Copyright (c) 1987-1993 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Test program for the NtLmSsp service.
28-Jun-1993 (cliffv)
User mode only. Contains NT-specific code. Requires ANSI C extensions: slash-slash comments, long external names.
Revision History:
// Common include files.
#include <nt.h>
#include <ntrtl.h>
#include <nturtl.h>
#include <windef.h>
#include <winbase.h>
#include <winsvc.h> // Needed for service controller APIs
#include <lmcons.h>
#include <lmerr.h>
#include <lmsname.h>
#include <rpc.h>
#include <stdio.h> // printf
#include <stdlib.h> // strtoul
#include <tstring.h> // NetpAllocWStrFromWStr
#include <security.h> // General definition of a Security Support Provider
#include <ntmsv1_0.h>
#include <ntlmsp.h>
#include <ntlmssp.h> // External definition of the NtLmSsp service
#include <dsgetdc.h> // External definition of the NtLmSsp service
BOOLEAN QuietMode = FALSE; // Don't be verbose
extern BOOLEAN TestExt;
// BUGBUG Should be in the SDK?
VOID DumpBuffer( PVOID Buffer, DWORD BufferSize ) /*++
Routine Description:
Dumps the buffer content on to the debugger output.
Buffer: buffer pointer.
BufferSize: size of the buffer.
Return Value:
--*/ { #define NUM_CHARS 16
DWORD i, limit; CHAR TextBuffer[NUM_CHARS + 1]; LPBYTE BufferPtr = Buffer;
// Hex dump of the bytes
limit = ((BufferSize - 1) / NUM_CHARS + 1) * NUM_CHARS;
for (i = 0; i < limit; i++) {
if (i < BufferSize) {
printf("%02x ", BufferPtr[i]);
if (BufferPtr[i] < 31 ) { TextBuffer[i % NUM_CHARS] = '.'; } else if (BufferPtr[i] == '\0') { TextBuffer[i % NUM_CHARS] = ' '; } else { TextBuffer[i % NUM_CHARS] = (CHAR) BufferPtr[i]; }
} else {
printf(" "); TextBuffer[i % NUM_CHARS] = ' ';
if ((i + 1) % NUM_CHARS == 0) { TextBuffer[NUM_CHARS] = 0; printf(" %s\n", TextBuffer); }
printf("------------------------------------\n"); }
VOID PrintTime( LPSTR Comment, TimeStamp ConvertTime ) /*++
Routine Description:
Print the specified time
Comment - Comment to print in front of the time
Time - Local time to print
Return Value:
--*/ { LARGE_INTEGER LocalTime;
LocalTime.HighPart = ConvertTime.HighPart; LocalTime.LowPart = ConvertTime.LowPart;
printf( "%s", Comment );
// If the time is infinite,
// just say so.
if ( LocalTime.HighPart == 0x7FFFFFFF && LocalTime.LowPart == 0xFFFFFFFF ) { printf( "Infinite\n" );
// Otherwise print it more clearly
} else {
RtlTimeToTimeFields( &LocalTime, &TimeFields );
printf( "%ld/%ld/%ld %ld:%2.2ld:%2.2ld\n", TimeFields.Month, TimeFields.Day, TimeFields.Year, TimeFields.Hour, TimeFields.Minute, TimeFields.Second ); }
VOID PrintStatus( NET_API_STATUS NetStatus ) /*++
Routine Description:
Print a net status code.
NetStatus - The net status code to print.
