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<%@ CODEPAGE=65001 'UTF-8%> <%' certrqxt.asp - (CERT)srv web - (R)e(Q)uest, e(XT)ernally created ' Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1998 - 1999 %> <!-- #include FILE=certsbrt.inc --> <!-- #include FILE=certdat.inc --> <% Dim sBrowserDependentLineBreak If "Text"<>sBrowser Then sBrowserDependentLineBreak="<BR>" Else sBrowserDependentLineBreak="" End If %> <HTML> <Head> <Meta HTTP-Equiv="Content-Type" Content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"> <Title>Microsoft Certificate Services</Title> </Head> <Body BgColor=#FFFFFF Link=#0000FF VLink=#0000FF ALink=#0000FF OnLoad="postLoad();"><Font ID=locPageFont Face="Arial">
<Table Border=0 CellSpacing=0 CellPadding=4 Width=100% BgColor=#008080> <TR> <TD><Font Color=#FFFFFF><LocID ID=locMSCertSrv><Font Face="Arial" Size=-1><B><I>Microsoft</I></B> Certificate Services -- <%=sServerDisplayName%> </Font></LocID></Font></TD> <TD ID=locHomeAlign Align=Right><A Href="/certsrv"><Font Color=#FFFFFF><LocID ID=locHomeLink><Font Face="Arial" Size=-1><B>Home</B></Font></LocID></Font></A></TD> </TR> </Table>
<Form Name=UIForm OnSubmit="goNext();return false;" Action="certlynx.asp" Method=Post> <Input Type=Hidden Name=SourcePage Value="certrqxt">
<P><LocID ID=locPageTitle> <B> Submit a Certificate Request or Renewal Request</B></LocID> <!-- Green HR --><Table Border=0 CellSpacing=0 CellPadding=0 Width=100%><TR><TD BgColor=#008080><Img Src="certspc.gif" Alt="" Height=2 Width=1></TD></TR></Table>
<%If "IE"=sBrowser Then%> <Span ID=spnFixTxt Style="display:none"> <Table Border=0 CellSpacing=0 CellPadding=4 Style="Color:#FF0000"><TR><TD><LocID ID=locBlankError> <I>The request field may not be left blank.</I> Please paste a request in the field and try again. </TD></LocID></TR></Table> </Span> <%End If%>
<P><LocID ID=locInstructions> To submit a saved request to the CA, paste a base-64-encoded CMC or PKCS #10 certificate request or PKCS #7 renewal request generated by an external source (such as a Web server) in the Saved Request box.</LocID> </P>
<Table Border=0 CellSpacing=0 CellPadding=0> <TR> <!-- establish column widths. --> <TD><Img Src="certspc.gif" Alt="" Height=1 Width=<%=L_LabelColWidth_Number%>></TD> <!-- label column, top border --> <TD RowSpan=59><Img Src="certspc.gif" Alt="" Height=1 Width=4></TD> <!-- label spacing column --> <TD></TD> <!-- field column --> </TR> <TR> <TD ColSpan=3><Font Face="Arial" Size=-1><Label For=locTaRequest><LocID ID=locSavedReqHead><B>Saved Request:</B></LocID></Label></Font></TD> </TR><TR><TD ColSpan=3 BgColor=#008080><Img Src="certspc.gif" Alt="" Height=2 Width=1></TD> </TR><TR><TD ColSpan=3><Img Src="certspc.gif" Alt="" Height=3 Width=1></TD></TR> <TR> <TD Align=Left><Span ID=spnPasteLabel><LocID ID=SavedReqLabel><Font Face="Arial" Size=-1>Base-64-encoded <%=sBrowserDependentLineBreak%> certificate request <%=sBrowserDependentLineBreak%> (CMC or <%=sBrowserDependentLineBreak%> PKCS #10 or <%=sBrowserDependentLineBreak%> PKCS #7):</Font></LocID></Span></TD> <TD><TextArea ID=locTaRequest Rows=6 Cols=40 Name=taRequest Wrap=Off></TextArea></TD> </TR><TR><TD ColSpan=3 Height=3></TD> </TR><TR><TD></TD> <TD><%If "IE"=sBrowser Then%> <LocID ID=locBrowse><Font Face="Arial" Size=-1><Span tabindex=0 Style="cursor:hand; color:#0000FF; text-decoration:underline;" OnContextMenu="return false;" OnKeyDown="if (13==event.keyCode) {BeginRead();blur();return false;} else if (9==event.keyCode) {return true;};return false;" OnClick="BeginRead();blur();return false;" OnMouseOver="window.status=L_BrowseLink_Message;return true;" OnMouseOut="window.status='';return true;">Browse for a file to insert</Span>. </Font></LocID> <Span ID=spRead Style="display:none"> <Table Border=0 CellSpacing=0 CellPadding=0> <TR><TD Height=5></TD> <TR> <TD Width=6></TD> <TD Width=3 BgColor=#008080></TD> <TD Width=4></TD> <TD> <LocID ID=locFileNameLabel>Full path name:</LocID> <Input ID=locFlRequest Type=File Size=40 Name=flRequest><BR> <Input ID=locBtnRead Type=Button Value="Read!" onClick="FinishRead();blur();" Style="font-weight:bold"> <Input ID=locBtnCancel Type=Button Value="Cancel" onClick="spRead.style.display='none';blur();">
