Copyright (c) 2001 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Larry Zhu (LZhu) December 1, 2001 Created
User Mode
Revision History:
#include "precomp.hxx"
#pragma hdrstop
#include <lmcons.h>
#include <logonmsv.h>
#include <lmaccess.h>
#include <lmapibuf.h>
#include "subauth.hxx"
NTSTATUS NTAPI Msv1_0SubAuthenticationRoutineEx( IN NETLOGON_LOGON_INFO_CLASS LogonLevel, IN PVOID pLogonInformation, IN ULONG Flags, IN PUSER_ALL_INFORMATION pUserAll, IN SAM_HANDLE UserHandle, IN OUT PMSV1_0_VALIDATION_INFO pValidationInfo, OUT PULONG pActionsPerformed ) { TNtStatus Status;
DebugPrintf(SSPI_LOG, "Msv1_0SubAuthenticationRoutine in msvsubauth.dll: LogonLevel %#x, validating UserName %wZ, UserId %#x(%d)\n", LogonLevel, &pUserAll->UserName, pUserAll->UserId, pUserAll->UserId);
Status DBGCHK = Msv1_0SubAuthenticationRoutine( LogonLevel, pLogonInformation, Flags, pUserAll, &pValidationInfo->WhichFields, &pValidationInfo->UserFlags, &pValidationInfo->Authoritative, &pValidationInfo->LogoffTime, &pValidationInfo->KickoffTime ); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { pValidationInfo->UserId = pUserAll->UserId; *pActionsPerformed = MSV1_0_SUBAUTH_PASSWORD; }
return Status; }
NTSTATUS NTAPI Msv1_0SubAuthenticationRoutine( IN NETLOGON_LOGON_INFO_CLASS LogonLevel, IN PVOID pLogonInformation, IN ULONG Flags, IN PUSER_ALL_INFORMATION pUserAll, OUT PULONG pWhichFields, OUT PULONG pUserFlags, OUT PBOOLEAN Authoritative, OUT PLARGE_INTEGER pLogoffTime, OUT PLARGE_INTEGER pKickoffTime ) { TNtStatus Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; ULONG UserAccountControl; LARGE_INTEGER LogonTime; LARGE_INTEGER PasswordDateSet; UNICODE_STRING LocalWorkstation;
DebugPrintf(SSPI_LOG, "Msv1_0SubAuthenticationRoutine in msvsubauth.dll: LogonLevel %#x, validating UserName %wZ, UserId %#x(%d)\n", LogonLevel, &pUserAll->UserName, pUserAll->UserId, pUserAll->UserId);
// Check whether the SubAuthentication package supports this type
// of logon.
*Authoritative = TRUE; *pUserFlags = 0; *pWhichFields = 0;
(VOID) NtQuerySystemTime(&LogonTime);
switch (LogonLevel) { case NetlogonInteractiveInformation: case NetlogonServiceInformation:
// This SubAuthentication package only supports network logons.
case NetlogonNetworkInformation:
// This SubAuthentication package doesn't support access via machine
// accounts.
UserAccountControl = USER_NORMAL_ACCOUNT;
// Local user (Temp Duplicate) accounts are only used on the machine
// being directly logged onto.
// (Nor are interactive or service logons allowed to them.)
if ((Flags & MSV1_0_PASSTHRU) == 0) { UserAccountControl |= USER_TEMP_DUPLICATE_ACCOUNT; }
LogonNetworkInfo = (PNETLOGON_NETWORK_INFO) pLogonInformation;
default: *Authoritative = TRUE; Status DBGCHK = STATUS_INVALID_INFO_CLASS; }
// If the account type isn't allowed,
// Treat this as though the User Account doesn't exist.
if (NT_SUCCESS(Status) && (UserAccountControl & pUserAll->UserAccountControl) == 0) { *Authoritative = FALSE; Status DBGCHK = STATUS_NO_SUCH_USER; }
// This SubAuthentication package doesn't allow guest logons.
if (NT_SUCCESS(Status) && (Flags & MSV1_0_GUEST_LOGON)) { *Authoritative = FALSE; Status DBGCHK = STATUS_NO_SUCH_USER; }
// Ensure the account isn't locked out.
if (NT_SUCCESS(Status) && (pUserAll->UserId != DOMAIN_USER_RID_ADMIN && (pUserAll->UserAccountControl & USER_ACCOUNT_AUTO_LOCKED))) {
// Since the UI strongly encourages admins to disable user
// accounts rather than delete them. Treat disabled acccount as
// non-authoritative allowing the search to continue for other
// accounts by the same name.
if (pUserAll->UserAccountControl & USER_ACCOUNT_DISABLED) { *Authoritative = FALSE; } else { *Authoritative = TRUE; } Status DBGCHK = STATUS_ACCOUNT_LOCKED_OUT; }
// Check the password.