Return Value:
--*/ { printf( "Status = %lu 0x%lx", NetStatus, NetStatus );
switch (NetStatus) { case NERR_Success: printf( " NERR_Success" ); break;
case NERR_DCNotFound: printf( " NERR_DCNotFound" ); break;
case ERROR_NO_SUCH_DOMAIN: printf( " ERROR_NO_SUCH_DOMAIN" ); break;
case ERROR_BAD_NETPATH: printf( " ERROR_BAD_NETPATH" ); break;
case ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND: printf( " ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND" ); break;
case NERR_NetNotStarted: printf( " NERR_NetNotStarted" ); break;
case NERR_WkstaNotStarted: printf( " NERR_WkstaNotStarted" ); break;
case NERR_ServerNotStarted: printf( " NERR_ServerNotStarted" ); break;
case NERR_BrowserNotStarted: printf( " NERR_BrowserNotStarted" ); break;
case NERR_ServiceNotInstalled: printf( " NERR_ServiceNotInstalled" ); break;
case NERR_BadTransactConfig: printf( " NERR_BadTransactConfig" ); break;
case SEC_E_NO_SPM: printf( " SEC_E_NO_SPM" ); break; case SEC_E_BAD_PKGID: printf( " SEC_E_BAD_PKGID" ); break; case SEC_E_NOT_OWNER: printf( " SEC_E_NOT_OWNER" ); break; case SEC_E_CANNOT_INSTALL: printf( " SEC_E_CANNOT_INSTALL" ); break; case SEC_E_INVALID_TOKEN: printf( " SEC_E_INVALID_TOKEN" ); break; case SEC_E_CANNOT_PACK: printf( " SEC_E_CANNOT_PACK" ); break; case SEC_E_QOP_NOT_SUPPORTED: printf( " SEC_E_QOP_NOT_SUPPORTED" ); break; case SEC_E_NO_IMPERSONATION: printf( " SEC_E_NO_IMPERSONATION" ); break; case SEC_E_LOGON_DENIED: printf( " SEC_E_LOGON_DENIED" ); break; case SEC_E_UNKNOWN_CREDENTIALS: printf( " SEC_E_UNKNOWN_CREDENTIALS" ); break; case SEC_E_NO_CREDENTIALS: printf( " SEC_E_NO_CREDENTIALS" ); break; case SEC_E_MESSAGE_ALTERED: printf( " SEC_E_MESSAGE_ALTERED" ); break; case SEC_E_OUT_OF_SEQUENCE: printf( " SEC_E_OUT_OF_SEQUENCE" ); break; case SEC_E_INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY: printf( " SEC_E_INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY" ); break; case SEC_E_INVALID_HANDLE: printf( " SEC_E_INVALID_HANDLE" ); break; case SEC_E_NOT_SUPPORTED: printf( " SEC_E_NOT_SUPPORTED" ); break;
printf( "\n" ); }
VOID TestSspRoutine( LPWSTR DomainName, LPWSTR UserName, LPWSTR Password ) /*++
Routine Description:
Test base SSPI functionality
Return Value:
--*/ { SECURITY_STATUS SecStatus, TmpStatus; CredHandle CredentialHandle1; CredHandle CredentialHandle2; CtxtHandle ClientContextHandle, NewClientContextHandle; CtxtHandle ServerContextHandle, NewServerContextHandle; TimeStamp Lifetime; ULONG ContextAttributes; ULONG PackageCount,i; PSecPkgInfo PackageInfo; PSecPkgInfo pTmp;
SecBufferDesc NegotiateDesc; SecBuffer NegotiateBuffer;
SecBufferDesc ChallengeDesc; SecBuffer ChallengeBuffer;
SecBufferDesc AuthenticateDesc; SecBuffer AuthenticateBuffer;
SecPkgContext_Sizes ContextSizes; SecPkgContext_Lifespan ContextLifespan; UCHAR ContextNamesBuffer[sizeof(SecPkgContext_Names)+UNLEN*sizeof(WCHAR)]; PSecPkgContext_Names ContextNames = (PSecPkgContext_Names) ContextNamesBuffer;
SecBufferDesc SignMessage; SecBuffer SigBuffers[2]; BYTE bDataBuffer[20]; BYTE bSigBuffer[100]; SecBuffer ExportedBuffer;
#if 0
DWORD (WINAPI *pDsGetDcNameA)( LPCSTR, LPCSTR, GUID *, LPCSTR, ULONG, PDOMAIN_CONTROLLER_INFOA *); do { char szBuf[256]; HINSTANCE hLogonsrv = LoadLibraryA("logonsrv"); PDOMAIN_CONTROLLER_INFOA ControllerInfo = NULL; ULONG NetStatus = 0;
if (hLogonsrv == NULL) { wsprintfA(szBuf, "MSNP32: Logonsrv does not exist\n"); OutputDebugStringA(szBuf); break; }
if (pDsGetDcNameA == NULL) { wsprintfA(szBuf, "MSNP32: Entrypoint DsGetDcNameA does not exist in Logonsrv.dll\n"); OutputDebugStringA(szBuf); break; }
if (hLogonsrv) FreeLibrary(hLogonsrv);
if (NetStatus != 0) { wsprintfA(szBuf, "MSNP32: DsGetDcNameA returned 0x%x\n", NetStatus); OutputDebugStringA(szBuf); break; }
if (ControllerInfo->DomainName != NULL) { wsprintfA(szBuf, "MSNP32: DsGetDcName returned DomainControllerName: \"%s\"\n", ControllerInfo->DomainControllerName ); OutputDebugStringA(szBuf); } else { OutputDebugStringA("MSNP32: DsGetDcName returned NULL DomainName\n"); } }while (FALSE); #endif // #if 0
NegotiateBuffer.pvBuffer = NULL; ChallengeBuffer.pvBuffer = NULL; AuthenticateBuffer.pvBuffer = NULL;
SigBuffers[1].pvBuffer = bSigBuffer; SigBuffers[1].cbBuffer = sizeof(bSigBuffer); SigBuffers[1].BufferType = SECBUFFER_TOKEN;
SigBuffers[0].pvBuffer = bDataBuffer; SigBuffers[0].cbBuffer = sizeof(bDataBuffer); SigBuffers[0].BufferType = SECBUFFER_DATA; memset(bDataBuffer,0xeb,sizeof(bDataBuffer));
SignMessage.pBuffers = SigBuffers; SignMessage.cBuffers = 2; SignMessage.ulVersion = 0;
// Get info about the security packages.
