// Contains the A/W api stubs
// Microsoft Confidential
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation 1995
// All rights reserved
#include "uenv.h"
#include "strsafe.h"
#ifdef UNICODE
// ANSI entry point when this module is compiled Unicode.
BOOL WINAPI LoadUserProfileA (HANDLE hToken, LPPROFILEINFOA lpProfileInfoA) { PROFILEINFOW ProfileInfoW; BOOL bResult;
// Check Parameters
if (!lpProfileInfoA) { DebugMsg((DM_WARNING, TEXT("LoadUserProfileA: NULL lpProfileInfo"))); SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return FALSE; }
if (lpProfileInfoA->dwSize != sizeof(PROFILEINFO)) { DebugMsg((DM_WARNING, TEXT("LoadUserProfileA: lpProfileInfo->dwSize != sizeof(PROFILEINFO)"))); SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return FALSE; }
// Thunk ProfileInfoA to ProfileInfoW
memset(&ProfileInfoW, 0, sizeof(PROFILEINFOW)); ProfileInfoW.dwSize = sizeof(PROFILEINFOW); ProfileInfoW.dwFlags = lpProfileInfoA->dwFlags; ProfileInfoW.lpUserName = ProduceWFromA (lpProfileInfoA->lpUserName); ProfileInfoW.lpProfilePath = ProduceWFromA (lpProfileInfoA->lpProfilePath); ProfileInfoW.lpDefaultPath = ProduceWFromA (lpProfileInfoA->lpDefaultPath); ProfileInfoW.lpServerName = ProduceWFromA (lpProfileInfoA->lpServerName); if (ProfileInfoW.dwFlags & PI_APPLYPOLICY) { ProfileInfoW.lpPolicyPath = ProduceWFromA (lpProfileInfoA->lpPolicyPath); }
// Now call the real LoadUserProfile function.
bResult = LoadUserProfileW (hToken, &ProfileInfoW);
// Free memory allocated above and save the return
// values.
FreeProducedString (ProfileInfoW.lpUserName); FreeProducedString (ProfileInfoW.lpProfilePath); FreeProducedString (ProfileInfoW.lpDefaultPath); FreeProducedString (ProfileInfoW.lpServerName); if (ProfileInfoW.dwFlags & PI_APPLYPOLICY) { FreeProducedString (ProfileInfoW.lpPolicyPath); }
lpProfileInfoA->hProfile = ProfileInfoW.hProfile;
return bResult; }
// Unicode entry point when this module is compiled ANSI.
#endif // UNICODE
#ifdef UNICODE
// ANSI entry point when this module is compiled Unicode.
BOOL WINAPI CreateGroupA (LPCSTR lpGroupName, BOOL bCommonGroup) { LPWSTR lpGroupNameW; BOOL bResult;
// Convert the ANSI string to Unicode and call
// the real function.
if (!(lpGroupNameW = ProduceWFromA (lpGroupName))) { return FALSE; }
bResult = CreateGroupW (lpGroupNameW, bCommonGroup);
FreeProducedString (lpGroupNameW);
return bResult; }
// Unicode entry point when this module is compiled ANSI.
BOOL WINAPI CreateGroupW (LPCWSTR lpGroupName, BOOL bCommonGroup) { SetLastError (ERROR_CALL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED); return FALSE; }
#endif // UNICODE
#ifdef UNICODE
// ANSI entry point when this module is compiled Unicode.
BOOL WINAPI CreateGroupExA(LPCSTR lpGroupName, BOOL bCommonGroup, LPCSTR lpResourceModuleName, UINT iResourceID) { LPWSTR lpGroupNameW; LPWSTR lpResourceModuleNameW; BOOL bResult;
// Convert the ANSI string to Unicode and call
// the real function.
if (!(lpGroupNameW = ProduceWFromA (lpGroupName))) { return FALSE; } if (!(lpResourceModuleNameW = ProduceWFromA (lpResourceModuleName))) { return FALSE; }
bResult = CreateGroupExW (lpGroupNameW, bCommonGroup, lpResourceModuleNameW, iResourceID);
FreeProducedString (lpGroupNameW); FreeProducedString (lpResourceModuleNameW);
return bResult; }
// Unicode entry point when this module is compiled ANSI.
BOOL WINAPI CreateGroupExW(LPCWSTR lpGroupName, BOOL bCommonGroup, LPCWSTR lpResourceModuleName, UINT iResourceID) { SetLastError (ERROR_CALL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED); return FALSE; }
#endif // UNICODE
#ifdef UNICODE
// ANSI entry point when this module is compiled Unicode.
BOOL WINAPI DeleteGroupA (LPCSTR lpGroupName, BOOL bCommonGroup) { LPWSTR lpGroupNameW; BOOL bResult;
// Convert the ANSI string to Unicode and call
// the real function.
if (!(lpGroupNameW = ProduceWFromA (lpGroupName))) { return FALSE; }
bResult = DeleteGroupW (lpGroupNameW, bCommonGroup);
FreeProducedString (lpGroupNameW);
return bResult; }
// Unicode entry point when this module is compiled ANSI.