</TD> </TR> </Table> </Span> <%End If%></TD> </TR>
<%If "Enterprise"=sServerType Then%> <TR> <TD ColSpan=3><LocID ID=locCertTmplFont><Font Face="Arial" Size=-1><%If "Text"=sBrowser Then%><P><%Else%><BR><%End If%><Label For=lbCertTemplateID><LocID ID=locTemplateHead><B>Certificate Template:</B></LocID></Label></Font></LocID></TD> </TR><TR><TD ColSpan=3 BgColor=#008080><Img Src="certspc.gif" Alt="" Height=2 Width=1></TD> </TR><TR><TD ColSpan=3><Img Src="certspc.gif" Alt="" Height=3 Width=1></TD> </TR><TR><TD></TD> <TD><Select Name=lbCertTemplate ID=lbCertTemplateID> <% Dim nWriteTemplateResult nWriteTemplateResult=WriteTemplateList() %> </Select></TD> </TR> <%End If%>
<TR> <TD ColSpan=3><LocID ID=locAttrFont><Font Face="Arial" Size=-1><%If "Text"=sBrowser Then%><P><%Else%><BR><%End If%><Label For=locTaAttrib><LocID ID=locAttribHead><B>Additional Attributes:</B></LocID></Label></Font></LocID></TD> </TR><TR><TD ColSpan=3 BgColor=#008080><Img Src="certspc.gif" Alt="" Height=2 Width=1></TD> </TR><TR><TD ColSpan=3><Img Src="certspc.gif" Alt="" Height=6 Width=1></TD> </TR>
<TR> <TD Align=Right><LocID ID=locAttribLabel><Font Face="Arial" Size=-1>Attributes:</Font></LocID></TD> <TD><TextArea ID=locTaAttrib Name=taAttrib Wrap=Off Rows=2 Cols=30></TextArea></TD> </TR>
<%If "StandAlone"<>sServerType And 0<>nWriteTemplateResult Then%> <!-- submit button removed if there was an error getting the templates --> <%Else%> <TR><TD ColSpan=3><Font Size=-1><BR></Font></TD></TR> <TR><TD ColSpan=3 BgColor=#008080><Img Src="certspc.gif" Alt="" Height=2 Width=1></TD></TR> <TR><TD ColSpan=3><Img Src="certspc.gif" Alt="" Height=3 Width=1></TD></TR>
<TR><TD><TD Align=Right><LocID ID=locSubmitAlign> <Input Type=Submit ID=btnSubmit Value="Submit >" <%If "IE"=sBrowser Then%> Style="width:.75in"<%End If%>> </LocID></TD></TR> <TR><TD ColSpan=3 Height=20></TD></TR> <%End If%>
</Table> <P>
<!-- Green HR --><Table Border=0 CellSpacing=0 CellPadding=0 Width=100%><TR><TD BgColor=#008080><Img Src="certspc.gif" Alt="" Height=2 Width=1></TD></TR></Table> <!-- White HR --><Table Border=0 CellSpacing=0 CellPadding=0 Width=100%><TR><TD BgColor=#FFFFFF><Img Src="certspc.gif" Alt="" Height=5 Width=1></TD></TR></Table>
</Form> </Font> <!-- ############################################################ --> <!-- End of standard text. Scripts follow --> <%bIncludeXEnroll=False%> <%bIncludeGetCspList=False%> <%bIncludeTemplateCode=True%> <!-- #include FILE=certsgcl.inc -->
<!-- This form we fill in and submit 'by hand'--> <Form Name=SubmittedData Action="certfnsh.asp" Method=Post> <Input Type=Hidden Name=Mode> <!-- used in request ('newreq'|'chkpnd') --> <Input Type=Hidden Name=CertRequest> <!-- used in request --> <Input Type=Hidden Name=CertAttrib> <!-- used in request --> <Input Type=Hidden Name=FriendlyType> <!-- used on pending --> <Input Type=Hidden Name=ThumbPrint> <!-- used on pending --> <Input Type=Hidden Name=TargetStoreFlags> <!-- used on install ('0'|CSSLM)--> <Input Type=Hidden Name=SaveCert> <!-- used on install ('no'|'yes')--> </FORM>
<Script Language="JavaScript">