SecStatus = EnumerateSecurityPackages( &PackageCount, &PackageInfo ); TmpStatus = GetLastError();
if ( SecStatus != STATUS_SUCCESS ) { printf( "EnumerateSecurityPackages failed:" ); PrintStatus( SecStatus ); return; }
if ( !QuietMode ) { printf( "PackageCount: %ld\n", PackageCount ); for ( i= 0; i< PackageCount; i++) { pTmp = (PackageInfo + i); printf( "Name: %ws Comment: %ws\n", pTmp->Name, pTmp->Comment ); printf( "Cap: %ld Version: %ld RPCid: %ld MaxToken: %ld\n\n", pTmp->fCapabilities, pTmp->wVersion, pTmp->wRPCID, pTmp->cbMaxToken ); } }
// Get info about the security packages.
SecStatus = QuerySecurityPackageInfo( NTLMSP_NAME, &PackageInfo ); TmpStatus = GetLastError();
if ( SecStatus != STATUS_SUCCESS ) { printf( "QuerySecurityPackageInfo failed:" ); PrintStatus( SecStatus ); return; }
if ( !QuietMode ) { printf( "Name: %ws Comment: %ws\n", PackageInfo->Name, PackageInfo->Comment ); printf( "Cap: %ld Version: %ld RPCid: %ld MaxToken: %ld\n\n", PackageInfo->fCapabilities, PackageInfo->wVersion, PackageInfo->wRPCID, PackageInfo->cbMaxToken ); }
// Acquire a credential handle for the server side
SecStatus = AcquireCredentialsHandle( NULL, // New principal
NTLMSP_NAME, // Package Name
SECPKG_CRED_INBOUND, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, &CredentialHandle1, &Lifetime );
if ( SecStatus != STATUS_SUCCESS ) { printf( "AcquireCredentialsHandle failed: "); TmpStatus = GetLastError(); PrintStatus( SecStatus ); return; }
if ( !QuietMode ) { printf( "CredentialHandle1: 0x%lx 0x%lx ", CredentialHandle1.dwLower, CredentialHandle1.dwUpper ); PrintTime( "Lifetime: ", Lifetime ); }
// Acquire a credential handle for the client side
RtlZeroMemory( &AuthIdentity, sizeof(AuthIdentity) ); // #define DO_OEM 1
#ifndef DO_OEM
if ( DomainName != NULL ) { AuthIdentity.Domain = DomainName; AuthIdentity.DomainLength = wcslen(DomainName); } if ( UserName != NULL ) { AuthIdentity.User = UserName; AuthIdentity.UserLength = wcslen(UserName); } if ( Password != NULL ) { AuthIdentity.Password = Password; AuthIdentity.PasswordLength = wcslen(Password); } AuthIdentity.Flags = SEC_WINNT_AUTH_IDENTITY_UNICODE; #else
// BUGBUG: memory leak here
if ( DomainName != NULL ) { AuthIdentity.Domain = (LPWSTR) NetpAllocStrFromWStr(DomainName); AuthIdentity.DomainLength = wcslen(DomainName); } if ( UserName != NULL ) { AuthIdentity.User = (LPWSTR) NetpAllocStrFromWStr(UserName); AuthIdentity.UserLength = wcslen(UserName); } if ( Password != NULL ) { AuthIdentity.Password = (LPWSTR) NetpAllocStrFromWStr(Password); AuthIdentity.PasswordLength = wcslen(Password); } AuthIdentity.Flags = SEC_WINNT_AUTH_IDENTITY_ANSI; #endif
SecStatus = AcquireCredentialsHandle( NULL, // New principal
NTLMSP_NAME, // Package Name
SECPKG_CRED_OUTBOUND, NULL, (DomainName == NULL && UserName == NULL && Password == NULL) ? NULL : &AuthIdentity, NULL, NULL, &CredentialHandle2, &Lifetime );
if ( SecStatus != STATUS_SUCCESS ) { printf( "AcquireCredentialsHandle failed: " ); TmpStatus = GetLastError(); PrintStatus( SecStatus ); return; }
if ( !QuietMode ) { printf( "CredentialHandle2: 0x%lx 0x%lx ", CredentialHandle2.dwLower, CredentialHandle2.dwUpper ); PrintTime( "Lifetime: ", Lifetime ); }
// Get the NegotiateMessage (ClientSide)
NegotiateDesc.ulVersion = 0; NegotiateDesc.cBuffers = 1; NegotiateDesc.pBuffers = &NegotiateBuffer;
NegotiateBuffer.cbBuffer = PackageInfo->cbMaxToken; NegotiateBuffer.BufferType = SECBUFFER_TOKEN; NegotiateBuffer.pvBuffer = LocalAlloc( 0, NegotiateBuffer.cbBuffer ); if ( NegotiateBuffer.pvBuffer == NULL ) { printf( "Allocate NegotiateMessage failed: 0x%ld\n", GetLastError() ); return; }
