// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1995 - 1999
// File: certhlpr.cpp
// Contents: Certificate and CRL Helper APIs
// Functions: CertHelperDllMain
// I_CryptGetDefaultCryptProv
// I_CryptGetDefaultCryptProvForEncrypt
// CertCompareIntegerBlob
// CertCompareCertificate
// CertCompareCertificateName
// CertIsRDNAttrsInCertificateName
// CertComparePublicKeyInfo
// CryptVerifyCertificateSignature
// CryptHashCertificate
// CryptHashToBeSigned
// CryptSignCertificate
// CryptSignAndEncodeCertificate
// CertVerifyTimeValidity
// CertVerifyCRLTimeValidity
// CertVerifyValidityNesting
// CertVerifyCRLRevocation
// CertAlgIdToOID
// CertOIDToAlgId
// CertFindExtension
// CertFindAttribute
// CertFindRDNAttr
// CertGetIntendedKeyUsage
// CertGetPublicKeyLength
// CryptHashPublicKeyInfo
// I_CertCompareCertAndProviderPublicKey
// CryptFindCertificateKeyProvInfo
// CryptCreatePublicKeyInfo
// CryptConvertPublicKeyInfo
// CryptExportPublicKeyInfo
// CryptExportPublicKeyInfoEx
// CryptImportPublicKeyInfo
// CryptImportPublicKeyInfoEx
// CryptCreateKeyIdentifierFromCSP
// CryptInstallDefaultContext
// CryptUninstallDefaultContext
// History: 23-Feb-96 philh created
#include "global.hxx"
#include <dbgdef.h>
// All the *pvInfo extra stuff needs to be aligned
#define INFO_LEN_ALIGN(Len) ((Len + 7) & ~7)
#define NULL_ASN_TAG 0x05
// CryptCreatePublicKeyInfo, EncodePublicKeyAndParameters
// and CryptConvertPublicKeyInfo functions
// The following should be moved to wincrypt.x
// If CRYPT_ALLOC_FLAG is set, *pvPubKeyInfo is updated with a LocalAlloc'ed
// pointer to a CERT_PUBLIC_KEY_INFO data structure which must be freed by
// calling LocalFree. Otherwise, pvPubKeyInfo points to a user allocated
// CERT_PUBLIC_KEY_INFO data structure which is updated.
WINCRYPT32API BOOL WINAPI CryptCreatePublicKeyInfo( IN DWORD dwCertEncodingType, IN OPTIONAL LPCSTR pszPubKeyOID, IN const PUBLICKEYSTRUC *pPubKeyStruc, IN DWORD cbPubKeyStruc, IN DWORD dwFlags, IN OPTIONAL void *pvReserved, OUT void *pvPubKeyInfo, IN OUT DWORD *pcbPubKeyInfo );
#define CRYPT_ALLOC_FLAG 0x8000
// The returned encoded public keys and parameters are LocalAlloc'ed.
typedef BOOL (WINAPI *PFN_CRYPT_ENCODE_PUBLIC_KEY_AND_PARAMETERS)( IN DWORD dwCertEncodingType, IN OPTIONAL LPCSTR pszPubKeyOID, IN const PUBLICKEYSTRUC *pPubKeyStruc, IN DWORD cbPubKeyStruc, IN DWORD dwFlags, IN OPTIONAL void *pvReserved, OUT BYTE **ppbEncodedPubKey, OUT DWORD *pcbEncodedPubKey, OUT BYTE **ppbEncodedParameters, OUT DWORD *pcbEncodedParameters );
// If CRYPT_ALLOC_FLAG is set, *pvPubKeyStruc is updated with a LocalAlloc'ed
// pointer to a PUBLICKEYSTRUC data structure which must be freed by calling
// LocalFree. Otherwise, pvPubKeyStruc points to a user allocated
// PUBLICKEYSTRUC data structure which is updated.
WINCRYPT32API BOOL WINAPI CryptConvertPublicKeyInfo( IN DWORD dwCertEncodingType, IN PCERT_PUBLIC_KEY_INFO pPubKeyInfo, IN DWORD dwFlags, IN OPTIONAL void *pvReserved, OUT void *pvPubKeyStruc, IN OUT DWORD *pcbPubKeyStruc );
#define CRYPT_OID_CONVERT_PUBLIC_KEY_INFO_FUNC "CryptDllConvertPublicKeyInfo"
typedef BOOL (WINAPI *PFN_CRYPT_CONVERT_PUBLIC_KEY_INFO)( IN DWORD dwCertEncodingType, IN PCERT_PUBLIC_KEY_INFO pPubKeyInfo, IN DWORD dwFlags, IN OPTIONAL void *pvReserved, OUT void *pvPubKeyStruc, IN OUT DWORD *pcbPubKeyStruc );
// End of what should be moved to wincrypt.x
static HCRYPTOIDFUNCSET hEncodePubKeyFuncSet; static HCRYPTOIDFUNCSET hConvertPubKeyFuncSet;
// Encode the RSA public key and parameters
static BOOL WINAPI EncodeRSAPublicKeyAndParameters( IN DWORD dwCertEncodingType, IN OPTIONAL LPCSTR pszPubKeyOID, IN const PUBLICKEYSTRUC *pPubKeyStruc, IN DWORD cbPubKeyStruc, IN DWORD dwFlags, IN OPTIONAL void *pvReserved, OUT BYTE **ppbEncodedPubKey, OUT DWORD *pcbEncodedPubKey, OUT BYTE **ppbEncodedParameters, OUT DWORD *pcbEncodedParameters );
// Convert as an RSA public key
static BOOL WINAPI ConvertRSAPublicKeyInfo( IN DWORD dwCertEncodingType, IN PCERT_PUBLIC_KEY_INFO pPubKeyInfo, IN DWORD dwFlags, IN OPTIONAL void *pvReserved, OUT void *pvPubKeyStruc, IN OUT DWORD *pcbPubKeyStruc );
// Encode the DSS public key and parameters
static BOOL WINAPI EncodeDSSPublicKeyAndParameters( IN DWORD dwCertEncodingType, IN OPTIONAL LPCSTR pszPubKeyOID, IN const PUBLICKEYSTRUC *pPubKeyStruc, IN DWORD cbPubKeyStruc, IN DWORD dwFlags, IN OPTIONAL void *pvReserved, OUT BYTE **ppbEncodedPubKey, OUT DWORD *pcbEncodedPubKey, OUT BYTE **ppbEncodedParameters, OUT DWORD *pcbEncodedParameters );
// Convert as an DSS public key
static BOOL WINAPI ConvertDSSPublicKeyInfo( IN DWORD dwCertEncodingType, IN PCERT_PUBLIC_KEY_INFO pPubKeyInfo, IN DWORD dwFlags, IN OPTIONAL void *pvReserved, OUT void *pvPubKeyStruc, IN OUT DWORD *pcbPubKeyStruc );
// Encode the RSA DH public key and parameters
static BOOL WINAPI EncodeRSADHPublicKeyAndParameters( IN DWORD dwCertEncodingType, IN OPTIONAL LPCSTR pszPubKeyOID, IN const PUBLICKEYSTRUC *pPubKeyStruc, IN DWORD cbPubKeyStruc, IN DWORD dwFlags, IN OPTIONAL void *pvReserved, OUT BYTE **ppbEncodedPubKey, OUT DWORD *pcbEncodedPubKey, OUT BYTE **ppbEncodedParameters, OUT DWORD *pcbEncodedParameters );
// Encode the X942 DH public key and parameters
static BOOL WINAPI EncodeX942DHPublicKeyAndParameters( IN DWORD dwCertEncodingType, IN OPTIONAL LPCSTR pszPubKeyOID, IN const PUBLICKEYSTRUC *pPubKeyStruc, IN DWORD cbPubKeyStruc, IN DWORD dwFlags, IN OPTIONAL void *pvReserved, OUT BYTE **ppbEncodedPubKey, OUT DWORD *pcbEncodedPubKey, OUT BYTE **ppbEncodedParameters, OUT DWORD *pcbEncodedParameters );
static const CRYPT_OID_FUNC_ENTRY EncodePubKeyFuncTable[] = { szOID_RSA_RSA, EncodeRSAPublicKeyAndParameters, szOID_OIWSEC_rsaXchg, EncodeRSAPublicKeyAndParameters, szOID_OIWSEC_dsa, EncodeDSSPublicKeyAndParameters, szOID_X957_DSA, EncodeDSSPublicKeyAndParameters, szOID_ANSI_X942_DH, EncodeX942DHPublicKeyAndParameters, szOID_RSA_DH, EncodeRSADHPublicKeyAndParameters, }; #define ENCODE_PUB_KEY_FUNC_COUNT (sizeof(EncodePubKeyFuncTable) / \
static const CRYPT_OID_FUNC_ENTRY ConvertPubKeyFuncTable[] = { szOID_RSA_RSA, ConvertRSAPublicKeyInfo, szOID_OIWSEC_rsaXchg, ConvertRSAPublicKeyInfo, szOID_OIWSEC_dsa, ConvertDSSPublicKeyInfo, szOID_X957_DSA, ConvertDSSPublicKeyInfo, }; #define CONVERT_PUB_KEY_FUNC_COUNT (sizeof(ConvertPubKeyFuncTable) / \
// CryptExportPublicKeyInfoEx and CryptImportPublicKeyInfoEx OID
// installable functions.
typedef BOOL (WINAPI *PFN_EXPORT_PUB_KEY_FUNC) ( IN HCRYPTPROV hCryptProv, IN DWORD dwKeySpec, IN DWORD dwCertEncodingType, IN LPSTR pszPublicKeyObjId, IN DWORD dwFlags, IN OPTIONAL void *pvAuxInfo, OUT PCERT_PUBLIC_KEY_INFO pInfo, IN OUT DWORD *pcbInfo );
static HCRYPTOIDFUNCSET hExportPubKeyFuncSet; static HCRYPTOIDFUNCSET hImportPubKeyFuncSet;
// Default CryptProvs. Once acquired, not released until ProcessDetach.
static HCRYPTPROV rghDefaultCryptProv[DEFAULT_CRYPT_PROV_CNT]; static CRITICAL_SECTION DefaultCryptProvCriticalSection;
static BOOL fLoadedRSAEncryptAlgInfo = FALSE; static PENCRYPT_ALG_INFO pRSAEncryptAlgInfoHead = NULL;
// DefaultContext Function Forward References and Data Structures
// dwDefaultTypes:
BOOL WINAPI I_CryptGetDefaultContext( IN DWORD dwDefaultType, IN const void *pvDefaultPara, OUT HCRYPTPROV *phCryptProv, OUT HCRYPTDEFAULTCONTEXT *phDefaultContext );
// hDefaultContext is only NON-null for Process default context
void WINAPI I_CryptFreeDefaultContext( HCRYPTDEFAULTCONTEXT hDefaultContext );
// Following applicable to Process DefaultContext
LONG lRefCnt; HANDLE hWait; };
static BOOL fHasThreadDefaultContext; static HCRYPTTLS hTlsDefaultContext;
static BOOL fHasProcessDefaultContext; static CRITICAL_SECTION DefaultContextCriticalSection; static PDEFAULT_CONTEXT pProcessDefaultContextHead;
// Default CryptProv: initialization and free
static BOOL InitDefaultCryptProv() { return Pki_InitializeCriticalSection(&DefaultCryptProvCriticalSection); } static void FreeDefaultCryptProv() { PENCRYPT_ALG_INFO pAlgInfo;
DWORD cProv = DEFAULT_CRYPT_PROV_CNT; while (cProv--) { HCRYPTPROV hProv = rghDefaultCryptProv[cProv]; if (hProv) CryptReleaseContext(hProv, 0); }
pAlgInfo = pRSAEncryptAlgInfoHead; while (pAlgInfo) { PENCRYPT_ALG_INFO pDeleteAlgInfo = pAlgInfo; pAlgInfo = pAlgInfo->pNext; PkiFree(pDeleteAlgInfo); }
DeleteCriticalSection(&DefaultCryptProvCriticalSection); }
static VOID WINAPI DetachDefaultContext( IN LPVOID pv ) { PDEFAULT_CONTEXT pDefaultContext = (PDEFAULT_CONTEXT) pv;
while (pDefaultContext) { PDEFAULT_CONTEXT pFree = pDefaultContext; pDefaultContext = pDefaultContext->pNext; if (pFree->dwFlags & CRYPT_DEFAULT_CONTEXT_AUTO_RELEASE_FLAG) CryptReleaseContext(pFree->hCryptProv, 0); PkiFree(pFree); } }
// Dll initialization
BOOL WINAPI CertHelperDllMain( HMODULE hInst, ULONG ulReason, LPVOID lpReserved) { BOOL fRet;
switch (ulReason) { case DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH: // Public key function setup
if (NULL == (hExportPubKeyFuncSet = CryptInitOIDFunctionSet( CRYPT_OID_EXPORT_PUBLIC_KEY_INFO_FUNC, 0))) goto CryptInitOIDFunctionSetError; if (NULL == (hImportPubKeyFuncSet = CryptInitOIDFunctionSet( CRYPT_OID_IMPORT_PUBLIC_KEY_INFO_FUNC, 0))) goto CryptInitOIDFunctionSetError;
if (NULL == (hEncodePubKeyFuncSet = CryptInitOIDFunctionSet( CRYPT_OID_ENCODE_PUBLIC_KEY_AND_PARAMETERS_FUNC, 0))) goto CryptInitOIDFunctionSetError; if (NULL == (hConvertPubKeyFuncSet = CryptInitOIDFunctionSet( CRYPT_OID_CONVERT_PUBLIC_KEY_INFO_FUNC, 0))) goto CryptInitOIDFunctionSetError;
if (!CryptInstallOIDFunctionAddress( NULL, // hModule
goto CryptInstallOIDFunctionAddressError; if (!CryptInstallOIDFunctionAddress( NULL, // hModule
goto CryptInstallOIDFunctionAddressError;
if (!InitDefaultCryptProv()) goto InitDefaultCryptProvError;
if (!Pki_InitializeCriticalSection(&DefaultContextCriticalSection)) goto InitCritSectionError;
if (NULL == (hTlsDefaultContext = I_CryptAllocTls())) goto CryptAllocTlsError; break;
case DLL_PROCESS_DETACH: FreeDefaultCryptProv();
while (pProcessDefaultContextHead) { PDEFAULT_CONTEXT pFree = pProcessDefaultContextHead; pProcessDefaultContextHead = pProcessDefaultContextHead->pNext; if (pFree->dwFlags & CRYPT_DEFAULT_CONTEXT_AUTO_RELEASE_FLAG) CryptReleaseContext(pFree->hCryptProv, 0); PkiFree(pFree); } DeleteCriticalSection(&DefaultContextCriticalSection); I_CryptFreeTls(hTlsDefaultContext, DetachDefaultContext); break;
case DLL_THREAD_DETACH: DetachDefaultContext(I_CryptDetachTls(hTlsDefaultContext)); break;
default: break; }
fRet = TRUE; CommonReturn: return fRet;
CryptAllocTlsError: DeleteCriticalSection(&DefaultContextCriticalSection); InitCritSectionError: FreeDefaultCryptProv(); ErrorReturn: fRet = FALSE; goto CommonReturn; TRACE_ERROR(InitDefaultCryptProvError) TRACE_ERROR(CryptInitOIDFunctionSetError) TRACE_ERROR(CryptInstallOIDFunctionAddressError)
// Acquire default CryptProv according to the public key algorithm supported
// by the provider type. The provider is acquired with only
// Setting aiPubKey to 0, gets the default provider for RSA_FULL.
// Note, the returned CryptProv must not be released. Once acquired, the
// CryptProv isn't released until ProcessDetach. This allows the returned
// CryptProvs to be shared.
HCRYPTPROV WINAPI I_CryptGetDefaultCryptProv( IN ALG_ID aiPubKey ) { HCRYPTPROV hProv; DWORD dwProvType; DWORD dwDefaultProvIndex;
switch (aiPubKey) { case 0: case CALG_RSA_SIGN: case CALG_RSA_KEYX: case CALG_NO_SIGN: dwProvType = PROV_RSA_FULL; dwDefaultProvIndex = DEFAULT_RSA_CRYPT_PROV; break; case CALG_DSS_SIGN: dwProvType = PROV_DSS_DH; dwDefaultProvIndex = DEFAULT_DSS_CRYPT_PROV; break; default: SetLastError((DWORD) E_INVALIDARG); return 0; }
hProv = rghDefaultCryptProv[dwDefaultProvIndex];
if (0 == hProv) { EnterCriticalSection(&DefaultCryptProvCriticalSection); hProv = rghDefaultCryptProv[dwDefaultProvIndex]; if (0 == hProv) { if (!CryptAcquireContext( &hProv, NULL, // pszContainer
NULL, // pszProvider,
dwProvType, CRYPT_VERIFYCONTEXT // dwFlags
)) { hProv = 0; // CAPI bug, sets hCryptProv to nonzero
if (DEFAULT_DSS_CRYPT_PROV == dwDefaultProvIndex) { if (!CryptAcquireContext( &hProv, NULL, // pszContainer
NULL, // pszProvider,
)) hProv = 0; // CAPI bug, sets hCryptProv to nonzero
} } rghDefaultCryptProv[dwDefaultProvIndex] = hProv; } LeaveCriticalSection(&DefaultCryptProvCriticalSection); } return hProv; }
// Note, PP_ENUMALGS_EX returns the bit range. However, this parameter type
// may not be supported by all CSPs. If this fails, try PP_ENUMALGS which only
// returns a single, default bit length.
static void LoadRSAEncryptAlgInfo() { EnterCriticalSection(&DefaultCryptProvCriticalSection);
if (!fLoadedRSAEncryptAlgInfo) { HCRYPTPROV hProv; if (hProv = I_CryptGetDefaultCryptProv(CALG_RSA_KEYX)) { DWORD dwFlags = CRYPT_FIRST; BOOL fEx = TRUE;
if (fEx) { PROV_ENUMALGS_EX Data; DWORD cbData = sizeof(Data);
if (!CryptGetProvParam( hProv, PP_ENUMALGS_EX, (BYTE *) &Data, &cbData, dwFlags )) { if (0 != dwFlags) { // Try PP_ENUMALGS
fEx = FALSE; continue; } else break; } AlgInfo.aiAlgid = Data.aiAlgid; AlgInfo.dwMinLen = Data.dwMinLen; AlgInfo.dwMaxLen = Data.dwMaxLen; } else { PROV_ENUMALGS Data; DWORD cbData = sizeof(Data);
if (!CryptGetProvParam( hProv, PP_ENUMALGS, (BYTE *) &Data, &cbData, dwFlags )) break; // Only know about a single length
AlgInfo.aiAlgid = Data.aiAlgid; AlgInfo.dwMinLen = Data.dwBitLen; AlgInfo.dwMaxLen = Data.dwBitLen; }
dwFlags = 0; // CRYPT_NEXT
// Only interested in encrypt algorithms
if (ALG_CLASS_DATA_ENCRYPT != GET_ALG_CLASS(AlgInfo.aiAlgid)) continue;
if (NULL == (pAllocAlgInfo = (PENCRYPT_ALG_INFO) PkiNonzeroAlloc(sizeof(ENCRYPT_ALG_INFO)))) break; AlgInfo.pNext = pRSAEncryptAlgInfoHead; memcpy(pAllocAlgInfo, &AlgInfo, sizeof(*pAllocAlgInfo)); pRSAEncryptAlgInfoHead = pAllocAlgInfo; } }
fLoadedRSAEncryptAlgInfo = TRUE; } LeaveCriticalSection(&DefaultCryptProvCriticalSection); }
static BOOL IsDefaultRSACryptProvForEncrypt( IN ALG_ID aiEncrypt, IN DWORD dwBitLen ) { PENCRYPT_ALG_INFO pInfo; if (!fLoadedRSAEncryptAlgInfo) LoadRSAEncryptAlgInfo();
if (0 == dwBitLen && (CALG_RC2 == aiEncrypt || CALG_RC4 == aiEncrypt)) dwBitLen = 40;
for (pInfo = pRSAEncryptAlgInfoHead; pInfo; pInfo = pInfo->pNext) { if (aiEncrypt == pInfo->aiAlgid) { if (0 == dwBitLen || (pInfo->dwMinLen <= dwBitLen && dwBitLen <= pInfo->dwMaxLen)) return TRUE; } }
return FALSE; }
// Acquire default CryptProv according to the public key algorithm, encrypt
// key algorithm and encrypt key length supported by the provider type.
