// V1Card.cpp: implementation of the CV2Card class.
// (c) Copyright Schlumberger Technology Corp., unpublished work, created
// 1999. This computer program includes Confidential, Proprietary
// Information and is a Trade Secret of Schlumberger Technology Corp. All
// use, disclosure, and/or reproduction is prohibited unless authorized
// in writing. All Rights Reserved.
#include "NoWarning.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <functional>
#include <memory> // for auto_ptr
#include <scuArrayP.h>
#include <SmartCard.h>
#include "TransactionWrap.h"
#include "cciExc.h"
#include "MethodHelp.h"
#include "cciCert.h"
#include "cciKeyPair.h"
#include "cciPriKey.h"
#include "cciPubKey.h"
#include "V1Cert.h"
#include "V1Cont.h"
#include "V1ContRec.h"
#include "V1KeyPair.h"
#include "V1PriKey.h"
#include "V1PubKey.h"
#include "V1Paths.h"
#include "V1Card.h"
using namespace std; using namespace cci; using namespace scu;
/////////////////////////// LOCAL/HELPER /////////////////////////////////
namespace { // Enumerate T type objects in the exchange and signature key pair
// using C::<Accessor> to get the T object, returning vector<T>
// objects.
template<class T> class EnumItems : std::unary_function<void, vector<T> > { public: EnumItems(CV1Card const &rv1card, ObjectAccess oa, typename AccessorMethod<T, CAbstractKeyPair>::AccessorPtr Accessor) : m_rv1card(rv1card), m_oa(oa), m_matAccess(Accessor), m_Result() {}
result_type operator()(argument_type) { DoAppend(m_rv1card.DefaultContainer()); return m_Result; }
protected: void DoAppend(CContainer &rhcntr) { if (rhcntr) { AppendItem(rhcntr->ExchangeKeyPair()); AppendItem(rhcntr->SignatureKeyPair()); } }
private: void AppendItem(CKeyPair &rhkp) { if (rhkp) { T hObject(m_matAccess(*rhkp)); if (hObject && (m_oa == hObject->Access())) m_Result.push_back(hObject); } } CV1Card const &m_rv1card; ObjectAccess m_oa; MemberAccessorType<T, CAbstractKeyPair> m_matAccess; result_type m_Result; }; bool IsSupported(iop::CSmartCard &rSmartCard) throw() { bool fSupported = false;
try { rSmartCard.Select(CV1Paths::Chv()); rSmartCard.Select(CV1Paths::IcFile()); rSmartCard.Select(CV1Paths::RootContainers()); rSmartCard.Select(CV1Paths::PrivateKeys()); rSmartCard.Select(CV1Paths::PublicKeys());
fSupported = true; }
catch(scu::Exception &) {}
return fSupported; }
} // namespace
/////////////////////////// PUBLIC /////////////////////////////////
// Types
// C'tors/D'tors
CV1Card::~CV1Card() throw() {}
// Operators
// Operations
void CV1Card::CardId(string const &rsNewCardId) const { CTransactionWrap(this); DWORD dwLen = OpenFile(CV1Paths::IcFile());
if (0 == dwLen) throw scu::OsException(NTE_FAIL);
if (rsNewCardId.length() > dwLen) throw scu::OsException(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER);
if (rsNewCardId.length() < dwLen) SmartCard().WriteBinary(0, rsNewCardId.length() + 1, reinterpret_cast<BYTE const *>(rsNewCardId.c_str())); else SmartCard().WriteBinary(0, static_cast<WORD>(rsNewCardId.length()), reinterpret_cast<BYTE const *>(rsNewCardId.data())); RefreshCardId();
void CV1Card::ChangePIN(SecureArray<BYTE> const &rstrOldPIN, SecureArray<BYTE> const &rstrNewPIN) { CTransactionWrap wrap(this); SmartCard().Select(CV1Paths::Root()); SuperClass::ChangePIN(rstrOldPIN, rstrNewPIN); }
void CV1Card::DefaultContainer(CContainer const &rcont) { m_avhDefaultCntr.Value(rcont); if(!m_avhDefaultCntr.Value()) m_avhDefaultCntr.Dirty(); // Nothing more to do since, by definition, the one and only
// container is already the default container.
pair<string, // interpreted as the public modulus
CPrivateKey> CV1Card::GenerateKeyPair(KeyType kt, string const &rsExponent, ObjectAccess oaPrivateKey) { throw Exception(ccNotImplemented);
return pair<string, CPrivateKey>(); }
void CV1Card::InitCard() { // We want to select /3f00/0015 (length 1744) and /3f00/3f11/0015 (length 300), and clear both files.