// Since the UI strongly encourages admins to disable user
// accounts rather than delete them. Treat disabled acccount as
// non-authoritative allowing the search to continue for other
// accounts by the same name.
if (pUserAll->UserAccountControl & USER_ACCOUNT_DISABLED) { *Authoritative = FALSE; } else { *Authoritative = TRUE; } }
// Prevent some things from effecting the Administrator user
if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { if (pUserAll->UserId == DOMAIN_USER_RID_ADMIN) { //
// The administrator account doesn't have a forced logoff time.
pLogoffTime->HighPart = 0x7FFFFFFF; pLogoffTime->LowPart = 0xFFFFFFFF;
pKickoffTime->HighPart = 0x7FFFFFFF; pKickoffTime->LowPart = 0xFFFFFFFF; } else { //
// Check if the account is disabled.
if (pUserAll->UserAccountControl & USER_ACCOUNT_DISABLED) { //
// Since the UI strongly encourages admins to disable user
// accounts rather than delete them. Treat disabled acccount as
// non-authoritative allowing the search to continue for other
// accounts by the same name.
// Check if the account has expired.
if (NT_SUCCESS(Status) && (pUserAll->AccountExpires.QuadPart != 0) && (LogonTime.QuadPart >= pUserAll->AccountExpires.QuadPart)) { *Authoritative = TRUE; Status DBGCHK = STATUS_ACCOUNT_EXPIRED; }
// The password is valid, check to see if the password is expired.
// (SAM will have appropriately set PasswordMustChange to reflect
// If the password checked above is not the SAM password, you may
// want to consider not checking the SAM password expiration times here.
if (NT_SUCCESS(Status) && (LogonTime.QuadPart >= pUserAll->PasswordMustChange.QuadPart)) { if (pUserAll->PasswordLastSet.QuadPart == 0) { Status DBGCHK = STATUS_PASSWORD_MUST_CHANGE; } else { Status DBGCHK = STATUS_PASSWORD_EXPIRED; } *Authoritative = TRUE; }
// Validate the workstation the user logged on from.
// Ditch leading \\ on workstation name before passing it to SAM.
if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { LocalWorkstation = LogonNetworkInfo->Identity.Workstation; if (LocalWorkstation.Length > 0 && LocalWorkstation.Buffer[0] == L'\\' && LocalWorkstation.Buffer[1] == L'\\') { LocalWorkstation.Buffer += 2; LocalWorkstation.Length -= 2 * sizeof(WCHAR); LocalWorkstation.MaximumLength -= 2 * sizeof(WCHAR); }
// To validate the user's logon hours as SAM does it, use this code,
// otherwise, supply your own checks below this code.
Status DBGCHK = AccountRestrictions( pUserAll->UserId, &LocalWorkstation, (PUNICODE_STRING) &pUserAll->WorkStations, &pUserAll->LogonHours, pLogoffTime, pKickoffTime ); }
// Validate if the user can log on from this workstation.
// (Supply subauthentication package specific code here.)
if (NT_SUCCESS(Status) && LogonNetworkInfo->Identity.Workstation.Buffer == NULL) { Status DBGCHK = STATUS_INVALID_WORKSTATION; *Authoritative = TRUE; } } }
// The user is valid.
if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { *Authoritative = TRUE; Status DBGCHK = STATUS_SUCCESS; }
return Status; }
NTSTATUS SampMatchworkstation( IN PUNICODE_STRING pLogonWorkStation, IN PUNICODE_STRING pWorkStations ) { TNtStatus NtStatus = STATUS_INVALID_WORKSTATION;
PWCHAR pWorkStationName; UNICODE_STRING Unicode; UNICODE_STRING WorkStationsListCopy; PWCHAR pTmpBuffer;
// Local workstation is always allowed
// If WorkStations field is 0 everybody is allowed
if ((pLogonWorkStation == NULL) || (pLogonWorkStation->Length == 0) || (pWorkStations->Length == 0)) { return STATUS_SUCCESS; }
// WorkStationApiList points to our current location in the list of
// WorkStations.