//---------------------------------------------------------------- // Strings to be localized <%If "IE"=sBrowser Then%> ; var L_BrowseLink_Message="Browse for a file to insert"; var L_ReadProhibited_ErrorMessage="Your web browser security settings prohibit this page from accessing your disk.\nEither paste the data into this page manually, or add this page to your browser's list of trusted sites."; var L_Unexpected_ErrorMessage="\"An unexpected error occurred while trying to read the file.\\n\\nError: \"+nResult"; var L_FileNotFound_ErrorMessage="The file you specified was not found or the drive you specified\nwas not ready. Please enter a valid file name."; var L_NoName_ErrorMessage="Please enter a file name."; <%End If%> <%If "StandAlone"<>sServerType Then%> ; var L_TemplateLoadErrNoneFound_ErrorMessage="No certificate templates could be found. You do not have permission to request a certificate from this CA, or an error occurred while accessing the Active Directory."; var L_TemplateLoadErrUnexpected_ErrorMessage="\"An unexpected error (\"+sErrorNumber+\") occurred while getting the certificate template list.\""; <%End If%> ; var L_NoBlank_ErrorMessage="The request field may not be left blank.\n Please paste a request in the field and try again."; var L_SavedReqCert_Text="Saved-Request Certificate";
//================================================================ // INITIALIZATION ROUTINES
//---------------------------------------------------------------- // This contains the functions we want executed immediately after load completes function postLoad() { <%If "StandAlone"<>sServerType And 0<>nWriteTemplateResult Then%> handleLoadError(<%=nWriteTemplateResult%>, L_TemplateLoadErrNoneFound_ErrorMessage, L_TemplateLoadErrUnexpected_ErrorMessage); <%End If%> }
<%If "StandAlone"<>sServerType Then%> //---------------------------------------------------------------- // handle errors from GetTemplateList() function handleLoadError(nResult, sNoneFound, sUnexpected) { if (-1==nResult) { alert(sNoneFound); } else { var sErrorNumber="0x"+toHex(nResult); alert(eval(sUnexpected)); } //document.UIForm.btnSubmit.disabled=true; } <%End If%>
<%If "IE"=sBrowser Then%> //================================================================ // FILE READ ROUTINES
//---------------------------------------------------------------- // IE SPECIFIC: // make sure that we have permision to do a read, then show // the file name box function BeginRead() { if (true==TestRead()) { spRead.style.display=''; document.UIForm.flRequest.focus() } else { alert(L_ReadProhibited_ErrorMessage); } }
//---------------------------------------------------------------- // IE SPECIFIC: function FinishRead() { spnFixTxt.style.display='none'; if (""==document.UIForm.flRequest.value) { handleReadError(5); return; } var nResult=GetFileData(); // use VBScript to read the file, since it can handle errors if (0!=nResult) { handleReadError(nResult); return; } spRead.style.display='none'; document.UIForm.btnSubmit.focus() }
//---------------------------------------------------------------- // IE SPECIFIC: function handleReadError(nResult) { var sMessage; var elemFocusMe=null; if (429==nResult) { sMessage=L_ReadProhibited_ErrorMessage; elemFocusMe=document.UIForm.flRequest; } else if (53==nResult || 76==nResult || 71==nResult) { sMessage=L_FileNotFound_ErrorMessage; elemFocusMe=document.UIForm.flRequest; } else if (5==nResult) { sMessage=L_NoName_ErrorMessage; elemFocusMe=document.UIForm.flRequest; } else { sMessage=eval(L_Unexpected_ErrorMessage); } // Show the error message alert(sMessage);
// place focus on offending control if (null!=elemFocusMe) { elemFocusMe.focus(); } } <%End If%>
//================================================================ // SUBMIT ROUTINES
//---------------------------------------------------------------- // determine what to do when the submit button is pressed function goNext() { SubmitRequest(); }
//---------------------------------------------------------------- // set a label to normal style function markLabelNormal(spn) { <%If "IE"=sBrowser Then%> spn.style.color="#000000"; spn.style.fontWeight='normal'; <%End If%> }
