Copyright (c) 2001 Microsoft Corporation All rights reserved.
Module Name:
auto log
Larry Zhu (LZhu) December 8, 2001
Revision History:
--*/ #ifndef _DBGSTATE_HXX_
#define _DBGSTATE_HXX_
extern "C" { #define SECURITY_KERNEL
#include <ntosp.h>
#include <zwapi.h>
#include <security.h>
#include <ntlmsp.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <wcstr.h>
#include <ntiologc.h>
#include <tchar.h>
#include <tchar.h>
#include <stdio.h>
Automatic status logging.
Use TNtStatus instead of NTSTATUS:
NTSTATUS Status; -> TNtStatus Status; NTSTATUS Status = ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED -> TNtStatus Status = ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED; Status = ERROR_SUCCESS -> Status DBGNOCHK = ERROR_SUCCESS; Status = xxx; -> Status DBGCHK = xxx; if(Status){ -> if(Status != 0){
Anytime Status is set, the DBGCHK macro must be added before the '=.'
If the variable must be set to a failure value at compile time and logging is therefore not needed, then the DBGNOCHK macro should be used.
There is a method to control the wether a message is printed if an error value is assigned as well as 3 "benign" errors that can be ignored.
#ifdef DBG
#define DBGCHK .pSetInfo(__LINE__, TEXT(__FILE__))
#define DBGNOCHK .pNoChk()
#define DBGCFG1(TStatusX, Safe1) (TStatusX).pConfig((Safe1))
#define DBGCFG2(TStatusX, Safe1, Safe2) (TStatusX).pConfig((Safe1), (Safe2))
#define DBGCFG3(TStatusX, Safe1, Safe2, Safe3) (TStatusX).pConfig((Safe1), (Safe2), (Safe3))
#define AUTO_LOG(Msg) do { OutputDebugString(Msg); } while (0)
#define AUTO_LOG_OPEN(pszPrompt) do { g_DbgGlobals.pszDbgPrompt = (pszPrompt); } while (0)
#define AUTO_LOG_CLOSE() do { g_DbgGlobals.pszDbgPrompt = NULL; } while (0)
#ifndef DebugPrint
#define DebugPrint(_x_) DbgPrint _x_
#define DBGCHK // Empty
#define DBGNOCHK // Empty
#define DBGCFG(TStatusX) // Empty
#define DBGCFG1(TStatusX, Safe1) // Empty
#define DBGCFG2(TStatusX, Safe1, Safe2) // Empty
#define DBGCFG3(TStatusX, Safe1, Safe2, Safe3) // Empty
#define AUTO_LOG_LOG(Msg) // Empty
#define AUTO_LOG_OPEN(pszPrompt) // Empty
#define AUTO_LOG_CLOSE() // Empty
#ifndef DebugPrint
#define DebugPrint(_x_) // Empty
#endif // DBG
#ifndef COUNTOF
#define COUNTOF(s) ( sizeof( (s) ) / sizeof( *(s) ) )
#endif // COUNTOF
#ifndef IN
#define IN
#endif // IN
#ifndef OUT
#define OUT
#endif // OUT
void OutputDebugString( IN PCTSTR pszBuffer );
// DBG build only
#ifdef DBG
extern "C" {
#include <kbfiltr.h>
#include <assert.h>
#ifndef ASSERT
#define ASSERT( exp ) assert((exp))
#endif // #ifndef ASSERT
typedef struct _TDbgGlobals { ULONG uMajorVersion; ULONG uMinorVersion; PCTSTR pszDbgPrompt; } TDbgGlobals;
extern TDbgGlobals g_DbgGlobals;
Base class
template <typename TStatusCode> class TStatusBase {
enum { kUnInitializedValue = 0xabababab };
TStatusBase& pSetInfo( IN ULONG uLine, IN PCTSTR pszFile ) { m_uLine = uLine; m_pszFile = pszFile; return (TStatusBase&) *this; }
TStatusBase& pNoChk( VOID ) { m_pszFile = NULL; m_uLine = 0; return (TStatusBase&) *this; }
VOID pConfig( IN TStatusCode StatusSafe1 = -1, IN TStatusCode StatusSafe2 = -1, IN TStatusCode StatusSafe3 = -1 ) { m_StatusSafe1 = StatusSafe1; m_StatusSafe2 = StatusSafe2; m_StatusSafe3 = StatusSafe3; }
virtual ~TStatusBase( VOID ) { }
TStatusCode GetTStatusBase( VOID ) const { //
// Assert if we are reading an UnInitalized variable.
if (m_Status == kUnInitializedValue) { AUTO_LOG((TEXT("***Read of UnInitialized TStatus variable!***\n"))); ASSERT(FALSE); }
// Return the error value.
return m_Status; }
operator TStatusCode( VOID ) const { return GetTStatusBase(); }
TStatusCode operator=( IN TStatusCode Status ) { m_Status = Status;
// Do nothing if the file and line number are cleared.
// This is the case when the NoChk method is used.
if (m_uLine && m_pszFile) { //
// Check if we have an error, and it's not one of the accepted
// "safe" errors.
if ( IsErrorSevereEnough() && Status != m_StatusSafe1 && Status != m_StatusSafe2 && Status != m_StatusSafe3 ) { TCHAR szOutput[256] = {0}; _sntprintf(szOutput, COUNTOF(szOutput) - 1, g_DbgGlobals.pszDbgPrompt ? TEXT("[%s] [%s] %#x at %s %d\n") : TEXT("%s[%s] %#x at %s %d\n"), g_DbgGlobals.pszDbgPrompt ? g_DbgGlobals.pszDbgPrompt : TEXT(""), GetErrorServerityDescription(), m_Status, m_pszFile, m_uLine);
AUTO_LOG(szOutput); } }
return m_Status; }
virtual PCTSTR GetErrorServerityDescription( VOID ) const { return IsErrorSevereEnough() ? TEXT("ERROR") : TEXT("SUCCESSFUL"); }
virtual bool IsErrorSevereEnough( VOID ) const { return m_Status != 0; // 0 for success
TStatusBase( IN TStatusCode Status ) : m_Status(Status), m_StatusSafe1(-1), m_StatusSafe2(-1), m_StatusSafe3(-1), m_uLine(0), m_pszFile(NULL) { }
TStatusCode m_Status; TStatusCode m_StatusSafe1; TStatusCode m_StatusSafe2; TStatusCode m_StatusSafe3; ULONG m_uLine; PCTSTR m_pszFile; };
template <typename TStatusCode> class TStatusDerived : public TStatusBase<TStatusCode> {
TStatusDerived( IN TStatusCode Status = kUnInitializedValue ): TStatusBase<TStatusCode>(Status) { }
virtual ~TStatusDerived( VOID ) { }
TStatusDerived(const TStatusDerived& rhs);
TStatusCode operator=( IN TStatusCode Status ); }; #endif // #ifdef DBG
#endif // _DBGSTATE_HXX_