Microsoft Windows, Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 2000 - 2001.
File: CertHlpr.h
Content: Declaration of the certificate helper functions.
History: 09-07-2001 dsie created
#ifndef __CERTHLPR_H_
#define __CERTHLPR_H_
#include "Debug.h"
#include "SignHlpr.h"
Function : GetEnhancedKeyUsage
Synopsis : Retrieve the EKU from the cert.
Parameter: PCCERT_CONTEXT pCertContext - Pointer to CERT_CONTEXT.
PCERT_ENHKEY_USAGE * ppUsage - Pointer to PCERT_ENHKEY_USAGE to receive the usages.
Remark : If EKU extension is found with no EKU, then return HRESULT is CERT_E_WRONG_USAGE. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
HRESULT GetEnhancedKeyUsage (PCCERT_CONTEXT pCertContext, DWORD dwFlags, PCERT_ENHKEY_USAGE * ppUsage);
Function : BuildChain
Synopsis : Build a chain using the specified policy.
Parameter: PCCERT_CONTEXT pCertContext - CERT_CONTEXT of cert to verify.
HCERTSTORE hCertStore - Additional store (can be NULL).
LPCSTR pszPolicy - Policy used to verify the cert (i.e. CERT_CHAIN_POLICY_BASE).
PCCERT_CHAIN_CONTEXT * ppChainContext - Pointer to PCCERT_CHAIN_CONTEXT. Remark :
HRESULT BuildChain (PCCERT_CONTEXT pCertContext, HCERTSTORE hCertStore, LPCSTR pszPolicy, PCCERT_CHAIN_CONTEXT * ppChainContext);
Function : VerifyCertificate
Synopsis : Verify if the certificate is valid.
Parameter: PCCERT_CONTEXT pCertContext - CERT_CONTEXT of cert to verify.
HCERTSTORE hCertStore - Additional store (can be NULL).
LPCSTR pszPolicy - Policy used to verify the cert (i.e. CERT_CHAIN_POLICY_BASE). Remark :
HRESULT VerifyCertificate (PCCERT_CONTEXT pCertContext, HCERTSTORE hCertStore, LPCSTR pszPolicy);
Function : SelectCertificateContext
Synopsis : Pop UI to prompt user to select a certificate from an opened store.
Parameter: HCERTSTORE hCertStore - Source cert store.
HWND hWndParent - Parent window handle.
LPWCSTR pwszTitle - Dialog title string.
LPWCSTR - pwszDisplayString - Dialog display string.
BOOL bMultiSelect - TRUE to enable multi-select.
PFNCFILTERPROC pfnFilterCallback - Pointer to filter callback function. HCERTSTORE hSelectedCertStore - HCERTSTORE to receive the selected certs for multi-select mode.
PCCERT_CONTEXT * ppCertContext - Pointer to PCCERT_CONTEXT receive the certificate context for single selection mode.
Remark : typedef struct tagCRYPTUI_SELECTCERTIFICATE_STRUCTW { DWORD dwSize; HWND hwndParent; // OPTIONAL
DWORD dwDontUseColumn; // OPTIONAL
LPCWSTR szDisplayString; // OPTIONAL
void * pvCallbackData; // OPTIONAL
DWORD cDisplayStores; HCERTSTORE * rghDisplayStores; DWORD cStores; // OPTIONAL
DWORD cPropSheetPages; // OPTIONAL
HCERTSTORE hSelectedCertStore; // OPTIONAL
} CRYPTUI_SELECTCERTIFICATE_STRUCTW ------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
HRESULT SelectCertificateContext (HCERTSTORE hCertStore, LPCWSTR pwszTitle, LPCWSTR pwszDisplayString, BOOL bMultiSelect, PFNCFILTERPROC pfnFilterCallback, HCERTSTORE hSelectedCertStore, PCCERT_CONTEXT * ppCertContext);
Function : SelectCertificate
Synopsis : Select a certificate from the sepcified store. If only 1 cert is found after the filter, then that cert is returned. If more than 1 cert is found, then UI is popped to prompt user to select a certificate from the specified store.
Parameter: CAPICOM_STORE_INFO StoreInfo - Store to select from.
PFNCFILTERPROC pfnFilterCallback - Pointer to filter callback function. ICertificate2 ** ppICertificate - Pointer to pointer to ICertificate to receive interface pointer. Remark :
HRESULT SelectCertificate (CAPICOM_STORE_INFO StoreInfo, PFNCFILTERPROC pfnFilterCallback, ICertificate2 ** ppICertificate);
Function : ExportCertificatesToStore
Synopsis : Copy all certs from the collections to the specified store.
Parameter: ICertificates2 * pICertificate - Pointer to collection.
HCERTSTORE hCertStore - Store to copy to.
Remark : ------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
HRESULT ExportCertificatesToStore(ICertificates2 * pICertificate, HCERTSTORE hCertStore);
Function : CreateMemoryStoreFromCertificates
Synopsis : Create a memory cert store and copy all certs from the collections to the store.
Parameter: ICertificates2 * pICertificates - Pointer to collection.
HCERTSTORE * phCertStore - Pointer to receive store handle.
Remark : If pICertificate is NULL, then the returned store is still valid nut empty. Also, caller must close the returned store.
HRESULT CreateMemoryStoreFromCertificates(ICertificates2 * pICertificates, HCERTSTORE * phCertStore);
Function : CompareCertAndContainerPublicKey
Synopsis : Compare public key in cert matches the container's key.
Parameter: PCCERT_CONTEXT pCertContext - Pointer to CERT_CONTEXT to be used to initialize the IPrivateKey object.
BSTR ContainerName - Container name. BSTR ProviderName - Provider name.
DWORD dwProvType - Provider type.
DWORD dwKeySpec - Key spec.
DWORD dwFlags - Provider flags. Remark :
HRESULT CompareCertAndContainerPublicKey (PCCERT_CONTEXT pCertContext, LPWSTR pwszContainerName, LPWSTR pwszProvName, DWORD dwProvType, DWORD dwKeySpec, DWORD dwFlags); #endif // __CERTHLPR_H_