Leaked source code of windows server 2003
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// Debug message types
#define DM_WARNING 0
#define DM_ASSERT 1
#define DM_VERBOSE 2
// Debug macros
#ifdef DBG
#define DEBUGMSG(x) _DebugMsg x
VOID _DebugMsg(UINT mask, PCSTR pszMsg, ...);
#define DMASSERT(x) if (!(x)) \
_DebugMsg(DM_ASSERT,"profmap.dll assertion " #x " failed\n, line %u of %s", __LINE__, TEXT(__FILE__));
#define DEBUGMSG(x)
#define DMASSERT(x)
// userenv.c
#define ARRAYSIZE(a) (sizeof(a)/sizeof(a[0]))
#define ByteCountW(x) (lstrlenW(x) * sizeof(WCHAR))
#define SizeOfStringW(x) ((lstrlenW(x) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR))
#define PROFILE_LIST_PATH TEXT("Software\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\ProfileList")
#define PROFILE_IMAGE_VALUE_NAME TEXT("ProfileImagePath")
#define PROFILE_GUID TEXT("Guid")
#define PROFILE_GUID_PATH TEXT("Software\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\ProfileGuid")
#define WINDOWS_POLICIES_KEY TEXT("Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Policies")
#define ROOT_POLICIES_KEY TEXT("Software\\Policies")
BOOL OurConvertSidToStringSid (PSID Sid, PWSTR *SidString); VOID DeleteSidString (PWSTR SidString);
PACL CreateDefaultAcl (PSID pSid); VOID FreeDefaultAcl (PACL Acl OPTIONAL);
BOOL GetProfileRoot (PSID Sid, PWSTR ProfileDir, UINT cchBuffer); BOOL UpdateProfileSecurity (PSID Sid); BOOL DeleteProfileGuidSettings (HKEY hProfile);
PSID GetUserSid (HANDLE UserToken); VOID DeleteUserSid(PSID Sid);
LONG MyRegLoadKey(HKEY hKey, LPTSTR lpSubKey, LPTSTR lpFile); BOOL MyRegUnLoadKey(HKEY hKey, LPTSTR lpSubKey); BOOL SetupNewHive(LPTSTR lpSidString, PSID pSid); DWORD ApplySecurityToRegistryTree(HKEY RootKey, PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR pSD); BOOL SecureUserKey(LPTSTR lpKey, PSID pSid); LPWSTR ProduceWFromA(LPCSTR pszA); BOOL IsUserAnAdminMember(HANDLE hToken);
VOID RegistrySearchAndReplaceW (HKEY hRoot, PCWSTR szKey, PCWSTR Search, PCWSTR Replace); PWSTR StringSearchAndReplaceW (PCWSTR SourceString, PCWSTR SearchString, PCWSTR ReplaceString, DWORD* pcbNewString);