BOOL WINAPI DeleteGroupW (LPCWSTR lpGroupName, BOOL bCommonGroup) { SetLastError(ERROR_CALL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED); return FALSE; }
#endif // UNICODE
BOOL WINAPI AddItemA (LPCSTR lpGroupName, BOOL bCommonGroup, LPCSTR lpFileName, LPCSTR lpCommandLine, LPCSTR lpIconPath, INT iIconIndex, LPCSTR lpWorkingDirectory, WORD wHotKey, INT iShowCmd) {
return CreateLinkFileA (bCommonGroup ? CSIDL_COMMON_PROGRAMS : CSIDL_PROGRAMS, lpGroupName, lpFileName, lpCommandLine, lpIconPath, iIconIndex, lpWorkingDirectory, wHotKey, iShowCmd, NULL); }
BOOL WINAPI AddItemW (LPCWSTR lpGroupName, BOOL bCommonGroup, LPCWSTR lpFileName, LPCWSTR lpCommandLine, LPCWSTR lpIconPath, int iIconIndex, LPCWSTR lpWorkingDirectory, WORD wHotKey, int iShowCmd) {
return CreateLinkFileW (bCommonGroup ? CSIDL_COMMON_PROGRAMS : CSIDL_PROGRAMS, lpGroupName, lpFileName, lpCommandLine, lpIconPath, iIconIndex, lpWorkingDirectory, wHotKey, iShowCmd, NULL); }
BOOL WINAPI DeleteItemA (LPCSTR lpGroupName, BOOL bCommonGroup, LPCSTR lpFileName, BOOL bDeleteGroup) {
return DeleteLinkFileA (bCommonGroup ? CSIDL_COMMON_PROGRAMS : CSIDL_PROGRAMS, lpGroupName, lpFileName, bDeleteGroup); }
BOOL WINAPI DeleteItemW (LPCWSTR lpGroupName, BOOL bCommonGroup, LPCWSTR lpFileName, BOOL bDeleteGroup) { return DeleteLinkFileW (bCommonGroup ? CSIDL_COMMON_PROGRAMS : CSIDL_PROGRAMS, lpGroupName, lpFileName, bDeleteGroup); }
BOOL WINAPI AddDesktopItemA (BOOL bCommonItem, LPCSTR lpFileName, LPCSTR lpCommandLine, LPCSTR lpIconPath, INT iIconIndex, LPCSTR lpWorkingDirectory, WORD wHotKey, INT iShowCmd)
return CreateLinkFileA (bCommonItem ? CSIDL_COMMON_DESKTOPDIRECTORY : CSIDL_DESKTOPDIRECTORY, NULL, lpFileName, lpCommandLine, lpIconPath, iIconIndex, lpWorkingDirectory, wHotKey, iShowCmd, NULL); }
BOOL WINAPI AddDesktopItemW (BOOL bCommonItem, LPCWSTR lpFileName, LPCWSTR lpCommandLine, LPCWSTR lpIconPath, int iIconIndex, LPCWSTR lpWorkingDirectory, WORD wHotKey, int iShowCmd)
return CreateLinkFileW (bCommonItem ? CSIDL_COMMON_DESKTOPDIRECTORY : CSIDL_DESKTOPDIRECTORY, NULL, lpFileName, lpCommandLine, lpIconPath, iIconIndex, lpWorkingDirectory, wHotKey, iShowCmd, NULL); }
BOOL WINAPI DeleteDesktopItemA (BOOL bCommonItem, LPCSTR lpFileName) { return DeleteLinkFileA (bCommonItem ? CSIDL_COMMON_DESKTOPDIRECTORY : CSIDL_DESKTOPDIRECTORY, NULL, lpFileName, FALSE); }
BOOL WINAPI DeleteDesktopItemW (BOOL bCommonItem, LPCWSTR lpFileName) { return DeleteLinkFileW (bCommonItem ? CSIDL_COMMON_DESKTOPDIRECTORY : CSIDL_DESKTOPDIRECTORY, NULL, lpFileName, FALSE); }
#ifdef UNICODE
// ANSI entry point when this module is compiled Unicode.
BOOL WINAPI CreateLinkFileA (INT csidl, LPCSTR lpSubDirectory, LPCSTR lpFileName, LPCSTR lpCommandLine, LPCSTR lpIconPath, INT iIconIndex, LPCSTR lpWorkingDirectory, WORD wHotKey, INT iShowCmd, LPCSTR lpDescription) { LPWSTR lpSubDirectoryW, lpFileNameW, lpCommandLineW; LPWSTR lpIconPathW, lpWorkingDirectoryW, lpDescriptionW; BOOL bResult;
// Convert the ANSI strings to Unicode and call
// the real function.
lpSubDirectoryW = ProduceWFromA(lpSubDirectory);
if (!(lpFileNameW = ProduceWFromA(lpFileName))) { FreeProducedString(lpSubDirectoryW); return FALSE; }
if (!(lpCommandLineW = ProduceWFromA(lpCommandLine))) { FreeProducedString(lpSubDirectoryW); FreeProducedString(lpFileNameW); return FALSE; }
lpIconPathW = ProduceWFromA(lpIconPath);
lpWorkingDirectoryW = ProduceWFromA(lpWorkingDirectory);
lpDescriptionW = ProduceWFromA(lpDescription);
bResult = CreateLinkFileW(csidl, lpSubDirectoryW, lpFileNameW, lpCommandLineW, lpIconPathW, iIconIndex, lpWorkingDirectoryW, wHotKey, iShowCmd, lpDescriptionW);
FreeProducedString(lpSubDirectoryW); FreeProducedString(lpFileNameW); FreeProducedString(lpCommandLineW); FreeProducedString(lpIconPathW); FreeProducedString(lpWorkingDirectoryW); FreeProducedString(lpDescriptionW);
return bResult; }
// Unicode entry point when this module is compiled ANSI.
