// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1995 - 1996
// File: tdotoid.cpp
// Contents: Convert Dot OID ("1.2.3") to ASN.1 encoded content octets.
// See Usage() for list of test options.
// Functions: main
// History: 04-Jan-01 philh created
#include <windows.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "wincrypt.h"
#include "certtest.h"
#include "unicode.h"
#include "asn1util.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <memory.h>
#include <time.h>
const BYTE rgbSeqTag[] = {ASN1UTIL_TAG_SEQ, 0}; const BYTE rgbOIDTag[] = {ASN1UTIL_TAG_OID, 0};
const ASN1UTIL_EXTRACT_VALUE_PARA rgExtractAttrPara[] = { // 0 - Attribute ::= SEQUENCE {
ASN1UTIL_STEP_INTO_VALUE_OP, rgbSeqTag, // 1 - type EncodedObjectID,
(sizeof(rgExtractAttrPara) / sizeof(rgExtractAttrPara[0]))
BOOL fDecode = FALSE;
void DotValToEncodedOid( LPCSTR pszDotVal ) { CRYPT_ATTRIBUTE Attr; BYTE rgbEncoded[512]; DWORD cbEncoded; CRYPT_DER_BLOB rgValueBlob[ATTR_VALUE_COUNT]; DWORD cValue; DWORD i; BYTE *pb; DWORD cb;
// Encode an Attribute that only has the OID.
Attr.pszObjId = (LPSTR) pszDotVal; Attr.cValue = 0; Attr.rgValue = NULL;
cbEncoded = sizeof(rgbEncoded); if (!CryptEncodeObject( X509_ASN_ENCODING, PKCS_ATTRIBUTE, &Attr, rgbEncoded, &cbEncoded )) { printf("\n"); printf("Asn1Encode(%s)", pszDotVal); PrintLastError(""); return; }
cValue = ATTR_VALUE_COUNT; if (0 >= Asn1UtilExtractValues( rgbEncoded, cbEncoded, 0, // dwFlags
&cValue, rgExtractAttrPara, rgValueBlob ) || ATTR_OID_VALUE_INDEX >= cValue) { printf("\n"); printf("ExtractValues(%s)", pszDotVal); PrintLastError(""); return; }
pb = rgValueBlob[ATTR_OID_VALUE_INDEX].pbData; cb = rgValueBlob[ATTR_OID_VALUE_INDEX].cbData;
printf("\n// \"%s\"\n{", pszDotVal); for (i = 0; i < cb; i++) { printf("0x%02X", pb[i]); if ((i+1) < cb) printf(", "); } printf("};\n\n");
if (fDecode) { PCRYPT_ATTRIBUTE pDecodedAttr = NULL; DWORD cbDecodedAttr;
if (!CryptDecodeObject( X509_ASN_ENCODING, PKCS_ATTRIBUTE, rgbEncoded, cbEncoded, CRYPT_DECODE_ALLOC_FLAG, (void *) &pDecodedAttr, &cbDecodedAttr )) PrintLastError("CryptDecodeObject"); else { printf("Decoded OID:: %s\n", pDecodedAttr->pszObjId); LocalFree(pDecodedAttr); } } }
void Usage(void) { int i;
printf("Usage: tdotoid <OID String 1> <OID String 2> ...\n"); printf("Options are:\n"); printf(" -d - Decode after encoding\n"); printf(" -h - This message\n"); printf("\n"); }
int _cdecl main(int argc, char * argv[]) {
int ReturnStatus;
while (--argc>0) { if (**++argv == '-') { switch(argv[0][1]) { case 'd': fDecode = TRUE; break; case 'h': default: goto BadUsage; } } else DotValToEncodedOid(argv[0]); }
ReturnStatus = 0; CommonReturn: return ReturnStatus;
BadUsage: Usage(); ReturnStatus = -1; goto CommonReturn; }