// dwBitLen = 0, assumes the aiEncrypt's default bit length. For example,
// CALG_RC2 has a default bit length of 40.
// Note, the returned CryptProv must not be released. Once acquired, the
// CryptProv isn't released until ProcessDetach. This allows the returned
// CryptProvs to be shared.
HCRYPTPROV WINAPI I_CryptGetDefaultCryptProvForEncrypt( IN ALG_ID aiPubKey, IN ALG_ID aiEncrypt, IN DWORD dwBitLen ) { HCRYPTPROV hProv; DWORD dwProvType; DWORD dwDefaultProvIndex; LPCSTR pszProvider;
if (CALG_DH_SF == aiPubKey || CALG_DH_EPHEM == aiPubKey) { dwProvType = PROV_DSS_DH; dwDefaultProvIndex = DEFAULT_ENCRYPT_DH_CRYPT_PROV; pszProvider = NULL; } else { dwProvType = PROV_RSA_FULL;
if (IsDefaultRSACryptProvForEncrypt( aiEncrypt, dwBitLen )) // Set to fall through to the default case
aiEncrypt = 0;
switch (aiEncrypt) { case CALG_DES: case CALG_3DES: case CALG_3DES_112: dwDefaultProvIndex = DEFAULT_ENCRYPT_ENH_RSA_CRYPT_PROV; pszProvider = MS_ENHANCED_PROV_A; break; case CALG_RC2: case CALG_RC4: if (40 >= dwBitLen) { dwDefaultProvIndex = DEFAULT_ENCRYPT_BASE_RSA_CRYPT_PROV; pszProvider = MS_DEF_PROV_A; } else { dwDefaultProvIndex = DEFAULT_ENCRYPT_ENH_RSA_CRYPT_PROV; pszProvider = MS_ENHANCED_PROV_A; } break; case 0: default: dwDefaultProvIndex = DEFAULT_RSA_CRYPT_PROV; pszProvider = NULL; break; } }
hProv = rghDefaultCryptProv[dwDefaultProvIndex];
if (0 == hProv) { EnterCriticalSection(&DefaultCryptProvCriticalSection); hProv = rghDefaultCryptProv[dwDefaultProvIndex]; if (0 == hProv) { if (!CryptAcquireContext( &hProv, NULL, // pszContainer
pszProvider, dwProvType, CRYPT_VERIFYCONTEXT // dwFlags
)) hProv = 0; // CAPI bug, sets hCryptProv to nonzero
else rghDefaultCryptProv[dwDefaultProvIndex] = hProv; } LeaveCriticalSection(&DefaultCryptProvCriticalSection); } return hProv; }
// Cert helper allocation and free functions
static void *AllocAndDecodeObject( IN DWORD dwCertEncodingType, IN LPCSTR lpszStructType, IN const BYTE *pbEncoded, IN DWORD cbEncoded, OUT OPTIONAL DWORD *pcbStructInfo = NULL ) { DWORD cbStructInfo; void *pvStructInfo;
if (!CryptDecodeObjectEx( dwCertEncodingType, lpszStructType, pbEncoded, cbEncoded, CRYPT_DECODE_NOCOPY_FLAG | CRYPT_DECODE_ALLOC_FLAG, &PkiDecodePara, (void *) &pvStructInfo, &cbStructInfo )) goto ErrorReturn;
CommonReturn: if (pcbStructInfo) *pcbStructInfo = cbStructInfo; return pvStructInfo; ErrorReturn: pvStructInfo = NULL; goto CommonReturn; }
static BOOL AllocAndEncodeObject( IN DWORD dwCertEncodingType, IN LPCSTR lpszStructType, IN const void *pvStructInfo, OUT BYTE **ppbEncoded, OUT DWORD *pcbEncoded ) { return CryptEncodeObjectEx( dwCertEncodingType, lpszStructType, pvStructInfo, CRYPT_ENCODE_ALLOC_FLAG, &PkiEncodePara, (void *) ppbEncoded, pcbEncoded ); }
#if 0
// For an authority key identifier extension, compare the extension's optional
// fields with the specified issuer certificate.
// Returns TRUE for no authority key identifier extension or an issuer
// certificate match.
static BOOL CompareAuthorityKeyIdentifier( IN DWORD dwCertEncodingType, IN DWORD cExtensions, IN CERT_EXTENSION rgExtensions[], IN PCERT_INFO pIssuerInfo ) { BOOL fResult; PCERT_EXTENSION pExt; PCERT_AUTHORITY_KEY_ID_INFO pKeyIdInfo = NULL;
pExt = CertFindExtension( szOID_AUTHORITY_KEY_IDENTIFIER, cExtensions, rgExtensions ); if (pExt == NULL) return TRUE; if (NULL == (pKeyIdInfo = (PCERT_AUTHORITY_KEY_ID_INFO) AllocAndDecodeObject( dwCertEncodingType, X509_AUTHORITY_KEY_ID, pExt->Value.pbData, pExt->Value.cbData ))) goto DecodeError;
if (pKeyIdInfo->CertIssuer.cbData) { // Issuer certificate's issuer name must match
if (!CertCompareCertificateName( dwCertEncodingType, &pKeyIdInfo->CertIssuer, &pIssuerInfo->Issuer )) goto ErrorReturn; }
if (pKeyIdInfo->CertSerialNumber.cbData) { // Issuer certificate's serial number must match
if (!CertCompareIntegerBlob( &pKeyIdInfo->CertSerialNumber, &pIssuerInfo->SerialNumber)) goto ErrorReturn; }
fResult = TRUE; goto CommonReturn;
DecodeError: fResult = TRUE; goto CommonReturn; ErrorReturn: fResult = FALSE; CommonReturn: PkiFree(pKeyIdInfo); return fResult; } #endif
// Compare two multiple byte integer blobs to see if they are identical.
// Before doing the comparison, leading zero bytes are removed from a
// positive number and leading 0xFF bytes are removed from a negative
// number.
// The multiple byte integers are treated as Little Endian. pbData[0] is the
// least significant byte and pbData[cbData - 1] is the most significant
// byte.
// Returns TRUE if the integer blobs are identical after removing leading
// 0 or 0xFF bytes.
BOOL WINAPI CertCompareIntegerBlob( IN PCRYPT_INTEGER_BLOB pInt1, IN PCRYPT_INTEGER_BLOB pInt2 ) { BYTE *pb1 = pInt1->pbData; DWORD cb1 = pInt1->cbData; BYTE *pb2 = pInt2->pbData; DWORD cb2 = pInt2->cbData;
// Assumption: normally don't have leading 0 or 0xFF bytes.
while (cb1 > 1) { BYTE bEnd = pb1[cb1 - 1]; BYTE bPrev = pb1[cb1 - 2]; if ((0 == bEnd && 0 == (bPrev & 0x80)) || (0xFF == bEnd && 0 != (bPrev & 0x80))) cb1--; else break; }
while (cb2 > 1) { BYTE bEnd = pb2[cb2 - 1]; BYTE bPrev = pb2[cb2 - 2]; if ((0 == bEnd && 0 == (bPrev & 0x80)) || (0xFF == bEnd && 0 != (bPrev & 0x80))) cb2--; else break; }
if (cb1 == cb2 && (0 == cb1 || 0 == memcmp(pb1, pb2, cb1))) return TRUE; else return FALSE; }
// Compare two certificates to see if they are identical.
// Since a certificate is uniquely identified by its Issuer and SerialNumber,
// these are the only fields needing to be compared.
// Returns TRUE if the certificates are identical.
BOOL WINAPI CertCompareCertificate( IN DWORD dwCertEncodingType, IN PCERT_INFO pCertId1, IN PCERT_INFO pCertId2 ) { if (CertCompareIntegerBlob(&pCertId1->SerialNumber, &pCertId2->SerialNumber) && pCertId1->Issuer.cbData == pCertId2->Issuer.cbData && memcmp(pCertId1->Issuer.pbData, pCertId2->Issuer.pbData, pCertId1->Issuer.cbData) == 0) return TRUE; else return FALSE; }
// Compare two certificate names to see if they are identical.
// Returns TRUE if the names are identical.
BOOL WINAPI CertCompareCertificateName( IN DWORD dwCertEncodingType, IN PCERT_NAME_BLOB pCertName1, IN PCERT_NAME_BLOB pCertName2 ) { if (pCertName1->cbData == pCertName2->cbData && memcmp(pCertName1->pbData, pCertName2->pbData, pCertName1->cbData) == 0) return TRUE; else return FALSE; }
// Compare the attributes in the certificate name with the specified
// Relative Distinguished Name's (CERT_RDN) array of attributes.
// The comparison iterates through the CERT_RDN attributes and looks for an
// attribute match in any of the certificate's RDNs. Returns TRUE if all the
// attributes are found and match.
// The CERT_RDN_ATTR fields can have the following special values:
// pszObjId == NULL - ignore the attribute object identifier
// dwValueType == CERT_RDN_ANY_TYPE - ignore the value type
// Value.pbData == NULL - match any value
// a case insensitive match. Otherwise, defaults to an exact, case sensitive
// match.
// CERT_UNICODE_IS_RDN_ATTRS_FLAG should be set if the pRDN was initialized
// with unicode strings as for CryptEncodeObject(X509_UNICODE_NAME).
BOOL WINAPI CertIsRDNAttrsInCertificateName( IN DWORD dwCertEncodingType, IN DWORD dwFlags, IN PCERT_NAME_BLOB pCertName, IN PCERT_RDN pRDN ) { BOOL fResult; PCERT_NAME_INFO pNameInfo = NULL;
DWORD cCmpAttr; PCERT_RDN_ATTR pCmpAttr; BOOL fMatch;
if (NULL == (pNameInfo = (PCERT_NAME_INFO) AllocAndDecodeObject( dwCertEncodingType, CERT_UNICODE_IS_RDN_ATTRS_FLAG & dwFlags ? X509_UNICODE_NAME : X509_NAME, pCertName->pbData, pCertName->cbData ))) goto ErrorReturn;
cCmpAttr = pRDN->cRDNAttr; pCmpAttr = pRDN->rgRDNAttr; fMatch = TRUE; // Iterate through list of attributes to be compared against
for ( ; cCmpAttr > 0; cCmpAttr--, pCmpAttr++) { fMatch = FALSE; DWORD cNameRDN = pNameInfo->cRDN; PCERT_RDN pNameRDN = pNameInfo->rgRDN; // Iterate through name's list of RDNs
for ( ; cNameRDN > 0; cNameRDN--, pNameRDN++) { DWORD cNameAttr = pNameRDN->cRDNAttr; PCERT_RDN_ATTR pNameAttr = pNameRDN->rgRDNAttr; // Iterate through name's CERT_RDN's list of attributes
for ( ; cNameAttr > 0; cNameAttr--, pNameAttr++) { if (pCmpAttr->pszObjId && (pNameAttr->pszObjId == NULL || strcmp(pCmpAttr->pszObjId, pNameAttr->pszObjId) != 0)) continue; if (pCmpAttr->dwValueType != CERT_RDN_ANY_TYPE && pCmpAttr->dwValueType != pNameAttr->dwValueType) continue;
if (pCmpAttr->Value.pbData == NULL) { fMatch = TRUE; break; }
if (CERT_UNICODE_IS_RDN_ATTRS_FLAG & dwFlags) { if (0 == pCmpAttr->Value.cbData) cch = wcslen((LPWSTR) pCmpAttr->Value.pbData); else cch = pCmpAttr->Value.cbData / sizeof(WCHAR); if (cch == (pNameAttr->Value.cbData / sizeof(WCHAR)) && CSTR_EQUAL == CompareStringU( LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, NORM_IGNORECASE, (LPWSTR) pCmpAttr->Value.pbData, cch, (LPWSTR) pNameAttr->Value.pbData, cch)) { fMatch = TRUE; break; } } else { cch = pCmpAttr->Value.cbData; if (cch == (pNameAttr->Value.cbData) && CSTR_EQUAL == CompareStringA( LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, NORM_IGNORECASE, (LPSTR) pCmpAttr->Value.pbData, cch, (LPSTR) pNameAttr->Value.pbData, cch)) { fMatch = TRUE; break; } } } else { DWORD cbCmpData = pCmpAttr->Value.cbData;
if ((CERT_UNICODE_IS_RDN_ATTRS_FLAG & dwFlags) && 0 == cbCmpData) cbCmpData = wcslen((LPWSTR) pCmpAttr->Value.pbData) * sizeof(WCHAR);
if (cbCmpData == pNameAttr->Value.cbData && (cbCmpData == 0 || memcmp(pCmpAttr->Value.pbData, pNameAttr->Value.pbData, cbCmpData) == 0)) { fMatch = TRUE; break; } } } if (fMatch) break; } if (!fMatch) break; }
if (!fMatch) { SetLastError((DWORD) CRYPT_E_NO_MATCH); goto ErrorReturn; }
fResult = TRUE; goto CommonReturn;
ErrorReturn: fResult = FALSE; CommonReturn: PkiFree(pNameInfo); return fResult; }
#if 0
#ifndef RSA1
#define RSA1 ((DWORD)'R'+((DWORD)'S'<<8)+((DWORD)'A'<<16)+((DWORD)'1'<<24))
// Compare two public keys to see if they are identical.
// Returns TRUE if the keys are identical.
// Note: ignores CAPI's reserved and aiKeyAlg fields in the comparison.
BOOL WINAPI CertComparePublicKeyBitBlob( IN DWORD dwCertEncodingType, IN PCRYPT_BIT_BLOB pPublicKey1, IN PCRYPT_BIT_BLOB pPublicKey2 ) { BYTE *pb1, *pb2; PUBLICKEYSTRUC *pPubKeyStruc1, *pPubKeyStruc2; RSAPUBKEY *pRsaPubKey1, *pRsaPubKey2; BYTE *pbModulus1, *pbModulus2; DWORD cbModulus1, cbModulus2;
// The CAPI public key representation consists of the following sequence:
// - rgbModulus[]
pb1 = pPublicKey1->pbData; pPubKeyStruc1 = (PUBLICKEYSTRUC *) pb1; pRsaPubKey1 = (RSAPUBKEY *) (pb1 + sizeof(PUBLICKEYSTRUC)); pbModulus1 = pb1 + sizeof(PUBLICKEYSTRUC) + sizeof(RSAPUBKEY); cbModulus1 = pRsaPubKey1->bitlen / 8;
assert(cbModulus1 > 0); assert(sizeof(PUBLICKEYSTRUC) + sizeof(RSAPUBKEY) + cbModulus1 <= pPublicKey1->cbData); assert(pPubKeyStruc1->bType == PUBLICKEYBLOB); assert(pPubKeyStruc1->bVersion == CUR_BLOB_VERSION); assert(pPubKeyStruc1->aiKeyAlg == CALG_RSA_SIGN || pPubKeyStruc1->aiKeyAlg == CALG_RSA_KEYX); assert(pRsaPubKey1->magic == RSA1); assert(pRsaPubKey1->bitlen % 8 == 0);
pb2 = pPublicKey2->pbData; pPubKeyStruc2 = (PUBLICKEYSTRUC *) pb2; pRsaPubKey2 = (RSAPUBKEY *) (pb2 + sizeof(PUBLICKEYSTRUC)); pbModulus2 = pb2 + sizeof(PUBLICKEYSTRUC) + sizeof(RSAPUBKEY); cbModulus2 = pRsaPubKey2->bitlen / 8;
assert(cbModulus2 > 0); assert(sizeof(PUBLICKEYSTRUC) + sizeof(RSAPUBKEY) + cbModulus2 <= pPublicKey2->cbData); assert(pPubKeyStruc2->bType == PUBLICKEYBLOB); assert(pPubKeyStruc2->bVersion == CUR_BLOB_VERSION); assert(pPubKeyStruc2->aiKeyAlg == CALG_RSA_SIGN || pPubKeyStruc2->aiKeyAlg == CALG_RSA_KEYX); assert(pRsaPubKey2->magic == RSA1); assert(pRsaPubKey2->bitlen % 8 == 0);
if (pRsaPubKey1->pubexp == pRsaPubKey2->pubexp && cbModulus1 == cbModulus2 && memcmp(pbModulus1, pbModulus2, cbModulus1) == 0) return TRUE; else return FALSE;
} #endif
// Compare two public keys to see if they are identical.
// Returns TRUE if the keys are identical.
BOOL WINAPI CertComparePublicKeyInfo( IN DWORD dwCertEncodingType, IN PCERT_PUBLIC_KEY_INFO pPublicKey1, IN PCERT_PUBLIC_KEY_INFO pPublicKey2 ) { DWORD cbData; DWORD cb1; BYTE * pb1; DWORD cb2; BYTE * pb2; BOOL fResult = FALSE; PUBLICKEYSTRUC * pBlob1 = NULL; PUBLICKEYSTRUC * pBlob2 = NULL;
if (!((cbData = pPublicKey1->PublicKey.cbData) == pPublicKey2->PublicKey.cbData && (cbData == 0 || memcmp(pPublicKey1->PublicKey.pbData, pPublicKey2->PublicKey.pbData, cbData) == 0))) { // DSIE: Bug 402662.
// Encoded compare failed, try decoded compare.
if (NULL == (pBlob1 = (PUBLICKEYSTRUC *) AllocAndDecodeObject( dwCertEncodingType, RSA_CSP_PUBLICKEYBLOB, pPublicKey1->PublicKey.pbData, pPublicKey1->PublicKey.cbData, &cb1))) { goto CLEANUP; }
if (NULL == (pBlob2 = (PUBLICKEYSTRUC *) AllocAndDecodeObject( dwCertEncodingType, RSA_CSP_PUBLICKEYBLOB, pPublicKey2->PublicKey.pbData, pPublicKey2->PublicKey.cbData, &cb2))) { goto CLEANUP; }
if (!((cb1 == cb2) && (cb1 == 0 || memcmp(pBlob1, pBlob2, cb1) == 0))) { goto CLEANUP; } } // Compare algorithm parameters
cb1 = pPublicKey1->Algorithm.Parameters.cbData; pb1 = pPublicKey1->Algorithm.Parameters.pbData; cb2 = pPublicKey2->Algorithm.Parameters.cbData; pb2 = pPublicKey2->Algorithm.Parameters.pbData;
if (X509_ASN_ENCODING == GET_CERT_ENCODING_TYPE(dwCertEncodingType)) { // Check if either has NO or NULL parameters
if (0 == cb1 || *pb1 == NULL_ASN_TAG || 0 == cb2 || *pb2 == NULL_ASN_TAG) { fResult = TRUE; goto CLEANUP; } }
if (cb1 == cb2) { if (0 == cb1 || 0 == memcmp(pb1, pb2, cb1)) { fResult = TRUE; } }
CLEANUP: if (pBlob1) PkiFree(pBlob1);
if (pBlob2) PkiFree(pBlob2);
return fResult; }
static BOOL GetSignOIDInfo( IN LPCSTR pszObjId, OUT ALG_ID *paiHash, OUT ALG_ID *paiPubKey, OUT DWORD *pdwFlags, OUT DWORD *pdwProvType = NULL ) { BOOL fResult; PCCRYPT_OID_INFO pInfo;
*paiPubKey = 0; *pdwFlags = 0; if (pdwProvType) *pdwProvType = 0; if (pInfo = CryptFindOIDInfo( CRYPT_OID_INFO_OID_KEY, (void *) pszObjId, CRYPT_SIGN_ALG_OID_GROUP_ID )) { DWORD cExtra = pInfo->ExtraInfo.cbData / sizeof(DWORD); DWORD *pdwExtra = (DWORD *) pInfo->ExtraInfo.pbData;
*paiHash = pInfo->Algid; if (1 <= cExtra) { *paiPubKey = pdwExtra[0]; if (2 <= cExtra) { *pdwFlags = pdwExtra[1]; if (3 <= cExtra && pdwProvType) { *pdwProvType = pdwExtra[2]; } } } fResult = TRUE; } else if (pInfo = CryptFindOIDInfo( CRYPT_OID_INFO_OID_KEY, (void *) pszObjId, CRYPT_HASH_ALG_OID_GROUP_ID )) { *paiHash = pInfo->Algid; *paiPubKey = CALG_NO_SIGN; fResult = TRUE; } else { *paiHash = 0; fResult = FALSE; SetLastError((DWORD) NTE_BAD_ALGID); } return fResult; }
#ifndef CMS_PKCS7
// Verify the signature of a subject certificate or a CRL using the
// specified public key.
