// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1996 - 1997
// File: appcont.hxx
// Contents: Definition for Class factory and IUnknown methods
// for CAppContainer
// Author: DebiM
// APPFILTER flags
const DWORD APPFILTER_INCLUDE_ASSIGNED = 0x1; // Add assigned
const DWORD APPFILTER_INCLUDE_UPGRADES = 0x2; // Add packages that have upgrades
const DWORD APPFILTER_REQUIRE_PUBLISHED = 0x10000; // Published
const DWORD APPFILTER_REQUIRE_MSI = 0x40000; // Msi
const DWORD APPFILTER_REQUIRE_VISIBLE = 0x80000; // Visible
const DWORD APPFILTER_REQUIRE_AUTOINSTALL = 0x100000; // Auto-Install
const DWORD APPFILTER_REQUIRE_NON_REMOVED = 0x200000; // Apps that are not removed
const DWORD APPFILTER_REQUIRE_THIS_LANGUAGE = 0x400000; // Apps that match the language of the caller
const DWORD APPFILTER_REQUIRE_THIS_PLATFORM = 0x800000; // Apps that match the platform of the caller
const DWORD APPFILTER_CONTEXT_ARP = 0x1000000; // Indicates that the calling context is ARP
const DWORD APPFILTER_CONTEXT_POLICY = 0x2000000; // Indicates that the calling context is policy
const DWORD APPFILTER_CONTEXT_RSOP = 0x4000000; // Indicates that the context includes rsop logging
const DWORD APPFILTER_INCLUDE_ALL = 0x8000000; // All
void GetExpiredTime( FILETIME* pftCurrentTime, FILETIME* pftExpiredTime );
class CAppContainerCF : public IClassFactory { public: CAppContainerCF(); ~CAppContainerCF(); virtual HRESULT __stdcall QueryInterface(REFIID riid, void * * ppvObject); virtual ULONG __stdcall AddRef(); virtual ULONG __stdcall Release(); virtual HRESULT __stdcall CreateInstance(IUnknown * pUnkOuter, REFIID riid, void * * ppvObject); virtual HRESULT __stdcall LockServer(BOOL fLock);
HRESULT __stdcall CreateConnectedInstance( CServerContext* pServerContext, LPOLESTR pszPath, PSID pUserSid, PRSOPTOKEN pRsopToken, BOOL fCache, void * * ppvObject);
unsigned long m_uRefs; };
// The purge time uses the interval of the FILETIME structure --
// 100 ns intervals. This purge time represents 30 minutes. The math
// below is performed at compile time -- all these values are in the
// the range of a 64 bit integer -- there is no overflow
// Cached Class Store Bindings
struct BindingsType {
BindingsType() { memset( this, 0, sizeof(*this) ); }
LPOLESTR szStorePath; CServerContext ServerContext; IClassAccess *pIClassAccess; HRESULT Hr; PSID Sid; FILETIME Time; };
typedef struct ClassStoreCache_t { BindingsType Bindings[MAXCLASSSTORES]; DWORD start, end, sz; } ClassStoreCacheType;
// Cached results of on-demand activations
typedef struct CacheClsid_t { CLSID Clsid; DWORD Ctx; FILETIME Time;
} CacheClsidType;
typedef struct ClsidCache_t { CacheClsidType ElemArr[20]; DWORD start, end, sz; } ClsidCacheType;
// ClassContainer class.
class CAppContainer : public IClassAccess { private: WCHAR m_szContainerName[_MAX_PATH]; WCHAR * m_szPackageName; BOOL m_fOpen; HANDLE m_ADsContainer; HANDLE m_ADsPackageContainer; GUID m_PolicyId;
ClsidCacheType m_KnownMissingClsidCache;
WCHAR* m_szGpoPath;
PRSOPTOKEN m_pRsopToken;
CServerContext m_ServerContext;
public: CAppContainer(); CAppContainer(CServerContext* pServerContext, LPOLESTR pszPath, PRSOPTOKEN pRsopToken, HRESULT *phr); ~CAppContainer(void); // IUnknown
HRESULT __stdcall QueryInterface( REFIID iid, void ** ppv ); ULONG __stdcall AddRef(); ULONG __stdcall Release();
// IClassAccess
HRESULT __stdcall GetAppInfo( uCLSSPEC * pClassSpec, // Class Spec (CLSID/Ext/MIME)
QUERYCONTEXT * pQryContext, // Query Attributes
HRESULT __stdcall EnumPackages ( LPOLESTR pszPackageName, GUID *pCategory, ULONGLONG *pLastUsn, DWORD dwAppFlags, // AppType options
IEnumPackage **ppIEnumPackage );
HRESULT __stdcall SetClassStorePath( LPOLESTR pszClassStorePath, void* pRsopToken ) { return E_NOTIMPL; } //
// Utility functions
HRESULT __stdcall GetPackageDetails ( LPOLESTR pszPackageId, PACKAGEDETAIL *pPackageDetail );
DWORD __stdcall ChooseBestFit( PACKAGEDISPINFO *PackageInfo, UINT *rgPriority, DWORD cRowsFetched );
HRESULT __stdcall UpdateUsn(CSUSN *pStoreUsn); HRESULT __stdcall GetStoreUsn(CSUSN *pStoreUsn);
protected: unsigned long m_uRefs; };