BOOL WINAPI CreateLinkFileW (INT csidl, LPCWSTR lpSubDirectory, LPCWSTR lpFileName, LPCWSTR lpCommandLine, LPCWSTR lpIconPath, INT iIconIndex, LPCWSTR lpWorkingDirectory, WORD wHotKey, INT iShowCmd, LPCWSTR lpDescription) { SetLastError(ERROR_CALL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED); return FALSE; }
#endif // UNICODE
#ifdef UNICODE
// ANSI entry point when this module is compiled Unicode.
BOOL WINAPI CreateLinkFileExA (INT csidl, LPCSTR lpSubDirectory, LPCSTR lpFileName, LPCSTR lpCommandLine, LPCSTR lpIconPath, INT iIconIndex, LPCSTR lpWorkingDirectory, WORD wHotKey, INT iShowCmd, LPCSTR lpDescription, LPCSTR lpResourceModuleName, UINT iResourceID) { LPWSTR lpSubDirectoryW, lpFileNameW, lpCommandLineW; LPWSTR lpIconPathW, lpWorkingDirectoryW, lpDescriptionW; LPWSTR lpResourceModuleNameW; BOOL bResult;
// Convert the ANSI strings to Unicode and call
// the real function.
lpSubDirectoryW = ProduceWFromA(lpSubDirectory);
if (!(lpFileNameW = ProduceWFromA(lpFileName))) { FreeProducedString(lpSubDirectoryW); return FALSE; }
if (!(lpCommandLineW = ProduceWFromA(lpCommandLine))) { FreeProducedString(lpSubDirectoryW); FreeProducedString(lpFileNameW); return FALSE; }
lpIconPathW = ProduceWFromA(lpIconPath);
lpWorkingDirectoryW = ProduceWFromA(lpWorkingDirectory);
lpDescriptionW = ProduceWFromA(lpDescription);
lpResourceModuleNameW = ProduceWFromA(lpResourceModuleName);
bResult = CreateLinkFileExW(csidl, lpSubDirectoryW, lpFileNameW, lpCommandLineW, lpIconPathW, iIconIndex, lpWorkingDirectoryW, wHotKey, iShowCmd, lpDescriptionW, lpResourceModuleNameW, iResourceID);
FreeProducedString(lpResourceModuleNameW); FreeProducedString(lpSubDirectoryW); FreeProducedString(lpFileNameW); FreeProducedString(lpCommandLineW); FreeProducedString(lpIconPathW); FreeProducedString(lpWorkingDirectoryW); FreeProducedString(lpDescriptionW);
return bResult; }
// Unicode entry point when this module is compiled ANSI.
BOOL WINAPI CreateLinkFileExW (INT csidl, LPCWSTR lpSubDirectory, LPCWSTR lpFileName, LPCWSTR lpCommandLine, LPCWSTR lpIconPath, INT iIconIndex, LPCWSTR lpWorkingDirectory, WORD wHotKey, INT iShowCmd, LPCWSTR lpDescription, LPCSTR lpResourceModuleName, UINT iResourceID) { SetLastError(ERROR_CALL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED); return FALSE; }
#endif // UNICODE
#ifdef UNICODE
// ANSI entry point when this module is compiled Unicode.
BOOL WINAPI DeleteLinkFileA (INT csidl, LPCSTR lpSubDirectory, LPCSTR lpFileName, BOOL bDeleteSubDirectory) { LPWSTR lpSubDirectoryW, lpFileNameW; BOOL bResult;
// Convert the ANSI strings to Unicode and call
// the real function.
lpSubDirectoryW = ProduceWFromA(lpSubDirectory);
if (!(lpFileNameW = ProduceWFromA(lpFileName))) { FreeProducedString(lpSubDirectoryW); return FALSE; }
bResult = DeleteLinkFileW(csidl, lpSubDirectoryW, lpFileNameW, bDeleteSubDirectory);
FreeProducedString(lpSubDirectoryW); FreeProducedString(lpFileNameW);
return bResult; }
// Unicode entry point when this module is compiled ANSI.
BOOL WINAPI DeleteLinkFileW (INT csidl, LPCWSTR lpSubDirectory, LPCWSTR lpFileName, BOOL bDeleteSubDirectory) { SetLastError(ERROR_CALL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED); return FALSE; }
#endif // UNICODE
#ifdef UNICODE
// ANSI entry point when this module is compiled Unicode.
BOOL WINAPI CreateUserProfileA (PSID pSid, LPCSTR lpUserNameA, LPCSTR lpUserHiveA, LPSTR lpProfileDirA, DWORD dwDirSize) { LPWSTR lpUserNameW, lpUserHiveW, lpProfileDirW = NULL; BOOL bResult;
// Convert the ANSI string to Unicode and call
// the real function.
if (!(lpUserNameW = ProduceWFromA(lpUserNameA))) { return FALSE; }
if (lpProfileDirA) { lpProfileDirW = (LPWSTR) LocalAlloc (LPTR, dwDirSize * sizeof(WCHAR));
if (!lpProfileDirW) { FreeProducedString(lpUserNameW); return FALSE; } }
lpUserHiveW = ProduceWFromA(lpUserHiveA);
bResult = CreateUserProfileW(pSid, lpUserNameW, lpUserHiveW, lpProfileDirW, dwDirSize);
FreeProducedString(lpUserNameW); FreeProducedString(lpUserHiveW);
if (lpProfileDirW) {
if (bResult) {
WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, lpProfileDirW, -1, lpProfileDirA, dwDirSize, NULL, NULL); }
LocalFree (lpProfileDirW); }
return bResult; }
// Unicode entry point when this module is compiled ANSI.