WorkStationsListCopy.Buffer = (PWSTR) new CHAR[pWorkStations->Length];
NtStatus DBGCHK = WorkStationsListCopy.Buffer ? STATUS_SUCCESS : STATUS_NO_MEMORY;
if (NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)) {
WorkStationsListCopy.MaximumLength = pWorkStations->Length;
RtlCopyMemory(WorkStationsListCopy.Buffer, pWorkStations->Buffer, pWorkStations->Length);
// wcstok requires a string the first time it's called, and NULL
// for all subsequent calls. Use a temporary variable so we
// can do this.
pTmpBuffer = WorkStationsListCopy.Buffer;
while (pWorkStationName = wcstok(pTmpBuffer, L",")) { pTmpBuffer = NULL; RtlInitUnicodeString(&Unicode, pWorkStationName); if (EqualComputerName(&Unicode, pLogonWorkStation)) { NtStatus DBGCHK = STATUS_SUCCESS; break; } } }
return NtStatus; }
NTSTATUS AccountRestrictions( IN ULONG UserRid, IN PUNICODE_STRING pLogonWorkStation, IN PUNICODE_STRING pWorkStations, IN PLOGON_HOURS pLogonHours, OUT PLARGE_INTEGER pLogoffTime, OUT PLARGE_INTEGER pKickoffTime ) { TNtStatus NtStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS;
static BOOLEAN GetForceLogoff = TRUE; static LARGE_INTEGER ForceLogoff = {0x7fffffff, 0xFFFFFFF};
#define MILLISECONDS_PER_WEEK 7 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000
SYSTEMTIME CurrentTimeFields; LARGE_INTEGER CurrentTime; LARGE_INTEGER CurrentUTCTime; LARGE_INTEGER MillisecondsIntoWeekXUnitsPerWeek; LARGE_INTEGER LargeUnitsIntoWeek; LARGE_INTEGER Delta100Ns; ULONG CurrentMsIntoWeek; ULONG LogoffMsIntoWeek; ULONG DeltaMs; ULONG MillisecondsPerUnit; ULONG CurrentUnitsIntoWeek; ULONG LogoffUnitsIntoWeek; USHORT i; TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION TimeZoneInformation; DWORD TimeZoneId; LARGE_INTEGER BiasIn100NsUnits; LONG BiasInMinutes;
// Only check for users other than the builtin ADMIN
if (UserRid != DOMAIN_USER_RID_ADMIN) { //
// Scan to make sure the workstation being logged into is in the
// list of valid workstations - or if the list of valid workstations
// is null, which means that all are valid.
NtStatus DBGCHK = SampMatchworkstation(pLogonWorkStation, pWorkStations);
if (NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)) {
// Check to make sure that the current time is a valid time to log
// on in the LogonHours.
// We need to validate the time taking into account whether we are
// in daylight savings time or standard time. Thus, if the logon
// hours specify that we are able to log on between 9am and 5pm,
// this means 9am to 5pm standard time during the standard time
// period, and 9am to 5pm daylight savings time when in the
// daylight savings time. Since the logon hours stored by SAM are
// independent of daylight savings time, we need to add in the
// difference between standard time and daylight savings time to
// the current time before checking whether this time is a valid
// time to log on. Since this difference (or bias as it is called)
// is actually held in the form
// Standard time = Daylight savings time + Bias
// the Bias is a negative number. Thus we actually subtract the
// signed Bias from the Current Time.
// First, get the Time Zone Information.
TimeZoneId = GetTimeZoneInformation(&TimeZoneInformation);
// Next, get the appropriate bias (signed integer in minutes) to subtract from
// the Universal Time Convention (UTC) time returned by NtQuerySystemTime
// to get the local time. The bias to be used depends whether we're
// in Daylight Savings time or Standard Time as indicated by the
// TimeZoneId parameter.
// local time = UTC time - bias in 100Ns units
switch (TimeZoneId) { case TIME_ZONE_ID_UNKNOWN:
// There is no differentiation between standard and
// daylight savings time. Proceed as for Standard Time
BiasInMinutes = TimeZoneInformation.StandardBias; break;
BiasInMinutes = TimeZoneInformation.StandardBias; break;
BiasInMinutes = TimeZoneInformation.DaylightBias; break;
// Something is wrong with the time zone information. Fail
// the logon request.
if (NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)) { //
// Convert the Bias from minutes to 100ns units
BiasIn100NsUnits.QuadPart = ((LONGLONG)BiasInMinutes) * 60 * 10000000;
// Get the UTC time in 100Ns units used by Windows Nt. This
// time is GMT.