// Returns TRUE for a valid signature.
// hCryptProv specifies the crypto provider to use to verify the signature.
// It doesn't need to use a private key.
BOOL WINAPI CryptVerifyCertificateSignature( IN HCRYPTPROV hCryptProv, IN DWORD dwCertEncodingType, IN const BYTE * pbEncoded, IN DWORD cbEncoded, IN PCERT_PUBLIC_KEY_INFO pPublicKey ) { BOOL fResult; PCERT_SIGNED_CONTENT_INFO pSignedInfo = NULL; HCRYPTDEFAULTCONTEXT hDefaultContext = NULL; HCRYPTKEY hSignKey = 0; HCRYPTHASH hHash = 0; BYTE *pbSignature; // not allocated
DWORD cbSignature; BYTE rgbDssSignature[CERT_DSS_SIGNATURE_LEN]; ALG_ID aiHash; ALG_ID aiPubKey; DWORD dwSignFlags; DWORD dwErr; if (NULL == (pSignedInfo = (PCERT_SIGNED_CONTENT_INFO) AllocAndDecodeObject( dwCertEncodingType, X509_CERT, pbEncoded, cbEncoded ))) goto ErrorReturn;
if (!GetSignOIDInfo(pSignedInfo->SignatureAlgorithm.pszObjId, &aiHash, &aiPubKey, &dwSignFlags)) goto ErrorReturn;
if (0 == hCryptProv) { if (!I_CryptGetDefaultContext( CRYPT_DEFAULT_CONTEXT_CERT_SIGN_OID, (const void *) pSignedInfo->SignatureAlgorithm.pszObjId, &hCryptProv, &hDefaultContext )) { if (0 == (hCryptProv = I_CryptGetDefaultCryptProv(aiPubKey))) goto ErrorReturn; } }
#if 0
// Slow down the signature verify while holding the default context
// reference count
if (hDefaultContext) Sleep(5000); #endif
if (!CryptImportPublicKeyInfo( hCryptProv, dwCertEncodingType, pPublicKey, &hSignKey )) goto ErrorReturn; if (!CryptCreateHash( hCryptProv, aiHash, NULL, // hKey - optional for MAC
0, // dwFlags
&hHash )) goto ErrorReturn; if (!CryptHashData( hHash, pSignedInfo->ToBeSigned.pbData, pSignedInfo->ToBeSigned.cbData, 0 // dwFlags
)) goto ErrorReturn;
pbSignature = pSignedInfo->Signature.pbData; cbSignature = pSignedInfo->Signature.cbData; if (CALG_DSS_SIGN == aiPubKey && 0 == (dwSignFlags & CRYPT_OID_INHIBIT_SIGNATURE_FORMAT_FLAG)) { DWORD cbData;
// Undo the reversal done by CryptDecodeObject(X509_CERT)
PkiAsn1ReverseBytes(pbSignature, cbSignature); // Convert from ASN.1 sequence of two integers to the CSP signature
// format.
cbData = sizeof(rgbDssSignature); if (!CryptDecodeObject( dwCertEncodingType, X509_DSS_SIGNATURE, pbSignature, cbSignature, 0, // dwFlags
rgbDssSignature, &cbData )) goto ErrorReturn; pbSignature = rgbDssSignature; assert(cbData == sizeof(rgbDssSignature)); cbSignature = sizeof(rgbDssSignature); }
if (!CryptVerifySignature( hHash, pbSignature, cbSignature, hSignKey, NULL, // sDescription
0 // dwFlags
)) goto ErrorReturn;
fResult = TRUE; goto CommonReturn;
ErrorReturn: fResult = FALSE; CommonReturn: dwErr = GetLastError(); if (hSignKey) CryptDestroyKey(hSignKey); if (hHash) CryptDestroyHash(hHash); I_CryptFreeDefaultContext(hDefaultContext); PkiFree(pSignedInfo);
SetLastError(dwErr); return fResult; }
#endif // CMS_PKCS7
BOOL WINAPI DefaultHashCertificate( IN ALG_ID Algid, IN const BYTE *pbEncoded, IN DWORD cbEncoded, OUT BYTE *pbHash, IN OUT DWORD *pcbHash ) { DWORD cbInHash; DWORD cbOutHash;
if (NULL == pbHash) cbInHash = 0; else cbInHash = *pcbHash;
switch (Algid) { case CALG_MD5: cbOutHash = MD5DIGESTLEN; if (MD5DIGESTLEN <= cbInHash) { MD5_CTX md5ctx;
MD5Init(&md5ctx); if (cbEncoded) MD5Update(&md5ctx, pbEncoded, cbEncoded); MD5Final(&md5ctx); memcpy(pbHash, md5ctx.digest, MD5DIGESTLEN); } break;
case CALG_SHA1: default: assert(CALG_SHA1 == Algid); assert(CALG_SHA == Algid); cbOutHash = A_SHA_DIGEST_LEN; if (A_SHA_DIGEST_LEN <= cbInHash) { A_SHA_CTX shactx;
A_SHAInit(&shactx); if (cbEncoded) A_SHAUpdate(&shactx, (BYTE *) pbEncoded, cbEncoded); A_SHAFinal(&shactx, pbHash); } break; }
*pcbHash = cbOutHash; if (cbInHash < cbOutHash && pbHash) { SetLastError((DWORD) ERROR_MORE_DATA); return FALSE; } else return TRUE; }
// Hash the encoded content.
// hCryptProv specifies the crypto provider to use to compute the hash.
// It doesn't need to use a private key.
// Algid specifies the CAPI hash algorithm to use. If Algid is 0, then, the
// default hash algorithm (currently SHA1) is used.
BOOL WINAPI CryptHashCertificate( IN HCRYPTPROV hCryptProv, IN ALG_ID Algid, IN DWORD dwFlags, IN const BYTE *pbEncoded, IN DWORD cbEncoded, OUT BYTE *pbComputedHash, IN OUT DWORD *pcbComputedHash ) { BOOL fResult; HCRYPTHASH hHash = 0; DWORD dwErr;
if (Algid == 0) { Algid = CALG_SHA; dwFlags = 0; }
if (0 == hCryptProv) { if (CALG_SHA1 == Algid || CALG_MD5 == Algid) return DefaultHashCertificate( Algid, pbEncoded, cbEncoded, pbComputedHash, pcbComputedHash ); if (0 == (hCryptProv = I_CryptGetDefaultCryptProv(0))) goto ErrorReturn; }
if (!CryptCreateHash( hCryptProv, Algid, NULL, // hKey - optional for MAC
dwFlags, &hHash )) goto ErrorReturn; if (!CryptHashData( hHash, pbEncoded, cbEncoded, 0 // dwFlags
)) goto ErrorReturn;
fResult = CryptGetHashParam( hHash, HP_HASHVAL, pbComputedHash, pcbComputedHash, 0 // dwFlags
); goto CommonReturn;
ErrorReturn: fResult = FALSE; *pcbComputedHash = 0; CommonReturn: dwErr = GetLastError(); if (hHash) CryptDestroyHash(hHash); SetLastError(dwErr); return fResult; }
// Compute the hash of the "to be signed" information in the encoded
// signed content.
// hCryptProv specifies the crypto provider to use to compute the hash.
// It doesn't need to use a private key.
BOOL WINAPI CryptHashToBeSigned( IN HCRYPTPROV hCryptProv, IN DWORD dwCertEncodingType, IN const BYTE *pbEncoded, IN DWORD cbEncoded, OUT BYTE *pbComputedHash, IN OUT DWORD *pcbComputedHash ) { BOOL fResult; PCERT_SIGNED_CONTENT_INFO pSignedInfo = NULL; HCRYPTHASH hHash = 0; DWORD dwErr; ALG_ID aiHash; ALG_ID aiPubKey; DWORD dwSignFlags; if (NULL == (pSignedInfo = (PCERT_SIGNED_CONTENT_INFO) AllocAndDecodeObject( dwCertEncodingType, X509_CERT, pbEncoded, cbEncoded ))) goto ErrorReturn;
if (!GetSignOIDInfo(pSignedInfo->SignatureAlgorithm.pszObjId, &aiHash, &aiPubKey, &dwSignFlags)) goto ErrorReturn;
if (0 == hCryptProv) { if (CALG_SHA1 == aiHash || CALG_MD5 == aiHash) { fResult = DefaultHashCertificate( aiHash, pSignedInfo->ToBeSigned.pbData, pSignedInfo->ToBeSigned.cbData, pbComputedHash, pcbComputedHash ); goto CommonReturn; } if (0 == (hCryptProv = I_CryptGetDefaultCryptProv(0))) goto ErrorReturn; }
if (!CryptCreateHash( hCryptProv, aiHash, NULL, // hKey - optional for MAC
0, // dwFlags
&hHash )) goto ErrorReturn; if (!CryptHashData( hHash, pSignedInfo->ToBeSigned.pbData, pSignedInfo->ToBeSigned.cbData, 0 // dwFlags
)) goto ErrorReturn;
fResult = CryptGetHashParam( hHash, HP_HASHVAL, pbComputedHash, pcbComputedHash, 0 // dwFlags
); goto CommonReturn;
ErrorReturn: fResult = FALSE; *pcbComputedHash = 0; CommonReturn: dwErr = GetLastError(); if (hHash) CryptDestroyHash(hHash); PkiFree(pSignedInfo); SetLastError(dwErr); return fResult; }
// Sign the "to be signed" information in the encoded signed content.
// hCryptProv specifies the crypto provider to use to do the signature.
// It needs to use the provider's signature private key.
BOOL WINAPI CryptSignCertificate( IN HCRYPTPROV hCryptProv, IN DWORD dwKeySpec, IN DWORD dwCertEncodingType, IN const BYTE *pbEncodedToBeSigned, IN DWORD cbEncodedToBeSigned, IN PCRYPT_ALGORITHM_IDENTIFIER pSignatureAlgorithm, IN OPTIONAL const void *pvHashAuxInfo, OUT BYTE *pbSignature, IN OUT DWORD *pcbSignature ) { BOOL fResult; ALG_ID aiHash; ALG_ID aiPubKey; DWORD dwSignFlags; HCRYPTHASH hHash = 0; DWORD dwErr;
if (!GetSignOIDInfo(pSignatureAlgorithm->pszObjId, &aiHash, &aiPubKey, &dwSignFlags)) goto ErrorReturn;
if (CALG_NO_SIGN == aiPubKey) { fResult = CryptHashCertificate( hCryptProv, aiHash, 0, // dwFlags
pbEncodedToBeSigned, cbEncodedToBeSigned, pbSignature, pcbSignature ); if (fResult && pbSignature) // A subsequent CryptEncodeObject(X509_CERT) will reverse
// the signature bytes
PkiAsn1ReverseBytes(pbSignature, *pcbSignature); return fResult; }
if (CALG_DSS_SIGN == aiPubKey && 0 == (dwSignFlags & CRYPT_OID_INHIBIT_SIGNATURE_FORMAT_FLAG)) { if (NULL == pbSignature) { *pcbSignature = CERT_MAX_ASN_ENCODED_DSS_SIGNATURE_LEN; return TRUE; } }
if (!CryptCreateHash( hCryptProv, aiHash, NULL, // hKey - optional for MAC
0, // dwFlags,
&hHash )) goto ErrorReturn;
if (!CryptHashData( hHash, pbEncodedToBeSigned, cbEncodedToBeSigned, 0 // dwFlags
)) goto ErrorReturn;
cbData = sizeof(rgbDssSignature); if (!CryptSignHash( hHash, dwKeySpec, NULL, // sDescription
0, // dwFlags
rgbDssSignature, &cbData )) goto ErrorReturn; assert(cbData == sizeof(rgbDssSignature)); // Convert from the CSP signature format to an ASN.1 sequence of
// two integers
fResult = CryptEncodeObject( dwCertEncodingType, X509_DSS_SIGNATURE, rgbDssSignature, pbSignature, pcbSignature ); if (fResult) // A subsequent CryptEncodeObject(X509_CERT) will reverse
// the signature bytes
PkiAsn1ReverseBytes(pbSignature, *pcbSignature); else if (0 != *pcbSignature) // Since a random number is used in each CryptSignHash invocation,
// the generated signature will be different. In particular
// different signatures may have different leading 0x00's or
// 0xFF's which get removed when converted to the ASN.1 sequence
// of integers.
*pcbSignature = CERT_MAX_ASN_ENCODED_DSS_SIGNATURE_LEN; } else fResult = CryptSignHash( hHash, dwKeySpec, NULL, // sDescription
0, // dwFlags
pbSignature, // pbData
pcbSignature ); goto CommonReturn;
ErrorReturn: fResult = FALSE; *pcbSignature = 0; CommonReturn: dwErr = GetLastError(); if (hHash) CryptDestroyHash(hHash); SetLastError(dwErr); return fResult; }
static DWORD AdjustForMaximumEncodedSignatureLength( IN PCRYPT_ALGORITHM_IDENTIFIER pSignatureAlgorithm, IN DWORD cbOrig ) { DWORD cbAdjust; ALG_ID aiHash; ALG_ID aiPubKey; DWORD dwSignFlags;
cbAdjust = 0; if (GetSignOIDInfo(pSignatureAlgorithm->pszObjId, &aiHash, &aiPubKey, &dwSignFlags)) { if (CALG_DSS_SIGN == aiPubKey && 0 == (dwSignFlags & CRYPT_OID_INHIBIT_SIGNATURE_FORMAT_FLAG)) { assert(CERT_MAX_ASN_ENCODED_DSS_SIGNATURE_LEN >= cbOrig); if (CERT_MAX_ASN_ENCODED_DSS_SIGNATURE_LEN > cbOrig) // the +1 is for adjusting the number of length octets in
// the outer SEQUENCE. Note, the number of length octets in
// the signature's BITSTRING will always be 1, ie,
cbAdjust = (CERT_MAX_ASN_ENCODED_DSS_SIGNATURE_LEN - cbOrig) + 1; } } return cbAdjust; }
// Encode the "to be signed" information. Sign the encoded "to be signed".
// Encode the "to be signed" and the signature.
// hCryptProv specifies the crypto provider to use to do the signature.
// It uses the specified private key.
BOOL WINAPI CryptSignAndEncodeCertificate( IN HCRYPTPROV hCryptProv, IN DWORD dwKeySpec, IN DWORD dwCertEncodingType, IN LPCSTR lpszStructType, IN const void *pvStructInfo, IN PCRYPT_ALGORITHM_IDENTIFIER pSignatureAlgorithm, IN OPTIONAL const void *pvHashAuxInfo, OUT BYTE *pbEncoded, IN OUT DWORD *pcbEncoded ) { BOOL fResult; CERT_SIGNED_CONTENT_INFO SignedInfo; memset(&SignedInfo, 0, sizeof(SignedInfo));
SignedInfo.SignatureAlgorithm = *pSignatureAlgorithm;
if (!AllocAndEncodeObject( dwCertEncodingType, lpszStructType, pvStructInfo, &SignedInfo.ToBeSigned.pbData, &SignedInfo.ToBeSigned.cbData )) goto ErrorReturn;
CryptSignCertificate( hCryptProv, dwKeySpec, dwCertEncodingType, SignedInfo.ToBeSigned.pbData, SignedInfo.ToBeSigned.cbData, &SignedInfo.SignatureAlgorithm, pvHashAuxInfo, NULL, // pbSignature
&SignedInfo.Signature.cbData ); if (SignedInfo.Signature.cbData == 0) goto ErrorReturn; SignedInfo.Signature.pbData = (BYTE *) PkiNonzeroAlloc(SignedInfo.Signature.cbData); if (SignedInfo.Signature.pbData == NULL) goto ErrorReturn; if (pbEncoded) { if (!CryptSignCertificate( hCryptProv, dwKeySpec, dwCertEncodingType, SignedInfo.ToBeSigned.pbData, SignedInfo.ToBeSigned.cbData, &SignedInfo.SignatureAlgorithm, pvHashAuxInfo, SignedInfo.Signature.pbData, &SignedInfo.Signature.cbData )) goto ErrorReturn; }
fResult = CryptEncodeObject( dwCertEncodingType, X509_CERT, &SignedInfo, pbEncoded, pcbEncoded ); if (!fResult && *pcbEncoded) { *pcbEncoded += AdjustForMaximumEncodedSignatureLength( &SignedInfo.SignatureAlgorithm, SignedInfo.Signature.cbData ); }
CommonReturn: PkiFree(SignedInfo.ToBeSigned.pbData); PkiFree(SignedInfo.Signature.pbData); return fResult;
ErrorReturn: fResult = FALSE; *pcbEncoded = 0; goto CommonReturn; }
// Verify the time validity of a certificate.
// Returns -1 if before NotBefore, +1 if after NotAfter and otherwise 0 for
// a valid certificate
// If pTimeToVerify is NULL, uses the current time.
LONG WINAPI CertVerifyTimeValidity( IN LPFILETIME pTimeToVerify, IN PCERT_INFO pCertInfo ) { SYSTEMTIME SystemTime; FILETIME FileTime; LPFILETIME pFileTime;
if (pTimeToVerify) pFileTime = pTimeToVerify; else { GetSystemTime(&SystemTime); SystemTimeToFileTime(&SystemTime, &FileTime); pFileTime = &FileTime; }
if (CompareFileTime(pFileTime, &pCertInfo->NotBefore) < 0) return -1; else if (CompareFileTime(pFileTime, &pCertInfo->NotAfter) > 0) return 1; else return 0; }
// Verify the time validity of a CRL.
// Returns -1 if before ThisUpdate, +1 if after NextUpdate and otherwise 0 for
// a valid CRL
// If pTimeToVerify is NULL, uses the current time.
LONG WINAPI CertVerifyCRLTimeValidity( IN LPFILETIME pTimeToVerify, IN PCRL_INFO pCrlInfo ) { SYSTEMTIME SystemTime; FILETIME FileTime; LPFILETIME pFileTime;
if (pTimeToVerify) pFileTime = pTimeToVerify; else { GetSystemTime(&SystemTime); SystemTimeToFileTime(&SystemTime, &FileTime); pFileTime = &FileTime; }
// Note, NextUpdate is optional. When not present, set to 0
if (CompareFileTime(pFileTime, &pCrlInfo->ThisUpdate) < 0) return -1; else if ((pCrlInfo->NextUpdate.dwLowDateTime || pCrlInfo->NextUpdate.dwHighDateTime) && CompareFileTime(pFileTime, &pCrlInfo->NextUpdate) > 0) return 1; else return 0; }
// Verify that the subject's time validity nests within the issuer's time
// validity.
// Returns TRUE if it nests. Otherwise, returns FALSE.
BOOL WINAPI CertVerifyValidityNesting( IN PCERT_INFO pSubjectInfo, IN PCERT_INFO pIssuerInfo ) { if ((CompareFileTime(&pSubjectInfo->NotBefore, &pIssuerInfo->NotBefore) >= 0) && (CompareFileTime(&pSubjectInfo->NotAfter, &pIssuerInfo->NotAfter) <= 0)) return TRUE; else return FALSE; }
// Verify that the subject certificate isn't on its issuer CRL.
// Returns true if the certificate isn't on the CRL.