CTransactionWrap wrap(this); BYTE bData[1744]; memset(bData, 0, 1744);
SmartCard().Select(CV1Paths::RootContainers()); SmartCard().WriteBinary(0x0000, 0x06d0, bData); SmartCard().Select(CV1Paths::PublicKeys()); SmartCard().WriteBinary(0x0000, 0x012c, bData);
void CV1Card::InvalidateCache() { m_avhDefaultCntr.Value(CContainer()); m_avhDefaultCntr.Dirty(); m_avhExchangeKeyPair.Value(CKeyPair()); m_avhExchangeKeyPair.Dirty();
m_avhSignatureKeyPair.Value(CKeyPair()); m_avhSignatureKeyPair.Dirty(); }
void CV1Card::Label(string const &rLabel) { throw Exception(ccNotImplemented); }
DWORD CV1Card::OpenFile(char const *szPath) const { iop::FILE_HEADER fh; SmartCard().Select(szPath, &fh);
return fh.file_size; }
void CV1Card::VerifyKey(string const &rstrKey, BYTE bKeyNum) { CTransactionWrap wrap(this); SmartCard().Select(CV1Paths::CryptoSys()); SuperClass::VerifyKey(rstrKey, bKeyNum); }
// Access
size_t CV1Card::AvailableStringSpace(ObjectAccess oa) const { throw Exception(ccNotImplemented);
return 0; }
string CV1Card::CardId() const { return m_sCardId; }
CContainer CV1Card::DefaultContainer() const { CTransactionWrap wrap(this); if (!m_avhDefaultCntr.IsCached()) { auto_ptr<CV1Container> apv1cntr(new CV1Container(*this, CV1ContainerRecord::DefaultName(), false)); if (apv1cntr->Exists()) { CContainer hcntr; hcntr = CContainer(apv1cntr.get()); apv1cntr.release(); m_avhDefaultCntr.Value(hcntr); } } return m_avhDefaultCntr.Value(); }
vector<CContainer> CV1Card::EnumContainers() const { CContainer hcntr(0); auto_ptr<CV1Container> apv1cntr(new CV1Container(*this, CV1ContainerRecord::DefaultName(), false)); if (apv1cntr->Exists()) { hcntr = CContainer(apv1cntr.get()); apv1cntr.release(); } vector<CContainer> vhcntr; if (hcntr) vhcntr.push_back(hcntr);
return vhcntr; }
vector<CCertificate> CV1Card::EnumCertificates(ObjectAccess access) const { CTransactionWrap wrap(this);
EnumItems<CCertificate> Enumerator(*this, access, CAbstractKeyPair::Certificate); return Enumerator(); }
vector<CPublicKey> CV1Card::EnumPublicKeys(ObjectAccess access) const { CTransactionWrap wrap(this);
EnumItems<CPublicKey> Enumerator(*this, access, CAbstractKeyPair::PublicKey);
return Enumerator(); }
vector<CPrivateKey> CV1Card::EnumPrivateKeys(ObjectAccess access) const { CTransactionWrap wrap(this);
EnumItems<CPrivateKey> Enumerator(*this, access, CAbstractKeyPair::PrivateKey);
return Enumerator(); }
vector<CDataObject> CV1Card::EnumDataObjects(ObjectAccess access) const { return vector<CDataObject>(); // can never have data objects
string CV1Card::Label() const { throw Exception(ccNotImplemented);
return string(); } CAbstractCertificate * CV1Card::MakeCertificate(ObjectAccess oa) const { CTransactionWrap wrap(this);
if (oaPublicAccess != oa) throw Exception(ccInvalidParameter); return new CV1Certificate(*this, ksNone); }
CAbstractContainer * CV1Card::MakeContainer() const { CTransactionWrap wrap(this);
return new CV1Container(*this, CV1ContainerRecord::DefaultName(), true); }
CAbstractDataObject * CV1Card::MakeDataObject(ObjectAccess oa) const { throw Exception(ccNotImplemented);
return 0; }
CAbstractKeyPair * CV1Card::MakeKeyPair(CContainer const &rhcont, KeySpec ks) const { CTransactionWrap wrap(this);
// If the key pair is cached, return it; otherwise make a new one
// and cache it.