BOOL WINAPI CreateUserProfileW (PSID pSid, LPCWSTR lpUserNameW, LPCWSTR lpUserHiveW, LPWSTR lpProfileDirW, DWORD dwDirSize) { SetLastError(ERROR_CALL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED); return FALSE; }
#endif // UNICODE
#ifdef UNICODE
// ANSI entry point when this module is compiled Unicode.
BOOL WINAPI CreateUserProfileExA (PSID pSid, LPCSTR lpUserNameA, LPCSTR lpUserHiveA, LPSTR lpProfileDirA, DWORD dwDirSize, BOOL bWin9xUpg) { LPWSTR lpUserNameW, lpUserHiveW, lpProfileDirW = NULL; BOOL bResult;
// Convert the ANSI string to Unicode and call
// the real function.
if (!(lpUserNameW = ProduceWFromA(lpUserNameA))) { return FALSE; }
if (lpProfileDirA) { lpProfileDirW = (LPWSTR) LocalAlloc (LPTR, dwDirSize * sizeof(WCHAR));
if (!lpProfileDirW) { FreeProducedString(lpUserNameW); return FALSE; } }
lpUserHiveW = ProduceWFromA(lpUserHiveA);
bResult = CreateUserProfileExW(pSid, lpUserNameW, lpUserHiveW, lpProfileDirW, dwDirSize, bWin9xUpg);
FreeProducedString(lpUserNameW); FreeProducedString(lpUserHiveW);
if (lpProfileDirW) {
if (bResult) {
WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, lpProfileDirW, -1, lpProfileDirA, dwDirSize, NULL, NULL); }
LocalFree (lpProfileDirW); }
return bResult; }
// Unicode entry point when this module is compiled ANSI.
BOOL WINAPI CreateUserProfileExW (PSID pSid, LPCWSTR lpUserNameW, LPCWSTR lpUserHiveW, LPSTR lpProfileDirW, DWORD dwDirSize, BOOL bWin9xUpg) { SetLastError(ERROR_CALL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED); return FALSE; }
#endif // UNICODE
// Stubs for CopyProfileDirectoryA/W
BOOL WINAPI CopyProfileDirectoryA (LPCSTR lpSrcDir, LPCSTR lpDstDir, DWORD dwFlags) { return CopyProfileDirectoryExA (lpSrcDir, lpDstDir, dwFlags, NULL, NULL); }
BOOL WINAPI CopyProfileDirectoryW (LPCWSTR lpSrcDir, LPCWSTR lpDstDir, DWORD dwFlags) { return CopyProfileDirectoryExW (lpSrcDir, lpDstDir, dwFlags, NULL, NULL); }
#ifdef UNICODE
// ANSI entry point when this module is compiled Unicode.
BOOL WINAPI CopyProfileDirectoryExA (LPCSTR lpSrcDirA, LPCSTR lpDstDirA, DWORD dwFlags, LPFILETIME ftDelRefTime, LPCSTR lpExclusionListA) { LPWSTR lpSrcDirW, lpDstDirW, lpExclusionListW = NULL; BOOL bResult;
// Convert the ANSI strings to Unicode and call
// the real function.
if (!(lpSrcDirW = ProduceWFromA(lpSrcDirA))) { return FALSE; }
if (!(lpDstDirW = ProduceWFromA(lpDstDirA))) { FreeProducedString(lpSrcDirW); return FALSE; }
if (dwFlags & CPD_USEEXCLUSIONLIST) { lpExclusionListW = ProduceWFromA(lpExclusionListA); }
bResult = CopyProfileDirectoryExW(lpSrcDirW, lpDstDirW, dwFlags, ftDelRefTime, lpExclusionListW);
FreeProducedString(lpSrcDirW); FreeProducedString(lpDstDirW); FreeProducedString(lpExclusionListW);
return bResult; }
// Unicode entry point when this module is compiled ANSI.
BOOL WINAPI CopyProfileDirectoryExW (LPCWSTR lpSrcDirW, LPCWSTR lpDstDirW, DWORD dwFlags, LPFILETIME ftDelRefTime, LPCWSTR lpExclusionListW) { SetLastError(ERROR_CALL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED); return FALSE; }
#endif // UNICODE
#ifdef UNICODE
// ANSI entry point when this module is compiled Unicode.
BOOL WINAPI GetProfilesDirectoryA (LPSTR lpProfilesDirA, LPDWORD lpcchSize) { LPWSTR lpProfilesDirW; BOOL bResult; DWORD cchOrgSize, cchReq;
if (!lpProfilesDirA) { DebugMsg((DM_WARNING, TEXT("GetProfilesDirectoryA : lpProfilesDirA is null"))); SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return FALSE; }
if (!lpcchSize) { DebugMsg((DM_WARNING, TEXT("GetProfilesDirectoryA : lpcchSize is null"))); SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return FALSE; }
// Allocate a buffer to match the ANSI buffer
if (!(lpProfilesDirW = GlobalAlloc(GPTR, (*lpcchSize) * sizeof(TCHAR)))) { return FALSE; }
cchOrgSize = *lpcchSize; // Store the original size passed to the function
bResult = GetProfilesDirectoryW(lpProfilesDirW, lpcchSize);
if (bResult) { cchReq = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, lpProfilesDirW, -1, lpProfilesDirA, 0, NULL, NULL); *lpcchSize = cchReq; if (cchReq > cchOrgSize) { bResult = FALSE; } else { bResult = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, lpProfilesDirW, -1, lpProfilesDirA, *lpcchSize, NULL, NULL); } }
return bResult; }
// Unicode entry point when this module is compiled ANSI.
