// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1996 - 1997
// File: csmain.cxx
// Contents: All the exposed APIs.
// Author: DebiM
#include "cstore.hxx"
// Globals
DWORD gCsOptions = 0;
// Class Factory Objects
CClassContainerCF * g_pCF = NULL; CAppContainerCF * pCF = NULL; CClassAccessCF * pCSAccessCF = NULL;
// Debugging Output Global values.
DWORD gDebugLog = 0; DWORD gDebugOut = 0; DWORD gDebugEventLog = 0; DWORD gDebug = 0;
// Number of objects alive in cstore.dll
long ObjectCount = 0;
// Critical Section for All Global Objects.
// Function Uninitialize
// Synopsis: Class Store Server Uninitialization.
// Disconnects from all Class Containers in use.
// Flushes out all State information using ResetClassStoreState.
// Unregisters Server registrations etc..
// Arguments: None
// Returns: None
void Uninitialize() { //
// Cleanup all open containers
// release the Class Factory objects
if (pCF) pCF->Release(); if (pCSAccessCF) pCSAccessCF->Release();
if (g_pCF) g_pCF->Release(); //
// get rid of the critical section
// Function: InitDebugValues
// Synopsis: Initializes the Debug Values for the class store.
// Arguments:
// Returns:
// S_OK
// Log will go into the Debugger if the first bit is 1.
// If second bit is set, log will go into a log file.
// If third bit is set, log will go into event log.
// Note that the above is only true of DL_CSTORE is specified --
// if not, there is no debug output for the cstore component
// The gDebugLevel variable is initialized by the InitDebugSupport
// call in the common static library
void InitDebugValues() { gDebugEventLog = gDebugLevel & DL_EVENTLOG; gDebugLog = gDebugLevel & DL_LOGFILE; gDebugOut = gDebugLevel & DL_NORMAL;
gDebug = (gDebugLevel & DL_CSTORE) && (gDebugOut || gDebugLog || gDebugEventLog); }
// Function: InitializeClassStore
// History: 7-25-96 DebiM Created
// This entry point is called at DLL attach
BOOL InitializeClassStore(BOOL fInit) { HRESULT hr; BOOL bStatus; ObjectCount = 1;
pCF = new CAppContainerCF(); pCSAccessCF = new CClassAccessCF(); InitializeCriticalSection(&ClassStoreBindList);
g_pCF = new CClassContainerCF;
if (!pCF || !pCSAccessCF || !g_pCF) { return FALSE; }
return TRUE; }
void GetDefaultPlatform(CSPLATFORM *pPlatform, BOOL fArchitectureOverride, LONG OverridingArchitecture) { OSVERSIONINFO VersionInformation;
VersionInformation.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(OSVERSIONINFO); GetVersionEx(&VersionInformation);
pPlatform->dwPlatformId = VersionInformation.dwPlatformId; pPlatform->dwVersionHi = VersionInformation.dwMajorVersion; pPlatform->dwVersionLo = VersionInformation.dwMinorVersion; //
// Allow the caller to specify an overriding architecture for
// cases where the default logic (use the current platform) is
// not sufficient (demand install of inproc servers)
if ( fArchitectureOverride ) { pPlatform->dwProcessorArch = OverridingArchitecture; } else { pPlatform->dwProcessorArch = DEFAULT_ARCHITECTURE; } }
// Function: CsGetClassAccess
// Synopsis: Returns an instantiated interface to the Class Store
// Co-ordinator object in Rpcss.
// Arguments: [ppIClassAccess] - where to put class access interface pointer
// Returns: S_OK - Got a Class Access Successfully
STDAPI CsGetClassAccess( IClassAccess ** ppIClassAccess) { HRESULT hr; *ppIClassAccess = NULL;
hr = pCSAccessCF->CreateInstance( NULL, IID_IClassAccess, (void **)ppIClassAccess);
return hr;
// CsEnumApps (DebiM 11/7/97)
// Returns an enumerator for packages in the Class Store (s).
// The enumerator works across all class stores in the calling users profile.