BOOL WINAPI CertVerifyCRLRevocation( IN DWORD dwCertEncodingType, IN PCERT_INFO pCertId, // Only the Issuer and SerialNumber
// fields are used
IN DWORD cCrlInfo, IN PCRL_INFO rgpCrlInfo[] ) { DWORD InfoIdx;
for (InfoIdx = 0; InfoIdx < cCrlInfo; InfoIdx++) { DWORD cEntry = rgpCrlInfo[InfoIdx]->cCRLEntry; PCRL_ENTRY rgEntry = rgpCrlInfo[InfoIdx]->rgCRLEntry; DWORD EntryIdx;
for (EntryIdx = 0; EntryIdx < cEntry; EntryIdx++) { if (CertCompareIntegerBlob(&rgEntry[EntryIdx].SerialNumber, &pCertId->SerialNumber)) // It has been revoked!!!
return FALSE; } }
return TRUE; }
// Convert the CAPI AlgId to the ASN.1 Object Identifier string
// Returns NULL if there isn't an ObjId corresponding to the AlgId.
for (dwGroupId = CRYPT_FIRST_ALG_OID_GROUP_ID; dwGroupId <= CRYPT_LAST_ALG_OID_GROUP_ID; dwGroupId++) { PCCRYPT_OID_INFO pInfo; if (pInfo = CryptFindOIDInfo( CRYPT_OID_INFO_ALGID_KEY, &dwAlgId, dwGroupId )) return pInfo->pszOID; } return NULL; }
// Convert the ASN.1 Object Identifier string to the CAPI AlgId.
// Returns 0 if there isn't an AlgId corresponding to the ObjId.
for (dwGroupId = CRYPT_FIRST_ALG_OID_GROUP_ID; dwGroupId <= CRYPT_LAST_ALG_OID_GROUP_ID; dwGroupId++) { PCCRYPT_OID_INFO pInfo; if (pInfo = CryptFindOIDInfo( CRYPT_OID_INFO_OID_KEY, (void *) pszObjId, dwGroupId )) return pInfo->Algid; } return 0; }
// Find an extension identified by its Object Identifier.
// If found, returns pointer to the extension. Otherwise, returns NULL.
PCERT_EXTENSION WINAPI CertFindExtension( IN LPCSTR pszObjId, IN DWORD cExtensions, IN CERT_EXTENSION rgExtensions[] ) { for (; cExtensions > 0; cExtensions--, rgExtensions++) { if (strcmp(pszObjId, rgExtensions->pszObjId) == 0) return rgExtensions; } return NULL; }
// Find the first attribute identified by its Object Identifier.
// If found, returns pointer to the attribute. Otherwise, returns NULL.
PCRYPT_ATTRIBUTE WINAPI CertFindAttribute( IN LPCSTR pszObjId, IN DWORD cAttr, IN CRYPT_ATTRIBUTE rgAttr[] ) { for (; cAttr > 0; cAttr--, rgAttr++) { if (strcmp(pszObjId, rgAttr->pszObjId) == 0) return rgAttr; } return NULL; }
// Find the first CERT_RDN attribute identified by its Object Identifier in
// the name's list of Relative Distinguished Names.
// If found, returns pointer to the attribute. Otherwise, returns NULL.
PCERT_RDN_ATTR WINAPI CertFindRDNAttr( IN LPCSTR pszObjId, IN PCERT_NAME_INFO pName ) { DWORD cRDN = pName->cRDN; PCERT_RDN pRDN = pName->rgRDN; for ( ; cRDN > 0; cRDN--, pRDN++) { DWORD cRDNAttr = pRDN->cRDNAttr; PCERT_RDN_ATTR pRDNAttr = pRDN->rgRDNAttr; for (; cRDNAttr > 0; cRDNAttr--, pRDNAttr++) { if (strcmp(pszObjId, pRDNAttr->pszObjId) == 0) return pRDNAttr; } } return NULL; }
// Get the intended key usage bytes from the certificate.
// If the certificate doesn't have any intended key usage bytes, returns FALSE
// and *pbKeyUsage is zeroed. Otherwise, returns TRUE and up through
// cbKeyUsage bytes are copied into *pbKeyUsage. Any remaining uncopied
// bytes are zeroed.
BOOL WINAPI CertGetIntendedKeyUsage( IN DWORD dwCertEncodingType, IN PCERT_INFO pCertInfo, OUT BYTE *pbKeyUsage, IN DWORD cbKeyUsage ) { BOOL fResult; DWORD cbData; PCERT_EXTENSION pExt; PCERT_KEY_ATTRIBUTES_INFO pKeyAttrInfo = NULL; PCRYPT_BIT_BLOB pAllocKeyUsage = NULL; PCRYPT_BIT_BLOB pKeyUsage = NULL; // not allocated
// First see if the certificate has the simple Key Usage Extension
if (NULL != (pExt = CertFindExtension( szOID_KEY_USAGE, pCertInfo->cExtension, pCertInfo->rgExtension )) && NULL != (pAllocKeyUsage = (PCRYPT_BIT_BLOB) AllocAndDecodeObject( dwCertEncodingType, X509_KEY_USAGE, pExt->Value.pbData, pExt->Value.cbData ))) pKeyUsage = pAllocKeyUsage; else { pExt = CertFindExtension( szOID_KEY_ATTRIBUTES, pCertInfo->cExtension, pCertInfo->rgExtension ); if (pExt == NULL) goto GetError; if (NULL == (pKeyAttrInfo = (PCERT_KEY_ATTRIBUTES_INFO) AllocAndDecodeObject( dwCertEncodingType, X509_KEY_ATTRIBUTES, pExt->Value.pbData, pExt->Value.cbData ))) goto ErrorReturn; pKeyUsage = &pKeyAttrInfo->IntendedKeyUsage; }
if (pKeyUsage->cbData == 0 || cbKeyUsage == 0) goto GetError;
cbData = min(pKeyUsage->cbData, cbKeyUsage); memcpy(pbKeyUsage, pKeyUsage->pbData, cbData); fResult = TRUE; goto CommonReturn;
GetError: SetLastError(0); ErrorReturn: fResult = FALSE; cbData = 0; CommonReturn: PkiFree(pAllocKeyUsage); PkiFree(pKeyAttrInfo); if (cbData < cbKeyUsage) memset(pbKeyUsage + cbData, 0, cbKeyUsage - cbData); return fResult; }
static DWORD GetYPublicKeyLength( IN DWORD dwCertEncodingType, IN PCERT_PUBLIC_KEY_INFO pPublicKeyInfo ) { PCRYPT_UINT_BLOB pY = NULL; DWORD dwBitLen;
if (NULL == (pY = (PCRYPT_UINT_BLOB) AllocAndDecodeObject( dwCertEncodingType, X509_MULTI_BYTE_UINT, pPublicKeyInfo->PublicKey.pbData, pPublicKeyInfo->PublicKey.cbData ))) goto DecodePubKeyError;
dwBitLen = pY->cbData * 8;
CommonReturn: PkiFree(pY); return dwBitLen; ErrorReturn: dwBitLen = 0; goto CommonReturn;
TRACE_ERROR(DecodePubKeyError) }
// If there are parameters, use the length of the 'P' parameter. Otherwise,
// use the length of Y. Note, P's MSB must be set. Y's MSB may not be set.
static DWORD GetDHPublicKeyLength( IN DWORD dwCertEncodingType, IN PCERT_PUBLIC_KEY_INFO pPublicKey ) { PCERT_X942_DH_PARAMETERS pDhParameters = NULL; DWORD dwBitLen;
if (0 == pPublicKey->Algorithm.Parameters.cbData) goto NoDhParametersError; if (NULL == (pDhParameters = (PCERT_X942_DH_PARAMETERS) AllocAndDecodeObject( dwCertEncodingType, X942_DH_PARAMETERS, pPublicKey->Algorithm.Parameters.pbData, pPublicKey->Algorithm.Parameters.cbData ))) goto DecodeParametersError;
dwBitLen = pDhParameters->p.cbData * 8;
CommonReturn: PkiFree(pDhParameters); return dwBitLen; ErrorReturn: dwBitLen = GetYPublicKeyLength(dwCertEncodingType, pPublicKey); goto CommonReturn;
TRACE_ERROR(NoDhParametersError) TRACE_ERROR(DecodeParametersError) }
// If there are parameters, use the length of the 'P' parameter. Otherwise,
// use the length of Y. Note, P's MSB must be set. Y's MSB may not be set.
static DWORD GetDSSPublicKeyLength( IN DWORD dwCertEncodingType, IN PCERT_PUBLIC_KEY_INFO pPublicKey ) { PCERT_DSS_PARAMETERS pDssParameters = NULL; DWORD dwBitLen;
if (0 == pPublicKey->Algorithm.Parameters.cbData) goto NoDssParametersError; if (NULL == (pDssParameters = (PCERT_DSS_PARAMETERS) AllocAndDecodeObject( dwCertEncodingType, X509_DSS_PARAMETERS, pPublicKey->Algorithm.Parameters.pbData, pPublicKey->Algorithm.Parameters.cbData ))) goto DecodeParametersError;
dwBitLen = pDssParameters->p.cbData * 8;
CommonReturn: PkiFree(pDssParameters); return dwBitLen; ErrorReturn: dwBitLen = GetYPublicKeyLength(dwCertEncodingType, pPublicKey); goto CommonReturn;
TRACE_ERROR(NoDssParametersError) TRACE_ERROR(DecodeParametersError) }
// Get the public/private key's bit length.
// Returns 0 if unable to determine the key's length.
DWORD WINAPI CertGetPublicKeyLength( IN DWORD dwCertEncodingType, IN PCERT_PUBLIC_KEY_INFO pPublicKey ) { DWORD dwErr = 0; DWORD dwBitLen; ALG_ID aiPubKey; PCCRYPT_OID_INFO pOIDInfo; HCRYPTPROV hCryptProv; // don't need to release
HCRYPTKEY hPubKey = 0; DWORD cbData;
if (pOIDInfo = CryptFindOIDInfo( CRYPT_OID_INFO_OID_KEY, pPublicKey->Algorithm.pszObjId, CRYPT_PUBKEY_ALG_OID_GROUP_ID)) aiPubKey = pOIDInfo->Algid; else aiPubKey = 0;
if (aiPubKey == CALG_DH_SF || aiPubKey == CALG_DH_EPHEM) return GetDHPublicKeyLength( dwCertEncodingType, pPublicKey );
if (aiPubKey == CALG_DSS_SIGN) return GetDSSPublicKeyLength( dwCertEncodingType, pPublicKey );
if (0 == (hCryptProv = I_CryptGetDefaultCryptProv(aiPubKey))) goto GetDefaultCryptProvError; if (!CryptImportPublicKeyInfo( hCryptProv, dwCertEncodingType, pPublicKey, &hPubKey )) goto ImportPublicKeyError;
cbData = sizeof(dwBitLen); if (CryptGetKeyParam( hPubKey, KP_KEYLEN, (BYTE *) &dwBitLen, &cbData, 0)) // dwFlags
goto CommonReturn;
cbData = sizeof(dwBitLen); if (CryptGetKeyParam( hPubKey, KP_BLOCKLEN, (BYTE *) &dwBitLen, &cbData, 0)) // dwFlags
goto CommonReturn;
{ // The CSP should have supported one of the above
// Export the public key and look at the bitlen field.
// The CAPI public key representation consists of the following
// sequence:
// ...
BYTE *pbPubKey = NULL; DWORD cbPubKey;
dwBitLen = 0; dwErr = GetLastError(); cbPubKey = 0; if (CryptExportKey( hPubKey, 0, // hPubKey
PUBLICKEYBLOB, 0, // dwFlags
NULL, // pbData
&cbPubKey ) && cbPubKey >= (sizeof(PUBLICKEYSTRUC) + sizeof(DSSPUBKEY)) && NULL != (pbPubKey = (BYTE *) PkiNonzeroAlloc(cbPubKey))) { if (CryptExportKey( hPubKey, 0, // hPubKey
PUBLICKEYBLOB, 0, // dwFlags
pbPubKey, &cbPubKey )) { DSSPUBKEY *pPubKey = (DSSPUBKEY *) (pbPubKey + sizeof(PUBLICKEYSTRUC)); dwBitLen = pPubKey->bitlen; } PkiFree(pbPubKey); } if (0 != dwBitLen) goto CommonReturn; SetLastError(dwErr); goto GetKeyParamError; }
CommonReturn: if (hPubKey) CryptDestroyKey(hPubKey); SetLastError(dwErr); return dwBitLen; ErrorReturn: dwBitLen = 0; dwErr = GetLastError(); goto CommonReturn; TRACE_ERROR(GetDefaultCryptProvError) TRACE_ERROR(ImportPublicKeyError) TRACE_ERROR(GetKeyParamError) }
// Compute the hash of the encoded public key info.
// The public key info is encoded and then hashed.
BOOL WINAPI CryptHashPublicKeyInfo( IN HCRYPTPROV hCryptProv, IN ALG_ID Algid, IN DWORD dwFlags, IN DWORD dwCertEncodingType, IN PCERT_PUBLIC_KEY_INFO pInfo, OUT BYTE *pbComputedHash, IN OUT DWORD *pcbComputedHash ) { BOOL fResult; BYTE *pbEncoded = NULL; DWORD cbEncoded;
if (!AllocAndEncodeObject( dwCertEncodingType, X509_PUBLIC_KEY_INFO, pInfo, &pbEncoded, &cbEncoded )) goto ErrorReturn;
fResult = CryptHashCertificate( hCryptProv, Algid ? Algid : CALG_MD5, dwFlags, pbEncoded, cbEncoded, pbComputedHash, pcbComputedHash ); goto CommonReturn;
ErrorReturn: fResult = FALSE; *pcbComputedHash = 0; CommonReturn: PkiFree(pbEncoded); return fResult; }
// Compares the certificate's public key with the provider's public key
// to see if they are identical.
// Returns TRUE if the keys are identical.
BOOL WINAPI I_CertCompareCertAndProviderPublicKey( IN PCCERT_CONTEXT pCert, IN HCRYPTPROV hProv, IN DWORD dwKeySpec ) { BOOL fResult; PCERT_PUBLIC_KEY_INFO pProvPubKeyInfo = NULL; DWORD cbProvPubKeyInfo; DWORD dwCertEncodingType = pCert->dwCertEncodingType;
// Get provider's public key
if (!CryptExportPublicKeyInfo( hProv, dwKeySpec, dwCertEncodingType, NULL, // pProvPubKeyInfo
&cbProvPubKeyInfo )) goto ExportPublicKeyInfoError; assert(cbProvPubKeyInfo); if (NULL == (pProvPubKeyInfo = (PCERT_PUBLIC_KEY_INFO) PkiNonzeroAlloc( cbProvPubKeyInfo))) goto OutOfMemory; if (!CryptExportPublicKeyInfo( hProv, dwKeySpec, dwCertEncodingType, pProvPubKeyInfo, &cbProvPubKeyInfo )) goto ExportPublicKeyInfoError;
if (!CertComparePublicKeyInfo( dwCertEncodingType, &pCert->pCertInfo->SubjectPublicKeyInfo, pProvPubKeyInfo )) goto ComparePublicKeyError;
fResult = TRUE; CommonReturn: PkiFree(pProvPubKeyInfo); return fResult; ErrorReturn: fResult = FALSE; goto CommonReturn;
TRACE_ERROR(ExportPublicKeyInfoError) TRACE_ERROR(OutOfMemory) SET_ERROR(ComparePublicKeyError, NTE_BAD_PUBLIC_KEY) }
// CryptFindCertificateKeyProvInfo Support Functions
static BOOL HasValidKeyProvInfo( IN PCCERT_CONTEXT pCert, IN DWORD dwFindKeySetFlags ) { BOOL fResult; PCRYPT_KEY_PROV_INFO pKeyProvInfo = NULL; HCRYPTPROV hProv = 0; DWORD cbData; DWORD dwAcquireFlags;
if (!CertGetCertificateContextProperty( pCert, CERT_KEY_PROV_INFO_PROP_ID, NULL, // pvData
&cbData )) return FALSE; if (NULL == (pKeyProvInfo = (PCRYPT_KEY_PROV_INFO) PkiNonzeroAlloc( cbData))) goto OutOfMemory; if (!CertGetCertificateContextProperty( pCert, CERT_KEY_PROV_INFO_PROP_ID, pKeyProvInfo, &cbData )) goto GetKeyProvInfoPropertyError;
if (pKeyProvInfo->dwFlags & CRYPT_MACHINE_KEYSET) { if (0 == (dwFindKeySetFlags & CRYPT_FIND_MACHINE_KEYSET_FLAG)) goto NotUserContainer; } else { if (0 == (dwFindKeySetFlags & CRYPT_FIND_USER_KEYSET_FLAG)) goto NotMachineContainer; }
if (!CryptAcquireCertificatePrivateKey( pCert, dwAcquireFlags, NULL, // pvReserved
&hProv, NULL, // pdwKeySpec
NULL // pfCallerFreeProv
)) goto AcquireCertPrivateKeyError;
fResult = TRUE; CommonReturn: PkiFree(pKeyProvInfo); if (hProv) { DWORD dwErr = GetLastError(); CryptReleaseContext(hProv, 0); SetLastError(dwErr); } return fResult; ErrorReturn: fResult = FALSE; goto CommonReturn;
TRACE_ERROR(OutOfMemory) TRACE_ERROR(GetKeyProvInfoPropertyError) SET_ERROR(NotUserContainer, NTE_NOT_FOUND) SET_ERROR(NotMachineContainer, NTE_NOT_FOUND) TRACE_ERROR(AcquireCertPrivateKeyError) }
// Default to Algid being supported. Only return FALSE if successfully
// enumerated all the provider algorithms and didn't find a match.
static BOOL IsPublicKeyAlgidSupported( IN PCCERT_CONTEXT pCert, IN HCRYPTPROV hProv, IN ALG_ID aiPubKey ) { BOOL fResult; DWORD dwErr; BYTE *pbData = NULL; DWORD cbMaxData; DWORD cbData; DWORD dwFlags;
if (0 == aiPubKey) return TRUE;
// Get maximum length of provider algorithm parameter data
cbMaxData = 0; if (!CryptGetProvParam( hProv, PP_ENUMALGS, NULL, // pbData
&cbMaxData, CRYPT_FIRST // dwFlags
)) { dwErr = GetLastError(); if (ERROR_MORE_DATA != dwErr) goto GetProvAlgParamError; } if (0 == cbMaxData) goto NoProvAlgParamError; if (NULL == (pbData = (BYTE *) PkiNonzeroAlloc(cbMaxData))) goto OutOfMemory;
dwFlags = CRYPT_FIRST; while (TRUE) { ALG_ID aiProv;
cbData = cbMaxData; if (!CryptGetProvParam( hProv, PP_ENUMALGS, pbData, &cbData, dwFlags )) { dwErr = GetLastError(); if (ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS == dwErr) { fResult = FALSE; goto PublicKeyAlgidNotSupported; } else goto GetProvAlgParamError; } assert(cbData >= sizeof(ALG_ID)); aiProv = *(ALG_ID *) pbData; // Don't distinguish between exchange or signature
if (GET_ALG_TYPE(aiPubKey) == GET_ALG_TYPE(aiProv)) break;
dwFlags = 0; // CRYPT_NEXT
} fResult = TRUE;
PublicKeyAlgidNotSupported: CommonReturn: PkiFree(pbData); return fResult; ErrorReturn: // For an error, assume the public key algorithm is supported.
fResult = TRUE; goto CommonReturn;
SET_ERROR_VAR(GetProvAlgParamError, dwErr) SET_ERROR(NoProvAlgParamError, NTE_NOT_FOUND) TRACE_ERROR(OutOfMemory) }
// For success, updates the certificate's KEY_PROV_INFO property
// If container isn't found, LastError is set to ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS.
