/**********************************************************************/ /** Microsoft Passport **/ /** Copyright(c) Microsoft Corporation, 1999 - 2001 **/ /**********************************************************************/
// PassportConfiguration.cpp: implementation of the CPassportConfiguration class.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "PassportConfiguration.h"
#include <time.h>
#include "passportguard.hpp"
extern BOOL g_bRegistering;
// Construction/Destruction
// CPassportConfiguration
CPassportConfiguration::CPassportConfiguration() : m_rDefault(NULL), m_n(NULL), m_rlastDefault(NULL), m_nlast(NULL), m_lastAttempt(0), m_ConfigMap(NULL), m_lastConfigMap(NULL), m_rPending(NULL), m_nPending(NULL), m_bUpdateInProgress(false), m_ConfigMapPending(NULL) { m_nUpdate = RegisterCCDUpdateNotification(_T(PRCONFIG), this); m_rUpdate = RegisterConfigChangeNotification(this); }
// ~CPassportConfiguration
CPassportConfiguration::~CPassportConfiguration() { REGCONFIGMAP::iterator it;
if (m_nUpdate) UnregisterCCDUpdateNotification(m_nUpdate); if (m_rUpdate) UnregisterConfigChangeNotification(m_rUpdate);
// Empty out config maps.
{ PassportGuard<PassportLock> g(m_lock);
if(m_ConfigMap) { while((it = m_ConfigMap->begin()) != m_ConfigMap->end()) { it->second->Release(); free(it->first); m_ConfigMap->erase(it); }
delete m_ConfigMap; m_ConfigMap = NULL; }
if(m_lastConfigMap) { while((it = m_lastConfigMap->begin()) != m_lastConfigMap->end()) { it->second->Release(); free(it->first); m_lastConfigMap->erase(it); }
delete m_lastConfigMap; m_lastConfigMap = NULL; } if(m_ConfigMapPending) { while((it = m_ConfigMapPending->begin()) != m_ConfigMapPending->end()) { it->second->Release(); free(it->first); m_ConfigMapPending->erase(it); }
delete m_ConfigMapPending; m_ConfigMapPending = NULL; }
if (m_rDefault) { m_rDefault->Release(); m_rDefault = NULL; } if (m_n) { m_n->Release(); m_n = NULL; } if (m_rlastDefault) { m_rlastDefault->Release(); m_rlastDefault = NULL; } if (m_nlast) { m_nlast->Release(); m_nlast = NULL; } if (m_rPending) { m_rPending->Release(); m_rPending = NULL; } if (m_nPending) { m_nPending->Release(); m_nPending = NULL; } } }
// IsIPAddress
BOOL CPassportConfiguration::IsIPAddress( LPSTR szSiteName ) { for(LPSTR sz = szSiteName; *sz; sz++) if(!_istdigit(*sz) && *sz != '.' && *sz != ':') return FALSE;
return TRUE; }
// checkoutRegistryConfig
CRegistryConfig* CPassportConfiguration::checkoutRegistryConfig( LPSTR szHost // Can be host name or IP
) { CRegistryConfig* c = NULL; REGCONFIGMAP::iterator it; PassportGuard<PassportLock> g(m_lock);
if(m_ConfigMap != NULL && szHost && szHost[0]) { if(IsIPAddress(szHost)) { for(it = m_ConfigMap->begin(); it != m_ConfigMap->end(); it++) { if(lstrcmpA(szHost, it->second->getHostIP()) == 0) { c = it->second->AddRef(); break; } } } else { it = m_ConfigMap->find(szHost); if(it != m_ConfigMap->end()) c = it->second->AddRef(); } }
if (c == NULL) { if(!m_rDefault) { UpdateNow(); c = m_rDefault ? m_rDefault->AddRef() : NULL; } else c = m_rDefault->AddRef(); }
return c; }
// checkoutRegistryConfigBySite
CRegistryConfig* CPassportConfiguration::checkoutRegistryConfigBySite( LPSTR szSiteName ) { CRegistryConfig* crc = NULL; CHAR achHostName[2048]; DWORD dwHostNameBufLen;
if(szSiteName && szSiteName[0]) { dwHostNameBufLen = sizeof(achHostName); if(CRegistryConfig::GetHostName(szSiteName, achHostName, &dwHostNameBufLen) != ERROR_SUCCESS) goto Cleanup;