SecStatus = InitializeSecurityContext( &CredentialHandle2, NULL, // No Client context yet
L"\\\\Frank\\IPC$", // Faked target name
SECURITY_NATIVE_DREP, NULL, // No initial input token
0, // Reserved 2
&ClientContextHandle, &NegotiateDesc, &ContextAttributes, &Lifetime );
if ( SecStatus != STATUS_SUCCESS ) { TmpStatus = GetLastError(); if ( !QuietMode || !NT_SUCCESS(SecStatus) ) { printf( "InitializeSecurityContext (negotiate): " ); PrintStatus( SecStatus ); } if ( !NT_SUCCESS(SecStatus) ) { return; } }
if ( !QuietMode ) { printf( "\n\nNegotiate Message:\n" );
printf( "ClientContextHandle: 0x%lx 0x%lx Attributes: 0x%lx ", ClientContextHandle.dwLower, ClientContextHandle.dwUpper, ContextAttributes ); PrintTime( "Lifetime: ", Lifetime );
DumpBuffer( NegotiateBuffer.pvBuffer, NegotiateBuffer.cbBuffer ); }
// Get the ChallengeMessage (ServerSide)
NegotiateBuffer.BufferType |= SECBUFFER_READONLY; ChallengeDesc.ulVersion = 0; ChallengeDesc.cBuffers = 1; ChallengeDesc.pBuffers = &ChallengeBuffer;
ChallengeBuffer.cbBuffer = PackageInfo->cbMaxToken; ChallengeBuffer.BufferType = SECBUFFER_TOKEN; ChallengeBuffer.pvBuffer = LocalAlloc( 0, ChallengeBuffer.cbBuffer ); if ( ChallengeBuffer.pvBuffer == NULL ) { printf( "Allocate ChallengeMessage failed: 0x%ld\n", GetLastError() ); return; }
SecStatus = AcceptSecurityContext( &CredentialHandle1, NULL, // No Server context yet
&NegotiateDesc, ISC_REQ_SEQUENCE_DETECT | ISC_REQ_DATAGRAM, SECURITY_NATIVE_DREP, &ServerContextHandle, &ChallengeDesc, &ContextAttributes, &Lifetime );
if ( SecStatus != STATUS_SUCCESS ) { TmpStatus = GetLastError(); if ( !QuietMode || !NT_SUCCESS(SecStatus) ) { printf( "AcceptSecurityContext (Challenge): " ); PrintStatus( SecStatus ); } if ( !NT_SUCCESS(SecStatus) ) { return; } }
if ( !QuietMode ) { printf( "\n\nChallenge Message:\n" );
printf( "ServerContextHandle: 0x%lx 0x%lx Attributes: 0x%lx ", ServerContextHandle.dwLower, ServerContextHandle.dwUpper, ContextAttributes ); PrintTime( "Lifetime: ", Lifetime );
DumpBuffer( ChallengeBuffer.pvBuffer, ChallengeBuffer.cbBuffer ); }
// Get the AuthenticateMessage (ClientSide)
ChallengeBuffer.BufferType |= SECBUFFER_READONLY; AuthenticateDesc.ulVersion = 0; AuthenticateDesc.cBuffers = 1; AuthenticateDesc.pBuffers = &AuthenticateBuffer;
AuthenticateBuffer.cbBuffer = PackageInfo->cbMaxToken; AuthenticateBuffer.BufferType = SECBUFFER_TOKEN; AuthenticateBuffer.pvBuffer = LocalAlloc( 0, AuthenticateBuffer.cbBuffer ); if ( AuthenticateBuffer.pvBuffer == NULL ) { printf( "Allocate AuthenticateMessage failed: 0x%ld\n", GetLastError() ); return; }
SecStatus = InitializeSecurityContext( NULL, &ClientContextHandle, L"\\\\Frank\\IPC$", // Faked target name
0, 0, // Reserved 1
SECURITY_NATIVE_DREP, &ChallengeDesc, 0, // Reserved 2
&ClientContextHandle, &AuthenticateDesc, &ContextAttributes, &Lifetime );
if ( SecStatus != STATUS_SUCCESS ) { TmpStatus = GetLastError(); printf( "InitializeSecurityContext (Authenticate): " ); PrintStatus( SecStatus ); if ( !NT_SUCCESS(SecStatus) ) { return; } }
if ( !QuietMode ) { printf( "\n\nAuthenticate Message:\n" );
printf( "ClientContextHandle: 0x%lx 0x%lx Attributes: 0x%lx ", ClientContextHandle.dwLower, ClientContextHandle.dwUpper, ContextAttributes ); PrintTime( "Lifetime: ", Lifetime );
DumpBuffer( AuthenticateBuffer.pvBuffer, AuthenticateBuffer.cbBuffer ); }
// Finally authenticate the user (ServerSide)
AuthenticateBuffer.BufferType |= SECBUFFER_READONLY;
SecStatus = AcceptSecurityContext( NULL, &ServerContextHandle, &AuthenticateDesc, 0, SECURITY_NATIVE_DREP, &ServerContextHandle, NULL, &ContextAttributes, &Lifetime );