static BOOL FindContainerAndSetKeyProvInfo( IN PCCERT_CONTEXT pCert, IN HCRYPTPROV hProv, IN LPWSTR pwszProvName, IN DWORD dwProvType, IN DWORD dwProvFlags // CRYPT_MACHINE_KEYSET and/or CRYPT_SILENT
) { BOOL fResult; DWORD dwEnumFlags; DWORD dwEnumErr = 0; DWORD dwAcquireErr = 0; LPSTR pszContainerName = NULL; DWORD cchContainerName; DWORD cchMaxContainerName; LPWSTR pwszContainerName = NULL;
// Get maximum container name length
cchMaxContainerName = 0; if (!CryptGetProvParam( hProv, PP_ENUMCONTAINERS, NULL, // pbData
&cchMaxContainerName, CRYPT_FIRST )) { dwEnumErr = GetLastError(); if (ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND == dwEnumErr || ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER == dwEnumErr) goto PublicKeyContainerNotFound; else if (ERROR_MORE_DATA != dwEnumErr) goto EnumContainersError; } if (0 == cchMaxContainerName) goto PublicKeyContainerNotFound; if (NULL == (pszContainerName = (LPSTR) PkiNonzeroAlloc( cchMaxContainerName + 1))) goto OutOfMemory;
dwEnumFlags = CRYPT_FIRST; while (TRUE) { HCRYPTPROV hContainerProv = 0; LPWSTR pwszAcquireProvName = pwszProvName;
cchContainerName = cchMaxContainerName; if (!CryptGetProvParam( hProv, PP_ENUMCONTAINERS, (BYTE *) pszContainerName, &cchContainerName, dwEnumFlags )) { dwEnumErr = GetLastError(); if (ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS == dwEnumErr || ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND == dwEnumErr) { if (0 != dwAcquireErr) goto CryptAcquireContextError; else goto PublicKeyContainerNotFound; } else goto EnumContainersError; } dwEnumFlags = 0; // CRYPT_NEXT
if (NULL == (pwszContainerName = MkWStr(pszContainerName))) goto OutOfMemory;
// First try using enhanced providers for the base guys
if (PROV_RSA_FULL == dwProvType && 0 == _wcsicmp(pwszProvName, MS_DEF_PROV_W)) { fResult = CryptAcquireContextU( &hContainerProv, pwszContainerName, MS_ENHANCED_PROV_W, PROV_RSA_FULL, dwProvFlags ); if (fResult) pwszAcquireProvName = MS_ENHANCED_PROV_W; } else if (PROV_DSS_DH == dwProvType && 0 == _wcsicmp(pwszProvName, MS_DEF_DSS_DH_PROV_W)) { fResult = CryptAcquireContextU( &hContainerProv, pwszContainerName, MS_ENH_DSS_DH_PROV_W, PROV_DSS_DH, dwProvFlags ); if (fResult) pwszAcquireProvName = MS_ENH_DSS_DH_PROV_W; } else fResult = FALSE;
if (!fResult) fResult = CryptAcquireContextU( &hContainerProv, pwszContainerName, pwszAcquireProvName, dwProvType, dwProvFlags );
if (!fResult) dwAcquireErr = GetLastError(); else { DWORD dwKeySpec;
dwKeySpec = AT_KEYEXCHANGE; fResult = FALSE; while (TRUE) { if (I_CertCompareCertAndProviderPublicKey( pCert, hContainerProv, dwKeySpec )) { fResult = TRUE; break; } else if (AT_SIGNATURE == dwKeySpec) break; else dwKeySpec = AT_SIGNATURE; } CryptReleaseContext(hContainerProv, 0);
if (fResult) { CRYPT_KEY_PROV_INFO KeyProvInfo;
memset(&KeyProvInfo, 0, sizeof(KeyProvInfo)); KeyProvInfo.pwszContainerName = pwszContainerName; KeyProvInfo.pwszProvName = pwszAcquireProvName; KeyProvInfo.dwProvType = dwProvType; KeyProvInfo.dwFlags = dwProvFlags & ~CRYPT_SILENT; KeyProvInfo.dwKeySpec = dwKeySpec;
if (!CertSetCertificateContextProperty( pCert, CERT_KEY_PROV_INFO_PROP_ID, 0, // dwFlags
&KeyProvInfo )) goto SetKeyProvInfoPropertyError; else goto SuccessReturn; } }
FreeWStr(pwszContainerName); pwszContainerName = NULL; }
goto UnexpectedError;
SuccessReturn: fResult = TRUE; CommonReturn: PkiFree(pszContainerName); FreeWStr(pwszContainerName); return fResult; ErrorReturn: fResult = FALSE; goto CommonReturn;
SET_ERROR_VAR(EnumContainersError, dwEnumErr) TRACE_ERROR(OutOfMemory) SET_ERROR_VAR(CryptAcquireContextError, dwAcquireErr) SET_ERROR(PublicKeyContainerNotFound, ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS) TRACE_ERROR(SetKeyProvInfoPropertyError) SET_ERROR(UnexpectedError, E_UNEXPECTED) }
// Enumerates the cryptographic providers and their containers to find the
// private key corresponding to the certificate's public key. For a match,
// the certificate's CERT_KEY_PROV_INFO_PROP_ID property is updated.
// If the CERT_KEY_PROV_INFO_PROP_ID is already set, then, its checked to
// see if it matches the provider's public key. For a match, the above
// enumeration is skipped.
// By default both the user and machine key containers are searched.
// can be set in dwFlags to restrict the search to either of the containers.
// The CRYPT_FIND_SILENT_KEYSET_FLAG can be set to suppress any UI by the CSP.
// See CryptAcquireContext's CRYPT_SILENT flag for more details.
// If a container isn't found, returns FALSE with LastError set to
BOOL WINAPI CryptFindCertificateKeyProvInfo( IN PCCERT_CONTEXT pCert, IN DWORD dwFlags, IN void *pvReserved ) { BOOL fResult; DWORD dwFindContainerErr = ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS; DWORD dwAcquireErr = 0; DWORD dwProvIndex; PCCRYPT_OID_INFO pOIDInfo; ALG_ID aiPubKey;
if (HasValidKeyProvInfo(pCert, dwFlags)) return TRUE;
if (pOIDInfo = CryptFindOIDInfo( CRYPT_OID_INFO_OID_KEY, pCert->pCertInfo->SubjectPublicKeyInfo.Algorithm.pszObjId, CRYPT_PUBKEY_ALG_OID_GROUP_ID )) aiPubKey = pOIDInfo->Algid; else aiPubKey = 0;
for (dwProvIndex = 0; TRUE; dwProvIndex++) { LPWSTR pwszProvName; DWORD cbProvName; HCRYPTPROV hProv; DWORD dwProvType;
cbProvName = 0; dwProvType = 0; if (!CryptEnumProvidersU( dwProvIndex, NULL, // pdwReserved
0, // dwFlags
&dwProvType, NULL, // pwszProvName,
&cbProvName ) || 0 == cbProvName) { if (0 == dwProvIndex) goto EnumProvidersError; else if (ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS != dwFindContainerErr) goto FindContainerError; else if (0 != dwAcquireErr) goto CryptAcquireContextError; else goto KeyContainerNotFound; } if (NULL == (pwszProvName = (LPWSTR) PkiNonzeroAlloc( (cbProvName + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR)))) goto OutOfMemory; if (!CryptEnumProvidersU( dwProvIndex, NULL, // pdwReserved
0, // dwFlags
&dwProvType, pwszProvName, &cbProvName )) { PkiFree(pwszProvName); goto EnumProvidersError; }
fResult = FALSE; if (!CryptAcquireContextU( &hProv, NULL, // pwszContainerName,
pwszProvName, dwProvType, CRYPT_VERIFYCONTEXT // dwFlags
)) { dwAcquireErr = GetLastError(); hProv = 0; // CAPI bug, sets hCryptProv to nonzero
} else if (IsPublicKeyAlgidSupported( pCert, hProv, aiPubKey )) { DWORD dwSetProvFlags; if (dwFlags & CRYPT_FIND_SILENT_KEYSET_FLAG) dwSetProvFlags = CRYPT_SILENT; else dwSetProvFlags = 0;
if (dwFlags & CRYPT_FIND_USER_KEYSET_FLAG) { if (FindContainerAndSetKeyProvInfo( pCert, hProv, pwszProvName, dwProvType, dwSetProvFlags )) fResult = TRUE; else if (ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS == dwFindContainerErr) dwFindContainerErr = GetLastError(); }
if (!fResult && (dwFlags & CRYPT_FIND_MACHINE_KEYSET_FLAG)) { CryptReleaseContext(hProv, 0);
if (!CryptAcquireContextU( &hProv, NULL, // pwszContainerName,
)) { dwAcquireErr = GetLastError(); hProv = 0; // CAPI bug, sets hCryptProv to nonzero
} else { if (FindContainerAndSetKeyProvInfo( pCert, hProv, pwszProvName, dwProvType, dwSetProvFlags | CRYPT_MACHINE_KEYSET )) fResult = TRUE; else if (ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS == dwFindContainerErr) dwFindContainerErr = GetLastError(); } } }
if (hProv) CryptReleaseContext(hProv, 0); PkiFree(pwszProvName); if (fResult) goto CommonReturn; }
goto UnexpectedError;
CommonReturn: return fResult; ErrorReturn: fResult = FALSE; goto CommonReturn;
TRACE_ERROR(EnumProvidersError) SET_ERROR(KeyContainerNotFound, NTE_NO_KEY) SET_ERROR_VAR(FindContainerError, dwFindContainerErr) SET_ERROR_VAR(CryptAcquireContextError, dwAcquireErr) TRACE_ERROR(OutOfMemory) SET_ERROR(UnexpectedError, E_UNEXPECTED) }
// CryptCreatePublicKeyInfo, EncodePublicKeyAndParameters
// and CryptConvertPublicKeyInfo functions
static BOOL EncodePublicKeyInfo( IN LPCSTR pszPubKeyOID, IN BYTE *pbEncodedPubKey, IN DWORD cbEncodedPubKey, IN BYTE *pbEncodedParameters, IN DWORD cbEncodedParameters, OUT PCERT_PUBLIC_KEY_INFO pInfo, IN OUT DWORD *pcbInfo ) { BOOL fResult; BYTE *pbExtra; LONG lRemainExtra; DWORD cbOID;
if (pInfo == NULL) *pcbInfo = 0;
// for lRemainExtra < 0, LENGTH_ONLY calculation
lRemainExtra = (LONG) *pcbInfo - sizeof(CERT_PUBLIC_KEY_INFO); if (lRemainExtra < 0) pbExtra = NULL; else pbExtra = (BYTE *) pInfo + sizeof(CERT_PUBLIC_KEY_INFO);
cbOID = strlen(pszPubKeyOID) + 1; lRemainExtra -= INFO_LEN_ALIGN(cbOID) + INFO_LEN_ALIGN(cbEncodedParameters) + cbEncodedPubKey; if (lRemainExtra >= 0) { memset(pInfo, 0, sizeof(CERT_PUBLIC_KEY_INFO)); pInfo->Algorithm.pszObjId = (LPSTR) pbExtra; memcpy(pbExtra, pszPubKeyOID, cbOID); pbExtra += INFO_LEN_ALIGN(cbOID); if (cbEncodedParameters) { pInfo->Algorithm.Parameters.cbData = cbEncodedParameters; pInfo->Algorithm.Parameters.pbData = pbExtra; memcpy(pbExtra, pbEncodedParameters, cbEncodedParameters); pbExtra += INFO_LEN_ALIGN(cbEncodedParameters); }
pInfo->PublicKey.pbData = pbExtra; pInfo->PublicKey.cbData = cbEncodedPubKey; memcpy(pbExtra, pbEncodedPubKey, cbEncodedPubKey);
*pcbInfo = *pcbInfo - (DWORD) lRemainExtra; } else { *pcbInfo = *pcbInfo + (DWORD) -lRemainExtra; if (pInfo) goto LengthError; } fResult = TRUE;
CommonReturn: return fResult;
LengthError: SetLastError((DWORD) ERROR_MORE_DATA); fResult = FALSE; goto CommonReturn; }
// By default, the pPubKeyStruc->aiKeyAlg is used to find the appropriate
// public key Object Identifier. pszPubKeyOID can be set to override
// the default OID obtained from the aiKeyAlg.
BOOL WINAPI CryptCreatePublicKeyInfo( IN DWORD dwCertEncodingType, IN OPTIONAL LPCSTR pszPubKeyOID, IN const PUBLICKEYSTRUC *pPubKeyStruc, IN DWORD cbPubKeyStruc, IN DWORD dwFlags, IN OPTIONAL void *pvReserved, OUT void *pvPubKeyInfo, IN OUT DWORD *pcbPubKeyInfo ) { BOOL fResult; void *pvFuncAddr; HCRYPTOIDFUNCADDR hFuncAddr; LPCSTR pszEncodePubKeyOID;
BYTE *pbEncodedPubKey = NULL; DWORD cbEncodedPubKey = 0; BYTE *pbEncodedParameters = NULL; DWORD cbEncodedParameters = 0;
if (NULL == pszPubKeyOID) { PCCRYPT_OID_INFO pInfo; if (NULL == (pInfo = CryptFindOIDInfo( CRYPT_OID_INFO_ALGID_KEY, (void *) &pPubKeyStruc->aiKeyAlg, CRYPT_PUBKEY_ALG_OID_GROUP_ID ))) goto NoPubKeyOIDInfo; pszEncodePubKeyOID = pInfo->pszOID; } else pszEncodePubKeyOID = pszPubKeyOID;
if (!CryptGetOIDFunctionAddress( hEncodePubKeyFuncSet, dwCertEncodingType, pszEncodePubKeyOID, 0, // dwFlags
&pvFuncAddr, &hFuncAddr)) { PCCRYPT_OID_INFO pInfo;
if (NULL == pszPubKeyOID) goto NoEncodePubKeyFunction;
if (NULL == (pInfo = CryptFindOIDInfo( CRYPT_OID_INFO_ALGID_KEY, (void *) &pPubKeyStruc->aiKeyAlg, CRYPT_PUBKEY_ALG_OID_GROUP_ID ))) goto NoPubKeyOIDInfo; pszEncodePubKeyOID = pInfo->pszOID;
if (!CryptGetOIDFunctionAddress( hEncodePubKeyFuncSet, dwCertEncodingType, pszEncodePubKeyOID, 0, // dwFlags
&pvFuncAddr, &hFuncAddr)) goto NoEncodePubKeyFunction; }
if (NULL == pszPubKeyOID) pszPubKeyOID = pszEncodePubKeyOID;
fResult = ((PFN_CRYPT_ENCODE_PUBLIC_KEY_AND_PARAMETERS) pvFuncAddr)( dwCertEncodingType, pszPubKeyOID, pPubKeyStruc, cbPubKeyStruc, dwFlags, pvReserved, &pbEncodedPubKey, &cbEncodedPubKey, &pbEncodedParameters, &cbEncodedParameters ); CryptFreeOIDFunctionAddress(hFuncAddr, 0); if (!fResult) goto EncodePubKeyAndParametersError;
if (dwFlags & CRYPT_ALLOC_FLAG) { if (!EncodePublicKeyInfo( pszPubKeyOID, pbEncodedPubKey, cbEncodedPubKey, pbEncodedParameters, cbEncodedParameters, NULL, // pPubKeyInfo
&cbPubKeyInfo )) goto EncodePublicKeyInfoError; if (NULL == (pPubKeyInfo = (PCERT_PUBLIC_KEY_INFO) PkiDefaultCryptAlloc(cbPubKeyInfo))) goto OutOfMemory; *((PCERT_PUBLIC_KEY_INFO *) pvPubKeyInfo) = pPubKeyInfo; } else { pPubKeyInfo = (PCERT_PUBLIC_KEY_INFO) pvPubKeyInfo; cbPubKeyInfo = *pcbPubKeyInfo; }
fResult = EncodePublicKeyInfo( pszPubKeyOID, pbEncodedPubKey, cbEncodedPubKey, pbEncodedParameters, cbEncodedParameters, pPubKeyInfo, &cbPubKeyInfo );
if (!fResult && (dwFlags & CRYPT_ALLOC_FLAG)) goto ErrorReturn;
CommonReturn: PkiDefaultCryptFree(pbEncodedPubKey); PkiDefaultCryptFree(pbEncodedParameters);
*pcbPubKeyInfo = cbPubKeyInfo; return fResult; ErrorReturn: if (dwFlags & CRYPT_ALLOC_FLAG) { PkiDefaultCryptFree(pPubKeyInfo); *((void **) pvPubKeyInfo) = NULL; } cbPubKeyInfo = 0; fResult = FALSE; goto CommonReturn;
SET_ERROR(NoPubKeyOIDInfo, ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) TRACE_ERROR(NoEncodePubKeyFunction) TRACE_ERROR(EncodePubKeyAndParametersError) TRACE_ERROR(EncodePublicKeyInfoError) TRACE_ERROR(OutOfMemory) }
BOOL WINAPI CryptConvertPublicKeyInfo( IN DWORD dwCertEncodingType, IN PCERT_PUBLIC_KEY_INFO pPubKeyInfo, IN DWORD dwFlags, IN OPTIONAL void *pvReserved, OUT void *pvPubKeyStruc, IN OUT DWORD *pcbPubKeyStruc ) { BOOL fResult; void *pvFuncAddr; HCRYPTOIDFUNCADDR hFuncAddr;
if (CryptGetOIDFunctionAddress( hConvertPubKeyFuncSet, dwCertEncodingType, pPubKeyInfo->Algorithm.pszObjId, 0, // dwFlags
&pvFuncAddr, &hFuncAddr)) { fResult = ((PFN_CRYPT_CONVERT_PUBLIC_KEY_INFO) pvFuncAddr)( dwCertEncodingType, pPubKeyInfo, dwFlags, pvReserved, pvPubKeyStruc, pcbPubKeyStruc ); CryptFreeOIDFunctionAddress(hFuncAddr, 0); } else { ALG_ID aiPubKey; PCCRYPT_OID_INFO pOIDInfo;
if (pOIDInfo = CryptFindOIDInfo( CRYPT_OID_INFO_OID_KEY, pPubKeyInfo->Algorithm.pszObjId, CRYPT_PUBKEY_ALG_OID_GROUP_ID )) aiPubKey = pOIDInfo->Algid; else aiPubKey = 0;
switch (aiPubKey) { case CALG_DSS_SIGN: fResult = ConvertDSSPublicKeyInfo( dwCertEncodingType, pPubKeyInfo, dwFlags, pvReserved, pvPubKeyStruc, pcbPubKeyStruc ); break; default: // Attempt to decode as a PKCS #1 RSA public key
fResult = ConvertRSAPublicKeyInfo( dwCertEncodingType, pPubKeyInfo, dwFlags, pvReserved, pvPubKeyStruc, pcbPubKeyStruc ); break; } } return fResult; }
// Encode the RSA public key and parameters
