// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1992 - 1999
// File: signhlp.h
// Contents: Digital Signing Helper APIs
// History: June-25-1997 Xiaohs Created
#ifndef _SIGNHLP_H
#define _SIGNHLP_H
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" { #endif
// Copy all the certs from store name to hDescStore
HRESULT MoveStoreName(HCRYPTPROV hCryptProv, DWORD dwCertEncodingType, HCERTSTORE hDescStore, DWORD dwStoreName, DWORD dwStoreFlag);
// Copy all the certs from hSrcStore to hDescStore
// Build up the certificate chain. Put the whole chain to the store
HRESULT BuildCertChain(HCRYPTPROV hCryptProv, DWORD dwCertEncodingType, HCERTSTORE hStore, HCERTSTORE hOptionalStore, PCCERT_CONTEXT pSigningCert, DWORD dwCertPolicy);
// Build the spc certificate store from the cert chain
HRESULT BuildStoreFromStore(HCRYPTPROV hPvkProv, DWORD dwKeySpec, HCRYPTPROV hCryptProv, DWORD dwCertEncodingType, SIGNER_CERT_STORE_INFO *pCertStoreInfo, HCERTSTORE *phSpcStore, PCCERT_CONTEXT *ppSignCert);
// Build the spc certificate store from a spc file
HRESULT BuildStoreFromSpcFile(HCRYPTPROV hPvkProv, DWORD dwKeySpec, HCRYPTPROV hCryptProv, DWORD dwCertEncodingType, LPCWSTR pwszSpcFile, HCERTSTORE *phSpcStore, PCCERT_CONTEXT *ppSignCert);
// Build the spc certificate store from either a spc file or the
// cert chain
HRESULT BuildCertStore(HCRYPTPROV hPvkProv, DWORD dwKeySpec, HCRYPTPROV hCryptProv, DWORD dwCertEncodingType, SIGNER_CERT *pSignerCert, HCERTSTORE *phSpcStore, PCCERT_CONTEXT *ppSigningCert);
// Parse the private key information from a pCertContext's property
BOOL GetProviderInfoFromCert(PCCERT_CONTEXT pCertContext, CRYPT_KEY_PROV_INFO *pKeyProvInfo);
// Get hCryptProv handle and key spec for the certificate
BOOL WINAPI GetCryptProvFromCert( HWND hwnd, PCCERT_CONTEXT pCert, HCRYPTPROV *phCryptProv, DWORD *pdwKeySpec, BOOL *pfDidCryptAcquire, LPWSTR *ppwszTmpContainer, LPWSTR *ppwszProviderName, DWORD *pdwProviderType );
//This is a subst of GetCryptProvFromCert. This function does not consider
//the private key file property of the certificate
BOOL WINAPI CryptProvFromCert( HWND hwnd, PCCERT_CONTEXT pCert, HCRYPTPROV *phCryptProv, DWORD *pdwKeySpec, BOOL *pfDidCryptAcquire );
// Free hCryptProv handle and key spec for the certificate
void WINAPI FreeCryptProvFromCert(BOOL fAcquired, HCRYPTPROV hProv, LPWSTR pwszCapiProvider, DWORD dwProviderType, LPWSTR pwszTmpContainer);
// Check the input parameters of Signcode. Make sure they are valid.
BOOL CheckSigncodeParam( SIGNER_SUBJECT_INFO *pSubjectInfo, SIGNER_CERT *pSignerCert, SIGNER_SIGNATURE_INFO *pSignatureInfo, SIGNER_PROVIDER_INFO *pProviderInfo);
BOOL CheckSigncodeSubjectInfo( PSIGNER_SUBJECT_INFO pSubjectInfo);
// Parameters:
// Return Values:
// Error Codes:
HRESULT WINAPI AddTimeStampSubj(IN DWORD dwEncodingType, IN HCRYPTPROV hCryptProv, IN LPSIP_SUBJECTINFO pSipInfo, IN DWORD *pdwIndex, IN PBYTE pbTimeStampResponse, IN DWORD cbTimeStampResponse, IN PBYTE pbEncodedSignerInfo, IN DWORD cbEncodedSignerInfo, OUT PBYTE* ppbMessage, OUT DWORD* pcbMessage);
// Parameters:
// Return Values:
// Error Codes:
HRESULT WINAPI GetSignedMessageDigest(IN SIGNER_SUBJECT_INFO *pSubjectInfo, //Required: The subject based on which to create a timestamp request
IN LPVOID pSipData, IN OUT PBYTE* ppbDigest, IN OUT DWORD* pcbDigest);
// Parameters:
// Return Values:
// Error Codes:
HRESULT WINAPI GetSignedMessageDigestSubj(IN DWORD dwEncodingType, IN HCRYPTPROV hCryptProv, IN struct SIP_SUBJECTINFO_ *pSipInfo, // SIP information
IN DWORD* pdwIndex, IN OUT PBYTE* ppbTimeDigest, IN OUT DWORD* pcbTimeDigest);
// Parameters:
// Return Values:
// Error Codes:
HRESULT WINAPI TimeStampRequest(IN DWORD dwEncodingType, IN PCRYPT_ATTRIBUTES psRequest, IN PBYTE pbDigest, IN DWORD cbDigest, OUT PBYTE pbTimeRequest, IN OUT DWORD* pcbTimeRequest);
// FileToSubjectType
// Parameters:
// Return Values:
// Error Codes:
// Invalid arguement passed in (Requires a file name
