Copyright (c) 2001 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This module contains the shared rountines for the optimized logon.
Cenk Ergan (cenke) - 2001/05/07
User Mode
#include <nt.h>
#include <ntrtl.h>
#include <nturtl.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <ginacomn.h>
// The registry values under ProfileList\%UserSidString% checked when
// determining if we should logon by cached credentials by default.
#define GC_PROFILE_LIST_PATH L"Software\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\ProfileList"
#define GC_OPTIMIZED_LOGON_VALUE_NAME L"OptimizedLogonStatus"
* GcCheckIfProfileAllowsCachedLogon * * Returns whether profile settings are not compatible with doing fast-cached * logons every logon, e.g. roaming profile, remote home directory etc. * * History: * 03-23-01 Cenke Created \***************************************************************************/ DWORD GcCheckIfProfileAllowsCachedLogon( PUNICODE_STRING HomeDirectory, PUNICODE_STRING ProfilePath, PWCHAR UserSidString, PDWORD NextLogonCacheable ) { DWORD ErrorCode; DWORD LogonCacheable; DWORD UserPreference;
// Start with the assumption that the logon is not cacheable.
ErrorCode = ERROR_SUCCESS; LogonCacheable = FALSE;
// Is the home directory on the network (i.e. a UNC path)?
if (HomeDirectory && HomeDirectory->Length > 4 && GcIsUNCPath(HomeDirectory->Buffer)) { goto cleanup; }
// Is the profile path on the network (i.e. a UNC path)?
if (ProfilePath && ProfilePath->Length > 4 && GcIsUNCPath(ProfilePath->Buffer)) {
// Check if the user has explicitly requested his roaming profile to
// be local on this machine.
UserPreference = GcGetUserPreferenceValue(UserSidString);
// If user preference is not 0, then the roaming user profile is not
// set to be local on this machine: we can't do optimized logon.
if (UserPreference) { goto cleanup; } }
// The logon is cacheable.
LogonCacheable = TRUE;
if (ErrorCode == ERROR_SUCCESS) { *NextLogonCacheable = LogonCacheable; }
return ErrorCode; } /***************************************************************************\
* GcCheckIfLogonScriptsRunSync * * Returns whether logons scripts are to be run synchronously. * Default is asynchronous. * * History: * 04-25-01 Cenke Created \***************************************************************************/ BOOL GcCheckIfLogonScriptsRunSync( PWCHAR UserSidString ) { DWORD ErrorCode; BOOL bSync = FALSE;
ErrorCode = GcAccessProfileListUserSetting(UserSidString, FALSE, GC_SYNC_LOGON_SCRIPT_VALUE_NAME, &(DWORD)bSync);
if (ErrorCode != ERROR_SUCCESS) { bSync = FALSE; }
return bSync; }
* GcAccessProfileListUserSetting * * Queries or sets a DWORD value for the specified user under the local * machine profile list key. * * History: * 05-01-01 Cenke Created \***************************************************************************/ DWORD GcAccessProfileListUserSetting ( PWCHAR UserSidString, BOOL SetValue, PWCHAR ValueName, PDWORD Value ) { HKEY ProfileListKey; HKEY UserProfileKey; ULONG Result; DWORD ErrorCode; DWORD ValueType; DWORD Size;
// Initialize locals.
UserProfileKey = NULL; ProfileListKey = NULL; //
// Open the ProfileList registry key.
if (Result != ERROR_SUCCESS) { ErrorCode = Result; goto cleanup; }
// Open the user's profile key under the ProfileList key using user's SID.
Result = RegOpenKeyEx(ProfileListKey, UserSidString, 0, KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE, &UserProfileKey);
if (Result != ERROR_SUCCESS) { ErrorCode = Result; goto cleanup; }
if (SetValue) {
// Set the value.
Result = RegSetValueEx(UserProfileKey, ValueName, 0, REG_DWORD, (BYTE *) Value, sizeof(DWORD));
if (Result != ERROR_SUCCESS) { ErrorCode = Result; goto cleanup; }
} else {
// Query the value.