static BOOL WINAPI EncodeRSAPublicKeyAndParameters( IN DWORD dwCertEncodingType, IN OPTIONAL LPCSTR pszPubKeyOID, IN const PUBLICKEYSTRUC *pPubKeyStruc, IN DWORD cbPubKeyStruc, IN DWORD dwFlags, IN OPTIONAL void *pvReserved, OUT BYTE **ppbEncodedPubKey, OUT DWORD *pcbEncodedPubKey, OUT BYTE **ppbEncodedParameters, OUT DWORD *pcbEncodedParameters ) { *ppbEncodedParameters = NULL; *pcbEncodedParameters = 0;
return CryptEncodeObjectEx( dwCertEncodingType, RSA_CSP_PUBLICKEYBLOB, pPubKeyStruc, CRYPT_ENCODE_ALLOC_FLAG, NULL, // pEncodePara
(void *) ppbEncodedPubKey, pcbEncodedPubKey ); }
// Convert as an RSA public key
static BOOL WINAPI ConvertRSAPublicKeyInfo( IN DWORD dwCertEncodingType, IN PCERT_PUBLIC_KEY_INFO pPubKeyInfo, IN DWORD dwFlags, IN OPTIONAL void *pvReserved, OUT void *pvPubKeyStruc, IN OUT DWORD *pcbPubKeyStruc ) { return CryptDecodeObjectEx( dwCertEncodingType, RSA_CSP_PUBLICKEYBLOB, pPubKeyInfo->PublicKey.pbData, pPubKeyInfo->PublicKey.cbData, (dwFlags & CRYPT_ALLOC_FLAG) ? CRYPT_DECODE_ALLOC_FLAG : 0, NULL, // pDecodePara,
pvPubKeyStruc, pcbPubKeyStruc ); }
#ifndef DSS1
#define DSS1 ((DWORD)'D'+((DWORD)'S'<<8)+((DWORD)'S'<<16)+((DWORD)'1'<<24))
#define DSS_Q_LEN 20
// Encode the DSS public key and parameters
static BOOL WINAPI EncodeDSSPublicKeyAndParameters( IN DWORD dwCertEncodingType, IN OPTIONAL LPCSTR pszPubKeyOID, IN const PUBLICKEYSTRUC *pPubKeyStruc, IN DWORD cbPubKeyStruc, IN DWORD dwFlags, IN OPTIONAL void *pvReserved, OUT BYTE **ppbEncodedPubKey, OUT DWORD *pcbEncodedPubKey, OUT BYTE **ppbEncodedParameters, OUT DWORD *pcbEncodedParameters ) { BOOL fResult; BYTE *pbKeyBlob; DSSPUBKEY *pCspPubKey; DWORD cbKey; BYTE *pbKey;
*ppbEncodedPubKey = NULL; *ppbEncodedParameters = NULL;
// The CAPI public key representation consists of the following sequence:
// - rgbP[cbKey]
// - rgbQ[20]
// - rgbG[cbKey]
// - rgbY[cbKey]
pbKeyBlob = (BYTE *) pPubKeyStruc; pCspPubKey = (DSSPUBKEY *) (pbKeyBlob + sizeof(PUBLICKEYSTRUC)); pbKey = pbKeyBlob + sizeof(PUBLICKEYSTRUC) + sizeof(DSSPUBKEY); cbKey = pCspPubKey->bitlen / 8;
assert(cbKey > 0); assert(cbPubKeyStruc >= sizeof(PUBLICKEYSTRUC) + sizeof(DSSPUBKEY) + cbKey + DSS_Q_LEN + cbKey + cbKey + sizeof(DSSSEED)); assert(pPubKeyStruc->bType == PUBLICKEYBLOB); assert(pPubKeyStruc->bVersion == CUR_BLOB_VERSION); assert(pPubKeyStruc->aiKeyAlg == CALG_DSS_SIGN); assert(pCspPubKey->magic == DSS1); assert(pCspPubKey->bitlen % 8 == 0);
if (pPubKeyStruc->bType != PUBLICKEYBLOB) goto InvalidArg;
// Initialize DSS parameters from CSP data structure
DssParameters.p.cbData = cbKey; DssParameters.p.pbData = pbKey; pbKey += cbKey; DssParameters.q.cbData = DSS_Q_LEN; DssParameters.q.pbData = pbKey; pbKey += DSS_Q_LEN; DssParameters.g.cbData = cbKey; DssParameters.g.pbData = pbKey; pbKey += cbKey;
// Initialize DSS public key from CSP data structure
DssPubKey.cbData = cbKey; DssPubKey.pbData = pbKey;
// Encode the parameters and public key
if (!CryptEncodeObjectEx( dwCertEncodingType, X509_DSS_PARAMETERS, &DssParameters, CRYPT_ENCODE_ALLOC_FLAG, NULL, // pEncodePara
(void *) ppbEncodedParameters, pcbEncodedParameters )) goto ErrorReturn;
if (!CryptEncodeObjectEx( dwCertEncodingType, X509_DSS_PUBLICKEY, &DssPubKey, CRYPT_ENCODE_ALLOC_FLAG, NULL, // pEncodePara
(void *) ppbEncodedPubKey, pcbEncodedPubKey )) goto ErrorReturn;
fResult = TRUE; CommonReturn: return fResult;
ErrorReturn: PkiDefaultCryptFree(*ppbEncodedParameters); PkiDefaultCryptFree(*ppbEncodedPubKey); *ppbEncodedParameters = NULL; *ppbEncodedPubKey = NULL; *pcbEncodedParameters = 0; *pcbEncodedPubKey = 0; fResult = FALSE; goto CommonReturn; SET_ERROR(InvalidArg, E_INVALIDARG) }
// Convert as an DSS public key
static BOOL WINAPI ConvertDSSPublicKeyInfo( IN DWORD dwCertEncodingType, IN PCERT_PUBLIC_KEY_INFO pPubKeyInfo, IN DWORD dwFlags, IN OPTIONAL void *pvReserved, OUT void *pvPubKeyStruc, IN OUT DWORD *pcbPubKeyStruc ) { BOOL fResult; PCERT_DSS_PARAMETERS pDssParameters = NULL; PCRYPT_UINT_BLOB pDssPubKey = NULL; PUBLICKEYSTRUC *pPubKeyStruc = NULL; DWORD cbPubKeyStruc; BYTE *pbKeyBlob; DSSPUBKEY *pCspPubKey; DSSSEED *pCspSeed; DWORD cbKey; BYTE *pbKey; DWORD cb;
if (0 == pPubKeyInfo->Algorithm.Parameters.cbData || NULL_ASN_TAG == *pPubKeyInfo->Algorithm.Parameters.pbData) goto NoDssParametersError; if (NULL == (pDssParameters = (PCERT_DSS_PARAMETERS) AllocAndDecodeObject( dwCertEncodingType, X509_DSS_PARAMETERS, pPubKeyInfo->Algorithm.Parameters.pbData, pPubKeyInfo->Algorithm.Parameters.cbData ))) goto DecodeParametersError;
if (NULL == (pDssPubKey = (PCRYPT_UINT_BLOB) AllocAndDecodeObject( dwCertEncodingType, X509_DSS_PUBLICKEY, pPubKeyInfo->PublicKey.pbData, pPubKeyInfo->PublicKey.cbData ))) goto DecodePubKeyError;
// The CAPI public key representation consists of the following sequence:
// - rgbP[cbKey]
// - rgbQ[20]
// - rgbG[cbKey]
// - rgbY[cbKey]
cbKey = pDssParameters->p.cbData; if (0 == cbKey) goto InvalidDssParametersError;
cbPubKeyStruc = sizeof(PUBLICKEYSTRUC) + sizeof(DSSPUBKEY) + cbKey + DSS_Q_LEN + cbKey + cbKey + sizeof(DSSSEED);
if (dwFlags & CRYPT_ALLOC_FLAG) { if (NULL == (pPubKeyStruc = (PUBLICKEYSTRUC *) PkiDefaultCryptAlloc(cbPubKeyStruc))) goto OutOfMemory; *((PUBLICKEYSTRUC **) pvPubKeyStruc) = pPubKeyStruc; } else pPubKeyStruc = (PUBLICKEYSTRUC *) pvPubKeyStruc;
fResult = TRUE; if (pPubKeyStruc) { if (0 == (dwFlags & CRYPT_ALLOC_FLAG) && *pcbPubKeyStruc < cbPubKeyStruc) { SetLastError((DWORD) ERROR_MORE_DATA); fResult = FALSE; } else { pbKeyBlob = (BYTE *) pPubKeyStruc; pCspPubKey = (DSSPUBKEY *) (pbKeyBlob + sizeof(PUBLICKEYSTRUC)); pbKey = pbKeyBlob + sizeof(PUBLICKEYSTRUC) + sizeof(DSSPUBKEY);
// NOTE, the length of G and Y can be less than the length of P.
// The CSP requires G and Y to be padded out with 0x00 bytes if it
// is less and in little endian form
pPubKeyStruc->bType = PUBLICKEYBLOB; pPubKeyStruc->bVersion = CUR_BLOB_VERSION; pPubKeyStruc->reserved = 0; pPubKeyStruc->aiKeyAlg = CALG_DSS_SIGN; // DSSPUBKEY
pCspPubKey->magic = DSS1; pCspPubKey->bitlen = cbKey * 8;
// rgbP[cbKey]
memcpy(pbKey, pDssParameters->p.pbData, cbKey); pbKey += cbKey;
// rgbQ[20]
cb = pDssParameters->q.cbData; if (0 == cb || cb > DSS_Q_LEN) goto InvalidDssParametersError; memcpy(pbKey, pDssParameters->q.pbData, cb); if (DSS_Q_LEN > cb) memset(pbKey + cb, 0, DSS_Q_LEN - cb); pbKey += DSS_Q_LEN;
// rgbG[cbKey]
cb = pDssParameters->g.cbData; if (0 == cb || cb > cbKey) goto InvalidDssParametersError; memcpy(pbKey, pDssParameters->g.pbData, cb); if (cbKey > cb) memset(pbKey + cb, 0, cbKey - cb); pbKey += cbKey;
// rgbY[cbKey]
cb = pDssPubKey->cbData; if (0 == cb || cb > cbKey) goto InvalidDssPubKeyError; memcpy(pbKey, pDssPubKey->pbData, cb); if (cbKey > cb) memset(pbKey + cb, 0, cbKey - cb); pbKey += cbKey;
// DSSSEED: set counter to 0xFFFFFFFF to indicate not available
pCspSeed = (DSSSEED *) pbKey; memset(&pCspSeed->counter, 0xFF, sizeof(pCspSeed->counter)); } }
CommonReturn: *pcbPubKeyStruc = cbPubKeyStruc; PkiFree(pDssParameters); PkiFree(pDssPubKey); return fResult; ErrorReturn: if (dwFlags & CRYPT_ALLOC_FLAG) { PkiDefaultCryptFree(pPubKeyStruc); *((PUBLICKEYSTRUC **) pvPubKeyStruc) = NULL; } cbPubKeyStruc = 0; fResult = FALSE; goto CommonReturn; TRACE_ERROR(OutOfMemory) TRACE_ERROR(DecodeParametersError) TRACE_ERROR(DecodePubKeyError) #ifdef CMS_PKCS7
SET_ERROR(NoDssParametersError, E_INVALIDARG) #endif // CMS_PKCS7
SET_ERROR(InvalidDssParametersError, E_INVALIDARG) SET_ERROR(InvalidDssPubKeyError, E_INVALIDARG) }
#ifndef DH3
#define DH3 (((DWORD)'D'<<8)+((DWORD)'H'<<16)+((DWORD)'3'<<24))
// Encode the RSA DH public key and parameters
static BOOL WINAPI EncodeRSADHPublicKeyAndParameters( IN DWORD dwCertEncodingType, IN OPTIONAL LPCSTR pszPubKeyOID, IN const PUBLICKEYSTRUC *pPubKeyStruc, IN DWORD cbPubKeyStruc, IN DWORD dwFlags, IN OPTIONAL void *pvReserved, OUT BYTE **ppbEncodedPubKey, OUT DWORD *pcbEncodedPubKey, OUT BYTE **ppbEncodedParameters, OUT DWORD *pcbEncodedParameters ) { BOOL fResult; BYTE *pbKeyBlob; DHPUBKEY_VER3 *pCspPubKey; DWORD cbP; DWORD cbQ; DWORD cbJ; BYTE *pbKey;
*ppbEncodedPubKey = NULL; *ppbEncodedParameters = NULL;
// The CAPI public key representation consists of the following sequence:
// - rgbP[cbP]
// - rgbQ[cbQ] -- not used in RSA_DH
// - rgbG[cbP]
// - rgbJ[cbJ] -- not used in RSA_DH
// - rgbY[cbP]
pbKeyBlob = (BYTE *) pPubKeyStruc; pCspPubKey = (DHPUBKEY_VER3 *) (pbKeyBlob + sizeof(PUBLICKEYSTRUC)); pbKey = pbKeyBlob + sizeof(PUBLICKEYSTRUC) + sizeof(DHPUBKEY_VER3);
cbP = pCspPubKey->bitlenP / 8; cbQ = pCspPubKey->bitlenQ / 8; cbJ = pCspPubKey->bitlenJ / 8;
if (cbPubKeyStruc < sizeof(PUBLICKEYSTRUC) + sizeof(DHPUBKEY_VER3) + cbP * 3 + cbQ + cbJ) goto InvalidArg; if (pPubKeyStruc->bType != PUBLICKEYBLOB) goto InvalidArg; if (pCspPubKey->magic != DH3) goto InvalidArg;
assert(cbP > 0); assert(cbPubKeyStruc >= sizeof(PUBLICKEYSTRUC) + sizeof(DHPUBKEY_VER3) + cbP * 3 + cbQ + cbJ); assert(pPubKeyStruc->bType == PUBLICKEYBLOB);
//assert(pPubKeyStruc->bVersion == 3);
assert(pPubKeyStruc->aiKeyAlg == CALG_DH_SF || pPubKeyStruc->aiKeyAlg == CALG_DH_EPHEM); assert(pCspPubKey->magic == DH3); assert(pCspPubKey->bitlenP % 8 == 0); assert(pCspPubKey->bitlenQ % 8 == 0); assert(pCspPubKey->bitlenJ % 8 == 0);
// Initialize the RSA DH Parameters from CSP data structure
DhParameters.p.pbData = pbKey; DhParameters.p.cbData = cbP; pbKey += cbP;
// No RSA DH Q parameter
pbKey += cbQ;
DhParameters.g.pbData = pbKey; DhParameters.g.cbData = cbP; pbKey += cbP;
// No RSA DH J parameter
pbKey += cbJ;
// Initialize DH public key from CSP data structure
DhPubKey.cbData = cbP; DhPubKey.pbData = pbKey;
// Encode the parameters and public key
if (!CryptEncodeObjectEx( dwCertEncodingType, X509_DH_PARAMETERS, &DhParameters, CRYPT_ENCODE_ALLOC_FLAG, NULL, // pEncodePara
(void *) ppbEncodedParameters, pcbEncodedParameters )) goto ErrorReturn;
if (!CryptEncodeObjectEx( dwCertEncodingType, X509_DH_PUBLICKEY, &DhPubKey, CRYPT_ENCODE_ALLOC_FLAG, NULL, // pEncodePara
(void *) ppbEncodedPubKey, pcbEncodedPubKey )) goto ErrorReturn;
fResult = TRUE; CommonReturn: return fResult;
ErrorReturn: PkiDefaultCryptFree(*ppbEncodedParameters); PkiDefaultCryptFree(*ppbEncodedPubKey); *ppbEncodedParameters = NULL; *ppbEncodedPubKey = NULL; *pcbEncodedParameters = 0; *pcbEncodedPubKey = 0; fResult = FALSE; goto CommonReturn; SET_ERROR(InvalidArg, E_INVALIDARG) }
// Encode the X942 DH public key and parameters
static BOOL WINAPI EncodeX942DHPublicKeyAndParameters( IN DWORD dwCertEncodingType, IN OPTIONAL LPCSTR pszPubKeyOID, IN const PUBLICKEYSTRUC *pPubKeyStruc, IN DWORD cbPubKeyStruc, IN DWORD dwFlags, IN OPTIONAL void *pvReserved, OUT BYTE **ppbEncodedPubKey, OUT DWORD *pcbEncodedPubKey, OUT BYTE **ppbEncodedParameters, OUT DWORD *pcbEncodedParameters ) { BOOL fResult; BYTE *pbKeyBlob; DHPUBKEY_VER3 *pCspPubKey; DWORD cbP; DWORD cbQ; DWORD cbJ; BYTE *pbKey;
*ppbEncodedPubKey = NULL; *ppbEncodedParameters = NULL;
// The CAPI public key representation consists of the following sequence:
// - rgbP[cbP]
// - rgbQ[cbQ]
// - rgbG[cbP]
// - rgbJ[cbJ]
// - rgbY[cbP]
pbKeyBlob = (BYTE *) pPubKeyStruc; pCspPubKey = (DHPUBKEY_VER3 *) (pbKeyBlob + sizeof(PUBLICKEYSTRUC)); pbKey = pbKeyBlob + sizeof(PUBLICKEYSTRUC) + sizeof(DHPUBKEY_VER3);
cbP = pCspPubKey->bitlenP / 8; cbQ = pCspPubKey->bitlenQ / 8; cbJ = pCspPubKey->bitlenJ / 8;
if (0 == cbQ) return EncodeRSADHPublicKeyAndParameters( dwCertEncodingType, pszPubKeyOID, pPubKeyStruc, cbPubKeyStruc, dwFlags, pvReserved, ppbEncodedPubKey, pcbEncodedPubKey, ppbEncodedParameters, pcbEncodedParameters );
if (cbPubKeyStruc < sizeof(PUBLICKEYSTRUC) + sizeof(DHPUBKEY_VER3) + cbP * 3 + cbQ + cbJ) goto InvalidArg; if (pPubKeyStruc->bType != PUBLICKEYBLOB) goto InvalidArg; if (pCspPubKey->magic != DH3) goto InvalidArg;
assert(cbP > 0); assert(cbPubKeyStruc >= sizeof(PUBLICKEYSTRUC) + sizeof(DHPUBKEY_VER3) + cbP * 3 + cbQ + cbJ); assert(pPubKeyStruc->bType == PUBLICKEYBLOB);
//assert(pPubKeyStruc->bVersion == 3);
assert(pPubKeyStruc->aiKeyAlg == CALG_DH_SF || pPubKeyStruc->aiKeyAlg == CALG_DH_EPHEM); assert(pCspPubKey->magic == DH3); assert(pCspPubKey->bitlenP % 8 == 0); assert(pCspPubKey->bitlenQ % 8 == 0); assert(pCspPubKey->bitlenJ % 8 == 0);
// Initialize the X942 DH Parameters from CSP data structure
DhParameters.p.pbData = pbKey; DhParameters.p.cbData = cbP; pbKey += cbP;
DhParameters.q.pbData = pbKey; DhParameters.q.cbData = cbQ; pbKey += cbQ;
DhParameters.g.pbData = pbKey; DhParameters.g.cbData = cbP; pbKey += cbP;
DhParameters.j.pbData = pbKey; DhParameters.j.cbData = cbJ; pbKey += cbJ;
if (0xFFFFFFFF == pCspPubKey->DSSSeed.counter || 0 == pCspPubKey->DSSSeed.counter) DhParameters.pValidationParams = NULL; else { DhParameters.pValidationParams = &DhValidationParams; DhValidationParams.pgenCounter = pCspPubKey->DSSSeed.counter; DhValidationParams.seed.pbData = pCspPubKey->DSSSeed.seed; DhValidationParams.seed.cbData = sizeof(pCspPubKey->DSSSeed.seed); DhValidationParams.seed.cUnusedBits = 0; }
// Initialize DH public key from CSP data structure
DhPubKey.cbData = cbP; DhPubKey.pbData = pbKey;
// Encode the parameters and public key
if (!CryptEncodeObjectEx( dwCertEncodingType, X942_DH_PARAMETERS, &DhParameters, CRYPT_ENCODE_ALLOC_FLAG, NULL, // pEncodePara
(void *) ppbEncodedParameters, pcbEncodedParameters )) goto ErrorReturn;
if (!CryptEncodeObjectEx( dwCertEncodingType, X509_DH_PUBLICKEY, &DhPubKey, CRYPT_ENCODE_ALLOC_FLAG, NULL, // pEncodePara
(void *) ppbEncodedPubKey, pcbEncodedPubKey )) goto ErrorReturn;
fResult = TRUE; CommonReturn: return fResult;
ErrorReturn: PkiDefaultCryptFree(*ppbEncodedParameters); PkiDefaultCryptFree(*ppbEncodedPubKey); *ppbEncodedParameters = NULL; *ppbEncodedPubKey = NULL; *pcbEncodedParameters = 0; *pcbEncodedPubKey = 0; fResult = FALSE; goto CommonReturn; SET_ERROR(InvalidArg, E_INVALIDARG) }
#ifndef DH1
#define DH1 (((DWORD)'D'<<8)+((DWORD)'H'<<16)+((DWORD)'1'<<24))
// Convert a DH1 PublicKey Struc, to a DH3 PublicKey Struc by getting
// the P and G parameters from the hPubKey.