NtStatus DBGCHK = NtQuerySystemTime(&CurrentUTCTime); }
if (NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)) { CurrentTime.QuadPart = CurrentUTCTime.QuadPart - BiasIn100NsUnits.QuadPart;
FileTimeToSystemTime((PFILETIME)&CurrentTime, &CurrentTimeFields);
CurrentMsIntoWeek = (((( CurrentTimeFields.wDayOfWeek * 24 ) + CurrentTimeFields.wHour ) * 60 + CurrentTimeFields.wMinute ) * 60 + CurrentTimeFields.wSecond ) * 1000 + CurrentTimeFields.wMilliseconds;
MillisecondsIntoWeekXUnitsPerWeek.QuadPart = ((LONGLONG)CurrentMsIntoWeek) * ((LONGLONG)pLogonHours->UnitsPerWeek);
LargeUnitsIntoWeek.QuadPart = MillisecondsIntoWeekXUnitsPerWeek.QuadPart / ((ULONG) MILLISECONDS_PER_WEEK);
CurrentUnitsIntoWeek = LargeUnitsIntoWeek.LowPart;
if ( !( pLogonHours->LogonHours[ CurrentUnitsIntoWeek / 8] & ( 0x01 << ( CurrentUnitsIntoWeek % 8 ) ) ) ) { NtStatus DBGCHK = STATUS_INVALID_LOGON_HOURS; } else { //
// Determine the next time that the user is NOT supposed to be logged
// in, and return that as LogoffTime.
i = 0; LogoffUnitsIntoWeek = CurrentUnitsIntoWeek; do { i++;
LogoffUnitsIntoWeek = (LogoffUnitsIntoWeek + 1) % pLogonHours->UnitsPerWeek;
} while ( (i <= pLogonHours->UnitsPerWeek) && ( pLogonHours->LogonHours[LogoffUnitsIntoWeek / 8] & (0x01 << (LogoffUnitsIntoWeek % 8)) ) );
if (i > pLogonHours->UnitsPerWeek) { //
// All times are allowed, so there's no logoff
// time. Return forever for both pLogoffTime and
// KickoffTime.
pLogoffTime->HighPart = 0x7FFFFFFF; pLogoffTime->LowPart = 0xFFFFFFFF;
pKickoffTime->HighPart = 0x7FFFFFFF; pKickoffTime->LowPart = 0xFFFFFFFF;
} else { //
// LogoffUnitsIntoWeek points at which time unit the
// user is to log off. Calculate actual time from
// the unit, and return it.
// CurrentTimeFields already holds the current
// time for some time during this week; just adjust
// to the logoff time during this week and convert
// to time format.
MillisecondsPerUnit = MILLISECONDS_PER_WEEK / pLogonHours->UnitsPerWeek;
LogoffMsIntoWeek = MillisecondsPerUnit * LogoffUnitsIntoWeek;
if (LogoffMsIntoWeek < CurrentMsIntoWeek) { DeltaMs = MILLISECONDS_PER_WEEK - (CurrentMsIntoWeek - LogoffMsIntoWeek) ; } else { DeltaMs = LogoffMsIntoWeek - CurrentMsIntoWeek; }
Delta100Ns.QuadPart = (LONGLONG) DeltaMs * 10000;
pLogoffTime->QuadPart = CurrentUTCTime.QuadPart + Delta100Ns.QuadPart;
// Grab the domain's ForceLogoff time.
if (GetForceLogoff) { NET_API_STATUS NetStatus; LPUSER_MODALS_INFO_0 UserModals0;
NetStatus = NetUserModalsGet(NULL, 0, (PBYTE *)&UserModals0);
if (NetStatus == 0) { GetForceLogoff = FALSE;
ForceLogoff = NetpSecondsToDeltaTime(UserModals0->usrmod0_force_logoff);
NetApiBufferFree(UserModals0); } }
// Subtract Domain->ForceLogoff from LogoffTime, and return
// that as KickoffTime. Note that Domain->ForceLogoff is a
// negative delta. If its magnitude is sufficiently large
// (in fact, larger than the difference between LogoffTime
// and the largest positive large integer), we'll get overflow
// resulting in a KickOffTime that is negative. In this
// case, reset the KickOffTime to this largest positive
// large integer (i.e. "never") value.