crc = checkoutRegistryConfig(achHostName); } else { crc = checkoutRegistryConfig(); }
return crc; }
// checkoutNexusConfig
CNexusConfig* CPassportConfiguration::checkoutNexusConfig() { if (!m_n) { PassportGuard<PassportLock> g(m_lock);
if (!m_n) // In case it happened while we were waiting
return m_n ? m_n->AddRef() : NULL; } CNexusConfig *c = m_n->AddRef(); return c; }
// isValid
BOOL CPassportConfiguration::isValid() { if (m_rDefault != NULL && m_n != NULL) return m_rDefault->isValid() && m_n->isValid(); else { PassportGuard<PassportLock> g(m_lock);
if (m_rDefault == NULL || m_n == NULL) // In case it happened while we were waiting
{ BOOL retVal = UpdateNow(FALSE); return retVal; } } return (m_rDefault && m_rDefault->isValid()) && (m_n && m_n->isValid()); }
// TakeRegistrySnapshot
BOOL CPassportConfiguration::TakeRegistrySnapshot( CRegistryConfig** ppRegConfig, REGCONFIGMAP** ppConfigMap ) { HKEY hkSites = 0; BOOL bReturn;
*ppRegConfig = NULL; *ppConfigMap = NULL;
// Registry
CRegistryConfig* pNewRegConfig = new CRegistryConfig(); if(!pNewRegConfig) { bReturn = FALSE; goto Cleanup; } pNewRegConfig->AddRef();
// Read in all other site configs. Only if we find a sites reg key with
// one or more subkeys.
{ LONG lResult = RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, TEXT("Software\\Microsoft\\Passport\\Sites"), 0, KEY_READ, &hkSites);
if(lResult == ERROR_SUCCESS) { DWORD dwNumSites; lResult = RegQueryInfoKey(hkSites, NULL, NULL, NULL, &dwNumSites, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); if(lResult == ERROR_SUCCESS && dwNumSites) { // need to wrap this because it uses STL and the STL constructors don't
// check memory allocations and can AV in low memory conditions
try { pNewRegMap = new REGCONFIGMAP(); } catch(...) { bReturn = FALSE; goto Cleanup; }
if(pNewRegMap) { DWORD dwKeyIndex = 0; CHAR achSiteName[256]; DWORD dwSiteNameLen = sizeof(achSiteName); while(RegEnumKeyExA(hkSites, dwKeyIndex++, achSiteName, &dwSiteNameLen, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { CRegistryConfig* crSite = new CRegistryConfig(achSiteName); if(crSite) { crSite->AddRef(); if (crSite->isValid()) { REGCONFIGMAP::value_type* v = new REGCONFIGMAP::value_type(_strdup(crSite->getHostName()), crSite); if(v) { try { pNewRegMap->insert(*v); } catch(...) { delete v; crSite->Release(); bReturn = FALSE; goto Cleanup; } delete v; } else crSite->Release(); } else { if (g_pAlert) g_pAlert->report(PassportAlertInterface::ERROR_TYPE, PM_INVALID_CONFIGURATION, crSite->getFailureString()); crSite->Release(); } }
dwSiteNameLen = sizeof(achSiteName); } } } else { pNewRegMap = NULL; }
RegCloseKey(hkSites); hkSites = 0; } else { pNewRegMap = NULL; } }
// Assign out parameters and return value.
*ppRegConfig = pNewRegConfig; pNewRegConfig = NULL; *ppConfigMap = pNewRegMap; pNewRegMap = NULL;
bReturn = TRUE;
Cleanup: if (0 != hkSites) { RegCloseKey(hkSites); } if (NULL != pNewRegConfig) { delete pNewRegConfig; } if (NULL != pNewRegMap) { try { delete pNewRegMap; } catch(...) { } }
return bReturn; }
// ApplyRegistrySnapshot
BOOL CPassportConfiguration::ApplyRegistrySnapshot( CRegistryConfig* pRegConfig, REGCONFIGMAP* pConfigMap ) { //
// Record the registration state now in case it changes midstream. This
// can happen during setup when we're called on a separate thread via
// msppnxus!PpNotificationThread::run, which executes while msppmgr.dll
// is still setting up the Passport registry values.
