// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation 1999 - 2000
// All rights reserved
// polbase.cxx
#include "rsop.hxx"
#include <strsafe.h>
// Function: CPolicyDatabase::CPolicyDatabase
// Purpose: Constructor for CPolicyDatabase
// Params:
// Return value: none
// Notes:
CPolicyDatabase::CPolicyDatabase() : _hrInit(E_OUTOFMEMORY), _pOle32Api( NULL ) {}
// Function: CPolicyDatabase::~CPolicyDatabase
// Purpose: destructor for CPolicyDatabase -- uninitializes
// COM
// Params:
// Return value: none
// Notes:
CPolicyDatabase::~CPolicyDatabase() { //
// Clean up COM state
if ( SUCCEEDED(_hrInit) ) { _pOle32Api->pfnCoUnInitialize(); } }
// Function: CPolicyDatabase::InitializeCOM
// Purpose: Initializes the calling thread for COM, loading
// necessary dll's and function entry points
// Params: none
// Return value: S_OK if successful, other facility error if
// the function fails.
// Notes: State initialized by this call is cleaned up by
// the destructor
HRESULT CPolicyDatabase::InitializeCOM() { //
// Need to dynamically load the the COM api's since
// the policy database is accessed through COM.
_pOle32Api = LoadOle32Api(); if ( _pOle32Api ) { //
// If we successfully loaded COM, initialize it
_hrInit = _pOle32Api->pfnCoInitializeEx( NULL, COINIT_MULTITHREADED ); } else { _hrInit = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); }
return _hrInit; }
// Function: CPolicyDatabase::Bind
// Purpose: Bind to a policy database and return an interface
// for the user or machine namespace
// Params:
// Return value: S_OK if successful, other facility error if
// the function fails.
// Notes:
HRESULT CPolicyDatabase::Bind( WCHAR* wszRequestedNameSpace, IWbemServices** ppWbemServices) { HRESULT hr;
hr = InitializeCOM();
if ( FAILED(hr) ) { return hr; }
XInterface<IWbemLocator> xLocator; // Interface used to locate classes
// To bind, we use COM to request the COM interface to
// the database
hr = _pOle32Api->pfnCoCreateInstance( CLSID_WbemLocator, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IWbemLocator, (LPVOID *) &xLocator );
if ( FAILED(hr) ) { return hr; }
// Refer to the namespace with an automation type so that
// we can make use of the locator interface, which takes bstr's.
XBStr xNameSpace( wszRequestedNameSpace );
// Verify the initialization of the bstr
if ( !xNameSpace ) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { //
// Now connect to the namespace requested by the caller
hr = xLocator->ConnectServer( xNameSpace, NULL, NULL, 0L, 0L, NULL, NULL, ppWbemServices ); }
return hr; }
// Function: CPolicyRecord::GetUnknown
// Purpose: retrieves an IUnknown for this policy record --
// useful if this policy record itself needs to be nested
// inside another record and we want to use VT_UNKNOWN to
// do this.
// Params: ppUnk -- out param for IUnknown
// Return value: S_OK if successful, other error if not
// Notes:
HRESULT CPolicyRecord::GetUnknown(IUnknown** ppUnk) { HRESULT hr;
hr = GetRecordInterface()->QueryInterface( IID_IUnknown, (LPVOID*) ppUnk);
return hr; }
// Function: CPolicyRecord::InitRecord
// Purpose: Initializes a policy record with the database's
// record interface, thereby connecting this record object
// with the database record abstraction.