CArchivedValue<CKeyPair> *pavhkp = 0; switch (ks) { case ksExchange: pavhkp = &m_avhExchangeKeyPair; break;
case ksSignature: pavhkp = &m_avhSignatureKeyPair; break;
default: throw Exception(ccBadKeySpec); break; } if (!pavhkp->IsCached() || !pavhkp->Value()) pavhkp->Value(CKeyPair(new CV1KeyPair(*this, rhcont, ks)));
return pavhkp->Value().operator->(); // yuk!
CAbstractPrivateKey * CV1Card::MakePrivateKey(ObjectAccess oa) const { CTransactionWrap wrap(this);
if (oaPrivateAccess != oa) throw Exception(ccInvalidParameter); return new CV1PrivateKey(*this, ksNone); }
CAbstractPublicKey * CV1Card::MakePublicKey(ObjectAccess oa) const { CTransactionWrap wrap(this);
if (oaPublicAccess != oa) throw Exception(ccInvalidParameter); return new CV1PublicKey(*this, ksNone); }
BYTE CV1Card::MaxKeys(KeyType kt) const { BYTE bCount; switch (kt) { case ktRSA1024: bCount = 2; break;
default: bCount = 0; break; } return bCount; }
size_t CV1Card::MaxStringSpace(ObjectAccess oa) const { throw Exception(ccNotImplemented);
return 0; }
bool CV1Card::SupportedKeyFunction(KeyType kt, CardOperation oper) const { bool fSupported = false; switch (oper) { case coEncryption: // .. or public key operations
case coDecryption: // .. or private key operations
switch (kt) { case ktRSA1024: fSupported = true; break; default: break; }
default: break; }
return fSupported; }
scu::Marker<unsigned int> CV1Card::MarkerOnCard() const { return scu::Marker<unsigned int>(); } // Predicates
bool CV1Card::IsCAPIEnabled() const { return true; }
bool CV1Card::IsPKCS11Enabled() const { return false; }
bool CV1Card::IsProtectedMode() const { return true; }
bool CV1Card::IsKeyGenEnabled() const { return false; }
bool CV1Card::IsEntrustEnabled() const { return false; }
BYTE CV1Card::MajorVersion() const { return (BYTE)0; }
bool CV1Card::IsMarkerOnCard() const { return false; }
// Static Variables
/////////////////////////// PROTECTED /////////////////////////////////
// C'tors/D'tors
CV1Card::CV1Card(string const &rstrReaderName, auto_ptr<iop::CIOP> &rapiop, auto_ptr<iop::CSmartCard> &rapSmartCard) : SuperClass(rstrReaderName, rapiop, rapSmartCard), m_sCardId(), m_avhDefaultCntr(), m_avhExchangeKeyPair(), m_avhSignatureKeyPair() {}
// Operators
// Operations
void CV1Card::DoSetup() { CAbstractCard::DoSetup();
RefreshCardId(); }
// Access
// Predicates
// Static Variables
/////////////////////////// PRIVATE /////////////////////////////////
// C'tors/D'tors
// Operators
// Operations
auto_ptr<CAbstractCard> CV1Card::DoMake(string const &rstrReaderName, auto_ptr<iop::CIOP> &rapiop, auto_ptr<iop::CSmartCard> &rapSmartCard) { return IsSupported(*rapSmartCard.get()) ? auto_ptr<CAbstractCard>(new CV1Card(rstrReaderName, rapiop, rapSmartCard)) : auto_ptr<CAbstractCard>(0); }
string CV1Card::ReadCardId() const { string sCardId; // *** BEGIN WORKAROUND ***
// The following SetContext and OpenFile call is made to
// make sure the card and this system's current path are
// synchronized, pointing to the right directory. Without
// it, the subsequent call to ReadBinaryFile fails because
// they appear to be out of synch. It's not clear why
// this happens but this workaround avoids the problem.
try { SmartCard().Select(CV1Paths::RootContainers()); }
catch (...) { } // *** END WORKAROUND ***
try { iop::FILE_HEADER fh; SmartCard().Select(CV1Paths::IcFile(), &fh);
DWORD dwLen = fh.file_size; scu::AutoArrayPtr<BYTE> aaCardId(new BYTE[dwLen + 1]); SmartCard().ReadBinary(0, dwLen, aaCardId.Get()); aaCardId[dwLen] = '\0'; sCardId.assign(reinterpret_cast<char *>(aaCardId.Get())); }
catch (...) { }
return sCardId; }
void CV1Card::RefreshCardId() const { m_sCardId = ReadCardId(); }
// Access
// Predicates
// Static Variables