#include <windows.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <memory.h>
#include <wininet.h>
#include "unicode.h"
BYTE * HTTPGet(const WCHAR * wszURL, DWORD * pcbReceiveBuff) {
HINTERNET hIOpen = NULL; HINTERNET hIConnect = NULL; HINTERNET hIHttp = NULL; BYTE * pbRecBuf = NULL; char * szPartURL = NULL; char szBuff[1024]; char szLong[16]; char szDomanName[_MAX_PATH]; char szPort[12]; char * pch; DWORD cch; DWORD dwService = INTERNET_SERVICE_HTTP; char * pchT; DWORD cbBuff, cbBuffRead, cbBuffT; DWORD dwPort = INTERNET_INVALID_PORT_NUMBER; char * szURL = NULL;
assert(wszURL != NULL); assert(pcbReceiveBuff != NULL);
*pcbReceiveBuff = 0;
// figure out the protocol
if( !MkMBStr(NULL, 0, wszURL, &szURL)) { SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); goto ErrorReturn; }
// DSIE: Fix bug 112117
if (NULL == szURL) { return NULL; }
cch = strlen(szURL); if(cch >= 7 && _strnicmp(szURL, "http://", 7) == 0) { dwService = INTERNET_SERVICE_HTTP; pch = (char *) &szURL[7];
} else if(cch >= 6 && _strnicmp(szURL, "ftp://", 6) == 0) { dwService = INTERNET_SERVICE_FTP ; pch = (char *) &szURL[6]; } else { dwService = INTERNET_SERVICE_HTTP; pch = (char *) &szURL[0]; }
// if none of the above, assump http;
// copy the Doman Name
pchT = szDomanName; while(*pch != '/' && *pch != ':' && *pch != 0) *pchT++ = *pch++; *pchT = 0;
// parse out the port number
szPort[0] = 0; if(*pch == ':') { pchT = szPort; pch++; // get past the :
while(*pch != '/' && *pch != 0) *pchT++ = *pch++; *pchT = 0; }
if(szPort[0] != 0) dwPort = atol(szPort); // save away what to look up.
if(NULL == (szPartURL = (char *) malloc(sizeof(char) * (strlen(pch) + 1)))) { SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); goto ErrorReturn; }
strcpy(szPartURL, pch);
if( (hIOpen = InternetOpenA( "Transport", INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_PRECONFIG, NULL, NULL, 0)) == NULL ||
(hIConnect = InternetConnectA(hIOpen, szDomanName, (INTERNET_PORT) dwPort, NULL, NULL, dwService, 0, 0)) == NULL ) { goto ErrorReturn; }
// If this is a GET, do a dummy send
if( ((hIHttp = HttpOpenRequestA(hIConnect, "GET", szPartURL, HTTP_VERSION, NULL, NULL, INTERNET_FLAG_DONT_CACHE, 0)) == NULL || HttpSendRequestA(hIHttp, "Accept: */*\r\n", (DWORD) -1, NULL, 0) == FALSE) ) { goto ErrorReturn; }
cbBuff = sizeof(szBuff); if(HttpQueryInfoA( hIHttp, HTTP_QUERY_CONTENT_TYPE, szBuff, &cbBuff, NULL) == FALSE) goto ErrorReturn;
assert(cbBuff > 0); // now get the length of the buffer returned
cbBuff = sizeof(szLong); if(HttpQueryInfo( hIHttp, HTTP_QUERY_CONTENT_LENGTH, szLong, &cbBuff, NULL) == FALSE) goto ErrorReturn;
assert(cbBuff > 0); // always appears to be in ascii
cbBuff = atol(szLong);
// allocate a buffer
if( (pbRecBuf = (BYTE *) malloc(cbBuff)) == NULL ) { SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); goto ErrorReturn; }
// read the data
cbBuffRead = 0; while(cbBuffRead < cbBuff) { cbBuffT = 0; if(InternetReadFile(hIHttp, &pbRecBuf[cbBuffRead], (cbBuff - cbBuffRead), &cbBuffT) == FALSE ) goto ErrorReturn; cbBuffRead += cbBuffT; }
// close out the handle
InternetCloseHandle(hIHttp); hIHttp = NULL;
// pass back the info
*pcbReceiveBuff = cbBuff;
if(szPartURL != NULL) free(szPartURL);
if(szURL != NULL) FreeMBStr(NULL, szURL);
return(pbRecBuf); ErrorReturn:
if(pbRecBuf != NULL) free(pbRecBuf); pbRecBuf = NULL;
goto CommonReturn; }