// Params: pRecordInterface -- the database's record interface
// Return value: S_OK if successful, other error if not
// Notes:
void CPolicyRecord::InitRecord(IWbemClassObject* pRecordInterface) { _xRecordInterface = pRecordInterface; }
// Function: CPolicyRecord::SetValue
// Purpose: Sets a specific value (column) of a database
// record (row) with a specific value
// Params: wszValueName -- name of value (column) to set
// wszValue -- unicode value to which to set it
// Return value: S_OK if successful, other error if not
// Notes:
HRESULT CPolicyRecord::SetValue( WCHAR* wszValueName, WCHAR* wszValue) { CVariant varValue; HRESULT hr;
if ( ! wszValue ) { return S_OK; }
// Set up a variant for the value itself
hr = varValue.SetStringValue(wszValue);
if (FAILED(hr)) { return hr; }
// Now that we have the data, call the method
// to set it
return _xRecordInterface->Put( wszValueName, 0, varValue, 0); }
// Function: CPolicyRecord::SetValue
// Purpose: Sets a specific value (column) of a database
// record (row) with a specific value
// Params: wszValueName -- name of value (column) to set
// lzValue -- long value to which to set it
// Return value: S_OK if successful, other error if not
// Notes:
HRESULT CPolicyRecord::SetValue( WCHAR* wszValueName, LONG Value) { CVariant varValue; HRESULT hr;
// Set up a variant for the value itself
// Now that we have the data, call the method
// to set it
return _xRecordInterface->Put( wszValueName, 0, varValue, 0); }
// Function: CPolicyRecord::SetValue
// Purpose: Sets a specific value (column) of a database
// record (row) with a specific value
// Params: wszValueName -- name of value (column) to set
// bValue -- boolean value to which to set it
// Return value: S_OK if successful, other error if not
// Notes:
HRESULT CPolicyRecord::SetValue( WCHAR* wszValueName, BOOL bValue) { CVariant varValue; HRESULT hr;
// Set up a variant for the value itself
// Now that we have the data, call the method
// to set it
return _xRecordInterface->Put( wszValueName, 0, varValue, 0); }
// Function: CPolicyRecord::SetValue
// Purpose: Sets a specific value (column) of a database
// record (row) with a specific value
// Params: wszValueName -- name of value (column) to set
// pTime -- time to which to set the value
// Return value: S_OK if successful, other error if not
// Notes:
HRESULT CPolicyRecord::SetValue( WCHAR* wszValueName, SYSTEMTIME* pTimeValue) { CVariant varValue; HRESULT hr;
// Set up a variant for the value itself
XBStr xTimeString;
hr = SystemTimeToWbemTime( *pTimeValue, xTimeString );
if (FAILED(hr)) { return hr; }
hr = varValue.SetStringValue( xTimeString );
if ( FAILED(hr) ) { return hr; }
// Now that we have the data, call the method
// to set it
return _xRecordInterface->Put( wszValueName, 0, varValue, 0); }
// Function: CPolicyRecord::SetValue
// Purpose: Adds an element to an array value (column)
// of a database record (row) with a specific value
// Params: wszValueName -- name of value (column) to set
// rgwszValues -- string array to which to set this value
// cMaxElements -- number of elements in the array
// Return value: S_OK if successful, S_FALSE if successful
// and the array is now full, error otherwise
// Notes:
HRESULT CPolicyRecord::SetValue( WCHAR* wszValueName, WCHAR** rgwszValues, DWORD cMaxElements) { CVariant varValue; HRESULT hr;
if ( ! cMaxElements ) { return S_OK; }
DWORD iElement;
for (iElement = 0; iElement < cMaxElements; iElement++) { //
// Now set up a variant for the value itself
hr = varValue.SetNextStringArrayElement( rgwszValues[iElement], cMaxElements);
if (FAILED(hr)) { return hr; } }
// We will only write this once we have all the data --
// The set function above will return S_FALSE if the
// array is full, so we check for that below
ASSERT( (S_FALSE == hr) || ! cMaxElements );
// Now that we have all the data, call the method
// to set it
hr = _xRecordInterface->Put( wszValueName, 0, varValue, 0);
return hr; }
// Function: CPolicyRecord::SetValue
// Purpose: Adds an element to an array value (column)
// of a database record (row) with a specific value
// Params: wszValueName -- name of value (column) to set
// rgValues -- LONG array to which to set this value
// cMaxElements -- number of in the array
// Return value: S_OK if successful, S_FALSE if successful
// and the array is now full, error otherwise
// Notes:
HRESULT CPolicyRecord::SetValue( WCHAR* wszValueName, LONG* rgValues, DWORD cMaxElements) { CVariant varValue; HRESULT hr;
if ( ! cMaxElements ) { return S_OK; }
DWORD iElement;
for (iElement = 0; iElement < cMaxElements; iElement++) { //
// Now set up a variant for the value itself
hr = varValue.SetNextLongArrayElement( rgValues[iElement], cMaxElements);
if (FAILED(hr)) { return hr; } }
// We will only write this once we have all the data --
// The set function above will return S_FALSE if the
// array is full, so we check for that below
ASSERT( (S_FALSE == hr) || ! cMaxElements );
