// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation 1999 - 2000
// All rights reserved
// variant.hxx
#include "rsop.hxx"
// Function: CVariant::CVariant
// Purpose: Constructor for CVariant class. Initializes the
// storage of the variant data.
// Params: none
// Return value: none
// Notes:
CVariant::CVariant() : _iCurrentArrayIndex(0), _cMaxArrayElements(0) { VariantInit(&_var); }
// Function: CVariant::~CVariant
// Purpose: Denstructor for CVariant class. Frees any data
// allocated to store variant data.
// Params: none
// Return value: none
// Notes:
CVariant::~CVariant() { HRESULT hr;
hr = VariantClear(&_var);
// Function: CVariant::SetStringValue
// Purpose: Sets the type of the variant to VT_BSTR and creates
// a bstr to store the string.
// Params: wszValue -- this unicode string is the value to
// which we want to set this variant
// Return value: returns S_OK if successful, other
// error code if not
// Notes: The variant should not be set to a value after
// this is called -- otherwise, you may lose reference
// to allocated memory -- the value is meant to be set
// only once.
HRESULT CVariant::SetStringValue(WCHAR* wszValue) { XBStr xString;
ASSERT(VT_EMPTY == _var.vt);
xString = wszValue;
if (!xString) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } _var.vt = VT_BSTR; _var.bstrVal = xString.Acquire();
return S_OK; }
// Function: CVariant::SetLongValue
// Purpose: Sets the type of the variant to VT_I4 and creates
// a bstr to store the string.
// Params: lValue -- this LONG value is the value to
// which we want to set this variant
// Return value: returns S_OK if successful, other
// error code if not
// Notes: The variant should not be set to a value after
// this is called -- otherwise, you may lose reference
// to allocated memory -- the value is meant to be set
// only once.
HRESULT CVariant::SetLongValue(LONG lValue) { ASSERT(VT_EMPTY == _var.vt);
_var.vt = VT_I4; _var.lVal = lValue;
return S_OK; }
// Function: CVariant::SetBoolValue
// Purpose: Sets the type of the variant to VT_BOOL and stores the value
// Params: bValue -- this boolean value is the value to
// which we want to set this variant
// Return value: returns S_OK if successful, other
// error code if not
// Notes: The variant should not be set to a value after
// this is called -- otherwise, you may lose reference
// to allocated memory -- the value is meant to be set
// only once.
HRESULT CVariant::SetBoolValue(BOOL bValue) { ASSERT(VT_EMPTY == _var.vt);
_var.vt = VT_BOOL; _var.boolVal = bValue ? VARIANT_TRUE : VARIANT_FALSE;
return S_OK; }
// Function: CVariant::SetNextLongArrayElement
// Purpose: Adds an element in an array of strings to a
// specified string
// Params: Value -- the value to which to add as an element
// cMaxElements (optional) -- the maximum number
// of elements in this array -- must be specified
// the first time this method is called on this object
// Return value: returns S_OK if successful, other
// error code if not
// Notes:
HRESULT CVariant::SetNextLongArrayElement( LONG Value, DWORD cMaxElements) { HRESULT hr; //
// Add the long to the correct index
// in the array
hr = SetNextArrayElement( VT_I4, cMaxElements, &Value);
return hr; }
// Function: CVariant::SetNextStringArrayElement
// Purpose: Adds an element to an array of strings
// Params: wszValue -- the value to which to add as an element
// cMaxElements (optional) -- the maximum number
// of elements in this array -- must be specified
// the first time this method is called on this object
// Return value: returns S_OK if successful, other
// error code if not
// Notes:
HRESULT CVariant::SetNextStringArrayElement( WCHAR* wszValue, DWORD cMaxElements) { HRESULT hr; XBStr xString;
// Create a bstr from the supplied unicode string
xString = wszValue;
if (!xString) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } //
// Now add the unicode string to the correct index
// in the array
hr = SetNextArrayElement( VT_BSTR, cMaxElements, xString);
// If we've succeeded in setting the element, it now