if ( SecStatus != STATUS_SUCCESS ) { TmpStatus = GetLastError(); printf( "AcceptSecurityContext (Challenge): " ); PrintStatus( SecStatus ); if ( !NT_SUCCESS(SecStatus) ) { return; } }
if ( !QuietMode ) { printf( "\n\nFinal Authentication:\n" );
printf( "ServerContextHandle: 0x%lx 0x%lx Attributes: 0x%lx ", ServerContextHandle.dwLower, ServerContextHandle.dwUpper, ContextAttributes ); PrintTime( "Lifetime: ", Lifetime ); printf(" \n" ); }
// Query as many attributes as possible
SecStatus = QueryContextAttributes( &ClientContextHandle, SECPKG_ATTR_SIZES, &ContextSizes );
if ( SecStatus != STATUS_SUCCESS ) { TmpStatus = GetLastError(); printf( "QueryContextAttributes (sizes): " ); PrintStatus( SecStatus ); if ( !NT_SUCCESS(SecStatus) ) { return; } }
if ( !QuietMode ) { printf( "QuerySizes: %ld %ld %ld %ld\n", ContextSizes.cbMaxToken, ContextSizes.cbMaxSignature, ContextSizes.cbBlockSize, ContextSizes.cbSecurityTrailer ); }
SecStatus = QueryContextAttributes( &ClientContextHandle, SECPKG_ATTR_NAMES, ContextNamesBuffer );
if ( SecStatus != STATUS_SUCCESS ) { TmpStatus = GetLastError(); printf( "QueryContextAttributes (names): " ); PrintStatus( SecStatus ); if ( !NT_SUCCESS(SecStatus) ) { return; } }
if ( !QuietMode ) { printf( "QueryNames: %ws\n", ContextNames->sUserName ); }
SecStatus = QueryContextAttributes( &ClientContextHandle, SECPKG_ATTR_LIFESPAN, &ContextLifespan );
if ( SecStatus != STATUS_SUCCESS ) { TmpStatus = GetLastError(); printf( "QueryContextAttributes (lifespan): " ); PrintStatus( SecStatus ); }
if ( NT_SUCCESS(SecStatus) ) { if ( !QuietMode ) { PrintTime(" Start:", ContextLifespan.tsStart ); PrintTime(" Expiry:", ContextLifespan.tsExpiry ); } }
// Get the ChallengeMessage (ServerSide)
// Now make a third call to Initialize to check that RPC can
// reauthenticate.
AuthenticateBuffer.BufferType = SECBUFFER_TOKEN;
SecStatus = InitializeSecurityContext( NULL, &ClientContextHandle, L"\\\\Frank\\IPC$", // Faked target name
0, 0, // Reserved 1
&ClientContextHandle, &AuthenticateDesc, &ContextAttributes, &Lifetime );
if ( SecStatus != STATUS_SUCCESS ) { TmpStatus = GetLastError(); printf( "InitializeSecurityContext (Re-Authenticate): " ); PrintStatus( SecStatus ); if ( !NT_SUCCESS(SecStatus) ) { return; } }
// Now try to re-authenticate the user (ServerSide)
AuthenticateBuffer.BufferType |= SECBUFFER_READONLY;
SecStatus = AcceptSecurityContext( NULL, &ServerContextHandle, &AuthenticateDesc, 0, SECURITY_NATIVE_DREP, &ServerContextHandle, NULL, &ContextAttributes, &Lifetime );
if ( SecStatus != STATUS_SUCCESS ) { TmpStatus = GetLastError(); printf( "AcceptSecurityContext (Re-authenticate): " ); PrintStatus( SecStatus ); if ( !NT_SUCCESS(SecStatus) ) { return; } }
// Impersonate the client (ServerSide)
SecStatus = ImpersonateSecurityContext( &ServerContextHandle );
if ( SecStatus != STATUS_SUCCESS ) { TmpStatus = GetLastError(); printf( "ImpersonateSecurityContext: " ); PrintStatus( SecStatus ); if ( !NT_SUCCESS(SecStatus) ) { return; } }
// Do something while impersonating (Access the token)
{ NTSTATUS Status; HANDLE TokenHandle = NULL;
// Open the token,
Status = NtOpenThreadToken( NtCurrentThread(), TOKEN_QUERY, (BOOLEAN) TRUE, // Not really using the impersonation token
&TokenHandle );
if ( !NT_SUCCESS(Status) ) { printf( "Access Thread token while impersonating: " ); PrintStatus( Status ); return; } else { (VOID) NtClose( TokenHandle ); } }
// RevertToSelf (ServerSide)
SecStatus = RevertSecurityContext( &ServerContextHandle );