pKickoffTime->QuadPart = pLogoffTime->QuadPart - ForceLogoff.QuadPart;
if (pKickoffTime->QuadPart < 0) { pKickoffTime->HighPart = 0x7FFFFFFF; pKickoffTime->LowPart = 0xFFFFFFFF; } } } } } } else { //
// Never kick administrators off
pLogoffTime->HighPart = 0x7FFFFFFF; pLogoffTime->LowPart = 0xFFFFFFFF; pKickoffTime->HighPart = 0x7FFFFFFF; pKickoffTime->LowPart = 0xFFFFFFFF; }
return NtStatus; }
LARGE_INTEGER NetpSecondsToDeltaTime( IN ULONG Seconds ) { LARGE_INTEGER DeltaTime; LARGE_INTEGER LargeSeconds; LARGE_INTEGER Answer;
// Special case TIMEQ_FOREVER (return a full scale negative)
if (Seconds == TIMEQ_FOREVER) { DeltaTime.LowPart = 0; DeltaTime.HighPart = (LONG) 0x80000000; } else { //
// Convert seconds to 100ns units simply by multiplying by 10000000.
// Convert to delta time by negating.
LargeSeconds.LowPart = Seconds; LargeSeconds.HighPart = 0;
Answer.QuadPart = LargeSeconds.QuadPart * 10000000;
if (Answer.QuadPart < 0) { DeltaTime.LowPart = 0; DeltaTime.HighPart = (LONG) 0x80000000; } else { DeltaTime.QuadPart = -Answer.QuadPart; } }
return DeltaTime; }
BOOLEAN EqualComputerName( IN PUNICODE_STRING pString1, IN PUNICODE_STRING pString2 ) { WCHAR szComputer1[CNLEN + 1] = {0}; WCHAR szComputer2[CNLEN + 1] = {0}; CHAR szOemComputer1[CNLEN + 1] = {0}; CHAR szOemComputer2[CNLEN + 1] = {0};
// Make sure the names are not too long
if ((pString1->Length > CNLEN*sizeof(WCHAR)) || (pString2->Length > CNLEN*sizeof(WCHAR))) { return FALSE; }
// Copy them to null terminated strings
RtlCopyMemory( szComputer1, pString1->Buffer, pString1->Length ); szComputer1[pString1->Length/sizeof(WCHAR)] = L'\0';
RtlCopyMemory( szComputer2, pString2->Buffer, pString2->Length );
szComputer2[pString2->Length/sizeof(WCHAR)] = L'\0';
// Convert the computer names to OEM
if (!CharToOemW( szComputer1, szOemComputer1 )) { return FALSE; }
if (!CharToOemW( szComputer2, szOemComputer2 )) { return FALSE; }
// Do a case insensitive comparison of the oem computer names.
if (_stricmp(szOemComputer1, szOemComputer2) == 0) { return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } }
NTSTATUS NTAPI Msv1_0SubAuthenticationRoutineGeneric( IN PVOID SubmitBuffer, IN ULONG SubmitBufferLength, OUT PULONG ReturnBufferLength, OUT PVOID *ReturnBuffer ) { TNtStatus Status;
SspiPrint(SSPI_LOG, TEXT("Msv1_0SubAuthenticationRoutineGeneric\n"));
Status DBGCHK = (ReturnBufferLength && ReturnBuffer ) ? STATUS_SUCCESS : STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER;
if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { *ReturnBuffer = LocalAlloc(0, SubmitBufferLength);
if (*ReturnBuffer) { *ReturnBufferLength = SubmitBufferLength; RtlCopyMemory(*ReturnBuffer, SubmitBuffer, SubmitBufferLength); } else { *ReturnBufferLength = 0; }
SspiPrintHex(SSPI_LOG, TEXT("SubauthInfo"), SubmitBufferLength, SubmitBuffer); }
return Status; }
NTSTATUS NTAPI Msv1_0SubAuthenticationFilter( IN NETLOGON_LOGON_INFO_CLASS LogonLevel, IN PVOID pLogonInformation, IN ULONG Flags, IN PUSER_ALL_INFORMATION pUserAll, OUT PULONG pWhichFields, OUT PULONG pUserFlags, OUT PBOOLEAN pAuthoritative, OUT PLARGE_INTEGER pLogoffTime, OUT PLARGE_INTEGER pKickoffTime ) { return Msv1_0SubAuthenticationRoutine( LogonLevel, pLogonInformation, Flags, pUserAll, pWhichFields, pUserFlags, pAuthoritative, pLogoffTime, pKickoffTime ); }