/**********************************************************************/ /** Microsoft Passport **/ /** Copyright(c) Microsoft Corporation, 1999 - 2001 **/ /**********************************************************************/
ppnotificationthread.h implement the methods runing a separte thread watching for registry changes, and timer for CCD refresh
#include <windows.h>
#include <winbase.h>
#include <atlbase.h>
#include <msxml.h>
#include "tstring"
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
#include "PassportThread.hpp"
#include "PassportLock.hpp"
#include "PassportEvent.hpp"
#include "PassportLockedInteger.hpp"
#include "nexus.h"
//� Notification types used in structure below
#define NOTIF_CONFIG 1
#define NOTIF_CCD 2
// NOTIFICATION_CLIENT -- notification client
typedef struct { DWORD dwNotificationType; union { IConfigurationUpdate* piConfigUpdate; ICCDUpdate* piCCDUpdate; } NotificationInterface; tstring strCCDName; //� Will be empty for config notif types
// CCD_INFO -- CCD timer element
class CCD_INFO { public: tstring strCCDName; tstring strCCDURL; tstring strCCDLocalFile; DWORD dwCCDRefreshInterval; DWORD dwDefaultRefreshInterval; HANDLE hCCDTimer;
CCD_INFO() { strCCDName = TEXT(""); strCCDURL = TEXT(""); strCCDLocalFile = TEXT(""); dwCCDRefreshInterval = 0; dwDefaultRefreshInterval= 0; hCCDTimer = CreateWaitableTimer(NULL, TRUE, NULL); };
CCD_INFO(const CCD_INFO& ci) { strCCDName = ci.strCCDName; strCCDURL = ci.strCCDURL; strCCDLocalFile = ci.strCCDLocalFile; dwCCDRefreshInterval = ci.dwCCDRefreshInterval; dwDefaultRefreshInterval= ci.dwDefaultRefreshInterval;
HANDLE hProcess = GetCurrentProcess(); DuplicateHandle(hProcess, ci.hCCDTimer, hProcess, &hCCDTimer, 0, FALSE, DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS); };
~CCD_INFO() { CloseHandle(hCCDTimer); }
const CCD_INFO& operator = (const CCD_INFO& ci) { strCCDName = ci.strCCDName; strCCDURL = ci.strCCDURL; strCCDLocalFile = ci.strCCDLocalFile; dwCCDRefreshInterval = ci.dwCCDRefreshInterval; dwDefaultRefreshInterval= ci.dwDefaultRefreshInterval;
HANDLE hProcess = GetCurrentProcess(); DuplicateHandle(hProcess, ci.hCCDTimer, hProcess, &hCCDTimer, 0, FALSE, DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS);
return ci; }
BOOL SetTimer(DWORD dwOneTimeRefreshInterval = 0xFFFFFFFF) { // Reset the timer.
LARGE_INTEGER liDueTime; DWORD dwError; DWORD dwRefreshInterval = (dwOneTimeRefreshInterval != 0xFFFFFFFF ? dwOneTimeRefreshInterval : (dwCCDRefreshInterval != 0xFFFFFFFF ? dwCCDRefreshInterval : dwDefaultRefreshInterval ) );
liDueTime.QuadPart = -((LONGLONG)(dwRefreshInterval) * 10000000);
if(!SetWaitableTimer(hCCDTimer, &liDueTime, 0, NULL, NULL, FALSE)) { dwError = GetLastError(); return FALSE; }
return TRUE; } };
typedef vector<CCD_INFO> CCD_INFO_LIST;
// PpNotificationThread -- notification thread
class PpNotificationThread : public PassportThread, public IConfigurationUpdate { public:
PpNotificationThread(); ~PpNotificationThread();
HRESULT AddCCDClient(tstring& strCCDName, ICCDUpdate* piUpdate, HANDLE* phClientHandle); HRESULT AddLocalConfigClient(IConfigurationUpdate* piUpdate, HANDLE* phClientHandle); HRESULT RemoveClient(HANDLE hClientHandle); HRESULT GetCCD(tstring& strCCDName, IXMLDocument** ppiStream, BOOL bForceFetch = TRUE);
void run(void);
void LocalConfigurationUpdated(void);
void stop(void);
bool start(void);
private: static PassportLockedInteger m_NextHandle;
// Private methods.
BOOL GetCCDInfo(tstring& strCCDName, CCD_INFO& ccdInfo); BOOL ReadCCDInfo(tstring& strCCDName, DWORD dwDefaultRefreshInterval, CRegKey& CCDRegKey);
// Private data
CLIENT_LIST m_ClientList; PassportLock m_ClientListLock;
CCD_INFO_LIST m_aciCCDInfoList; PassportLock m_CCDInfoLock; PassportEvent m_StartupThread; PassportEvent m_ShutdownThread; PassportEvent m_ShutdownAck; };