if ( SecStatus != STATUS_SUCCESS ) { printf( "RevertSecurityContext: " ); PrintStatus( SecStatus ); if ( !NT_SUCCESS(SecStatus) ) { return; } }
// Sign a message
SecStatus = MakeSignature( &ClientContextHandle, 0, &SignMessage, 0 );
if ( SecStatus != STATUS_SUCCESS ) { printf( "MakeSignature: " ); PrintStatus( SecStatus ); if ( !NT_SUCCESS(SecStatus) ) { return; } }
if ( !QuietMode ) {
printf("\n Signature: \n"); DumpBuffer(SigBuffers[1].pvBuffer,SigBuffers[1].cbBuffer);
// Verify the signature
SecStatus = VerifySignature( &ServerContextHandle, &SignMessage, 0, 0 );
if ( SecStatus != STATUS_SUCCESS ) { printf( "VerifySignature: " ); PrintStatus( SecStatus ); if ( !NT_SUCCESS(SecStatus) ) { return; } }
// Sign a message, this time to check if it can detect a change in the
// message
SecStatus = MakeSignature( &ClientContextHandle, 0, &SignMessage, 0 );
if ( SecStatus != STATUS_SUCCESS ) { printf( "MakeSignature: " ); PrintStatus( SecStatus ); if ( !NT_SUCCESS(SecStatus) ) { return; } }
if ( !QuietMode ) {
printf("\n Signature: \n"); DumpBuffer(SigBuffers[1].pvBuffer,SigBuffers[1].cbBuffer);
// Mess up the message to see if VerifySignature works
bDataBuffer[10] = 0xec;
// Verify the signature
SecStatus = VerifySignature( &ServerContextHandle, &SignMessage, 0, 0 );
if ( SecStatus != SEC_E_MESSAGE_ALTERED ) { printf( "VerifySignature: " ); PrintStatus( SecStatus ); if ( !NT_SUCCESS(SecStatus) ) { return; } }
// Export client context without deleting the old one.
SecStatus = ExportSecurityContext( &ClientContextHandle, 0, &ExportedBuffer, NULL);
if ( SecStatus != STATUS_SUCCESS ) { printf( "ExportSecurityContext: " ); PrintStatus( SecStatus ); if ( !NT_SUCCESS(SecStatus) ) { return; } }
SecStatus = ImportSecurityContext( NTLMSP_NAME, // Package Name
&ExportedBuffer, NULL, &NewClientContextHandle);
if ( SecStatus != STATUS_SUCCESS ) { printf( "ImportSecurityContext: " ); PrintStatus( SecStatus ); if ( !NT_SUCCESS(SecStatus) ) { return; } }
SecStatus = FreeContextBuffer(ExportedBuffer.pvBuffer);
if ( SecStatus != STATUS_SUCCESS ) { printf( "FreeContextBuffer: " ); PrintStatus( SecStatus ); if ( !NT_SUCCESS(SecStatus) ) { return; } }
SecStatus = QueryContextAttributes( &NewClientContextHandle, SECPKG_ATTR_NAMES, ContextNamesBuffer );
if ( SecStatus != STATUS_SUCCESS ) { printf( "QueryContextAttributes (names): " ); PrintStatus( SecStatus ); if ( !NT_SUCCESS(SecStatus) ) { return; } }
if ( !QuietMode ) { printf( "QueryNames: %ws\n", ContextNames->sUserName ); }
// Export client context while deleting the old one.
SecStatus = ExportSecurityContext( &ServerContextHandle, SECPKG_CONTEXT_EXPORT_DELETE_OLD, &ExportedBuffer, NULL);
if ( SecStatus != STATUS_SUCCESS ) { printf( "ExportSecurityContext: " ); PrintStatus( SecStatus ); if ( !NT_SUCCESS(SecStatus) ) { return; } }
SecStatus = ImportSecurityContext( NTLMSP_NAME, // Package Name
&ExportedBuffer, NULL, &NewServerContextHandle);
if ( SecStatus != STATUS_SUCCESS ) { printf( "ImportSecurityContext: " ); PrintStatus( SecStatus ); if ( !NT_SUCCESS(SecStatus) ) { return; } }
SecStatus = FreeContextBuffer(ExportedBuffer.pvBuffer);
if ( SecStatus != STATUS_SUCCESS ) { printf( "FreeContextBuffer: " ); PrintStatus( SecStatus ); if ( !NT_SUCCESS(SecStatus) ) { return; } }
SecStatus = QueryContextAttributes( &NewServerContextHandle, SECPKG_ATTR_NAMES, ContextNamesBuffer );
if ( SecStatus != STATUS_SUCCESS ) { printf( "QueryContextAttributes (names): " ); PrintStatus( SecStatus ); if ( !NT_SUCCESS(SecStatus) ) { return; } }
if ( !QuietMode ) { printf( "QueryNames: %ws\n", ContextNames->sUserName ); }
// Delete only the client context. The server context has already been deleted.