// Now that we have all the data, call the method
// to set it
hr = _xRecordInterface->Put( wszValueName, 0, varValue, 0);
return hr; }
// Function: CPolicyRecord::SetValue
// Purpose: Sets a record's value to that of the specified byte array
// Params: wszValueName -- name of value (column) to set
// rgValues -- byte array to which to set this value
// cMaxElements -- number of elements in the array
// Return value: S_OK if successful, S_FALSE if successful
// and the array is now full, error otherwise
// Notes:
HRESULT CPolicyRecord::SetValue( WCHAR* wszValueName, BYTE* rgValues, DWORD cMaxElements) { CVariant varValue; HRESULT hr;
if ( ! cMaxElements ) { return S_OK; }
DWORD iElement;
for (iElement = 0; iElement < cMaxElements; iElement++) { //
// Now set up a variant for the value itself
hr = varValue.SetNextByteArrayElement( rgValues[iElement], cMaxElements);
if (FAILED(hr)) { return hr; } }
// We will only write this once we have all the data --
// The set function above will return S_FALSE if the
// array is full, so we check for that below
ASSERT( (S_FALSE == hr) || ! cMaxElements );
// Now that we have all the data, call the method
// to set it
hr = _xRecordInterface->Put( wszValueName, 0, varValue, 0);
return hr; }
// Function: CPolicyRecord::ClearValue
// Purpose: Sets a value to VT_NULL
// Params: wszValueName -- name of value (column) to set
// Return value: S_OK if successful, error otherwise
// Notes:
HRESULT CPolicyRecord::ClearValue( WCHAR* wszValueName) { CVariant varValue; HRESULT hr;
( (VARIANT*) varValue )->vt = VT_NULL;
// Set this to an empty value by passing it an
// empty variant
hr = _xRecordInterface->Put( wszValueName, 0L, varValue, 0);
return hr; }
// Function: CPolicyRecord::GetValue
// Purpose: Reads the named column of the record into a LONG
// Params: wszValueName -- name of value (column) to get
// pValue -- pointer to LONG for contents of column
// Return value: S_OK if successful, error otherwise
// Notes:
HRESULT CPolicyRecord::GetValue( WCHAR* wszValueName, LONG* pValue) { CVariant varValue; HRESULT hr;
// Now that we have the value name, call the method
// to set it
hr = _xRecordInterface->Get( wszValueName, 0L, (VARIANT*) &varValue, NULL, NULL);
if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { if ( varValue.IsLongValue() ) { *pValue = ((VARIANT*)varValue)->lVal; } else { hr = E_INVALIDARG; } }
return hr; }
// Function: CPolicyRecord::GetValue
// Purpose: Reads the named column of the record into a WCHAR*
// Params: wszValueName -- name of value (column) to get
// pwszValue -- pointer to caller allocated buffer for
// data
// pcchValue -- on success, the length of the string in chars
// written to pwszValue. If the function returns
// S_FALSE, this is the length in chars required to
// write the string including the zero terminator
// Return value: S_OK if successful, S_FALSE if insufficient
// buffer, error otherwise
// Notes:
HRESULT CPolicyRecord::GetValue( WCHAR* wszValueName, WCHAR* wszValue, LONG* pcchValue) { CVariant varValue; HRESULT hr;
// Now that we have the value name, call the method
// to set it
hr = _xRecordInterface->Get( wszValueName, 0L, (VARIANT*) &varValue, NULL, NULL);
if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { if ( varValue.IsStringValue() ) { LONG Required; Required = ( SysStringLen( ((VARIANT*)varValue)->bstrVal ) + 1 );
if ( Required <= *pcchValue ) { hr = StringCchCopy( wszValue, *pcchValue, ((VARIANT*)varValue)->bstrVal ); ASSERT(SUCCEEDED(hr)); } else { *pcchValue = Required; hr = S_FALSE; } } else { hr = E_INVALIDARG; } }
return hr; }
// Function: CPolicyRecord::GetRecordInterface
// Purpose: private method to allow the log class to
// manipulate this record object through the
// record object's encapsulated database record
// interface.
// Params:
// Return value: a database record interface
// Notes: Should never fail unless called in
// inappropriate circumstances (e.g. unit'ed object)
IWbemClassObject* CPolicyRecord::GetRecordInterface() { return _xRecordInterface; }
// Function: CPolicyRecordStatus::CPolicyRecordStatus
// Purpose: constructore for CPolicyRecordStatus
CPolicyRecordStatus::CPolicyRecordStatus() : _SettingStatus( RSOPIgnored ) {}
// Function: CPolicyRecordStatus::SetRsopFailureStatus
// Purpose: set a record's failure status data
// Params: dwStatus -- os error code for the setting represented by this record
// dwEventId -- event log id for the attempt to apply this setting
// Return value: none
// Notes: Does not fail -- should only be called in diagnostic (logging) mode
void CPolicyRecordStatus::SetRsopFailureStatus( DWORD dwStatus, DWORD dwEventId) { SETTINGSTATUS SettingStatus;
// Setting status is based on the error code
SettingStatus = ( ERROR_SUCCESS != dwStatus ) ? RSOPFailed : RSOPApplied;
// Get the current time -- this does not fail
GetSystemTime( &_StatusTime );
// Now set the record's failure status data
_SettingStatus = SettingStatus; _dwEventId = dwEventId; }