static BOOL ConvertDh1ToDh3PublicKeyStruc( IN HCRYPTKEY hPubKey, IN OUT PUBLICKEYSTRUC **ppPubKeyStruc, IN OUT DWORD *pcbPubKeyStruc ) { BOOL fResult; PUBLICKEYSTRUC *pDh1PubKeyStruc = *ppPubKeyStruc; BYTE *pbDh1KeyBlob; DHPUBKEY *pDh1CspPubKey; BYTE *pbDh1Key;
PUBLICKEYSTRUC *pDh3PubKeyStruc = NULL; DWORD cbDh3PubKeyStruc; BYTE *pbDh3KeyBlob; DHPUBKEY_VER3 *pDh3CspPubKey; BYTE *pbDh3Key; DWORD cbP; DWORD cbData;
// The DH1 CAPI public key representation consists of the following
// sequence:
// - rgbY[cbP]
pbDh1KeyBlob = (BYTE *) pDh1PubKeyStruc; pDh1CspPubKey = (DHPUBKEY *) (pbDh1KeyBlob + sizeof(PUBLICKEYSTRUC)); pbDh1Key = pbDh1KeyBlob + sizeof(PUBLICKEYSTRUC) + sizeof(DHPUBKEY);
if (pDh1CspPubKey->magic != DH1) return TRUE; cbP = pDh1CspPubKey->bitlen / 8; if (*pcbPubKeyStruc < sizeof(PUBLICKEYSTRUC) + sizeof(DHPUBKEY) + cbP) goto InvalidArg;
// The DH3 CAPI public key representation consists of the following
// sequence:
// - rgbP[cbP]
// - rgbQ[cbQ] -- will be omitted here
// - rgbG[cbP]
// - rgbJ[cbJ] -- will be omitted here
// - rgbY[cbP]
cbDh3PubKeyStruc = sizeof(PUBLICKEYSTRUC) + sizeof(DHPUBKEY_VER3) + cbP * 3; if (NULL == (pDh3PubKeyStruc = (PUBLICKEYSTRUC *) PkiZeroAlloc( cbDh3PubKeyStruc))) goto OutOfMemory;
pbDh3KeyBlob = (BYTE *) pDh3PubKeyStruc; pDh3CspPubKey = (DHPUBKEY_VER3 *) (pbDh3KeyBlob + sizeof(PUBLICKEYSTRUC)); pbDh3Key = pbDh3KeyBlob + sizeof(PUBLICKEYSTRUC) + sizeof(DHPUBKEY_VER3);
pDh3PubKeyStruc->bType = PUBLICKEYBLOB; pDh3PubKeyStruc->bVersion = 3; pDh3PubKeyStruc->aiKeyAlg = CALG_DH_SF; pDh3CspPubKey->magic = DH3; pDh3CspPubKey->bitlenP = cbP * 8; //pDh3CspPubKey->bitlenQ = 0;
//pDh3CspPubKey->bitlenJ = 0;
// Get the P parameter from the public key
cbData = cbP; if (!CryptGetKeyParam( hPubKey, KP_P, pbDh3Key, &cbData, 0 // dwFlags
) || cbData != cbP) goto GetPError; pbDh3Key += cbP;
// No Q parameter
// Get G parameter from the public key
cbData = cbP; if (!CryptGetKeyParam( hPubKey, KP_G, pbDh3Key, &cbData, 0 // dwFlags
) || cbData != cbP) goto GetGError; pbDh3Key += cbP;
// No J parameter
// Y
memcpy(pbDh3Key, pbDh1Key, cbP);
assert(pbDh3Key - pbDh3KeyBlob + cbP == cbDh3PubKeyStruc);
PkiFree(pDh1PubKeyStruc); *ppPubKeyStruc = pDh3PubKeyStruc; *pcbPubKeyStruc = cbDh3PubKeyStruc; fResult = TRUE; CommonReturn: return fResult;
ErrorReturn: fResult = FALSE; PkiFree(pDh3PubKeyStruc); goto CommonReturn; SET_ERROR(InvalidArg, E_INVALIDARG) TRACE_ERROR(OutOfMemory) TRACE_ERROR(GetPError) TRACE_ERROR(GetGError) }
// CryptExportPublicKeyInfo functions
// Use the aiKeyAlg in the public key structure exported by the CSP to
// determine how to encode the public key.
// The dwFlags and pvAuxInfo aren't used.
static BOOL WINAPI ExportCspPublicKeyInfoEx( IN HCRYPTPROV hCryptProv, IN DWORD dwKeySpec, IN DWORD dwCertEncodingType, IN OPTIONAL LPSTR pszPublicKeyObjId, IN DWORD dwFlags, IN OPTIONAL void *pvAuxInfo, OUT PCERT_PUBLIC_KEY_INFO pInfo, IN OUT DWORD *pcbInfo ) { BOOL fResult; DWORD dwErr; HCRYPTKEY hPubKey = 0; PUBLICKEYSTRUC *pPubKeyStruc = NULL; DWORD cbPubKeyStruc;
if (!CryptGetUserKey( hCryptProv, dwKeySpec, &hPubKey )) { hPubKey = 0; goto GetUserKeyError; }
cbPubKeyStruc = 0; if (!CryptExportKey( hPubKey, 0, // hPubKey
PUBLICKEYBLOB, 0, // dwFlags
NULL, // pbData
&cbPubKeyStruc ) || (cbPubKeyStruc == 0)) goto ExportPublicKeyBlobError; if (NULL == (pPubKeyStruc = (PUBLICKEYSTRUC *) PkiNonzeroAlloc( cbPubKeyStruc))) goto OutOfMemory; if (!CryptExportKey( hPubKey, 0, // hPubKey
PUBLICKEYBLOB, 0, // dwFlags
(BYTE *) pPubKeyStruc, &cbPubKeyStruc )) goto ExportPublicKeyBlobError;
if (CALG_DH_SF == pPubKeyStruc->aiKeyAlg || CALG_DH_EPHEM == pPubKeyStruc->aiKeyAlg) { DWORD cbDh3PubKeyStruc; PUBLICKEYSTRUC *pDh3PubKeyStruc;
// Check if the CSP supports DH3
cbDh3PubKeyStruc = 0; if (!CryptExportKey( hPubKey, 0, // hPubKey
&cbDh3PubKeyStruc ) || (cbDh3PubKeyStruc == 0)) { // Convert DH1 to DH3 by getting and adding the P and G
// parameters
if (!ConvertDh1ToDh3PublicKeyStruc( hPubKey, &pPubKeyStruc, &cbPubKeyStruc )) goto ConvertDh1ToDh3PublicKeyStrucError; } else { if (NULL == (pDh3PubKeyStruc = (PUBLICKEYSTRUC *) PkiNonzeroAlloc( cbDh3PubKeyStruc))) goto OutOfMemory; if (!CryptExportKey( hPubKey, 0, // hPubKey
PUBLICKEYBLOB, CRYPT_BLOB_VER3, (BYTE *) pDh3PubKeyStruc, &cbDh3PubKeyStruc )) { PkiFree(pDh3PubKeyStruc); goto ExportPublicKeyBlobError; }
PkiFree(pPubKeyStruc); pPubKeyStruc = pDh3PubKeyStruc; cbPubKeyStruc = cbDh3PubKeyStruc; }
if (NULL == pszPublicKeyObjId) { DHPUBKEY_VER3 *pDh3CspPubKey;
// The CAPI public key representation consists of the
// following sequence:
// - rgbP[cbP]
// - rgbQ[cbQ] -- not used in szOID_RSA_DH
// - rgbG[cbP]
// - rgbJ[cbJ] -- not used in szOID_RSA_DH
// - rgbY[cbP]
pDh3CspPubKey = (DHPUBKEY_VER3 *) ((BYTE*) pPubKeyStruc + sizeof(PUBLICKEYSTRUC));
if (DH3 == pDh3CspPubKey->magic && 0 == pDh3CspPubKey->bitlenQ) // szOID_RSA_DH indicates no Q parameter
pszPublicKeyObjId = szOID_RSA_DH; } }
fResult = CryptCreatePublicKeyInfo( dwCertEncodingType, pszPublicKeyObjId, pPubKeyStruc, cbPubKeyStruc, 0, // dwFlags
NULL, // pvAuxInfo
pInfo, pcbInfo );
CommonReturn: dwErr = GetLastError(); if (hPubKey) CryptDestroyKey(hPubKey); PkiFree(pPubKeyStruc); SetLastError(dwErr); return fResult;
ErrorReturn: *pcbInfo = 0; fResult = FALSE; goto CommonReturn;
TRACE_ERROR(GetUserKeyError) TRACE_ERROR(ExportPublicKeyBlobError) TRACE_ERROR(OutOfMemory) TRACE_ERROR(ConvertDh1ToDh3PublicKeyStrucError) }
// Export the public key info associated with the provider's corresponding
// private key.
// Uses the dwCertEncodingType and pszPublicKeyObjId to call the
// installable CRYPT_OID_EXPORT_PUBLIC_KEY_INFO_FUNC. The called function
// has the same signature as CryptExportPublicKeyInfoEx.
// If unable to find an installable OID function for the pszPublicKeyObjId,
// attempts to export via the default export function.
BOOL WINAPI CryptExportPublicKeyInfoEx( IN HCRYPTPROV hCryptProv, IN DWORD dwKeySpec, IN DWORD dwCertEncodingType, IN OPTIONAL LPSTR pszPublicKeyObjId, IN DWORD dwFlags, IN OPTIONAL void *pvAuxInfo, OUT PCERT_PUBLIC_KEY_INFO pInfo, IN OUT DWORD *pcbInfo ) { BOOL fResult; void *pvFuncAddr; HCRYPTOIDFUNCADDR hFuncAddr;
if (pszPublicKeyObjId && CryptGetOIDFunctionAddress( hExportPubKeyFuncSet, dwCertEncodingType, pszPublicKeyObjId, 0, // dwFlags
&pvFuncAddr, &hFuncAddr)) { fResult = ((PFN_EXPORT_PUB_KEY_FUNC) pvFuncAddr)( hCryptProv, dwKeySpec, dwCertEncodingType, pszPublicKeyObjId, dwFlags, pvAuxInfo, pInfo, pcbInfo ); CryptFreeOIDFunctionAddress(hFuncAddr, 0); } else // Attempt to export via the default function that looks at the
// public key algorithm in the public key struc exported by the CSP.
fResult = ExportCspPublicKeyInfoEx( hCryptProv, dwKeySpec, dwCertEncodingType, pszPublicKeyObjId, dwFlags, pvAuxInfo, pInfo, pcbInfo ); return fResult; }
// Export the public key info associated with the provider's corresponding
// private key.
// Calls CryptExportPublicKeyInfoEx with pszPublicKeyObjId = NULL,
// dwFlags = 0 and pvAuxInfo = NULL.
BOOL WINAPI CryptExportPublicKeyInfo( IN HCRYPTPROV hCryptProv, IN DWORD dwKeySpec, IN DWORD dwCertEncodingType, OUT PCERT_PUBLIC_KEY_INFO pInfo, IN OUT DWORD *pcbInfo ) { return CryptExportPublicKeyInfoEx( hCryptProv, dwKeySpec, dwCertEncodingType, NULL, // pszPublicKeyObjId
0, // dwFlags
NULL, // pvAuxInfo
pInfo, pcbInfo ); }
// CryptImportPublicKeyInfo functions
// Convert and import the public key info into the provider and return a
// handle to the public key.
// Uses the dwCertEncodingType and pInfo->Algorithm.pszObjId to call the
// installable CRYPT_OID_IMPORT_PUBLIC_KEY_INFO_FUNC. The called function
// has the same signature as CryptImportPublicKeyInfoEx.
// If unable to find an installable OID function for the pszObjId,
// decodes the PublicKeyInfo into a CSP PublicKey Blob and imports.
BOOL WINAPI CryptImportPublicKeyInfoEx( IN HCRYPTPROV hCryptProv, IN DWORD dwCertEncodingType, IN PCERT_PUBLIC_KEY_INFO pInfo, IN ALG_ID aiKeyAlg, IN DWORD dwFlags, IN OPTIONAL void *pvAuxInfo, OUT HCRYPTKEY *phKey ) { BOOL fResult; void *pvFuncAddr; HCRYPTOIDFUNCADDR hFuncAddr; PUBLICKEYSTRUC *pPubKeyStruc = NULL; DWORD cbPubKeyStruc;
if (CryptGetOIDFunctionAddress( hImportPubKeyFuncSet, dwCertEncodingType, pInfo->Algorithm.pszObjId, 0, // dwFlags
&pvFuncAddr, &hFuncAddr)) { fResult = ((PFN_IMPORT_PUB_KEY_FUNC) pvFuncAddr)( hCryptProv, dwCertEncodingType, pInfo, aiKeyAlg, dwFlags, pvAuxInfo, phKey ); CryptFreeOIDFunctionAddress(hFuncAddr, 0); } else { if (!CryptConvertPublicKeyInfo( dwCertEncodingType, pInfo, CRYPT_ALLOC_FLAG, NULL, // pvReserved
(void *) &pPubKeyStruc, &cbPubKeyStruc )) goto ConvertPublicKeyInfoError;
if (aiKeyAlg) pPubKeyStruc->aiKeyAlg = aiKeyAlg;
if (!CryptImportKey( hCryptProv, (BYTE *) pPubKeyStruc, cbPubKeyStruc, NULL, // hImpKey
0, // dwFlags
phKey )) goto ImportKeyError; fResult = TRUE; }
CommonReturn: PkiDefaultCryptFree(pPubKeyStruc); return fResult; ErrorReturn: *phKey = NULL; fResult = FALSE; goto CommonReturn;
TRACE_ERROR(ConvertPublicKeyInfoError) TRACE_ERROR(ImportKeyError) }
// Convert and import the public key info into the provider and return a
// handle to the public key.
// Calls CryptImportPublicKeyInfoEx with aiKeyAlg = 0, dwFlags = 0 and
// pvAuxInfo = NULL.
BOOL WINAPI CryptImportPublicKeyInfo( IN HCRYPTPROV hCryptProv, IN DWORD dwCertEncodingType, IN PCERT_PUBLIC_KEY_INFO pInfo, OUT HCRYPTKEY *phKey ) { return CryptImportPublicKeyInfoEx( hCryptProv, dwCertEncodingType, pInfo, 0, // aiKeyAlg
0, // dwFlags
NULL, // pvAuxInfo
phKey ); }
// Create a KeyIdentifier from the CSP Public Key Blob.
// Converts the CSP PUBLICKEYSTRUC into a X.509 CERT_PUBLIC_KEY_INFO and
// encodes. The encoded CERT_PUBLIC_KEY_INFO is SHA1 hashed to obtain
// the Key Identifier.
// By default, the pPubKeyStruc->aiKeyAlg is used to find the appropriate
// public key Object Identifier. pszPubKeyOID can be set to override
// the default OID obtained from the aiKeyAlg.
BOOL WINAPI CryptCreateKeyIdentifierFromCSP( IN DWORD dwCertEncodingType, IN OPTIONAL LPCSTR pszPubKeyOID, IN const PUBLICKEYSTRUC *pPubKeyStruc, IN DWORD cbPubKeyStruc, IN DWORD dwFlags, IN OPTIONAL void *pvReserved, OUT BYTE *pbHash, IN OUT DWORD *pcbHash ) { BOOL fResult; PCERT_PUBLIC_KEY_INFO pInfo = NULL; DWORD cbInfo;
if (!CryptCreatePublicKeyInfo( dwCertEncodingType, pszPubKeyOID, pPubKeyStruc, cbPubKeyStruc, CRYPT_ALLOC_FLAG, NULL, // pvReserved
(void *) &pInfo, &cbInfo )) goto CreatePublicKeyInfoError;
fResult = CryptHashPublicKeyInfo( NULL, // hCryptProv
CALG_SHA1, 0, // dwFlags
dwCertEncodingType, pInfo, pbHash, pcbHash );
CommonReturn: PkiDefaultCryptFree(pInfo); return fResult;
ErrorReturn: *pcbHash = 0; fResult = FALSE; goto CommonReturn;
TRACE_ERROR(CreatePublicKeyInfoError) }
// DefaultContext APIs and Data Structures
static BOOL InstallThreadDefaultContext( IN PDEFAULT_CONTEXT pDefaultContext ) { PDEFAULT_CONTEXT pNext; pNext = (PDEFAULT_CONTEXT) I_CryptGetTls(hTlsDefaultContext); if (pNext) { pDefaultContext->pNext = pNext; pNext->pPrev = pDefaultContext; }
fHasThreadDefaultContext = TRUE; return I_CryptSetTls(hTlsDefaultContext, pDefaultContext); }
static BOOL InstallProcessDefaultContext( IN PDEFAULT_CONTEXT pDefaultContext ) { EnterCriticalSection(&DefaultContextCriticalSection);
if (pProcessDefaultContextHead) { pDefaultContext->pNext = pProcessDefaultContextHead; pProcessDefaultContextHead->pPrev = pDefaultContext; } pProcessDefaultContextHead = pDefaultContext;
fHasProcessDefaultContext = TRUE;
return TRUE; }
// Install a previously CryptAcquiredContext'ed HCRYPTPROV to be used as
// a default context.
// dwDefaultType and pvDefaultPara specify where the default context is used.
// For example, install the HCRYPTPROV to be used to verify certificate's
// having szOID_OIWSEC_md5RSA signatures.
// By default, the installed HCRYPTPROV is only applicable to the current
// to be used by all threads in the current process.
// For a successful install, TRUE is returned and *phDefaultContext is
// updated with the HANDLE to be passed to CryptUninstallDefaultContext.
// The installed HCRYPTPROVs are stack ordered (the last installed
// HCRYPTPROV is checked first). All thread installed HCRYPTPROVs are
// checked before any process HCRYPTPROVs.
// The installed HCRYPTPROV remains available for default usage until
// CryptUninstallDefaultContext is called or the thread or process exits.
// is CryptReleaseContext'ed at thread or process exit. However,
// not CryptReleaseContext'ed if CryptUninstallDefaultContext is
// called.