// This is used by:
// - Add/Remove programs to select Corporate Apps
// - winlogon to obtain the list of assigned apps
// Arguments:
// [in]
// pszPackageName : Optional Wildcard string for PackageName
// pLastUsn : Optional Time Stamp for new packages
// pCategory : Optional CategoryId
// dwAppFlags : Per APPINFO_xxx in objbase.h
// [out]
// ppIEnumPackage : Returned Interface Pointer
// Returns :
STDAPI CsEnumApps( LPOLESTR pszPackageName, // Wildcard string for PackageName
GUID *pCategory, // CategoryId
ULONGLONG *pLastUsn, // Time Stamp for new packages
DWORD dwAppFlags, // Per APPINFO_xxx in objbase.h
IEnumPackage **ppIEnumPackage // Returned Interface Pointer
) { HRESULT hr; IClassAccess * pIClassAccess = NULL;
*ppIEnumPackage = NULL;
// Get an IClassAccess
hr = CsGetClassAccess(&pIClassAccess); if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) return hr;
// Get the enumerator
hr = pIClassAccess->EnumPackages ( pszPackageName, pCategory, pLastUsn, dwAppFlags, ppIEnumPackage );
pIClassAccess->Release(); return hr; }
// Function: CsGetAppInfo
// Synopsis: Gets Package Information for a package that matches
// the query.
// Used By:
// services. CoCreateInstance (OLE)
// Arguments:
// [in]
// pClassSpec:
// The query consisting of the name or clsid or ...
// pQueryContext:
// Execution context, architecture/Platform/locale req'd,
// Default value is the ThreadLocale and the default Platform.
// [out]
// pPackageInfo
// Neccessary Package Information.
// Returns :
// S_OK, CS_E_XXX errors.
// Looks up the given class specification in the DS. If an application for
// this class specification is found, then the application details are returned.
// Gets the IClassAccess Pointer and calls GetAppInfo on it.
// Caller needs to FREE the pPackageInfo using the Release APIs.
STDAPI CsGetAppInfo( uCLSSPEC * pClassSpec, // Class Spec (GUID/Ext/MIME)
QUERYCONTEXT * pQueryContext, PACKAGEDISPINFO * pPackageInfo ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; IClassAccess * pIClassAccess = NULL; // Gets the IClassAccess pointer
hr = CsGetClassAccess(&pIClassAccess); if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) return hr;
// Calls the GetAppInfo method
hr = pIClassAccess->GetAppInfo(pClassSpec, pQueryContext, pPackageInfo ); pIClassAccess->Release(); return hr; }
// Function: CsCreateClassStore
// Synopsis: Creates the class store.
// Used By:
// mmc snapin.
// Arguments:
// [in]
// szCSPath:
// Path where a new class store has to be created.
// Returns :
// S_OK, CS_E_XXX errors.
// Gets the parent containers Name (GPO)
// and the name of the class store. Creates a Class Store with this name
// Below the parent object.
STDAPI CsCreateClassStore(LPOLESTR szServerName, LPOLESTR szCSPath) { LPOLESTR szPath = NULL; LPOLESTR szParentPath=NULL, szStoreName=NULL; HRESULT hr = S_OK; LPOLESTR szPolicyName = NULL, szUserMachine = NULL; CServerContext ServerContext;
szPath = szCSPath;
// Getting the path for the parent (Policy object) from the name.
hr = BuildADsParentPath(szPath, &szParentPath, &szStoreName);
// Get the Policy Object
hr = BuildADsParentPath(szParentPath, &szPolicyName, &szUserMachine); if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) { szPolicyName = NULL; }
if (szUserMachine) FreeADsMem(szUserMachine);
hr = ServerContext.Initialize( szServerName );
// creating class store. returns CS_E_XXX errors when it returns.
hr = CreateRepository(&ServerContext, szParentPath, szStoreName, szPolicyName); Error_Cleanup:
if (szPolicyName) FreeADsMem(szPolicyName);
if (szParentPath) FreeADsMem(szParentPath);
if (szStoreName) FreeADsMem(szStoreName);
return hr; }
// Function: CsGetClassStore
// Synopsis: Gets the IClassAdmin interface pointer for the input class store.
// Used By:
// mmc snapin.
// Arguments:
// [in]
// szPath:
// Unicode Path For the Class Store.
// [out]
// ppIClassAdmin:
// IClassAdmin interface pointer.
// Returns :
// S_OK, or CS_E_XXX error codes.
STDAPI CsGetClassStore(LPOLESTR szPath, void **ppIClassAdmin) { return CsServerGetClassStore( NULL, szPath, ppIClassAdmin ); }
STDAPI CsServerGetClassStore(LPOLESTR szServerName, LPOLESTR szPath, void **ppIClassAdmin) { CServerContext ServerContext; HRESULT hr = ServerContext.Initialize( szServerName );
if ( FAILED(hr) ) { return hr; }
return g_pCF->CreateConnectedInstance( &ServerContext, szPath, ppIClassAdmin); }
// Function: CsDeleteClassStore
// Synopsis: Public entrypoint for deleting a class store container from DS.
// Not implemented.
STDAPI CsDeleteClassStore(LPOLESTR szPath) { return E_NOTIMPL;
// Function: CsRegisterAppCategory
// Synopsis: Registers a cetegory under the Domain.