// owns the reference, so we release our reference
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { (void) xString.Acquire(); }
return hr; }
// Function: CVariant::SetNextByteArrayElement
// Purpose: Adds an element in an array of bytes to a byte array
// Params: byteValue -- the value to which to add as an element
// cMaxElements (optional) -- the maximum number
// of elements in this array -- must be specified
// the first time this method is called on this object
// Return value: returns S_OK if successful, other
// error code if not
// Notes:
HRESULT CVariant::SetNextByteArrayElement( BYTE byteValue, DWORD cMaxElements) { HRESULT hr; //
// Add the long to the correct index
// in the array
hr = SetNextArrayElement( VT_UI1, cMaxElements, &byteValue);
return hr; }
// Function: CVariant::IsStringValue
// Purpose: Determines whether this variant represents a string
// Params:
// Return value: returns TRUE if this is a string, FALSE if not
BOOL CVariant::IsStringValue() { return VT_BSTR == _var.vt; }
// Function: CVariant::IsLongValue
// Purpose: Determines whether this variant represents a long
// Params:
// Return value: returns TRUE if this is a long, FALSE if not
BOOL CVariant::IsLongValue() { return VT_I4 == _var.vt; }
// Function: CVariant::operator VARIANT*()
// Purpose: Casts this object into a VARIANT structure pointer
// Params:
// Return value: returns a pointer to a VARIANT structure
// Notes:
CVariant::operator VARIANT*() { return &_var; }
// Function: CVariant::SetNextArrayElement
// Purpose: Adds an element to an array of objects of arbitrary
// type
// Params: wszValue -- the value to which to set the element
// cMaxElements (optional) -- the maximum number
// of elements in this array -- must be specified
// the first time this method is called on this object
// Return value: returns S_OK if successful, other
// error code if not
// Notes:
HRESULT CVariant::SetNextArrayElement( VARTYPE varType, DWORD cMaxElements, LPVOID pvData) { HRESULT hr;
// If this array contains no elements, return the hr
// that lets the caller know that this array is full
if ( 0 == cMaxElements ) { return S_FALSE; }
// The first time this method is called on this object,
// we should allocate space for the array
if ( !_iCurrentArrayIndex ) { ASSERT( cMaxElements ); ASSERT( VT_EMPTY == _var.vt );
// Allocate space for the array with elements
// of the caller specifed type and number
hr = InitializeArray( varType, cMaxElements);
if (FAILED(hr)) { return hr; }
_cMaxArrayElements = cMaxElements; }
ASSERT( ((DWORD) _iCurrentArrayIndex) < _cMaxArrayElements );
// Now add the polymorphic object's IUnknown
// into the array
hr = SafeArrayPutElement( _var.parray, &_iCurrentArrayIndex, pvData);
// If we've filled up the array, return S_FALSE to
// signal that no more elements can be added
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { //
// Increment our cursor into the array to the
// next element
// Check our current index -- if it's the same
// as our maximum, we're full
if ( ((DWORD) _iCurrentArrayIndex) == _cMaxArrayElements) { hr = S_FALSE; } }
return hr; }
// Function: CVariant::InitializeArray
// Purpose: Private method that allocates space for an array
// of a specified size and element type
// Params: varType -- type of elements that will be in the array
// cMaxElements -- the size, in elements, of the array
// Return value: returns ERROR_SUCCESS if successful, other
// win32 error code if not
// Notes:
HRESULT CVariant::InitializeArray( VARTYPE varType, DWORD cMaxElements) { SAFEARRAY* pSafeArray; SAFEARRAYBOUND arrayBound;
// Set the bounds of the array to be zero-based
arrayBound.lLbound = 0; arrayBound.cElements = cMaxElements;
// Allocate the array
pSafeArray = SafeArrayCreate( varType, 1, // 1 dimension
if (!pSafeArray) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
// Set our state to refer to the allocated memory
// with the specified type
_var.vt = VT_ARRAY | varType; _var.parray = pSafeArray;
return S_OK; }