BOOL WINAPI GetProfilesDirectoryW (LPWSTR lpProfilesDirW, LPDWORD lpcchSize) { SetLastError(ERROR_CALL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED); return FALSE; }
#endif // UNICODE
#ifdef UNICODE
// ANSI entry point when this module is compiled Unicode.
BOOL WINAPI GetDefaultUserProfileDirectoryA (LPSTR lpProfileDirA, LPDWORD lpcchSize) { LPWSTR lpProfileDirW; BOOL bResult; DWORD cchOrgSize, cchReq;
if (!lpProfileDirA) { DebugMsg((DM_WARNING, TEXT("GetDefaultUserProfileDirectoryA : lpProfileDirA is null"))); SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return FALSE; }
if (!lpcchSize) { DebugMsg((DM_WARNING, TEXT("GetDefaultUserProfileDirectoryA : lpcchSize is null"))); SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return FALSE; }
// Allocate a buffer to match the ANSI buffer
if (!(lpProfileDirW = GlobalAlloc(GPTR, (*lpcchSize) * sizeof(TCHAR)))) { return FALSE; }
cchOrgSize = *lpcchSize; // Store the original size passed to the function
bResult = GetDefaultUserProfileDirectoryW(lpProfileDirW, lpcchSize);
if (bResult) { cchReq = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, lpProfileDirW, -1, lpProfileDirA, 0, NULL, NULL); *lpcchSize = cchReq; if (cchReq > cchOrgSize) { bResult = FALSE; } else { bResult = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, lpProfileDirW, -1, lpProfileDirA, *lpcchSize, NULL, NULL); } }
return bResult; }
// Unicode entry point when this module is compiled ANSI.
BOOL WINAPI GetDefaultUserProfileDirectoryW (LPWSTR lpProfileDirW, LPDWORD lpcchSize) { SetLastError(ERROR_CALL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED); return FALSE; }
#endif // UNICODE
#ifdef UNICODE
// ANSI entry point when this module is compiled Unicode.
BOOL WINAPI GetAllUsersProfileDirectoryA (LPSTR lpProfileDirA, LPDWORD lpcchSize) { LPWSTR lpProfileDirW; BOOL bResult; DWORD cchOrgSize, cchReq;
if (!lpProfileDirA) { DebugMsg((DM_WARNING, TEXT("GetAllUsersProfileDirectoryA : lpProfileDirA is null"))); SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return FALSE; }
if (!lpcchSize) { DebugMsg((DM_WARNING, TEXT("GetAllUsersProfileDirectoryA : lpcchSize is null"))); SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return FALSE; }
// Allocate a buffer to match the ANSI buffer
if (!(lpProfileDirW = GlobalAlloc(GPTR, (*lpcchSize) * sizeof(TCHAR)))) { return FALSE; }
cchOrgSize = *lpcchSize; // Store the original size passed to the function
bResult = GetAllUsersProfileDirectoryW(lpProfileDirW, lpcchSize);
if (bResult) { cchReq = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, lpProfileDirW, -1, lpProfileDirA, 0, NULL, NULL); *lpcchSize = cchReq; if (cchReq > cchOrgSize) { bResult = FALSE; } else { bResult = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, lpProfileDirW, -1, lpProfileDirA, *lpcchSize, NULL, NULL); } }
return bResult; }
// Unicode entry point when this module is compiled ANSI.
BOOL WINAPI GetAllUsersProfileDirectoryW (LPWSTR lpProfileDirW, LPDWORD lpcchSize) { SetLastError(ERROR_CALL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED); return FALSE; }
#endif // UNICODE
#ifdef UNICODE
// ANSI entry point when this module is compiled Unicode.
BOOL WINAPI GetUserProfileDirectoryA (HANDLE hToken, LPSTR lpProfileDirA, LPDWORD lpcchSize) { LPWSTR lpProfileDirW; BOOL bResult; DWORD cchOrgSize, cchReq;
if (!lpProfileDirA) { DebugMsg((DM_WARNING, TEXT("GetUserProfileDirectoryA : lpProfileDirA is null"))); SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return FALSE; }
if (!lpcchSize) { DebugMsg((DM_WARNING, TEXT("GetUserProfileDirectoryA : lpcchSize is null"))); SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return FALSE; }
// Allocate a buffer to match the ANSI buffer
if (!(lpProfileDirW = GlobalAlloc(GPTR, (*lpcchSize) * sizeof(TCHAR)))) { return FALSE; }
cchOrgSize = *lpcchSize; // Store the original size passed to the function
bResult = GetUserProfileDirectoryW(hToken, lpProfileDirW, lpcchSize);
if (bResult) { cchReq = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, lpProfileDirW, -1, lpProfileDirA, 0, NULL, NULL); *lpcchSize = cchReq; if (cchReq > cchOrgSize) { bResult = FALSE; } else { bResult = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, lpProfileDirW, -1, lpProfileDirA, *lpcchSize, NULL, NULL); } }
return bResult; }
// Unicode entry point when this module is compiled ANSI.
BOOL WINAPI GetUserProfileDirectoryW (HANDLE hToken, LPWSTR lpProfileDirW, LPDWORD lpcchSize) { SetLastError(ERROR_CALL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED); return FALSE; }
#endif // UNICODE
#ifdef UNICODE
// ANSI entry point when this module is compiled Unicode.