// Used By:
// This is used by Add/Remove programs.
// Arguments:
// [in]
// pAppCategory:
// Category and its details that have to be added.
// Returns :
// S_OK or CS_E_XXX error codes.
STDAPI CsRegisterAppCategory(APPCATEGORYINFO *pAppCategory) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; IClassAdmin * pIClassAdmin = NULL;
// get the interface pointer
hr = g_pCF->CreateInstance( NULL, IID_IClassAdmin, (void **)&pIClassAdmin);
if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) return hr;
// get the app categories list.
hr = pIClassAdmin->RegisterAppCategory(pAppCategory);
// release the interface pointer.
return hr; }
// Function: CsUnregisterAppCategory
// Synopsis: Unregister an AppCategory from the Domain.
// Used By:
// This is used by Add/Remove programs.
// Arguments:
// [in]
// pAppCategoryId:
// Guid (category) that has to be unregistered.
// Returns :
// S_OK or CS_E_XXX error codes.
STDAPI CsUnregisterAppCategory (GUID *pAppCategoryId) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; IClassAdmin * pIClassAdmin = NULL;
// get the interface pointer
hr = g_pCF->CreateInstance( NULL, IID_IClassAdmin, (void **)&pIClassAdmin);
if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) return hr;
// get the app categories list.
hr = pIClassAdmin->UnregisterAppCategory(pAppCategoryId);
// release the interface pointer.
return hr; }
// Function: CsGetAppCategories
// Synopsis: get the definitive list of Application Categories and descriptions
// based on default Locale.
// Used By:
// This is used by Add/Remove programs.
// *Comments*:
// The caller needs to free the memory allocated using CsMemFree().
// Arguments:
// [out]
// AppCategoryList:
// Returned list of GUIDs and Unicode descriptions
// Returns :
// S_OK or CS_E_XXX error codes.
// Gets the list of Categories published in the Domain.
// The CALLER needs to FREE the memory using Release API.
STDAPI CsGetAppCategories (APPCATEGORYINFOLIST *pAppCategoryList) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; IClassAdmin * pIClassAdmin = NULL;
// get the interface pointer
hr = g_pCF->CreateInstance( NULL, IID_IClassAdmin, (void **)&pIClassAdmin);
if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) return hr;
// get the app categories list.
hr = pIClassAdmin->GetAppCategories ( GetUserDefaultLCID(), pAppCategoryList);
// release the interface pointer.
return hr; }
// Function: CsGetClassStorePath
// Synopsis: Returns the class store path.
// Used By:
// Winlogon/mmc snapin.
// Arguments:
// [in]
// DSProfilePath:
// Path For the DS Object given to winlogon.
// This is validated here.
// [out]
// pCSPath:
// Unicode Path to the class store.
// Returns :
// S_OK, or CS_E_XXX error codes.
// Looks at the profile object and gets the DEFAULTCLASSSTOREPATH Property.
// The CALLER needs to FREE the memory allocated using CsMemFree().
STDAPI CsGetClassStorePath(LPOLESTR DSProfilePath, LPOLESTR *pCSPath) { HRESULT hr; ULONG ulNoBytes;
// Initialize locals
hr = S_OK;
// Initialize out parameters
*pCSPath = NULL;
// Validate the ds path string -- make sure it's NULL terminated
if ((!DSProfilePath)) ERROR_ON_FAILURE(hr = E_INVALIDARG);
// Make sure the ldap prefix is there
// Now build the class store path. It would be nice if we could use
// BuildADsPathFromParent to do this, but it does not allocate memory
// with CoTaskMemalloc, and the interface to this function requires that
// the returned cs path is freed by the caller with CoTaskMemfree -- thus
// we have to do all the memory allocation and copying ourselfves.
// First, get memory -- length is just the length of the current ds path
// in addition to the length for a path separator and the name of the class
// store container
ulNoBytes = wcslen(DSProfilePath) * sizeof (WCHAR) + sizeof (WCHAR) + sizeof (CLASSSTORECONTAINERNAME);
*pCSPath = (LPOLESTR) CsMemAlloc(ulNoBytes);
// Get the ds path past the prefix so we can use it
// in creating the new path
LPOLESTR DSPathWithoutPrefix; DSPathWithoutPrefix = DSProfilePath + LDAPPREFIXLENGTH;
// currently, prefixing LDAP: at the beginning.