//---------------------------------------------------------------- // set a label to error state function markLabelError(spn) { <%If "IE"=sBrowser Then%> spn.style.color='#FF0000'; spn.style.fontWeight='bold'; <%End If%> }
//---------------------------------------------------------------- function validateRequest() { <%If "IE"<>sBrowser Then%> // work around for NN: label marking does nothing var spnPasteLabel; <%End If%>
markLabelNormal(spnPasteLabel); // Check for an empty request if (""==document.UIForm.taRequest.value) { bOK=false; markLabelError(spnPasteLabel); <%If "IE"=sBrowser Then%> spnFixTxt.style.display=''; window.scrollTo(0,0); <%Else%> alert(L_NoBlank_ErrorMessage); <%End If%> document.UIForm.taRequest.focus(); return false; }
// everything is OK return true; }
//---------------------------------------------------------------- function SubmitRequest() {
<%If "IE"=sBrowser Then%> spnFixTxt.style.display='none'; <%End If%>
// check that the form is filled in if (false==validateRequest()) { return; }
// set request document.SubmittedData.CertRequest.value=document.UIForm.taRequest.value;
// set defaults for values we need on install document.SubmittedData.TargetStoreFlags.value=0; // 0=Use default (=user store), but ignored when saving cert. document.SubmittedData.SaveCert.value="yes"; document.SubmittedData.Mode.value="newreq"; document.SubmittedData.FriendlyType.value=L_SavedReqCert_Text; // append the local date to the type document.SubmittedData.FriendlyType.value+=" ("+(new Date()).toLocaleString()+")"; //not created by xenroll, not supported document.SubmittedData.ThumbPrint.value="";
// make sure the arributes end cr/lf var sAttrib=document.UIForm.taAttrib.value; if (sAttrib.lastIndexOf("\r\n")!=sAttrib.length-2 && sAttrib.length>0) { sAttrib=sAttrib+"\r\n"; }
<%If "Enterprise"=sServerType Then%> // add an attribute for the cert type
// get the selected template var sRealName = getTemplateStringInfo(CTINFO_INDEX_REALNAME, null);
// set the cert template sAttrib+="CertificateTemplate:"+sRealName+"\r\n";
<%End If%>
// for interop debug purposes sAttrib+="UserAgent:<%=Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_USER_AGENT")%>\r\n";
// set the attributes document.SubmittedData.CertAttrib.value=sAttrib;
// Submit the cert request and move forward in the wizard document.SubmittedData.submit(); }
<%If "IE"=sBrowser Then%> <Script Language="VBSCRIPT">
'================================================================= ' FILE READ ROUTINES
'----------------------------------------------------------------- ' IE SPECIFIC: ' See if we have permision to access the file system Function TestRead() Dim filesystem On Error Resume Next ' See if we're allowed to create the FileSystem object Set filesystem=CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") ' Security may not allow this If Err.Number<>0 Then TestRead=False Else TestRead=True End If End Function
'----------------------------------------------------------------- ' IE SPECIFIC: ' read the given file into the text-area Function GetFileData() Dim filesystem, file On Error Resume Next ' First, create the FileSystem object Set filesystem=CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") ' Security may not allow this If Err.Number<>0 Then GetFileData=Err.Number Exit Function End If ' open the specified file Set file=filesystem.OpenTextFile(document.UIForm.flRequest.value, 1 , false) '1->ForReading, false->don't create ' file may not exist If Err.Number<>0 Then GetFileData=Err.Number Exit Function End If ' read the data and stash it into the form document.UIForm.taRequest.value=file.ReadAll ' catch any read errors If Err.Number<>0 Then GetFileData=Err.Number Exit Function End If ' clean up file.Close Set file=Nothing Set filesystem=Nothing GetFileData=0 End Function
</Script> <%End If '"IE"=sBrowser%>
</Body> </HTML>