Size = sizeof(DWORD);
Result = RegQueryValueEx(UserProfileKey, ValueName, 0, &ValueType, (BYTE *) Value, &Size);
if (Result != ERROR_SUCCESS) { ErrorCode = Result; goto cleanup; }
// We are done.
if (ProfileListKey) { RegCloseKey(ProfileListKey); }
if (UserProfileKey) { RegCloseKey(UserProfileKey); }
return ErrorCode; }
* GcGetNextLogonCacheable * * Returns whether we are allowed to perform a cached logon at the next logon. * For instance, if last time we logged on using cached credentials, our attempt * at background logon failed for a reason (e.g. password expired) we want to * force the user to hit the network logon path to deal with. * * History: * 03-23-01 Cenke Created \***************************************************************************/ DWORD GcGetNextLogonCacheable( PWCHAR UserSidString, PDWORD NextLogonCacheable ) { DWORD ErrorCode;
ErrorCode = GcAccessProfileListUserSetting(UserSidString, FALSE, GC_NEXT_LOGON_CACHEABLE_VALUE_NAME, NextLogonCacheable); return ErrorCode; }
* GcSetNextLogonCacheable * * Sets whether we are allowed to perform a cached logon at the next logon. * For instance, if after logging on the user with cached credentials our attempt * at background logon fails for a reason (e.g. password expired) we want to * force the user to hit the network logon path to deal with. * * History: * 03-23-01 Cenke Created \***************************************************************************/ DWORD GcSetNextLogonCacheable( PWCHAR UserSidString, DWORD NextLogonCacheable ) { DWORD ErrorCode;
ErrorCode = GcAccessProfileListUserSetting(UserSidString, TRUE, GC_NEXT_LOGON_CACHEABLE_VALUE_NAME, &NextLogonCacheable); return ErrorCode; }
* GcSetOptimizedLogonStatus * * Saves optimized logon status for the user in the profile list. * * History: * 03-23-01 Cenke Created \***************************************************************************/ DWORD GcSetOptimizedLogonStatus( PWCHAR UserSidString, DWORD OptimizedLogonStatus ) { DWORD ErrorCode;
ErrorCode = GcAccessProfileListUserSetting(UserSidString, TRUE, GC_OPTIMIZED_LOGON_VALUE_NAME, &OptimizedLogonStatus);
return ErrorCode; }
* GcGetUserPreferenceValue * * Gets user preference flags on whether the user's roaming profile is set * to be local on this machine. * * History: * 05-01-01 Cenke Copied from gina\userenv\profile.cpp \***************************************************************************/ #define SYSTEM_POLICIES_KEY TEXT("Software\\Policies\\Microsoft\\Windows\\System")
#define PROFILE_LOCALONLY TEXT("LocalProfile")
#define USER_PREFERENCE TEXT("UserPreference")
const TCHAR c_szBAK[] = TEXT(".bak");
DWORD GcGetUserPreferenceValue( LPTSTR SidString ) { TCHAR LocalProfileKey[MAX_PATH]; DWORD RegErr, dwType, dwSize, dwTmpVal, dwRetVal = USERINFO_UNDEFINED; LPTSTR lpEnd; HKEY hkeyProfile, hkeyPolicy;
dwSize = sizeof(dwTmpVal); RegQueryValueEx(hkeyPolicy, PROFILE_LOCALONLY, NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE) &dwTmpVal, &dwSize);
RegCloseKey (hkeyPolicy); if (dwTmpVal == 1) { dwRetVal = USERINFO_LOCAL; return dwRetVal; } } if (SidString != NULL) {
// Query for the UserPreference value
lstrcpy(LocalProfileKey, GC_PROFILE_LIST_PATH); lpEnd = GcCheckSlash (LocalProfileKey); lstrcpy(lpEnd, SidString);
RegErr = RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, LocalProfileKey, 0, KEY_READ, &hkeyProfile);
if (RegErr == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
dwSize = sizeof(dwRetVal); RegQueryValueEx(hkeyProfile, USER_PREFERENCE, NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE) &dwRetVal, &dwSize);
RegCloseKey (hkeyProfile); }
lstrcat(LocalProfileKey, c_szBAK); RegErr = RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, LocalProfileKey, 0, KEY_READ, &hkeyProfile);
if (RegErr == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
dwSize = sizeof(dwRetVal); RegQueryValueEx(hkeyProfile, USER_PREFERENCE, NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE) &dwRetVal, &dwSize);
RegCloseKey (hkeyProfile); } }
return dwRetVal; }