hr = StringCbPrintf(*pCSPath, ulNoBytes, L"%s%s", LDAPPREFIX CLASSSTORECONTAINERNAME LDAPPATHSEP, DSPathWithoutPrefix); if (FAILED(hr)) { LocalFree(*pCSPath); *pCSPath = NULL; }
return RemapErrorCode(hr, DSProfilePath); }
//----------------The release APIs-------------------------
STDAPI ReleasePackageInfo(PACKAGEDISPINFO *pPackageInfo) { DWORD i;
if (pPackageInfo) { CsMemFree(pPackageInfo->pszScriptPath); CsMemFree(pPackageInfo->pszPackageName); for (i = 0; i < (pPackageInfo->cUpgrades); i++) CsMemFree(pPackageInfo->prgUpgradeInfoList[i].szClassStore); CsMemFree(pPackageInfo->prgUpgradeInfoList); CsMemFree(pPackageInfo->pszPublisher); CsMemFree(pPackageInfo->rgSecurityDescriptor); CsMemFree(pPackageInfo->pszGpoPath); CsMemFree(pPackageInfo->pszUrl);
DWORD iCategory;
for ( iCategory = 0; iCategory < pPackageInfo->cCategories; iCategory++ ) { CsMemFree( pPackageInfo->prgCategories[iCategory] ); }
DWORD iTransform;
for ( iTransform = 0; iTransform < pPackageInfo->cTransforms; iTransform++ ) { CsMemFree( pPackageInfo->prgTransforms[iTransform] ); }
CsMemFree( pPackageInfo->prgTransforms );
// Destroy all the references in this structure so that
// if this function is called twice in a row on the same
// structure, we do not access invalid memory the second time.
memset( pPackageInfo, 0, sizeof( *pPackageInfo ) ); }
return S_OK; }
STDAPI ReleaseAppCategoryInfoList(APPCATEGORYINFOLIST *pAppCategoryInfoList) { DWORD i; if (pAppCategoryInfoList) { for (i = 0; i < (pAppCategoryInfoList->cCategory); i++) CsMemFree((pAppCategoryInfoList->pCategoryInfo)[i].pszDescription); CsMemFree(pAppCategoryInfoList->pCategoryInfo);
memset( pAppCategoryInfoList, 0, sizeof( *pAppCategoryInfoList ) ); } return S_OK; }
STDAPI ReleaseInstallInfo(INSTALLINFO *pInstallInfo) { DWORD i; if (pInstallInfo) { CsMemFree(pInstallInfo->pszSetupCommand); CsMemFree(pInstallInfo->pszScriptPath); CsMemFree(pInstallInfo->pszUrl); CsMemFree(pInstallInfo->pClsid); for (i = 0; i < (pInstallInfo->cUpgrades); i++) CsMemFree(pInstallInfo->prgUpgradeInfoList[i].szClassStore); CsMemFree(pInstallInfo->prgUpgradeInfoList); } return S_OK; }
void ReleaseClassDetail(CLASSDETAIL ClassDetail) { DWORD i; for (i = 0; i < ClassDetail.cProgId; i++) CsMemFree(ClassDetail.prgProgId[i]); CsMemFree(ClassDetail.prgProgId); }
STDAPI ReleasePackageDetail(PACKAGEDETAIL *pPackageDetail) { DWORD i; if (pPackageDetail) { if (pPackageDetail->pActInfo) { for (i = 0; i < pPackageDetail->pActInfo->cClasses; i++) ReleaseClassDetail((pPackageDetail->pActInfo->pClasses)[i]); CsMemFree(pPackageDetail->pActInfo->pClasses); for (i = 0; i < pPackageDetail->pActInfo->cShellFileExt; i++) CsMemFree((pPackageDetail->pActInfo->prgShellFileExt)[i]); CsMemFree(pPackageDetail->pActInfo->prgShellFileExt);
CsMemFree(pPackageDetail->pActInfo->prgPriority); CsMemFree(pPackageDetail->pActInfo->prgInterfaceId); CsMemFree(pPackageDetail->pActInfo->prgTlbId); CsMemFree(pPackageDetail->pActInfo); } if (pPackageDetail->pPlatformInfo) { CsMemFree(pPackageDetail->pPlatformInfo->prgPlatform); CsMemFree(pPackageDetail->pPlatformInfo->prgLocale); CsMemFree(pPackageDetail->pPlatformInfo); } if (pPackageDetail->pInstallInfo) { ReleaseInstallInfo(pPackageDetail->pInstallInfo); CsMemFree(pPackageDetail->pInstallInfo); } for (i = 0; i < (pPackageDetail->cSources); i++) CsMemFree(pPackageDetail->pszSourceList[i]); CsMemFree(pPackageDetail->pszSourceList);
CsMemFree(pPackageDetail->pszPackageName); CsMemFree(pPackageDetail->rpCategory); } return S_OK; }
void CsSetOptions( DWORD dwOptions ) { gCsOptions = dwOptions; }