst, IDS_APP_NAME, szTitle, MAX_STRING_SIZE ); MessageBox ( m_hDlg, szMsg, szTitle, MB_OK ); return; // don't call EndDialog()
} else { HCURSOR hCursor, hOldCursor;
hOldCursor = NULL; hCursor = ::LoadCursor ( m_hInst, IDC_WAIT ); if ( hCursor ) { hOldCursor = ::SetCursor ( hCursor ); } // let's try changing it
// The targetname is not used. Only the domain name the username, and
// old/new passwords are used
#ifdef LOUDLY
OutputDebugString(L"Changing password on the domain :"); OutputDebugString(m_szDomain); OutputDebugString(L" for "); OutputDebugString(m_szUsername); OutputDebugString(L" to "); OutputDebugString(m_szNewPassword); OutputDebugString(L"\n"); #endif
// gm: pass full username and crack it in NetUserChangePasswordEy, so that routine can
// decide whether we are facing a Kerberos domain
Error = NetUserChangePasswordEy ( NULL, m_szFullUsername, m_szOldPassword, m_szNewPassword ); if ( hOldCursor ) ::SetCursor ( hOldCursor ); }
if ( Error == NERR_Success ) { #ifdef LOUDLY
OutputDebugString(L"Remote password set succeeded\n"); #endif
// Store the new credential in the keyring. It will overlay
// a previous version if present
// Note that the user must have knowledge of and actually type in
// the old password as well as the new password. If the user
// elects to update only the local cache, the old password
// information is not actually used.
// CredWriteDomainCredentials() is used
// m_szDomain holds the domain name
// m_szUsername holds the username
// m_szNewPassword holds the password
CREDENTIAL stCredential; UINT cbPassword;
memcpy((void *)&stCredential,(void *)g_pExistingCred,sizeof(CREDENTIAL)); // password length does not include zero term
cbPassword = _tcslen(m_szNewPassword) * sizeof(TCHAR); // Form the domain\username composite username
stCredential.Type = CRED_TYPE_DOMAIN_PASSWORD; stCredential.TargetName = g_szTargetName; stCredential.CredentialBlob = (unsigned char *)m_szNewPassword; stCredential.CredentialBlobSize = cbPassword; stCredential.UserName = m_szFullUsername; stCredential.Persist = g_dwPersist;
bResult = CredWrite(&stCredential,0);
if (bResult) { LoadString ( m_hInst, IDS_DOMAINCHANGE, szMsg, CRED_MAX_USERNAME_LENGTH ); LoadString ( m_hInst, IDS_APP_NAME, szTitle, MAX_STRING_SIZE ); MessageBox ( m_hDlg, szMsg, szTitle, MB_OK ); } else { LoadString ( m_hInst, IDS_LOCALFAILED, szMsg, CRED_MAX_USERNAME_LENGTH ); LoadString ( m_hInst, IDS_APP_NAME, szTitle, MAX_STRING_SIZE ); MessageBox ( m_hDlg, szMsg, szTitle, MB_OK ); }
// BUGBUG - what to do if the local update operation fails?
// This is not a very big failure, as the first prompt would
// ripple through all domain\username matching creds on the
// keyring and update them later. You're pretty much stuck
// here, since the domain probably will not let you reset the
// psw to the old value.
} else { // Attempt to be specific about failure to change the psw on the
// remote system
#ifdef LOUDLY
OutputDebugString(L"Remote password set failed\n"); #endif
if (Error == ERROR_INVALID_PASSWORD) { LoadString ( m_hInst, IDS_CP_INVPSW, szMsg, CRED_MAX_USERNAME_LENGTH ); LoadString ( m_hInst, IDS_APP_NAME, szTitle, MAX_STRING_SIZE ); MessageBox ( m_hDlg, szMsg, szTitle, MB_OK ); } else if (Error == NERR_UserNotFound) { LoadString ( m_hInst, IDS_CP_NOUSER, szMsg, CRED_MAX_USERNAME_LENGTH ); LoadString ( m_hInst, IDS_APP_NAME, szTitle, MAX_STRING_SIZE ); MessageBox ( m_hDlg, szMsg, szTitle, MB_OK ); } else if (Error == NERR_PasswordTooShort) { LoadString ( m_hInst, IDS_CP_BADPSW, szMsg, CRED_MAX_USERNAME_LENGTH ); LoadString ( m_hInst, IDS_APP_NAME, szTitle, MAX_STRING_SIZE ); MessageBox ( m_hDlg, szMsg, szTitle, MB_OK ); } else if (Error == NERR_InvalidComputer) { LoadString ( m_hInst, IDS_CP_NOSVR, szMsg, CRED_MAX_USERNAME_LENGTH ); LoadString ( m_hInst, IDS_APP_NAME, szTitle, MAX_STRING_SIZE ); MessageBox ( m_hDlg, szMsg, szTitle, MB_OK ); } else if (Error == NERR_NotPrimary) { LoadString ( m_hInst, IDS_CP_NOTALLOWED, szMsg, CRED_MAX_USERNAME_LENGTH ); LoadString ( m_hInst, IDS_APP_NAME, szTitle, MAX_STRING_SIZE ); MessageBox ( m_hDlg, szMsg, szTitle, MB_OK ); } else { // Reaching here signifies a failure to set the remote domain
// password for more general reasons
LoadString ( m_hInst, IDS_DOMAINFAILED, szMsg, CRED_MAX_USERNAME_LENGTH ); LoadString ( m_hInst, IDS_APP_NAME, szTitle, MAX_STRING_SIZE ); MessageBox ( m_hDlg, szMsg, szTitle, MB_OK ); } }
// clean any psw buffers, release the old cred, and go.
SecureZeroMemory(m_szOldPassword,sizeof(m_szOldPassword)); SecureZeroMemory(m_szNewPassword,sizeof(m_szNewPassword)); SecureZeroMemory(m_szConfirmPassword,sizeof(m_szConfirmPassword)); EndDialog(IDOK); } // C_ChangePasswordDlg::OnOK
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