BOOL WINAPI GetUserProfileDirFromSidA (PSID pSid, LPSTR lpProfileDirA, LPDWORD lpcchSize) { LPWSTR lpProfileDirW; BOOL bResult; DWORD cchOrgSize, cchReq;
if (!lpProfileDirA) { DebugMsg((DM_WARNING, TEXT("GetUserProfileDirFromSidA : lpProfileDirA is null"))); SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return FALSE; }
if (!lpcchSize) { DebugMsg((DM_WARNING, TEXT("GetUserProfileDirFromSidA : lpcchSize is null"))); SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return FALSE; }
// Allocate a buffer to match the ANSI buffer
if (!(lpProfileDirW = GlobalAlloc(GPTR, (*lpcchSize) * sizeof(TCHAR)))) { return FALSE; }
cchOrgSize = *lpcchSize; // Store the original size passed to the function
bResult = GetUserProfileDirFromSidW(pSid, lpProfileDirW, lpcchSize);
if (bResult) { cchReq = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, lpProfileDirW, -1, lpProfileDirA, 0, NULL, NULL); *lpcchSize = cchReq; if (cchReq > cchOrgSize) { bResult = FALSE; } else { bResult = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, lpProfileDirW, -1, lpProfileDirA, *lpcchSize, NULL, NULL); } }
return bResult; }
// Unicode entry point when this module is compiled ANSI.
BOOL WINAPI GetUserProfileDirFromSidW (PSID pSid, LPWSTR lpProfileDirW, LPDWORD lpcchSize) { SetLastError(ERROR_CALL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED); return FALSE; }
#endif // UNICODE
#ifdef UNICODE
// ANSI entry point when this module is compiled Unicode.
BOOL WINAPI ExpandEnvironmentStringsForUserA (HANDLE hToken, LPCSTR lpSrcA, LPSTR lpDestA, DWORD dwSize) { LPWSTR lpSrcW, lpDestW; BOOL bResult;
if (!lpDestA) { DebugMsg((DM_WARNING, TEXT("ExpandEnvironmentStringsForUserA : lpDestA is null"))); SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return FALSE; }
// Convert the ANSI strings to Unicode and call
// the real function.
if (!(lpSrcW = ProduceWFromA(lpSrcA))) { DebugMsg((DM_WARNING, TEXT("ExpandEnvircallonmentStringsForUserA : lpSrcA is null"))); SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return FALSE; }
// Allocate a buffer to match the ANSI buffer
if (!(lpDestW = GlobalAlloc(GPTR, dwSize * sizeof(TCHAR)))) { FreeProducedString(lpSrcW); return FALSE; }
bResult = ExpandEnvironmentStringsForUserW(hToken, lpSrcW, lpDestW, dwSize);
if (bResult) { bResult = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, lpDestW, -1, lpDestA, dwSize, NULL, NULL); }
GlobalFree(lpDestW); FreeProducedString(lpSrcW);
return bResult; }
// Unicode entry point when this module is compiled ANSI.
BOOL WINAPI ExpandEnvironmentStringsForUserW (HANDLE hToken, LPCWSTR lpSrcW, LPWSTR lpDestW, DWORD dwSize) { SetLastError(ERROR_CALL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED); return FALSE; }
#endif // UNICODE
#ifdef UNICODE
// ANSI entry point when this module is compiled Unicode.
BOOL WINAPI GetSystemTempDirectoryA (LPSTR lpDirA, LPDWORD lpcchSize) { LPWSTR lpDirW; BOOL bResult; DWORD cchOrgSize, cchReq;
if (!lpcchSize) { DebugMsg((DM_WARNING, TEXT("GetSystemTempDirectoryA : lpcchSize is null"))); SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return FALSE; }
// Allocate a buffer to match the ANSI buffer
if (!(lpDirW = GlobalAlloc (GPTR, (*lpcchSize) * sizeof(TCHAR)))) { return FALSE; }
cchOrgSize = *lpcchSize; // Store the original size passed to the function
bResult = GetSystemTempDirectoryW (lpDirW, lpcchSize);
if (bResult) { cchReq = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, lpDirW, -1, lpDirA, 0, NULL, NULL); *lpcchSize = cchReq; if (cchReq > cchOrgSize) { bResult = FALSE; } else { WideCharToMultiByte (CP_ACP, 0, lpDirW, -1, lpDirA, *lpcchSize, NULL, NULL); } }
GlobalFree (lpDirW);
return bResult; }
// Unicode entry point when this module is compiled ANSI.
BOOL WINAPI GetSystemTempDirectoryW (LPWSTR lpDirW, LPDWORD lpcchSize) { SetLastError (ERROR_CALL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED); return FALSE; }
#endif // UNICODE
#ifdef UNICODE
// ANSI entry point when this module is compiled Unicode.
