// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1996-2001
// Author: AdamEd
// Date: January 2000
// Abstractions for directory service layer
#include "cstore.hxx"
CServerContext::CServerContext() : _wszServerName( NULL ) { }
CServerContext::~CServerContext() { delete [] _wszServerName; }
HRESULT CServerContext::Initialize( CServerContext* pServerContext ) { return Initialize( pServerContext->GetServerName() ); }
HRESULT CServerContext::Initialize( WCHAR* wszServerName ) { if ( wszServerName ) { _wszServerName = StringDuplicate( wszServerName );
if ( ! _wszServerName ) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } } return S_OK; }
BOOL CServerContext::Compare( CServerContext* pServerContext ) { //
// If the caller doesn't specify a context, this is equivalent to the
// case where our context has no state
if ( ! pServerContext ) { if ( ! _wszServerName ) { return TRUE; }
return FALSE; }
// The caller specified the context, so we ensure they both have state
// or they both don't -- if there is a difference, they are not equivalent
if ( ( NULL == _wszServerName ) != ( NULL == pServerContext->_wszServerName ) ) { return FALSE; }
// We now compare all state specified in this context and the specified context
if ( _wszServerName ) { if ( CSTR_EQUAL != CompareString( LOCALE_INVARIANT, NORM_IGNORECASE, _wszServerName, wcslen( _wszServerName ), pServerContext->_wszServerName, wcslen( pServerContext->_wszServerName ) ) ) { return FALSE; } }
return TRUE; }
WCHAR* CServerContext::GetServerName() { return _wszServerName; }
// DoesPathContainAServerName()
// Purpose: Checks the given ADSI path to see if it
// contains a server name
// Parameters: lpPath - ADSI path
// Return: True if the path contains a server name
// FALSE if not
BOOL DoesPathContainAServerName (LPTSTR lpPath) { BOOL bResult = FALSE;
// Skip over LDAP:// if found
if ( CompareString( LOCALE_INVARIANT, NORM_IGNORECASE, lpPath, 7, L"LDAP://", 7 ) == CSTR_EQUAL ) { lpPath += 7; }
// Check if the 3rd character in the path is an equal sign.
// If so, this path does not contain a server name
if ((lstrlen(lpPath) > 2) && (*(lpPath + 2) != TEXT('='))) { bResult = TRUE; }
return bResult; }
HRESULT DSGetAndValidateColumn( HANDLE hDSObject, ADS_SEARCH_HANDLE hSearchHandle, ADSTYPE ADsType, LPWSTR pszColumnName, PADS_SEARCH_COLUMN pColumn ) { HRESULT hr;
// First, instruct adsi to unmarshal the data into
// the column
hr = ADSIGetColumn( hDSObject, hSearchHandle, pszColumnName, pColumn);
// Validate the returned data
if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { //
// Verify that the type information is correct --
// if it is not, we cannot safely interpret the data.
// Incorrect type information is most likely to happen
// when adsi is unable to download the schema, possibly
// due to kerberos errors
if ( ADsType != pColumn->dwADsType ) { //
// We need to free the column, since the caller is not
// expected to free it if we return a failure
ADSIFreeColumn( hDSObject, pColumn );
return hr; }
DWORD dwAccessMask; HRESULT hr;
hr = S_OK;
if ( pRsopUserToken ) { hr = RsopAccessCheckByType(pSD, 0, pRsopUserToken, GENERIC_READ, NULL, 0, &DS_GENERIC_MAPPING, NULL, NULL, &dwAccessMask, pbAccessAllowed ); } else { //
// A null user token means we are running in
// reporting mode where we are trying to dump the
// contents of the gpo rather than simulate what
// apps the target might receive,
// so we should not try to perform
// an access check (we are running as some user, not
// as the system). Instead, if we retrieved the app,
// we have access, so we always return TRUE in this case
*pbAccessAllowed = TRUE; }
return hr; }
HRESULT DSServerOpenDSObject( CServerContext* pServerContext, LPWSTR pszDNName, LONG lFlags, PHANDLE phDSObject ) { WCHAR* wszServerBasedPath = NULL; WCHAR* wszServerName = pServerContext ? pServerContext->GetServerName() : NULL; WCHAR* wszPath = pszDNName; BOOL bServerName = FALSE;
// Check to see if there's a server name in the path -- only do this
// if the caller is specifying a server name -- otherwise, we assume
// that there is no server name in the path (a domain name may be specified,
// but that is not the same as a server).
if ( wszServerName && DoesPathContainAServerName( wszPath ) ) { lFlags |= ADS_SERVER_BIND;
bServerName = TRUE; }
// If a server is specified and the path doesn't already have a server, we need to create a server based LDAP path
// to pass to adsi
if ( ! bServerName && wszServerName ) { //
// The DN passed to this function is a serverless path of the form
// LDAP://<DN>
// We need to transform it to a path of the form
// LDAP://<Server>/<DN>
// We first allocate space for the transformation
DWORD cchServerBasedPath = wcslen( wszServerName ) + 1 + wcslen( pszDNName ) + 1;
wszServerBasedPath = new WCHAR [ cchServerBasedPath ];
if ( NULL == wszServerBasedPath ) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
// Perform the transformation
(void) StringCchCopy( wszServerBasedPath, cchServerBasedPath, LDAPPREFIX ); (void) StringCchCat( wszServerBasedPath, cchServerBasedPath, wszServerName ); (void) StringCchCat( wszServerBasedPath, cchServerBasedPath, L"/" ); (void) StringCchCat( wszServerBasedPath, cchServerBasedPath, pszDNName + sizeof( LDAPPREFIX ) / sizeof(WCHAR) - 1 );
wszPath = wszServerBasedPath;
// Since we are binding to a server, add the flag that gives
// the hint to ldap to bind
lFlags |= ADS_SERVER_BIND; }
hr = ADSIOpenDSObject( wszPath, NULL, NULL, lFlags, phDSObject);
if ( wszServerBasedPath ) { delete [] wszServerBasedPath; }
return hr; }