// MODULE: Kerbparser.cxx
// Description:
// Bloodhound Parser DLL for Kerberos Authentication Protocol
// Modification History
// Michael Webb & Kris Frost Date: 06/04/99
// Mark Pustilnik Date: 02/04/02 - Clean-up / rewrite
#include "ASN1Parser.hxx"
// Protocol entry points.
VOID WINAPI KerberosRegister( IN HPROTOCOL hKerberosProtocol );
VOID WINAPI KerberosDeregister( IN HPROTOCOL hKerberosProtocol );
LPBYTE WINAPI KerberosRecognizeFrame( IN HFRAME hFrame, IN ULPBYTE MacFrame, IN ULPBYTE KerberosFrame, IN DWORD MacType, IN DWORD BytesLeft, IN HPROTOCOL hPreviousProtocol, IN DWORD nPreviousProtocolOffset, OUT LPDWORD ProtocolStatusCode, OUT LPHPROTOCOL hNextProtocol, OUT PDWORD_PTR InstData );
LPBYTE WINAPI KerberosAttachProperties( IN HFRAME hFrame, IN ULPBYTE MacFrame, IN ULPBYTE KerberosFrame, IN DWORD MacType, IN DWORD BytesLeft, IN HPROTOCOL hPreviousProtocol, IN DWORD nPreviousProtocolOffset, IN DWORD_PTR InstData );
DWORD WINAPI KerberosFormatProperties( IN HFRAME hFrame, IN ULPBYTE MacFrame, IN ULPBYTE FrameData, IN DWORD nPropertyInsts, IN LPPROPERTYINST p );
ENTRYPOINTS g_KerberosEntryPoints = { KerberosRegister, KerberosDeregister, KerberosRecognizeFrame, KerberosAttachProperties, KerberosFormatProperties };
// Protocol handle
HPROTOCOL g_hKerberos = NULL;
// Protocol status
DWORD g_Attached = 0;
// Protocol handles used to check for continuation packets.
// Definitions of exported functions
// Routine name: ParserAutoInstallInfo
// Routine description:
// Sets up a parser information structure describing which ports are
// being listened on, etc.
// Arguments:
// None
// Returns:
// Pointer to a PF_PARSERDLLINFO structure describing the protocol
PPF_PARSERDLLINFO ParserAutoInstallInfo() { PPF_PARSERDLLINFO pParserDllInfo = NULL; PPF_PARSERINFO pParserInfo = NULL; PPF_HANDOFFSET pHandoffSet = NULL; PPF_HANDOFFENTRY pHandoffEntry = NULL; DWORD NumProtocols, NumHandoffs;
// Allocate memory for parser info
NumProtocols = 1; pParserDllInfo = (PPF_PARSERDLLINFO)HeapAlloc( GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, sizeof( PF_PARSERDLLINFO ) + NumProtocols * sizeof( PF_PARSERINFO ) );
if ( pParserDllInfo == NULL ) { goto Error; }
// Fill in the parser DLL info
pParserDllInfo->nParsers = NumProtocols;
pParserInfo = &(pParserDllInfo->ParserInfo[0]);
strncpy( pParserInfo->szProtocolName, "KERBEROS", sizeof( pParserInfo->szProtocolName ) );
strncpy( pParserInfo->szComment, "Kerberos Authentication Protocol", sizeof( pParserInfo->szComment ) );
strncpy( pParserInfo->szHelpFile, "", sizeof( pParserInfo->szHelpFile ) );
NumHandoffs = 2; pHandoffSet = (PPF_HANDOFFSET)HeapAlloc( GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, sizeof( PF_HANDOFFSET ) + NumHandoffs * sizeof( PF_HANDOFFENTRY ) );
if ( pHandoffSet == NULL ) { goto Error; }
pParserInfo->pWhoHandsOffToMe = pHandoffSet; pHandoffSet->nEntries = NumHandoffs;
// UDP port 88
pHandoffEntry = &(pHandoffSet->Entry[0]);
strncpy( pHandoffEntry->szIniFile, "TCPIP.INI", sizeof( pHandoffEntry->szIniFile ) );
strncpy( pHandoffEntry->szIniSection, "UDP_HandoffSet", sizeof( pHandoffEntry->szIniSection ) );
strncpy( pHandoffEntry->szProtocol, "KERBEROS", sizeof( pHandoffEntry->szProtocol ) );
pHandoffEntry->dwHandOffValue = 88; // TODO: make configurable?