SecStatus = DeleteSecurityContext( &ClientContextHandle );
if ( SecStatus != STATUS_SUCCESS ) { printf( "DeleteSecurityContext failed: " ); PrintStatus( SecStatus ); return; }
// Delete imported contexts
SecStatus = DeleteSecurityContext( &NewClientContextHandle );
if ( SecStatus != STATUS_SUCCESS ) { printf( "DeleteSecurityContext failed: " ); PrintStatus( SecStatus ); return; }
SecStatus = DeleteSecurityContext( &NewServerContextHandle );
if ( SecStatus != STATUS_SUCCESS ) { printf( "DeleteSecurityContext failed: " ); PrintStatus( SecStatus ); return; }
// Free both credential handles
SecStatus = FreeCredentialsHandle( &CredentialHandle1 );
if ( SecStatus != STATUS_SUCCESS ) { printf( "FreeCredentialsHandle failed: " ); PrintStatus( SecStatus ); return; }
SecStatus = FreeCredentialsHandle( &CredentialHandle2 );
if ( SecStatus != STATUS_SUCCESS ) { printf( "FreeCredentialsHandle failed: " ); PrintStatus( SecStatus ); return; }
// Final Cleanup
if ( NegotiateBuffer.pvBuffer != NULL ) { (VOID) LocalFree( NegotiateBuffer.pvBuffer ); }
if ( ChallengeBuffer.pvBuffer != NULL ) { (VOID) LocalFree( ChallengeBuffer.pvBuffer ); }
if ( AuthenticateBuffer.pvBuffer != NULL ) { (VOID) LocalFree( AuthenticateBuffer.pvBuffer ); } }
VOID TestLogonRoutine( IN LPWSTR UserName, IN LPWSTR DomainName, IN LPWSTR Password ) { NTSTATUS Status; PMSV1_0_INTERACTIVE_LOGON LogonInfo; ULONG LogonInfoSize = sizeof(MSV1_0_INTERACTIVE_LOGON); BOOLEAN WasEnabled; UNICODE_STRING Name; STRING TempName; ULONG Dummy; HANDLE LogonHandle = NULL; ULONG PackageId; TOKEN_SOURCE SourceContext; PMSV1_0_INTERACTIVE_PROFILE Profile = NULL; ULONG ProfileSize; LUID LogonId; HANDLE TokenHandle = NULL; QUOTA_LIMITS Quotas; NTSTATUS SubStatus; WCHAR UserNameString[100]; ULONG NameLength = 100; PUCHAR Where;
LogonInfoSize += (wcslen(UserName) + ((DomainName == NULL)? 0 : wcslen(DomainName)) + wcslen(Password) + 3 ) * sizeof(WCHAR);
LogonInfo = (PMSV1_0_INTERACTIVE_LOGON) LocalAlloc(LMEM_ZEROINIT, LogonInfoSize);
LogonInfo->MessageType = MsV1_0InteractiveLogon;
RtlInitUnicodeString( &Name, UserName );
Where = (PUCHAR) (LogonInfo + 1);
LogonInfo->UserName.Buffer = (LPWSTR) Where; LogonInfo->UserName.Length = Name.Length; LogonInfo->UserName.MaximumLength = Name.MaximumLength; RtlCopyMemory( Where, Name.Buffer, Name.Length ); Where += LogonInfo->UserName.Length + sizeof(WCHAR);
RtlInitUnicodeString( &Name, DomainName );
LogonInfo->LogonDomainName.Buffer = (LPWSTR) Where; LogonInfo->LogonDomainName.Length = Name.Length; LogonInfo->LogonDomainName.MaximumLength = Name.MaximumLength; RtlCopyMemory( Where, Name.Buffer, Name.Length ); Where += LogonInfo->LogonDomainName.Length + sizeof(WCHAR);
RtlInitUnicodeString( &Name, Password );
LogonInfo->Password.Buffer = (LPWSTR) Where; LogonInfo->Password.Length = Name.Length; LogonInfo->Password.Length = Name.MaximumLength; RtlCopyMemory( Where, Name.Buffer, Name.Length ); Where += LogonInfo->Password.Length + sizeof(WCHAR);
LogonInfo->MessageType = MsV1_0InteractiveLogon;
// Turn on the TCB privilege
Status = RtlAdjustPrivilege(SE_TCB_PRIVILEGE, TRUE, FALSE, &WasEnabled); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { printf("Failed to adjust privilege: GetLastError = 0x%x\n",GetLastError()); printf("Failed to adjust privilege: 0x%x\n",Status); return; } RtlInitString( &TempName, "SspTest" ); Status = LsaRegisterLogonProcess( &TempName, &LogonHandle, &Dummy ); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { printf("Failed to register as a logon process: 0x%x\n",Status); return; }