BOOL WINAPI CryptInstallDefaultContext( IN HCRYPTPROV hCryptProv, IN DWORD dwDefaultType, IN const void *pvDefaultPara, IN DWORD dwFlags, IN void *pvReserved, OUT HCRYPTDEFAULTCONTEXT *phDefaultContext ) { BOOL fResult; CRYPT_DEFAULT_CONTEXT_MULTI_OID_PARA MultiOIDPara; LPSTR rgpszOID[1]; PCRYPT_DEFAULT_CONTEXT_MULTI_OID_PARA pMultiOIDPara;
PDEFAULT_CONTEXT pDefaultContext = NULL; DWORD cbDefaultContext; BYTE *pbExtra; DWORD cbExtra; if (CRYPT_DEFAULT_CONTEXT_CERT_SIGN_OID == dwDefaultType) { dwDefaultType = CRYPT_DEFAULT_CONTEXT_MULTI_CERT_SIGN_OID; if (pvDefaultPara) { rgpszOID[0] = (LPSTR) pvDefaultPara; MultiOIDPara.cOID = 1; MultiOIDPara.rgpszOID = rgpszOID; pvDefaultPara = (const void *) &MultiOIDPara; } }
if (CRYPT_DEFAULT_CONTEXT_MULTI_CERT_SIGN_OID != dwDefaultType) goto InvalidArg;
pMultiOIDPara = (PCRYPT_DEFAULT_CONTEXT_MULTI_OID_PARA) pvDefaultPara; if (pMultiOIDPara) { DWORD cOID = pMultiOIDPara->cOID; LPSTR *ppszOID = pMultiOIDPara->rgpszOID;
if (0 == cOID) goto InvalidArg; cbExtra = INFO_LEN_ALIGN(sizeof(CRYPT_DEFAULT_CONTEXT_MULTI_OID_PARA)) + cOID * sizeof(LPSTR);
for ( ; cOID; cOID--, ppszOID++) cbExtra += strlen(*ppszOID) + 1; } else { if (dwFlags & CRYPT_DEFAULT_CONTEXT_PROCESS_FLAG) goto InvalidArg; cbExtra = 0; }
cbDefaultContext = INFO_LEN_ALIGN(sizeof(DEFAULT_CONTEXT)) + cbExtra;
if (NULL == (pDefaultContext = (PDEFAULT_CONTEXT) PkiZeroAlloc( cbDefaultContext))) goto OutOfMemory;
pDefaultContext->hCryptProv = hCryptProv; pDefaultContext->dwDefaultType = dwDefaultType; pDefaultContext->dwFlags = dwFlags;
pbExtra = ((BYTE *) pDefaultContext) + INFO_LEN_ALIGN(sizeof(DEFAULT_CONTEXT));
if (cbExtra) { DWORD cOID = pMultiOIDPara->cOID; LPSTR *ppszOID = pMultiOIDPara->rgpszOID;
pOIDDefaultPara = (PCRYPT_DEFAULT_CONTEXT_MULTI_OID_PARA) pbExtra; pDefaultContext->pOIDDefaultPara = pOIDDefaultPara; pbExtra += INFO_LEN_ALIGN(sizeof(CRYPT_DEFAULT_CONTEXT_MULTI_OID_PARA));
ppszOIDDefault = (LPSTR *) pbExtra; pbExtra += cOID * sizeof(LPSTR); pOIDDefaultPara->cOID = cOID; pOIDDefaultPara->rgpszOID = ppszOIDDefault;
for ( ; cOID; cOID--, ppszOID++, ppszOIDDefault++) { DWORD cch = strlen(*ppszOID) + 1;
memcpy(pbExtra, *ppszOID, cch); *ppszOIDDefault = (LPSTR) pbExtra; pbExtra += cch; } } assert(pbExtra == ((BYTE *) pDefaultContext) + cbDefaultContext);
if (dwFlags & CRYPT_DEFAULT_CONTEXT_PROCESS_FLAG) fResult = InstallProcessDefaultContext(pDefaultContext); else fResult = InstallThreadDefaultContext(pDefaultContext); if (!fResult) goto ErrorReturn;
CommonReturn: *phDefaultContext = (HCRYPTDEFAULTCONTEXT) pDefaultContext; return fResult;
ErrorReturn: PkiFree(pDefaultContext); fResult = FALSE; goto CommonReturn;
// Uninstall a default context previously installed by
// CryptInstallDefaultContext.
// For a default context installed with CRYPT_DEFAULT_CONTEXT_PROCESS_FLAG
// set, if any other threads are currently using this context,
// this function will block until they finish.
BOOL WINAPI CryptUninstallDefaultContext( HCRYPTDEFAULTCONTEXT hDefaultContext, IN DWORD dwFlags, IN void *pvReserved ) { BOOL fResult; PDEFAULT_CONTEXT pDefaultContext = (PDEFAULT_CONTEXT) hDefaultContext; PDEFAULT_CONTEXT pDefaultContextHead; BOOL fProcess;
if (NULL == pDefaultContext) return TRUE;
fProcess = (pDefaultContext->dwFlags & CRYPT_DEFAULT_CONTEXT_PROCESS_FLAG); if (fProcess) { EnterCriticalSection(&DefaultContextCriticalSection); pDefaultContextHead = pProcessDefaultContextHead; } else { pDefaultContextHead = (PDEFAULT_CONTEXT) I_CryptGetTls( hTlsDefaultContext); }
if (NULL == pDefaultContextHead) goto InvalidArg;
// Remove context from the list
if (pDefaultContext->pNext) pDefaultContext->pNext->pPrev = pDefaultContext->pPrev; if (pDefaultContext->pPrev) pDefaultContext->pPrev->pNext = pDefaultContext->pNext; else if (pDefaultContext == pDefaultContextHead) { pDefaultContextHead = pDefaultContext->pNext; if (fProcess) pProcessDefaultContextHead = pDefaultContextHead; else I_CryptSetTls(hTlsDefaultContext, pDefaultContextHead); } else goto InvalidArg;
if (fProcess) { if (pDefaultContext->lRefCnt) { // Wait for all uses of the hCryptProv handle to finish
if (NULL == (pDefaultContext->hWait = CreateEvent( NULL, // lpsa
FALSE, // fManualReset
FALSE, // fInitialState
NULL))) { // lpszEventName
assert(pDefaultContext->hWait); goto UnexpectedError; } while (pDefaultContext->lRefCnt) { LeaveCriticalSection(&DefaultContextCriticalSection); WaitForSingleObject(pDefaultContext->hWait, INFINITE); EnterCriticalSection(&DefaultContextCriticalSection); } CloseHandle(pDefaultContext->hWait); pDefaultContext->hWait = NULL; } }
PkiFree(pDefaultContext); fResult = TRUE;
CommonReturn: if (fProcess) LeaveCriticalSection(&DefaultContextCriticalSection); return fResult;
ErrorReturn: fResult = FALSE; goto CommonReturn; SET_ERROR(InvalidArg, E_INVALIDARG) SET_ERROR(UnexpectedError, E_UNEXPECTED) }
static PDEFAULT_CONTEXT FindDefaultContext( IN DWORD dwDefaultType, IN const void *pvDefaultPara, IN PDEFAULT_CONTEXT pDefaultContext ) { for ( ; pDefaultContext; pDefaultContext = pDefaultContext->pNext) { switch (dwDefaultType) { case CRYPT_DEFAULT_CONTEXT_CERT_SIGN_OID: if (CRYPT_DEFAULT_CONTEXT_MULTI_CERT_SIGN_OID == pDefaultContext->dwDefaultType) { PCRYPT_DEFAULT_CONTEXT_MULTI_OID_PARA pOIDDefaultPara = pDefaultContext->pOIDDefaultPara; DWORD cOID; LPSTR *ppszOID;
if (NULL == pOIDDefaultPara) return pDefaultContext;
cOID = pOIDDefaultPara->cOID; ppszOID = pOIDDefaultPara->rgpszOID; for ( ; cOID; cOID--, ppszOID++) { if (0 == strcmp(*ppszOID, (LPSTR) pvDefaultPara)) return pDefaultContext; } } break; default: return NULL; } }
return NULL; }
// dwDefaultTypes:
BOOL WINAPI I_CryptGetDefaultContext( IN DWORD dwDefaultType, IN const void *pvDefaultPara, OUT HCRYPTPROV *phCryptProv, OUT HCRYPTDEFAULTCONTEXT *phDefaultContext ) {
if (fHasThreadDefaultContext) { PDEFAULT_CONTEXT pDefaultContext;
pDefaultContext = (PDEFAULT_CONTEXT) I_CryptGetTls(hTlsDefaultContext); if (pDefaultContext = FindDefaultContext( dwDefaultType, pvDefaultPara, pDefaultContext )) { *phCryptProv = pDefaultContext->hCryptProv; *phDefaultContext = NULL; return TRUE; } }
if (fHasProcessDefaultContext) { PDEFAULT_CONTEXT pDefaultContext;
EnterCriticalSection(&DefaultContextCriticalSection); if (pDefaultContext = FindDefaultContext( dwDefaultType, pvDefaultPara, pProcessDefaultContextHead )) pDefaultContext->lRefCnt++; LeaveCriticalSection(&DefaultContextCriticalSection);
if (pDefaultContext) { *phCryptProv = pDefaultContext->hCryptProv; *phDefaultContext = (HCRYPTDEFAULTCONTEXT) pDefaultContext; return TRUE; } }
*phCryptProv = NULL; *phDefaultContext = NULL; return FALSE; }
// hDefaultContext is only NON-null for Process default context
void WINAPI I_CryptFreeDefaultContext( HCRYPTDEFAULTCONTEXT hDefaultContext ) { PDEFAULT_CONTEXT pDefaultContext = (PDEFAULT_CONTEXT) hDefaultContext;
if (NULL == pDefaultContext) return;
assert(pDefaultContext->dwFlags & CRYPT_DEFAULT_CONTEXT_PROCESS_FLAG); assert(0 < pDefaultContext->lRefCnt);
EnterCriticalSection(&DefaultContextCriticalSection); if (0 == --pDefaultContext->lRefCnt && pDefaultContext->hWait) SetEvent(pDefaultContext->hWait); LeaveCriticalSection(&DefaultContextCriticalSection); }
#ifdef CMS_PKCS7
WINCRYPT32API BOOL WINAPI CryptVerifyCertificateSignatureEx( IN OPTIONAL HCRYPTPROV hCryptProv, IN DWORD dwCertEncodingType, IN DWORD dwSubjectType, IN void *pvSubject, IN DWORD dwIssuerType, IN void *pvIssuer, IN DWORD dwFlags, IN OPTIONAL void *pvReserved ) { BOOL fResult; PCERT_SIGNED_CONTENT_INFO pSignedInfo = NULL; DWORD cbSignedInfo; HCRYPTDEFAULTCONTEXT hDefaultContext = NULL; HCRYPTKEY hSignKey = 0; HCRYPTHASH hHash = 0; BYTE *pbSignature; // not allocated
DWORD cbSignature; BYTE rgbDssSignature[CERT_DSS_SIGNATURE_LEN]; ALG_ID aiHash; ALG_ID aiPubKey; DWORD dwProvType; HCRYPTPROV hAcquiredCryptProv = 0; DWORD dwSignFlags; DWORD dwErr;
const BYTE *pbEncoded; // not allocated
DWORD cbEncoded; PCERT_PUBLIC_KEY_INFO pIssuerPubKeyInfo; CERT_PUBLIC_KEY_INFO IssuerPubKeyInfo; PCRYPT_OBJID_BLOB pIssuerPara; BYTE *pbAllocIssuerPara = NULL;
switch (dwSubjectType) { case CRYPT_VERIFY_CERT_SIGN_SUBJECT_BLOB: { PCRYPT_DATA_BLOB pBlob = (PCRYPT_DATA_BLOB) pvSubject; pbEncoded = pBlob->pbData; cbEncoded = pBlob->cbData; } break; case CRYPT_VERIFY_CERT_SIGN_SUBJECT_CERT: { PCCERT_CONTEXT pSubject = (PCCERT_CONTEXT) pvSubject; pbEncoded = pSubject->pbCertEncoded; cbEncoded = pSubject->cbCertEncoded; } break; case CRYPT_VERIFY_CERT_SIGN_SUBJECT_CRL: { PCCRL_CONTEXT pSubject = (PCCRL_CONTEXT) pvSubject; pbEncoded = pSubject->pbCrlEncoded; cbEncoded = pSubject->cbCrlEncoded; } break; default: goto InvalidSubjectType; } if (!CryptDecodeObjectEx( dwCertEncodingType, X509_CERT, pbEncoded, cbEncoded, CRYPT_DECODE_NOCOPY_FLAG | CRYPT_DECODE_ALLOC_FLAG | CRYPT_DECODE_NO_SIGNATURE_BYTE_REVERSAL_FLAG, &PkiDecodePara, (void *) &pSignedInfo, &cbSignedInfo )) goto DecodeCertError;
if (!GetSignOIDInfo(pSignedInfo->SignatureAlgorithm.pszObjId, &aiHash, &aiPubKey, &dwSignFlags, &dwProvType)) goto GetSignOIDInfoError;
if (0 == hCryptProv) { if (!I_CryptGetDefaultContext( CRYPT_DEFAULT_CONTEXT_CERT_SIGN_OID, (const void *) pSignedInfo->SignatureAlgorithm.pszObjId, &hCryptProv, &hDefaultContext )) { if (dwProvType && CryptAcquireContext( &hCryptProv, NULL, // pszContainer
NULL, // pszProvider,
dwProvType, CRYPT_VERIFYCONTEXT // dwFlags
)) hAcquiredCryptProv = hCryptProv; else if (0 == (hCryptProv = I_CryptGetDefaultCryptProv(aiPubKey))) goto GetDefaultCryptProvError; } }
#if 0
// Slow down the signature verify while holding the default context
// reference count
if (hDefaultContext) Sleep(5000); #endif
// All chains have at least the leaf certificate context
assert(pChain->cChain && pChain->rgpChain[0]->cElement); pvIssuer = (void *) pChain->rgpChain[0]->rgpElement[0]->pCertContext; dwIssuerType = CRYPT_VERIFY_CERT_SIGN_ISSUER_CERT; } // fall through
pIssuerPubKeyInfo = &pIssuer->pCertInfo->SubjectPublicKeyInfo;
// Check if the public key parameters were omitted
// from the encoded certificate. If omitted, try
// to use the certificate's CERT_PUBKEY_ALG_PARA_PROP_ID
// property.
pIssuerPara = &pIssuerPubKeyInfo->Algorithm.Parameters; if (0 == pIssuerPara->cbData || NULL_ASN_TAG == *pIssuerPara->pbData) { DWORD cbData;
if (CertGetCertificateContextProperty( pIssuer, CERT_PUBKEY_ALG_PARA_PROP_ID, NULL, // pvData
&cbData) && 0 < cbData && (pbAllocIssuerPara = (BYTE *) PkiNonzeroAlloc( cbData)) && CertGetCertificateContextProperty( pIssuer, CERT_PUBKEY_ALG_PARA_PROP_ID, pbAllocIssuerPara, &cbData)) {
IssuerPubKeyInfo = *pIssuerPubKeyInfo; IssuerPubKeyInfo.Algorithm.Parameters.pbData = pbAllocIssuerPara; IssuerPubKeyInfo.Algorithm.Parameters.cbData = cbData; pIssuerPubKeyInfo = &IssuerPubKeyInfo; } } } break; case CRYPT_VERIFY_CERT_SIGN_ISSUER_NULL: if (CALG_NO_SIGN != aiPubKey) goto InvalidIssuerType; pIssuerPubKeyInfo = NULL; break; default: goto InvalidIssuerType; }
if (CALG_NO_SIGN == aiPubKey) { if (dwIssuerType != CRYPT_VERIFY_CERT_SIGN_ISSUER_NULL) goto InvalidIssuerType; } else { if (!CryptImportPublicKeyInfo( hCryptProv, dwCertEncodingType, pIssuerPubKeyInfo, &hSignKey )) goto ImportPublicKeyInfoError; } if (!CryptCreateHash( hCryptProv, aiHash, NULL, // hKey - optional for MAC
0, // dwFlags
&hHash )) goto CreateHashError; if (!CryptHashData( hHash, pSignedInfo->ToBeSigned.pbData, pSignedInfo->ToBeSigned.cbData, 0 // dwFlags
)) goto HashDataError;
pbSignature = pSignedInfo->Signature.pbData; cbSignature = pSignedInfo->Signature.cbData;
if (0 == cbSignature) goto NoSignatureError;
if (CALG_NO_SIGN == aiPubKey) { BYTE rgbHash[MAX_HASH_LEN]; DWORD cbHash = sizeof(rgbHash);
if (!CryptGetHashParam( hHash, HP_HASHVAL, rgbHash, &cbHash, 0 // dwFlags
)) goto GetHashValueError;
if (cbHash != cbSignature || 0 != memcmp(rgbHash, pbSignature, cbHash)) goto NoSignHashCompareError;
goto SuccessReturn; }
if (CALG_DSS_SIGN == aiPubKey && 0 == (dwSignFlags & CRYPT_OID_INHIBIT_SIGNATURE_FORMAT_FLAG)) { DWORD cbData;
// Convert from ASN.1 sequence of two integers to the CSP signature
// format.
cbData = sizeof(rgbDssSignature); if (!CryptDecodeObject( dwCertEncodingType, X509_DSS_SIGNATURE, pbSignature, cbSignature, 0, // dwFlags
rgbDssSignature, &cbData )) goto DecodeDssSignatureError; pbSignature = rgbDssSignature; assert(cbData == sizeof(rgbDssSignature)); cbSignature = sizeof(rgbDssSignature); } else PkiAsn1ReverseBytes(pbSignature, cbSignature);
if (!CryptVerifySignature( hHash, pbSignature, cbSignature, hSignKey, NULL, // sDescription
0 // dwFlags
)) goto VerifySignatureError;
// For a certificate context certificate, check if the issuer has public
// key parameters that can be inherited
pIssuerPara = &pIssuerPubKeyInfo->Algorithm.Parameters; if (CRYPT_VERIFY_CERT_SIGN_SUBJECT_CERT == dwSubjectType && pIssuerPara->cbData && NULL_ASN_TAG != *pIssuerPara->pbData) { // If a subject is missing its public key parameters and has
// the same public key algorithm as its issuer, then, set
PCCERT_CONTEXT pSubject = (PCCERT_CONTEXT) pvSubject; PCERT_PUBLIC_KEY_INFO pSubjectPubKeyInfo = &pSubject->pCertInfo->SubjectPublicKeyInfo; PCCRYPT_OID_INFO pOIDInfo; PCRYPT_OBJID_BLOB pSubjectPara; DWORD cbData;
pSubjectPara = &pSubjectPubKeyInfo->Algorithm.Parameters; if (pSubjectPara->cbData && NULL_ASN_TAG != *pSubjectPara->pbData) // Subject public key has parameters
goto SuccessReturn;
if (CertGetCertificateContextProperty( pSubject, CERT_PUBKEY_ALG_PARA_PROP_ID, NULL, // pvData
&cbData) && 0 < cbData) // Subject already has public key parameters property
goto SuccessReturn;
pOIDInfo = CryptFindOIDInfo( CRYPT_OID_INFO_OID_KEY, pSubjectPubKeyInfo->Algorithm.pszObjId, CRYPT_PUBKEY_ALG_OID_GROUP_ID);
if (NULL == pOIDInfo || aiPubKey != pOIDInfo->Algid) // Subject and issuer don't have the same public key algorithms
goto SuccessReturn;
CertSetCertificateContextProperty( pSubject, CERT_PUBKEY_ALG_PARA_PROP_ID, CERT_SET_PROPERTY_IGNORE_PERSIST_ERROR_FLAG, pIssuerPara ); }
SuccessReturn: fResult = TRUE; CommonReturn: dwErr = GetLastError(); if (hSignKey) CryptDestroyKey(hSignKey); if (hHash) CryptDestroyHash(hHash); I_CryptFreeDefaultContext(hDefaultContext); if (hAcquiredCryptProv) CryptReleaseContext(hAcquiredCryptProv, 0); PkiFree(pSignedInfo); PkiFree(pbAllocIssuerPara);
SetLastError(dwErr); return fResult;
ErrorReturn: fResult = FALSE; goto CommonReturn;
SET_ERROR(InvalidSubjectType, E_INVALIDARG) TRACE_ERROR(DecodeCertError) TRACE_ERROR(GetSignOIDInfoError) TRACE_ERROR(GetDefaultCryptProvError) SET_ERROR(InvalidIssuerType, E_INVALIDARG) TRACE_ERROR(ImportPublicKeyInfoError) TRACE_ERROR(CreateHashError) TRACE_ERROR(HashDataError) SET_ERROR(NoSignatureError, TRUST_E_NOSIGNATURE) TRACE_ERROR(GetHashValueError) SET_ERROR(NoSignHashCompareError, NTE_BAD_SIGNATURE) TRACE_ERROR(DecodeDssSignatureError) TRACE_ERROR(VerifySignatureError) }
// Verify the signature of a subject certificate or a CRL using the
// specified public key.
// Returns TRUE for a valid signature.
// hCryptProv specifies the crypto provider to use to verify the signature.
// It doesn't need to use a private key.
BOOL WINAPI CryptVerifyCertificateSignature( IN HCRYPTPROV hCryptProv, IN DWORD dwCertEncodingType, IN const BYTE * pbEncoded, IN DWORD cbEncoded, IN PCERT_PUBLIC_KEY_INFO pPublicKey ) { CRYPT_DATA_BLOB Subject;
Subject.cbData = cbEncoded; Subject.pbData = (BYTE *) pbEncoded; return CryptVerifyCertificateSignatureEx( hCryptProv, dwCertEncodingType, CRYPT_VERIFY_CERT_SIGN_SUBJECT_BLOB, (void *) &Subject, CRYPT_VERIFY_CERT_SIGN_ISSUER_PUBKEY, (void *) pPublicKey, 0, // dwFlags
NULL // pvReserved
); }
#endif // CMS_PKCS7