// TCP port 88
pHandoffEntry = &(pHandoffSet->Entry[0]);
strncpy( pHandoffEntry->szIniFile, "TCPIP.INI", sizeof( pHandoffEntry->szIniFile ) );
strncpy( pHandoffEntry->szIniSection, "TCP_HandoffSet", sizeof( pHandoffEntry->szIniSection ) );
strncpy( pHandoffEntry->szProtocol, "KERBEROS", sizeof( pHandoffEntry->szProtocol ) );
pHandoffEntry->dwHandOffValue = 88; // TODO: make configurable?
return pParserDllInfo;
HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0, pHandoffSet ); pHandoffSet = NULL;
HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0, pParserDllInfo ); pParserDllInfo = NULL;
goto Cleanup; }
// Routine name: DllEntry
// Routine description:
// Mail DLL entrypoint
// Arguments:
// hInstance process instance
// Command ATTACH/DETACH/etc.
// Reserved Reserved
// Returns:
// Standard DllEntry TRUE or FALSE
extern "C" {
BOOL WINAPI DLLEntry( IN HANDLE hInstance, IN ULONG Command, IN LPVOID Reserved ) { if ( Command == DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH ) { if ( g_Attached++ == 0 ) { g_hKerberos = CreateProtocol( "KERBEROS", &g_KerberosEntryPoints, ENTRYPOINTS_SIZE ); } } else if ( Command == DLL_PROCESS_DETACH ) { if ( --g_Attached == 0 ) { DestroyProtocol( g_hKerberos ); g_hKerberos = NULL; } }
return TRUE; //... Bloodhound parsers ALWAYS return TRUE.
} // extern "C"
// Routine name: KerberosRegister
// Routine description:
// Registers the Kerberos protocol with the parser
// Arguments:
// hKerberosProtocol protocol handle
// Returns:
// Nothing
VOID WINAPI KerberosRegister( IN HPROTOCOL hKerberosProtocol ) { DWORD NmErr;
// Start by creating the property database
NmErr = CreatePropertyDatabase( hKerberosProtocol, ARRAY_COUNT( g_KerberosDatabase ) );
if ( NmErr != NMERR_SUCCESS ) { SetLastError( NmErr ); return; }
for ( DWORD i = 0; i < ARRAY_COUNT( g_KerberosDatabase ); i++ ) { if ( NULL == AddProperty( hKerberosProtocol, &g_KerberosDatabase[i] )) { // TODO: find a better way to report this error
SetLastError( ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR ); return; } }
// Check to see whether TCP or UDP are being used
g_hTCP = GetProtocolFromName( "TCP" ); g_hUDP = GetProtocolFromName( "UDP" );
return; }
// Routine name: KerberosDeregister
// Routine description:
// Unregisters the Kerberos protocol from the parser
// Arguments:
// hKerberosProtocol protocol handle
// Returns:
// Nothing
VOID WINAPI KerberosDeregister( IN HPROTOCOL hKerberosProtocol ) { DestroyPropertyDatabase( hKerberosProtocol ); }
// Routine name: KerberosRecognizeFrame
// Routine description:
// Looks at a frame with the purpose of "recognizing it".
// Kerberos has no sub-protocols, so every frame is claimed.
// Arguments:
// hFrame frame handle
// MacFrame frame pointer
// KerberosFrame relative pointer
// MacType MAC type
// BytesLeft bytes left
// hPreviousProtocol previous protocol or NULL if none
// nPreviousProtocolOffset offset of previous protocols
// ProtocolStatusCode used to return the status code
// hNextProtocol next protocol to call (optional)
// InstData next protocol instance data
// Returns:
// Nothing
LPBYTE WINAPI KerberosRecognizeFrame( IN HFRAME hFrame, IN ULPBYTE MacFrame, IN ULPBYTE KerberosFrame, IN DWORD MacType, IN DWORD BytesLeft, IN HPROTOCOL hPreviousProtocol, IN DWORD nPreviousProtocolOffset, OUT LPDWORD ProtocolStatusCode, OUT LPHPROTOCOL hNextProtocol, OUT PDWORD_PTR InstData ) { //
// There are no sub-protocols; claim every frame
*ProtocolStatusCode = PROTOCOL_STATUS_CLAIMED; return NULL; }
// Routine name: KerberosAttachProperties
// Routine description:
// Parses out the frame given the request type
// Arguments:
// hFrame frame handle
// MacFrame frame pointer
// KerberosFrame relative pointer
// MacType MAC type
// BytesLeft bytes left
// hPreviousProtocol previous protocol or NULL if none
// nPreviousProtocolOffset offset of previous protocols
// InstData next protocol instance data
// Returns:
// Pointer to data just past whatever was consumed or NULL on error
LPBYTE WINAPI KerberosAttachProperties( IN HFRAME hFrame, IN ULPBYTE MacFrame, IN ULPBYTE KerberosFrame, IN DWORD MacType, IN DWORD BytesLeft, IN HPROTOCOL hPreviousProtocol, IN DWORD nPreviousProtocolOffset, IN DWORD_PTR InstData ) { LPBYTE pKerberosFrame; // pointer to a TCP or UDP frame
LPBYTE Address;
// Check to see if first two octets of the frame are equal to 00 00 which
// would be the case should the packet be the first of TCP
if( KerberosFrame[0] == 0x00 && KerberosFrame[1] == 0x00 ) { Address = KerberosFrame+4; // TODO: add frame length check?
