// Microsoft Windows NT Security
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1997 - 1999
// File: cua.cpp
// Contents: CCryptUrlArray implementation
// History: 16-Sep-97 kirtd Created
#include <global.hxx>
// Member: CCryptUrlArray::CCryptUrlArray, public
// Synopsis: Constructor
CCryptUrlArray::CCryptUrlArray (ULONG cMinUrls, ULONG cGrowUrls, BOOL& rfResult) { rfResult = TRUE; m_cGrowUrls = cGrowUrls; m_cua.cUrl = 0; m_cua.rgwszUrl = new LPWSTR [cMinUrls]; if ( m_cua.rgwszUrl != NULL ) { memset( m_cua.rgwszUrl, 0, sizeof(LPWSTR)*cMinUrls ); m_cArray = cMinUrls; } else { SetLastError( (DWORD) E_OUTOFMEMORY ); rfResult = FALSE; } }
// Member: CCryptUrlArray::CCryptUrlArray, public
// Synopsis: Constructor
CCryptUrlArray::CCryptUrlArray (PCRYPT_URL_ARRAY pcua, ULONG cGrowUrls) { m_cGrowUrls = cGrowUrls; m_cua.cUrl = pcua->cUrl; m_cua.rgwszUrl = pcua->rgwszUrl; m_cArray = pcua->cUrl; }
// Member: CCryptUrlArray::AllocUrl, public, static
// Synopsis: allocate an URL using the same allocator used for ::AddUrl
// copies. This means that the resulting URL can be added
// without copying.
LPWSTR CCryptUrlArray::AllocUrl (ULONG cw) { return( (LPWSTR)CryptMemAlloc( cw * sizeof( WCHAR ) ) ); }
// Member: CCryptUrlArray::ReallocUrl, public, static
// Synopsis: see ::AllocUrl
LPWSTR CCryptUrlArray::ReallocUrl (LPWSTR pwszUrl, ULONG cw) { return( (LPWSTR)CryptMemRealloc( pwszUrl, cw * sizeof( WCHAR ) ) ); }
// Member: CCryptUrlArray::FreeUrl, public, static
// Synopsis: free URL allocated using ::AllocBlob or ::ReallocBlob
VOID CCryptUrlArray::FreeUrl (LPWSTR pwszUrl) { CryptMemFree( pwszUrl ); }
// Member: CCryptUrlArray::AddUrl, public
// Synopsis: add an URL to the array
BOOL CCryptUrlArray::AddUrl (LPWSTR pwszUrl, BOOL fCopyUrl) { BOOL fResult = TRUE; LPWSTR pwszToUse;
// If we need to copy the URL, do so
if ( fCopyUrl == TRUE ) { ULONG cw = wcslen( pwszUrl ) + 1;
pwszToUse = AllocUrl( cw ); if ( pwszToUse != NULL ) { memcpy( pwszToUse, pwszUrl, cw * sizeof( WCHAR ) ); } else { SetLastError( (DWORD) E_OUTOFMEMORY ); return( FALSE ); } } else { pwszToUse = pwszUrl; }
// If we need to grow the array, do so
if ( m_cArray == m_cua.cUrl ) { fResult = GrowArray(); }
// Add the URL to the array
if ( fResult == TRUE ) { m_cua.rgwszUrl[m_cua.cUrl] = pwszToUse; m_cua.cUrl += 1; } else if ( fCopyUrl == TRUE ) { FreeUrl( pwszToUse ); }
return( fResult ); }
// Member: CCryptUrlArray::GetUrl, public
// Synopsis: get an URL from the array
LPWSTR CCryptUrlArray::GetUrl (ULONG Index) { assert( m_cua.cUrl > Index );
return( m_cua.rgwszUrl[Index] ); }
// Member: CCryptUrlArray::GetUrlCount, public
// Synopsis: get the count of URLs in the array
ULONG CCryptUrlArray::GetUrlCount () { return( m_cua.cUrl ); }
// Member: CCryptUrlArray::GetArrayInNativeForm, public
