// Microsoft Confidential
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation 2000
// All rights reserved
// WMI interfae class
// History: 10-Mar-00 SitaramR Created
#include "uenv.h"
#include "locator.h"
extern CDebug CDbgCommon;
// CLocator::GetWbemLocator
// Purpose: Returns the WbemLocator pointer
IWbemLocator *CLocator::GetWbemLocator() { XLastError xe;
if ( m_xpWbemLocator == NULL ) {
OLE32_API *pOle32Api = LoadOle32Api(); if ( pOle32Api == NULL ) { dbgCommon.Msg( DEBUG_MESSAGE_WARNING, TEXT("CLocator::GetWbemLocator: Load of ole32.dll failed") ); xe = GetLastError(); return NULL; }
HRESULT hr = pOle32Api->pfnCoCreateInstance(CLSID_WbemLocator, 0, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IWbemLocator, (LPVOID *) &m_xpWbemLocator); if(FAILED(hr)) { dbgCommon.Msg( DEBUG_MESSAGE_WARNING, TEXT("CLocator::GetWbemLocator: CoCreateInstance failed with 0x%x"), hr ); xe = hr; return NULL; } }
return m_xpWbemLocator; }
// CLocator::GetPolicyConnection
// Purpose: Returns the WbemServices ptr to root\policy
IWbemServices *CLocator::GetPolicyConnection() { XLastError xe;
if ( m_xpPolicyConnection == NULL ) {
IWbemLocator *pWbemLocator = GetWbemLocator(); if ( pWbemLocator == NULL ) { xe = GetLastError(); return NULL; } XBStr xbstrNamespace = L"\\\\.\\Root\\policy";
if(!xbstrNamespace) { dbgCommon.Msg( DEBUG_MESSAGE_WARNING, TEXT("CLocator::GetPolicyConnection: Failed to allocate memory") ); xe = GetLastError(); return NULL; }
HRESULT hr = pWbemLocator->ConnectServer(xbstrNamespace, NULL, NULL, 0L, 0L, NULL, NULL, &m_xpPolicyConnection); if(FAILED(hr)) { dbgCommon.Msg( DEBUG_MESSAGE_WARNING, TEXT("CLocator::GetPolicyConnection: ConnectServer failed with 0x%x"), hr ); xe = hr; return NULL; }
if (FAILED(hr)) { dbgCommon.Msg( DEBUG_MESSAGE_WARNING, TEXT("CLocator::GetPolicyConnection: CoSetProxyBlanket failed with 0x%x"), hr ); xe = hr; m_xpPolicyConnection = NULL; return NULL; } }
return m_xpPolicyConnection; }
// CLocator::GetUserConnection
// Purpose: Returns the WbemServices ptr to root\User
IWbemServices *CLocator::GetUserConnection() { if ( m_xpUserConnection == NULL ) {
IWbemLocator *pWbemLocator = GetWbemLocator(); if ( pWbemLocator == NULL ) return NULL;
XBStr xbstrNamespace = L"root\\User";
if(!xbstrNamespace) { dbgCommon.Msg( DEBUG_MESSAGE_WARNING, TEXT("CLocator::GetUserConnection: Failed to allocate memory") ); return NULL; }
HRESULT hr = pWbemLocator->ConnectServer(xbstrNamespace, NULL, NULL, 0L, 0L, NULL, NULL, &m_xpUserConnection); if(FAILED(hr)) { dbgCommon.Msg( DEBUG_MESSAGE_WARNING, TEXT("CLocator::GetUserConnection: ConnectServer failed with 0x%x"), hr ); return NULL; } }
return m_xpUserConnection; }
// CLocator::GetMachConnection
// Purpose: Returns the WbemServices ptr to root\Mach
IWbemServices *CLocator::GetMachConnection() { if ( m_xpMachConnection == NULL ) {
IWbemLocator *pWbemLocator = GetWbemLocator(); if ( pWbemLocator == NULL ) return NULL;
XBStr xbstrNamespace = L"root\\Computer";
if(!xbstrNamespace) { dbgCommon.Msg( DEBUG_MESSAGE_WARNING, TEXT("CLocator::GetMachConnection: Failed to allocate memory") ); return NULL; }
HRESULT hr = pWbemLocator->ConnectServer(xbstrNamespace, NULL, NULL, 0L, 0L, NULL, NULL, &m_xpMachConnection); if(FAILED(hr)) { dbgCommon.Msg( DEBUG_MESSAGE_WARNING, TEXT("CLocator::GetMachConnection: ConnectServer failed with 0x%x"), hr ); return NULL; } }
return m_xpMachConnection; }