pKerberosFrame = Address; } else { Address = KerberosFrame; pKerberosFrame = Address; }
// Here we are going to do a check to see if the packet is TCP and
// check to see if the first two octets of the packet don't have the
// value of 00 00. If not, then we mark the frame as a continuation
// packet. Reason for doing this is because, sometimes 0x1F of the
// first packet can still match one of the case statements which
// erroneously displays a continuation packet.
if( hPreviousProtocol == g_hTCP && KerberosFrame[0] != 0 && KerberosFrame[1] != 0 ) { //
// Treat this as a continutation packet
if ( FALSE == AttachPropertyInstance( hFrame, g_KerberosDatabase[ContinuationPacket].hProperty, BytesLeft, Address, 0, 0, 0 )) { return NULL; } } else { //
// pKerberosFrame is a local variable and is used
// to display TCP data as well.
switch (*(pKerberosFrame) & 0x1F) { case ASN1_KRB_AS_REQ: case ASN1_KRB_TGS_REQ: { //
Frame.Address = Address; Frame.hFrame = hFrame; Frame.Level = 0;
if (( *(pKerberosFrame) & 0x1F ) == ASN1_KRB_AS_REQ ) { hProp = PROP( KRB_AS_REQ ); } else { hProp = PROP( KRB_TGS_REQ ); }
ASN1ParserKdcReq KdcReq( FALSE, BuildDescriptor( ctApplication, pcConstructed, (*(pKerberosFrame) & 0x1F)), hProp );
dw = KdcReq.Parse( &Frame );
// TODO: display "data in error" if unhappy
break; }
case ASN1_KRB_AS_REP: case ASN1_KRB_TGS_REP: { //
Frame.Address = Address; Frame.hFrame = hFrame; Frame.Level = 0;
if (( *(pKerberosFrame) & 0x1F ) == ASN1_KRB_AS_REP ) { hProp = PROP( KRB_AS_REP ); } else { hProp = PROP( KRB_TGS_REP ); }
ASN1ParserKdcRep KdcRep( FALSE, BuildDescriptor( ctApplication, pcConstructed, (*(pKerberosFrame) & 0x1F)), hProp );
dw = KdcRep.Parse( &Frame );
// TODO: display "data in error" if unhappy
break; }
Frame.Address = Address; Frame.hFrame = hFrame; Frame.Level = 0;
ASN1ParserKrbError KrbError( FALSE, BuildDescriptor( ctApplication, pcConstructed, (*(pKerberosFrame) & 0x1F)), PROP( KRB_ERROR ));
dw = KrbError.Parse( &Frame );
// TODO: display "data in error" if unhappy
break; }
case ASN1_KRB_AP_REQ: case ASN1_KRB_AP_REP: case ASN1_KRB_SAFE: case ASN1_KRB_PRIV: case ASN1_KRB_CRED: default:
// TODO: this is most certainly wrong; use a different property handle
if ( FALSE == AttachPropertyInstance(hFrame, g_KerberosDatabase[ContinuationPacket].hProperty, BytesLeft, Address, 0, 0, 0 )) { return NULL; }
break; } }
return (LPBYTE) KerberosFrame + BytesLeft; }
DWORD WINAPI KerberosFormatProperties( IN HFRAME hFrame, IN ULPBYTE MacFrame, IN ULPBYTE FrameData, IN DWORD nPropertyInsts, IN LPPROPERTYINST p ) { //=========================================================================
// Format each property in the property instance table.
// The property-specific instance data was used to store the address of a
// property-specific formatting function so all we do here is call each
// function via the instance data pointer.
// Doing a check here for TCP packets. If it's the first packet,
// we increment FrameData by 4 to get past the length header
if ( FrameData[0] == 0x00 && FrameData[1] == 0x00 ) { FrameData += 4; }
while ( nPropertyInsts-- ) { ((FORMAT) p->lpPropertyInfo->InstanceData)(p);
p++; }