// and pointer to a guid ptr)
// Unknow file type
// See also:
// GetFileInformationByHandle()
// CreateFile()
HRESULT SignOpenFile(LPCWSTR pwszFilename, HANDLE* pFileHandle);
// SignGetFileType
// Parameters:
// Return Values:
// Error Codes:
// Invalid arguement passed in (Requires a file name
// and pointer to a guid ptr)
// See also:
// GetFileInformationByHandle()
// CreateFile()
HRESULT SignGetFileType(HANDLE hFile, const WCHAR *pwszFile, GUID* pGuid);
// SpcGetFileType
// Parameters:
// Return Values:
// Error Codes:
// Invalid arguement passed in (Requires a file name
// and pointer to a guid ptr)
// See also:
// GetFileInformationByHandle()
// CreateFile()
HRESULT SpcGetFileType(HANDLE hFile, GUID* pGuid);
// SpcOpenFile
// Parameters:
// Return Values:
// Error Codes:
// Invalid arguement passed in (Requires a file name
// and pointer to a handle);
// See also:
// GetFileInformationByHandle()
// CreateFile()
HRESULT SpcOpenFile(LPCWSTR pwszFileName, HANDLE* pFileHandle);
// Find the the cert from the hprov
// Parameter Returns:
// pReturnCert - context of the cert found (must pass in cert context);
// Returns:
// S_OK - everything worked
// E_OUTOFMEMORY - memory failure
// E_INVALIDARG - no pReturnCert supplied
// CRYPT_E_NO_MATCH - could not locate certificate in store
HRESULT SpcGetCertFromKey(IN DWORD dwCertEncodingType, IN HCERTSTORE hStore, IN HCRYPTPROV hProv, IN DWORD hKeySpec, OUT PCCERT_CONTEXT* pReturnCert);
//If all of the following three conditions are true, we should not put
// commercial or individual authenticated attributes into signer info
//1. the enhanced key usage extension of the signer's certificate has no code signing usage (szOID_PKIX_KP_CODE_SIGNING)
//2. basic constraints extension of the signer's cert is missing, or it is neither commercial nor individual
//3. user did not specify -individual or -commercial in signcode.exe.
BOOL NeedStatementTypeAttr(IN PCCERT_CONTEXT psSigningContext, IN BOOL fCommercial, IN BOOL fIndividual);
// Returns TRUE if the Signer Cert has a Key Usage Restriction extension and
// only the commercial key purpose policy object identifier.
// Returns FALSE if it contains both a commercial and individual purpose
// policy object identifier.
HRESULT CheckCommercial(IN PCCERT_CONTEXT pSignerCert, IN BOOL fCommercial, IN BOOL fIndividual, OUT BOOL *pfCommercial);
// Encode the StatementType authenticated attribute value
HRESULT CreateStatementType(IN BOOL fCommercial, OUT BYTE **ppbEncoded, IN OUT DWORD *pcbEncoded);
// Encode the SpOpusInfo authenticated attribute value
HRESULT CreateOpusInfo(IN LPCWSTR pwszOpusName, IN LPCWSTR pwszOpusInfo, OUT BYTE **ppbEncoded, IN OUT DWORD *pcbEncoded);
// Parameters:
// Return Values:
// Error Codes:
HRESULT SpcLoadSipFlags(GUID* pSubjectGuid, DWORD *dwFlags);
// Parameters:
// Return Values:
// Error Codes:
HINSTANCE GetInstanceHandle();
// Parameters:
// Return Values:
// Error Codes:
void WINAPI PvkFreeCryptProv(IN HCRYPTPROV hProv, IN LPCWSTR pwszCapiProvider, IN DWORD dwProviderType, IN LPWSTR pwszTmpContainer);
// Parameters:
// Return Values:
// Error Codes:
HRESULT WINAPI PvkGetCryptProv( IN HWND hwnd, IN LPCWSTR pwszCaption, IN LPCWSTR pwszCapiProvider, IN DWORD dwProviderType, IN LPCWSTR pwszPvkFile, IN LPCWSTR pwszKeyContainerName, IN DWORD *pdwKeySpec, OUT LPWSTR *ppwszTmpContainer, OUT HCRYPTPROV *phCryptProv);
// Check to see if the certificate is a glue cert
// Return hr based on GetLastError().
// Check if there is TAG in front of a PKCS7 signed message
BOOL WINAPI SignNoContentWrap(IN const BYTE *pbDER, IN DWORD cbDER);
// WSZtoSZ:
// Convert a wchar string to a multi-byte string.
// BytesToBase64:
// convert bytes to base64 bstr
HRESULT BytesToBase64(BYTE *pb, DWORD cb, CHAR **pszEncode, DWORD *pdwEncode);
// BytesToBase64:
// conver base64 bstr to bytes
HRESULT Base64ToBytes(CHAR *pEncode, DWORD cbEncode, BYTE **ppb, DWORD *pcb);
#ifdef __cplusplus
} #endif