strncpy( SourceContext.SourceName, "ssptest ",sizeof(SourceContext.SourceName) ); NtAllocateLocallyUniqueId( &SourceContext.SourceIdentifier );
RtlInitString( &TempName, NTLMSP_NAME_A ); Status = LsaLookupAuthenticationPackage( LogonHandle, &TempName, &PackageId ); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { printf("Failed to lookup package %Z: 0x%x\n",&TempName, Status); return; }
// Now call LsaLogonUser
RtlInitString( &TempName, "ssptest" );
Status = LsaLogonUser( LogonHandle, &TempName, Interactive, PackageId, LogonInfo, LogonInfoSize, NULL, // no token groups
&SourceContext, (PVOID *) &Profile, &ProfileSize, &LogonId, &TokenHandle, &Quotas, &SubStatus ); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { printf("lsalogonuser failed: 0x%x\n",Status); return; } if (!NT_SUCCESS(SubStatus)) { printf("LsalogonUser failed: substatus = 0x%x\n",SubStatus); return; }
ImpersonateLoggedOnUser( TokenHandle ); GetUserName(UserNameString,&NameLength); printf("Username = %ws\n",UserNameString); RevertToSelf(); NtClose(TokenHandle);
DWORD JunkTest() { return 1; }
int __cdecl main( IN int argc, IN char ** argv ) /*++
Routine Description:
Drive the NtLmSsp service
int __cdecl main( IN int argc, IN char ** argv ) /*++
Routine Description:
Drive the NtLmSsp service
argc - the number of command-line arguments.
argv - an array of pointers to the arguments.
Return Value:
Exit status
--*/ { LPSTR argument; int i; ULONG j; ULONG Iterations = 0;
LPWSTR DomainName = NULL; LPWSTR UserName = NULL; LPWSTR Password = NULL;
enum { NoAction, ConfigureService, #define CONFIG_PARAM "/ConfigureService"
TestSsp, #define TESTSSP_PARAM "/TestSsp"
#define TESTSSP2_PARAM "/TestSsp:"
#define LOGON_PARAM "/TestLogon"
TestLogon, } Action = NoAction; #define QUIET_PARAM "/Q"
// Loop through the arguments handle each in turn
for ( i=1; i<argc; i++ ) {
argument = argv[i];
// Handle /TestSsp
if ( _stricmp( argument, TESTSSP_PARAM ) == 0 ) { if ( Action != NoAction ) { goto Usage; }
Action = TestSsp; Iterations = 1;
// Handle /TestSsp:
} else if ( _strnicmp( argument, TESTSSP2_PARAM, sizeof(TESTSSP2_PARAM)-1 ) == 0 ){ char *end; if ( Action != NoAction ) { goto Usage; }
Action = TestSsp;
Iterations = strtoul( &argument[sizeof(TESTSSP2_PARAM)-1], &end, 10 );
i++; if ( i < argc ) { argument = argv[i]; DomainName = NetpAllocWStrFromStr( argument );
i++; if ( i < argc ) { argument = argv[i]; UserName = NetpAllocWStrFromStr( argument );
i++; if ( i < argc ) { argument = argv[i]; Password = NetpAllocWStrFromStr( argument ); } } }
} else if ( _strnicmp( argument, LOGON_PARAM, sizeof(LOGON_PARAM)-1 ) == 0 ){ //
// Handle /TestLogon
if ( Action != NoAction ) { goto Usage; }
Action = TestLogon; Iterations = 1; if (argc < i + 2) { goto Usage; } argument = argv[++i]; Password = NetpAllocWStrFromStr( argument ); argument = argv[++i]; UserName = NetpAllocWStrFromStr( argument ); if (i < argc) { argument = argv[++i]; DomainName = NetpAllocWStrFromStr( argument ); } else { DomainName = NULL; }
} else { //
// Handle all other parameters
Usage: fprintf( stderr, "Usage: ssptest [/OPTIONS]\n\n" );
fprintf( stderr, "\n" " " TESTSSP_PARAM "[:<iterations> <DomainName> <UserName> <Password>] - Test basic SSPI.\n" " " LOGON_PARAM "<Password> <UserName> [<DomainName>] - Test LogonUser.\n" " " QUIET_PARAM " - Don't be so verbose\n" "\n" "\n" ); return(1); } }
// Perform the action requested
switch ( Action ) { case TestSsp: { for ( j=0; j<Iterations ; j++ ) { TestSspRoutine( DomainName, UserName, Password ); } break; } case TestLogon: { TestLogonRoutine( UserName, DomainName, Password ); } }
return 0;