while (pGPO) {
// Build an ANSI structure for this entry
lpDSPathA = ProduceAFromW(pGPO->lpDSPath); lpFileSysPathA = ProduceAFromW(pGPO->lpFileSysPath); lpDisplayNameA = ProduceAFromW(pGPO->lpDisplayName); lpExtensionsA = ProduceAFromW( pGPO->lpExtensions ); lpLinkA = ProduceAFromW( pGPO->lpLink );
// Calculate the size of the new GPO item
dwSize = sizeof (GROUP_POLICY_OBJECTA);
if (lpDSPathA) { dwSize += (lstrlenA(lpDSPathA) + 1); }
if (lpFileSysPathA) { dwSize += (lstrlenA(lpFileSysPathA) + 1); }
if (lpDisplayNameA) { dwSize += (lstrlenA(lpDisplayNameA) + 1); }
if (lpExtensionsA) { dwSize += (lstrlenA(lpExtensionsA) + 1); }
if (lpLinkA) { dwSize += (lstrlenA(lpLinkA) + 1); }
// Allocate space for it
pNew = (PGROUP_POLICY_OBJECTA) LocalAlloc (LPTR, dwSize);
if (!pNew) { DebugMsg((DM_WARNING, TEXT("ConvertGPOListWToA: Failed to allocate memory with %d"), GetLastError())); FreeProducedString(lpDSPathA); FreeProducedString(lpFileSysPathA); FreeProducedString(lpDisplayNameA); FreeProducedString(lpExtensionsA); FreeProducedString(lpLinkA); FreeGPOListW (pGPOListW); return FALSE; }
// Fill in item
pNew->dwOptions = pGPO->dwOptions; pNew->dwVersion = pGPO->dwVersion;
if (lpDSPathA) { pNew->lpDSPath = (LPSTR)(((LPBYTE)pNew) + sizeof(GROUP_POLICY_OBJECTA)); (void) StringCchCopyA(pNew->lpDSPath, lstrlenA(lpDSPathA)+1, lpDSPathA); }
if (lpFileSysPathA) { if (lpDSPathA) { pNew->lpFileSysPath = pNew->lpDSPath + lstrlenA (pNew->lpDSPath) + 1; } else { pNew->lpFileSysPath = (LPSTR)(((LPBYTE)pNew) + sizeof(GROUP_POLICY_OBJECTA)); }
(void) StringCchCopyA(pNew->lpFileSysPath, lstrlenA(lpFileSysPathA)+1, lpFileSysPathA); }
if (lpDisplayNameA) { if (lpFileSysPathA) { pNew->lpDisplayName = pNew->lpFileSysPath + lstrlenA (pNew->lpFileSysPath) + 1; } else {
if (lpDSPathA) { pNew->lpDisplayName = pNew->lpDSPath + lstrlenA (pNew->lpDSPath) + 1; } else { pNew->lpDisplayName = (LPSTR)(((LPBYTE)pNew) + sizeof(GROUP_POLICY_OBJECTA)); } }
(void) StringCchCopyA(pNew->lpDisplayName, lstrlenA(lpDisplayNameA)+1, lpDisplayNameA); }
if (lpExtensionsA) { if (lpDisplayNameA) { pNew->lpExtensions = pNew->lpDisplayName + lstrlenA(pNew->lpDisplayName) + 1; } else {
if (lpFileSysPathA) { pNew->lpExtensions = pNew->lpFileSysPath + lstrlenA(pNew->lpFileSysPath) + 1; } else {
if (lpDSPathA) { pNew->lpExtensions = pNew->lpDSPath + lstrlenA(pNew->lpDSPath) + 1; } else { pNew->lpExtensions = (LPSTR)(((LPBYTE)pNew) + sizeof(GROUP_POLICY_OBJECTA)); }
} }
(void)StringCchCopyA( pNew->lpExtensions, lstrlenA(lpExtensionsA)+1, lpExtensionsA ); }
if (lpLinkA) {
if (lpExtensionsA) { pNew->lpLink = pNew->lpExtensions + lstrlenA(pNew->lpExtensions) + 1; } else {
if (lpDisplayNameA) { pNew->lpLink = pNew->lpDisplayName + lstrlenA(pNew->lpDisplayName) + 1; } else {
if (lpFileSysPathA) { pNew->lpLink = pNew->lpFileSysPath + lstrlenA(pNew->lpFileSysPath) + 1; } else {
if (lpDSPathA) { pNew->lpLink = pNew->lpDSPath + lstrlenA(pNew->lpDSPath) + 1; } else { pNew->lpLink = (LPSTR)(((LPBYTE)pNew) + sizeof(GROUP_POLICY_OBJECTA)); } } } }
(void) StringCchCopyA( pNew->lpLink, lstrlenA(lpLinkA)+1, lpLinkA ); }
WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, pGPO->szGPOName, -1, pNew->szGPOName, 50, NULL, NULL);
pNew->GPOLink = pGPO->GPOLink; pNew->lParam = pGPO->lParam;
// Add it to the ANSI link list
if (pGPOTempA) {
pTemp = pGPOTempA;
while (pTemp->pNext != NULL) { pTemp = pTemp->pNext; }
pTemp->pNext = pNew; pNew->pPrev = pTemp;
} else {
pGPOTempA = pNew; }
FreeProducedString(lpDSPathA); FreeProducedString(lpFileSysPathA); FreeProducedString(lpDisplayNameA); FreeProducedString(lpExtensionsA); FreeProducedString(lpLinkA);
pGPO = pGPO->pNext; }
*pGPOListA = pGPOTempA;
FreeGPOListW (pGPOListW);
return TRUE; }
if (!pGPOListA) { DebugMsg((DM_WARNING, TEXT("GetGPOListA: pGPOList is null"))); SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return FALSE; }
lpNameW = ProduceWFromA(lpNameA); lpHostNameW = ProduceWFromA(lpHostNameA); lpComputerNameW = ProduceWFromA(lpComputerNameA);
bResult = GetGPOListW (hToken, lpNameW, lpHostNameW, lpComputerNameW, dwFlags, &pGPOListW);
FreeProducedString(lpNameW); FreeProducedString(lpHostNameW); FreeProducedString(lpComputerNameW);
if (bResult) { bResult = ConvertGPOListWToA( pGPOListW, pGPOListA ); }
return bResult; }
// Unicode entry point when this module is compiled ANSI.