BOOL fRegistering = g_bRegistering;
if (pRegConfig->isValid()) { REGCONFIGMAP* temp = m_lastConfigMap;
{ PassportGuard<PassportLock> g(m_lock);
if (m_rlastDefault) m_rlastDefault->Release(); m_rlastDefault = m_rDefault; m_rDefault = pRegConfig;
// Shuffle config map pointers.
m_lastConfigMap = m_ConfigMap; m_ConfigMap = pConfigMap; }
// Delete the old site map.
if(temp) { REGCONFIGMAP::iterator it; while((it = temp->begin()) != temp->end()) { free(it->first); it->second->Release(); temp->erase(it); }
delete temp; }
if (g_pAlert) g_pAlert->report(PassportAlertInterface::INFORMATION_TYPE, PM_VALID_CONFIGURATION); } else { if (g_pAlert && !fRegistering) { g_pAlert->report(PassportAlertInterface::ERROR_TYPE, PM_INVALID_CONFIGURATION, pRegConfig->getFailureString()); }
if(pConfigMap) { REGCONFIGMAP::iterator it; while((it = pConfigMap->begin()) != pConfigMap->end()) { free(it->first); it->second->Release(); pConfigMap->erase(it); }
delete pConfigMap; } }
return TRUE; }
// TakeNexusSnapshot
BOOL CPassportConfiguration::TakeNexusSnapshot( CNexusConfig** ppNexusConfig, BOOL bForceFetch ) { BOOL bReturn; CNexusConfig* pNexusConfig = NULL; CComPtr<IXMLDocument> pXMLDoc;
*ppNexusConfig = NULL;
if (GetCCD(_T(PRCONFIG),&pXMLDoc, bForceFetch)) { pNexusConfig = new CNexusConfig(); if(!pNexusConfig) { bReturn = FALSE; goto Cleanup; }
if (!pNexusConfig->Read(pXMLDoc)) { bReturn = FALSE; goto Cleanup; } pNexusConfig->AddRef(); } else { if (g_pAlert) { if (g_pAlert) g_pAlert->report(PassportAlertInterface::ERROR_TYPE, PM_CCD_NOT_LOADED, 0); } m_lastAttempt = time(NULL); bReturn = FALSE; goto Cleanup; }
*ppNexusConfig = pNexusConfig; bReturn = TRUE;
if(pNexusConfig && bReturn == FALSE) delete pNexusConfig;
return bReturn;
// ApplyNexusSnapshot
BOOL CPassportConfiguration::ApplyNexusSnapshot( CNexusConfig* pNexusConfig ) { BOOL bReturn;
if (pNexusConfig->isValid()) { PassportGuard<PassportLock> g(m_lock);
if (m_nlast) m_nlast->Release(); m_nlast = m_n; m_n = pNexusConfig; if (g_pAlert) g_pAlert->report(PassportAlertInterface::INFORMATION_TYPE, PM_CCD_LOADED); } else { // NexusConfig throws an alert already
if (pNexusConfig) { pNexusConfig->Release(); } bReturn = FALSE; goto Cleanup; }
bReturn = TRUE;
return bReturn; }
// UpdateNow
// Update both configs
BOOL CPassportConfiguration::UpdateNow(BOOL forceFetch) { BOOL bReturn; time_t now; CComPtr<IXMLDocument> is; time(&now);
if(m_bUpdateInProgress) { bReturn = FALSE; goto Cleanup; }
if (now - m_lastAttempt < 60 && m_n == NULL) { // Don't overload on attempts to the nexus
bReturn = FALSE; goto Cleanup; }
// Registry
LocalConfigurationUpdated(); if (m_rDefault == NULL) { m_lastAttempt = now - 30; bReturn = FALSE; goto Cleanup; }
// If we are registering msppmgr.dll then we don't want to try and fetch the CCD
// since the registration occurs during setup and at that time the network isn't
// available. If this does occur then msppmgr.dll hangs and setup breaks in with
// registration time out.