// Synopsis: get the array in native form
VOID CCryptUrlArray::GetArrayInNativeForm (PCRYPT_URL_ARRAY pcua) { pcua->cUrl = m_cua.cUrl; pcua->rgwszUrl = m_cua.rgwszUrl; }
// Member: CCryptUrlArray::GetArrayInSingleBufferEncodedForm, public
// Synopsis: get the array encoded in a single buffer
BOOL CCryptUrlArray::GetArrayInSingleBufferEncodedForm ( PCRYPT_URL_ARRAY* ppcua, ULONG* pcb ) { ULONG cbStruct; ULONG cbPointers; ULONG cbData; ULONG cb; ULONG cbSize; ULONG cCount; PCRYPT_URL_ARRAY pcua = NULL; ULONG cbUrl;
// Calculate the buffer size we will need and allocate it
cbStruct = sizeof( CRYPT_URL_ARRAY ); cbPointers = m_cua.cUrl * sizeof( LPWSTR );
for ( cCount = 0, cbData = 0; cCount < m_cua.cUrl; cCount++ ) { cbData += ( wcslen( m_cua.rgwszUrl[cCount] ) + 1 ) * sizeof( WCHAR ); }
cbSize = cbStruct + cbPointers + cbData;
if ( ppcua == NULL ) { if ( pcb != NULL ) { *pcb = cbSize; return( TRUE ); }
SetLastError( (DWORD) E_INVALIDARG ); return( FALSE ); }
if ( *ppcua == NULL ) { pcua = (PCRYPT_URL_ARRAY)CryptMemAlloc( cbSize ); if ( pcua == NULL ) { SetLastError( (DWORD) E_OUTOFMEMORY ); return( FALSE ); } } else { if ( pcb == NULL ) { SetLastError( (DWORD) E_INVALIDARG ); return( FALSE ); } else if ( *pcb < cbSize ) { SetLastError( (DWORD) E_INVALIDARG ); return( FALSE ); }
pcua = *ppcua; }
// Fill in the data
pcua->cUrl = m_cua.cUrl; pcua->rgwszUrl = (LPWSTR *)((LPBYTE)pcua+cbStruct);
for ( cCount = 0, cb = 0; cCount < m_cua.cUrl; cCount++ ) { pcua->rgwszUrl[cCount] = (LPWSTR)((LPBYTE)pcua+cbStruct+cbPointers+cb);
cbUrl = ( wcslen( m_cua.rgwszUrl[cCount] ) + 1 ) * sizeof( WCHAR );
memcpy( pcua->rgwszUrl[cCount], m_cua.rgwszUrl[cCount], cbUrl );
cb += cbUrl; }
if ( *ppcua != pcua ) { *ppcua = pcua;
if ( pcb != NULL ) { *pcb = cbSize; } }
return( TRUE ); }
// Member: CCryptUrlArray::FreeArray, public
// Synopsis: free the URL array
VOID CCryptUrlArray::FreeArray (BOOL fFreeUrls) { if ( fFreeUrls == TRUE ) { ULONG cCount;
for ( cCount = 0; cCount < m_cua.cUrl; cCount++ ) { FreeUrl( m_cua.rgwszUrl[cCount] ); } }
delete m_cua.rgwszUrl; }
// Member: CCryptUrlArray::GrowArray, private
// Synopsis: grow the URL array
BOOL CCryptUrlArray::GrowArray () { ULONG cNewArray; LPWSTR* rgwsz;
// Check if we are allowed to grow
if ( m_cGrowUrls == 0 ) { SetLastError( (DWORD) E_INVALIDARG ); return( FALSE ); }
// Allocate and initialize the new array
cNewArray = m_cArray + m_cGrowUrls; rgwsz = new LPWSTR [cNewArray]; if ( rgwsz == NULL ) { SetLastError( (DWORD) E_OUTOFMEMORY ); return( FALSE ); }
memset( rgwsz, 0, cNewArray * sizeof( LPWSTR ) );
// Copy the old to the new
memcpy( rgwsz, m_cua.rgwszUrl, m_cua.cUrl*sizeof( LPWSTR ) );
// Free the old and use the new
delete m_cua.rgwszUrl; m_cua.rgwszUrl = rgwsz; m_cArray = cNewArray;
return( TRUE ); }