#endif // UNICODE
#ifdef UNICODE
// ANSI entry point when this module is compiled Unicode.
while (pGPOListA) { pGPOTemp = pGPOListA->pNext; LocalFree (pGPOListA); pGPOListA = pGPOTemp; }
return TRUE; }
// Unicode entry point when this module is compiled ANSI.
#endif // UNICODE
#ifdef UNICODE
// ANSI entry point when this module is compiled Unicode.
BOOL WINAPI ApplySystemPolicyA (DWORD dwFlags, HANDLE hToken, HKEY hKeyCurrentUser, LPCSTR lpUserNameA, LPCSTR lpPolicyPathA, LPCSTR lpServerNameA) { LPWSTR lpUserNameW, lpPolicyPathW, lpServerNameW; BOOL bResult;
// Convert the ANSI strings to Unicode and call
// the real function.
if (!(lpUserNameW = ProduceWFromA(lpUserNameA))) { return FALSE; }
lpPolicyPathW = ProduceWFromA(lpPolicyPathA); lpServerNameW = ProduceWFromA(lpServerNameA);
bResult = ApplySystemPolicyW(dwFlags, hToken, hKeyCurrentUser, lpUserNameW, lpPolicyPathW, lpServerNameW);
FreeProducedString(lpServerNameW); FreeProducedString(lpPolicyPathW); FreeProducedString(lpUserNameW);
return bResult; }
// Unicode entry point when this module is compiled ANSI.
BOOL WINAPI ApplySystemPolicyW (DWORD dwFlags, HANDLE hToken, HKEY hKeyCurrentUser, LPCWSTR lpUserNameW, LPCWSTR lpPolicyPathW, LPCWSTR lpServerNameW) { SetLastError(ERROR_CALL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED); return FALSE; }
#endif // UNICODE
#ifdef UNICODE
// ANSI entry point when this module is compiled Unicode.
if (!pGPOListA || !pGuidExtension) { DebugMsg((DM_WARNING, TEXT("GetAppliedGPOListA: pGPOList or pGuidExtension is null"))); return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
pMachineNameW = ProduceWFromA(pMachineNameA);
dwRet = GetAppliedGPOListW ( dwFlags, pMachineNameW, pSidUser, pGuidExtension, &pGPOListW);
if ( dwRet == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { BOOL bResult = ConvertGPOListWToA( pGPOListW, pGPOListA ); dwRet = bResult ? ERROR_SUCCESS : E_FAIL; }
return dwRet; }
// Unicode entry point when this module is compiled ANSI.
#endif // UNICODE
#ifdef UNICODE
// ANSI entry point when this module is compiled Unicode.
BOOL WINAPI DeleteProfileA ( LPCSTR lpSidStringA, LPCSTR lpProfilePathA, LPCSTR lpComputerNameA) { LPWSTR pSidStringW; LPWSTR pProfilePathW; LPWSTR pComputerNameW; BOOL dwRet;
if (!lpSidStringA) { DebugMsg((DM_WARNING, TEXT("DeleteProfileA: lpSidString is null"))); SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return FALSE; }
if (!(pSidStringW = ProduceWFromA(lpSidStringA))) { return FALSE; }
if (lpProfilePathA) { if (!(pProfilePathW = ProduceWFromA(lpProfilePathA))) { FreeProducedString(pSidStringW); return FALSE; } } else { pProfilePathW = NULL; }
if (lpComputerNameA) { if (!(pComputerNameW = ProduceWFromA(lpComputerNameA))) { FreeProducedString(pSidStringW); FreeProducedString(pProfilePathW); return FALSE; } } else { pComputerNameW = NULL; }
dwRet = DeleteProfileW ( pSidStringW, pProfilePathW, pComputerNameW);
if (pProfilePathW) FreeProducedString(pProfilePathW);
if (pComputerNameW) FreeProducedString(pComputerNameW);
return dwRet; }
// Unicode entry point when this module is compiled ANSI.
BOOL WINAPI DeleteProfileW ( LPWSTR lpSidStringW, LPWSTR lpProfilePathW, HKEY hKeyLM) { return ERROR_CALL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; }
#endif // UNICODE
#ifdef UNICODE
// ANSI entry point when this module is compiled Unicode.
DWORD WINAPI GetUserAppDataPathA (HANDLE hToken, BOOL fLocalAppData, LPSTR lpFolderPathA) { LPWSTR lpFolderPathW; BOOL bResult; DWORD dwError = ERROR_SUCCESS, cchReq;
if (!lpFolderPathA) { DebugMsg((DM_WARNING, TEXT("GetUserAppDataPathA : lpFolderPathA is null"))); SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } else { *lpFolderPathA = TEXT('\0'); }
// Allocate a buffer to match the ANSI buffer
if (!(lpFolderPathW = GlobalAlloc(GPTR, (MAX_PATH) * sizeof(TCHAR)))) { SetLastError(ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY); return ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; }
dwError = GetUserAppDataPathW(hToken, fLocalAppData, lpFolderPathW);
if (dwError == ERROR_SUCCESS) { cchReq = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, lpFolderPathW, -1, lpFolderPathA, 0, NULL, NULL); if (cchReq > MAX_PATH) { dwError = ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER; } else { bResult = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, lpFolderPathW, -1, lpFolderPathA, MAX_PATH, NULL, NULL); } }
SetLastError(dwError); return dwError; }
// Unicode entry point when this module is compiled ANSI.
#endif // UNICODE