if (!g_bRegistering) { if (GetCCD(_T(PRCONFIG),&is, forceFetch)) { try { NexusConfigUpdated(is); } catch(...) { if (g_pAlert) { if (g_pAlert) g_pAlert->report(PassportAlertInterface::ERROR_TYPE, PM_CCD_NOT_LOADED, 0); } bReturn = FALSE; goto Cleanup; } } else { if (g_pAlert) { if (g_pAlert) g_pAlert->report(PassportAlertInterface::ERROR_TYPE, PM_CCD_NOT_LOADED, 0); } m_lastAttempt = now; bReturn = FALSE; goto Cleanup; } }
if (!m_n) { m_lastAttempt = now; bReturn = FALSE; goto Cleanup; } m_lastAttempt = 0; bReturn = TRUE;
return bReturn; }
// PrepareUpdate
BOOL CPassportConfiguration::PrepareUpdate(BOOL forceFetch) { BOOL bReturn;
static PassportLock prepareLock; PassportGuard<PassportLock> g(prepareLock);
// Don't allow another first phase while second phase
// is pending.
// bReturn = FALSE;
// goto Cleanup;
// The PrepareUpdate is called by the Refresh method in msppext.dll where
// a lock value is maintained to prevent calling first phase PrepareUpdate
// while second phase CommitUpdate is pending. If for some reason the Refresh
// aborts after calling PrepareUpdate and before calling CommintUpdate,
// m_bUpdateInProgress will remain true preventing future Refresh. Since no first
// first phase PrepareUpdate can be called while second phase CommitUpdate is pending,
// m_bUpdateInProgress can be set to false safely
{ if(m_ConfigMapPending) { REGCONFIGMAP::iterator it; while((it = m_ConfigMapPending->begin()) != m_ConfigMapPending->end()) { it->second->Release(); free(it->first); m_ConfigMapPending->erase(it); }
delete m_ConfigMapPending; m_ConfigMapPending = NULL; }
if (m_rPending) { m_rPending->Release(); m_rPending = NULL; } if (m_nPending) { m_nPending->Release(); m_nPending = NULL; } m_bUpdateInProgress = false; }
// Get the current registry config.
if (!TakeRegistrySnapshot(&m_rPending, &m_ConfigMapPending)) return FALSE;
// Get the latest xml
if (!TakeNexusSnapshot(&m_nPending, forceFetch)) return FALSE;
m_bUpdateInProgress = true; bReturn = TRUE;
return bReturn; }
// CommitUpdate
BOOL CPassportConfiguration::CommitUpdate() { BOOL bReturn;
// Update default registry and any sites
if(!ApplyRegistrySnapshot(m_rPending, m_ConfigMapPending)) { bReturn = FALSE; goto Cleanup; }
if(!ApplyNexusSnapshot(m_nPending)) { bReturn = FALSE; goto Cleanup; }
m_rPending = NULL; m_ConfigMapPending = NULL; m_nPending = NULL;
bReturn = TRUE;
m_bUpdateInProgress = false;
return bReturn; }
// LocalConfigurationUpdated
void CPassportConfiguration::LocalConfigurationUpdated() { //
// Read in default config.
CRegistryConfig* pNewRegConfig; REGCONFIGMAP* pNewConfigMap;
if(!TakeRegistrySnapshot(&pNewRegConfig, &pNewConfigMap)) return;
// Here we don't care about the results of reading in non-default sites. pNewConfigMap will be NULL
// if anything bad happened and events will be in the event log. As long as we have a valid
// default configuration we can go ahead and do the switch.
ApplyRegistrySnapshot(pNewRegConfig, pNewConfigMap);
// NexusConfigUpdated
void CPassportConfiguration::NexusConfigUpdated(IXMLDocument *is) { CNexusConfig *newc = new CNexusConfig();
if (newc) { if (newc->Read(is)) { newc->AddRef();
ApplyNexusSnapshot(newc); } else { delete newc; } } }
// getFailureString
LPWSTR CPassportConfiguration::getFailureString() { // IsValid must be called before this
if (!m_rDefault) return L"Registry configuration failed."; if (!m_rDefault->isValid()) return m_rDefault->getFailureString(); if (!m_n) return L"Nexus configuration failed."; if (!m_n->isValid()) return m_n->getFailureString(); return L"OK"; }
// HasSites
BOOL CPassportConfiguration::HasSites() { return (m_ConfigMap && m_ConfigMap->size()); }
// Dump
void CPassportConfiguration::Dump(BSTR* pbstrDump) { //m_rDefault->Dump(pbstrDump);
m_n->Dump(pbstrDump); }